the eternal gospel preached by the archangel michael

Tracing Official Transcript | 1 of 14 THE ETERNAL GOSPEL PREACHED BY THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ~ MELQUISEDEC’S INSTRUCTIONS~ July 27, 2014 Introduction to Hugo Guevara : Greetings to all of you, our beloved children, the faithful of Melquisedec-Michael. I want to thank all of you who have written to us through email and through beautiful letters with your testimonies, gratefulness, and submission. We are so joyful to hear from you and we are so proud of those gifts of praise, writings, poems, and those videos of the puppets - how cute! I am amazed to see how new gifts have manifested and how new songs have come out, what a glory! Those of you who have renewed your songs for this glory, they are also very beautiful. All things that you do with transparency and pureness of lips it is received with lots of love. We also give thanks to our King for those tremendous changes in Colombia, Brazil, and in all the nations, everybody is in another glory. Thank you for your genuine love. I declare for all our children in all the nations, abundance of prosperity manifested in all areas of your life. And do not worry about anything, the King is aware of EVERYTHING and absolutely nothing escapes Him. You just keep calm and stay in this order that is so perfect and just wait, because everything is manifesting in the perfect time and we give glory and praise to our King Melquisedec for you. Receive without limits. We are in a time where all the parables, the prophecies are being fulfilled, and the mysteries are being revealed in their entirety. Nothing is left without being revealed and that is why this time is so crucial for our growth. This is the only route that guarantees us the Transformation. Is it written that this order is the only one that man can use to please God. Throughout the whole bible that order is there, but the evil and perverse men always stopped this truth like it says in Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of men, who suppress the truth in injustice,” but that injustice is over, they will not be able to hide this truth anymore. That is why we are here, if He lives, I live, like it says in John 6:57 - “As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me.” That is fulfilled now, beloved. Because the time to feed on the veil already took place and now we are in the continuation of Him. He has no end and therefore we have no end. This continues and you are in the Most Holy Place, because only the ones who were cleansed of sin could enter to make sacrifices, but now you have been purified and you have direct access. Nobody that has not gone through the washing soap or through the fire that purifies the gold and the silver, can be as close to God as we are. They will never reach God if not through me, because I have what man needs to be close to God. And that is only for those who truly want to be close to God. Because if in the past, only those who were clean and obeyed were the ones who could be close, now it’s in the same way because God

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Tracing broadcast to the nations as per the instructions of Melquisedec, the King of kings and Lord of lords. by the Archangel Michael


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Introduction to Hugo Guevara: Greetings to all of you, our beloved children, the faithful of Melquisedec-Michael. I want to thank all of you who have written to us through email and through beautiful letters with your testimonies, gratefulness, and submission. We are so joyful to hear from you and we are so proud of those gifts of praise, writings, poems, and those videos of the puppets - how cute! I am amazed to see how new gifts have manifested and how new songs have come out, what a glory! Those of you who have renewed your songs for this glory, they are also very beautiful. All things that you do with transparency and pureness of lips it is received with lots of love. We also give thanks to our King for those tremendous changes in Colombia, Brazil, and in all the nations, everybody is in another glory. Thank you for your genuine love. I declare for all our children in all the nations, abundance of prosperity manifested in all areas of your life. And do not worry about anything, the King is aware of EVERYTHING and absolutely nothing escapes Him. You just keep calm and stay in this order that is so perfect and just wait, because everything is manifesting in the perfect time and we give glory and praise to our King Melquisedec for you. Receive without limits. We are in a time where all the parables, the prophecies are being fulfilled, and the mysteries are being revealed in their entirety. Nothing is left without being revealed and that is why this time is so crucial for our growth. This is the only route that guarantees us the Transformation. Is it written that this order is the only one that man can use to please God. Throughout the whole bible that order is there, but the evil and perverse men always stopped this truth like it says in Romans 1:18 - “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of men, who suppress the truth in injustice,” but that injustice is over, they will not be able to hide this truth anymore. That is why we are here, if He lives, I live, like it says in John 6:57- “As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me.” That is fulfilled now, beloved. Because the time to feed on the veil already took place and now we are in the continuation of Him. He has no end and therefore we have no end. This continues and you are in the Most Holy Place, because only the ones who were cleansed of sin could enter to make sacrifices, but now you have been purified and you have direct access. Nobody that has not gone through the washing soap or through the fire that purifies the gold and the silver, can be as close to God as we are. They will never reach God if not through me, because I have what man needs to be close to God. And that is only for those who truly want to be close to God. Because if in the past, only those who were clean and obeyed were the ones who could be close, now it’s in the same way because God

