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The Imhotepian LAW of Possibility | 1 The Imhotepian Law of Possibility by Mujilu Mukatapa (Asar Imhotep) Friday August 06, 2010 The MOCHA-Versity Institute of Philosophy and Research I often contemplate the origins of the universe, the reason for existence and how the universe works. These random moments of free thought often produces meaningful and workable hypotheses (at least in my opinion). My latest travels to the shores of eternity brought a revelation that might explain the universe and how it works in the most simplistic manner possible. I know that’s a tall order, but hear me out. We often talk about the laws that govern the universe in many of our esoteric conversations with other wisdom seekers. Many people like to evoke the Hermetic Laws as perfect explanations for the governing of the universe. The Hermetic Laws are featured in a text called the Kybalion which is alleged to have been written by a one Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes three times great). Hermes is the Hellenistic (Greek) rendition of the Egyptian deity Djhwty (Thoth) who was the patron and personification of intelligence, writing, cosmic laws, mathematics and science. He is also the brother of Maa’t (Cyama, Meyi-Malelela, Meeyi in Tshiluba-Bantu), the personification of order, balance, harmony, justice, righteousness and truth. The seven Hermetic laws are as follows: I. THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM: THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental. II. THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE: As above, so below; as below, so above. III. THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION: Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.

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The Imhotepian LAW of Possibility | 1

The Imhotepian Law of Possibility

by Mujilu Mukatapa (Asar Imhotep)

Friday August 06, 2010

The MOCHA-Versity Institute of Philosophy and Research

I often contemplate the origins of the universe, the reason for existence and how the universe works.

These random moments of free thought often produces meaningful and workable hypotheses (at least

in my opinion). My latest travels to the shores of eternity brought a revelation that might explain the

universe and how it works in the most simplistic manner possible. I know that’s a tall order, but hear me


We often talk about the laws that govern the universe in many of our esoteric conversations with other

wisdom seekers. Many people like to evoke the Hermetic Laws as perfect explanations for the governing

of the universe. The Hermetic Laws are featured in a text called the Kybalion which is alleged to have

been written by a one Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes three times great). Hermes is the Hellenistic

(Greek) rendition of the Egyptian deity Djhwty (Thoth) who was the patron and personification of

intelligence, writing, cosmic laws, mathematics and science. He is also the brother of Maa’t (Cyama,

Meyi-Malelela, Meeyi in Tshiluba-Bantu), the personification of order, balance, harmony, justice,

righteousness and truth.

The seven Hermetic laws are as follows:


II. THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE: As above, so below; as below, so above.

III. THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION: Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.

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IV. THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY: Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of


V. THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM: Everything flows, out and in; everything has tides; all things rise and

fall...rhythm compensates

VI. THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT: Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause.

VII. THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER: Gender is in everything...and manifests on all planes.

Space will not allow us to elaborate on these laws further. There is plenty of information on the internet

to satisfy your curiosity on this subject. My purpose in evoking these laws is simply to lay a foundation

for asking more critical questions of science and philosophy, such as: how many “laws” are there in the

universe? Can the universe, in essence, be explained solely by Hermetic laws? Are there other laws

which govern these “laws?”

After lighting a cocoa-mango incense from the Reggae Bodega and listening to a mixed CD comprised of

J-Dilla and Flying Lotus instrumentals, I asked myself a profound question: could the universe be

governed by one law and not many? And if so, what is that one law? Occam’s Razor is the principle that

states "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity." This is interpreted in popular culture to mean

that the simplest answer is usually the correct one. I am of the opinion that the universe can be

explained quite simply by one governing law: that the universe craves simplicity.

I’ve already discussed briefly the Dya Malela (African) concept of the LAW in THIS article; so I won’t go

into much detail here. In many respects, on the land of the birth of all human culture, the primary belief

is that God = the LAW. This article will slightly deviate from the initial article and it will seemingly

contradict it, but this is not the case. Let’s just say for now that there is a general understanding of

things, and then there is the priest class understanding of things. We won’t have time to elaborate here.

