the jedi way

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  • 8/12/2019 The Jedi Way


    The Jedi Way

    This Collection is intended to be used by the Jedi candidate in conjunction with his training in the ways of "The


    The Force is an energy field, which is generated by all things and has been theorized and experiented with, since

    the origin of an. The Force was soewhat understood by the yogis and artial artists of the !ast. any of these

    lessons ha#e e#ol#ed fro their studies of "$i" or "Chi", and "prana", in association with the uni#ersal life force.

    The Force encopasses e#erything, both aniate and inaniate. Without the Force, there is no life. %t is the

    $nowledge of the Force and how to anipulate it through the power of the Will that gi#es the Jedi &night his special


    For any of you, this series of lessons will be as a seed planted in fertile soil, which will in due tie put forth

    sprouts which will push their way gradually into the sunlight of your consciousness, where they will bring forth

    lea#es, blosso, and fruit. any of the fragents of these truths which will be presented will not be recognized byyou at this tie, but in the years to coe, as you continue to train and progress, you will recognize the #erity of

    these ipressions, and then will you a$e these truths your own.

    The student, who is in haronious sypathy with his teachers while learning the ways of the Force, will establish a

    connection with the. %n this way, the candidate will be able to grasp the essence of the teachings and to recei#e the

    benefit of the aster's thoughts in a degree ipossible to one who erely reads the words in cold print without the

    use of the Force.

    %t does not atter whether the stateents are accepted as truth by all. Those who are ready for the truth, will

    intuiti#ely recognize it, and as for the others, if they are not prepared to recei#e the truth, no aount of arguent

    will assist in their progress. When a soul is ready for the ways of the Force, and the teachings are uttered in the

    presence of a (ualified candidate, it will be recognized and appropriated. These teachings are just planting the seed,

    and that for e#ery idea which the student grasps at first, there will be a hundred which will coe into the field of

    conscious recognition only after the lapse of tie.

    We do not ean that ) Teacher insist upon the student to blindly accept e#ery truth that is presented. *n thecontrary, the candidate should accept as truth only that which is true for thesel#es, +ut the student is taught that

    before any truths ay be so the candidate ust de#elop and unfold along the path of the Force. )ccept nothing as

    final or truth until you ha#e pro#en it but, if you are wise, you will profit by the ad#ice and experience of those who

    ha#e tra#eled the path of the Force before you. -#eryone ust learn by experience, but others ay ser#e as pointers

    of the Way. )t each stage of the journey it will be found that those Jedi who ha#e progressed a little further on the

    path ha#e left signs and ar$s and guide posts for those of you who follow. The wise an will ta$e ad#antage of

    these signs. Teachers do not as$ you for blind faith, but only for confidence until you are able to deonstrate for

    yoursel#es the truths they are passing on to you, as they were passed on to the, by those who went before. *r

    learned slowly o#er any, any years of trial and error.

    *ne who wishes to go along the path of the Force needs to study the reality of the external uni#erse and the realityof the uni#erse within. -#erything in the uni#erse shares by nature, the sae spirit with the uni#erse. )ll

    phenoena physical, ental and spiritual coe fro one source, and all is connected through the ni#ersal Force.

    %t is one of the duties assigned to the Jedi &night that they should polish day by day the spirit shared with the

    uni#erse so that their relationship with others and the Force ay be in peace and haronious with all.

    The Way of the Jedi is to gi#e life to all things, to reconcile the uni#erse, and to foster the copletion of e#eryone's

    journey along the !ath. )ll Jedi asters, &nights and /tudents should wor$ together to accoplish these things.

  • 8/12/2019 The Jedi Way


    !lease understand that all Copyrights and Tradear$s are legal and % ac$nowledge the all. )s such nothing found

    here should be printed for sale it is here strictly as an aid to research of the Jedi Way in today0s society. Trying to

    publish and sell the inforation found here is illegal and infringes on those Copyrights and Tradear$s. 1ence thereason % pro#ide it free and clear to any that want it.

    )lso it should be noted that the inforation here is gathered fro a irid aount of sources including all the no#elscoics and inforation guides 2including 3!40s +oo$s5 put forth under the /tar Wars ythos. %t also includes a

    great deal of !hilsopy fro #arious artial )rts and -astern ways of 6ifes. )s such. % gi#e full credit to these

    resource aterials and do not clai to ha#e actually written the inforation found here in but to ha#e siply

    gathered it into one area.