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is the same. They play dumb to not pass through the soap and they think that they are clean enough to be with him. What a shame that they do not know. They never knew their God. Well, it is already known that it was Mary who spoke to Paul and his letters were influenced by her. Today, it is in the same way, I have collaborators that assist me in confirming everything I say, like she had them in that time. She had followers and also had opponents or enemies, and in the same way, I have them. In the beginning, Peter was with her and later he deserted and he did not want to accept her relationship with the King, or that she was the one who was leading them. He was submitted to the order for a short time and when he did not stand anymore, he rebelled against her and took some people with him. That is why the letters of Judas, John, and others have spoken of how they should not hide the truth that was given to them from the beginning. That is what Mary told them about the truth of MelquisedecMichael, which is the relationship of the Father and the Mother. Today, the same thing happened, some were with me and they deserted and became our enemies, not wanting to accept my eternal relationship with the King, when He himself said it in His veil. They even took some people with them. Mary and her followers explained it to Paul because he was not there present to see it. We even found out through Gerardo Sotomonte and other blessed that have also investigated, that the letter to the Hebrews was not written by Paul. Of course, that was written by Mary - the only one who knew about Melquisedec. How else was Paul going to know so many details about Melquisedec, if in the Scriptures so little is written about him? But Paul says the truth about Him. And he heard that from Her, who is Michael in this time. It’s in the same manner today, I am revealing the truth about your God. Of course, because He is in me and I am in Him, and that is why I live...and through Him in me is that I can tell you all the truth. Abba Fathers that this is the end of times and we don’t have to wait a lot of years for what is written to be fulfilled. We are already in that time where all things are being fulfilled. That was allowed to happen like that in those times so that we could have a guide, like Jose Luis had. Those evil and perverse men did not receive a copy of the movie script...and they do not know that in this time, what was not fulfilled in those times will be fulfilled now. We do know how the movie goes and how it will end. For being hard-headed, they will not be anymore. And us, the obedient ones, will live eternally happy with our God. The one who said that ‘His people will know His name’, and we know His name. But those who say they honor what He did, have their eyes set on His veil. They say they don’t...but then tells us, what is the name of their God? In sharing with the King, He told me: Ask all those who are no longer with you but say they honor what I did in the veil Jose Luis, have them TELL YOU WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE GOD THAT WAS IN THAT VEIL OF JOSE LUIS? THEY CANNOT ANSWER YOU BECAUSE I HAVE NOT REVEALED IT TO THEM.

