the high life august 2013

COMMUNITY CORPORATE CULTURE The High Life Magazine for Mansfield & Ashfield area Medieval Family Fun in Sherwood! Editor’s Interview: John Knight Committee Chair for Culture N.C.C. East Midlands Action-4-Business 2 Details inside August 2013

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Welcome to your monthly Community, Culture and Corporate Magazine offering fabulous news, information, events and packed with wonderful places to visit and sites to see in the Mansfield and Ashfield District


Page 1: The High Life August 2013


The High LifeMagazine for Mans� eld & Ash� eld area

Medieval Family Fun in Sherwood!

Editor’s Interview:John KnightCommittee Chair for Culture N.C.C. East Midlands

Action-4-Business 2Details inside

August 2013

Page 2: The High Life August 2013


COMMUNITY4 Youthzone8 Desert Trek10 Editor’s Interview13 Healthy LifestyleCULTURE29 Film and Book Review30 Walks-4-lifeCORPORATE14 Corporate section16 EMA-4-B-Exhibition 219 Police Commissioner

-tackles crime21 Corporate Calendar22 Graduate StoryREGULAR FEATURES12 Gentleman’s Page20 Keys to Success Carl24 Femme Page25 Fashion with Natalie26 What’s on Section30 Jo’s Jollies31 Photo Entry

Hello and welcome to the

amazingly hot edition

of The High Life Magazine

for Mansfi eld and Ashfi eld. With temperatures

hitting almost 30 degrees it has been fabulous

to see everyone in beautiful summer clothes,

walking around smiling, enjoying chilled drinks

in cool bars and basically life with the sun out

seems so much nicer.

The Robin Hood Festival approaches and it

is fabulous to have this celebration on our

doorstep. See our regular feature ‘Editor’s

Interview’ with John Knight, Committee chair

for Culture at NCC on pages. 10&11 to fi nd

out more about what is happening and also the

recent heritage bid aiming to boost this fabulous

treasure in our local area. Please go and

support the events and encourage friends and

visitors to attend. Let’s shout about the great

Sherwood Forest, its history, its current day in

relation to how beautiful the countryside is and

the future plans. We should ‘stand proud’.

Following on from the March East Midlands

Action-4-Business Exhibition at Mansfi eld Civic

Centre we have a follow up on the 16th October

– a great platform for businesses and a brilliant

means for you our readers to come along and

fi nd out more about the local area. Watch this

space for more details closer to the date

I hope you enjoy our fashion pages with great

ideas of lovely summer clothes to wear whilst

enjoying this fabulous heat wave. However,

drink lots and ensure you keep your eye on any

neighbours that could be vulnerable. Plus lots of

high factor sun cream!

Take care and see you in

September – Ooh on the

way to Autumn!

Diane Carter, Editor

ContentsIn this issue

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Editors interviewJohn Knight, Committee Chair for Culture at NCC

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East Midlands Action-4-For

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Page 3: The High Life August 2013


Page 4: The High Life August 2013


Regular Educational FeatureBy Jill Bator of Brighter FuturesResults Time!

There will be plenty of celebrations as many students get their A-level results. But for

some there will be tears and some diffi cult decisions to be made.What are the options for those who don’t get the required grades they need to take up a place at their preferred university or course?Hard though it is, it’s important not to PANIC.There are other options open to you.• Keep calm- You may be offered a place with your insurance or second option university. A special exam results help line will have been set up by UCAS and Department for Education to help give advice on university places available through clearing and other options available to you. This is a free service and offers an impartial support service. Check this out on line.• Clearing- If you still want to go to university, you can try to get a place through clearing.This is run by UCAS and will have details of university places available. Most places available via clearing go quickly. It’s important to seek advice, be decisive and act quickly.• Gap Year- not getting your grades could turn into a positive experience. A gap year could be your chance to see the world, do volunteer work, develop new skills or add something to your CV.• Alternatives to university- You may have decided to consider alternatives to academic study. You may wish to consider an apprenticeship, start your own business or consider an alternative way to gain further qualifi cations. Many local colleges offer degree level courses.Check out their website or call for advice.Remember, it’s important to discuss options open to you with Parents, Teachers and other Professionals. Do not rush into making decisions that could infl uence your future.Good luck to all awaiting results this August.


Samworth Church Academy participate in Guinness World Record

Samworth Church Academy students that participated in a ‘UK

School Librarians’ writing challenge earlier in the year have just received notice that the event has offi cially entered the record books.Author Matt Haig wrote the opener to a story entitled ‘My Family and other Aliens’, and students were asked to add their own lines- then pass it to further contributors until the story was complete. Fifty-fi ve student writers from Samworth Church Academy added their part to the adventure which at one point saw Danny the hero, saved from the aliens when they became distracted by their love of tomato soup!A certifi cate and letter of thanks received at Samworth Church Academy from Guinness World Records, thanks students for their part in the record bid which is entitled ‘Most people to write a story (multiple venues)’. On fi nal count, 3217 people nationally were writing the story, at 69 different venues. Leanne Wain, Librarian at Samworth Church Academy said the event had tested students’ abilities in creative writing, “It’s always brilliant to see what students will come up with when they have to think on their feet and it’s good to be able to do something fun and creative outside of lessons- it’s what school libraries are all about! I’m very proud of everyone that took part and the certifi cate is going up on the wall for all to see.”Photograph left to right: Imogen Coyle (11 yrs.), Bailey Wells (13 yrs.) and front, Rebecca Gillespie (12 yrs.).

New Flowerbed is Jewel in park's Crown

A schoolboy from King Edwards School has

won a competition for his design of a fl owerbed in the shape of a crown to mark the 60th anniversary of the Queen's coronation. Every year Mansfi eld District Council holds a competition for children from King Edward's Primary School to design a fl owerbed at Titchfi eld Park, Mansfi eld, as part of the Mansfi eld in Bloom campaign. The East Midlands in Bloom judges will

see the fl owerbed on their tour of the District on 9 July. Kieran Sullivan (8) designed a red, white and

blue Union fl ag design in the shape of a crown, which was chosen as the winner by Parks Development Offi cer Andy Chambers and the Maun Conservation Group. Kieran's prizes were a birdbox, a garden tool set, a certifi cate and books from the friends group. Kieran saw the fl owerbed, which was planted by members of the Council's Parks

team, for the fi rst time on Friday (21 June) when he and 13 other members of his school's gardening club aged 8-10 visited the park to plant a fl owerbed. Martyn Thurman, Head of Neighbourhood Services, said: "This is a great way to encourage young people to take an interest in gardening, take pride in and care for their local environment."The new fl owerbed is a fantastic feature and I'm sure it will impress the East Midlands in Bloom judges when they visit next month. The Council is extremely grateful for the ongoing support of the school and the Maun Conservation group for their work."

Page 5: The High Life August 2013



Wellow House SchoolRhian Pedley aged 10yrs with the

Trinick Cup for Consistent Endeavour.


Brunt's Academy School hold a House Master Chef

Competition each year. This is now the 3rd year it has run and is very popular within the school. Each house in the school enters three teams of two including staff and students, aiming to win a shield for their house. Teams had one hour to create two courses and local chefs judged their work. This year, Greg Sheridan, the Head Chef at the Lindhurst Rooms helped choose the winning team – he is photographed above with the winning students

and staff from Birch House who cooked a selection of mouth-watering dishes.