    Wisdom for Jedi Students

    % warn you now to proceed at a cautious pace, for the lure of the 7ar$ /ide is all that ore powerful when you rush

    to ebrace and control the Force. /ee$ the 6ight, always. /hun the dar$, always. These words % hope will stay with

    you fore#er.

    When studying the Jedi Way. Just ta$e one or two sections a day. 8e#er ind whether the passage is difficult oreasy to understand, or whether it is a profound passage or not. Just read on fro the beginning of the section, and if

    you don0t get the eaning by reading, then use soe thin$ing, and if you don0t get the eaning by thin$ing, then

    read again. Turn it bac$ and forth and try to get its eaning. Thus after a long while, you will understand what is init.

    %n reading be ost careful not to read too uch. 3ead a little and it will be easy to thoroughly aster it. )ll real

    insight fro studies is gained in this anner. )fter all to understand the language of the text is one thing to

    coprehend it0s full eaning is another.

    %t is a coon wea$ness of readers to understand the superficial side without catching the hidden eaning of what

    is written.

    The way to a#oid this wea$ness is to spend soe real thought on it. )t first, you will find that this understanding

    re(uires a lot of energy, but after you ha#e gained enough general insight and understanding, it will re(uire littletie.

    ) person should not participate in an organization or cause that he does not belie#e is reasonable or just. *nce he

    truly belie#es it is right, howe#er, that person should not abandon a course of action e#en if it brings hi hardship

    and peril.

    9ou ha#e coe here to better yourself. 9ou can0t do this and still reain the sae as you were. 9ou ust change,

    starting now and continuing to do so fro here on out. When this process of change ceases, progress stops,

    crystallization sets in, decay ine#itably follows.

    *ften, if you are playing a gae with a friend and you find you are losing, you want to (uit, and you say things li$e

    "% don0t li$e this gae. % didn0t want to play anyway." The winner usually says, "8o, this is a great gae. 6et0s play

    one ore tie." The better way is to try your #ery hardest no atter what ::: to enjoy the trying and not gi#e up.

    Then, e#en if you lose, you $now at least that you didn0t (uit on yourself.

    *ne of the first things that a Jedi ust learn is the Jedi Code this philosophy lays the groundwor$ for the astery of

    the use of the Force.

    There is no eotion there is peace.

    There is no ignorance there is $nowledge.There is no passion there is serenity.

    There is no death there is the Force.

    The Jedi ust carefully obser#e these rules of the light side of the Force to aintain harony with hiself and the

    uni#erse around hi.

    The light side is created and sustained by life. The Jedi acts to preser#e life. To $ill is wrong.

    /oeties it is necessary to $ill. The Jedi ay $ill in self:defense or in defense of others, especially the wea$ and

  • 8/12/2019 The Jedi Way


    the good. The Jedi ay $ill, if by his action he preser#es the existence of life. 1owe#er, the Jedi ust ne#er forget

    that $illing is inherently wrong. The death is a stain upon the Jedi0s spirit.

    The Jedi see$s $nowledge and enlightenent, peace and harony. The Jedi wishes to defeat those who would wipe

    out such (ualities ::: those who would inflict death, tyranny or ignorance upon others ::: yet the Jedi should ne#er

    act out of fear or hatred. ) Jedi ust act when cal and at peace with the Force. To act with anger filling one0s spiritis to ris$ teptation to the dar$ side.

    Jedi should see$ non#iolent solutions to probles ::: but this isn0t always possible. /oeties, $illing or fighting isthe only answer a#ailable. /oeties it is e#en the best answer. +ut that doesn0t ean the Jedi shouldn0t try to find

    an alternati#e.

    %nherent in the Jedi Code is the concept of responsibility for one0s actions.

    ) Jedi who uses the Force to coerce or control others is surely tending toward the dar$ side. +ut other, subtlerabuses of power also lead to the dar$ness ::: Jedi should ne#er use their powers for fae, wealth or power. ) Jedi

    who constantly uses the Force for personal gain is on the path of corruption ::: perhaps ore slowly then the 7ar$

    Jedi who chooses to ser#e e#il, but he is on that path nonetheless.

