the latest news, va · 2017. 12. 13. · f'oir.mif'eeon pablklaada, a* to ibi int? lani)...

THE LATEST NEWS, Br.rriTP.r> n\ HAGNETIC TBLBGBAPHi ANOTHKU VETO ^-:D^kte,J;"asiT'rX...ay. ..,.rili:«. i*. j^t^fN->arkaa*a4Badl-*hUlBltbi8direaab8*hB filling of tacanc.'f 1 v t».e H.icrr.or dunnjr the r-et. -f the Benato. Hii fl.ajlBB.8ai are that tbe laa w.ulil fce iBOj-f ratite, ao lar aa vacMcie. an- cor.eemed, by roxstm of tbe exptnttior. of terro of B-U, l""-viie the toCO.Lleeat WOBld told o' er He _ll ..'_-ett tbat the bfll prevranto the Governor fron. Iflfl-BelflJ for c.uie. Tta I -iB will not be repaued KKi'M WASIHNfil'N fro,-* HwpBcktoTbeN V. Trik-ee. WxtBtBBtaB. T'.urr-lay. April li. ISSt. Ta.. or three Indian Irta-iefl were etnt to the S- dav i_,'e Itau. made a et'ong epr-eh in favor of tii- S a I I (ira-it ae amecibd in tbe Mexio.ii laaatf The rv oa'e a*»4Joun.4d oterbll Monday, wbtn Mea.i .loNr.. and Da>v aoa. who are in favor of the Triaatv, are BBpeetod Ifl B tu-n. blr TAi.oR.tbe nea Uejirenutative from Tenne tppoeefl M tbe Nebraeha rt i It u. nowaaid tbat ('..I PeBBBI wil. he laapeeehed before jhe Houee. The " Harda are bt hhaBBBl en-m ftmm ,,( the Virginiaua _o blow ia aim :d Bt tb !'.- ideat_ (ien .lo*" ViUamil. Cbarg. from r_eaader, today toek 1mt6 of tho BeaaaBBry "f St*t,: prej.arat .ry to rtttirn.Di* kflflflflk Tbe I'reaideat recogn'z'- V. C Oaaaa Caaaal of the Rtpubbc of Nn-rak'uaat New-Oi-B--, flfltt Dea Aatoaia jhtaria Siigovta. CodpuI ai Bpahi at VeaQrtoaaa I>. I'ratt of Ohio ha» been appoint. J S. r tary «f L. mtfk ii to Kraa-f, and llowland II Bt-dghfl CuetonM at l'enobacot, Me. a\X_.HId OOBBBEtB....l_uri Bb-Bbb. BBSBATB_1T_*aiBBToa,Tbaradaj April 13,1154 Mr Sl DAKT rio'.rt. I bktsk t»i¦¦ H lagaaew Lar»d Dbtrtol b Ihe LowerPeaaaaalaet*Mtohi' gaflk v.i.1- li tvaitak. n Bp -'.'I Bfl Mr CA88 r.-I areflolol f'oir.mif'eeon Pablk Laada, a* to Ibi int? lani) la aid bfltbl OUBBtlBoBaa mt a ra'-l'oad fron Irofl iiay, in -fJehigaa. to l.ittie Bajr da Loqaetta _1 luti'.n v»m adaatad Atla-l o'elock, on ir.otion of Mr MASOIN tb< ! -rci't ir *(> KaacaBre Beaaioa, aad lb. 101*1 n t lreea-ari until 4 8*8881 k, hini tlieu n. _ J ,ur_,*.>l ui.til Miiadny. IIOUSl. Of BJtPKBBKllTATTVEB '];., llouee aaanred le be ef LieBtenanU llen_*r»i n aod <l bb tbeBai-re-f of tbe Aaaaaoa an.l lt- Bribatartoa; aaUag :n-ooo eoi.ii* in all Hr lil'AY (Ky aaked leave le intre luce arni ar-aHiiiif uiaoB tbe Poatinaater Ueaeral tofarBiah t-> Ihe Jlouee ooptoa of all r.ilep aad refalatton* a loptod bt hin ,1.11k ii,-. inetnliere iro.n Hk (tonnittee on tb* PMt O »f v'n't: totetbe roeand-ringo tne |.ur|>- a Bfl ex»m>i,'.lv tbe public ri-. in-t «r.'l l.irili-'. tbat tbt' I'oeiniarr'-.-iiitii r-d abahak aU iflcb regalBioa*. ile uat..i the i-epeflt ofthe PeBaa ti. tbe laaalBilia eal lag tor taforaBl lni» tha ri.aila bBWeea ttoBtgOBMi. aad Bobii. ci.ntra.iif tary, bo aai nt-ln bar totook iato all tbe laota, |>Bl *«e iletaied tbo privitoge It Wae imp Biible f.r i.i.n b> diach.rgo bia (lnt> witliout in.-h fneiliti.-, aad _»ked to be dliebargi d a- a aaahl t ofthe Ite on I'oat Koade. Agrei d to The reeolution wae rel'erred BM ( fl nunttio BB I ort Wt. OI.DS, (Ohio,) from ti.e CoauaiHi aP-atOffl i and Paatraada, reported a bill nodifriag tha rateeof lajatage He eaid two BBBBa u^'O. wjii-n M reported a bill increaei.ip tha BBB] n-vj.aij of deputj p -" QMtera, h< avewed bimeelf wilb. i: lo TOto for the i'i MBM Ol ¦M HeMked IaM taOUM li"W to -.1 r BOd lilttnr,- tl,ia bill. aud i ith.-r to |""-- ", reJB i i' We nast da oaa «if ta>. tli'mr'H. oitl.'-r abaadon tba Idea ofaaaku JMt-O-toe Uopartmei.t h flBifeBBalniag ma. hia-. aad Mhrow it Ior ai.pport ..i. tiie'Irc.-i-uVy ..I tbe (Jaltod Btatfl if oiit, raieaa tiie |Kiets|»(i lo Huetnin tba I tt|.srtni. nt A- longae we bave noitli. r ..i-e Ibiaa aor t_4 lem oianratea injuri-u-ly on tbe runl dlatricto, BOl in Miitli. rn eitiee. »ln r.- ne tagi «rran_ in iite nr, nerfect. al a have an nuno«l deeV ii M in "o thaa tivi. rilll .ti- ..!' dollare and what i. the eoflaeqaoBM I A geBtleaaa V-t'B from a woatern or eoului.u BUtfl to the p_ lai OiiBMiral and aeked Ior taaeaaed facility >.r a 11. w r,.at O.liue, Hiel liu' fttinkv. r i* thttt B l< fmil- lb(t faatOn-Ba Pepalaail laerlppled for -Beaaa, hat il y..u Ihtow Ika H. aitm. IU BB lh" 1 " hlBry, 8 fOB Artny and tlieNikt .. :/i at-M M. yoa eaa '. .cmin.kdate.l. Ile"would iq-.Tiil to the ton h ra I I aaahaiitn * p rt tn. »>:ii He , ipcctod oppo Bit'.Dli frotn N. » f"il.. li' eti.ii, Itiilli-n-.r. a i-i th i-itiee, baoBBM tim ebeaf .ioit'i|re ayeton ranltfl bene fifially to tbe iT.uinnr.iHl CM_»8I Ui* tr.. li 1 ir.-u. I'.-nn pilvaniaeaid he w«* in fata ef the prii Iple ot tbe bill. batooaMaot Tatefurlt_bteaaaeB woald .on-iiti-.ntH Be bopad.aeweter.Ihe gflataaaw weald j,e ei nv niced tf Ihe pr..;.ri. ly ef Ka pai Mr B1TCH1E |Pa)sald be ariahed the geatlcmaa to BBtotha li.el'.l" r ll tll P*BB*tl< Mr ol.DS repUed it waa not tbe gentlaBBB whe l.n.1 jlilt taken bit eeet Ihlr FLOKKNCK (Pa.) aaid be want'-d t-. be eearhaad aa ta whather a redaotl.hrincn gii.'t. would he liei.'l." ''I ll.-i. ar.d tba ibo ej.-ntli-iii.i fr.-m would BBI te eeatiaee hln thal tb « 1.11 le rigbt. However. if the pafltoaaaa ah..tild eoatiaoe lun. ibftt tbii laoaMire i" iu*t BM riub: ind nr.|'.r.liis t-an-tii u rute would l.e b. .( ni("l Iv it !'... km .. \eiy weil thut he would vote for il [1 BBA-tor. klr OlaDB lt il mi ol-l BB-f " < '""'¦ '."''" " BBB a-ai:aiii»l bie will aud Iua "f 1-8 ea'ti- oplalon still 1 BBflBBaa b* Baaht he aa wBb ayBrtoai fron Peaasylva nin II.BUL'hter Mr BKKLTON IN. J | eaked that the bill be poB till a day certain It -.nt a BBtaBBfe af tM aaeb nii.Mirt BBeate oe eeaflMered at thia Bm* Mr WEBTWOBTH .111 anid be waa tired ef po*t Ikoning billa to dayn tiriain. Bfl pritVnetl ciitain dayu lerealt. * Mr. OLI>8 reeurued. «r,uinc t''it Braoanl i...-<ta_o ia Ibe aaaaaaa aaaat, aad U__ wIlieaaBlB ibe l'ot Offlee I>.) ¦ riiliiitiit und ft.ld two and a hiilf .iiillionn annanllv t,< il* r. raaaea Tha bOl prepoeea la eharge Bti uBseaaiBgle lettera from any diilame aadatbiaa tboasaad milcc anl t.ver that diita'n..-. t. n MBta, pnatagi io aU fBMfl |ir4'ii*iid wiih jmetn^.. Banpi Tblfl fl-ode of wepayn tf .'ill a farteel cbeek between the Depa aind tio- pnatinaeterH, wbii-li BB8B aa ttmm eztat, Jo ga in.) «tr..t ncxt.laiiilsrv, airintid in.nattaaa, aml Mppiad tolb* Pot ll to alter tbe o.-. hu p tikttt. Be eeal l BM M IBB oa f..r ehaajtag hn By tm tt n a 1 tt.. iu;d onK tlnee c. Ii'le Vkl., n i ir, ,.d. BOl e-"* !'n,.'tlr- Itouaan'd inile* bv lut.d The bill pn IBM) ratfl ¦when it goea whldlv or in pfirt by BM u" artaa ii gow by by land. i.amelv. nve aaaB f.-r i.ot ( v,, ( Uag Ihiae tboa eand uiilee, except in CB8Mwbere we daM' pMtal with ff-nii'ii c.K..iiiu- Afl to aawapapna and |" t Ihr l-ill propoMB to ripealeoniucb ol thfl C-rtner la v a- jnakea a rtHluctiou of liity pt r itnt. on the i'.'e|.a: I !>o«t_ge. , Mr CHAHDLEB (Pa.) Bated hia latentioa to n tbe gelttleman. but t'tte way t.< Mr SAUE on v. Iion tbe further coue.di ratioi, ofthe b_U " a." poatpflfljadfef tharweehe _, ... ... .. , Mr BTAHTOM (Tean Irea tbe < otnmlttee oa the Ja tiieiarv. laaertad abU* aaae-fyt-f -be Jadtoialeyatoaa el Jb. I nifed IStati a Tbe HotiB*. tl aa went into Coa tlraduation bill. , . Mr IIAVKN Mid it ta (f n" tkt ror Ihe mrabert 11 pih wl tlieir time on thi* bill. Wa-i it to and lalioring man ' N«> They bad a'.r, ....y pa llomt'-teiul l.ill. I'iitni- bln M liun'¦ U .! MbetMUK witbeut payine; a cent i.-r it. imr eoold B rieh more then MB aeree un li r t! nt lull Ile tba reifore m i.J that the rl aad reao-i l grith a recoD.mendatioti tbat it de n<-t BBM Mr CUUH wa- nmt bia wortby ». I um fl ikOeed Uii. bill Be aeald ¦¦ -now ine bie g. odneea of heart IIup bill di 1 n-t totortotawtth ibe HomeBtead bill. a*- he oroceeded to abow. Mr B188KLL III I---Ud oa the Qraduanoa b.a as a ec.iui-ito the Baaaatoad i-n. , lhea-m-ndiiieiila w.;i -1. b"i g-harai-ter adeBtod, wben tl.o UwiaaitlM r\BC «nd r the billto tiie II-."-. II prOTldM .arhieli bnve beeniu the tUHtket for I '.»»'.. ntrrri iifteoB year-. .'>^ Cftv eeatoi tw.n yc_n.ormor..t«.' - I " hal fhaii b. BBaaaraad a* ta axlead te land* n iLi'.Mi.Mate. ... a.t.s_.ant:.. tandi; or oaer imj roki-mente. or «« ." «ver one dollar and ttventv f, _____B,v eaaaarafldaa to icterfere with any BbtoB mavofiurbv tirtue.f nny a I aitiial reltleriii. lb. I'.M.c lande. Mr BHIDOEB b 11 be la:.. talde I--' I PBadiagtbi for a tbirti reaain^-, ti.e BoaM adjoanted. rtTBTHl B '. -BA j. b i riaeau Tht ( ' of g-.i co. tbe (louiigBeet. of th- tad paid BI.Bte aa ba. k ItwMnim,ndthn:'" Batotetbe Spantab _*4T BBll the d Wt fl :. ta BB-Bl ¦ Btock Weeatae .._.« aeBBi d The bark Mopang, from Matanzan for Nea York, put ntn Seramah ia dar-tve leak-tng t.ry bidly. N<)\ AKUIVAL OF THI AMBBICA L'Lii ai. Iliurtd--y, A.'il 1 :, i- .: '.'. J P M V. a oi" liavirg b BtoTm of puow and rtia loa'ght Tha t i* thirk, and it ia iir,| r babl won'.d vfiiture into pr.rt befor*- d*yl_;kt NON ALLIYAL 01 TMF. RBMAIH lloni, tlMMdaj, April 13, l-'l 11 f M TtoaBamaayMMaalga af ihe Ronaaaa. AaVplaeaT Ire Ba Bf i' e m Bagbt Witid fr-ih (r >tn N'.N'. F ma 1 < r ' leir IHE KA1BB LAW IN MICII-GAV. I)iiu..iT,ThLr».lay, April I : .P M. 'Ii'...- Law men are r.ow firin r ooe baadnd : boBM Of Jadfl DonglaB, Wfaag Praft and Co^-.Anda ANTI KBBEABKAMZETTMQ ATTEEOTOH TRt>TTO.A,Thar*'lcy, April U An ac.i N>bra.*k_a Heotiag ir lo br. brid I. -re oa Foi iy - :t .* * .'.. 11 y tooaa. TELEGBAFB DIVIDEVDS, fca. Phii wiiii hia, Thumdty, April 13, Mt TLe Magm-tir Tebgraph Company bare d*-lar"d a qntr tetly di- reoat, paitible on thr Mtb in»t Our ("ty CoaaaO bad a et-rmy eerai>.n to ni_*V, ani* r.r<* iti.i at l' o daeh The kobjec; ondir diecnar-ion in a buborription to tL'- Sunbuty and Kne iCt.iiro.idL MAKINK DISASTEB BJoarOLK, T.,un-d«y. April i3 1 M The el.ip Rlehard tilooB of N-w York. ia a_.bon» aear f rtp, Chtraj-c-ke 1-ay. A at<_am<_r liv sfone to her ataiktacce. reccnvE >i I.- ,TT- ra k_ .¦¦ bbuxswici IHE GOVEEMMENl 09 NEVi POL'NDLAHD I; ro -, AA't-ilneadey. April 10, Lfaw BfBBBBloh papei tbM proviiico, i.-i .- ofhooTyraii n*av, to.-rtli< r w,fb m K* fa-ti.-*.. .\< ai.d on ni .1. bad ikfilaaa h-f-.l of oattla, ..ue horao tL'l tbiify tbo (. droaaod >n liiabam I.r tl.e lood. II., ..;;,-.- t oesa COB : Johawith ible >¦< ti> lt*. 1I«r Mr t-'v s GorernaoMh*tre lifniflmtboir iri'nri tlontt lo Noarfonadloadtha ao .icivil admia>tra_on ap ir eojoyad by tbe North AaBMtaoa .YI0LEN1 S'iOI.M AT < HICAOO IlISi .AN 11 o Tkarodaj Aptfl -'-' A vii-lmt stonn pr.-tnil'il <l_.rii_,' Monday aad Ti I-,.,! -,» ( ¦, tbe brig Carollaa loadod aith carn for tb bar oargO danaa 1 tn. with pTOriaioi rtl-n in tba Broakwator ..IV bv a trteaatog Bbe « >-< il.nn.