the inner circle booklet

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group Jamie Smar J

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Mastermind, NLP


The Inner CircleMastermind Group

Jamie SmarJ

12012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group JDear Friend & Co-explorer,

We live in a busy world. Most people don't prioritise

their development, saying they're too busy, or can't

afford it, so thank you for taking the time to pause,

reflect & connect with me & our fellow tribe-

members. I appreciate your willingness to dedicate

your time, energy & money; it speaks volumes about

you & your commitment to personal transformation.

In 2010, I decided to focus my attention on a group of people who want to experience genuine

transformation in their lives; my Inner Circle Group. The past 3 years have been an amazing

journey; I've been privileged to support people through amazing transformations, even as I go

through my own transformation. We've seen group-members move from jobs to self-employment,

start businesses, get into new relationships, and move halfway round the world. Members have

found their passions, overcome fears and moved boldly forward, living lives that inspire us all.

While this is what I'd hoped for, something has happened that I didn't fully anticipate. The

people in this group have become a tightly-knit community, supporting each other and building

rich friendships and collegial relationships that will last the rest of their lives. I'm honoured to be

part of this.

I also didn't fully anticipate the direction my own transformation would take. When I started the

Inner Circle group, I owned an NLP Business and a house in Leicester. In the last two months I've

sold both of these and signed a book deal with a major publisher. My forthcoming book, Clarity,

is due to be released in February, so I'm "making space" for the new to come in. As a result, I've

decided that my Inner Circle Programme will finish at the end of June 2013. I don't know what's

going to fill the space it leaves, but I'm excited to find out. In the meantime, I've decided to allow

a small group of people to join my Inner Circle for the last six months of the programme. If this

resonates with you, I'm committed to powerfully supporting you in creating the work and life you


This booklet contains a detailed description of the Inner Circle Mastermind Group, including

details of the various programmes, products & events that are included, as well as FAQs & other

information. You'll find the information you need here to help you decide whether or not the

group's a good fit for you, so I strongly suggest that you schedule some time to look through it,

answer the questions & get a feel for what's on offer.

There are case studies & testimonials from other people who have already joined this

programme, but ultimately, only you can decide whether or not this is right for you. I encourage

you to take time to reflect, ask any questions you may have & trust your wisdom to guide you.

Thanks again. I look forward to getting to know you better. To your enlightened success!

Big love,

Jamie Smart

My JourneyFor the past 14 years I've been on an extraordinary journey, mastering a variety of skills &

discovering the secrets of how to live a life of purpose while making a great living doing work I

love. I've become a master of NLP & built a successful business in the process.

Hidden TrapsAlong the way, I've made countless mistakes, taken numerous wrong turns & fallen into a variety

of hidden traps as I tried to apply the things I learned from “the experts”.

I've done my best to learn from all of these & to “de-bug” the domain of personal development &

success to save others years of time, effort & struggle by avoiding making the mistakes I did.

My VisionOver the past 9 years, I've built a strong business creating products for as many people as I could

reach. In 2010, I decided to shift my focus.

I now work with an exclusive group of people to help them live vibrantly happy, successful lives of

purpose & meaning as they live an inspiring, authentic life doing work they love.

At the core of this work is Genuine Transformation. This means shifting from the path you've been

on until now, to a path that fits you perfectly.

“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.”

Buckminster Fuller

Peace of mind & deep, inner resilience – I'm talking about waking up with a sense of

peace & clarity, knowing that you're going to be OK no matter what. This is what it

means to be truly “recession proof”.

22012 Jamie Smartc

QUESTION: What has to happen for me to shift from the path I've been on, to one where I'm living my most inspired, beautiful, fulfilling life; a life that fits me perfectly?

A life that's rich with...

Authentic living – Being true to yourself in all situations. Would you love to have that

magnetic sense of being comfortable in your own skin? (It turns out that this is one of the

most attractive qualities a person can have.)

True freedom & abundance – What's even more powerful than time freedom &

financial freedom? The mental & emotional freedom that's at the heart of true

abundance. Can you imagine how much easier it is to create whatever you want as you

start to realise that all your freedom, abundance & creative power comes from within?

Passion & purpose – Every human being yearns for a sense of direction. Until you've

found the path that is “yours & yours alone”, it can seem like you're on the sidelines of

life. But once you're on track, with passion & purpose, it's like you're living in a new


Enlightened success – Enlightened success means living from a deep underst&ing of

how life works. It means good feelings & a vibrant experience of living. It means being

philosophical about the ups & downs of life. It means fulfilling relationships, the

achievements & material successes that make sense to you & a life that’s rich with

meaning & purpose.

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J

Your Personal TransformationGuiding & supporting you through your own genuine transformation is the entire focus of my

Inner Circle Mastermind Group. While there are shared understandings, your personal

transformation is unique to you.

Here are some questions that can help you get clear on whether my Inner Circle Mastermind

Group is for you.

Do you want to live an inspiring, authentic life doing work you love?

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


Do you want to find your true purpose in life & live your life from that purpose every day?

Have you ever found yourself caught up in the “I'll be happy when...” trap?

Do you want to feel a real sense of belonging as you're supported by a tribe of like-

minded people?

Are you inspired to make a real difference in your own life & the lives of others?

Do you want to live from a deep sense of peace & wellbeing, guided by your inner


Do you want to create a certain lifestyle & material success to support you in living the life

you desire?