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Tell me, what is the name of the God that was in that veil of Jose Luis? Or anybody, anybody listening to this: What is God’s name? Nobody knows it! They are all in Jehovah, in Yahveh, in Jesus of Nazareth, in the supposed ‘Resurrected one’. He is in front of them and they have not been able to see Him because of their disbelief, for their stubbornness! God’s name, the name above all name, His great name is Melquisedec. Paul himself says it because the one who is revealing it to you revealed it to Paul in that time, the only one who can know his name, and they have not been able to see it. We know his name. What a joy!! We are living the best times. Ever since our King was in the veil of Jose Luis, those were the best times, and now that He is in unapproachable light, they are still the best times. We are the only ones that truly honor the veil of Jose Luis, when we were obedient to the voice of the Pastor, and we identified him when He told us His name and told us where He is. Every time we have been in his presence we have had fullness of joy. That is why we are always joyful, because the King is with us eternally. And I was given the HUGE privilege to guide you and keep you in the way. I do it with so much joy for my King, my beloved, my friend, and for you who are my children and my friends. I am eternally grateful with my King for you all. Abba Melquisedec! Well, we have asked your brother Hugo Guevara to record the topics that the King has given him, to be able to share it with you and with the world. It is important to listen to what he says, because he brings a lot of revelation and supports -with a lot of evidence- everything the King has given me to say, but with the touch of his gift. He has a very special gift. Today, we will listen to a topic that is very tremendous, I know you will all enjoy it very much. Please, let’s receive your brother Hugo Guevara. Blessed, we love you very much, and we’ll see you soon. BROTHER HUGO GUEVARA: Declaring for you all the best day. Also declaring in the name of MelquisedecMichael that best day. And, also inviting you to this topic we bring today for you all entitled, “The Eternal Gospel Preached by the Archangel Michael,” that you enjoy yourselves and enjoy something our Parents have wanted us to know about for this dispensational period, known as the Order of Melquisedec, where on repeated occasions we have stated that the person who is taking the lead, as it is popularly said, is our Mother, the Archangel Michael [Lisbet]. For that, let’s begin quickly, going to the word in Revelation chapter 14 verse 6, let’s read the following. It says: Revelation 14:6 6 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— There is a word we find there that is ‘the eternal gospel’. The objective of talking about this topic, of bringing this topic in front of you is to talk about that eternal gospel that is being preached and that was prophesied by John because he said, “Listen, an angel will have the mission of preaching the eternal gospel.” And, that leads us to think first in that, an angel is talking, and then it says that the mission of that angel is not only to carry the gospel, but to preach it. When we talk about preaching,

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it means that he was going to talk about it, he was going to teach it. And, when in the same verse it allows us to see the setting where that character will develop that mission in one place. Meaning, it is very beautiful, because look, and I repeat, they are three phases that you need to have very clear: The character, the mission, and the place where such mission will be developed. The character? The Archangel Michael [Lisbet]; The mission? to preach the eternal gospel; The setting? is clearly to the residents of earth, to every nation, tribe, tongue and people. It is clear. Now, I do not want to stay there only because the appearance of the Archangel Michael has been subject of controversy for many. It has been subject to persecution, attacks, and actions that are very unpleasant by the components of that group that the Bible itself calls, the foolish virgins. People who, for no reason and meaning, have risen as critics of the Order of Melquisedec, bitter enemies of Melquisedec and of our Mother, the Archangel Michael. And for that, they have dared to tamper with the Bible saying that His presence is not biblical, that the Order of Melquisedec is not biblical, that the dispensation we are living today is not biblical. But, well, fortunately our Parents have gifted us those elements that have allowed us to see, and as I always say, it is not that one find these things in the Bible, but that Dad and Mom show it to us. But let’s not stay with this, let’s go to Galatians chapter 1, verse 8. Simple, as it says in the following way: Galatians 1:8 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. I insist a lot in this point, because here, my Parents allowed me to see something that for years I read, but never saw. Why? because I was always led to one emphasis, the emphasis was that -be careful if an angel preaches it. So then, when the Archangel Michael appears, I repeat, in a dirty way they have tampered with the Bible and they have said: -Look, Paul said it, be careful! Oh, and they are saying that she’s the Archangel? Be careful if it’s an angel from the sky... No, no, no, hold on for one second, let’s analyze this and let’s get serious, and let’s analyze this carefully, in detail. What the text says is very clear: “But if we, or an angel from heaven, preached any other gospel to you…” Note that at no time is Paul saying to reject the angel. What we have to do is be careful of what gospel that angel is preaching. That is where we have to focus on. That is where we have to take advantage of that recommendation that that wise advice, that in his time, the Edifier knew to give us, when he told us, being He himself also in some way a victim of all those types of attacks, of all sorts of insulting actions against him, of his presence, of his