In essence, when you breakdown all matter in the universe, at the core of its being are simply laws that

govern its formation and motion. In our Hermetic text mentioned above, it would be the first “law”

which states, “The ALL is MIND.” The LAW (God) is spoken of in the singular because a major

characteristic of “it” (because it is genderless in its essence) is that it is INFINITE; meaning it has no limits

to its beingness. This means that nothing can exist outside of infinity, therefore there could be no

second to it: all that can exist or possibly exist, can only exist WITHIN the INFINITE.

In contrast to the 7 laws of Hermes, modern scientific conservative estimations indicate that there are

18 physical laws. They are as follows:

Fluid mechanics

* Archimedes’ principle

Force, mass, and inertia

* Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion

* Newton’s three laws of motion

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* Euler's laws of rigid body motion

* Newton’s law of universal gravitation

Heat, energy, and temperature

* Newton’s law of cooling

* Boyle’s law

* Law of conservation of energy

* Joule’s first and second law

* The four laws of thermodynamics

Quantum mechanics

* Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

A full and accurate explanation of each of these physical laws is beyond the scope of this essay, and will

not be attempted here. It is my contention that each of these laws are simply minor equations within

one grand equation which governs the universe. I call this law the Imhotepian Law of Possibility (hey, if

White folks can add their name to a law, so can I). The discovery of this Equation/LAW (God) has been a

quest for man since time immemorial. In modern times it is not called God (*gudu, *godo “sky, heavens,

God” in Proto-Bantu), but is called The Grand Unified Field Theorem.

The basis of this LAW is predicated on this wise: before anything can “be,” the possibility of its being

must exist prior to its coming into being: otherwise, how will it know how to be? The laws of the

universe are instructions for being. Nothing exists outside of a law which tells the being how to be given

certain conditions.

Now, given this thought, if true, that means the physical laws of the universe are limiters to being;

boundaries of distinction. For example, as it is understood currently, it is impossible for me, as an

intelligent, handsome Black man, to give birth to a child because of the laws of being which prevent that

from happening. The laws of the universe have given that responsibility to what we humans call woman.

This reasoning prompted me to contemplate further on the notions of infinity. The concept of infinity

implies that there are no limits or boundaries. This is why the notion of an “expanding” universe is quite

ridiculous in terms of astro-physics. The universe has no boundaries: there is no edge to the universe.

For what is the universe expanding into? Is that, the space in which the universe is expanding into, not a

part of the “universe?” Does not uni- mean “one?” This would mean that anything conceivable and

inconceivable is included in the concept of universe. As Dr. Gabriel Oyibo posits, the universe is an

infinite unified energy field of motion.

If I am correct in stating that laws are limiters to being (rules which shape matter), then it would also be

true that it is impossible for a law to exist to limit or shape infinity. The mere definition of infinity (from

Latin infinitas “unboundedness”) makes the notion of a law which could limit its (the universe’s)

beingness impossible.

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But brother Asar, don’t we have a fundamental contradiction here? As you stated earlier (playing the

role of you the reader), if anything (physical or conceptual) exists, wouldn’t the possibility of its

existence have to exist prior to its coming into being? And if so, what law governs the existence of the

physical universe (as a whole) if you claim that laws are limiters (shapers of matter) within the universe

if the universe is unlimited which can’t be limited by a law?

This is a very good question you asked. This is why I argue that fundamentally there is only one law in

the universe: The LAW of possibility. The Law of Possibility states that in an infinite universe ALL things

are possible, with no exceptions. Anything that exist exists because it is possible to exist. Any and all

things that can exist (which is anything) already exist conceptually as a result of the LAW of Possibility

(the unified field of possibilities). The world we live in is just a certain context for existing. There are

different levels of existing and each level is a certain context of existence. One could posit that each

galaxy is a framework for a different type of existence which may have its own peculiar laws.

What we call the physical laws of the universe are merely minor equations within the grand unified field

equation of possibilities. These laws carve a space in the primordial matter to allow certain types of

existences. They are the agents (the arms and hands) that make things possible within the universal

field. The known laws of the universe should not be seen simply as limiters to being, but the very forces

that make being possible within the infinite field of possibilities. Given the LAW of Possibility, if there is a

law that restricts, there has to be a law that “un” restricts the restrictive law. The question then

becomes, “Is it possible to access these ‘counter’ laws?” The LAW of Possibility states that it is possible,

but we currently just don’t know how or have the necessary equations for these counter laws.