Are you ready for transformation, at a point in your life where you're convinced that it's

time to make a truly significant change?

Are you willing to do what it takes for this transformation to happen?

As you may know, I launched the “Inner Circle” programme in response to a number of factors:

An increasing number of requests from individuals who wanted to receive coaching &

mentoring from me so they can live their most inspiring, authentic lives.

My personal desire to share my knowledge, insights & skills with people who are

passionate about making a difference in their own lives & in the lives of others.

The need for an alternative to the toxic, “outside-in” philosophy that dominates our

culture, the “success” industry & the well-meaning approaches of much of what's

currently on offer.

If the answer to most of these questions is “YES”, you may be ready to become part of my Inner Circle Mastermind Group.

The Inner Circle programme takes several forms, all of them informed by the factors mentioned

above & by my own desire to “practice what I preach”, working in a way that is 100% congruent

with the “Inside-Out” understanding of reality that I see making such an enormous difference in

my own life & the lives of my clients.

On the pages that follow, you'll find information about the various Inner Circle programmes that

are available to you.

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


Are you inspired by the kind of work I do? Do you want to play a similar game? The Apprentice

Programme is your opportunity to work extremely closely with me to create a life & career that

really lets your light shine. This programme is a great fit for someone who's already been very

successful in a particular aspect of life. It includes access to all Innate Thinking Events, recordings

of previous events and membership in the Inner Circle Mastermind Group. As well, you get a

personal 1:1 retreat with Jamie, a place on the Life Transformation Retreat, plus intensive 1:1

coaching and mentoring to support you in creating your most inspiring, fulfilling, rewarding life.

The Apprentice Programme

The Inner Circle Programmes

You belong to a dynamic group of like-minded individuals meeting with me every month for

training, coaching, mentoring & teamwork. For what purpose? To support you in living your most

beautiful, inspiring life, doing work you love, fully on-purpose. You become like who you hang

around with, so this is your opportunity to spend time with me, my colleagues & your fellow

explorers on this journey of enlightened success. You'll get access to all Innate Thinking

Workshops, recordings of previous events and membership in the Inner Circle Mastermind


The Explorer Programme

The Explorer-plus Programme is perfect for someone who's ready to make a rapid step-change in

their life. If you're tired of incremental change & ready to take a quantum leap, this could be the

approach for you. It includes all the benefits of the Explorer Programme (access to all Innate

Thinking Workshops, recordings of previous events and membership in the Inner Circle

Mastermind Group). In addition, you get to join me on the annual Life Transformation Retreat.

You'll also receive quarterly coaching, and a place in the Explorer-plus Mastermind group

(maximum 10 people).

The Explorer-plus Programme

You spend 5 days with me & a small group of people in a beautiful location as we transform

your world & work together to create your most wonderful life. The next Life Transformation

Retreat is in Sitges, Spain in October 2013. (Apprentice & Explorer-plus only)

The Life Transformation Retreat

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


Each programme includes 3 Innate Thinking Workshops

Each of these programmes include exclusive access to all Innate Thinking Workshops, powerful 3-

day modules which take place every two months. These events focus on deepening your

understanding of the Innate Thinking paradigm, taking an “Inside-Out” look at the most essential

aspects of living an inspiring, authentic life & helping you get big results in your own life.

(Previous workshops include Passion & Purpose, Attracting the Clients You Want, Awakened

Coaching Training & Consulting, Creating Compelling Products.)

There are numerous products & programmes created by well-intentioned trainers teaching

people how to get results. Most people could make a list of half a dozen things that, if they did

them consistently, would get them the results they want. So why aren't more people living the lives

they desire? Because it's an inside job!

People who are living authentically happy, successful lives aren't looking to the outside world for

their security, happiness & peace of mind. They get that from the inside & treat the “outer game”

of life as just that – a game!

In each of these powerful programmes, you'll discover certain nuts & bolts, but more importantly

than that – each programme will help you build & strengthen your “inner game” of success, so

that you can create & live the life you desire now & twenty years from now.

On the pages that follow, you can read about the suite of workshops scheduled for the period

from December 2012 to June2013...

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting

for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.”

Joseph Campbell

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J

6* NB Masterclass topics & trainers are confirmed. However, in the event of unforeseen

circumstances, we reserve the right to make an equivalent substitution.

Service: The Heart of Creating Clients

Cathy Casey

25th - 27th January, 2013

Dr Keith Blevens

22nd - 24th March, 2013

The Single Paradigm: Making Life Make Sense

Clarity: The Killer App

Jamie Smart

17th - 19th May, 2013

Innate Thinking Workshops

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


By the time you emerge from this transformational programme, you're going to be crystal clear

about your life's purpose & in deep connection with your passions & unique abilities. This is like

rocket fuel for creating a powerfully authentic life, doing what you love.

You're going to learn the inner & outer games of client attraction. This is not just theory – by the

time you emerge from this programme, you will literally be more attractive. Don't be too surprised

when you find clients asking if they can work with you.

Are you ready to move from coaching people to awakening them to the life they're meant to live?

On this programme, you'll be learning the most powerful, transformational approaches,

grounded in a deep sense of inner confidence, whether you're coaching your clients, your

employees, your colleagues or yourself.