-i-i t> io« extont of foOl ff lt nt '.ia! r iii I: r bolll ,- eported ul ore 1t ir klg naoc THB BTATB PAPBB ll i. ¦;<.,, U Kpi.oiiitii.g lii" S'.ate paper ha* 1 eoa ligw Ibj Ihe Ooreraor,_ DOJN08 IN THE LEOISLATURE. ') r Own Bl p"'t I !I.Albabt, Wednesday, April 1- had i aai rot b a. Tlie f«rr of jrbtfcr.lny afteraoon'e MMBtoa aaaoc iii, ratJ ii -.t tbi "ao of -¦nt; aboM I P af. a s,, .i: H PBTO The fi.ll-v ' recoired froa (ho Qoi ernor,-etoisg tho bill amending tho Rorit d 8taf ,-.'...' !. Of I i.i Ni w York, Exici riTi Dbpj btb Ai "iiv, April 11, 1854, $ Tbo Hoa Babopoi I ac u, Pi-rtdoM of the Saaata l ratara to tl.o Senate thr bill antitlad, "An a.-t to leodoa 18, tl.a I,obaptar I, part i,..f tholie ¦''' o actnal ehaago lt the I9d Mettoa,_M ithaaheenjadl Aallydotei.inod ib thiaState tbM the flof ,..._.',. p ¦ ¦ tba powt-r ..f (illiijg any ¦¦ Ihetenn baa expirod for whieh tl.- waaappointcd Bytholawi of tbli (Uate, all poiiitedbi th. OoToraor,orby tto OoToraorand 8 ;.,|.| tl iV plarea antil thtrir anoceaaori »n- app AltboBgb lh( ir ii mmiuiona may oxpire daring tb- of ibe w no . plated 1,. Ito ttatnte Thi amendmenl pr bill, by Inaertlng the wnrd "ai'itial hafore tha wm-f va "cancy," ln the ol aectioa, adda ootblng tottofcaeo of I rortion la nael a M"l augatory. [Sao '-'ih Paiga'sBap. TBO reroiid p.ction of tbe bill 'P wron_j I' I fmru tho (>"' eraor of thia Btati a powi r arlu h to to bnvt tl.ot it rotao-iBg oertain othoera, If tbi ,-iiiliv of rnirconduet ..r tiealaet af daty. rni. taetloa »e eareato « fea oAolali laa aajoyaaal pla-*«a, althoogh their negleot ofdaty may exi-tae tli" poblic i io diaa trooa conBevauencai 11." poaarto ra rnove ll ind ai ral bf pobl ortain ti .! ln the (!" rnor of tl many yi ara, and tt,.. pabli. intoraato .Uftnatid timt the lavra *,..,,'..,¦ ...i i., I........I hthhraapart... ,no SKyMOi;a. On moti.'i. of Mr. l»i'KiN-us, Uie n B| ra laidea tht ta' I" ,-, vi ii prhratc 1 illr* were movi d forward an.l thon the liit it-i.AV. April li. 1 't. | BK riBBMBB. _ktrntud a petition for tha paaaaga of a ,., |, [,., regnlatlon of the New Yoi_ F_B_on Htr1 IOBB v. tl KU Mr Si'tni iLnMiitidc.'iiij.liti.! :,>r i' * ti, i, V.,-... K. dU in tto CB] of Noa V.rk, aml it waa nl. ii il to r. tV: '. ri idlng. %.., t ri II MBOI iv 8BW A I. *- 'lb. bil! rilfitivi- to llm t-.n-t ruit a:i of BB8afl bollding* ., New-Yorh Citv, w»p reparfed for oo [8arh a roporl to latoin the- loaaloB, will :u ¦-: iirov'i. fotalto tbe bill j -i i v li 11 I bin arj-propria-Ung aataay ,,,.ti r tto prtaeM year aaa r..,...*t- i oiaapketo, anii it waennidL- « apociel ordar br thia afU ra aa at i o el..- a, raiaiTi « nt R' a paei i rti The Jad. irrv C'tnm'ttt" rei-rt in favor of the b'.Il fir Ito Baaaa- tonniaBtloa of tto init, koowaaatto Paople .f the Statt of Now Vork ra. Trinily CuanL, vt-ia aMHIM t,.a thbd r.i'ilii.).-. BBCBABICS'UBBABT AttOCIX j_r I, the bill i.> in-. iho M.'.bouiis Library aAaaoetolioB, BewTork. Tlurd rendinj;. v Mr Whitki rap-rted oonpleto tto bill forttooppoint i.c r-of Hfiord of tht-City .f New \ ork. Ibirdtn , , , AJao, ii,. loconarMethe HOW-AmMoMoM aai ak. Iln.! r.'< Ing. . Aiao, thi bill to laoorpoiato the ABioriraa Pohti.-al S.a t.-Lial Bo. icty ''bi' roadtog -. i,-. i i.i, romnriBtiB, Mr. Bai wporlod eoaaplMo tto bill t.. laa rparate tl to, aad bill oricrcd to a timd raading. BTB K> ronra Bl -k. IPBBI i li- Au Art ti-lith, ...> a.a. M 10 Baw-Twk. A»r ab aci relaUve to aaata med c....d.--d. o.' laaanaat ^.o--.p*aici A An'AtTrelaf ive to Sealeri of A\ eighta kxd Mt-aurei ln thr __BJ M KiMo1' iMiBB of Ihe 8en*'e, the MU a-.thoruln, th. Maviuof iew-YotktalBaiB-8 latoltoeaaB oi ticim the Lity ol SACklTT'e HABBOB ABB 8ABATO. BAILBOAO COBJo*ABT. lhobillr. hia otwapaay M ohaBg* HaroMa waa un m-i i. r*.rr oi ..'¦ rtaa The bill. t.a'itir.' n to aaaaed Bchaylor ,-.,.. |.,..,. porta of Btenben. Tompkiia and (.b.u.ui ;Conntioa,WOOOB athird it-adiu^. i tlQBOB I tW. Mr Dirai«80B oallad .-r th" oo_aidei-_on of tl i.r pulu.:-. tin-_- lo Um poopk the prlaolpla of o prohibito.-y liqaorlow DeelareoToM of ordM S;r i omoTodto lay all ordert of bnsi tl.i-laMo. dowa "aaadaaa,' in iidcr ton-ach the bill. iati.-n* t\.r ttoCaaaJ i '.t. and .,,., tDlarganeM and coa^ctioa of Ua CanaUforthe toeal >-ar eooBneae-f Oetoborl, i waaordon_toa third readinc TU 8bIi maenal ain--ud bm Ito appropnalioa to U Idaia I ( 'T'^V :tak«froml oal Apjiraaa1_taB i THIKt' Bl I ¦¦". , laarawtrraaobiBa paaaad hr thi ¦" ;', ' i ....., ___oT_-onofttoCanal-_ia, I1JW up worda of oaa buadred Aaaombly b'tlla oa tba Clark wai.ig for tbo fiaal Toto, bnt tha likolihood t. ,11 ! L ':.... for viant.'i' tinif. a p:ron.- U..-iH>.-itivn bciug fBj "- . TWUUa.dag Bppt-priationeto prot~ide f.»rd a1 i car. i-.t a.-tii-t tba i.iAruf-y aa at'c-o'jtit c-: Uto 8818. ;alationa m r.jard to Uie mnDac. m. *s«*' *** " waetakan. IBB.BB s The Can*! mantgetnent bill b . Senae ..ion i.ll waatakenup M . In*t..utcl in.aaJtSt. M.' '.;., Mforaidtooihariaautatloaowaro ^^ itoliMMWtaaOBBMIMI toM ... .. _._«__. Tbe biil war ordered to a third readiag Becoaa. T I I *.1 Fl. ¦ LftW tf. tl.. |e <¦; l>- e ».. ..- A !1 . .1 ibe ii«me ... | ( I li 1.4 BBBB 4 TH, ... N-TS. .1 Tapaaalde ln tl.-. lepaireflha Caaafa i th. Batan -try of Sia'- AS8BM1 LI '-. IprB . .. P- M. i ii. Ti.e fhird .ia *-__ reeu: ¦and ;-. h»v- "**¦"* far ibe ..¦ -' *jia P*- rpr Lrat- A- e. , reiee, rn,. ..>- va.' Ba 7, ti.. . B'L.-rai; kaa i Yort A__«_dUp| tM Bea-M Str.totM eaaeera ag tke aeaeaio *i . e- ri .IpiU-S, -Bd 1 .10 lt Mr I../:)' aaeted a raeoaatdera _i i. ac. To Bror-orata- tv ' r. T. t> m P M. njer.t of the i > | ... '.:,'._ ia tM ee-aatatai . tt-aC.ttao' I | aaa-BCtaraM oane ta. by ¦alii . , , .,.... , i ITBI r-,. '..'1 e .-'.' r D « Oll r ,_ tb' n :*.»' d. p-i'i.e to Ua.. trig'i ot-r tle Cber.aoi- aed Baafl Ri'' ra AlcwlBP toaroa ia Wyne-'ag ar. -I'-oaab- irrile k .. . ... Il aert-eala! raee*. , , , foaiBPBd tta ke. - * v-bo. IBew-Tetk fltat* I m m ieoB I i n.rr > Bll.f- t_.."at'f of --el' »:-d the fouoalag i :,|,,'! "a*.'-,.» nf 'ie BMBBai I " AB AB I k| I kaB-BB .; toakMa," f****d A| n. ... i a. c tbt a._ aaa* -rt-er-tr*eroftb-V,!.,e.'r;ree0. CBa | - owB tr-ek. a. * ' , . atoB r alattata . i'i'i V. ttttt - T, , .e>_,..nt aM co .ee- I .rjittioBof r, "_.lantaf -fr-- .-.--. ' c,«Bt .i II ll lUffl, 0-Bi- riili a_u_. ... . J piaat- rotrl rr.r_,;er.i.a to n a.. rtgt -e ..-pat ot .e.-t-r- .' ai Mr Ma; U I DBOTed 8 1*454 '..*.'-* on a-8 tai-le. To ,;.,., a 11 D -' -.'.to-.!' i.ol.yto BMIBI , , j ,-r ... . .ton t. tbe red-ti pt *. ."" Taaayt-eezptopppl >Benap!>oiate« to coaeoSadatp Bn « » .. ... Xo r- . real oatata cf wb.i !i Ol-agoa Vk aii -r BM WellB Io ai.'cil ll ¦<- att iBeon era'itu Ibe FlretnOB of iirro.lyo. ¦ o Bta em oi tkt uta. 'il, Beatoe bill b Indlvidaala doing ' lora, ahito their bank* 1 i. totbe. lealto mtt t.> attend, incareaof inqniry Mto tbe ab. e ra vv.,,.n:t lt aaeertalBi d that the bMim n i- nol [I,,. g,. ,. Dtisaal : iatereB Bpoa recoritii .¦rinttl -! agenU law of 1841 wm aade applleabto to boim ia«a d be - p_M8ge of tbe lew, aad not to th MbaeqwiBly tbereto tbe (rror lacorrected. 1 and the nracti.f B>tttogap,,BeBof»trew 'iepretented. < h-ci ;. literi 11" Indiridual henken *hall ex pren otilv tl, y af the bt ¦ oaly, nrid not nyany Bt laroey oragtnt. Prete itol ttt ti abaak haa TI.E 1-1 t 'I Tbe Abbi ;' ¦' att.. ihe ihird n ading ol billa ia. oo. li a \ .. -. | } :: B1 I Tbe bill wl b wa tatrt dai ad ln ti.e BeoaU aaa time taxinf pereoM _..¦! ttmo iati im In N, a Y.-tk City, f. A ttat r**id*aB ofthe .(r.i, , | i Itd BO M to miike il apply t>> ell Btate, uat paeaed i'i tb rniog. It aew oaly re*. aataia ea Hb ii m*. Tbe bill relatiti to tbe righto ol .nar.-ied woata r iti f::,al readiBg. BBd pfl-BBtd. It hat it kkiie tirtt reported, M rb-toWfl AN BC r relatlte lo the riibtt of oiarrieii w imen. , t ImI 'r .»_ .4- aaa Pn l.o-l A-t ii- in d w-:.rian. w'lea- kalbaad, either from , , ,.r t nn. ao* other eaaae iht'l B'g.ert o-re-. . ;,.,.. or I ' '..» . i-port tnd ed .eall.i ot wh ;iib. I>e ilnertr^t by her bi p; rl|bt, to bar *.a aaat Mlraappplkai .eaa eBTBlnpt aad tlifl paroiutt of her owu '..Irr.r arii. . -t aad thei p ti.e ,- ,:,'.r,. at.d .oter- i aimiop t-e aaoie or I ib miie bf or tk*B ,ib he. ,. r_, ....;,, pravtda .r oi . >.. pteBflaakk wift aed il.i dren.'!» w,f- ma. Miid n.ti.e MaH » 'PD'.i, eanip a tbe laaip aiar.- Deru Ilereefti r lt t ¦ '. u *v"~ m- pBl re M ti r."i rah'p nr.BtPd by ibe tal-.T. tbar the motli-r »"d_id he .... . Her ihall cuar.lian ef lb ' t,e latlrr ie aa ,d rl-aa'ii. i.,tt'r el aurh -hlH U tb. bl i.a- Brlkaa.* eooapeteat. a. all Ib » r .inaekt tu auch a| I 81 IKV IIISIoRT. Mr. Batci otderii.: fite oopiet of the PocaakMitary Hi-t.-ry of tbe (-., b nu nib. r. affieer an.l reparl - Mr. CuBTOBBaeTadtBiadaeetheaBBba t,. ua.- eoyy fer ea , , , XI ¦ orl n *-.-< th.n ade. ted Ayi Hayi - Eallev. Baler.-J 'aidwia '..r.-oa r rreei-aa. G_*_bo* (pott, (rrabeai Hatca II rldge .-aback, .,, blath-a llutrliii,...!.. Miaeipt llnlcl it-aoB. Jty, M.gB-e. M. .. »ta.r i -.- Seele- ^bB- U. tv. v\, v. M * 'v iat l\ V ., kk .i_. V. ._ -. j I Vk, -1 k> Wjvi V,. -, i .... J .'.<-.-<.¦ n a . Cim . I-pp. L-ti. M I'atBe. I'pteia, Ropa, >a.'arB. U P. ie ihe anrunl n iel*r_toa wbk h ia adopted alwayiat tiii- k i :d ne if imbra,.-a .-.[-k of each t. rthii- te ia tht rtkria-ty of |._, eo. The i tatary af State, it weald apj tar, L.u but Bfida liba [By T -i. r.i r > i.r ti- a raiBB im. X, ar M u liw Yurmi. K. la * -awho ctPdey ilpir b-thaa . aa ._ro- .; tr. of the.: cbllilrea Patae.l ToaatPBdi'' iwMaal a_ ri.rp.r_iioB-to n bap av rei'oo arrlt»rea lt jr - . * , i ' . i .;.! 1't.ped \ Ai. tt e i bajier tf ibe Br >oi u :. AfT-KBOOB Fil. .> BBBB * IBIBB Time flpgalallat Iba ignd rl ftmii. .1 - . "l l'_aa_ ... ... bl-g_am.jB -rnrate tbe Amen. an t a:i*J tompany wa.« debated. on n m.->t;"*i to m-ommit, unt:: MN BKBBIO.N nt 15 BSAB A TB t r.l tttej to aid Hobaii aad ' i WMta tahla and aehflh. * n Tte Ceutral Ikaiboad kaa eb eed a_ 'he dram tk ; ro_t Tiig 1 t ir . K in Ibe arrivalg by ti. atoaad .MaryUnd teem to be ;¦. l B trti tive tbe ." of l anaa'.a. BB many in the _. otl n. raaa-l rcait" B.I be bfl t,.rv'.. ¦ and eoaventd with are rtaail ^ a_d if tb -y improve wialbe valttable a-ec«-h'n* to'oure l oll"-- BU) Pl.e-1-B '. ' e. t an- adad tv th. i t. K K i ibe rute, for tafe thi-uith withoot .t..|ri>^;e Tney are froat KeatBc-y, and are worth ahoat MM [DetPMt Deeeera. TIIE OAIK-- | s -Ui ATY ITS 8ECEETHZS Tt 'R r-LE 1 Tl l: Fi M MR i l '. ___T_MB_B: 1 I Md ioq-iT-ral reLta cef4 in v o* p '-ct af - B-L Ur* ¦BMfl tn lc.«r cii ob*»n*roa. Tt-.: oTrtap-it-den *e BBM * i a a . 'h ** t in qt_«>t.T . '' -" wint of hw I . or tn-epa*.