    True Jedi use their powers sparingly and only when necessary to fulfill the tenets of the Jedi Code. ) Jedi who

    depends on the Force is abusing it, which leads to folly.

    nderstanding the J-7% Code

    There is no eotion there is peace.There is no ignorance there is $nowledge.

    There is no passion there is serenity.There is no death there is the Force.

    Certainly a Jedi should $now the code, by word and by heart. +ut seeingly e#ery Jedi is in soe fashion negligent,

    fro the lowest beginner to the ost $nowledgeable aong us. Conse(uently, were soeone to deand, "What is

    the true eaning of the Jedi Code;" The Jedi who proptly answered would be rare indeed.

    T1- !)T1 W%T1%8 T1- C*7-

    )t its ost basic le#el, the Jedi Code is a set of guidelines explaining for a !adawan what #irtues to prize, and whatflaws to a#oid. %nstructors as$ their students that if they reeber nothing else, to always $eep these words in ind.

    The reason is siple< in these four lines lie the instructions for how to becoe a Jedi aster.

    Consider the first rule< "There is no eotion there is peace." %t is plainly a contrast, distinguishing the confusion ofeotional considerations fro the clear thin$ing of peaceful editation::: *b#iously, a #aluable (uality.

    +ut if that peace is rooted in siply being unaware of soe factor that would otherwise cause a Jedi to feel an

    eotional reaction, then it is not so uch peace as ignorance. This is why the code contains the second rule< "There

    is no ignorance there is $nowledge."

    This teaches Jedi to stri#e for understanding of all situations::: particularly before acting ::: to better a#oid errors injudgeent. +ut, again, $nowing a thing well can lead one to becoe engrossed in it. -ngrossent leads to clouding

    of the ind. Thus, the third rule< "There is no passion there is serenity." &nowing a thing objecti#ely is $nowing it

    as the Force $nows it.

    /till, students coonly argue that the only true objecti#ity is nonexistence ::: 7eath. For does one not affect a

    thing e#en by erely obser#ing it; This is why there is the fourth rule< "There is no death< There is the Force." The

    Force $nows all things objecti#ely, it is serene and it is not swayed by eotion.

    Thus the Jedi Code teaches that before underta$ing any action, The Jedi should consider the will of the Force. "With

    these other considerations aside, all that reains is the Force" What is eant by this is that if a Jedi can acteotionlessly, $nowledgeably, and serenely, then he is acting in accordance with the will of the Force.

    Therefore, if a Jedi acts in all things without eotion, ignorance, or passion, then that Jedi is truly a aster of theForce.

    )t its heart, the Jedi Code pro#ides siple instructions for li#ing in touch with the Force. ) Jedi ne#er uses the

    Force to gain wealth or personal power. %nstead, the Jedi uses the Force to find $nowledge and enlightenent.

    )nger, fear, aggression, and other negati#e eotions lead to the dar$ side, so Jedi are taught to act only when they

    are at peace with the Force.

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    %8T-3!3-T%84 T1- C*7-

    While the Code is a /traightforward ap to astery of the Force, it can soeties be frustrating to put into

    practice. The secret to the Code is considering it thoroughly before acting, howe#er the world often does not afford aJedi the tie to do so, before forcing hi=her to act.

    /till a Jedi can thin$ through a great any things in ad#ance, so as to better prepare for when the rest of the world isin a hurry. There are 8ine Conclusions a Jedi can reach before the situations are thrust upon hi=her. ) Jedi who

    understands these 8ine things will, when called upon to a$e a (uic$ decision, already $now the will of the Force.

    !resented below are these 8ine Conclusions.


    -#ery Jedi should spend tie editating each day on the will of the Force. The reason is siple< %f one unwittingly

    acted contrary to the will of the Force, recognizing the ista$e soon after ight still gi#e one tie to a$e aends.)lso by regularly exaining one0s own oti#ations, a Jedi could be certain that he=she was not allowing eotion,

    ignorance, or passion to intrude upon his=her clarity. ) Jedi who has no tie to editate ay ore easily becoe

    lost. ore to the point, a Jedi who refuses to editate ay already $now that his=her oti#ations are not pure, and is

    thus lying to his=herself.


    ) Jedi0s training in the Force ne#er ends. ) Wise Jedi should stri#e to reeber that there is always soething

    ore to learn about the Force. The Force re#eals itself to those who ha#e the desire and $nowledge to see it, and

    heeding only the Force0s will is uch the sae as loo$ing at a glass of water and saying "8ow % understand water"To continue to grow, a Jedi should train each day.

