the great gatsby - mrs. brull's...

The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. Brull Name: _____________________________

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Page 1: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

English 3

Mrs. Brull

Name: _____________________________

Page 2: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation
Page 3: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Anticipation guide


Before Reading After Reading

1-2-3-4-5 Money can help us make people fall in love with us 1-2-3-4-5

1-2-3-4-5 Adultery is always wrong. 1-2-3-4-5

1-2-3-4-5 True love is a myth. 1-2-3-4-5

1-2-3-4-5 Moving between different classes of people is not difficult. 1-2-3-4-5

1-2-3-4-5 It is part of the American Dream to acquire wealth and social status. 1-2-3-4-5

1-2-3-4-5 We can achieve our ideals of perfection. 1-2-3-4-5

1-2-3-4-5 Men and women have equal power in their sexual relationships with partners. 1-2-3-4-5

1-2-3-4-5 People will love you if they think you are wealthy. 1-2-3-4-5

1-2-3-4-5 Most people talk badly or falsely about other people behind their backs. 1-2-3-4-5

1 2 3 4 5

strongly disagree strongly agree

Page 4: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Chapter Quizzes The class period after a chapter is assigned, you should expect a chapter quiz. The chapter quiz will be one question that is worth

ten points, and your answer will be graded on the following rubric:

Reading Quiz Rubric:


2-3 complete sentences

At least two specific details or relevant examples

support response

Response reflects that student understands the nov-

el (beyond plot points) while reading


2-3 complete sentences

At least two specific details or relevant examples

support response


2-3 complete sentences

Response reflects a generally correct idea


Response given implies that student did not read

assigned chapter

The question for the quiz will be one of the following questions. You can use these study questions to prepare for the quiz. Please

note that you do not get to pick which question to answer, so you should be prepared to answer any one of them.

Chapter 1

1. Notice how many times Fitzgerald uses the words hope, or dream. Why does he do this? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Nick starts the novel by relaying his father's advice "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had." List Nick's advantages. Does he reserve judgment in the novel?



3. Describe Nick. What facts do you know about him, and what do you infer about him? What kind of a narrator do you think he will be? _________________________________________________________________________________________________



Chapter Quizzes

Study Questions

Page 5: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Chapter 1 (cont’d)

4. How does Nick know Daisy and Tom? Describe these three characters relationships to one another. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. What image does the author use to describe Jordan Baker? What does it mean? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


6. How does Nick react to Jordan? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


7. Describe Tom’s behavior. What does it reveal about his character? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 2

1. Describe the "valley of ashes." What does it look like and what does it represent? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Describe Mr. Wilson and Myrtle. Do they seem to fit into the setting of the “valley of ashes”? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. What more have you learned about Nick in this chapter? Is he similar or different than the people he spends his time with? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. Describe the violent act Tom committed against Myrtle. What does this reveal about him? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 3

1. Pay attention to Nick's judgments. What do they reveal about his character that he does this (especially in relation to his opening comments)?



2. Describe Gatsby the first time Nick sees him. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. What rumors have been told about Gatsby? Why does Fitzgerald reveal rumors rather than fact? _________________________________________________________________________________________________



Chapter Quizzes

Study Questions

Page 6: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Chapter 3 (cont’d) 4. What does Nick think of Gatsby after meeting him? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. How is Gatsby different from his guests? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


6. Why does Nick choose to share his thoughts and feelings with Jordan? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


7. Nick thinks he's one of the few honest people he knows, why? Do you think he is honest? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Chapter Quizzes

Study Questions

Chapter 4

1. List all of the rumors told about Gatsby. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Why does Fitzgerald list all of Gatsby's party guests? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Why does Gatsby tell Nick about his life? Do you believe Gatsby? Does Nick? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. What role does Meyer Wolfsheim play in the novel? Why is there so much focus on his nose and what does this tell you about Fitzgerald's politics?



5. What does Jordan's story of Daisy's marriage reveal about Daisy? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


6. Why did Gatsby want Daisy to see his house? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


7. Nick says, "There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired." What does Nick mean? How does each character in the novel fit into this schema?