-: BB8BBB _.. may bare b-ec tr»a.4- by otn- ¦ r.r.d tr BBM it La. beea deaatod aaeeaoary to en_rr»f; n jon oar z. tht: tsar CtoBBBar f*_mr. ot re-r-t t. r al n-*-;oL- I t '" '-"" irr« M a:: I 18.88 ¦'. lipa are rot t* * g-.f. at tatl -". "'¦ r *v : -, 3 1 I 18 -hay - the bMBBh a In ny own >-*>¦ tk *e p*_-»-_ ani htre '-reated the m 0 laa tr i! .¦¦-.,¦ ,.u* of ar. adtiTP__ry. and ti*- ioa I .v, r.i . r : a... B r the; r.a'ur* < fthl ¦ Cc..*- ¦are, tto aDa tioa af a«.i .¦;¦ a beMnoTtd fnimi! . of the n aMe .n r-l*-on tothe ( alYaaty. aad - MB, v afD a.-" ar.y <\' iny frieadi *h msy fall opon thi* ba_r*y BOta, th-it not au hour wi b aa pa on a* I an pr. .' icgTitaty.yiL.hh..-' I .eioot r*o._ -i ,fi. :r> r c: :i*.".> It tcuvint to tofeopw at »h;a Bm tbM any ejj- i 1 r . .' tiel imion th» j>\r af I t. nxiddlirv* <n rnine in i-onnetton wuh tbe n- red to ia dt-oroed to a rertain a I : >) if I.... ,t jum laa a tii." I tto ra i ab h bai Bt, -. pai Mr- tle a! W A-y of (.nadfiit!* B-dalgo at:d the a-'.tlniif". .:.ary <nt of -H'» li"" w .. '; -il .'' .-de. aicitabi" raflwai n ut. pouth ot' tli" i:..a li rar > I aaaal Mntory freeatto "tp°: .-. fcrar!jBitir(.*tb(-T*r ka leasagaiaM .- a tto ABMtieaa l ¦-.<!¦ r.- of a grant ..f a traaeii-way aerea Ihe [Mbatai o' lOhaaM bmIj eaiad the "Gatay r t' L aay one af Orlathen any thiig aa lerj tione ir the to IthM tblaTnatyi ..¦.-. rieo a* to give rite to ir,:-r M ir rogak '' Bt Kow. il I am to f-n-d.t t'. .1 by Thk .I -i, j,- \r .' ble in nCar-BM to tbe nt; for Atr iai. n_"i axdrol.b'd hy Hsi Anoth-r » im .! that I wtta ;Ltcre.4ttd in that q-p-.f'nn hr... ;hnt t' Ml | -. bsaa bbi athfaaj t~\t\ la aq a beaaarr of dhpatr.aa to tl liotor M M d co! A third " ti. and u r tho SoaaM a bMorof Mtao oddroaaod to 0 ,. 1 1 nr.i I Bl . Batnitai lha daiaa if /Inarlran rjtirrma agalmf U 'i' e AaMrleaa pahHc .i>urt t>< a___e*elj togetl- or equ-illy ob'iviou*. of jniti.e, if it be rirptiaed that the rttoOaray CoacaarioB Moald boaebnoa :.nd fi.'Vidid 1'c.r -ii a generid T'eaty wi.b M v M ThM ! .-¦ no Ii a tL iv i'.n \. luti.-nnry and antogoai ti" Admiairtra'iona of t! i Mixic.n (lovernoxnt Thr iii-h:.4 Mraaaaale i*om n.anii*'. n at Li. h :t Mibiaeod VM aaEBBBB. IMg-l by ti.u Ada i.-i f IIr Pl ik ai a rt af 1' l_ I M dollAiT and w .-Ti. ..'. Bdy,lt waa ebralaed byaortala eidaaaa, Hr. Claytoa, aadar tho Ada___ratoa ,.i (i.n Taylar,vary prop-r'y Badertaoh to eo<ure it.iad -I. r aa pahto by traMy MlBaaaiaBa Thtre tfi-.rta w.r" contiinaid aad eOBBj .i> Mr W, 1 t r ui.d. r I'l.¦*;..'( n* l_to> - Tto .-rnate ef thr I't.itrd Sin'.e san. tiotitd the Conventioo np..u thia _>. i. "t 1 y au aln,n-t u- ar.imnut vote Peadtog thi* Con n, p. rm'.Pr'on wa* obtaJnad from the .Alexirtn ao ttot._.I to niali.- a eurv.y oi' the I-thtr.'iP. ;n ard I .!.' rmice prop. riy wbat n-itulationa the Aaaat._aO~ ii_mtnt ahould BB.Mtdba by law to 188888 iia riiizena BgaJaM aaarhhaM tranrit ihergea and a d nt-ini M of Ito Naaaaal -> n »'. a'ith two A«ai.4t-inta, waa litia.l. >! 1 l "i.r tluvin rn.-iit to aid ia tb ra ita f-r^ 1 il.'y aid raBM thu- BaBBBM baOWB. 1 ' :- 18 were art on i.*.t in Haaies t. breal down tto the Conv.Ef.oa it*rlf wae fkjeeti'd by the Mixif an ContmM tha part oi thi' sr-aat whieh the ri^-bt af way waa NNMlad at d tl.e Pirvi yMg party r..'-ntd t", wlii h bad BBM or_..i.i(<! at an aaafMOM ..i-<LPt-. wa* for. iblv e>- e'Je.l fn-m the eOBBMy, nnd their ... and other j.p ptrty 11'* aird. The- "f there outr-_K<*, afu-ran angry toi trovirey b-tweea t!u- rpufth. twoi'.'.unti-M.-M. ie'. trtd by I'nail. at Pl ii. re totl.e S< iitt.- >.f th.' Cnitrd ."-it-e and tbe K-port of tb« pr per Coa_dttao oa thi .' eoMrfyo tl t vc'idity of Ihl grant in Amtrii aa bai.dp aLd iu irr>'4_t im] urtani 1 to Amerii an in: mi. a waa the poManol (hiaqaaaBaa at lha advmt of ttoptaaaMExi adn laa acmm.r th.' M.mpaa Con \tntion..oC:pt-Kd of ath'oi-i rul b.nlia.r b,.-ia.-*e tn.-n of i_ih, by a vote of foui .e-n Stateo to 88B, atlirmtd the I :.. r iai imponan- e of th* *ran*it way, and iu BpOfl :tr pn U< :;-.n h' tto 1 '.i'l- of th.. Q_BM_ 0..V 1 may * BMhapotioM aiiiinierent irg fett the Arr.tri. an M I 'i_? the i).).'..ti»tioL8 obtained fr-.m thi Eaga h M.ii.ater re*i- ¦Jrtr in V> Atioan adm:o.-i..': -. * n thia grant wa« in h l.fiiitii. biB (Joverni:.eLt;t''Tiid the pro.'-i't M the l_y, who reported adversely to iu ea nnragiBenl aalik' - .r Mar vlven-*..-n'opm an t'onaneie*. than upon their owa eoi,. ur rii g in the op_icn of Lkui. Moury probably. tbat, by the ngof thtet latl-.m'on route*. tbe Atlant.c .. drra:i_y BMB tlev-a M foOrtMO d3\p iai! ntaitr to BBBBBareial [oiru bt/ond Cape Ilorn aLd the Capeof Good Hop.... than th'***- of Engltnd now ar< 8B advantai.'epaffi'-ient to ac.-are n ultimate Ameri r-an tr'i:rrrh ir tl gntt etni,- ¦ Bg on for the ::. i: 1 ... r*il ii. .-trattt by inrroda iug theae deta:'-* in th I phBM the pnpri'ty of -*-turiLb' goaie detinite 4it_o- ..-. a;v ui iu. faahaiaa qnaatfaak and al_-. the . who are daa/ a- lln_: inauitand tat'.. injoriea wbieb cert_kio entr-rprutag AmarL-aaa Ltvt alr ai.y guiT. r»d, in ee* -1 p*> ire the I*enefit8 of a pr»a prejoM to thtirown eoantry " l>h_tActepec gw:n !.e Lt n - lha 888BBBBMld f* appvllation of 8 m a-ir> ri_-t_*.t_ k«reto'tie withoot reBrrve by the mxt intellt-c tuai af our lUteeroen, and tLe mo-t upri.'ht %nd iat-:iii--ea: of curi.-i7.i_*: To t'avc* ia -xl nded r_Iway eommuni cat-n Utw,*__ tLe AilaL.i.* atd IV.;: '---A. _nd to p-o tide for iu tjeedy ampiefcon c-ven by Governaaynt aid, ie ia rc- d aoBEd i*criL-tJn the pr- * nt momcnt and I anb- :,- the j-oe ;t. n "i U how it shoolJ. aL a? once, kare btveme an i-Aidt.i:-.e of .¦on_pt-_n and trmd '. - a rvt in Amerit-an lunde ancther aventu- U.-twi-t;:itbo raiEt- rt>c7oE8 n»u<' -r'f our al the _reM wcMlwaviof ii c. : | . ^ So awo. I am x>uil* d to Bnic'stand - hy tbe w.-onga « *.-»«-" Amer can tiliz-n inT. I --rvofa I n ic CuLa t'.-¦a'.d .-Li-nAL-. '.-J-fant __:. K__ the -ur th vt a por tbetUm-ra2jrk_tt.. - Mr loaBea in M- ii. c ar* laaMhy f OM '¦¦ tttm a rajmpahy' .T_kly. and p-ha'-O all I i pieea mvalf npoB tb*-*r point*. atd a-eo :L. -,..- _ '.u^e&jby vtrywhero to be oc-i ot iM af eara aad a -ir*.«. ea tto pa -r owa. \_: I utta.'iy icd l . -.; a MBBB-IJ M ¦-> ¦- erLiMnt cto >Mb e np. a any tov-h Bthjoet I *_ iia:*tien wa* mr mi**- hy m* throagh tbe tnetna ofany ^pr-foOTed iOTMBrt-oM' or ottorwiOT. uii r- - to any grant «tlaim whUe-rer No " myaaroo* letfar.'' bm- tke Lffiiial a__U2Bi;iv-4, wb«a all ara p-biiabed aad ox- ,'.-... r. ha " *UfltA"al cobt" a. ¦' v %bWr BB t' raa'.-ad l\r .. Bd«*Bd to tr* pe_B_4-Bl tktmrr. a da i I hkea Bta tne.i. . reaaa t.v Jl.l.,.. .-aa-.J-f.c'.-;'.. lai-:,-' i -.>!.- trB-E-OL. I -.¦ .pp»r*r.J tn Tkt Ci: Cmtrttr a Bfltot tbe penik'ular ty af thcir cet I n tba pea-bto-e ef e baatyra . a- l ut_» L-tt r, ti.. Baaa n-cinM-aof toa BtB abt t!-y w-re BBB-Bh-Bfld U uot wrirte. b.- Ihaa aittola b hi - at grtnt l>. tbe ri n ab*.* i .'ii.- C mv. l.ti .(1. nikle Wb-avwt BB berraiaed o_r bazecetite I I and tke-ian the ition of that _tbb', anl «..' .1 - wa, ; , gj i sr it rim i ITTBB; and ted au in li it lueh aeoi abl*. '. * I . treati a >w i ;-.,..nri-v. ... adl ahieha rryto tld.O . ¦ 1- Qadadac . I al ...... 11 . . BtoM .-n.-ht to pay every ¦. rieai ain Whal presrtoty i* a aayeaeaaaa nt aitorlhlB th.: th. __...-1 oi ad .. tfl '.I.-ti- lt wn. bl ¦ tha: ¦'... aaahanaaBBBBB which mn« BtoB ag a a. tt in.-ni betwfl ... 1 :ind par r id -bfl .'. I: B-gfl ,r, m ;>. b af a uanaarlia bj wbJ. h Ib jniehm'-nt of oet-aia anartod a ti.! lb* m qabtrl-B ti eertata pt.viie_.-e. wen t. pay tfexke laga iBflaaaaBej ekbeB a i \ aaH 18] *a> eturn*. ladeai l-BB th_B kBft a.tinll. ¦gata aad agata h a bb-wbiiI hy ^ Beileaa a-!' \,n. r it. BkMB II" i-r.-v.-t.vd |.v ially. tt leaat,) a dlplnaahi Btaapt x' hdaa ta tad ih. p a laa m la.mtd bj -.ur Oe-reraaaal flpea __¦ iBbaBaa t-aattoa ....,i ,. aad BB-ty Ior the ppo'iatiot. aid " B-tadeef 4 BialitathetorBBol -l .. I amawarethat.-. ,: gupp rl ef tha tttmrn elataB an.l pr*. Moftb* LeBfldBatMiatl laaah ent.rely CaMaet am. r.iir. nt« A -treaaatoaee whieh, ia. hanbk jadgaea beaa-m.prBt-e-rerj UtUBeieepl ti.*t tfttf :n_.h ta any al-tgatl unda fa**or_ i-m, on the paai tt the Pinhiaa. toward tba Oan. ka Oaa. Oad pankalan tt toatt, te hata qaaa ae jaa a eea-epl " nbat in dae to ifal-naal rrr-----, '" iVattaanl _e.;..tia : er.t an _mb wbe kare ret iaaad li taben I mn*t be pardoaed breddtag h-r. ta tba aaa f tbe gBBial r tmntf bia BBg ,,,,, nttoaarj ba-kn baa ail I eaw aad haardwhea H Mfa-rar-btototheUaBBd-tobBMB-y ,. eb< aid i"> obtalned fr-.m that.ouotry Mwertoar ;t rc-t-'rtiDf. to m.'BUe that artfl. lar tn Ati-r ;. an m_itre.oil trom w t'i * orn Bba epeaiy ad-BaB her [Mbj] -ie UaHed St.itee. and any mat-ri al ad | caa only be MMBBd by de-.-nding to a lineot action wbich. ta individ-al l.i'.-, wou .1 attmp a i tbaa-trlVBtoeef ebratoaehetly liut I will not BBtoad thll I- :t*-r,,* alr-aly paa -I aaytotod at rheeommen aaaat, in betog eaailj tad B raaa k apoa anaeof-M aaaaral fea t.r.i ..;'.'. Ir.'iiy Wb lo m -at "urelv tber-' ii B ia th'- jin-ent per*. nai r. lali-.rie katBBBB Q B OadsdaB and BryaahTthateeald tadaeeare-BB J-attfyaaytatape aa my pnrt in regard toiaBaaBaaa npon him or tbe Trant) I hata da n.e.i _ dne to truth and j-.t'e a 'hui to ¦ infatattaa af bia ba*rb_g been in *ny dee/M la Baeaeed mt Isd by an ta bta Maataea aeejatBttaaa a.d v BB time BB. Bl] Ifl dhaeew. in my own bahflK hav ingeither violated or afleesded any iaatraetfoaas tr.d to my chajye. iMeagreeable ae it a'.waje B l-t le to v, |-j i.. t.lowtd witb even flfld-Mry aen-ib.bty to - ¦! into publw appealfl and dh-BBBBBB of thi. na t-r. 1 ter. vr the iBBIBBri lo my fr eudi that I ihall not ihriah iiuui auy ald.ti -nal riadtaettaa abtah lataaa*aaa_ mnv (...mtoriqaireet my Iianda C L Wabb BbpflMfflHi vpnii B_ CHICAOO 4 orreiroo^eace of Th- N Y Tnbaoe (ni. aee hTriday Apnl l i-.i A vi ry BgfllBaaaB fa. t:- that of the prataB af the ck-ri .-ai body af Am dty and af the Betth w-tf aajahal ti..- Ba Irvka luii.uity. At the BBBBBg hed kflBB rcc-ntiy, the varioUi.Chr.atiaodenominat_:ng aan IB BBBI Bl ¦ it tm oi" proteet wm adopttxi nnsnimooily It h to b<? ir i d r. ti_."n. nt tl..- aaa and wdl soon make iifl 1||IMBBra in Cor^rte*. aeveraJ thoueand oamaa M tacb*d So far a* I can learn there ie not a minipter of the wbe *. I al ftadry arraal h maeif .,f BBa e| :k «|fPiin>t thia alximinable m heme aa fTlBg-a ft ft Tb. form of the ?* Ko^taad r. t. t waa pur-n -,,v *A pta U in atd. r to 'h M that tbe 1 coaefitae-tB of Maata Deagtae, Patttt, dw« m f.r Ir ui viilding ag". nt to tbe outra_eoua t»,eitim tiiey toil. a-to'iheri^hti and dutiea of tbe .litrgv when tbat -. aaa ptMMBtod ar.