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ministry, of the leading role he had in that dispensation when he precisely said, “Ok, ok, ok, do not look at me, simply, close your eyes and listen to me, so that you can analyze what I am saying, do not look at me, meaning, do not look at my flesh.” Well, same as today, it is exactly the same way with the Archangel Michael. Ok, fine, you initially have had difficulties because I understand that we live, especially in Latin America, we live a very sexist culture, where “Oh, because it’s a woman, that a woman is God, how can that be? Oh, no, no.” Well, they all become confused with this truth. But, I go back to the same thing. Ok, close your eyes for one moment, listen, think and analyze. So then, there is where you will realize that what Paul said is completely adjusted, that an Angel would appear and would preach the gospel. And that John saw him, and said -Oh, that angel, that angel that Paul spoke about, that angel comes with the eternal gospel and he comes to preach it. Note that he warns: to preach it. The same thing Paul is saying, that an angel would come to preach, only that Paul adds the detail of saying -no, no, pay close attention to what gospel he brings. And it is clear, when we analyze and review the messages of our Mother, the Archangel Michael [Lisbet], of course we can deduct that that is the eternal gospel. Why is it the eternal gospel? Well, because it is a gospel that goes from Genesis to Revelation. -But, what do you mean it goes from Genesis to Revelations? Why does the eternal gospel have to be from Genesis to Revelations? Well, my dear beloved person listening, who is paying attention to this transmission at this moment...why is it the eternal gospel? Because the gospel is of good news - that is what gospel means - and it is eternal because its ability to be put into practice is an eternal present. That is basically the point on where we have to have clarity of what this point is referencing. So then, when we observe what the eternal gospel is that is being mentioned here, we are seeing exactly the development of the elements that the Archangel has brought in his preaching. And it is the eternal gospel from Genesis to Revelation for one simple basic reason, the 66 books of the Bible did not exist during the period Paul lived in. The Bible, as we know it today, did not exist, because Paul had not finished writing what he needed to write, also John had not written Revelation yet, and things like that. In the time of Jesus of Nazareth, even less. When we come to the time of the Edifier you might tell me -Oh no, well, but in the time of the Edifier, in the time of Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda, the bible already existed, the 66 books where already put together with chapter, verses, etc. Perfect, I agree with you completely. I completely agree with that. But, the question is: Were you shown Revelation? Were you shown all of Revelation? No. Do you understand all the mysteries of all the prophets? No. Do you, by any chance, have all the parables Jesus of Nazareth spoke of clear in your mind? No.

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So then, think. Melquisedec already went to unapproachable light, He is in unapproachable light at this moment. Are you seeing Him? Is he, directly, teaching you, the same way he did while in the manifestation of the Man Christ Jesus? No. The only manifestations that I see of Melquisedec is that one that fulfills what Paul himself warned about when he said that the Lord, in this time, would speak with the voice of an Archangel, with a trumpet from God. And forgive me, but I have only found that manifestation in the Archangel Michael, our Mother, Lisbet. Like it or not, but it is like that and those are the set of rules in this dispensation. So then, you must have that very clear because the eternal gospel is that, it is everything that happens in the bible and that nowadays our Mother explains to us. Our Mother has explained to us details in Genesis, very important details there, in Exodus, of Joshua, of the law, of everything that has to do with the Psalms, with Proverbs, she has explained the major and the minor prophets. Revelation - imagine, a book, wow, an endless book. But, remember that the Edifier promised us that he would explain it to us. Well, he has been explaining it to us, he has shown it to us through our Mother. For that, then, let’s go into a detail in the development of that topic and let us enter the Dispensational Stages and The Doctrinal Aspects of these. Each one of those dispensational events has, I repeat, some doctrinal aspects that we must have in mind to be able to establish the differences, to identify the dispensation, and to be able to identify the lead character. Look, for the first one, we have to go to Moses and the Law and the Public Ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. That is such an important point. In Exodus chapter 34, verses 1 and 2, says the following so that we can start developing this point that had to do with the law of Moses and that has to do with the public ministry of Jesus. Exodus 34:1-2 1 And the Lord [MelquisedecMichael] said to Moses, “Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke. 2 So be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself to Me there on the top of the mountain. Notice that that dispensation has two basic elements: The lead character, Moses, and the doctrinal element, the law. Remember that when he comes down from Mount Sinai and sees the adoration to a gold calf, it says that he took the first tablets and threw them and that is how they were ruined. So then, Dad tells him -Well, now let’s make them again out of stone, cut the tablets and I will write them there-. So then, the law was confirmed there. The law that we all know very well has three elements that are: The commandments (which are the principles of the law, like saying the “headlines” of the law), what is known as the measures and ordinance, and additionally