Greg Sheridan commented: ‘I was honoured to have been chosen to judge the fi nal this year and was very impressed with the standard of the students cooking.’

Page 6: The High Life August 2013


All Saints’ Catholic School The Best in Mansfield

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Page 7: The High Life August 2013


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Page 8: The High Life August 2013


Desert Trek for Charity

This November Sarah Simons will trek 100km across the Sahara Desert in aid of The Inspire and Achieve Foundation,

a charity which supports disadvantaged young people inMansfi eld and Ashfi eld back into education and towards work, through outreach and engagement programmes.Following a long career as an actor and screenwriter, appearing in numerous TV shows, plays and musicals in the West End and on National tours, Sarah Simons opted for a career change, wanting a quieter life. Completing a teaching qualifi cation and intending to teach for couple of hours a week, she accidentally fell in love with education. Sarah teaches, writes about education matters for The Times Educational Supplement and other publications as well as working at Vision West Nottinghamshire College. She feels very strongly about supporting young people from diffi cult backgrounds towards better futures through education.“I’m not an elite athlete, nor am I outdoorsy or brave. However it won’t be long until I’ll be trekking the world’s most unforgiving landscapes with a small group of strangers, some camels and possibly a couple of scorpions.Signing up for this adventure is the result of a number of converging factors:1. Spending time with amazingly determined young people who have thrived with the support of The Inspire & Achieve Foundation, despite the enormous challenges that their daily lives present.2. Dithering about how to best celebrate my 40th birthday (a few days after I return from the desert).3. Never, ever drinking decaffeinated!

I’ve completed marathons, but seeing no reason to exercise unless there’s promise of applause and a medal, I haven’t broken a sweat this decade. So the training begins...”To sponsor Sarah please visit or text TROT73 and the amount you wish to donate to 70070. Your help will change the lives of local young people.

Paralympic stars have IPC World Championship glory in their sightsMansfi eld Nova’s Paralympic stars, Ollie Hynd MBE and Charlotte Henshaw, will be heading out to Montreal in Canada this month to the IPC World Championships, and have clear goals to consolidate their fantastic 2012 success and to pit themselves against the world’s best disability swimmers.

After a brief respite following the London 2012 Paralympic Games, both athletes had to re-focus and start the next competitive swimming cycle, which will culminate at the Rio Paralympics in 2016. The fi rst step is the World Championships in Montreal from 12 to 18 August.

The next three and half years see major championships on the horizon for both Paralympic athletes, with possible European Championships in 2014, World Championships in Glasgow in 2015 and the Rio Paralympics in 2016. In addition Ollie is set to compete in the Commonwealth Games next year.

For Ollie 2012 was a year to remember. He won Gold in the SM8 200m Individual Medley in a European Record, Silver in the S8 400m Freestyle and Bronze in the S8 100m Backstroke,

becoming the most successful male Great Britain swimmer at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. The year culminated with Ollie being awarded the MBE in the Queens New Year’s Honours.

He will be swimming the same events in Montreal and has a tough programme with all three events scheduled for the fi rst three days of competition, starting with the 100m Backstroke on

day one, 200m Individual Medley on day two and the 400m Freestyle on day three.

In all three events Ollie has again real medal chances and will be looking to secure his place at the top of the rankings in his category. However he is under no illusion that competition in Canada will be fi erce, but the experience of London has made the 18 year old from Kirkby in Ashfi eld more determined than ever to strive for more success in 2013.

Ollie’s brother, Sam Hynd, has also made the Great Britain team and will compete with Ollie in the SM8 200m Individual Medley and 400m Freestyle.

Charlotte, who also had a tremendous London Games, taking Silver in the Women’s SB6 100m Breaststroke but just missing the Gold by 0.03 second, is even more determined this year to better her London medal performance.


Page 9: The High Life August 2013


Mansfi eld Rotary Club has a new President

Paul Bacon who has been President of Mansfi eld Rotary Club during the year that ends on 30th June is pictured after handing over the chains of offi ce to incoming President, John Whiteley at the Clubs Changeover Night held at Sherwood Forest Golf Club on Tuesday night (25/6/13).

Rotarian Whiteley congratulated Past President Paul on presiding over an outstanding year during which 11 new members had joined the Club including 9 female members. He went on to comment on the variety of the past years programme, the quality of the speakers and entertainment that had been arranged throughout the year. The new President promised more of the same and looked forward to further increasing the Club’s membership

during the year that ends

incoming President, John

Again Charlotte knows that the competition will be tough, but, as with Ollie, the London experience has re-inspired her in 2013 to hopefully achieve further success.

This will be Charlotte’s second World Championships. In 2010 at Eindhoven, Holland, she took the Silver in the SB6 100m Breaststroke, after setting a world record in the heats – a time that still stands today as a European Record.

Glenn Smith, Mansfi eld District Council’s Swimming Coach and Development Offi cer, will be traveling with Ollie and Charlotte as one of the Great Britain team coaches. He has high hopes of success in Canada, but is clear about keeping the right amount of focus and professionalism, in order for both swimmers to achieve their performance goals. Glenn said: “This will be the next opportunity for the world’s best disability swimmers to showcase their talent since the London Games.

“Both Ollie and Charlotte understand that the competition will be as tough as London and performance sport in the 21st Century means that there are no easy years. It’s testament to Ollie and Charlotte’s commitment and determination that they have re-focused quickly following London and have again put in the hard metres in training to ensure they are in best shape for Montreal.”

The Mansfi eld Nova Squad is supported by Mansfi eld District Council and Nottinghamshire County Council. Ollie and Charlotte are recipients of Nottinghamshire County Council’s Shining Stars Fund for the current year.

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Page 10: The High Life August 2013


Editor’s InterviewCouncillor John Knight Committee Chair for Culture : Nottinghamshire County CouncilMansfi eld and Ashfi eld is in the heart of Robin Hood Country yet how much, do we actually promote, this world wide known story and use it to benefi t our local economy? Sherwood Forest hosts the annual Robin Hood Festival and is on our doorstep – how can tourism opportunities be maximised?

The High Life Editor; Diane Carter spoke to John Knight recently elected Committee Chair for Culture about the plans they have for Mansfi eld and Ashfi eld to raise our tourism profi le through the festival and Sherwood Forest.

Councillor John Knight, who represents Kirkby-in-Ashfi eld, North, for Nottinghamshire County Council, was elected as the Culture Committee Chairman at Nottinghamshire County Council following the local elections

across the county in May, when Labour regained power at County Hall. He was previously the Leader of Ashfi eld District Council and had been in that position since 2009. Cllr Knight has also represented Kirkby-in-Ashfi eld, North, as a ward councillor for the county council since 2005.

Q. The up and coming Robin Hood Festival is the highlight of the

summer holiday promotion – can you tell us about its importance in terms of tourism in Mansfi eld and Ashfi eld?

The Robin Hood Festival in Nottinghamshire is now into its 29th year and has become well known internationally as a top annual festival to promote the legend of Robin Hood. It is a free family fun festival but we put a lot of work into promoting the event each year because Sherwood Forest is Robin’s heartland. We get thousands of visitors attending the festival each year and it all helps to raise the profi le of Nottinghamshire and Sherwood Forest.