- r.edy. one and i- their eat* rn breihn n Strong rie.dut.oni were m tbe n.« etin. afl raili i: the ri_-_U of mimttcrs toa rl.e trtr. _atitei of Ire. rneu ani eitta n. iirtapiy of tbe aaaaaaa aBaflal t-r -_ wtl! ae 'i.. irk .... .a . You mav BtBBhd nj-.n it th- B r_ BaB ilflBBBd on tliie lubj*. t. and tbat the Nebraekam ivemeat ta manu faetnrini: anti Blattry a. ut.i.ient i_at*r tbaa aayttiagtba baa ev.r i. _rr.-.l Oar ity ta and ever hM been. the i*r. Dith. ld of BBt! B n». .re b* re T^y a" trtaads of freadoea. 'Ihii i* ou- of th-aU- .f tbe _j.der_roni-l r.__roe,d. and we li'iv. a very ttat of eond ictora, and «:veral direetorfl r*j are fre<,ucntly paaaing through r. nt* for ( aciiia. _____*_. r_midet..prepareour statefor a -tmnijle Ior Ihe Mtii.e. Law at tne nett llflfltlM State ('..iiventioLBhave b*en held, u.-tre ig au el th (' .unty, City and l-.*rn A. atiiilie.rv, iad an a. tite Kte-utive' Parka fearle of V. nao-t, Berwia of' »l> t..r. ol New York. J.wett af Maflaachto-tit, and Haie *..i aarsto ta-Ma Ihanaghlylha Btaaa^Baa «f*np a i_e of them ar..- Bow at wo.-i "t"""! , ' i atoeretoryaai ..--ueral ...,mmitte.,andB K IU- .Mi. ation in thit city u.-xt we.k of a new 1 aaaer. 2 . Mu.tu Utr AUtanre , ,^a* i treedeeatarl- i ion.' It ia aatoniBhin^ what a at_mb'ir ef Aa ivntrate here. radiatinf ldte the ribr ef a faa m every di p. atha aa aat ia tha- af Ba Laiie. VS e are noa ._ n aitb tbe -l."»_-i;i.i at two poli Ipland, a.d dr.'_ tbe «umm*tr ahal, many ctberp.a. *e in-m |).-ba.,oe V, 8t Louia. and hy ne.l ,>ir at pebB far.her nortb and at Cairo ot th roadl ai.l abe -everal nf them eoon rea-"h ti :i Iowa »t.i .M;--.-uri and will divert, ad tbey are ai- r,,.;.. ia it n.euee amoant 4 bt l. * *'n m LflBB aaitaatoa. eiteodi-g to Lak.: _. aBaattoa aad I-ake, in aaother, - u:h »e«t htirtettoa, we hate a canHl to the I uM-toaawaktt <. : BB »-d _¦_¦ v ti liut 1 -haii :.'-'- entok-J* l.aaB of Cai;' i V bai iat.. be witn the maaa ot > "['' in ber* I ki. rnir herd M work, np n.;* 1" .'. raBtadaadt-al'ita--. - kdvai».-ing- ir. ii aiot-Ldeellit agBHiia*' .»..*.« . -\.' edvance. >or i. tii* aa a-Leeiihy «tU <>t U.i__a M yet .: na] growtoIwiH mn **y But tboa U i ru-ee are tv>t Verond wbat U rt-aonabl-. It ia '. .Jitobfin have been made by the r -e .n th ol^property. ln . peafBBj-tUd 1 oaaii HUtorv a_<i tou__ere« af O_~-_0. tae _B_Be.ofia.ver_ in.iirMl»ala are giren who porchaaod toad oriiriaally. "it- tbe pr_»*>ut vaiu- wbich it beara. At ...m.-e. wt bave oai- pneeconUiatag tao Uta thacoal ,,-. .,. ,. , . v.,*Mi ti-a.r--) AiotV* -**a .1M. VA - l.__r . i .. .1 r-* w: ld»W *V.| ** I 4T»»0 .i.LB'aea . bkd ia i a'./ioa ¦*- h*- aoaa*f . v-. ._! Wi-1 Ihe .801*08*8 ._,._* ____________________ f|Jtl 4 l t P A Iil ___-_B i IAI fi/t'-'l.A.VWoiX. _...,.., .'' .-.. 08B- aa a.-... ahaad M ay plaaa to aaBaraai r*r r-r<tI rdway A* T C wM it a .*iB*OTB-.IUk8 ? itoaa taMr ..>** -. '' ."U'fa7. | . ,-a'T MM ,H-iAdw*y. rcoived tl at 1 _¦:. wta > aad «.__¦ a ... ito i..t. »uitry aaa,MaaaM0O« .- y."h thr i.t.i'ii'fi' ran ¦ * BBeoaBBBi toaaa . | .-...._-alhja_.ii th-y i.-a- .all an Iroa --.tbr.M».a* loaadv. >. '_":» Ml 1 oi caa f-«li.y pp-ta*law*i H/oal.**. ta ' -*--? lu-rre nlbe, Irce atltw oi ih* eir la Br-o*d.e. - . » la-B- ... i.t>»- al ia* ¦ u oaphrr* oflhe .t..ree.tia uiakla* to-.r^uaa tlaor ol ta* *44w- ac- ... -OalM -. ai.biia* i j-ac__r |*_alhr-*BB .... ii.gta.Mia> . - e u-ia«. rh* '".raaOTll___¦ reaaaB-aa Btoarta walk . ro reeroOT aaa.l aM" te te b44i- , -ll2B_Hi..*.,-l.Vi__k- . co-nplele m.>r*a. I do BM ..- aeaalt,! . eweh ..( ih- h.liaw > **l*4 .-.ilH* ettrae. w-eM8*l BM *«¦ r .- . « o..w ., .i« .aaa l ,r.r- a. - . i ¦'.. .iv a* da ,1 .,, a:-. . '1 .lCtl0B*a.l Bto-tiepli.rt* P'*B*t*. I CIB- io a* ' .'¦«A«ipp*r _.,_,! oe iuia>*n_i* noaal ef eaHB- poar.r,: ic. i.aer «.(, wo.. o w* h.y.a* !,,.,,, a a. .neu.hnnlliiiiieo qa.Bi-n** Iniri- -I . 'b< etaiiH* . t.> ile inrat* l ,o*« ih.lera tfitli n lk, . . tha B*h baaaa at aet* **_¦ ..¦0,_,. .-' weit ta.iItoa> g. _»..ulil ool a. lapw * By 10* el .Kl... ot ii pro .rct.c.. . ' . *** bOTOThM ..:* ar. te b* laid OT I.di* labtOT, 1 .*aeaa.e w .a I '' *** ..acka . - _B aaaaa. -..-.-. ,j uada ll*_o ak ... ..¦ > i r»l( ht.e ,-tref.!!v w-ilB-d «<.'. >hjea--,lli that e*a B. # ta.dwajj aal 1 aa otMotM , au.l .. er-tt, ihf >h-y hy >ir .ye_r .ne iiL*d»iulit'i-*»* leBirava.d* ma-riia ia «l r* eer'-ne ehjael 8OT wi'h BB hii t*e*a tb* *pp**r- . pa "'.' ''.'Id eipg-adyi«ihB*i Mtotaeert -.itetf.- un."-* ih* «aine itil* ot urh.tcet.te pr...._,>* hy ik* *i»tre la f "Ol taf B8 "-», " C « l h* b.lit .td k. ..n- ,.,.,-, ., ir-li. aui palaied ead , aa et lh* toa eteae. Xu ,,, ...oMb«»*l.*.!Bi-eMof_r*, a. j th-.r.ia. ageot ih* fuad thir.IBUiiJiett.jea vl,l .,. w * .Ub wiaM he la , . ..-i., th- Iwilaaatt-atl ra* ?.**« wheau walla aaw fall ¦. tto eealM m. e.u*. alk-im dew.Bei . Itt vai'ie h.aMth . *i-netei aPiihr4 a-.d n-y*.***il Inf Th* r»na. aovMb* a ,.,',...ut toth* h .'.ii.gk-liil. tue upperetoiiM woald ,. do in " .,, t t. -uiviag MOTM *aJ haildlaa*. . Ibadoa* _.rlo,,t r.nioa . | r- ra-e. a.,1 th .e _M w ,'k hel ,w h, etorll g a rad iwiMge liier the i*rr-_* .aay*. ahU* . BBOTOTl l*. .. , ..if.eni 'h* f*cillti*. fot .iigtirew, .... teatwaj m betaa ..ndaAov. Inpsalegra B-ec|*iar. aad . ka lh* T.rrw. wi» ind io.iie. w.'h an iroa lalliog llk*- wtooaboxl ei.l.i A' ut,...|.it<e -th ...I-. wouid ... lh* o rir,,,.iwiy wh.r* ,1 aia ii * iMOT e.'f.*i Tl itotn I. nt, ,, i W..I.I ad.i le.«--i. f" ibev-.Be o Braadwiy, aal gt-at'y i ii* bwio-a .a to* i i. » raciiaa i .*._.- ..po.B rtraaaci* ta tto City, to Tiew au.i «a_'-e tei* inagairi- ,-ot ei .ct.ire and lo enjoy Ihe p eaule of B .4lk 01 a fid. aaay ... IHU] lh* :.»era'.*et i. laad "h- or..|--' *h-lplag htad. ¦ .,.... .ti)'ob-:i..t,y. J-JilArt Aki(_KKk4.i*__, I oaj-ray / LDRlDOk BT. JMI ; -. i / .-nt Ttopab. -.t'"i.tiou hav;ng born rslledof lato tlie |la<i- ¦>( I'onnoemt-nt, n>m.f havi d- *>n-ed to knuw what kin.i "I i.i'-p'ion wr m«t with fr >m tbe _BMMB M , ur v n <-itii..:*). and what u.t-tr.a they feel in tba aatahtohaaiMa* al.iirery^ I w 11 anewtr b.irfly Nev r bare I bean with ir.ore ortial fe Iii .. th-.n w. re ni-Ui'foeted by the io UjaMB Of IhlO OM BBahaaM and nerer bare i proa'-hed f.i a o *re eti-intive ai.d rOBBB l,u! MdMMB All appoar to unl.i.tand ai.d enfer with Bp'rit BMM thi oiei*ei«ea, ,_(., nrlbaatagiag Mnny who. l»y mi-firtano, Bl ii tl ir » ni bon Bi* iii!oili/.nt well .'dui-ated, au I .wo f.i la tb. ir il.'iiu ,.i or MBay i kn..w, ii,e "f tbe |i _-- lari arn alravly ap a i.i.-iin_r, »ix erotohlmob camo forwsrd M ttoir own ioato aad tha tha ,,rai .! rn.i'" that rutn wa.. the ihief eau»o of tbelr .1:111.11 aow have M888lhhkg*to ¦ ml tnlk al.unt <>f a iI4BTAAX-B li'ier to im;.r .*.. and l Ihoort. Itoer ttaao, oap-ietoiythe la i,ow v. r. ilitler.-u'ly 8888-, and th ir ;..uni- Shll th-y _:r.:Vly iiead aaddoaira aubrary ibbm A* thuy aro wiih bi andwfthoMoMj loyi >. <¦' Itoirttaao aai aVooatoa iini.t to aeeaated ettkt how nnd if n..t euu-a.'.id io tliM ahkh i* K""- .d aasflU, tbey will io that whiob i* bad rn i! burtli.l I be duty, *hen. of prorid_-| facOlttoa by whieh they may get an.l d<- tfi-nl. fall» "um- .here It will ie t .i>. t. throw ii ba-'k upon them, (m it it out f ii rir pewM to praaara eu-h.nt IsasEao ar« afaha I ,-j.rk'f.d Wt ataat ii-.t laarait with tha pablle. No. ' ma-t t-ll BBOa the hum uie tlie HoWOrdl, the friendi of tho prtMear aad tto a_araaaid I imagin.) myae'.fon- l L. d tot MOMho, .-r it may to for y*ar», Bnything t.. aaaatoi ». adad >»r i" nothiog to ia bM bt bro./d BTer-M-ara paM Bow iaplatabla I lu *u<-b aea**. I what utiutfirablf gralitude f rh.ald tow .' ttooa aa* aroaM rallare thi* dwadful BMaM bj hy i'l'-' iag aaaa u.-- foi raJBan w,thio my r«e,«fb. Baeb b tbo eowlitioB of th.-ee whoea i»u-!e I pl-a-l. Wo \.iint un f.d h.xik* of al! kiada blstorleal, trientiflit, mor ;,| ar.i! " thow the importauee of tbia matter, I will rtitearaite Two of the BBBBai who .iguel tha pleilvt" I, ¦ B88 BB**8,8r8 Kenni--n Wheo I BMB8B ,. tbi a i. v B-Bfto to rai«e a lit.rary for Ito -n ihieb.'.- ,aaaaftho poaag bm oroiiiajad,' Ob,f_r,I ti known inl aiao Bkontto age, We be»o and have h*_fl nothintf tn do or "i.ii. a.! iluiingall tlii-time II I ."oul 1 haveha.1 a l.-iok BBrigMlaa I Uiiaht h-i*e imprured myetlf in my "profeasii u Lut nn it i* tlno-e t.ioe month. have Ihxjo W e d» *iie ti> obtain ooob-2 rolumrt, whieh may be ma. er.d ttuc.'d Ior yeaia lo .oiue. <>r tbo tueane to rr. iro ttoaa. BoreweweaH expriao'ir thankfulnrag to Br W af *ny nnd Mt*-. of Heary M for their kind a»- ur loimer appeul. An-. paf'-.B dt-ir ri_r raurr partii-.lur informaion. may t by r..n.i-.ui, BtSog wirh or eaU 'ig upon the Mia- n af tto Taath Wan Ba Kiviag ona, or nn Mr Mnith. ihe hooaar of the jad ta Lllnda-e-rt onar 111- r- L- --»-" Bfl TisuLr.i McDobalb 'n.i* waa arn-ttd Ly tl.'Sin r if of liavideon Connty, "ii ".un.lay «..-.. n a of foriree- _;. ¦aaOltar ( ..urt, now ( aaaly .liiiee Maaly pPMUtofl h**8 iii lt ia pLi»!ii ly rumorod tbat he .%» 1,, r. . lu. t to.* >ears, forgliigtho naiiMB in Lai.k, anrl in m ire nrirate traaeaetiooa. vfc r,o arcurate pi-rr<>nal hn/wl. ifjt of the nnmhwr MM80* thanapamtaaOk bot we are lo-l l* boliero that they i-.m-.uct to many ttoaaaad I dtan He »- ar b front tto Coaaty ti FjoiByMO, f»r a for_i-r-, i ..n,mitted on _to MBM B-_l The _reet, aod -....... wi. h ireieued it have kept tbe public :. aador bbrb azcBaaaaM L.r mor* thia a wtfck. No u,au enjoved * »!_» *l»re of pat-lie ..ic thin dU M.-Honald. Krw if mt, had w ann. r or more nBrnerou* ai.d we-thy frteode. W ealthy pr> perty boing aatijaMed a betwroea eitty and tawenty iboaeaod doliare, * xoaodiag tbe anoaotof all hia lia' .lit..- hy *- :.. .aanl-bia crimiu al coLdu-1 lAnna.t ea»ilv be a naiBaf BaT. liiaopera- taaaa, .,t« ti *u-h a ntt-xns aa tad* almoM eoiirely Uie belief aay tieaitcn of abao- Ict. fraud. I' ,*. We to ti from a fer,.l-_.w who rvnn 0 that MrlJi-oald waa a_n.tted to lia the anm of bftneu buadrt-d doliara. __ . (ia-tonry C.) tV___«toaeB_ . a ' ii .at .r thi CMima.aaoiaar taat. lunilar to tbM of iba t-tabrated H_n*hCor*oraa. ha/ .-. aned in CharU-atown. Ue** A /.ri. nemod Cato v. wa. by fcer widowatO tD-ither to one LyC*ton. *etm*,«urrt;,.t.U'oaiyoi:iir. . p*i_i* iM rd^i-tberrewrntotair t artn-. ti... rr.r.Ld The cbot ia to h* tned ia tboMiddl*- * D be odo of i^OTBMrablajf^____* Lw auekdy prodn«_- c-BOT_Uraata '^<^"",'l»**, t.w r. 1 be r-ri, in tbe ___t4_ta, retaa_na in tto faai lyof -re Fai^tiMa by P^aaafoa thr «rta ti..,ther l. a Caiolie. aod tba roaiootioB ia raaaod by a daaara on tto ooe boM » BBBhajP>~'i«_i MJ_^ .*__. by aneOort toprareot tto eLtW lrom tarMkiB. tla foi- ua wUb-U-**___! fo** boMioar*-.