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there was a very important detail which was the sacrificial aspect. Which meant that for such sins, such situations, or if it was a priest or if it was a Levite, if it was this type of sacrifice, how they needed to offer it, what animal it had to be, if they had money then it had to be such animal, if they did not have much money then it was a young pigeon. Well, things like that that were described in the sacrificial aspect. But in that time, I repeat, those were the set of rules, the lead character, and what was happening. Now, let’s remember that it also mentions a doctrinal aspect there and in that ministry, we speak also of Jesus of Nazareth. Let’s go to Matthew chapter 5, verse 17 where Jesus of Nazareth clearly says: Matthew 5:17 17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. When we remember the teachings of our Mother regarding that period, of course, he came to fulfill the law of the Spirit of life and he came, listen to me carefully, with a very important mission, an extremely important mission which was, listen closely to this detail, look: “I have not come to destroy the law of the prophets…” Notice how important the public appearance of Jesus of Nazareth was for his ministry, because not only was he coming to fulfill the law of the Spirit of life, not only for that, he also came to fulfill what the prophets had said. Nowadays, the same exact thing is happening - there are many things that were written by the prophets for this time. Now, they could not be fulfilled, they were only the letter. I have always said, up until then, they were letter. However, they come to life, they come to validity, they are dusted off, if you want to call it that way, at the precise moment in which the Archangel Michael appears publicly. It was necessary. And nowadays, we must have the lens that was needed when Jesus of Nazareth appeared. Look at when Jesus of Nazareth appeared and the prophets had even talked about the place, his place of birth: “Oh, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the cities of Israel”. They even talked about Bethlehem where he would be born, of all the details.” In the same way as, in its moment, it was also said about the coming of that second dispensation, that I want to present today its doctrinal application. Let’s go to it, Paul and the Gospel of the Uncircumcision. Look at Galatians chapter 1, verses 11 through 12, to talk about Paul and the gospel of the uncircumcision. It says: Galatians 1:11-12 11 But I make known to you, brothers, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.

