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The Human Concept in The Urantia Book Master’s Thesis Department of Comparative Religion Faculty of Humanities University of Helsinki / Finland Jyri Härkönen April 2005

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Page 1: The Human Concept in The Urantia Book - … · The Human Concept in The Urantia Book Master’s Thesis Department of

The Human Concept in The Urantia Book

Master’s ThesisDepartment of Comparative Religion Faculty of HumanitiesUniversity of Helsinki / FinlandJyri HärkönenApril 2005

Page 2: The Human Concept in The Urantia Book - … · The Human Concept in The Urantia Book Master’s Thesis Department of


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................6

1.1. Subject matter of the study.....................................................................7

1.2. Previous studies .....................................................................................9

1.3. Aims of the study ...................................................................................12

2. HISTORY OF THE URANTIA BOOK ................................................................14

2.1. On the origins of The Urantia Book........................................................14

2.1.1. Preliminary contacts 1908–1925 ................................................14

2.1.2. Receiving of the papers of The Urantia Book 1925–1942 ..........18

2.1.3. Preparing for the publication of The Urantia Book 1942–1955 ..21

2.1.4. Why has The Urantia Book been edited after the first printing?..24

2.2. History of The Urantia Book in Finland ..................................................29

3. IS THE URANTIA BOOK ESSENTIALLY CHRISTIAN?..................................32

3.1. Christian theologians’ positive and neutral comments regarding

the content of The Urantia Book ............................................................32

3.2. Christian theologians’ negative comments regarding the content

of The Urantia Book ..............................................................................36

3.3. What is said about christianity in The Urantia Book? ..............................37

4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .........................................................................40

4.1. Systematic analysis as a hermeneutical research method and theory.........40

4.1.1. History of systematic analysis ....................................................40

4.1.2. Introduction to systematic analysis.............................................42

4.1.3. Systematic analysis in practice ...................................................45

4.1.4. Hypotheses / Ontological decisions as part of the study .............48

4.2. Lauri Rauhala’s theory of human concept ...............................................50

4.3. Gathering and processing the research material.......................................53

4.4. How I found The Urantia Book..............................................................54

5. HUMAN BODY AND HUMAN EVOLUTION ...................................................55

5.1. Biological evolution which led to the birth of human beings....................55

5.2. Life and nature of the human body..........................................................60

6. HUMAN MIND....................................................................................................62

6.1. Where does the human mind originate from? ..........................................62

6.2. What is the nature of the human mind.....................................................65

6.3. Earthly function of the human mind ........................................................68

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7. PERSONALITY ...................................................................................................71

7.1. What is meant by ’personality’? ..............................................................71

7.2. Where does personality originate from?..................................................73

7.3. How does personality manifest itself in practice? ....................................75

7.4. When and how does a non-personal ”human” become a personal

human being? ........................................................................................77

7.5. Life and existence of personality.............................................................80

8. THOUGHT ADJUSTER ......................................................................................81

8.1. Thought Adjuster as a living contact between God and man ...................81

8.2. What are Thought Adjusters like by nature? ...........................................83

8.3. Thought Adjuster’s relationship with man...............................................86

8.4. On the Thought Adjuster’s practical work in man...................................89

8.5. Thought Adjusters’ future ......................................................................93

9. HUMAN SOUL....................................................................................................95

9.1. The birth and development of the soul ....................................................95

9.2. On the nature and function of the soul ....................................................96

9.3. On the afterlife of the soul ......................................................................99

10. CONCLUSION....................................................................................................100

10.1. Developing into a human being with respect to time .............................100

10.2. How the components of a human being form a holistic entity................101

10.2.1. Picture: Functional relationships between the components

of a human being.....................................................................103

10.3. Human concept in The Urantia Book in the light of

Lauri Rauhala’s theory of human concept .............................................104

10.3.1. Picture: Human concept in The Urantia Book presented

along the lines of Lauri Rauhala’s theory of human concept .....105

10.4. Suggestions for further research based on The Urantia Book ................105


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