Q. Also how is Sherwood Forest, and the Robin Hood Festival in

particular, promoted to visitors from say America We are excited to be profi ling some of the most loved Robin Hood Festival characters on the county council’s Facebook pages for the fi rst time this year. These characters bring so much

to the festival and the profi les will not only give more details about them, but also provide an exciting and interactive preview of the 2013 Robin Hood Festival. It has already paid off as we have had interest from Robin Hood fans in Oregon in America which has been great.

Q. Can you give some other examples about what else the Culture

Committee is promoting to boost our local tourism industry in Mansfi eld and Ashfi eld?

Within these districts, there are also many other events taking place within our libraries, and country parks at Rufford Abbey and Sherwood Forest for example.

The appetite for leisure activities in the county was evident recently - an estimated 4,500 visitors attended the annual Earth and Fire International Ceramic Fair at Rufford Abbey Country Park over three days from June 21-23 and our country parks and libraries are always popular venues. Readers can visit Nottinghamshire County Council’s website for lots of ideas for the holidays – both for indoors and outdoors, for all ages at

Q. Can you talk more about the recent bid that the county council recently

submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund for money to boost the conservation of natural and cultural heritage in Sherwood Forest?

Nottinghamshire County Council, on behalf of a wide group of partners the heritage, conservation and community sectors, recently submitted a £3m bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for funding to boost conservation of natural and cultural heritage within Sherwood Forest.

Bids for funding through the HLF Landscape Partnership Scheme were made by partnerships of local, regional


Page 11: The High Life August 2013


and national organisations to help conserve areas of distinctive landscape across the UK.

Competition for funding is high, and organisations can bid for funds of between £100,000 and £3m for projects to of up to fi ve years. The Sherwood Forest partnership has bid for £3m - the maximum available.

Q.What will the next stage of the bid process involve?

The HLF funding process is a two-stage process: if this fi rst stage of the bid is successful, then a further phase of development work will be needed before schemes could be implemented on the ground in 2016.

Nottinghamshire County Council currently manages Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve, which is a site of special scientifi c interest and is home to the legendary Major Oak.

But the bid for Landscapes Partnership funding would support projects in a wider area – 200 square kilometres of land covered by the historic Forest, and managed by a range of public and private landowners.

First round applications had to be submitted by the 31st May and the result of the fi rst round will be known in October.

Successful bidders will then be invited to apply for a second stage to develop their bid with more details – depending on the complexity of scheme proposals this could take a further two years.

Q. In closing just offer any inspiration to encourage local businesses to

use Sherwood Forest and the Robin Hood Legend to promote their businesses especially with the summer holidays approaching.

We hope that the variety of events and activities at this year’s festival will provide businesses with much inspiration for them

to promote the Robin Hood theme. At the festival we work with local businesses in Edwinstowe, for example, to promote what they have to offer to visitors.

As a reminder for readers, at this year’s festival which runs from August 5-11, there will be archery, duels and a wide variety of acts from performers, musicians and entertainers who will transport visitors back to the medieval period when Robin pitted his wits against the Sheriff and other adversaries to help the poor triumph over the rich. The seven-day festival is packed with education and entertainment for all ages with a wide variety of entertainment including costumed characters taking part in a wide range of activities.

Visit to fi nd out more.


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Page 12: The High Life August 2013


Top Trends: Heritage Styling for a Sporting Summer

June saw the Queen’s horse win Ascot’s Gold Cup, July saw Murray’s Wimbledon

win and with the cricket season already well under way, this is the year style takes notice of heritage sport.

Chaps - from tennis to cricket, heritage sport is making its mark on summer fashion and it’s time to get preppy. Think high society, luxury sports clubs and traditional tailoring infl uences. Smart-casual - fashion’s most confusing oxymoron - reigns over the heritage sport look, here’s how to achieve it in style:

Luxury fabric: Think linen. Linen is the ultimate smart-casual fabric giving

off a relaxed, luxury vibe that’s comfortable and easy to wear. Match linen trousers with a crisp white open-collar shirt

or try out a tailored linen suit combo. Accessorise your luxury-look tailoring with a touch of bling - a gold watch or a leather bag works that Wimbledon style.

Cricket whites: White trousers are this summer’s super sharp must have. Think 1920s elite and, if you decide to go for the ‘all white’ suit, think slim fi t, tapered trousers and short jacket, rather than John Travolta or Miami Vice. Accessorise with a vintage pocket square or try fl ashing those bare ankles for an ultra-modern look. White might be refi ned but the key is to look relaxed when you’re wearing it. Confi dence is the key.

Inject colour: Dress down the cricket whites look and inject youthful colour with a muted pastel t-shirt. Colourful brogues or boat shoes also bring a modern edge to the preppy look when paired with white chinos.

Add preppy accessories: Try

out braces or add a club tie. If you really want to go for the heritage look add a classic straw boater typically seen

at rowing events.

Keep it cool: Balance your prep with something modern like this season’s latest take on aviator sunglasses. Remember your blazer doesn’t have to look like it’s been lifted straight from your Granddad’s wardrobe - try a linen blazer in a relaxed summer colour like pastel blue or salmon. Keep it quirky and don’t overdo it - one or two accessories work to achieve this look best.© Information:Savile Row Inspired white trousers from MARKS AND SPENCER, designed by Richard James, £99.00Tie from Jasper Conran at DEBENHAMS, £20.00Teal t-shirt from BURTON, 0845 121 4514,, £8.00Model shot: RED LINE Jacket £85, Trousers £35 and Waistcoat £35, RED HERRING Shirt £18 and Tie £9.50, OSBORNE Straw Boater £26, ROCHA.JOHN ROCHA Shoes £80, all DEBENHAMS

Gentlemen’s Club

Xbox 360 game Review: Xcom Declassified Codebreakers - 23rd August

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Page 13: The High Life August 2013


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Gardening – Don’t harvest Back Pain As a nation, we love our gardens and spend a considerable amount of time and money on them. As we rush to get those jobs in the garden done, there is a risk that gardeners may injure themselves. What everyone wants is to be fi t and healthy enough to actually enjoy sitting in their garden and enjoy the fruits of their labours come summer time, so here are some helpful tips from Health on Hand Mansfi eld on St John Street, Mansfi eld. Clothes Don’t wear clothes that are tight or could constrict your movement. Warm Up Gardening is like any other exercise; you need to warm up fi rst. Don’t go straight into heavy garden work; start off with lighter jobs as this will lessen the chance of muscle strain.Using a ladder When using a ladder or steps, make sure you are always facing it, keeping your shoulders, hips and knees pointing in the

same direction. Rather than leaning or reaching, move the ladder or step regularly to keep up with where you are. Any kind of ladder must be fi rmly and safely planted in position and,

if possible, have someone else there to keep an eye on things.Clever pruning Get as close as possible to the things you are pruning and avoid overstretching to reach the area you are dealing with. Invest in some long handled secateurs to reach plants and bushes that are beyond normal reach.Take a break Vary your activity by spending no more than 20-30 minutes on any one thing and make sure you take regular breaks. Be clever with the paving If laying a patio, keep the slab close to your body and bend your knees; it is sometimes better to bend one knee rather two, as your supporting leg gives you a position of strength. If using railway sleepers, two people will probably be needed.