I'm renowned for my innovative products, but I've never revealed the secrets I use to create them

until now. Product creation & passive income go hand in hand. During this in-depth programme,

you're going to be mastering your creative process & designing your own remarkable products.

Whether you already think of yourself as creative, or this is your first foray into the creative

domain, you're going to discover the secrets of creating anything you want!

Passion & Purpose

Jamie Smart

Attracting the Clients You Want

Jamie Smart

Awakened Coaching, Training & Consulting

Jamie Smart

Creating Compelling Products

Jamie Smart

Exclusive unreleased recordings from previous 3-day Innate Thinking Workshops & Masterclasses (clients paid £2000 to attend some of these events as standalone programmes)

During 2010, 2011 & 2012, we ran a number of Inner Circle workshops, focusing on some of

the most important elements of living an authentic, inspiring life, doing what you love. These have

not yet been released as products (& may not ever be), but these valuable audio programmes are

available to you when you join my Inner Circle.

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


This programme is 100% focused on your personal transformation. You’ll be increasing your insightful understanding, connecting deeply with your sense of inner security & increasing your ability to navigate using your wisdom. What you learn in this programme isn't just going to benefit you – your friends, family, colleagues & clients are all going to be served by what you're learning here.

How do you create work you love when you don't even know what it looks like? Cathy Casey is a

master of relating to “the unknown” in a way that creates amazing results for her & the people

she's here to serve. Most people are afraid of the unknown, but Cathy's going to show you why

it's actually your best friend when it comes to creating a life you love. Are you ready to let go of

the fear of failure, connect with your deepest resilience & start surfing the unknown? You're going

to discover how to go “off-script” & create work you love that fits with who you are & the way you

want to live life.

Influential leadership is essential when it comes to creating a life you love, living on purpose. We lead ourselves, our clients, our families & our friends, so how can you do it in a way that fits with who you really are & feels great? The field of leadership is beset by theories & complex models, but Sandy Krot is going to simplify it & make it highly practical, applying the inside-out understanding to the domain of influential leadership. Sandy has pioneered this work with clients ranging from private individuals to CEOs of blue-chip companies. Now she's going to be sharing it with you.

Dr Keith Blevens has the kind of clarity of understanding of how life works that impacts you at a

gut level. In this programme, he's going to use his insight, humour & compassion to help you see

through the superstitions & misunderstandings that may have been blocking you until now. You're

going to emerge from this practical & experiential masterclass with something that serves you

deeply & that you can pass on to your clients. You're going to discover why Keith is “the guru's

guru” & in such high demand.

Effortlessly Accelerating Your Life Transformation

Jamie Smart

Surfing the Unknown - Creating Work You LoveFrom a Blank Slate

Cathy Casey

The Art of Influential Leadership

Sandra Krot

The Logic of Personal Evolution: Understandingthe Reset Button In Life

Dr Keith Blevens

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


Why is it that many people struggle to attract clients, while some people can't walk into a coffee

shop or get on a plane without picking up new business? You're going to learn how to create

clients from nothing, as you take your skills to the people you feel most inspired to work with. This

isn't about “niching” or figuring out your target market; it's about allowing your innate wisdom to

guide you & letting your gifts find the people & communities that fit you perfectly. Whatever your

current situation, you're going to find yourself in a domain where everyone is a potential client

for you to choose from.

Marketing can be a great way for you to become highly visible to the people you're here to serve

& give value to. But marketing can all-too-often be perceived as expensive, intrusive &

inauthentic. So how do you balance the need to reach people with your desire to do it in a way

that fits with your values? This is an ongoing exploration for me & many of my colleagues. In this

3-day workshop, you get to join in the conversation & discover what Awakened Marketing

means for you & how to use it congruently to create the visibility & clients you want.

What does it take to go from a deep, personal grounding in the inside-out understanding to

sharing what you're learning & engaging successfully with the world (however you define

success)? As these understandings start to influence your work, you may be inspired to start

pioneering & creating new ventures that you haven't even imagined yet, breaking new ground in

a more entrepreneurial fashion. We're going to be exploring the issues most present for a person

setting out in a new direction; confidence, creativity, entrepreneurship, relationships & much

more. Your new understandings are going to combine with your wisdom & your passion to help

guide you on a trajectory living your most inspiring & beautiful life, enjoying every step of the


From Connections to Clients

Cathy Casey

Awakened Marketing

Jamie Smart

The Awakened Entrepreneur

Jamie Smart

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


What would it be like for you to have the deep sense of clarity, connection & inner peace that allows you to truly know how to share the inside-out understanding with others? It’s one thing for this understanding to be impacting you in your own life, but how can your understanding help you share with others so that they have their own insights about this innate wisdom? In this three day master class, you're going to be exploring an entirely new order of change; going beyond the techniques, rituals & incremental improvements. Instead of focusing on methods to change behaviours & feelings, you'll learn how to point clients to the power that creates their behaviours & feelings in the first place, giving them all they need to bring about profound & lasting change. You're going to learn the art of working with others in a way that helps them have profound insights into these principles, waking them up to where their experience comes from & aligning them with the true meaning of life. Realisation of this understanding gives clients the power to transform their reality to one that inspires & brings a deep sense of wellbeing & happiness.