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Page 1: THE LATEST NEWS, VA · 2017. 12. 13. · f'oir.mif'eeon PablkLaada, a* to Ibi int? lani) la aid bfltbl OUBBtlBoBaa mt a ra'-l'oad fron Irofl iiay, in-fJehigaa. to l.ittie BajrdaLoqaetta



^-:D^kte,J;"asiT'rX...ay. ..,.rili:«. i*.

j^t^fN->arkaa*a4Badl-*hUlBltbi8direaab8*hBfilling of tacanc.'f 1 v t».e H.icrr.or dunnjr the r-et.

-f the Benato. Hii fl.ajlBB.8ai are that tbe laa w.ulil

fce iBOj-fratite, ao lar aa vacMcie. an- cor.eemed, byroxstm of tbe exptnttior. of terro of B-U, l""-viie the

toCO.Lleeat WOBld told o' er He _ll ..'_-ett tbat the

bfll prevranto the Governor fron. Iflfl-BelflJ for c.uie.

Tta I -iB will not be repauedKKi'M WASIHNfil'N

fro,-* HwpBcktoTbeN V. Trik-ee.WxtBtBBtaB. T'.urr-lay. April li. ISSt.

Ta.. or three Indian Irta-iefl were etnt to the S-

davi_,'e Itau. made a et'ong epr-eh in favor of tii- S a I

I (ira-it ae amecibd in tbe Mexio.ii laaatf The rv oa'e

a*»4Joun.4d oterbll Monday, wbtn Mea.i .loNr.. and Da>vaoa. who are in favor of the Triaatv, are BBpeetod Ifl B tu-n.

blr TAi.oR.tbe nea Uejirenutative from Tennetppoeefl M tbe Nebraeha rt i

It u. nowaaid tbat ('..I PeBBBI wil. he laapeeehed beforejhe Houee. The " Harda are bt hhaBBBl en-m

ftmm ,,( the Virginiaua _o blow ia aim :d Bt tb !'.-

ideat_(ien .lo*" ViUamil. Cbarg. from r_eaader, today toek

1mt6 of tho BeaaaBBry "f St*t,: prej.arat .ry to rtttirn.Di*

kflflflflkTbe I'reaideat recogn'z'- V. C Oaaaa Caaaal of the

Rtpubbc of Nn-rak'uaat New-Oi-B--, flfltt Dea Aatoaiajhtaria Siigovta. CodpuI ai Bpahi at VeaQrtoaaa

I>. I'ratt of Ohio ha» been appoint. J S. r tary «f L.

mtfk ii to Kraa-f, and llowland II Bt-dghflCuetonM at l'enobacot, Me.

a\X_.HId OOBBBEtB....l_uri Bb-Bbb.

BBSBATB_1T_*aiBBToa,Tbaradaj April 13,1154Mr Sl DAKT rio'.rt. I bktsk t»i¦¦ H

lagaaew Lar»d Dbtrtol b Ihe LowerPeaaaaalaet*Mtohi'gaflk v.i.1- li tvaitak. n Bp -'.'I BflMr CA88 r.-I areflolol

f'oir.mif'eeon Pablk Laada, a* to Ibiint? lani) la aid bfltbl OUBBtlBoBaa mt a ra'-l'oad fron Irofliiay, in -fJehigaa. to l.ittie Bajr da Loqaetta _1luti'.n v»m adaatadAtla-l o'elock, on ir.otion of Mr MASOIN tb< !

-rci't ir *(> KaacaBre Beaaioa, aad lb. 101*1 nt lreea-ari until 4 8*8881 k, hini tlieu n. _J ,ur_,*.>l ui.til Miiadny.

IIOUSl. Of BJtPKBBKllTATTVEB'];., llouee aaanred le be

ef LieBtenanU llen_*r»i n aod <l bbtbeBai-re-f of tbe Aaaaaoa an.l lt- Bribatartoa; aaUag:n-ooo eoi.ii* in allHr lil'AY (Ky aaked leave le intre luce arni

ar-aHiiiif uiaoB tbe Poatinaater Ueaeral tofarBiah t-> IheJlouee ooptoa of all r.ilep aad refalatton* a loptod bt hin,1.11k ii,-. inetnliere iro.n Hk (tonnittee on tb* PMt »f v'n't: totetbe roeand-ringotne |.ur|>- a Bfl ex»m>i,'.lv tbe public ri-. in-t «r.'l l.irili-'.tbat tbt' I'oeiniarr'-.-iiitii r-d abahak aU iflcb regalBioa*.ile uat..i the i-epeflt ofthe PeBaati. tbe laaalBilia eal lag tor taforaBllni» tha ri.aila bBWeea ttoBtgOBMi. aad tary, bo aai nt-ln bar totook iato all tbe laota,|>Bl *«e iletaied tbo privitoge It Wae imp Biible f.r i.i.n

b> diach.rgo bia (lnt> witliout in.-h fneiliti.-, _»ked to be dliebargi d a- a aaahl t oftheIte on I'oat Koade. Agrei d toThe reeolution wae rel'erred t» BM ( fl nunttio BB I ort

Wt. OI.DS, (Ohio,) from ti.e CoauaiHi aP-atOffl i

and Paatraada, reported a bill nodifriag tha rateeoflajatage He eaid two BBBBa u^'O. wjii-n M reported a billincreaei.ip tha BBB] n-vj.aij of deputj p -" QMtera, h<avewed bimeelf wilb. i: lo TOto for the i'i MBM Ol¦M HeMked IaM taOUM li"W to -.1 r BOd lilttnr,-

tl,ia bill. aud i ith.-r to |""-- ", reJB i i' We nast da oaa«if ta>. tli'mr'H. oitl.'-r abaadon tba Idea ofaaakuJMt-O-toe Uopartmei.t h flBifeBBalniag ma. hia-. aad

Mhrow it Ior ai.pport ..i. tiie'Irc.-i-uVy ..I tbe (Jaltod Btatflif oiit, raieaa tiie |Kiets|»(i lo Huetnin tba I tt|.srtni. nt A-longae we bave noitli. r ..i-e Ibiaa aor t_4lem oianratea injuri-u-ly on tbe runl dlatricto, BOl inMiitli. rn eitiee. »ln r.- ne tagi «rran_ in iite nr, a have an nuno«l deeV ii M in "o thaa tivi. rilll .ti- ..!'dollare and what i. the eoflaeqaoBM I A geBtleaaaV-t'B from a woatern or eoului.u BUtfl to the p_lai OiiBMiral and aeked Ior taaeaaed facility >.r a11. w r,.at O.liue, Hiel liu' fttinkv. r i* thttt B l< fmil-lb(t faatOn-Ba Pepalaail laerlppled for -Beaaa, hat ily..u Ihtow Ika H. aitm. IU BB lh" 1 " hlBry, 8 fOBArtny and tlieNikt .. :/i at-M .¦ M. yoa eaa '..cmin.kdate.l. Ile"would iq-.Tiil to the ton h ra I aaahaiitn * p rt tn. »>:ii He , ipcctod oppoBit'.Dli frotn N. » f"il.. li' eti.ii, Itiilli-n-.r. a i-i thi-itiee, baoBBM tim ebeaf .ioit'i|re ayeton ranltfl benefifially to tbe iT.uinnr.iHl CM_»8I Ui* tr.. li 1 ir.-u. I'.-nnpilvaniaeaid he w«* in fata ef the prii Iple ot tbe bill.batooaMaot Tatefurlt_bteaaaeB woald.on-iiti-.ntH Be bopad.aeweter.Ihe gflataaaw wealdj,e ei nv niced tf Ihe pr..;.ri. ly ef Ka paiMr B1TCH1E |Pa)sald be ariahed the geatlcmaa to

BBtotha li.el'.l" r ll tll P*BB*tl<Mr ol.DS repUed it waa not tbe gentlaBBB whe l.n.1

jlilt taken bit eeetIhlr FLOKKNCK (Pa.) aaid be want'-d t-. be

eearhaad aa ta whather a redaotl.hrincngii.'t. would he liei.'l." ''I ll.-i. ar.d tba ibo ej.-ntli-iii.ifr.-m would BBI te eeatiaee hln thal tb « 1.11 lerigbt. However. if the pafltoaaaa ah..tild eoatiaoe lun.ibftt tbii laoaMire i" iu*t BM riub: ind nr.|'.r.liis t-an-tii urute would l.e b. . ( ni("l Iv it !'... km .. \eiy weil thuthe would vote for il [1 BBA-tor.

klr OlaDB lt il mi ol-l BB-f " < '""'¦ '."''" " BBBa-ai:aiii»l bie will aud Iua "f 1-8 ea'ti- oplalon still 1BBflBBaa b* Baaht he aa wBb ayBrtoai fron Peaasylvanin II.BUL'hterMr BKKLTON IN. J | eaked that the bill be poB

till a day certain It -.nt a BBtaBBfe af tM aaeb nii.MirtBBeate oe eeaflMered at thia Bm*Mr WEBTWOBTH .111 anid be waa tired ef po*t

Ikoning billa to dayn tiriain. Bfl pritVnetl ciitain dayulerealt. *

Mr. OLI>8 reeurued. «r,uinc t''it Braoanl i...-<ta_o iaIbe aaaaaaa aaaat, aad U__ wIlieaaBlB ibe l'ot Offlee I>.)¦ riiliiitiit und ft.ld two and a hiilf .iiillionn annanllv t,< il*

r. raaaea Tha bOl prepoeea la eharge Bti uBseaaiBglelettera from any diilame aadatbiaa tboasaad milcc anlt.ver that diita'n..-. t. n MBta, pnatagi io aU fBMfl

|ir4'ii*iid wiih jmetn^.. Banpi Tblfl fl-ode of wepayn tf.'ill a farteel cbeek between the Depaaind tio- pnatinaeterH, wbii-li BB8B aa ttmm eztat,Jo ga in.) «tr..t ncxt.laiiilsrv,airintid in.nattaaa, aml Mppiad tolb* Pot

ll to alter tbe o.-. hu p tikttt. Be eeal l BM M IBB oaf..r ehaajtag hn By tm tt n a 1 tt..iu;d onK tlnee c. Ii'le Vkl., n i ir, ,.d. BOl e-"* !'n,.'tlr-Itouaan'd inile* bv lut.d The bill pn IBM) ratfl¦when it goea whldlv or in pfirt by BM u" artaa ii gow byby land. i.amelv. nve aaaB f.-r i.ot ( v,, ( Uag Ihiae tboaeand uiilee, except in CB8Mwbere we daM' pMtalwith ff-nii'ii c.K..iiiu- Afl to aawapapna and |" tIhr l-ill propoMB to ripealeoniucb ol thfl C-rtner la v a-

jnakea a rtHluctiou of liity pt r itnt. on the i'.'e|.a: I!>o«t_ge. ,

Mr CHAHDLEB (Pa.) Bated hia latentioa to ntbe gelttleman. but t'tte way t.< Mr SAUE on v.

Iion tbe further coue.di ratioi, ofthe b_U " a." poatpflfljadfeftharweehe _, ... ... .. ,Mr BTAHTOM (Tean Irea tbe < otnmlttee oa the Ja

tiieiarv. laaertad abU* aaae-fyt-f -be Jadtoialeyatoaa elJb. I nifed IStati aTbe HotiB*. tl aa went into Coa

tlraduation bill., .

Mr IIAVKN Mid it ta (f n" tkt ror Ihe mrabert 11

pih wl tlieir time on thi* bill. Wa-i it toand lalioring man ' N«> They bad a'.r, ....y pallomt'-teiul l.ill. I'iitni- blnM liun'¦ U .! MbetMUKwitbeut payine; a cent i.-r it. imr eoold B riehmore then MB aeree un li r t! nt lull Ile tba reifore m i.Jthat the rl aad reao-i lgrith a recoD.mendatioti tbat it de n<-t BBMMr CUUH wa- nmt bia wortby ». I um fl

ikOeed Uii. bill Be aeald ¦¦ -now

ine bie g. odneea of heart IIup bill di 1 n-t totortotawtthibe HomeBtead bill. a*- he oroceeded to abow.Mr B188KLL III I---Ud oa the Qraduanoa b.a as a

ec.iui-ito the Baaaatoad i-n.,

lhea-m-ndiiieiila w.;i -1. b"ig-harai-ter adeBtod, wben tl.o UwiaaitlM r\BC «nd r

the billto tiie II-."-. II prOTldM.arhieli bnve beeniu the tUHtket for I '.»»'..

ntrrri iifteoB year-. .'>^Cftv eeatoi tw.nyc_n.ormor..t«.' - I " halfhaii b. BBaaaraad a* ta axlead te land* n

iLi'.Mi.Mate. ... a.t.s_.ant:.. tandi;or oaer imj roki-mente. or «« ."

«ver one dollar and ttventv f, _____B,veaaaarafldaa to icterfere with any BbtoBmavofiurbv tirtue.f nny a Iaitiial reltleriii. lb. I'.M.c lande.Mr BHIDOEB b 11 be la:..

talde I--' IPBadiagtbi

for a tbirti reaain^-, ti.e BoaM adjoanted.rtTBTHl B '. -BA

j. b i riaeauTht ( '

of g-.i co. tbe (louiigBeet. of th-tad paid BI.Bte aa ba. kItwMnim,ndthn:'"

Batotetbe Spantab _*4T BBll the d Wt fl :. ta BB-Bl ¦

Btock Weeatae .._.« aeBBi dThe bark Mopang, from Matanzan for Nea York, put ntn

Seramah ia dar-tve leak-tng t.ry bidly.

N<)\ AKUIVAL OF THI AMBBICAL'Lii ai. Iliurtd--y, A.'il 1 :, i- .: '.'. J P M

V. a oi" liavirg b BtoTm of puow and rtia loa'ght That i* thirk, and it ia iir,| r babl

won'.d vfiiture into pr.rt befor*- d*yl_;ktNON ALLIYAL 01 TMF. RBMAIH

lloni, tlMMdaj, April 13, l-'l 11 f MTtoaBamaayMMaalga af ihe Ronaaaa. AaVplaeaT

Ire Ba Bf i' e m Bagbt Witid fr-ih (r >tn

N'.N'. F ma 1 < r ' leir

IHE KA1BB LAW IN MICII-GAV.I)iiu..iT,ThLr».lay, April I :.P M.

'Ii'...- Law men are r.ow firin r ooe baadnd :

boBM Of Jadfl DonglaB, Wfaag Praft and Co^-.Anda.¦


An ac.i N>bra.*k_a Heotiag ir lo br. brid I. -re oa Foi iy- :t .* * .'.. 11 y tooaa.

TELEGBAFB DIVIDEVDS, fca.Phii wiiii hia, Thumdty, April 13, Mt

TLe Magm-tir Tebgraph Company bare d*-lar"d a qntrtetlydi- reoat, paitible on thr Mtb in»tOur ("ty CoaaaO bad a et-rmy eerai>.n to ni_*V, ani* r.r<*

iti.i at l' o daeh The kobjec; ondir diecnar-ion in a

buborription to tL'- Sunbuty and Kne iCt.iiro.idL

MAKINK DISASTEBBJoarOLK, T.,un-d«y. April i3 1 M

The el.ip Rlehard tilooB of N-w York. ia a_.bon» aearf rtp, Chtraj-c-ke 1-ay. A at<_am<_r liv sfone to her


reccnvE >i I.- ,TT- ra k_ .¦¦ bbuxswiciIHE GOVEEMMENl 09 NEVi POL'NDLAHD

I; ro -, AA't-ilneadey. April 10,Lfaw BfBBBBloh papei

tbM proviiico, i.-i .- ofhooTyraiin*av, to.-rtli< r w,fb m K* fa-ti.-*..

.\< ai.d on ni .1. bad ikfilaaa h-f-.l of oattla, ..ue horaotL'l tbiify tbo (. droaaod >n liiabam I.r tl.e lood.

II., ..;;,-.- t :¦ oesa COB : Johawithible >¦< ti> lt*.

1I«r Mr t-'v s GorernaoMh*tre lifniflmtboir iri'nritlontt lo Noarfonadloadtha ao .iciviladmia>tra_on ap ir eojoyad by tbe North AaBMtaoa


11 o Tkarodaj Aptfl -'-'

A vii-lmt stonn pr.-tnil'il <l_.rii_,' Monday aad TiI-,.,! -,» ( ¦, tbe brig Carollaa loadod aith carn for

tb bar oargO danaa 1tn. with pTOriaioi rtl-n

in tba Broakwator..IV bv a trteaatog Bbe « >-< il.nn.-i-i t> io« extont of

foOl ff lt nt '.ia! r iii I: r bolll,- eported ul ore 1t ir klg naoc


¦;<.,, U Kpi.oiiitii.g lii" S'.ate paper ha*1 eoa ligw Ibj Ihe Ooreraor,_

DOJN08 IN THE ') r Own Bl p"'t I

!I.Albabt, Wednesday, April 1-had i aai rot b .¦ a.