Plan ahead If you are planning a trip to the local DIY store to buy heavy items such as cement or gravel, buy smaller bags rather than one big bag as they are easier and safer to carry. If you do buy heavy items, use a trolley and if on your own, ask an assistant at the store to help you. If buying things like compost, sand or gravel in bulkier amounts, shovel the contents of the large bags straight into smaller containers or wheelbarrow from the back of the car. Don’t lift with your arms straight out, keep the elbows bent and to your side to minimise the stress on your back. If having items delivered, have them unloaded as close to where you need them as possible; this will save the effort of moving them again. A specialist garden trolley might be worth investing in to move these sorts of materials around, especially if you have lots of patio pots to move around as well.For Further information or to book a FREE Chiropractic Assessment to fi nd out if chiropractic could be the answer for your niggles and pains call us on 01623 635333 or visit

Page 14: The High Life August 2013


Corporate Section Contents

15 High Life virtual offi ce - SPECIAL OFFER

16 EMA-4-B-2 Exhibition

19 Police Commissioner

Tackles business crime

20 Carl Kilvington

Keys to Success

21 Corporate Calendar

22 A Day in the life of a Graduate - Laura Brown

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East Midlands Action-4-Business

ExhibitionWednesday 16th October 2013Venue: The Lindhurst Rooms, Mansfi eld

Civic Centre, Chesterfi eld Road South, Mansfi eld.

NH19 7BH Time: 10am - 4pm

Due to the immense success of The High Life 1st Ever East Midlands Action-4-Business

Exhibition We are proud to offer our

EMA-4-B 2See pages 16-17 for details


Wednesday 16th October 2013

Page 15: The High Life August 2013


September 2013


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Page 16: The High Life August 2013


East Midlands Action-4-

Business Exhibition

Wednesday 16th October 2013Venue: The Lindhurst Rooms, Mansfi eld Civic Centre,

Chesterfi eld Road South, Mansfi eld. NH19 7BH Time: 10am - 4pm

Due to the immense success of

The High Life 1st Ever East Midlands Action-4-Business Exhibition We are proud to offer our EMA-4-Business 2

Theme: The Festive Season-Feast or FamineMotivational & Informative Speakers ensure this is your best festive season yet

Exhibitors can benefi t from showcasing their products and/or services to businesses

from Mansfi eld, Ashfi eld, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Chesterfi eld, Leicester, Newark and surrounding areas.

High Profi le informative and

inspirational speakers

‘Meet The Buyer’ Gain valuable advice on how to

‘secure that contract’ within both the public and private sector

‘Dragon’s Den’ Contest for

Local Business Students

The Lindhurst Rooms, Mansfi eld Civic Centre,

Includes Includes Includes Includes Includes Includes free lunch free lunch free lunch

and and and refreshmentsrefreshmentsrefreshments

East Midlands Action-4-Business Exhibition 2 highlights the Corporate Calendar for 2013

*50% Payments made by end of August 13


Great Great Great


BOOK NOW VIA Co-ordinator Diane Carter: 07916 245 367 or Email: [email protected]








ND SAVE 10%*

Page 17: The High Life August 2013


Current East Midlands Action Group Members include:

Diane Carter Marathon Media & Event OrganiserSimon Misiewicz Optimise Business

Jennifer Needham Midlands InsurancePaul Andrews The Manor Hotel

Helena Lord DNCC Steve Pickles Forever

Jill Bator Brighter Futures EducationAdd your name here and get involved.....

Why should you Join The East Midlands Action Group?

• You Care about the Growth of Your Business• You Want to Work with More Local Businesses & Organisations

• You Want to Help Promote this Effective Event to Benefi t our Local Economy• You are the Chair or Leader of a Local Business Group or Organisation and

Wish to Unite With our Mission

Next meeting to be held on the 22nd AugustCome along to the Mansfi eld Manor Hotel and Restaurant at 12 – 1. Coffee/tea provided.

Organised by Marathon Media and Marketing Ltd

Why not join our East Midlands Action-4-Business Steering Committee?

We are a group of local business owners working to provide an even better business networking event for our local area.

Contact Organiser: Diane Carter, Director of Marathon Media.

Email: [email protected] or Call: 07916 245 367

With YOUR help we can make things better!





East Midlands Action Group

Video of previous event - QR Code >>>>

Page 18: The High Life August 2013


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D2N2 – the Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire – today set out its goal to deliver 55,000 more jobs in the D2N2 area within ten years.But as the Strategy for Growth plan was fi nally unveiled at Pride Park Stadium, Derby, earlier today, Chief Executive David Ralph said this was just the beginning.Consultation with Government will continue to strike a Growth Deal as D2N2 strives to earn at least its fair share of the Single Pot which stands at £10bn - £2bn-a-year over fi ve years - to be distributed among 39 Local Enterprise Partnerships.D2N2 must also submit its business case by the end of September to show how it can best use the recently announced 249.7m euro (£213.4m) allocation of EU Growth Programme funding.Mr Ralph said: “We have been working hard to reach this point but this is just the start. Last week the board approved the priorities for the next 12 months and we have an EU Workshop on July 22.“We will be working hard with Government to secure a healthy Growth Deal and at the end of this month the D2N2 Local Transport Board will announce the successful transport projects for the area, which will total £46.8m.“We have to put a business plan together for the EU funding and we will be doing plenty of work with our partners around our sector plans, particularly on the low carbon, visitor economy and food and drink agendas.“We will be working closely with the universities

to leverage more innovation from them to ensure maximum benefi t.“Nearer Christmas, we will be bringing forward an updated version of the Growth Plan, as we look to put forward our Growth Deal. It is a busy time with a lot of hard work to do.“Today was a great way to launch our plan, after months of consultation. But I must reiterate, this is just the start.” About 200 businesses and key stakeholders from the private and public sector attended today’s breakfast event.Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, welcomed the plan. He said: “I’m delighted to welcome the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership growth plan today, which will help businesses across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire continue to grow and thrive.“It is a plan designed for local fi rms and will help create

thousands of local jobs in the next ten years - just what the country needs to help recover from the heart attack our economy suffered. It is just what Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire need to drive local economic growth and exactly the kind of initiative I’m championing in Whitehall."

D2N2 outlined its four strategic priorities for supporting enterprises. They are:• BUSINESS SKILLS• INNOVATION• FINANCE• INFRASTRUCTUREAnd the LEP has also determined six priority sectors. They are: • Transport Equipment Manufacturing• Medical and Bioscience• Food and Drink Manufacturing• Construction• Visitor Economy• Low Carbon Goods & ServicesThe Growth Plan will provide the framework for the Growth Deal D2N2 agrees with Government, with a submission expected later this year.

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Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping has held talks with business leaders

to discuss the county’s strategy for dealing with business crime.Speaking to business leaders at Mansfi eld 2020’s breakfast meeting today (July 27), Commissioner Tipping said Nottinghamshire Police is at the forefront of efforts to reduce business-related crime and its impact on the local economy and is represented in a range of national arenas. This includes the role of Deputy Chief Constable Sue Fish as Business Crime lead at the Association of Chief Police Offi cers, and Inspector Richard Stones as director of the National Business Crime Forum which has its data sharing hub at Ashfi eld School. Commissioner Tipping told retailers that business crime is not exclusive to any one county or police

force area and as such should be recorded under a single defi nition, something which is expected to happen very shortly in Nottinghamshire.“We can’t fi ght business crime unless we know the true scale of the problem so we’re asking all police forces to tag business crime on their crime recording systems so that we can accurately measure offending patterns,” he said. “We’re also asking retailers in Mansfi eld and beyond to become more involved in local crime partnerships to share their experiences and identify possible solutions but understandably they want to see value from their membership and results. “We all know the challenges that Mansfi eld has faced and the task in front of us. Businesses know that investment and growth takes place in a safe and secure landscape. I’m pleased that Nottinghamshire Police is seen as leaders in this fi eld but I know there is still much to do.”