The law of gravitation doesn’t limit my movement in the universe. Gravity makes it possible for me to BE

on Earth. Gravity provides my collection of atoms a context for being a human within a earth planetary

existence. The combination and clashing of physical laws brings about a new type of being. Everything in

existence is a response to the challenge of its immediate environment. The physical laws give form to

matter. In other words, there is an inherent integrity or value within matter and the laws carve out,

shape, or outline its integrity and marks the boundaries of distinction.

This shell I call my body is governed by laws which distinguishes me from other possible beings such as

trees, ants or planets for example. I only exist because it is possible for me to exist. In order for me to

exist, in human form, as Asar Imhotep, certain laws had to come together to make this concept called

Asar Imhotep (a great human being) possible. Death is a function in nature that allows this energy

source to experience new possibilities. Without death there would only be singularity. Death is an agent

of change and it is change that allows for infinity to exist and new possibilities to be a reality.

I currently am in agreement with the general Bantu philosophical notion that everything has the same

“soul” (See Credo Mutwa’s Indaba My Children 1964:565). We could liken the soul to the atom. I like to

compare the soul to the base element of the hydrogen atom.

As Dr. Gabriel Oyibo posits with his God Almighty Grand Unified Field Theorem, there is really only one

element in the universe and that is hydrogen. All elements are unified under hydrogen or combinations

of hydrogen units. In ancient Dya Malela (Ta Mery, Egypt), this element was labeled Ka. The Ka was

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represented by a pair of arms raised towards the sky: . It is my conviction that this symbol had a

similar connotation as the Bantu-Kongo concept of Simbi (snb in ancient Egyptian).

Simbi derives from Simba “to hold up, to keep (a thing), to bless, to touch, to treasure, to retain.” These

are also actions of the hands/arms. Simbi means “a keeper; a watch over, someone with the power to

protect, a living power/energy that holds up everything.” In Niger-Congo languages *ka means “arm,

hand, power, to lift, to cut, (actions one does with the arms or hands; thus the Egyptian symbol of raised

arms).” In ancient Egypt everything was powered by Ka. It was the living element that “held everything

up.” You had a universal Ka and an individual Ka. It is believed in the Egyptological material that the Ka is

the soul (some say the double). All things have a Ka (palatalized as Chi in Igbo, the Po in Dogon lore). Ka

is power and power is energy. If all things are energy (ka), including matter, and if all matter is

essentially combinations of hydrogen atoms as proposed by Oyibo, then Mutwa is essentially right and

there is only one “soul” in the universe which is shared by all things. In my science class in high school

the teacher asked this question, “(showing a picture) What is holding up this bridge?” After yelling “a

rope, pillars, Jesus,“ he answered, “The Atom.”

All of this is important to this conversation for many reasons. If the later part of our discussion is true,

then this would add credence to the ancient Kongo-African concept of Kala y Zima (on and off). This is

the binary system of life as expressed in the Kongo. It is the same conceptualization that governs

divination notation in the Yoruba system of Ifa. It is the same functioning that governs modern

computers. All software is really organized light impulses that are either activated or deactivated. These

are symbolically represented as 1’s and 0’s. A bit of 1 represents “on” or “light/electricity.” A 0 bit is

“off” or “dark/no electricity.”

From the ancient Kongo spiritual systems to Microsoft Word, it is clear that the universe is a grid that

operates on the ON and OFF principle. Remember, for African sages, everything that could possibly

exist, already exists conceptually within the grid/field. Materialization of existence is just a matter of

“activating” (turning on) that which already exist in its “off” state.1

When something comes into being, it does so as a result of the laws of the universe combining together

and “coding” certain equations or pass-codes to activate and deactivate certain patterns (of light) in the

infinite field/plane of possibilities. For the sake of clarity, imagine a flat squared geometric plane. There

are no ripples in this plane, just a smooth surface. Now imagine some great universal Computer

Programmer named, uhmmm, God for the sake of simplicity. Now imagine this Great Programmer

typing in a combination of codes and after hitting the enter button, something “pops-up” or “arises” out

of the flat plane.