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So then, in this dispensation that we see here, the dispensation of the Apostle Paul and the gospel of the uncircumcision, we find: the lead character, the apostle Paul; the doctrinal element, the gospel of the uncircumcision. Clearly, he is saying it there. Have this in mind because that is the key element of what we want so show today when we come to revise and observe all the details presented in regards to our Mother, the Archangel Michael. Let’s go to the third period, The Period of the Edifier, The Other. First letter to the Corinthians, chapter 3 verse 10. 1 Corinthians 3:10 10 According to the grace of God which was given to me, says Paul, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. There is a key word there: Another. Well, Paul was warning that “the other” was coming and we saw the apparition of ‘The Other’. We had the high honor and privilege of sharing that dispensation. And He edified over Paul’s foundation. What did He edify? Well, the church. That is what He edified, the church. Now, let’s not get stuck there, let’s go on ahead. Let’s observe what happened in that dispensation where the Edifier, the Other, came. He came and everything Paul had stated in fourteen epistles, he took them and with that, He edified the church. But I want you to have something clear, because we have been able to see in these last few months that the public manifestation of our Archangel Michael has come, our Mother Lisbet, we have seen how the deserters, persecutors, the enemies of the Order of Melquisedec, the enemies of our Mother and our Father, have assumed a word that the Edifier said: “Well, the church is already edified. I have nothing else to teach. I cannot invent the tracings”, said Dad. So then, they took that as the last point and that was it. But in one of the topics that my Father and Mother allowed me to share in front of you, blessed, I would like for you to go over today and keep it in mind, the edification finished and there was no transformation. So then, it can only mean one of two things: that Melquisedec in that veil lied to us, or that there was another dispensation. Well, I think the first one, we can reject immediately because if someone has always fulfilled everything is our Father. So then, we are left with the second option, because the second option, is not only the result of rejecting the first one, which is obvious that we must reject it, and even as we see the facts, the manifestations, the sole event of the appearance of the Archangel Michael, his ministry, his preaching, his teachings, and most importantly one point, the results in our lives are doubtless evidence that that is the correct dispensation. But also, doubtless proof that the Edifier, Dr. Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda, The Man Christ Jesus...we were able to understand what it was that He edified, because he said -the church is already edified-. But even that part we had to understand, but to be able to understand it we had to pass to this dispensation. It is only here in the dispensation of the Order of Melquisedec, under the authority of the Archangel Michael, our Mother Lisbet, we were able to understand what

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that edification that the Edifier (The Man Christ Jesus, Dr. Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda) did. It was something very simple, he edified the temple, he edified the mind. So that when he manifested with the Voice of an Archangel, with trumpet of God, that which happened to those who heard all the elements of the edification but did not receive it, would not happen again now. For that reason, now we clearly understand when our Mother said to us: “Dad returned to ‘unapproachable light’’ and she touched her mind. Unapproachable light is here in the mind. Of course, what he did in those 40 years was build his temple. Remember that the man of sin, the son of perdition, all of this of the carnal mind, where he had his coming or his rise, his throne, was in the mind. Where did our Mother, the Archangel Michael, knock him down from? Our mind. Why? because that is where the King lives, in our mind. Now, all those who did not receive the Edification, well obviously, that is why the King cannot live there, because they did not allow him to build anything. But, in our case, that is why he lives there (in the mind) because he worked, he built his building here (in the mind) and that is where He lives today. That is the work of the edification, that is the work of the Edifier. That is what the Edifier edified. And, as I said, the proof to know if I was edified is how I receive what comes from the Archangel Michael. Even the Archangel himself, do I receive him? do I accept him? or have I rejected him? If you reject him, you lost the school year - meaning, your mind was not edified. Dad did not complete His edification in your mind, because you did not allow it. Now, in entering the fourth point, we have to go to a point I have titled: Reaching the Stature of the Perfect man, Heading to the Great Transformation, the Ministry of the Archangel Michael. And for that I would like is to retake something that I have been talking about, the Edifier. Secord letter to the Corinthians chapter 6, verse 16 and 17. 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? A very interesting question. For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.” 17 Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean; underline that, have that in mind; Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you. 18 “I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty.” Notice how there is something very important here, here it talks about a temple that He built. Where? Here, in your mind. But, notice that there are other details also worth mentioning. It says that ”I will live and walk among them…” Listen, that requires a physical, visible, tangible manifestation. Well, but up until what I am aware of, Melquisedec returned to unapproachable then, what character is this talking about? A celestial, divine character that would walk among