Police Commissioner

tackle business crime but warns more is needed

Page 20: The High Life August 2013



Part 4 in the series “HOW to Get MORE Visitors to Your Website and Convert to Sales”Last month we fi nished our work with “on-site” SEO and so this week we are going to turn our attention to “Off-site” SEO. If you’re only just joining us in this series, I encourage you to read previous months at to remind those of you who may have forgotten, SEO is short for “Search engine optimisation” and refers to the techniques that we use to “rank” a website and thus be found by the search engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo etc) when someone is searching online for a product or service like yours.Ok, let’s get started by fi rst explaining the meaning of “Off-site” SEO...Off-site SEO – refers to the elements and techniques used that are not part of your own website but do contribute to your page rank in the search engines. Off-site SEO contributes to traffi c being referred or sent to your website from other places.Here are some of the most common examples:• Back-linking from other websites• Commenting on blogs

and in forums• RSS feeds• Social network marketing

(G+, Facebook, Twitter,

LinkedIn etc)• Articles submitted to Article directories

in related industries• Video marketing sites (i.e. YouTube)• Posting on Q & A or review websites• Press releases• Web 2.0 marketing (Wiki, Blogger, Wordpress, Yahoo etc)

TOP TIP! – Right now, Google + represents one of the most advantageous platforms for offsite SEO that can signifi cantly improve your chances of being ranked on page 1 of Google. That’s all we have time for this month :( Next month we’ll be sharing some EXACT methods to help you drive unlimited traffi c to your website!In the meantime, if you have any questions or need specifi c help on anything I’ve mentioned above, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll do my very best to provide you with the answers.Until next time – Live, Love, Share and Inspire! Carl :)Helping Small Business owners to become empowered!

Regular Feature: Keys to SuccessAsk an INTERNET ENTREPRENEUR - Edition 14

Mansfi eld & Ashfi eld Branch MeetingThe Website Workout: Top 10 tips to make websites work for a living

and Face The Challenge and Win Mansfi eld Manor Hotel, Windmill Lane, Mansfi eld, NG18 2AL

Monday 12 August, 6.30pm - 8.30pm Mansfi eld and Ashfi eld Branch Chairman Richard Fuller would like to invite you to join him, Branch Offi cers and Committee for their

August meeting.Speaker: Leonie Winson - will show you how to make your website a

more powerful tool for your business. Speaker: Graham Parker - Parker PR

Graham Parker will be sharing his experiences and the lessons he has learnt to apply to running a small business Refreshments will be

served.Venue: Meetings will be held at the freshly refurbished Mansfi eld

Manor Hotel, a location map is available on the booking page. Manor hosts Paul and Diane will serve hot food.

A warm welcome for FSB members and non-members: The meeting is open to members and non-members. There is no cost for members

to attend and the usual fee of £5.95 for non-members will be waivered.

Book Your Place Today!: To book, visit the Eventbrite registration page.

Save the Date - Monday 9th September, Mansfi eld Manor Hotel. Speakers: Tony Egginton, Executive Mayor of Mansfi eld and Berni

Dickinson Director of The Mansfi eld Learning Partnership. The format for all meetings will be the same; registration, buffet and networking from 6.30pm, presentations and questions from 7.00pm and optional

networking from 7.45/8.00pm until close at 8.30pm.Meeting Contact: Steve Johnson, Branch Secretary, E: steve@ Mob: 07711 315399

Page 21: The High Life August 2013



August 2013 FSB - The next meeting of Mansfi eld and Ashfi eld Branch will be on Monday 12th August6.30pm to 8.30pmVenue: The Manor Hotel, Windmill La, Mansfi eld, NG18 2AL,M2020 Business BreakfastThursday 26th SeptemberTime: 7.15 – 9 am.Venue: The Civic Centre, Chesterfi eld Rd, Mansfi eld NG19 7BH.To book: www.mansfi eld2020.comLadies at lunch IWBThursday 22nd August 10am to 3pmOakham Suite, (Masonic Hall). Nottingham Road, Mansfi eld NG18 4AEPremier Plus Members £11.50 Premier Members £13.00 Note: FREE ParkingTuesday Networking 6th August 2013 @ 7.30am The Toby Carvery, The Watermill, Coxmoor Road, Sutton-in-Ashfi eld, Notts, NG17 4NEContact [email protected]

August 2013

Diary Dates for Business Events

Page 22: The High Life August 2013



Laura Brown BA (Hons) ACIMMarketing Executive for Russell Scanlan Insurance Broking and Risk Managing.When Laura was sixteen she opted for staying on at 6th form as “this was the best path to gaining qualifi cations to lead onto University as that had been my goal since I was a little girl! It was a fantastic feeling on Graduation getting the gown and mortar board on to collect my degree”! “I made sure I attended lots of open days asking lots of questions with my family and whilst I was there and did lots of research beforehand. I looked at the elements of my A levels that I enjoyed and was enthusiastic about, that was mainly business. In particular the area of marketing due to its creative elements which led me to choosing the course I did at Nottingham Trent”.

Q. What qualifi cations did you gain at school and what do you currently

hold?I gained 11 GCSE’s and 3 A levels. I kept my studies varied as at the time of choosing I wasn’t sure what area of work I wanted to progress into so kept it broad to keep my options open when choosing a university.I opted to study Marketing, Design and Communications at Nottingham Trent University in which I gained a 2:1 in July 2013.

Q. How did you fi nd university life? University was certainly challenging

but a great experience. Not only did I learn academic skills but also life skills. Moving away from home at the age of 18 and moving into university accommodation certainly teaches you to be a lot more independent as well as meeting lots of new people. I had a great time at University, the course was really interesting and joining lots of clubs meant there was always something to go to. The nightlife and social side of it too made it such a fun place to be but at the same time all motivated each other to do well on our courses.One piece of advice that was given to me: Choose a course you are genuinely interested in. It will keep you motivated however be prepared to balance the work and the play as the lifestyle of being a student is a bonus too! You have to make sure you can be self disciplined to write your essays but enthusiastic and outgoing enough to embrace all new social and

sports events.

Q. Do you think it prepared you for starting work? Was there any

involvements/networking within the local business community? There was very little involvement with the local communities apart from the design element of the course when we would meet local designers. However due to my part time jobs they gave me the opportunity to work alongside the local business community.

Q.What do you think helped you with the transition into work life?

I had three part times jobs hosting at the arena, football club and at the university whilst studying to make sure I didn’t just mix with other students and ensure I was less reliant on student loan. It demonstrated to employers when applying for full time jobs that I was able to manage my social life and studies whilst holding down a job.

Q. So tell us a little about your Current Role?

I currently work for Russell Scanlan as Marketing Executive for both their Nottingham and Leicester offi ce. It’s very varied which makes the role

really interesting. No two days are the same and can vary from networking events, arranging, organizing and managing corporate events/ entertaining, researching areas to advertise, also managing the social media elements for instance the companies Twitter feed, Google+ and LinkedIn page.