    6*9)6T9Jedi can exist in this world because the Force exists. +ut a Jedi *rder would need ore. %t would re(uire loyalty. %t

    goes without saying that Jedi should be loyal to one another and not s(uabble or fight. ore iportantly, though,

    each Jedi should be aware that he ust act in accordance with the wishes of his Teacher, who in turn would ha#e to

    act in accordance with the go#erning body of any such order. This is not a >uestion of seniority, but rather of

    understanding the will of the Force, and in this regard the ebers of the "Council" should be the recognized



    ) Jedi0s responsibility to the Force is to be honest with hiself. This does not ean that he ust be forthright withe#eryone else, howe#er. There is a isperception that Jedi should be orally superior< "any feel that a Jedi should

    be scrupulously honest, ne#er ta$ing ad#antage, and ne#er withholding inforation. This is nonsense." Fro a

    certain point of #iew, a Jedi is not being dishonest if he=she allows people to belie#e what they wish to belie#e. )Jedi can and should offer ad#ice to those who need it, but it is not incubent upon the Jedi to con#ince anyone to

    follow his ad#ice. %n ser#ice to the Force, a Jedi ay eploy deception, subterfuge, isdirection, and e#en fraud, if

    he does so with a righteous ai. )lthough ost people ha#e a distaste for such practices, the Force is without such

    eotions. 7o not confuse this with " oral Flexibility" ) Jedi does what needs to be done. +ut also reeber that a

    Jedi is not abo#e the 6aw.*3)6%T9

    The ost dangerous words e#er uttered by a Jedi are " ) Jedi is not a creature of orals." These words ha#e

    unfortunately been translated often by Jedi, to ean that Jedi can do no wrong. %t actually eans that Jedi are not

    enforcers of orality. While Jedi can bring or restore order and justice, they cannot thesel#es sit in judgeent of

    others. There are two reasons for this< First, the world is a #ast place, full of cultures that no one Jedi can copletely

    understand. The second reason is that judgeent leads to #engeance, and #engeance leads to the dar$ side. This is

    easy to understand, though not so easy to practice. /hould a $nown urder be allowed to go free; /hould a an

    intent on urder be $illed; To answer either (uestion, a Jedi ust first $now the will of the Force. 8either decisioncan be ade hastily, except where li#es are threatened by inaction.

    7%/C3-T%*8%t is soeties necessary for a Jedi to practice discretion< "The world will li#e in tran(uility if certain atters are a

    bit o#erloo$ed or left unheard." /oe ay see this as a sign of Jedi partisanship. *thers, !articularly law

    enforceent agencies, ay belie#e that Jedi ignore sall cries, in order to apprehend greater criinals. *b#iously,

    neither of these is true. The truth is that Jedi &nights stand for order and justice, and these (ualities do not begin

    with the isdeeds of the few. The goal of the Jedi should be to create and preser#e an atosphere in which justice

    can flourish, rather than try to create justice thesel#es.


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    "To be bra#e in battle pro#es nothing. +ra#ery itself pro#es nothing. ) Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear,

    regret, and uncertainty and either fight, run, surrender, or die" ) coon ista$e aong younger Jedi is that

    bra#ery is the opposite of fear, and since fear leads to the dar$ side, bra#ery is aror against the dar$ side. 8ot so, if

    a Jedi is indful of the will of the Force, he will $now whether it is best to stand his ground, or flee, or e#en to offer

    truce. 3eeber that bra#ery itself is an eotion, and a Jedi should be at peace ::: e#en in the idst of war.F%41T%84

    /adly, we li#e in a world where conflict is a fact of life for far too any beings for us to reain apart fro it. +utwe need not ebrace conflict. "%f a Jedi fights he ust be ready to ta$e a life. %f he is not prepared, he ust $eep his

    weapon at his side" *r " %f you show a Weapon. 0% a a warrior0 is what you are saying. This will cause other

    warriors to want to $now who is better the or you" /o to a#oid unnecessary fighting, a Jedi should not ad#ertise

    his=her s$ill. +ut when is it necessary to fight; The Force will show a Jedi when he=she has no other options, and a

    wise Jedi trusts the Force in this regard. When fighting, is it necessary to use a weapon; The answer is no. )

    Weapon is an intiidating thing ::: but it should not be used as a tool for intiidation. 7o not use a weapon tocreate fear in an opponent use it to end the fight (uic$ly and ercifully as possible. %f this eans destroying the

    opponent, so be it. +ut if a Jedi can end a fight without $illing an opponent, so uch the better. The best Jedi can

    a#ert injury altogether, with only a word. /oe Jedi ay ta$e this to ean they should carry a less deadly weapon.