Tlie f«rr of jrbtfcr.lny afteraoon'e MMBtoa aaaociii, ratJ ii -.t tbi "ao of

-¦nt; aboM I P af.a s,, .i: H PBTO

The fi.ll-v ' recoired froa (ho Qoiernor,-etoisg tho bill amending tho Rorit d 8taf

,-.'...' !. Of Ii.i Ni w York, Exici riTi Dbpj btb

Ai "iiv, April 11, 1854, $Tbo Hoa Babopoi I ac u, Pi-rtdoM of the Saaata

l ratara to tl.o Senate thr bill antitlad, "An a.-t toleodoa 18, tl.a I,obaptar I, part i,..f tholie


o actnal ehaago lt the I9d Mettoa,_Mithaaheenjadl Aallydotei.inod ib thiaState tbM the flof

,..._.',. p ¦ ¦ tba powt-r ..f (illiijg any ¦¦

Ihetenn baa expirod for whieh tl.-

waaappointcd Bytholawi of tbli (Uate, allpoiiitedbi th. OoToraor,orby tto OoToraorand 8;.,|.| tl iV plarea antil thtrir anoceaaori »n- appAltboBgb lh( ir ii mmiuiona may oxpire daring tb-of ibe w no .

plated 1,. Ito ttatnte Thi amendmenl prbill, by Inaertlng the wnrd "ai'itial hafore tha wm-f va

"cancy," ln the ol aectioa, adda ootblng tottofcaeo ofI

rortion la nael a M"l augatory. [Sao '-'ih Paiga'sBap.TBO reroiid p.ction of tbe bill 'P wron_j I' I

fmru tho (>"' eraor of thia Btati a powi r arlu h toto bnvt tl.ot it rotao-iBg oertain othoera, If tbi,-iiiliv of rnirconduet ..r tiealaet af daty. rni. taetloa »e

eareato « fea oAolali laa aajoyaaal pla-*«a,althoogh their negleot ofdaty may exi-tae tli" poblic

i io diaa trooa conBevauencai 11." poaarto rarnove ll ind ai ral bf pobl ortain

ti .! ln the (!" rnor of tlmany yi ara, and tt,.. pabli. intoraato .Uftnatid timt the lavra*,..,,'..,¦ ...i i., I........I hthhraapart... ,no SKyMOi;a.On moti.'i. of Mr. l»i'KiN-us, Uie n B| ra laidea

tht ta' I",-, vi ii prhratc 1 illr* were movi d forward an.l thon the

liit it-i.AV. April li. 1 't.| BK riBBMBB.

_ktrntud a petition for tha paaaaga of a,., |, |¦ [,., regnlatlon of the New Yoi_ F_B_on

Htr1 IOBB v. tl KU

Mr Si'tni iLnMiitidc.'iiij.liti.! :,>r i' *

ti, i, V.,-... K. dU in tto CB] of Noa V.rk, aml it waanl. ii il to r. tV: '. ri idlng.

%.., t ri II MBOI iv 8BW A I. *-

'lb. bil! rilfitivi- to llm t-.n-t ruit a:i of BB8afl bollding*., New-Yorh Citv, w»p reparfed for oo

[8arh a roporl to latoin the- loaaloB, will :u ¦-:

iirov'i. fotalto tbe bill j-i i v li 11 I

bin arj-propria-Ung aataay,,,.ti r tto prtaeM year aaa r..,...*t- i oiaapketo, anii it

waennidL- « apociel ordar br thia afU ra aa at i o el..- a,raiaiTi « nt R' a paei i rti

The Jad. irrv C'tnm'ttt" rei-rt in favor of the b'.Il firIto Baaaa- tonniaBtloa of tto init, koowaaatto Paople.f the Statt of Now Vork ra. Trinily CuanL, vt-ia aMHIMt,.a thbd r.i'ilii.).-.

BBCBABICS'UBBABT AttOCIXj_r I, the bill i.> in-.

iho M.'.bouiis Library aAaaoetolioB, BewTork. Tlurdrendinj;.


Mr Whitki rap-rted oonpleto tto bill forttooppointi.c r-of Hfiord of tht-City .f New \ ork.

Ibirdtn, , ,

AJao, ii,. loconarMethe HOW-AmMoMoM aaiak. Iln.! r.'< Ing. .

Aiao, thi bill to laoorpoiato the ABioriraa Pohti.-al Bo. icty ''bi' roadtog

-. i,-. i i.i, romnriBtiB,Mr. Bai wporlod eoaaplMo tto bill t.. laa rparate tl

to, aad bill oricrcd to a timdraading.

BTB K> ronra Bl -k. IPBBI i li-

Au Art ti-lith, ...> a.a. M 10 Baw-Twk. A»rab aci relaUve to aaata med c....d.--d. o.' laaanaat ^.o--.p*aici

A An'AtTrelaf ive to Sealeri of A\ eighta kxd Mt-aurei ln thr __BJ M

KiMo1' iMiBB of Ihe 8en*'e, the MU a-.thoruln, th.Maviuof iew-YotktalBaiB-8 latoltoeaaB oi ticim the Lity ol

SACklTT'e HABBOB ABB 8ABATO. BAILBOAO COBJo*ABT.lhobillr. hia otwapaayM ohaBg* HaroMa waa

un m-i i. r*.rr oi -¦ ..'¦ rtaaThe bill. t.a'itir.' n to aaaaed Bchaylor

,-.,.. |.,..,. porta of Btenben. Tompkiia and(.b.u.ui ;Conntioa,WOOOB athird it-adiu^.

i tlQBOB I tW.Mr Dirai«80B oallad .-r th" oo_aidei-_on of tl

i.r pulu.:-. tin-_- lo Um poopk the prlaolpla of o prohibito.-yliqaorlow DeelareoToM of ordMS;r i omoTodto lay all ordert of bnsi

tl.i-laMo. dowa i» "aaadaaa,' in iidcr ton-ach the bill.

iati.-n* t\.r ttoCaaaJ i '.t. and.,,., tDlarganeM and coa^ctioa of Ua

CanaUforthe toeal >-ar eooBneae-f Oetoborl, i

waaordon_toa third readinc TU 8bIi maenal ain--udbm Ito appropnalioa to U

Idaia I ( 'T'^V:tak«froml oal Apjiraaa1_taB

iTHIKt' Bl I ¦¦".


laarawtrraaobiBa paaaad hr thi ¦" ;', '

i ....., ___oT_-onofttoCanal-_ia,I1JW up

worda of oaa buadred Aaaombly b'tlla oa tba Clarkwai.ig for tbo fiaal Toto, bnt tha likolihoodt. ,11 ! L ':.... for viant.'i' tinif. a p:ron.- U..-iH>.-itivn bciug

fBj "- .

TWUUa.dag Bppt-priationeto prot~ide f.»rda1 i car.

i-.t a.-tii-t tba i.iAruf-y aa at'c-o'jtit c-: Uto8818.;alationa m r.jard to Uie

mnDac.m. *s«*'***" waetakan.IBB.BB s

The Can*! mantgetnent bill b . Senae

..ion i.ll waatakenup

M. In*t..utcl in.aaJtSt.

M.' '.;.,Mforaidtooihariaautatloaowaro^^ itoliMMWtaaOBBMIMI

toM ... .. _._«__.Tbe biil war ordered to a third readiag Becoaa.

T I I *.1 Fl. ¦LftW tf. tl.. |e <¦; l>- e ».. ..-

A !1 . .1 ibe ii«me ... |(

I li 1.4 BBBB 4 TH, ... N-TS.

.1Tapaaalde ln tl.-. lepaireflha Caaafa

i th. Batan -try of Sia'-

AS8BM1 LI '-. IprB . .. P- M.i ii.

Ti.e fhird .ia *-__ reeu:¦and

;-. h»v-"**¦"*

far ibe ..¦ -'*jia P*-rpr Lrat- A- e.

,, rn,. ..>- va.' Ba

7, ti... B'L.-rai; kaa i

YortA__«_dUp| tM Bea-M Str.totM eaaeera ag tke aeaeaio *i

. e- ri .IpiU-S, -Bd 1

.10 ltMr I../:)' aaeted a raeoaatdera _i i. ac.

To Bror-orata- tv '

r. T. t>.¦ m P M.

njer.t of the i >


'.:,'._ ia tM ee-aatatai . tt-aC.ttao' I| aaa-BCtaraM oane ta. by

¦alii ., , .,.... ,

i ITBI r-,. '..'1 e .-'.' r D « Oll r ,_

tb' n :*.»' d.p-i'i.e to Ua.. trig'i ot-r tle Cber.aoi- aed Baafl

Ri'' raAlcwlBP toaroa ia Wyne-'ag ar. -I'-oaab-

irrile k

.. . ...

Il aert-eala! raee*. , ,,

foaiBPBd tta ke. -* v-bo.

IBew-Tetk fltat* I m m ieoBI

i n.rr > Bll.f-

t_.."at'f of --el' »:-d the fouoalagi

:,|,,'! "a*.'-,.» nf 'ie BMBBai I " AB AB I k| I kaB-BB.; toakMa," f****d A| n. ... i a. c tbt a._ aaa*

-rt-er-tr*eroftb-V,!.,e.'r;ree0. CBa

| - owB tr-ek.a. * '

, .

atoB r alattata. i'i'i

V. ttttt -

T, , .e>_,..nt aM co .ee-

I .rjittioBof r,

"_.lantaf -fr-- .-.--. 'c,«Bt

.iII ll lUffl, 0-Bi-riili a_u_.... . J piaat-

rotrl rr.r_,;er.i.a to n a.. rtgt -e ..-pat ot.e.-t-r-

.' aiMr Ma; U I DBOTed 8 1*454 '..*.'-* on a-8

tai-le.To ,;.,., a 11 D -' -.'.to-.!' i.ol.yto

BMIBI , , j ,-r ... .

.ton t. tbe red-ti pt *..""

Taaayt-eezptopppl >Benap!>oiate«to coaeoSadatp Bn « »

.. ...

Xor- . real oatata cf wb.i !i Ol-agoa Vk aii -r BMWellB

Io ai.'cil ll ¦<- att iBeon era'itu Ibe FlretnOB of iirro.lyo.¦oBtaem oi tktuta.

'il, Beatoe bill b

Indlvidaala doing ' lora,ahito their bank* 1

i. totbe. lealtomtt t.>

attend, incareaof inqniry Mto tbe ab. e ra vv.,,.n:t

lt aaeertalBi d that the bMim n i- nol[I,,. g,. ,. Dtisaal : iatereB Bpoarecoritii.¦rinttl -! agenUlaw of 1841 wm aade applleabto to boim ia«a d be -

p_M8ge of tbe lew, aad not to th MbaeqwiBlytbereto tbe (rror lacorrected. 1and the nracti.f B>tttogap,,BeBof»trew 'iepretented.< h-ci ;. literi 11" Indiridual henken *hall ex

pren otilv tl, y af the bt¦ oaly, nrid not nyany Bt

laroey oragtnt. Prete itol ttt ti abaakhaa

TI.E 1-1 t 'I

Tbe Abbi ;' ¦'

att.. ihe ihird n ading ol billa ia. oo. lia \ .. -. | } :: B1 I

Tbe bill wl b wa tatrt dai ad ln ti.e BeoaU aaa timetaxinf pereoM _..¦! ttmo iati im

In N, a Y.-tk City, f. A ttat r**id*aB ofthe.(r.i, , | i Itd BO M to miike il apply t>> ell

Btate, uat paeaed i'i tbrniog. It aew oaly re*. aataia ea Hb

ii m*.

Tbe bill relatiti to tbe righto ol .nar.-ied woatar iti f::,al readiBg. BBd pfl-BBtd. It hat

it kkiie tirtt reported, a.idM rb-toWfl

AN BC r relatlte lo the riibtt of oiarrieii w imen.

, t ImI 'r .»_ .4- aaa

Pn l.o-l A-t ii- in d w-:.rian. w'lea- kalbaad, either from, , ,.r t nn. ao* other eaaae iht'l B'g.ert o-re-.

. ;,.,.. or I ' '..» . i-port tnd ed .eall.i otwh ;iib. I>e ilnertr^t by her

bi p; rl|bt, to bar *.a aaat Mlraappplkai .eaaeBTBlnpt aad tlifl paroiutt of her owu

'..Irr.r arii. . -t aad thei pti.e ,- ,:,'.r,. at.d .oter-

i aimiop t-e aaoie or

I ib miie bf or tk*B ,ib he.,. r_,....;,, pravtda .r oi . >..

pteBflaakk wift aed il.i dren.'!» w,f- ma. Miid n.ti.e MaH» 'PD'.i, eanip a tbe laaip aiar.-

DeruIlereefti r lt t ¦ '. u *v"~m-

pBl re M ti r."i rah'p nr.BtPd by ibe tal-.T. tbar the motli-r»"d_id he

.... . Her ihallcuar.lian ef lb '

t,e latlrr ie aa ,d rl-aa'ii. i.,tt'r el aurh -hlH U tb. bl i.a-

Brlkaa.* eooapeteat. a. all Ib » r

.inaekt tu auch a|I 81 IKV IIISIoRT.

Mr. Batciotderii.: fite oopiet of the PocaakMitary Hi-t.-ry of tbe

(-., b nu nib. r. affieer an.l reparl -

Mr. CuBTOBBaeTadtBiadaeetheaBBba t,. ua.- eoyyfer ea , , ,

XI ¦ orl n *-.-< th.n ade. ted AyiHayi -

Eallev. Baler.-J 'aidwia '..r.-oar

rreei-aa. G_*_bo* (pott, (rrabeai Hatca II rldge .-aback,.,, blath-a llutrliii,...!.. Miaeipt llnlcl it-aoB. Jty,

M.gB-e. M. .. »ta.r i

-.- Seele- ^bB-

U. tv. v\, v. M *'v iatl\ V ., kk .i_. V. ._ -. j I Vk, -1 k> Wjvi

V,. -, i .... J .'.<-.-<.¦ n a . Cim. I-pp. L-ti. M

I'atBe. I'pteia, Ropa, >a.'arB. U P.

ie ihe anrunl n iel*r_toa wbk h ia adopted alwayiattiii- k i :d ne if imbra,.-a .-.[-k of each

t. rthii-te ia tht rtkria-ty of|._, eo. The i tatary af State, it wealdapj tar, L.u but Bfida liba

[By T -i.

r.i r > i.r ti- a raiBB im.X, ar M u '¦ liw Yurmi.

K. la * -awhoctPdey ilpir b-thaa . aa ._ro-

.; tr. of the.: cbllilrea Patae.lToaatPBdi'' iwMaal a_ ri.rp.r_iioB-to n bap av

rei'oo arrlt»rea lt jr - . *

, i ' . i

.;.! 1't.ped\Ai. tt e i bajier tf ibe Br >oi u


Fil. .> BBBB * IBIBB Timeflpgalallat Iba ignd rl ftmii.

.1 - . "l l'_aa_... ... bl-g_am.jB

-rnrate tbe Amen. an t a:i*J tompanywa.« debated. on n m.->t;"*i to m-ommit, unt::


t r.l tttejto aid Hobaii aad ' i WMta

tahla and aehflh.* n

Tte Ceutral Ikaiboad kaa eb eed a_ 'he dram tk; ro_t

Tiig 1 t ir . K in Ibe arrivalg by ti.

atoaad .MaryUnd teem to be ;¦. l Btrti tive tbe ." of l anaa'.a. BB many in

the _. otl n. raaa-lrcait" B.I be bflt,.rv'.. ¦ and eoaventd with are

rtaail ^ a_d if tb -y improve,¦

wialbe valttable a-ec«-h'n* to'ourel

oll"--BU) Pl.e-1-B '. '

e. t an-

adad tv th. i t. K K iibe rute, for !¦

tafe thi-uith withoot .t..|ri>^;e Tney are froat KeatBc-y,and are worth ahoatMM [DetPMt Deeeera.