You'll discover the power of deep listening & connection to clients; how to share your insights & how to make adjustments with your clients so that they easily grasp what you're sharing. You'll realise a deep certainty about this understanding that will strengthen you to respond to any type of client & to any way they may challenge you. So as you deepen your own grounding, you’re going to discover the insights, nuances & distinctions that make the difference when it comes to working with individuals or groups. Whether you're consulting, working with coaching subjects, helping therapeutic clients or the people you connect with in your daily life, you're going to discover the real power of client transformation.

We all want to be able to “deliver the goods” when it counts. From the classroom to the boardroom; from the sports-field to the stage, one thing is clear: Performance matters. So why is it that some people produce world-class performances over & over again, while others struggle when the heat is on? What's the secret to being at your best when it's important to you & the people you serve? You're going to be discovering the answers to these questions as you experience it for yourself in this profoundly practical masterclass. This is a programme for people with real-life challenges & responsibilities, who need to be able to perform at a high-level, day in & day out. So how do you connect with the source of superb performance when you're “on” in two minutes time? When you don't have the luxury of "sitting back & waiting" for inspiration to show up? Whether you're coaching your client, or guiding your child; teeing up a golf-ball or teeing up a business deal; there's a deep level of inner confidence that comes from knowing you have what it takes to deliver the goods. Of course, this isn't just true for your own performance; it's also the essential starting point when it comes to bringing out the best in others. As you discover that you can rely on a high level of performance more & more, you're going to find it becoming a natural, “automatic” part of your life.

Client Transformation: The Art of Working with Others

Dr Mark Howard

The Source of Superb Performance

Garret Kramer

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


Your Life Transformation Trainers, Coaches & Mentors

One of the things I learned early in my career is the importance of finding superb mentors &

teachers. Over the years, I've invested hundreds of thous&s of pounds in finding the finest people

to learn from & develop my skills. I intuitively understood a simple truth:

There is a group of people who have already made an enormous difference in my work, my

understanding & my life in general. And in 2012 / 2013, I'm going to start sharing them with


“Other people will not invest in you at a higher level than you invest in yourself.”

Jamie SmartI'm Jamie Smart & I'll be your personal guide on your life

transformation journey. During your time in my Inner Circle, you'll

get "up close & personal" access to me at the events, workshops &

Mastermind Group days. I'm a highly-skilled coach, trainer &

consultant, with a wealth of experience of helping people create

what they want. While I have a reputation as one of the world's best

NLP Trainers, over the past few years, I've been on an inside-out

fast-track, developing my understanding & grounding with "the best

of the best" & sharing it with my clients. I've made this shift because

I've seen the incredible power of this understanding in my own life

& the lives of my clients, so part of my purpose is to share them in the

world in ways that make a real difference to your life. I'm grateful &

inspired to have the opportunity to serve you in creating your most

wonderful life, living on purpose, doing what you love.

"Jamie's authenticity, insight & mastery make him a great coach. His transformational

coaching has helped me establish a new guiding vision for my business & for my role

in it. As a result, I'm more enjoyably focused & my business is going from strength to

strength, despite the recent economic downturn. I already rave about him to my

clients, so I strongly recommend his training & coaching programs."

Joe Stumpf, CEO of

Cathy CaseyCathy Casey is a highly-skilled & experienced trainer of the 3

Principles/Inside-Out understanding of reality. Her work ranges

from corporate consulting with blue-chip companies through to

community outreach work. She's pioneered taking this work to

prison inmates in the USA Correctional System (where she's taken

me on a personal journey of discovery). She's an experienced

trainer & consultant & is a master of how to create a career/work

that suits your passions, strengths & inspiration, especially when

nothing like it has existed until now.

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


"It's difficult to talk about just one of the trainers Jamie brought over from America for

our group, they have all shared their amazing insights with humour & a deep

understanding that resonates with all of us. It has, however, been fascinating to work

with Cathy Casey & hear how she uses these principles in prisons & juvenile centres.

Cathy gets incredible results out there in the real world with a tough audience &, yet,

she is still 'one of us'. She shares with humility & passion & leaves each one of us

deeply impacted. I can't wait for the next session."

Elaine Hilides, Therapist

Dr Keith BlevensDr Keith Blevens has been teaching the Inside-Out Understanding of

reality for over 30 years & has extraordinary insight into the

profound logic of this work. He works with individuals from all

walks of life, from private individuals to Blue-chip organisations,

helping them transform their quality of life & get meaningful results.

As well as being one of my most impactful mentors & teachers,

you'll find his name in the “Acknowledgements” section of recent

bestselling books by industry leaders in the personal development,

wealth-building & coaching world.

"A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to sit down in a room with Dr. Keith

Blevens & listen to him share some insights into how the mind works & the nature of

the human experience. For nearly two days I argued with him, in my head & on

occasion out loud, until it dawned on me with absolute certainty that I was completely

wrong & he was absolutely right. My life & work has never been the same & I am

eternally grateful to him for being who he is & doing what he does!”