1 I’m currently trying to activate 20 million dollars for a film I’m trying to shoot. I know it exist. Just have to find the

right codes…

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Figure 1. Universal Planes and Curvatures2

This essentially is how the universe works. I will demonstrate in an upcoming publication that it is this

train of thought that is behind the meaning of the ancient Egyptian term Ntr (Netcher, Ndele, Anatara,

Ntora, Njora, Tre) which Egyptologists mistakenly label “gods” in the modern literature.

A Ntr is a force, a law that “codes” the plane of possibilities and makes “things” “rise” up and appear out

of the field of possibilities; like a plant out of the soil. This is first demonstrated by the Ntrw “gods” Ptah,

Atum, or Ra “rising” out of the Nwn/Nu (primordial substance represented as water). It should be noted

that the Egyptian literature posits that out of the Nu/Nwn rose a primordial hill (Ta or Tajanen) that

looks like figure B above.

2 Three-dimensional curved space is not possible to visualize, but curvature in two dimensions can be illustrated. A

positively curved universe is like the surface of a sphere; a negatively curved universe, like a saddle. A universe with zero curvature is like a plane. The geometry of curved space, two- or three-dimensional, is different: parallel lines may intersect (positively curved space) or may diverge (negatively curved space) and the sum of angles in a triangle may be more than 180 degrees (positively curved space) or less than 180 degrees (negatively curved space). The CMB determination of the curvature of space relied upon these facts. Source:

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A Ntr “shapes” the infinite matter into “distinct” objects. This is why the symbol of a Ntr is an axe (a

sharp cutting tool). Because of the LAW of Possibility, there is an infinite number of ways the “atom” can

BE. Time and Space is the field in which the Infinite expresses itself by playing around with different

combinations of atoms.


What we have posited in this discussion is that there is only one universal law and that is the LAW of

Possibility. The concept of infinity, in relationship to the universe, ensures that creation will never have

bounds and there will be something new under the sun to discover for eternity. The 18 known laws that

govern the physical universe are simply smaller equations within the grand equation of the LAW of

Possibility. What we know as our reality is simply “a” context for which certain possibilities are active

within the infinite field of possibilities.

The question we pose here today is, what methods could we use to discover the laws that make

something possible in one plane of existence, achievable in our current environment or the context in

which we find ourselves today? For instance, if it is possible for a tree to grow upside down and bear

skittled flavored pears in Galaxy X, can we reduplicate that feat here in our current context? The LAW of

Possibility predicts that it is possible because all things are possible; nothing is impossible within an

infinite unified field. We just haven’t figured out how to do it.

There is nothing the human mind can think of that the Creator has not already thought of. Remember, it

is INFINITE and Omniscient and its conceptualizations are INFINITE; and nothing’s IMPOSSIBLE for the

INFINITE. So while a skittled flavored pear from a tree that grows upside down may sound ridiculous to

some readers, the mere fact that I thought of such a thing means it’s possible because I can’t think of

anything the Creator has not already thought of and nothing is impossible for it. This means in the

beginning the Creator actually thought of skittled flavored pears and knows how to make it happen

because nothing is impossible for IT. And if IT thought of it, and IT is infinite, and nothing’s impossible

for IT, and we are a part of IT, and share to some degree its capacity to create, then it is possible for me

to discover how to grow an upside down tree that bears skittled flavored pears. The important thing is

the path (the method of knowing how to do it).

These deep reflections, while listening to J-Dilla records, sunk me further into the rabbit hole. I think I

understand why the priesthoods created religion. Religion essentially is a prison of the mind. It is fuelled

by dogma to restrict access to information. It introduces into the human psyche the notion of

separatism and limitations. I think religion was created to be a buffer between ordinary experience and

knowledge of the LAW of Possibility. This is why I think so much emphasis in religions is on what NOT to

do instead of maximizing one’s capacity to DO.

If you were taught that you are consubstantial with the Creator, who is the Universe itself, you would

begin to ask deeper questions concerning your existence and your capacity to create. In a real sense,

what are my real limits?