Q. When did you start working for Russell Scanlan?

I started working for Russell Scanlan in April 2013. Prior to this I worked at an Educational Software company as a Sales Coordinator. However this made me realise my passions truly lay within the fi eld of marketing as it was more creative and people focussed. I was headhunted for this role and once had been told about it was keen to pursue it.

Q. Tell us a little about your induction training and how you moved into your

new role?There was a full induction programme ready when I joined, for the rest of the week. I met all the staff and also other companies that we do business with. Working 9-5 Monday to Friday has given

me a set routine but also I am able to plan activities around it.

Q.Tell us about

your day to day duties.No two days are the same however normally start the day checking my emails and the news to see if there are any new stories to write about. All tasks are focussed around creating brand awareness and generating new business; this drives a lot of my work. I research new avenues of business along with making sure we build strong brand reputation online through all social media platforms. Researching also gives me inspiration when writing blogs for the website. I have regular meetings with other staff to see if there are other areas in terms of marketing for instance new brochures and manage the tasks throughout the project. As well as arranging events for corporate entertaining, database management, telemarketing and running various

marketing campaigns.

Q. What about Personal Development?

I regularly attend training events through the CII and also the

CIM. Currently I am working towards the Foundation Insurance Exam with the CII in September.

Q. Ambition for the Future? Become an expert within the

marketing fi eld and lead a team through various projects and events. I would like to continue with personal development opportunities throughout my career and ideally be in a position to train and mentor others.

Q. Is it all work and no play? What do you do when not working?

Certainly not! Working has made me value my time off even more than ever. I regularly attend ballet and other dance classes, go swimming, and also go scuba diving! I make sure I spend all the time I can catching up with friends and family when I get time off, with the odd holiday abroad or adventure in the UK to have a change of scenery.

In their own words A Day in the Life of a Graduate

“University was certainly challenging but a great experience.

Not only did I learn academic skills but also life skills”


Page 23: The High Life August 2013


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Q. Renters have a right to switch and save on energy (even prepaid). If you pay the gas and electricity bill directly (not via landlord), you can and should compare and switch. Don't stick with the previous tenants' supplier as often it's costly. Always do a meter reading as soon as you move in. Speedily fi nd your cheapest tariff: The MSE Cheap Energy Club checks you're on the cheapest, and if not, compares across the market to fi nd it (check the 'top picks' tab for fi xed deals which guarantee no price hikes).

Q. What about prepaid? You can still switch supplier and save (see Cheapest Prepaid Energy). Yet switching from prepay to a normal meter sadly usually needs your landlord's permission, as it physically changes the property.

Q. Beware joint bank accounts with fl atmates. Shared bank accounts for bills can mean you're credit-linked - even if you hardly know each other. Then, when applying for products, their history can be taken into account. If it's poor, it hits you. If you used to have a joint account, but don't any longer, apply for a notice of 'disassociation'. See How Credit Scoring Works for


Q. Is your deposit protected? A fi fth of private renters don't know if their deposit's been protected (source: Shelter), so check. By law, for most private renters who moved in after April 2007 in England and Wales, your landlord must use a Government-backed deposit protection scheme - giving you rights.

Q. Landlords must ask before entering. Landlords may need to come in occasionally for repairs and inspections, yet they should arrange a time with you. If they enter without asking, you can ask them to stop. Contact Citizens Advice or a solicitor for help, or the police if you feel threatened.

Q. Cheap contents insurance. If you rent, your landlord is responsible for buildings insurance, so you only need contents. Try the full Cheap Home Insurance guide where some get PAID for cover. If you live in a houseshare. Getting cover from mainstream insurers can be tricky (a locked room helps, so ask for one).*, Gocompare* & MoneySupermarket* say they provide fl atshare quotes. You may fi nd a specialist such as Home Protect* or a local broker via BIBA easier.

Q. Furnish for FREE - sofas, beds, TVs and more.

If you've gone unfurnished or part-furnished, then online giveaway sites can help you for now. Hundreds of top-quality goodies are available daily for free from web communities – some is rubbish, but some is good.

Q. Do not redecorate without the landlord's permission. You generally need to return property in the state you got it (minor wear and tear is allowable). So get the landlord's permission in writing to put up shelves or repaint, unless you want to have to redecorate before you leave.Beware putting pictures up. Don't get hammer-happy - it destroys walls and deposits!

Q. Letting fees can be perverse and nasty, check. Renters can be hit by huge and unfair fees. Some reported to us include £120

for permission to buy a dog or £60 for photocopying a contract. Sadly there's little regulation over these charges - but at least make sure you know what they are so you avoid them.

Q. Does every renter need their own TV licence? In shared homes, this usually depends on the tenancy agreement. Joint tenants can usually share, but if you've your own tenancy you need your own licence. For exact rules (including lodgers), see TV Licence help.

Q. Are you eligible for help? If you are on a low income and struggling to pay rent, check if you are eligible for housing benefi t/grants.

Article c/o Rebecca Brough

Litigation Department

Fidler & Pepper Solicitors

Page 24: The High Life August 2013


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Wow! As I write we are enjoying the most fabulous mini heatwave and although the English summer may well have turned by the time this article goes to press, I for one, feel that I must mark the occasion with an article on my husband’s favourite activity of all time - barbecues!

Am I being really sexist to state the obvious and say that every man I know, is biologically attached to his bbq and oversized tongs, fork and burger fl ipper? Mention this outdoor culinary activity to any male that I know and there lies at the back of their eyes a certain twinkle – a certain, “Now we’re talking” attitude which I’m sure stems back to the very beginnings of modern day man.

Before we go any further there are a few facts which we need to acknowledge.

A. The man in your life can NEVER have

a bbq that is too big.

B. The statement, “I think I may have burnt the sausages a bit” will always feature at some point in the proceedings.

C. There will always be too many of the aforementioned sausages lying cremated on the bbq at the end of the party (for the dog to eat)

At the expense of my satirical portrayal, I do have to fess up and say that it is actually a delight when hubbie offers to barbecue and saves me my usual job of catering for the family. Don’t pity me though because when it’s his turn he is in fact a very effi cient cook and has some very clever cooking techniques – one handed in fact ..... Yes you guessed it – he picks up the phone “Hello is that Dominoes?................”

Anyway back to those barbecues. This summer so far, we’ve had loads and if the delicious smells from surrounding

gardens are anything to go by, I’d say that you have all had the same idea. Isn’t it nice for once to be able to visualise ourselves living in a country that is hot enough to live the outdoor life and to be able to make the most of the outdoor amenities that Mansfi eld and its surrounding areas have to offer?

I don’t know about you, but the onset of a rainy summer now (and this may well be happening as you read) would leave me feeling quite bereft – indeed I’m not sure what our all-male Sales Team in the offi ce will have to talk about. ‘Burgers’ are often the main topic of conversation and our youngest member of the team may be heading for the nearest Carvery to fi ll the gap as we speak.

Jennifer Needham is BDM for Midlands Insurance

Contact: 01623 641 386

Wow! As I write we are enjoying the most

Jennifer’s Leisure Blog

In this section of the magazine the focus is on the ladies. Our regular writer Jennifer Needham, sharing her High Life experiences.

Trying to lose weight for the summer? Why not try Hypnotherapy.