Michael Neill, bestselling author of Supercoach

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


Are you inspired by the kind of work I do? Do you want to play a similar game? The Apprentice

Programme is your opportunity to work extremely closely with me to create a life & career that

really lets your light shine. This programme is a great fit for someone who's already been very

successful in a particular aspect of life. The programme includes:

The Apprentice Programme

Investment: £35,000 + VAT

Elements 12 X 2-hour Life Transformation 1:1 coaching sessions with Jamie Smart

A place on Jamie's 5-day Life Transformation Retreat in Autumn 2013

Unlimited “spot-check” text & phone coaching from Jamie

Unlimited email support from Jamie

Plus you get all the elements of the Explorer Programme

Membership of the exclusive Mastermind-plus group*

Value (GBP)48,000






Total Value:

Your Investment:


£35,000 + VAT

* Mastermind-plus has maximum 10 members & meets every other month with Jamie Smart & our

visiting trainers. It's an opportunity to get 1:1 & group coaching from some of the best in the


The Explorer-plus Programme is perfect for someone who's ready to make a rapid step-change in

their life. If you're tired of incremental change & ready to take a quantum leap, this could be the

approach for you. The programme includes:

The Explorer-plus Programme

Investment: £9,000 + VAT

Elements4 X 2-hour Life Transformation 1:1 coaching sessions with Jamie Smart

A place on Jamie's 5-day Life Transformation Retreat in Autumn 2013

Plus you get all the elements of the Explorer Programme

Membership of the exclusive Mastermind-plus group*

Value (GBP)16,000




Total Value:

Your Investment:


£9,000 + VAT

*** Affordable payment plans available ***

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


Are you ready to belong to a group of dynamic, like-minded people helping you live your most

inspiring, beautiful life?

The Explorer Programme

Investment: £3,000 + VAT

ElementsThe Inner Circle Mastermind Group – 2 days every other month with Jamie


A place on all 3 Inner Circle Workshops & Masterclasses

Membership of the Inner Circle online community

Exclusive unreleased recordings from all previous Inner Circle Workshops

Value (GBP)





Total Value:

Your Investment:


£3,000 + VAT

Are you ready to belong to a group of dynamic, like-minded people helping you live your most

inspiring, beautiful life?

The Explorer Programme - Live Stream

Investment: £1,750 + VAT

ElementsA live-streamed place on all 3 Inner Circle Workshops & Masterclasses

(live via the internet)

The option to attend 1 workshop of your choice live in-person

Recordings of all The Inner Circle Mastermind Group Sessions – 1 day

each month with Jamie Smart

The option to attend 1 mastermind group of your choice live in-person

Membership of the Inner Circle online community

Exclusive unreleased recordings from all previous Inner Circle Workshops

Value (GBP)3,000






Total Value:

Your Investment:


£1,750 + VAT

*** Affordable payment plans available ***

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


What Members of my Inner Circle are saying...

“I got 7 new coaching clients in a week, & exceeded my goals for the year in the first 2 months!"

"Before I joined Jamie's Platinum Programme in May, I had lots of ideas,

but not much action. One of the biggest things I've already got from the

group is truly living “from the inside-out” & going for what I really want to

do. I'm still doing my day-job, but the difference is this: now I know I'm OK

& I finally have the confidence to trust my inner wisdom & keep taking the

next step as I build my coaching practice. Not only that, but my

relationships with the people I love are getting deeper & more rewarding

& I'm making new friends too. Jamie told me I'd get more than I expected &

I already have - I exceeded my goals for the year in the first six weeks! It

really does work.”

Gary KelletCoach

Gary a year later...“Since working with Jamie on the inner circle programme, from scratch

with absolutely no fee paying clients I have already succeeded in creating

two websites, quickly opened my own coaching & hypnotherapy business

with growing fee paying clients. I now coach internationally & have client

referrals from doctors & dental surgeries. My personal & family life is fun,

happy & balanced. Today I even have MC Hammer following me on


“My calm new perspective led to me generating an additional £75,000"

"The biggest benefit I've had so far from joining Jamie's Platinum

Programme is being able to stay calm in stressful situations & take

decisions with less pressure. The confidence, patience & resourcefulness I

now have meant that I negotiated the renewal of an annual contract with a

price increase of £75,000. This was in a situation where I would

previously have been likely to lose £50,000, due to an atmosphere of

competition & aggression.

I'm a lot happier & more peaceful. I've now made important business

decisions that I had been agonizing over for 6-12 months & I'm happy with

the results. My creative ideas about how to develop my business have also

increased & it's great to be part of such a strong, collaborative group. It's

the best programme I've ever joined – the best on the market. Jamie

promises a lot & over-delivers ".

Tim ConsidineTrainer, Mentor & Coach

Tim a year later..."Running multiple businesses means I always have far more on than I can

handle. For most people & for me in previous years, that would lead to

stress, worry & everything that goes with that. I can't say Jamie's program

creates more hours or makes me a productivity saint. But I can truly say that

I don't succumb to the stress & I can preserve a sense of calm which allows

me to listen to my wisdom on key decisions. Ultimately that translates to

money, but actually it's worth a lot more.”

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


"My additional Inner Circle income just paid for a month in Thailand”

“I left a well paid job that didn't fulfil me in December, but I was confused about which steps to take & was a bit apprehensive about the future. Worst of all, I had a nagging fear that I'd have to go & get another soul-sucking job. Not an ideal situation whatsoever!

It's 2 months since I joined the Inner Circle Platinum Programme & the results have been incredible. I've set up an online business, got my first 2 corporate training gigs & I'm working with my first 2 coaching clients. Additionally, I'm making money whilst I sleep – this month I cleared $1000 in passive income for the first time. I love sleeping, so getting paid to do it is pretty damn sweet!