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Chapter 5

1. Why does Gatsby deliver so many goods and services to Nick's house? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. Describe the effect of rain on the plot. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Why does Gatsby offer Nick work? How does Nick feel about this? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. Explain the significance of the green light. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Why does Gatsby get so many phone calls? What does this say about him? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 6

1. How truthful was Gatsby when he relayed the story of his life to Nick? Why does Fitzgerald tell the story of Jay Gatz now?



2. Describe the meeting of Tom and Gatsby. What does this meeting reveal about them? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Why did Daisy and Tom find Gatsby's party loathsome? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. How did Gatsby measure the success of his party? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. When Nick told Gatsby that "you can't repeat the past", Gatsby replied, "Why of course you can!" Do you agree with Nick or Gatsby?




Chapter Quizzes

Study Questions

Chapter 7

1. Who is Trimachio? Explain how this describes Gatsby. ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 8: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Chapter 7 (cont’d)

2. Describe Daisy and Gatsby's new relationship. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Compare George Wilson and Tom. What did each man learn about his wife and how did they each react? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. If Daisy says she's never loved Tom, is there someone whom she thinks she loves? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Describe the fight between Gatsby and Tom. What do these men think of each other? How are they similar and how are they different?



6. What was significant about Nick's 30th birthday? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


7. What do you think Tom and Daisy were saying to each other in the kitchen? Do you think that Tom knew Daisy was driving the "death car"? Why, why not?



8. At this point, how would you end the novel? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 8

1. How does Fitzgerald achieve a melancholic mood in the beginning of this chapter? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. How are seasons used in constructing this novel? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Who is Dan Cody and what is his significance in Gatsby's life? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. How does Nick's statement "You're worth the whole bunch put together" show a change in Nick from the begin-ning of the novel?




Chapter Quizzes

Study Questions

Page 9: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Chapter 9

1. Why did Nick take care of Gatsby's funeral? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


2. How was Jay Gatz's childhood schedule consistent with the adult Gatsby's behavior? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Who attended Gatsby's funeral? How and why is this significant? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. What is the purpose of Nick's last meeting with Jordan? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Why does Nick call Tom and Daisy "careless people"? _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Chapter Quizzes

Study Questions

Chapter 8 (cont’d)

5. How does T. J. Eckleberg affect Mr. Wilson? _________________________________________________________________________________________________



Page 10: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Vocabulary Each week while reading the novel, you’ll have 20 vocabulary words. The 20 words will be assigned on Mondays (or

the first day of the week) and due on Fridays (or the last day of the week). To earn daily credit for the 20 words,

write each word in a sentence that provides context clues. (See below for examples.) Number and write your sen-

tences in the same order as the vocabulary lists.

Vocabulary quizzes will also be on Fridays (or the last day of the week). You will be quizzed over 10 of the 20 words,

though you will not know which 10 until taking the quiz, so you need to study all 20. The quiz will have you spell the

word, identify its part of speech, and put the word in the correct sentence.

Types of

Context Clues Examples

Types of

Context Clues Practice


Page 11: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation


Chapters 1, 2, & 3 1. feign: (V.) -to imitate deceptively; to make believe; pretend. 2. wan: (Adj.) -of an unnatural or sickly pallor; pallid; lacking color. 3. complacent: (Adj.) -often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied. 4. intimation: (N.) -make known subtly and indirectly; hint. 5. anon: (Adv.) -in a short time; soon. 6. contiguous: (Adj.) -connecting without a break; uninterrupted. 7. apathetic: (Adj.) -not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive. 8. languid: (Adj.) -lacking in spirit or interest; listless; indifferent. 9. strident: (Adj.) -having a shrill, irritating quality or character. 10. deft: (Adj.) -nimble; skillful; clever. 11. permeate: (V.) -to pass into or through every part of; to penetrate through the pores; to be diffused through; per-

vade; saturate. 12. innuendo: (N.) -an indirect comment about a person or thing, esp. of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. 13. erroneous: (Adj.) -containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong. 14. vehement: (Adj.) -strongly emotional; intense or passionate. 15. cordial: (Adj.) -courteous and gracious; friendly; warm. 16. impetuous: (Adj.) -characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive. 17. vacuous: (Adj.) -lacking in ideas or intelligence. 18. corpulent: (Adj.) -large or bulky of body; portly; stout; fat. 19. provincial: (Adj.) -having the manners, and viewpoints considered characteristic of unsophisticated inhabitants of a

province; rustic; narrow or illiberal. 20. din: (N.) -a loud, confused noise; a continued loud or tumultuous sound; noisy clamor.