TIIE OAIK-- | s -Ui ATY ITS 8ECEETHZSTt 'R r-LE 1 Tl l: Fi M MR i l


___T_MB_B: 1 I Md ioq-iT-ralreLta cef4 in v o* p '-ct af

- B-L Ur*

¦BMfl tn lc.«r cii ob*»n*roa.Tt-.: oTrtap-it-den *e BBM *


a a . 'h ** t in qt_«>t.T . '' -" wint of hw I. or tn-epa*.-: BB8BBB _..

may bare b-ec tr»a.4- by otn- ¦1« r.r.d tr BBM

it La. beea deaatod aaeeaoary to en_rr»f; n jon oar

z. tht: tsar CtoBBBar f*_mr. ot re-r-tt. r al n-*-;oL- I t'"'-""

irr« M a:: I 18.88 ¦'.

lipa are rot t* * g-.f. at tatl -". "'¦ r *v : -, 3 1 I 18

-hay- the

bMBBh a In ny own >-*>¦ tk *e p*_-»-_ anihtre '-reated the m 0laa tr i! .¦¦-.,¦ ,.u* of

ar. adtiTP__ry. and ti*- ioaI .v, r.i . r : a... B r the;

r.a'ur* < fthl ¦Cc..*- ¦are, tto aDa

tioa af a«.i .¦;¦ a

beMnoTtd fnimi! . of the n aMe .n r-l*-ontothe ( alYaaty. aad -

MB, v afD a.-" ar.y <\' iny frieadi *hmsy fall opon thi* ba_r*y BOta, th-it not au hour wi baa pa on a* I an pr. .'

icgTitaty.yiL.hh..-' I.eiootr*o._-i ,fi. :r> r c: :i*.".>

It tcuvint to tofeopw at »h;a BmtbM any ejj- i 1

r ..' tiel imion th» j>\r afI

t. nxiddlirv* <n rnine in i-onnetton wuh tbe n-

red to ia dt-oroed to a rertain a I: >)

if I.... ,t jum laa a tii." I

tto ra i ab h bai

Bt, -. paiMr- tle a! W A-y of

(.nadfiit!* B-dalgo at:d the a-'.tlniif". .:.ary<nt of -H'» li"" w .. '; -il .''

.-de. aicitabi" raflwai n ut. pouth ot' tli" i:..a li rar > Iaaaal Mntory freeatto "tp°:


fcrar!jBitir(.*tb(-T*r ka leasagaiaM.- a tto

ABMtieaa l ¦-.<!¦ r.- of a grant ..f a traaeii-way aerea Ihe[Mbatai o' lOhaaM bmIj eaiad the "Gatay

r t' L aay one afOrlathen any thiig aa lerj

tione ir the to IthM tblaTnatyi ..¦.-.

rieo a* to give rite to ir,:-r M irrogak '' Bt

Kow. il I am to f-n-d.t t'. .1 by Thk.I -i, j,- \r .' ble in nCar-BM to tbe

nt; for Atr

iai. n_"i axdrol.b'd hy HsiAnoth-r » im .!

that I wtta ;Ltcre.4ttd in that q-p-.f'nn hr... ;hnt t' Ml

| -. bsaa bbi athfaaj t~\t\ la aqa beaaarr of dhpatr.aa to tl liotor M M dco! A third " ti. and u

r tho SoaaM a bMorof Mtao oddroaaod to 0,. 1 1 nr.i I Bl .

Batnitai lha daiaa if /Inarlran rjtirrma agalmf U'i' e AaMrleaa pahHc .i>urt t>< a___e*elj togetl-

or equ-illy ob'iviou*. of jniti.e, if it be rirptiaed that the

rttoOaray CoacaarioB Moald boaebnoa:.nd fi.'Vidid 1'c.r -ii a generid T'eaty wi.b M v M ThM

! .-¦ no Ii a tL iv i'.n

\. luti.-nnry and antogoai ti" Admiairtra'iona oft! i Mixic.n (lovernoxnt Thr iii-h:.4 Mraaaaale i*om

n.anii*'. n at Li. h :t Mibiaeod VM aaEBBBB. IMg-l by ti.uAda i.-i f IIr Pl ik ai a rt af 1' l_ I MdollAiT and w .-Ti. ..'. Bdy,lt waa ebralaed eidaaaa, Hr. Claytoa, aadar tho Ada___ratoa,.i (i.n Taylar,vary prop-r'y Badertaoh to eo<ure it.iad

-I. r aa pahto by traMyMlBaaaiaBa Thtre tfi-.rta w.r" contiinaid aad eOBBj.i> Mr W, 1 t r ui.d. r I'l.¦*;..'( n* l_to> - Tto .-rnate efthr I't.itrd Sin'.e san. tiotitd the Conventioo np..u thia

_>. i. "t 1 y au aln,n-t u- ar.imnut vote Peadtog thi* Conn, p. rm'.Pr'on wa* obtaJnad from the .Alexirtn ao

ttot._.I to niali.- a eurv.y oi' the I-thtr.'iP. ;n ard I.!.' rmice prop. riy wbat n-itulationa the Aaaat._aO~ii_mtnt ahould BB.Mtdba by law to 188888 iia riiizena

BgaJaM aaarhhaM tranrit ihergea and a dnt-ini M of Ito Naaaaal -> n »'. a'ith two A«ai.4t-inta, waa

litia.l. >! 1 l "i.r tluvin rn.-iit to aid ia tbra ita f-r^ 1 il.'y aid raBM thu- BaBBBM baOWB. 1 ' :-

18 were art on i.*.t in Haaies t. breal down ttothe Conv.Ef.oa it*rlf wae fkjeeti'd by the

Mixif an ContmM tha part oi thi' sr-aat whiehthe ri^-bt af way waa NNMlad at d tl.e Pirvi yMg partyr..'-ntd t", wlii h bad BBM or_..i.i(<! at an aaafMOM..i-<LPt-. wa* for. iblv e>- e'Je.l fn-m the eOBBMy, nnd their

... and other j.p ptrty 11'* aird. The-"f there outr-_K<*, afu-ran angry toi trovirey b-tweea t!u-

rpufth. twoi'.'.unti-M.-M. ie'. trtd by I'nail. at

Pl ii. re totl.e S< iitt.- >.f th.' Cnitrd ."-it-e and tbe K-portof tb« pr per Coa_dttao oa thi .' eoMrfyotl t vc'idity of Ihl grant in Amtrii aa bai.dp aLd iu irr>'4_tim] urtani 1 to Amerii an in:

mi. a waa the poManol (hiaqaaaBaa at lha advmt of

ttoptaaaMExi adn laa acmm.r th.' M.mpaa Con

\tntion..oC:pt-Kd of ath'oi-i rul b.nlia.r b,.-ia.-*e tn.-n ofi_ih, by a vote of foui .e-n Stateo to 88B, atlirmtd the

I :.. r iai imponan- e of th* *ran*it way, and iu

BpOfl :tr pn U< :;-.n h' tto 1 '.i'l- of th.. Q_BM_ 1 may * BMhapotioM aiiiinierentirg fett the Arr.tri. an M I 'i_? i).).'..ti»tioL8 obtained fr-.m thi Eaga h M.ii.ater re*i-¦Jrtr in V> Atioan adm:o.-i..': -. * n thia grant wa« in

h l.fiiitii. biB (Joverni:.eLt;t''Tiid the pro.'-i't M thel_y, who reported adversely to iu ea

nnragiBenl aalik' - .r Mar vlven-*..-n'opman t'onaneie*. than upon their owa eoi,. ur

rii g in the op_icn of Lkui. Moury probably. tbat, by thengof thtet latl-.m'on route*. tbe Atlant.c

.. drra:i_y BMB tlev-a M foOrtMOd3\p iai! ntaitr to BBBBBareial [oiru bt/ond Cape Ilorn

aLd the Capeof Good Hop.... than th'***- of Engltnd now

ar< 8B advantai.'epaffi'-ient to ac.-are n ultimate Amerir-an tr'i:rrrh ir tl gntt etni,- ¦ Bg on for the


i: 1 ... r*il ii. .-trattt by inrroda iug theae deta:'-* in

th I phBM i» the pnpri'ty of -*-turiLb' goaie detinite 4it_o-

..-. a;v ui iu. faahaiaa qnaatfaak and al_-. the. who are daa/ a- lln_: inauitand

tat'.. injoriea wbieb cert_kio entr-rprutag AmarL-aaaLtvt alr ai.y guiT. r»d, in ee* -1 p*> ire the I*enefit8 of apr»a prejoM to thtirown eoantry " l>h_tActepec gw:n !.eLt n - lha 888BBBBMld f* appvllation of 8 m a-ir>

ri_-t_*.t_ k«reto'tie withoot reBrrve by the mxt intellt-ctuai af our lUteeroen, and tLe mo-t upri.'ht %nd iat-:iii--ea:of curi.-i7.i_*: To t'avc* ia -xl nded r_Iway eommunicat-n Utw,*__ tLe AilaL.i.* atd IV.;: '---A. _nd to p-otide for iu tjeedy ampiefcon c-ven by Governaaynt aid, ie

ia rc- d aoBEd i*criL-tJn a» the pr- * nt momcnt and I anb-:,- the j-oe;t. n "i U how it shoolJ. aL a? once, kare

btveme an i-Aidt.i:-.e of .¦on_pt-_n and trmd '.- a rvt in Amerit-an lunde ancther aventu- U.-twi-t;:itbo

raiEt- rt>c7oE8 n»u<' -r'f our al the _reMwcMlwaviof ii c. : | .

^ So awo. I am x>uil* d to Bnic'stand - hy tbe w.-onga« *.-»«-" Amer can tiliz-n inT. I --rvofa

I n ic CuLa t'.-¦a'.d .-Li-nAL-. '.-J-fant __:.

K__ the -ur th vt a portbetUm-ra2jrk_tt..

- Mr loaBea inM- ii. c ar* laaMhy f OM '¦¦ tttm a rajmpahy'

.T_kly. and p-ha'-O all I i

pieea mvalf npoB tb*-*r point*. atd a-eo :L.-,..- _ '.u^e&jby

vtrywhero to be oc-i otiM af eara aad a -ir*.«. ea tto pa -r owa.

\_: I utta.'iy icd l

. -.; a MBBB-IJ M ¦-> ¦-

erLiMnt cto >Mb e np. a any tov-h Bthjoet I *_iia:*tien wa* mr mi**- hy m* throagh tbe tnetna

ofany ^pr-foOTed iOTMBrt-oM' or ottorwiOT. uii r- -

to any grant «tlaim whUe-rer No " myaaroo* letfar.''bm- tke Lffiiial a__U2Bi;iv-4, wb«a all ara p-biiabed aad ox-

,'.-... r. ha " *UfltA"al cobt"a. ¦' v

%bWr BB t' raa'.-ad l\r..

Bd«*Bd to tr* pe_B_4-Bl tktmrr.

a da i

Ihkea Bta

tne.i. . reaaat.v Jl.l.,.. .-aa-.J-f.c'.-;'.. lai-:,-'

i -.>!.- trB-E-OL.

I-.¦ .pp»r*r.J tn Tkt Ci:

Cmtrttr a Bfltot.¦ tbe penik'ular ty af thcir cet I

n tba pea-bto-e ef e baatyra . a- l ut_»

L-tt r, ti.. Baaa n-cinM-aof toa BtBabt t!-y w-re BBB-Bh-Bfld U uot wrirte. b.-

Ihaa aittola b hi -

at grtnt l>. tbe ri n ab*.*i .'ii.- C mv. l.ti .(1. nikle Wb-avwt BB

berraiaed o_r bazecetite II and tke-ian the

ition of that _tbb', anl «..' .1-

wa, ; , gj i sr it rim i ITTBB; andted au in li

it lueh aeoi abl*.'.


I. treati a >w

i;-.,..nri-v. ... adl ahieha

rryto tld.O. ¦ 1- Qadadac .

I al...... 11

. . BtoM .-n.-ht to pay every¦. rieai ain

Whal presrtoty i*a aayeaeaaaa nt aitorlhlB th.: th. __...-1 oi ad


tfl '.I.-ti- lt wn. bl ¦ tha:¦'... aaahanaaBBBBB which mn«

BtoB ag a a. tt in.-ni betwfl... 1 :ind par

r id -bfl .'. I: B-gfl,r, m ;>. b af a uanaarlia bj wbJ. h Ib

jniehm'-nt of oet-aia anartod a

ti.! lb* m qabtrl-B ti eertata pt.viie_.-e. wen t. paytfexke laga iBflaaaaBej ekbeB a i \ aaH

18] *a> eturn*. ladeai l-BB th_B kBft a.tinll.

¦gata aad agata h a bb-wbiiI hy ^ Beileaa a-!'\,n. r it. BkMB II" i-r.-v.-t.vd |.v ially.

tt leaat,) a dlplnaahi Btaapt x' hdaa tatad ih. p a laa m

la.mtd bj -.ur Oe-reraaaal flpea __¦ iBbaBaa t-aattoa....,i ,. aad BB-ty Ior the

ppo'iatiot. aid " B-tadeef 4BialitathetorBBol -l .. I amawarethat.-.

,: gupp rl ef tha tttmrn elataB an.l pr*.Moftb* LeBfldBatMiatl laaah ent.relyCaMaet am. r.iir. nt« A -treaaatoaee whieh, ia.

hanbk jadgaea beaa-m.prBt-e-rerj UtUBeieepl ti.*t

tfttf :n_.h ta any al-tgatl unda fa**or_i-m, on the paai tt the Pinhiaa. toward tba Oan.

ka Oaa. Oadpankalan tt toatt, te hata qaaa ae jaa a eea-epl "

nbat in dae to ifal-naal rrr-----, '" iVattaanl _e.;..tia: er.t an _mb wbe kare ret iaaad li taben

I mn*t be pardoaed breddtag h-r. ta tba aaaf tbe gBBial r tmntf bia BBg

,,,,, nttoaarj ba-kn baa ail I eaw aad haardwheaH Mfa-rar-btototheUaBBd-tobBMB-y

,. eb< aid i"> obtalned fr-.m that.ouotry Mwertoar;t rc-t-'rtiDf. to m.'BUe that artfl. lar tn Ati-r

;. an m_itre.oil trom w t'i * orn Bba epeaiy ad-BaB her

[Mbj] -ie UaHed St.itee. and any mat-ri al ad| caa only be MMBBd by de-.-nding to

a lineot action wbich. ta individ-al l.i'.-, wou .1 attmp a

i tbaa-trlVBtoeef ebratoaehetlyliut I will not BBtoad thll I- :t*-r,,* alr-aly paa -I

aaytotod at rheeommen aaaat, in betogeaailj tad B raaa k apoa anaeof-M aaaaral fea

t.r.i ..;'.'. Ir.'iiy Wb lo m -at "urelv tber-' ii B

ia th'- jin-ent per*. nai r. lali-.rie katBBBB Q B OadsdaBand BryaahTthateeald tadaeeare-BB J-attfyaaytatape

aa my pnrt in regard toiaBaaBaaa npon him or tbe

Trant) I hata da n.e.i _ dne to truth and j-.t'e a 'hui to

¦ infatattaa af bia ba*rb_g been in *ny dee/M laBaeaeed mt Isd by an ta bta Maataea aeejatBttaaa a.d v

BB time BB. Bl] Ifl dhaeew. in my own bahflK hav

ingeither violated or afleesded any iaatraetfoaastr.d to my chajye. iMeagreeable ae it a'.waje B l-t

le to v, |-j i.. t.lowtd witb even flfld-Mry aen-ib.bty to

- ¦! into publw appealfl and dh-BBBBBB of thi. na

t-r. 1 ter. vr the iBBIBBri lo my fr eudi that I ihall not

ihriah iiuui auy ald.ti -nal riadtaettaa abtah lataaa*aaa_mnv (...mtoriqaireet my Iianda C L Wabb

BbpflMfflHi vpnii B_CHICAOO

4 orreiroo^eace of Th- N Y Tnbaoe(ni. aee hTriday Apnl l i-.i

A vi ry BgfllBaaaB fa. t:- that of the prataB af the ck-ri.-ai body af Am dty and af the Betth w-tf aajahal ti..- BaIrvka luii.uity. At the BBBBBg hed kflBB rcc-ntiy, thevarioUi.Chr.atiaodenominat_:ng aanIB BBBI Bl '¦ ¦it tm oi" proteet wm adopttxi nnsnimooily It h to b<? ir

i d r. ti_."n. nt tl..- aaa and wdl soon make iifl

1||IMBBra in Cor^rte*. aeveraJ thoueand oamaa M

tacb*d So far a* I can learn there ie not a minipter of thewbe *. I al ftadry arraal h maeif .,f BBa e|

:k «|fPiin>t thia alximinable m hemeaa fTlBg-a ft ft Tb. form of the N« ?* Ko^taad

r. t. t waa pur-n -,,v *A pta U in atd. r to 'h M that tbe1 coaefitae-tB of Maata Deagtae, Patttt, dw« m

f.r Ir ui viilding ag". nt to tbe outra_eoua t»,eitim tiieytoil. a-to'iheri^hti and dutiea of tbe .litrgv when tbat

-. aaa ptMMBtod ar.- r.edy. one and i-

their eat* rn breihn n Strong rie.dut.oni were

m tbe n.« etin. afl raili i: the ri_-_U of mimttcrs toarl.e trtr. _atitei of Ire. rneu ani eitta n.

iirtapiy of tbe aaaaaaa aBaflal t-r -_

wtl! ae 'i.. irk ..... a .You mav BtBBhd nj-.n it th- B r_ BaB ilflBBBd

on tliie lubj*. t. and tbat the Nebraekam ivemeat ta manufaetnrini: anti Blattry a. ut.i.ient i_at*r tbaa aayttiagtbabaa ev.r i. _rr.-.l Oar ity ta and ever hM been. thei*r. Dith. ld of BBt! B n». .re b* re T^y a"

trtaads of freadoea. 'Ihii i* ou- of th-aU-.f tbe _j.der_roni-l r.__roe,d. and we li'iv. a very

ttat of eond ictora, and «:veral direetorfl r*j

are fre<,ucntly paaaing throughr. nt* for ( aciiia. _____*_.r_midet..prepareour statefor

a -tmnijle Ior Ihe Mtii.e. Law at tne nett llflfltlMState ('..iiventioLBhave b*en held, u.-tre ig au el

th (' .unty, City and l-.*rn A.atiiilie.rv, iad an a. tite Kte-utive'Parka fearle of V. nao-t, Berwia of' *» »l>t..r. ol New York. J.wett af Maflaachto-tit, and Haie *..i

aarsto ta-Ma Ihanaghlylha Btaaa^Baa «f*np ai_e of them ar..- Bow at wo.-i "t"""!