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Initiations into African priesthoods aim to teach the human being these 3 fundamental things as

expressed by Malidoma Somé in his work Of Water and the Spirit:

Traditional education consists of three parts: enlargement of one’s ability to see, destabilization of the body’s habit of being bound to one plane of being, and the ability to voyage transdimentionally and return. Enlarging one’s vision and abilities has nothing supernatural about it; rather, it is “natural” to be part of nature and to participate in a wider understanding of reality (Somé 1994: 226).

In essence, Somé is providing us with a fundamental contrast between modern religion and traditional

African education. While religion seeks to limits one reality, indigenous education seeks to stretch one’s

limits to create a unique and more powerful human being. This is supported in the work (op. cited) of

Credo Mutwa who gives voice to an elder teacher named Maynah, who states:

My son, for thousands of years, we, the chosen ones have been trying to breed a new kind of man who will walk this earth without fear of flesh-and-blood enemies and who could offer defiance to some of the gods who hate us. Such a man, we hope, would use the forces of his brain, his mental power, to destroy his enemies, instead of using spears and shields. Such a man [or woman] would not use his tongue to speak, but would use the powerful voice of his mind to speak to both beasts and fellow human beings. There would be nothing hidden from this man [or woman] who would be using the forces latent in our minds to do even the most seemingly impossible things. He would be able to read the thoughts of birds and he would be able to swim against the current of “river time”—backwards into the past or forwards into the future—as he pleased. And, my son, we are nearer this ideal today than most people think (Mutwa 1964: 612).

We mentioned the soul earlier in our conversation. Mutwa’s elder teacher further clarifies the goal of

the priesthood, in collaboration with the soul, and provides the following insight concerning the power

and omnipresence of the soul:

The power of the soul and the mind is infinite. The soul is omniscient and omnipresent

like the Great god of whom it forms an infinitesimal granule. The brain is something man

uses for thinking about, and controlling his immediate, mostly materialistic, needs. But if

properly linked to the soul with the mind, the brain could exploit all the powers of the

soul. The ideal is in fact to weld the body, brain, mind, Ena [double] and soul into one

co-ordinated whole instead of so many scattered entities. Where a person can achieve

this, he will reach ultimate perfection. (ibid)

Remember for the Bantu there is only one soul in existence. For us this is the atom. It would appear that

the atom, in a kind of holographic universe, is having an infinite amount of experiences within the

Unified Field of Possibilities. Professor James Smalls always like to say that, “We are God having a

human experience.” We could also say, “We are atoms having a human experience.”

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What the priesthoods realized, after stumbling across the LAW of Possibility, is that with great

knowledge comes great responsibility. This is partly why in many parts of Africa it is taboo to introduce

to a child images or languages of violence.3 All things the senses receive are a “seed,” that if nourished,

can flower into something beneficial or detrimental to the person and community. African priests can

tell you that it is possible to “create” spirits. With all of the horror movies, gangsta rap, war movies, etc.,

that we have created, I wonder what types of spirits did we create and if there is a correlation between

what we think is entertainment and what manifests within the larger society?

If everyone had the knowledge of, let’s say, the ability to transform matter at will to what one desires,

how many of us would use that power responsibly? If some of us had the ability to walk through walls,

how many would use this ability to walk through a bank vault and steal money to pay bills? If we knew

how to be in multiple places at once, how many of us would use this power to ease drop on other’s

conversations? How would a government like ours utilize this power in regards to its citizens?

What the ancient priesthoods realized is that the possession of high moral character is just as important

as the knowledge to do seemingly super natural things. It’s not enough to know, but to know when to

use it and how not to disrupt the balance of the “context” of the environment that one finds oneself in.

The ancient Egyptians, through the testimony of the Greeks, warned against the misuse of the LAW of

Possibility in a Hermetic text called The Virgin of the World. In this text the deity Hrw (Kulu in Tschiluba)

is being initiated into the knowledge of the world by his mother Ist (Isis). Dr. Muata Ashby in his book

Resurrecting Osiris (2006:110) cites part of the discussion between Hrw and Ist where Ist is teaching Hrw

about creation and the dialogue between the Earth spirit and God concerning the creation and potential

of man. The Earth spirit questions why God (in the form of Djehuti) created man in the first place given

the potential danger to creation a knowledgeable man poses. The discussion centers on the creation of

souls and their embodiment within human flesh. Ashby states:

“As this embodiment process occurred, the Great Earth Spirit arose and questioned

Djehuti: ‘What are these encasements which the souls are entering into?’ Djehuti

answered ‘Men!...’ Then the spirit said: ‘It is a daring work, this making man, with eyes

inquisitive, and talkative tongue, with power henceforth to hear things even which are

no concern of his, dainty of smell, who will use to its full his power of touch on every


“The Earth Spirit continued: ‘Have you, his generator, judged it good to leave him free

from care, who in the future daringly will gaze upon the fairest mysteries which Nature

has? Would you leave him without grief, which in the days to come will make his

thoughts reach unto mysteries beyond the earth?’”