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us. The only person that I have seen with those characteristics is my Mother, the Archangel Michael, Lisbet. Now, more details, it says: ”I will be their God and they will be My people.” But, there is something very important: For him to be my God, I have to know his name. Because Mom once told us, what a shame that someone who talks about a God of who they do not know His name, and makes him his God. No, we know God’s name, His name is MelquisedecMichael. It continues saying: “...and they will be My people.” Look at the invitation he does, it says: “come out from among them, and come out from them, says the Lord, and do not touch what is unclean.” That is so important. Who have I heard saying that we have to walk in a clean way in these days? Well, the Archangel Michael. That is one of the key points in her ministry: Walk correctly, walk in righteousness, walk in purity. Well, the prophet Daniel, there in chapter 12 verse 10 describes it, it says clearly, that in that time we would be purified, cleansed, and whitened. (Ref. Malachi 3:2) Malachi says that we will be washed with washer’s soap, and that he would sit to shine the gold and silver. Meaning, that all the time, he is suggesting that a period would come when -listen to me carefully, and here I would like you to reflect on this- a period would come in which the believer would walk correctly, would walk in justice, even if they were in flesh. Now, I ask you: Did we experiment that, was that evident, did those characteristics of the believers manifest in the time of Jesus of Nazareth? No, obviously not. If you go over the historical facts, you will clearly see that it didn’t. Now, did that occur in the time of the Edifier? No. For a very simple reason, I said it in a previous topic, the Man Christ Jesus preached to the masses, to the united masses there and there. The same way Jesus of Nazareth, in his time when he saw that situation, he in his time, mentioned it or referred it in the following way: the wheat and the weeds were together, in the same crop. And when the workers say: -Lord do we pull, take out the weeds. -No, no, no. Be careful, do not touch that, because that is a job for a specialist. The specialists are the angels. The question is: Did that happened in that time? Did that happen during the time of the Edifier? No. That has only happened in this time. Only in this time was there that separation, taking out, dividing the wheat from the weeds. They are details that you must have in mind, because that is where our Mother, precisely, pointed out to us and that is why she spoke so much, and she has spoken and has insisted in that. But, note that the thing does not end there. We already identified the lead character of this dispensation, and now we have identified the doctrinal element, the eternal gospel. But also, we are going in to go over the content of that eternal gospel. And for that, look, we have mentioned details where precisely, the apostle Paul, that many enemies of the international growing in grace ministry, enemies of the Order of Melquisedec, enemies of

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our Father, Melquisedec and Michael, those people that have been saying, “No, she strayed from the Pauline context.” Which of these stray from the Pauline context? Precisely, if someone has taken the Pauline context to lead us in the details that the Edifier did not show us, because he didn’t have to show them, they were not his responsibility. The responsibility of this emphasis of sanctity, of cleansing, of purification, of whitening, belonged to the Archangel Michael. That is clear. Now, I’m giving you biblical evidence that Paul also spoke about this. Paul said that we had to walk in a clean way, in a straight manner, in justice, in other words, whitened, without blemish and regardless of being in a clay vessel. Now, look at this detail, the prophet Isaiah spoke, proclaimed about this time. It says: Isaiah 56:1 1 Thus says the LORD, MELQUISEDEC: “Keep justice, and do righteousness, For My salvation is about to come, And My righteousness to be revealed. 2 Blessed is the man who does this, And the son of man who lays hold on it; Who keeps from defiling the Sabbath, And keeps his hand from doing any evil.” Pay close attention to this detail. 3 Do not let the son of the foreigner Who has joined himself to the LORD Speak, saying, “The LORD has utterly separated me from His people”; Nor let the eunuch say, “Here I am, a dry tree.” 4 For thus says the LORD: “To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, And choose what pleases Me, And hold fast My covenant, If you clearly see, what the prophet Isaiah is saying is that this was a time that was coming. I invite you to review history, it didn’t come in the time of Jesus of Nazareth, or in the days of the Edifier. We didn’t see this concept of purification, whitening, and cleansing that is being managed today. Prophesized even by Daniel and, I repeat, Isaiah is speaking about this as well. When it speaks about the Sabbath, or day of rest, it’s talking about the Order of Melquisedec. What did our Mother teach us in the first topic and then in the following