My goals are getting bigger & bigger & I'm taking action without any sense of pressure (my most inspiring goal now is to create amazing resources for young people). Out of the blue, I've just been offered the chance to work with kids with behavioural difficulties - an impossible dream-goal only a few months ago.

I spend most of my days doing precisely what I want to do – plenty of reading, sitting in coffee shops, meeting new people & writing. I'm 26 years old & I'm making money doing what I love by genuinely helping people. I've stopped smoking weed after an 8-year habit & it's been effortless. I even got interviewed by the Washington Post & the best thing is, they contacted me! In short, life is awesome & it's getting better by the day. I literally cannot imagine where I'll be in 10 months time when I complete my first year of Inner Circle training...But it'll be amazing, no doubt ".

Carl HarveyWriter, Trainer & Coach

Carl a year later...“Working with Jamie has given me the confidence - & the know-how - to

develop & launch my first products; one for the dating market, the other for

the sales training market. These have not only been hugely enjoyable

projects to work on, but have added more streams to my passive income.

I've also just returned from a month tour of Thailand, which involved a lot of

visiting Buddhist temples; meditating; & exploring hidden beaches &

islands by kayak. This trip was made possible by the additional income

(passive & otherwise) I have generated since joining the Inner Circle &

enabled me to explore the "Inside Out" concepts further by unplugging

from my normal life. A great use of a month which I feel incredibly grateful


Next on the list is starting a new business with a millionaire mentor I met on

the Inner Circle; a fabulous opportunity for me to take my income &

business success to the next level. The plan is to create a £million business

which donates 10% of turnover to charity; a great way to get rich & give

something back. I can't wait to get started.

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


In short, I've grown so much over the past 7 months. Jamie is a great coach

& a fabulous dude who wants everyone to succeed... & the support I've

received from other members of the group continues to push me to higher

levels. The Inner Circle is the perfect place for purpose-driven people who

are ready to make good on their potential.”

"For 3 years I said I wanted to run a retreat - now it's actually happening”

"For the past few years, I've been following various business & coaching

experts, but nothing really gelled. I was blocked & I couldn't figure out why

I wasn't being more proactive. I felt like I wasn't good enough & I didn't

believe in myself. When I met Jamie, I discovered why. I was trying to use

somebody else's “outside-in” model instead of trusting my own

authenticity & wisdom.

In the 2 months since I joined Jamie's Platinum Mastermind Group,

everything's changed. I know that I'm good enough & the more I follow my

own path, the more people are coming out of the woodwork to support

me, with synchronicities happening left & right. I've stopped blocking &

started flowing. I feel empowered & confident & my first retreat is

happening in November of this year. If that's what can happen in 2

months, I can't wait to find out where I am in a year! ".

Maureen YorkThe Calm Coach

Maureen a year later..."Since joining the Inner Circle I have had major successes both personally

& professionally.

Personally - I have had a permanent headache for over 20 years, with no

success with western or alternative medicine. Now using the "Inside-Out"

approach to life I have now been headache tablet free for over 3 months.

Professionally - I am now launching the 2nd arm to my business - The Raw

Food Lady. I qualified as a raw food coach in 2007 but never felt good

enough or that I had enough knowledge or that I looked "the part". Since

starting with the Inner Circle, I have now run 2 x one-day workshops on

raw food & am about to launch my new website. I am also training as a

Natural Juice Therapist with Jason Vale.

With the support of Jamie & the other Inner Circle members I am now

ready to fully step into my passion & create my dream business.

Now that I have finally decided to be visible opportunities are presenting

themselves, including being interviewed for a female entrepreneurs

publication on how to look after yourself better in business."

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


"What was a remote dream is becoming ourday-to-day reality”

"Things were feeling quite hard when we first joined the Inner Circle in August 2010. We were settling back into being together after living in different countries for nearly a year & we both knew we didn’t want to live the 9-5 grind for the rest of our lives, but anything else felt scary & unobtainable.

In the time since we joined, through our developing understanding of the 3Ps & the incredibly powerful work we do as a group, living a life we love has gone from being a remote dream that seemed like a lot of hard work to “get to”, to being our day-to-day reality. Our understanding of what we really want has changed completely & all of a sudden things are starting to happen incredibly fast for us, just on the basis of following our wisdom & taking what seem at the time like small steps, but in hindsight appear to be inspired actions. In the next few months we will be moving to the South of France to live our dream of making delicious organic soaps & skin care products & sharing the 3 Principles with others in a beautiful place with sunshine, clean air & peaceful energy.

As a couple, joining the Inner Circle together was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. It’s an amazing trip to take together & we’re so excited by our life & what’s in store for us. Learning the 3Ps has changed the way we relate to our thinking, to our experience of life & to each other, at a fundamental level & all for the better.

The Inner Circle is not just a group or a network, it’s a community & we love the support the members show for each other through the good & the not-so-good. It’s not the place to come if you just want business tactics, although we get those when we need them; for us it’s been a place to give us space to connect to our wisdom, our passion & purpose, to let go of our own & others’ expectations & to take the leap to do what we really want in this amazing gift of a life."

