the egyptians of the nile river valley

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Post on 11-May-2015




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  • 1.The Egyptians of the Nile River Valley Mr. Gibbs Winter 2007

2. What 2 Factors made the Nile River Valley Different from the Tigris/Euphrates

  • 1.) Protected by surrounding Deserts
  • 2.) Predictable in its flooding

3. King Menes

  • Unified Egypt in 3200 BC
  • Civil wars between dynasty and other noble families
  • Hyksos Asian Civilization that moved through the ME and conquered a weakened Egypt
  • Regained control after 150 yrs expanded beyond the Nile The New Kingdom

4. 5. Daily life in Ancient Egypt

  • Pharaoh
  • Life was organized for the sole purpose of serving the pharaoh both in life and after death

6. Peasants

  • Farmed the land to supply bread and cotton for the pharaohs cabinet, priests and soldiers

7. 8. Soldiers

  • Conquered Territory in order to bring back booty, slaves and new luxuries

9. 10. Scribes

  • Created Hieroglyphics (a form of picture writing)
  • Record the goods stored in warehouses
  • Write about Religion

11. 12. 13. Artisans

  • Skilled workers
  • Build temples
  • Statues
  • Pyramids

14. Pyramids

  • Tombs for the pharaohs
  • Belief in the afterlife and that the pharaoh was able to bring all of his worldly possessions with him
  • Pyramids were filled with all expensive treasures
  • Required great engineering and mathematic skills

15. 16. 17. 18. Used to measure land flooded by the Nile 19. Other Aspects of Egyptian Life

  • Physicians performed surgery
  • Slavery was legal
  • Controlled Trade throughout the Mediterranean