“The Earth spirit continued to speak, saying: ‘Men will dig up the roots of plants, and will

find out the juices’ qualities. Men will observe the nature of the stones. Men will dissect

not only animals irrationally, but they’ll dissect themselves, desiring to find out how

3 See Dr. K. kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau’s work Mbongi: An African Traditional Political Institution for an excellent

discussion on this matter.

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they were made. They will stretch their daring hands out into the sea, and cutting self

grown forests down will ferry one another over the lands beyond. Men will seek out as

we the inner nature of the holy spaces which no foot may tread, and will chase after

them into the height, desiring to observe nature of the motion of the Heaven.’”

“The Spirit continued: ‘These are yet moderate things which they will do. For nothing

more remains than Earth’s remotest realms; nay, in their daring they will track out

Night, the farthest Night of all.’”

“The Spirit continued; ‘Nothing have they, then, to stop them from receiving the

initiation in the good of freedom from all pain, and, unconstrained by terror’s grievous

goads, from living softly out a life free from a care.’”

“The Spirit continued: ‘Then will they not gird on the armor of an over-busy daring up to

Heaven? Will they not, then reach out their souls, freed from a care, unto the primordial

elements themselves?’”

“The Spirit continued to speak, saying: ‘Teach them henceforth to long, to plan out

something, where they have as well to fear the danger of its ill-success, in order that

they may be tamed by the sharp tooth of pain in failure of their hopes.’”

“The Spirit Continued: ‘Let the too busy nature of their souls be balanced by desires, and

fears, and griefs, and empty hopes.’”

“So continued the Earth Spirit, saying: ‘Let loves in quick succession sway their souls

hopes, manifold desires, sometimes fulfilled, and sometimes unfulfilled, that the sweet

bait of their success may draw them into struggle amid direr ills.’”

“The Spirit continued: ‘Let fever lay its heavy hand on them, that losing heart they may

submit desire to discipline.’”

Djehuti then introduces the force of Karma into the universe to regulate human behavior. This text is

very informative in that it attests to the fact that even in ancient times, the priesthoods viewed

undisciplined knowledge in humans as a threat to creation. This is how they articulated this important

issue in the form of myth. It also informs us of the ancient’s belief that all knowledge is accessible; that

all things are possible given that the human being is disciplined and focused enough to discover. This is

the fundamental difference between African education and Western religions. Western religions require

you to believe, while African education encourages one to discover, but within the context of community

and good character.

I think the priesthoods created religion and religious law to slow the discovery of the LAW of Possibility

for “our own good.” Some might find issue with this. I think it was a lofty goal but one that backfired and

is now wreaking havoc on earth. The story of the Ashanti tale of Anansi the spider I think sums up the

situation nicely.

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At one time, in the olden days, there was only one wise person, and that was spider. The only problem with spider was that his greed knew no bounds so that he wished to keep all this wisdom to himself. One day, bored with having to stay and guard his wisdom all day, spider decided to store it away and hide it in a safe place. He called his wife, who had the reputation of loving her husband so much that she would do her chores while carrying him on her back. Spider asked her to make him a big pot into which he could put all his wisdom. Love ate her understanding, or otherwise she could have helped him realize that wisdom, unlike money, cannot be bundled up and stored away. Like a fool in love, she did not hesitate and built him a great pot.

