the effects on student achievement and attitudes when using integrated learning systems with...

The Effects on Student Achievement and Attitudes When Using Integrated Learning Systems with Cooperative Pairs [] Thomas A Brush The purpose of this study was to determine whether combining cooperative learning strat- egies with instruction delivered using an Integrated Learning System (ILS) produced academic and attitudinal gains in students. Sixty-five fifth-grade students were randomly divided into two groups, cooperative and indi- vidual. Students in the cooperative group worked on ILS math activities with a part- ner. Students in the individual group worked on the same activities by themselves. Achievement and attitudinal data were col- lected for the students prior to the experimen- tal treatment and at the end of the treatment period. Results revealed that students using an ILS for mathematics instruction per- formed better on standardized tests and were more positive toward math and the computer math activities when they worked in coopera- tive groups than when they worked on the same activities individually. [] In recent years, many schools have turned to Integrated Learning Systems (ILSs) to facili- tate instruction and assist with raising state standardized test scores (Becker, 1994). Typi- cally, these ILSs are utilized in a computer lab, where teachers bring their classes into the lab and students work individually on computer- based instructional lessons for an allotted time period. In this model of ILS delivery, students are generally isolated from one another, and are discouraged from sharing information or providing assistance to other students. Although using ILSs in this manner may fit well with the initial design and purpose of ILSs (i.e. instruction tailored to individual needs), it has also created problems such as increasing anxiety, hostility, and boredom in students (Lepper, 1985). Through the integration of cooperative learning with ILS delivery, some of these prob- lems may be alleviated. This study examined achievement and behavior differences between students Completing ILS activities in a tradi- tional, individualized format, and students completing the same activities in cooperative learning groups in order to determine if a cooperative learning model could be used effectively with students completing mathe- matics activities in a lab-based ILS. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning as an instructional strat- egy for students of varying achievement levels has been widely researched over the past 20 ETR&D, Vol. 45, No. 1, t997, pp. 51-64 ISSNt042-1629 5'1

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Page 1: The effects on student achievement and attitudes when using integrated learning systems with cooperative pairs

The Effects on Student Achievement and Attitudes When Using Integrated Learning Systems with Cooperative Pairs

[ ] Thomas A Brush

The purpose of this study was to determine whether combining cooperative learning strat- egies with instruction delivered using an Integrated Learning System (ILS) produced academic and attitudinal gains in students. Sixty-five fifth-grade students were randomly divided into two groups, cooperative and indi- vidual. Students in the cooperative group worked on ILS math activities with a part- ner. Students in the individual group worked on the same activities by themselves. Achievement and attitudinal data were col- lected for the students prior to the experimen- tal treatment and at the end of the treatment period. Results revealed that students using an ILS for mathematics instruction per- formed better on standardized tests and were more positive toward math and the computer math activities when they worked in coopera- tive groups than when they worked on the same activities individually.

[] In recent years, many schools have turned to Integrated Learning Systems (ILSs) to facili- tate instruction and assist with raising state standardized test scores (Becker, 1994). Typi- cally, these ILSs are utilized in a computer lab, where teachers bring their classes into the lab and students work individually on computer- based instructional lessons for an allotted time period. In this model of ILS delivery, students are generally isolated from one another, and are discouraged from sharing information or providing assistance to other students. Although using ILSs in this manner may fit well with the initial design and purpose of ILSs (i.e. instruction tailored to individual needs), it has also created problems such as increasing anxiety, hostility, and boredom in students (Lepper, 1985).

Through the integration of cooperative learning with ILS delivery, some of these prob- lems may be alleviated. This study examined achievement and behavior differences between students Completing ILS activities in a tradi- tional, individualized format, and students completing the same activities in cooperative learning groups in order to determine if a cooperative learning model could be used effectively with students completing mathe- matics activities in a lab-based ILS.


Cooperat ive Learning

Cooperative learning as an instructional strat- egy for students of varying achievement levels has been widely researched over the past 20

ETR&D, Vol. 45, No. 1, t997, pp. 51-64 ISSN t042-1629 5'1

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years. In a typical cooperative learning situa- tion, students are grouped together in some manner and asked to work together to com- plete a task, such as to master some instruc- tional material, develop a report on certain subject matter, or complete a creative project (Lloyd, Crowiey, Koldler, & Strain, 1988). Rewards for the individual students within the group are generally based on the accomplish- ments of the group as a whole. Proponents of cooperative learning argue that having groups of students work together toward a common goal with shared rewards will lead to both aca- demic and social gains for all students partici- pating in the lessons (Johnson & Johnson, 1982; Mesch, Lew, Johnson, & Johnson, 1986).