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Chapters 4, 5, & 6 1. fluctuate: (V.) -to change continually; shift back and forth. 2. sporadic: (Adj.) -appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional. 3. divine retribution: (N.) -punishment from a higher being for bad deeds or transgressions. 4. elicit: (V.) -to draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke. 5. somnambulatory: (Adj.) -related to sleep walking. 6. denizen: (N.) -an inhabitant; a resident; one that frequents a particular place. 7. jaunty: (Adj.) -easy and sprightly in manner or bearing. 8. rout: (N.) -an overwhelming defeat. 9. suppress: (V.) -to do away with; abolish; stop. 10. innumerable: (Adj.) -very numerous; incapable of being counted; countless. 11. ecstatic: (Adj.) -subject to or in a state of ecstasy; rapturous. 12. reproach: (V.) -to find fault with (a person, group, etc.); blame. 13. exult: (V.) -to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy; rejoice; be highly elated or jubilant. 14. nebulous: (Adj.) -hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused. 15. laudable: (Adj.) -deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable. 16. insidious: (Adj.) -intended to entrap or trick. 17. debauch: (N.) -an uninhibited spree or party. 18. antecedent: (N.) -a preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon. 19. ingratiate: (V.) -to establish (oneself) in the favor or good graces of others by deliberate effort. 20. dilatory: (Adj.) -tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy.


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Chapters 7, 8, & 9 1. tentative: (Adj.) -unsure; uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant. 2. tumult: (N.) -uproar; disorder; highly distressing agitation of mind or feeling. 3. portentous: (Adj.) -ominous, predictive of future bad events. 4. irreverent: (Adj.) -not respectful; critical of what is generally accepted or respected. 5. vicarious: (Adj.) -taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute. 6. rancor: (N.) -resentment or ill will; hatred; malice. 7. formidable: (Adj.) -of great strength; forceful; powerful. 8. indiscernible: (Adj.) -cannot be seen or perceived clearly; imperceptible. 9. in cahoots: (Phrase) -in partnership; in league with; in conspiracy. 10. garrulous: (Adj.) -excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, esp. about trivial matters. 11. incoherent: (Adj.) -without explanation; confusing or unclear 12. forlorn: (Adj.) -desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance. 13. laden: (Adj.) -burdened; loaded down. 14. derange: (V.) -to disturb the condition, action, or function of; to make insane. 15. surmise: (V.) -to think or infer without certain or strong evidence; conjecture; guess. 16. superfluous: (Adj.) -being more than is sufficient or required; excessive; unnecessary or needless. 17. elocution: (N.) -a person's manner of speaking or reading aloud in public. 18. orgastic: (Adj.) - at the height of emotional excitement. 19. borne: (V.) -carried. 20. ceaselessly: (Adv.) -without stopping or pausing; unendingly; incessantly.


Page 14: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Theme Notes:

Disillusionment Note any reference to the American Dream. Note any time a character feels or is hopeless or out of control of their future.

pg # Who?-What?-So What?






























Conclusions: (What statement about this topic is Fitzgerald making in the novel The Great Gatsby?)

Page 15: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Theme Notes:

Gender Roles Note interactions between men and women and how each acts and/or is expected to act.

pg # Who?-What?-So What?





























Conclusions: (What statement about this topic is Fitzgerald making in the novel The Great Gatsby?)

Page 16: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Theme Notes:

Social Class Note interactions between people of different social classes. Note judgments that are made based on social class.

pg # Who?-What?-So What?





























Conclusions: (What statement about this topic is Fitzgerald making in the novel The Great Gatsby?)

Page 17: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Symbol Notes:

Color Note any time Fitzgerald uses color in the novel.

pg # Who?-What?-So What?






























Conclusions: (Explain deeper meaning behind these symbols.)

Page 18: The Great Gatsby - Mrs. Brull's · The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald English 3 Mrs. rull Name: _____ Anticipation

Symbol Notes:

Eyes of TJ Eckleberg Note any reference to the eyes of TJ Eckleberg and their effect on the novel.

pg # Who?-What?-So What?






























Conclusions: (Explain deeper meaning behind this symbol.)