Spider decided to hide the pot way up in the branches of a huge tree that was not only extremely difficult to climb down, but also grew far away in the forest. Carrying the pot in front of him, he made his way through the forest, followed—unbeknownst to him—by no one else but his small son. At last he reached a huge tree and started to try climbing it. He hung the pot by a rope around his neck, with the stopper just below his nose so he could make sure it did not tip over. Spider tried his best many times to climb the tree in vain, for the pot got in the way of his arms and he found he was unable to grip the trunk. After many unsuccessful attempts, he grew hot and sticky and started to curse angrily, much to the bewilderment of his son, hidden behind a nearby tree, who was puzzled by his father’s curious antics.

The son could stand it no longer and came up respectfully to his father and told him: “Surely, my dad, if you wish to take that pot up the tree you should tie it to your back and not your front. Then your hands would be free.” Spider lost it. He was so upset with his head that he could have used his hat to cover his buttocks. Here was his small son teaching him a lesson that put to shame his wisdom. The know-it-all knows nothing. Shaking with exhaustion and anger, like the anger of a moth that gets angry and falls in the fire, spider lifted the pot, wanting to take it off and chastise his son. His hands were slippery with sweat, and the great pot was heavy. It slipped through his fingers and crashed to the ground.

The great pot burst open, and its contents were scattered far and wide. There was a storm coming, and the wind swept through the forest, lifting the wisdom and carrying it on its way. The rain poured down ad swept the wisdom into the streams, which carried it into the sea. Thus was wisdom spread throughout the world. Spider chased his small son home through the pouring rain, blaming him for so great a loss. But Spider was not really sorry the pot was broken, for he said: “Too much cleverness drives wisdom away. What is the use of so much wisdom, if my own small

son can outshine my judgment?” 4

There is a powerful lesson in this story that may pertain to actual historical events. It is my belief that

the priesthoods tried to conceal the knowledge of how the universe operates by codifying the

information in myths. This was not done so that they can feel all mighty and high about themselves

4 This Ashanti tale was collected and published by Luke Gyesi-Appiah in his book Ananse Stories Retold.

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because they know some things others don’t.5 I think they genuinely understood that people mature at

different stages of their lives, and many people don’t mature at all. A little knowledge is dangerous in

the wrong hands. So the emphasis became on developing high moral character before the revelation on

the advances of science.

What I think happened as a result of this is that the people got frustrated with having to be patient and

disciplined to receive certain information. There were issues that were needed to be resolved that the

priesthoods couldn’t address because they spiritualized everything.6 If the people would have had

access to certain information, certain processes then maybe they would have been able to meet some

of the more critical challenges in their environment.

As a result of this, the people began to rebel against the priesthoods and the knowledge of the universe

became known to anyone who desired to learn, regardless of merit. The same notions of Quantum

Mechanics were discussed in the “bush” among the Dogon centuries before its rediscovery in the 20th

century in the West. Quantum Mechanics is apparent in the ancient Egyptian creation myths. The point

here is that the scientists, without the religious priesthood, discovered this knowledge. The information

the priesthoods attempted hold tight is available to anyone. The relevance of a priest now comes into

question. However, what’s missing from the general scientific community is the focus on ethics and

human character development. This is why the information is more destructive in their hands than it

ever was among religious priests.

This is a debate I’m sure will not be resolved anytime soon (as to who should have access to

knowledge?). The point of this discussion is to theorize the notion that there is essentially only one law

governing the universe and that is the (Imhotepian ) LAW of Possibility. If my theory is true, then

what are the greater implications in regards to human beings and our perceived limitations? If any and

all things are possible, what then becomes our purpose? The LAW of Possibility opens the door for

greater research questions. How much more can science advance if it understood that the laws of

nature that we perceive are not barriers at all and that there are laws to counter those laws which we

think limit us in this realm? What if people focused their energies and combined it with the knowledge

that nothing is impossible and consciously searched for the laws that bring “good” into the world? At

this point one should not say that this or that is impossible; but more so that, “I just haven’t figured out

how to do it…YET!” All one needs is a powerful and infinite imagination.


Asar Imhotep

5 I do however reserve space to include those who probably had a god complex and felt they were above the

ordinary citizen because of his/her priestly position. 6 See the book by Jordan Ngubane titled Conflict of Minds (1979) in regards to the motives of Tshaka Zulu and the

formation of the Zulu nation.

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Now watch this video:

Richard Dawkins' jaw-dropping talk on our bizarre universe (TEDTalks)