,' i atoeretoryaai ..--ueral

...,mmitte.,andB K IU-.Mi. ation in thit city u.-xt we.k of a new 1

aaaer. 2 . Mu.tu Utr AUtanre, ,^a* i treedeeatarl-

i ion.' It ia aatoniBhin^ what a at_mb'ir ef Aaivntrate here. radiatinf ldte the ribr ef a faa m every dip. atha aa aat ia tha- af Ba Laiie. VS e are noa ._

n aitb tbe -l."»_-i;i.i at two poliIpland, a.d dr.'_ tbe «umm*tr ahal,

many ctberp.a. *e in-m |).-ba.,oe V, 8t Louia. and hy ne.l,>ir at pebB far.her nortb and at Cairo ot th

roadl ai.l abe -everal nf them eoon rea-"h ti:i Iowa »t.i .M;--.-uri and will divert, ad tbey are ai-

r,,.;.. ia it n.euee amoant 4bt l. * *'n

m LflBB aaitaatoa. eiteodi-g to Lak.:_. aBaattoa aad I-ake, in aaother, -

*¦ u:h »e«t htirtettoa, we hate a canHl to the IuM-toaawaktt <. : BB »-d _¦_¦

v ti liut 1 -haii :.'-'- entok-J*l.aaB of Cai;' i

V bai iat.. be witn the maaa ot > "[''in ber* I ki.

rnir i» herd M work, np n.;* 1".'. raBtadaadt-al'ita--. - kdvai».-ing- ir.

ii aiot-Ldeellit agBHiia*' .»..*.« . -\.'edvance. >or i. tii* aa a-Leeiihy «tU <>t U.i__a M yet

.: na] growtoIwiH mn **y But tboa Ui ru-ee are tv>t Verond wbat U rt-aonabl-. It ia '.

.Jitobfin have been made by the r -e .n th

ol^property. ln . peafBBj-tUd 1oaaii HUtorv a_<i tou__ere« af O_~-_0. tae

_B_Be.ofia.ver_ in.iirMl»ala are giren who porchaaodtoad oriiriaally. "it- tbe pr_»*>ut vaiu- wbich it beara. At

...m.-e. wt bave oai- pneeconUiatag tao Uta thacoal

,,-. .,. ,. , . v.,*Mi ti-a.r--) AiotV* -**a .1M.VA

- l.__r. i .. .1

r-* w: ld»W *V.| ** I 4T»»0.i.LB'aea

. bkdia

i a'./ioa

¦*- h*- aoaa*f . v-.

._! Wi-1 Ihe .801*08*8



f|Jtl 4 l t P A Iil ___-_B i IAI fi/t'-'l.A.VWoiX.

_...,.., .'' .-.. 08B-

aa a.-... ahaad M ay plaaa to aaBaraai r*r

r-r<tI rdway A* T C wM it a

.*iB*OTB-.IUk8? itoaa


-.'' ."U'fa7.| . ,-a'T MM,H-iAdw*y.

rcoived tl at 1 _¦:. wta > aad «.__¦a ... ito i..t. »uitry aaa,MaaaM0O«

.- y."h thr i.t.i'ii'fi' ran ¦ * BBeoaBBBitoaaa

. | .-...._-alhja_.ii th-y i.-a-

.all an Iroa--.tbr.M».a* loaadv. >. "« '_":»Ml 1 oi caa f-«li.ypp-ta*law*i H/oal.**. ta

' -*--?lu-rre nlbe, Irce atltw oi ih* eir la Br-o*d.e. - . » la-B-

... i.t>»-al ia*

¦ u oaphrr* oflhe .t..ree.tia uiakla* to-.r^uaa tlaor ol ta* *44w-

ac- ...-OalM

-. ai.biia* i j-ac__r|*_alhr-*BB

.... ii.gta.Mia>. - e u-ia«. rh* '".raaOTll___¦reaaaB-aa

Btoarta walk. ro reeroOT aaa.l aM" te te b44i-

, -ll2B_Hi..*.,-l.Vi__k-. co-nplele m.>r*a. I do BM

..- aeaalt,! . eweh ..( ih- h.liaw> **l*4

.-.ilH* ettrae.w-eM8*l BM *«¦

r.- . « o..w ., .i« .aaal ,r.r- a. -

. i ¦'.. .iv a* da,1 .,, a:-. . '1 .lCtl0B*a.l Bto-tiepli.rt* P'*B*t*. I CIB-

io a* ' .'¦«A«ipp*r_.,_,! oe iuia>*n_i* noaal ef eaHB-

poar.r,: ic. i.aer «.(, wo.. o w* h.y.a*!,,.,,, a a. .neu.hnnlliiiiieo qa.Bi-n**Iniri- -I . 'b< etaiiH* . t.> ile inrat* l ,o*« ih.lera tfitli

n lk, . . tha B*h baaaa at aet* **_¦..¦0,_,. .-' weit ta.iItoa>

g. _»..ulil ool a. lapw * By 10* el .Kl... otii pro

.rct.c.. .'

. *** bOTOThM..:* ar. te b* laid OT I.di* labtOT,

1 .*aeaa.e w .a

I '' *** ..acka. - _B aaaaa. -..-.-. ,j uada

ll*_o ak ... ..¦ >

i r»l( ht.e ,-tref.!!v w-ilB-d «<.'. >hjea--,lli that e*a B.# ta.dwajj aal 1 aa otMotM

, au.l .. er-tt, ihf >h-y hy >ir .ye_r

.ne iiL*d»iulit'i-*»* leBirava.d* ma-riia ia m« «l

r* eer'-ne ehjael 8OT wi'h BB hii t*e*a tb* *pp**r-. pa "'.' ''.'Id

eipg-adyi«ihB*i Mtotaeert -.itetf.- un."-*ih* «aine itil* ot urh.tcet.te pr...._,>* hy ik*

*i»tre la f "Ol taf B8 "-», " C « l h* k.

..n- ,.,.,-, ., ir-li. aui palaied ead, aa et lh* toa eteae.

Xu ,,, ...oMb«»*l.*.!Bi-eMof_r*,a. j th-.r.ia. ageot ih* fuad thir.IBUiiJiett.jea

vl,l .,. w * .Ub wiaM he la, . ..-i., th- Iwilaaatt-atl ra* ?.**«

wheau walla aaw fall ¦. tto eealM m. e.u*. alk-im dew.Bei. Itt vai'ie h.aMth

. *i-netei aPiihr4 a-.d n-y*.***il Inf Th* r»na.aovMb* a ,.,',...ut toth* h .'.ii.gk-liil. tue upperetoiiM woald

,. do in ",, t t. -uiviag MOTM *aJ haildlaa*.

. Ibadoa* _.rlo,,t r.nioa . | r- ra-e. a.,1 th .e _Mw ,'k hel ,w h, etorll g a

rad iwiMge liier the i*rr-_* .aay*. ahU*. BBOTOTl l*. ..

, ..if.eni 'h* f*cillti*. fot .iigtirew,.... teatwaj m

betaa ..ndaAov.Inpsalegra B-ec|*iar. aad . ka lh* T.rrw. wi»

ind io.iie. w.'h an iroa lalliog llk*-wtooaboxl ei.l.i A' ut,...|.it<e -th ...I-. wouid ... lh*

o rir,,,.iwiy wh.r*,1 aia ii * iMOT e.'f.*i

Tl itotn I. nt,,, i W..I.I ad.i le.«--i. f" ibev-.Be o Braadwiy, aal gt-at'yi ii* bwio-a .a to* i i. » raciiaa i .*._.- ..po.B

rtraaaci* ta tto City, to Tiew au.i «a_'-e tei* inagairi-,-ot ei .ct.ire and lo enjoy Ihe p eaule of B .4lk 01 a fid. aaay

... IHU] lh* :.»era'.*eti. laad "h- or..|--' *h-lplag htad. ¦

.,.... .ti)'ob-:i..t,y. J-JilArt Aki(_KKk4.i*__,I oaj-ray


; -. i /

.-nt Ttopab. -.t'"i.tiou hav;ng born rslledof lato t»

tlie |la<i- ¦>( I'onnoemt-nt, n>m.f havi d- *>n-ed to knuw

what kin.i "I i.i'-p'ion wr m«t with fr >m tbe _BMMB M, ur v n <-itii..:*). and what u.t-tr.a they feel in tbaaatahtohaaiMa* al.iirery^

I w 11 anewtr b.irfly Nev r bare I bean ir.ore ortial fe Iii .. th-.n w. re ni-Ui'foeted by the ioUjaMB Of IhlO OM BBahaaM and nerer bare i proa'-hedf.i a o *re eti-intive ai.d rOBBB l,u! MdMMB All appoar to

unl.i.tand ai.d enfer with Bp'rit BMM thi oiei*ei«ea,,_(., nrlbaatagiag Mnny who. l»y mi-firtano,Bl ii tl ir » ni bon Bi* iii!oili/.nt well .'dui-ated, au I .wof.i la tb. ir il.'iiu ,.i or MBay i kn..w,

ii,e "f tbe |i _-- lari arn alravly apa i.i.-iin_r, »ix erotohlmob

camo forwsrd M ttoir own ioato aad tha tha,,rai .! rn.i'" that rutn wa.. the ihief eau»o

of tbelr .1:111.11 aow have M888lhhkg*to¦ ml tnlk al.unt <>f a iI4BTAAX-B li'ier to im;.r .*.. and

l Ihoort. Itoer ttaao, oap-ietoiythela i,ow v. r. ilitler.-u'ly 8888-, and th ir ;..uni-

Shll th-y _:r.:Vly iieadaaddoaira aubrary ibbm A* thuy aro wiih

bi andwfthoMoMj loyi >. <¦' Itoirttaao aai aVooatoaiini.t to aeeaated ettkt how nnd if n..t euu-a.'.id io tliMahkh i* K""- .d aasflU, tbey will io that whiob i* badrn i! burtli.l

I be duty, *hen. of prorid_-| facOlttoa by whieh they mayget an.l d<- tfi-nl. fall» "um- .here

It will ie t .i>. t. throw ii ba-'k upon them, (m it it outf ii rir pewM to praaara eu-h.nt IsasEao ar« afaha

I ,-j.rk'f.d Wt ataat ii-.t laarait with tha pablle. No.' ma-t t-ll BBOa the hum uie tlie HoWOrdl, the friendi oftho prtMear aad tto a_araaaid I imagin.) myae'.fon-l L. d tot MOMho, .-r it may to for y*ar», Bnythingt.. aaaatoi ». adad >»r i" nothiog to ia bM bt bro./dBTer-M-ara paM Bow iaplatabla I lu *u<-b aea**. I

what utiutfirablf gralitude f rh.aldtow .' ttooa aa* aroaM rallare thi* dwadful BMaM

bj hy i'l'-' iag aaaa u.-- foi raJBan w,thio my r«e,«fb.Baeb b tbo eowlitioB of th.-ee whoea i»u-!e I pl-a-l. Wo\.iint un f.d h.xik* of al! kiada blstorleal, trientiflit, mor;,| ar.i! " thow the importauee of tbia matter,I will rtitearaite Two of the BBBBai who .iguel thapleilvt" I, ¦ B88 BB**8,8r8 Kenni--n Wheo I BMB8B,. tbi a i. v B-Bfto to rai«e a lit.rary for Ito -n

ihieb.'.- ,aaaaftho poaag bm oroiiiajad,' Ob,f_r,Iti known inl aiao Bkontto age, We be»o

and have h*_fl nothintf tn do or"i.ii. a.! iluiingall tlii-time II I ."oul 1 haveha.1 a l.-iok

BBrigMlaa I Uiiaht h-i*e imprured myetlf in my"profeasii u Lut nn it i* tlno-e t.ioe month. have Ihxjo

W e d» *iie ti> obtain ooob-2 rolumrt, whieh may be ma.

er.d ttuc.'d Ior yeaia lo .oiue. <>r tbo tueane to rr. iro

ttoaa.BoreweweaH expriao'ir thankfulnrag to Br W af

*ny nnd Mt*-. of Heary M for their kind a»-

ur loimer appeul.An-. paf'-.B dt-ir ri_r raurr partii-.lur informaion. may

t by r..n.i-.ui, BtSog wirh or eaU 'ig upon the Mia-n af tto Taath Wan Ba Kiviag ona, or nn

Mr Mnith. ihe hooaar of the jad ta Lllnda-e-rt onar 111--¦ r- L-


Bfl TisuLr.i McDobalb 'n.i* waaarn-ttd Ly tl.'Sin r if of liavideon Connty, "ii ".un.lay«..-.. n a of foriree- _;. ¦aaOltar ( ..urt, now

( aaaly .liiiee Maaly pPMUtofl h**8iii lt ia pLi»!ii ly rumorod tbat he .%»

1,, r. . lu. t to.* >ears, forgliigtho naiiMBin Lai.k, anrl in m ire nrirate traaeaetiooa.

vfc r,o arcurate pi-rr<>nal hn/wl. ifjt of the nnmhwrMM80* thanapamtaaOk bot we are lo-l l* boliero

that they i-.m-.uct to many ttoaaaad I dtan He »- ar

b front tto Coaaty ti FjoiByMO, f»r a

for_i-r-, i ..n,mitted on _to MBM B-_l The _reet, aod-....... wi. h ireieued it have kept tbe public

:. aador bbrb azcBaaaaM L.r mor* thia awtfck. No u,au enjoved * »!_» *l»re of pat-lie

..ic thin dU M.-Honald. Krw if mt, hadw ann. r or more nBrnerou* ai.d we-thy frteode. W ealthy pr> perty boing aatijaMed a betwroea eittyand tawenty iboaeaod doliare, * xoaodiag tbe anoaotof allhia lia' .lit..- hy *-:.. .aanl-bia crimiual coLdu-1 lAnna.t ea»ilv be a naiBaf BaT. liiaopera- taaaa, .,t« ti *u-h a ntt-xns aatad* almoM eoiirely Uie belief aay tieaitcn of abao-

Ict. fraud.I' ,*. We to ti from a fer,.l-_.w who rvnn 0

that MrlJi-oald waa a_n.tted tolia the anm of bftneu buadrt-d doliara. __ .

(ia-tonry (« C.) tV___«toaeB_. a ' ii .at .r thi CMima.aaoiaar

taat. lunilar to tbM of iba t-tabrated H_n*hCor*oraa.ha/ .-. aned in CharU-atown. Ue** A /.ri. nemod Cato

v. wa. by fcer widowatO tD-ither to one

LyC*ton. *etm*,«urrt;,.t.U'oaiyoi:iir. . p*i_i* iM

rd^i-tberrewrntotairt artn-. ti... rr.r.Ld The cbot ia to h* tned ia tboMiddl*-

* D be odo of i^OTBMrablajf^____*Lw auekdy prodn«_- c-BOT_Uraata '^<^"",'l»**,t.w r. 1 be r-ri, in tbe ___t4_ta, retaa_na in tto faai lyof

-re Fai^tiMa by P^aaafoa thr «rtati..,ther l. a Caiolie. aod tba roaiootioB ia raaaod by a

daaara on tto ooe boM » BBBhajP>~'i«_i MJ_^ .* aneOort toprareot tto eLtW lrom tarMkiB. tla foi- ua

wUb-U-**___! fo** boMioar*-.