    There is no such thing. %f a weapon cannot $ill, it is not truly a weapon.


    7o not coe to rely on the Force to the detrient of your other senses and abilities. Jedi students should de#elop

    their other talents and abilities, and not rely solely on the Force. To use the Force to accoplish e#ery undane tas$

    is to tri#ialize it. sing the Force isn0t the only solution to e#ery proble soeties, it isn0t e#en the best solution.That0s where a Jedi0s other s$ills and talents coe in. Jedi training should consist of any exercises astering the

    Force is only a part of that training. The student should also learn to run, jup, clib, fight, swi, and thin$. Theseexercises could be ade easier by using the Force, but this would be to the detrient of the Jedi0s o#erall

    experience. ) Jedi needs to learn his capabilities without the Force so that he can truly $now hiself and also

    understand what those without the Force are capable of accoplishing.

    sing the Force because it0s con#enient, e#en when other ethods ight be ore sensible, falls dangerously close

    to the dar$ side. %t0s only one step reo#ed fro using the Force to achie#e personal wealth and power, and that0s

    definitely a corruption of the Force.

    T1- J-7% W)9

    pre#ents excess blood fro rushing straight up into the brain due to enhanced circulatory pressure fro below,

    instead di#erting soe of it out to the extreities for ore balanced distribution. Carotid copression also slows

    and deepens the pulse, thereby further benefiting heart function. The nec$ loc$ seals the breath down inside the

    lungs after inhalation, so that it doesn0t rise up and cause uncofortable pressure in the throat, nostrils and

    -ustachian tubes during copression. %t also stretches the entire spinal cord fro s$ull to sacru, stiulating all thener#es and ganglia along its entire length and opening the energy channels that run along the spine. )lso the sall

    pressure it puts on the carotid sinus ner#e is $nown to facilitate ental cal and the internalization of awareness,which are helpful factors in breath control, particularly during editation.

    To apply the nec$ loc$, wait until the anal and abdoinal loc$s are in place, then contract the throat uscles and

    clap the glottis o#er the trachea. 2%f you0re wondering how to do this, try ta$ing se#eral short inhalations one on top

    of the other. )s you 0pac$0 each one into the lungs, what pre#ents it fro coing out before you draw in the next one

    is claping the glottis o#er the trachea.5 /oe practitioners find it helpful to swallow first, which facilitates the nec$

    loc$ and helps pac$ air and energy into the chest ca#ity, but this is not an essential step. When the throat is closed

    and contracted, tuc$ the chin slightly in toward the chest and stretch the bac$ of the nec$, but without actually

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    bending the nec$ forward. +e sure to $eep the shoulders relaxed so that they do not hunch up and cause tension in

    the nec$ and shoulder uscles, bloc$ing energy flow fro the spine into the head. When your ready to exhale raise

    your chin a bit, relax the throat, and let the air strea out.

    1-)6%84 +3-)T1

    Syllable: hoo2pronounced 0who0, with lips rounded and tongue suspended in id:outh, as though blowing out a



    A. /tand in 1orse posture. +ring hands out to front, just below the na#el, with pals facing up to the s$y and fingers

    aligned. /tart inhaling slowly through the nose while raising both hands together up the center of the torso.

    B. When hands reach the heart and breath is full, start exhaling through the outh aspirating the syllable hoo. )t thesae tie, turn one pal out and around degrees so that it faces the s$y and continue raising it upwards, and

    turn the other pal in and around AH degrees so that it faces the ground and bring it bac$ down the front.

    . When breath is epty, one pal will be extended up towards the s$y abo#e the head, while the other is extended

    down towards the ground at the groin. Turn both pals around so they face one another, and slowly bring the

    toward one another on the next inhalation. !als should reach heart le#el just as inhalation is coplete.