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topics she emphasizes on? To enter into his rest. And what invitation does she keep making up until today? To be in Dad’s rest. Don’t even get bothered with the vengeance because that belongs to them. That belongs to Melquisedec and Michael. We have to be in that day of rest even more so because we are not here to help the Lord, he has his Helpmeet, his wife. Those are details that you have to review. Now, I want to end what is the demonstration of the lead character of the dispensation, the dispensation and the doctrinal element of the dispensation in Ephesians chapter 4 verses 13-32. It’s a bit long, but very interesting to read. Ephesians 4:13-32 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, listen well, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. 17 This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, pay attention to this, as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, 18 having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, look at how the life of God has some characteristics, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; Remember the topic? “Do Not Harden Your Hearts?” 19 who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness… I’m sorry, but as far as I’m understanding, and I believe I am a person who understands what he reads, what the apostle Paul is saying there is that he doesn’t applaud depraved lifestyles, unorganized lifestyles, injustice. And he warns, at the beginning of the passage, that men would come deceiving people. Men would come with depraved, unorganized, perverted, and dare I even say, degenerate attitudes and behaviors...and those men would deceive and drag those who, in these times, have heard the Archangel Michael. 20 But you have not so learned Christ, 21 if indeed you have heard Him When did I hear Christ, with regards to this topic, with regards to this emphasis: life of purity, life of sanctity? The only person I’ve heard is the Archangel Michael, I really haven’t heard anyone else speak this way. Then, verse 20. 20 But you have not so learned Christ, 21 if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus:

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22 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, look, clean slate, that sounds to me like a clean slate. the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 22 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. The messages of the Archangel are clothes, they are garments that dress my mind in a way like our Mother taught us - with fine linen which we then use to dress her and which are our good works…which result from what? From having renovated our minds. How? By the message of the Archangel Michael. It says, verse 25: 25 Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” Wow, one of the people that told me to reflect about my neighbor was my Mother. She taught me who my enemy was and who my neighbor was, for we are members of one another. 26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil, flesh, devil genre, flesh genre. Why? Because he was already destroyed. It was our mother who taught us, “don’t give life to something that’s dead, don’t give life to a dead one,” she clearly said it. It says, verse 28: 28 Let him who stole steal no longer, this is for those that like to steal, those that like to steal a lot and a little, because of that we have clear evidence, Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. This is the time of the seals, this is the time in which we have been sealed with the seal of the Holy Spirit. Remember that this is the angel that came with the seal. That seal is MelquisedecMichael and it is here in our minds. What is why revelations says that the 144,000 were sealed by that angel. Not everyone has been sealed. 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. When I go over this whole list, all of this Pauline approach, I find myself with a perfect unity between what Paul said and the Spirit of what the Archangel Michael [Lisbet] is preaching. I want to thank you for this very special time, inviting you in the name of our Father Melquisedec and our Mother, the Archangel Michael, to reflect on this that we have seen, these dispensational periods, the doctrinal event that characterized this period of time, and the lead character of that period...and observe what we have presented and reviewed

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today. Pay close attention, especially in this last stage, and you will find the same structure: the lead character, the element or doctrinal base. And something very important, it is our duty to apply that which could not be made in the days of Jesus of Nazareth, which we were able to do in his time and in his part with the Edifier, but that now, in a more direct way we are applying it...and it’s the application of that which comes out of the lips of this lead character, based on the everlasting gospel that she is preaching to us, and that by applying it to our lives, our lives have been completely changed. We understand today. We are clear in this more than ever, that the transformation is a process, a process that has to be fulfilled by some elements which we are being given today with which we are being dressed and that very soon we’ll see that grand event. I declare you blessed with all blessing, in the name of my Father Melquisedec and my Mother, the Archangel Michael [Lisbet].