Page 25: The High Life August 2013


Fashion: Summer Dresses, British Style

Summer is fi nally here and it’s time for

strawberries and cream, a pitcher of Pimms and an iconic summer dress.

The jubilee coronation year is in full swing and with Murray’s Wimbledon win, British patriotism is here to stay. This year’s summer dress trends seek inspiration from the twentieth century for a nostalgic heat wave that harks

back to the best of British style.

The iconic Edwardian empire line is updated with modern fl oral prints in this maxi-dress from Wallis. The classic Edwardian column silhouette adapts perfectly for modern occasions with a loose fl owing skirt that is graceful, feminine and comfortable to wear.

Meanwhile, The Great Gatsby meets Downton Abbey in 1920s styles with loose fi ts and pretty lace fabrics. With their chic low waists and full hemlines these stylish cuts from the roaring twenties blend ladylike allure with wearability - ideal for lounging about on the lawn or dancing the night away at a summer wedding.

As 1920s looks fl atten the bust in favour of clean, almost tom-boyish lines, the ‘new look’ of the mid-twentieth

century accentuates feminine curves. This popular feminine shape - distinguished by a fi tted top, nipped in waist and fl owing, abundant skirt - is

ideal for formal occasions with its

copious fabric offering a luxurious feeling. Bouncing tulle skirts and embellished bodices are perfect for the vintage tea party look circa 1950. Beads, sequins and embroidery layer up feminine detail for a thoroughly modern and opulent take on the style.

More daring nostalgic looks come in the form of fi gure hugging 1960s silhouettes with mini-skirts and fl ashes of leg. The bold prints and bright colours of essential 60s style are surging in popularity for a high-spirited, playful look. This graphic print dress from Wallis extends the skirt length and simplifi es patterning in monochrome to update the 60s look for crisp modern occasion wear.

Nostalgic summer dresses are here to make a statement, from the noble Edwardian silhouette to the fun and frivolous mini, but there’s one British style icon who has successfully re-worked classic fashion ingredients to create her own iconic look - The Duchess of Cambridge.

Championing a demure style that draws on elegant lines and elements of vintage styling from 1940s cap sleeves to the fl owing calf length skirt, Kate gives us a chic take on the classics. Restrained detailing and block colours keep Kate’s look modern and chic. This pink dress from Miss Selfridge encapsulates the demure summer trend with its simple fi fties jewel neckline - that’s also adorned with a

simple row of sparkling gems - cap sleeves and sophisticated pastel shade.

This year, enjoy your strawberries and cream with a dash of nostalgia and step back in time with the best of British looks from the 20th century. Take your cue from Kate and style your look demure.

Fashion by Natalie

© Information:

Mint 1920s style dress from MISS SELFRIDGE,

Pink dress with capped sleeves and blue embellished dress, both DOROTHY PERKINS, 0845 121 4515,

Blue empire line dress and monochrome print dress, both Wallis, 0844 984 0266,

back to the best of British style.

The iconic Edwardian empire line is updated with modern fl oral prints in this maxi-dress from Wallis. The classic Edwardian column silhouette adapts perfectly for modern occasions with a loose fl owing skirt that is graceful, feminine and comfortable to wear.

century accentuates

This popular feminine shape - distinguished by a fi tted top, nipped

copious fabric offering

sleeves to the fl owing calf length skirt, Kate gives us a chic take on the classics. Restrained detailing and block colours keep Kate’s look modern and chic. This pink dress from Miss Selfridge encapsulates the demure summer trend with its simple fi fties jewel neckline - that’s also adorned with a

Selfridge encapsulates the demure summer trend with its

also adorned with a simple row of sparkling gems - cap sleeves and sophisticated pastel

roaring twenties blend ladylike allure

about on the lawn or dancing the night away at a summer wedding.

fl atten the bust in


Edwardian silhouette to the fun and frivolous mini, but

simplifi es patterning in monochrome to update

modern occasion wear.

© Information:

Wallis, 0844 984 0266, www.wallis.

About NatalieA local freelance journalist with a passion for fashion, I write

for local news websites and blogs, specialising in lifestyle

and popular culture. When I’m not writing I can usually

be found with my head buried in the pages of fashion

magazines, watching the latest catwalk shows or scouring

the high street for the latest designer inspired looks. I love

fashions infl uenced by the 1930’s, 40s and 50s. Think Peter

Pan collars, A-line skirts and vintage patterns - that’s me

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All This for only £43Places will be limited so please book early to avoid disappointment

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August onwards

August - 7th SeptemberCREEPY HOUSE - summer reading challenge - read 6 books and get stickers leading to a medal. Open to children 4 to 11 years in libraries across

County Youth ArtsThe Old Library, Mansfi eldEvents and activities for young people aged 13-19 yearsSunbrella Festival August 10-4pm Weekdays, FREE

Young Falconers ClubRufford Abbey country park10am til noon Sundays (Charge applies) Children 8+ can handle and learn about birds of prey from owls to hawks. Professional [email protected] 312 881

Saturday 3 August11am – 3pmRSPB at SherwoodSherwood Forest Country Park FREEWith information on local and garden wildlife, volunteering and membership, together with children’s activities, the RSPB stand is well worth a visit

Sunday 4 August11 am, 12.30 pm and 2pmHave a Go DrummingSherwood Forest Country Park£3 per person £10 family ticket (2 adults 2 children)These hour long drumming workshops are your best chance to get with the beat and have fun. Pre-booking as recommended due to limited spaces:01623 823202

5th to 11th August

Robin Hood FestivalFREE Admission (cars £5)A host of merriment including archery, jousting and jesting throughout the week. Good family

Tuesday 6 August – Sunday 8 September10.30 am – 5pm Tuesday to SundayDavid Measures ExhibitionRufford Abbey Country Park FREEDavid Measures was the fi rst t paint live butterfl ies and fl ight and was inspired by the natural world

Saturday 24 – Monday 26 August11am – 4pmKnights in The ForestSherwood Forest Country Park FREEStep back in time to visit the camp of the medieval Knight Hospitalers. Watch demonstrations of chain mail making, basket weaving, and medieval cooking. Embroidery and see a medieval surgeon in action!

Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September10.30am – 5pmOn The Home Front 1939-45Rufford Abbey Country Park FREE£5 Car parkExperience the sights, sounds, emotions and humour of wartime Britain; swing dancing, wartime cooking, military drill demonstrations, harvesting by Land Army girls and heavy horses, junior boot camp and a hilarious puppet show.Saturday 14th SeptemberUrban Art at Sutton LawnTo celebrate the opening of the new Skate Park - get the chance to design and paint the Skate Park ramps.Suitable clothing - children with an adult please.10-4pm FREEjulie wright 01623 457 249email: j.d.wright@ashfi

August to September

August 5th to 11th

Activities to entertain the kids (and adults!) all summer

Information about hundreds of leisure, cultural and fun activities to keep kids entertained throughout the school holidays is now available in the summer What's On Guide.Mansfi eld District Council, Mansfi eld District Leisure Trust, Mansfi eld BID and Four Seasons Shopping Centre are putting on a whole range of FREE and low cost events and activities to keep the whole family entertained over the summer holidays.The Guide includes information about activities in Mansfi eld Town Centre (including a beach), workshops at Mansfi eld Museum, as well as multi sports activities and arts and crafts activities.The summer of fun begins now and activities will be running across the District until 3 September.The Guide can be downloaded from www.mansfi It is also being handed out to local schools, leisure centres and community centres. It gives details of the full schedule of events and activities including dates, times and locations. Cllr Roger Sutcliffe, Deputy Mayor, said: "This summer is jam packed with fun events and activities to keep all ages entertained and I hope that everyone will enjoy and make the most of the activities on offer."