Vivienne Edgecombe& Jack Magill

"I'm OK no matter what”

“Jamie Smart wrote a sales letter that made me cry – now, as a copywriter I

was trying to work out how he’d done it, then I realised it called to

something deep within me & he was speaking about something so

profound I instinctively knew I wanted more. So I signed up & over the last

5 months I’ve experienced a seismic shift in my understanding of my view

of my life & how it works. I’ve at last let go of the idea I needed to be

“somewhere else” to experience peace & calm & have found a new quiet

confidence in my understanding of “I’m OK no matter what”. The 3

Principles have started to reflect out from me into the world through who I

am & what I do & I’m immensely grateful to have found this new paradigm

from which to live my life & take my place in the world. Thank you Jamie!”

Gillian FoxCopy Writer

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


FAQs Inner Circle

I've already done a bunch of training. Will there be new stuff for me?Yes. The Inside-Out paradigm we'll be working with to help you create your most wonderful &

enjoyable life is going to go way beyond the training you've received until now. We really are

talking about life transformation.

Can I do this even if I don't have any prior coaching or consulting experience?Yes. While the Inner Circle is “by application only”, this is open to everyone, from absolute

beginners to seasoned pros. Even if you don't intend to work as a "people helper", this will have

lasting benefits for you & the people you care about. Current & former members of the inner circle

range from coaches & consultants to doctors, a librarian & even an opera singer!

Will I get benefit from this if I'm already an experienced coach, trainer or consultant?Yes. We're going to be doing powerful work that will have a profound impact for you. You'll also

be learning things that you HAVEN'T learned anywhere else before. This really is about taking

your life, your work, your relationships, EVERYTHING, to a whole new level.

With all this focus on “the inside”, am I going to get results on the outside?Yes. Experience shows that most of the obstacles people experience in creating the results they

want are due to their thinking & their understanding. When that changes, the outer results often

show up effortlessly. Having said that, while there have been lots of amazing results in the group

(often quickly after joining), not everyone in the Inner Circle immediately experiences “outer

success”. In addition to the “outer success” stories, we've also had some members experience

redundancy, unemployment & bankruptcy. Life has it's ups & downs for all of us, but what's

remarkable is the inner resilience & peace of mind that those members have experienced as

they've gone through those outer challenges. In fact, those apparent catastrophes, when

experienced with clarity & wellbeing, are often part of a “clearing away” that person required in

order to create a life they really love.

Do I get access to you, Jamie?Yes. During the Mastermind days, the workshops & masterclasses, I'm at your service, so you can

make sure you get what you want from me & the programme.

I don't want to do inner work - just get results. Does the “inner” side of this really matter?Yes. But it's not inner work for its own sake – it's the necessary work to help you create the results

you want. People only want results because of what it makes possible for them on the inside

(feelings of peace, happiness, wellbeing, security, freedom etc). It's our superstitions about what

causes those feelings/values that often make it difficult for people to create what they want in the

outside world. But once you “debug” what's going on on the inside, it's typically very

straightforward to create what you want in the world.

Part of me wants to do this & part of me isn't sure. Is there a way to get clear?Yes. If you're feeling agitated, it can be tricky to get clear on what you want. Relax & allow your

mind to clear. If your head says you should do this, but your heart's telling you differently, I don't

advise you do it. On the other hand, if you're resonating with the Inner Circle & your heart's

telling you to go for it, I suggest you open to the possibility that it's a good fit for you. In all

circumstances, trust your wisdom to guide you.

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


Can everyone who joins the Inner Circle make a great living doing what they love?

Yes. Everyone can, but not everyone will. In addition to the success stories, members have had

personal calamities, health challenges & even bankruptcy. Life is a contact sport & none of us

avoid the ups & downs of life. But as a member of the Inner Circle, you'll learn to “be grateful for

the highs & graceful with the lows” as you get more & more deeply in touch with your inner

resilience, wellbeing & creativity.

I sometimes struggle with self-doubt & lack of self-belief. Will this really work for me?

Yes. The principles we're using in this programme are true for everybody, regardless of your

past, your beliefs, your personality-type etc. Self-doubt is one of the things many of the current

Inner Circle members had in common when they joined, but as you'll discover, it's just a

misunderstanding – one that's easily resolved as you start creating a life you love.

I'm not clear on my purpose / don't know what I want to do / don't know how to do it. Is this programme going to help me with that?

Yes. In Western society, we're fed so many ideas about what we “should” want, that many

people arrive at the Inner Circle not really being clear on what they want. This is often amplified

by the received wisdom of a well-meaning personal development world that generates

superstitions & false beliefs that point people in the wrong direction. Part of the process is about

letting go of those “shoulds” & starting to uncover your authentic desires. As you emerge from the

fog of superstitions & cultural hypnosis, you'll start to become clearer on what you'd love to

create, as well as how you can bring it into being.

I don't want to turn into a bliss-ninny. Is this about more than just feeling good?

Yes. The “feeling good” part of it is a by-product & part of your inner guidance system, but it's not

the main focus. The main focus of the programme is for you to a) get an insightful understanding

of how your mind works in a way that supports you in creating what you want, b) to help you

create a happy, successful life that fits with who you are & c) to increase your ability to enjoy your

life whatever the circumstances, while creating a life that's an expression of your most inspired

vision for yourself. Having said all this, you can expect to experience a greater sense of peace of

mind, inner security & wellbeing as your time in the programme progresses, in a way that stays

with you for the rest of your life.