    D. /tart the next exhalation and aspirate the syllable hoo, while continuing to o#e the descending pal downward

    and turning the ascending pal around degrees and continuing to push it upward, reaching full extension abo#e

    and below just as exhalation is copleted. The syllable need not be sounded out loud the iportant point is to forthe outh and throat as though pronouncing that specific syllable.

    E. Turn the pals and bring the slowly together at the heart as you start a new inhalation. 3epeat to AB ties.)enefits< %pro#es digesti#e functions of spleen, pancreas and stoach. !rootes secretions of digesti#e enzyes.

    1elps heal ulcers. -liinates bad breath caused by incoplete digestion in the stoach.

    Calming Breath Technique

    This is a siple breathing exercise, to be practiced e#ery day. %t is useful in stressful situations, or when you feelthreatened, for it helps you to reain cal, and to relax. %t is presented in three easy steps. /tart with the first step,

    until you0#e astered it. Then progress to the next step. *nce you ha#e reached the third step, you will ha#e learnedthe Caling +reath Techni(ue.


    Wear loose fitting attire, so that you are cofortable. a$e sure that you can breathe through your nose. %f you ha#e

    a cold, do not practice this exercise until you can breathe clearly.

    Step One

    6ie flat on your bac$. !ut one hand on your stoach, and the other hand on your chest. 3elax.

    %nhale so that the hand on your stoach rises, while the hand on your chest is still. -xhale so that the hand on your

    stoach goes down again, and the hand on your chest reains still. 3epeat for E breaths.

    8ow, when you inhale, breathe in so that the hand on your chest rises, while the hand on your stoach is still.

    -xhale so that the hand on your chest goes down again, while the hand on your stoach reains still. 3epeat for Ebreaths.

    )lternate between stoach and chest breathing for E inutes. a$e sure you0#e astered this step before o#ing


    Step Two

    This step cobines stoach and chest breathing into one breath. This is the Caling +reath.

    6ie flat on your bac$. !ut one hand on your stoach, and the other hand on your chest. 3elax.

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    +egin by stoach breathing. When you feel you can0t inhale any ore in this anner, switch to chest breathing,

    until the upper part of your lungs are filled. Then exhale by chest breathing first, progressing to stoach breathing

    so that you epty the lungs fully. 3epeat for E inutes.

    +reathe slowly. %f you feel dizzy, slow down, you are breathing too fast. %f you are out of breath, you are breathing

    too slowly. 6isten to your own body0s essages. %f you are ha#ing difficulty distinguishing chest breathing frostoach breathing, go bac$ to /tep *ne.

    Step Three/tand or sit with your bac$ straight.

    se the Caling +reath and follow this pattern. 9ou will ha#e to count the rhyth in your head. % will teach you the

    rhyth D:D:D. Count to D while inhaling, hold your breath and count to D, then count to D while exhaling. *nce

    you0#e astered this you ay use a D:D:D:D rhyth is you prefer. %t adds and extra step of holding your breath after

    exhaling and counting to D. Ta$e care not to hold your breath too long. )gain, listen to your body. 3epeat for Einutes, or until you are cal.

    !ractice so that the Caling +reath becoes effortless, and inaudible. 9ou should breathe no louder than usual.

    *nce you ha#e astered the techni(ue, it should be in#isible to the untrained eye, a$ing it useful in alost any


    The cal ind can ore readily feel the ebb and flow of the Force.

    Jedi Meditation - Basic Technique

    Jedi editation techni(ues ha#e been handed down through the ages as a way of gaining insight and wisdo in the

    force. There were any different editation techni(ues, but ost ha#e been lost to the ra#ages of tie. The

    following is the first step in the ost coonly practiced ethod.

    6i$e all force training, the Jedi editation techni(ue follows a hierarchy of steps< Control, Sense, and Alter. 9ou

    ust learn control of your own abilities, before you can truly sense the Force. *nce you ha#e astered sensing the

    Force surrounding you, you can use the force to perfor actions and alter the e#ents and objects around you.

    The basic techni(ue teaches you to control your own ental process, and allows you to focus your thoughts on oneobject, thought, or goal, the object of your editation. This object ust ha#e a clear objecti#e or subjecti#e reality to

    you, so it is easiest to begin with a physical object such as a ball or a candle. )fter you ha#e astered editating on

    physical objects, you ay proceed to ental objects such as ental iages or goals. a$e sure your ental object

    is clearly defined in your ind.1ow to start