24th August

August 3rd

August 4th

31st August - 14th September

Page 29: The High Life August 2013



What’s on SeptemberPlease note there are no shows on during August

The Wiz13 September 2013 - 14 September 2013, 7.30pm£9.50 Full // £8.50 Concs (No Booking Fee Applies)That15 September 2013, 7:00pm£10.00 All Seats (No Booking Fee Applies)Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat19 September 2013 - 21 September 2013, 7:15pm£12.00 Full // £11.00 Concs // £42.00 Family of Four£11.00 each Block Bookers 10+ (No Booking Fee Applies)That’ll Be The Day24 September 2013, 7.30pm£21.53 full / £20.50 concs.(Includes Booking Fee

East Midlands in BloomThe sun shone down on Mansfi eld recently as judges from the East Midlands in Bloom committee were given a guided tour of Mansfi eld as part of the East Midlands in Bloom competition.

The judges were given a whistle-stop tour of the District's parks and open spaces, including Mansfi eld's Green Flag award winning Titchfi eld and Carr Bank Parks, as well as the many and varied fl oral displays in the town centre. The judges were also taken to Asquith Primary School where pupils led them around numerous planting projects on the school grounds.

The judges were given a special In Bloom Portfolio which detailed a large variety of activities that have taken

place over the past year thanks to the friends of the parks, community groups and local nature reserves.

The judges also assessed nature conservation, sustainability, permanent planting and cleanliness of the District.

Portfolio Holder for the Environment Mansfi eld faces competition from Northampton in the cities category. The results will be announced at a ceremony in Skegness in September. Winners from the East Midlands in Bloom competition may then compete for the Britain in Bloom title.

Last year, Mansfi eld was awarded silver in the small cities category.

Book Review: Bones of the Lostby Kathy Reich

Released: 15th AugustThe gripping new Temperance Brennan novel from the world-class forensic anthropologist and Number 1 bestselling author Kathy Reichs

The body of a teenage girl is discovered along a desolate

highway on the outskirts of Charlotte. Inside her purse is the ID card of a local businessman who died in a fi re months earlier.

Who was the girl? And was she murdered?

Dr Temperance Brennan, Forensic Anthropologist, must fi nd the answers. She soon learns that a Gulf War veteran stands accused of smuggling artefacts into the country. Could there be a connection between the two cases?

Convinced that the girl’s death was no accident, Tempe soon fi nds herself at the centre of a conspiracy that extends from South America to Afghanistan. But to fi nd justice for the dead, she must be more courageous - and take more extreme action - than ever before.

ISBN-13: 978-0434021154 (£11.01 Amazon)

Film Review: THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONESRelease: 23rd augustStarring: Lily Collins, Lena Headey, Jared Harris

Set in contemporary New York City, a seemingly ordinary

teenager, Clary Fray (Lily Collins), discovers she is the descendant of a line of Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of young half-angel warriors locked in an ancient battle to protect our world from demons.

After the disappearance of her mother (Lena Headey), Clary must join forces with a group of Shadowhunters, who introduce her to a dangerous alternate

New York called Downworld, fi lled with demons, warlocks, vampires, werewolves and other deadly creatures.

Page 30: The High Life August 2013


Regular Feature: Jo’s JolliesIf you go down to the woods today........................................

If you go down to the woods today you are sure of a big

surprise. That’s what the song says and certainly if you

go down to Sherwood Forest in Edwinstowe between the

5 and 11 August you should get a few surprises as that is

when Robin Hood and his band of merry men will be there

for the Robin Hood Festival. No doubt the evil Sheriff of

Nottingham with his sidekick, Guy of Gisborne will pay a

number of visits too.

The Robin Hood Festival has become a regular feature

of our summer school holidays and more often than not

the weather is pretty good. I can only remember one year

when a jousting

competition was

abruptly halted

due to a sudden

thunder storm

and we headed home soaked to the skin.

The festival is well worth a visit with a variety of medieval

activities all around the forest from archery to folk singing

to falconry displays and more. Many of those taking part

in the festival live in the forest during the week and so

the children can see what life was like living in the ‘olden

times’. We have been known to visit a couple of times

during the course of the week of the festival with different

activities on different days.

People travel to the festival from all over the county and

beyond, it is often easy to overlook what is on our doorstep

so make the most of what the festival has to offer and with

plenty of parking and only nominal parking charges plus no

entrance fee it really is a great family day out so we’ll see

you there!

For more information visit: www.


Jo Godson is an independent Human Resources Specialist

and busy mum who works in the Mansfi eld & Ashfi eld area.

Moor Pond Woods WalkThis local walk around the Papplewick area is about 1-2km and encompasses the remains of an 18th Century water course.

Part of a series of “Hidden Valleys” located across Nottinghamshire.Parking is at the side of Linby lane and has two routes. The north takes in the Top upper dam and woods. Old sluices at the base of the dam hold two waterfalls and a footbridge. South of the car park area is the Top Mill, built by George Robinson in 1782 for spinning cotton using water powered machinery. Along Linby lane you head south on the path alongside a water channel known as a “leat”. Keep south and you meet the sluice to control water fl ow - recently uncovered and restored. Further south the path splits to circle the Moor Pond woods. The pond is close to Papplewick lane and was much larger when used to power the cotton mills. A restored shaft is covered by a grill here. If you venture south of the road there is Grange Cottages wood - converted to a wildfl ower meadow next to the restored 18th century mill-workers cottages.

Across the area is an abundance of fauna and fl ora to enjoy.

Local Walks

If you know of a good local walk why not register it on the Walk-4-Life website

You can also send us your photos of the walk and we will try and publish for others to enjoyPhotos: Chris,

Page 31: The High Life August 2013


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Advertise from £70 for a Quarter page*

For a media package please visit call our sales team on 07916 245 367or email:[email protected] use the QR codeto go direct to the website

* As part of a 3 edition package

Useful ContactsMansfi eld District Council 01623 463463Ashfi eld District Council 01623 450 000 Nottinghamshire C. C. 01159 823823Nottinghamshire Police 01623 420 999Non emergency number 101Crimestoppers 0800 555 111Community First Responders 01623 796 295Nottinghamshire County NHS 01159 691 300Mansfi eld Citizens Advice 01623 651 177Job Centre Plus 01159 793 638Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service 01159 670 880Severn Trent Water 0800 783 4444Mansfi eld Community & Voluntary Service: phone number is 01623 651177 & website is www.mansfi Websiteswww.mansfi eld2020.com!/pages/Sutton-Town-Centre-Group/114801795199925!/Idlewells Plus visit The High Life online aim to achieve high delivery standards for the newsletter, if you have concerns please contact Diane immediately on: 07916 245 367



August Photo Entry

Have a close look in your garden and you might be amazed at how beautiful the fl owers are this year. This photo of a group of small fragile orange fl owers shows exactly what we mean.

If you have some good photos taken in the local area, get them published here for FREE. Amateur & Professional images considered.

Send to: The Highlife >> [email protected] resolution please for printing

Page 32: The High Life August 2013


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