The Inner Circle sounds elitist & exclusive. Is it? Yes. Inasmuch as there are only a limited number of places & you need to make a meaningful

investment of time & money to join, it's exclusive. There just isn't room for everyone if I'm to give

people the time & attention they require. For this reason, the programme has been designed for

people who are committed to genuine transformation; really making a difference in their own

lives & in the lives of others. People who are willing to make that commitment are the ones who

are going to benefit from being a member of this programme. I'm exclusively focusing my time &

energy on supporting future leaders. This is the most effective way I've been able to come up with

to get this powerful, paradigm-shifting understanding out into the world in an inclusive way,

beyond the boundaries of this group.

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


A lot of this is effectively “spiritual” work. Are you really OK with charging money for it? Yes. I'm not charging for the Inside-Out understanding – that's free to everybody. I'm charging for my time, the value my colleagues & I create & the transformation you're going to experience in your own life. If you don't want to invest in it, that's fine – I'll continue to create plenty of free materials so you can continue learning at no cost. But if you want to take the fast-track & get the benefits of working closely with the best of the best, then you're going to need to invest your time & money in yourself. I'm glad that my mentors were willing to take me on as a client & I make sure that they know how much I value their time, skills & experience. Part of how I do this is by paying them for it. Remember, people will only invest in you at the level you're willing to invest in yourself.

It seems like a big investment – can I really get the value you're promising?Yes. The value is here & you have a part to play in ensuring you get what you've come for. One of the ground-rules of the Inner Circle is “Dem& Value”. I'm absolutely committed to ensuring you get what you've come for & my mind-reading skills still have room for improvement, so... you need to be forthright about ensuring I know what you want to get along the way & am clear if you're not getting what you want. If you're willing to step up & play that game, then in years to come, you'll look back on your investment of time, money & energy as something that's giving you a massive return, every day of your life.

I can't afford it all in one go – are there payment plans?Yes, but... Part of the reason why the Inner Circle is by application only is so that we can assess the financial impact this will have for you. If paying for your Inner Circle membership would result in pain, worry or stress for you, we'd prefer that you wait until it's a better fit for your financial profile. Having said that, I invite you to ask yourself “How can I afford it?” & open to the possibility that you can find a way to invest in the programme that won't be a burden. To assist in this, we provide a variety of payment plans that can help you spread the investment over time.

I live abroad; am I still able to take part?Yes. Currently two members of our Inner Circle are from overseas (Ireland & France). As long as you are able to get flights into London Heathrow you will be able to join us for the events as all the venues are just a short distance from the terminals. We are also planning to create a “live streaming” version of the Inner Circle Mastermind Group – details available on request.

I can't make all the dates – will I be able to catch up with anything I miss? Yes. Because of the number of events & inevitable diary clashes, it's not unusual for a member of the Inner Circle to miss the occasional day or event. We ensure that if you have to miss one, you're still able to download audios from the Mastermind Groups & will receive the audios immediately & the DVD sets (when available) from the other events (Workshops & Big Events).

Are the event locations easily accessible? Yes. We currently use hotels at London Heathrow for our Mastermind Groups & workshops & various Heathrow & London hotels for the big events.

What are the timings of the events?

The Mastermind groups are on a Sunday in 2012, and on a Saturday & Sunday in 2013. They run from 10am-5pm The Workshops are usually from Friday to Sunday & run from 10am- 6pm The Big Events are on a Saturday & Sunday & run from 10am-6pm

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J


What do I do next? There are only a limited number of places in the Inner Circle Explorer, Explorer-plus, Guide &

Apprentice programmes. If a person wants to be considered for the Inner Circle Mastermind

Group, they need to...

a) Submit an application

b) Have a consultation session with a member of our team

Please send your completed application to [email protected]

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group J



Mastermind Group - December 16th Dec

Workshop - The Heart of Creating Clients - Cathy Casey

Master-Mind Plus - Cathy Casey

Mastermind Group - February

Workshop - Making Life Make Sense - Dr Keith Blevens

Master-Mind Plus - Keith Blevens

Mastermind Group - April

Workshop - Clarity: The Killer App - Jamie Smart

Master-Mind Plus - Jamie Smart

Mastermind Group - June

25th - 27th Jan

28th January

16th -17th Feb

22nd - 24th Mar

25th March

13th - 14th April

17th - 19th May

20th May

15th - 16th June

2012 Jamie Smartc

The Inner Circle Mastermind Group JJamie Smart's Inner Circle Mastermind Group

Confidential Application Form

Why do you think the Inner Circle Mastermind Group would be a good fit for you? What

lets you know that you're at a point in your life where you're convinced that it's time for

transformation, for you to make a truly significant change?

I'm convinced that it's time to make a truly significant change because:


What do you perceive as the number one problem you could solve / change you could

make / goal you could achieve that would have the biggest impact on your work / your

relationships / your life?

My number one biggest leverage point is:


What are you inspired to contribute to the group? What are some of your valuable

skills/qualities/knowledge/experience that you'd be willing to share?


Please enter your contact details:1.

Full Name:

Mobile Number:


All of this, for what purpose?6.

Is there anything else you think it's important for us to know in considering your

application? Please give details...


Which programme have you decided to apply for?2.

Explorer-plus ExplorerGuide Explorer Live StreamApprentice

Jamie Smart Ltd, office 122, leatherline house, 71 narrow lane, aylestone, leicester, LE2 8NA

0845 650 1045

[email protected]

2012 Jamie Smartc

Jamie SmarJ