Researchers have proposed a variety of cooperative learning models in various instruc- ti0nal settings. However, Slavin (1985, 1995) has noted that while different cooperative learning models may vary in implementation, they generally utilize alternative methods for ensuring that the key elements of cooperative learning are integrated into the instructional task. These key elements of cooperative learn- ing, as outlined by leaders in cooperative learning research such as Johnson and John- son (1987, 1990), and Slavin (1990, 1995), include:

1. Positive interdependence. Students must believe that each one of them has a key role in the group, and that the task to be accom- plished cannot be completed without the actions of each member.

2. Individual accountability. Each student within a group must be held accountable for mastery of the instruction presented to the group.

3. Group rewards. There must be sufficient incentives for the group to remain together. The accomplishments of the group as a whole should be rewarded just as the accomplishments of each individual are rewarded.

4. Group training. Students cannot be placed together in a group situation and be expected to cooperate. As Johnson and Johnson (1987) state, "students must be taught the social skills needed for collabora-

tion, and they must be motivated to use them" (p. 13).

Cooperative Leaming's Effects on Achievement

Research examining the academic impact of cooperative learning has provided mostly pos- itive results. Slavin (1995) examined 99 studies in which cooperative learning groups were compared with individual instruction. Of those 99 studies, he found that 63 reported a significant increase in achievement levels for students participating in cooperative learning groups, with only 5 showing significant differ- ences in favor of individual instruction. In a second meta-ana!ysis, Slavin (1987) analyzed studies that compared the effects of coopera- tive learning on achievement with those of stu- dents in individual learning situations. Of the 38 studies reviewed, 33 reported significant increases in academic achievement for stu- dents participating in cooperative learning sit- uations. Positive achievement effects were also reported by Qin, Johnson, and Johnson (1995), and Zammuner (1995).

Cooperative Learning's Effects on Student Attitudes and Social Behaviors

Research shows that cooperative learning can have a positive impact on students' social behaviors and attitudes toward instructional content. In a study by Farivar (1992), seventh- grade students worked on mathematics assign- ments in cooperative groups. Results of the study indicated improved attitudes toward both cooperative learning activities and mathe- matics in general. Good, Reys, Grouws, and Mulryan (1989-1990) found that cooperative group work in mathematics increased students' motivation and enthusiasm towards the subject matter. Similar findings were reported by Davidson and Kroll (1991) and slavin (1985, 1995).

In terms of effects on social behaviors, Mesch et al. (1986) placed students in coopera- tive learning situations and provided them

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with training on effectively interacting in those situations. They found that, as a result of the training and cooperative group experiences, students who tended to be isolated and with- drawn interacted significantly more with their peers both within and outside the cooperative learning activities. In a meta-analysis of five studies dealing with cooperative learning, Lloyd et al. (1988) concluded that cooperative learning had signifcant positive effects, "par- ticularly on social behavior, in comparison to competitive and individualistic procedures" (p. 43). Several studies have found that coopera- tive learning improves relationships between disabled and non-disabled peers (Armstrong, Johnson, & Balow, 1981; Madden & Slavin, 1983; Slavin, 1995; Yager, Johnson, Johnson, & Snider, 1985), and between students from dif- ferent ethnic and racial backgrounds (Slavin, 1983). Research has also shown cooperative learning to decrease behavior difficulties such as talking out and not paying attention in the classroom (Greenwood, Carta, & Hall, 1988; Mulryan, 1995; Tyrrell, 1990).

Integrating Cooperative Learning with Computer-Assisted-Instruction and ILSs

As interest in applying cooperative learning in a wider variety of instructional settings has grown, there has been an increase in research investigating integration of cooperative learn- ing with other instructional tools, such as com- puter-assisted instruction (CAI). Some have argued that, by providing students with peer support and assistance when utilizing tradi- tionally individualized tools such as CAI, cooperative learning can increase the effective- ness of those tools for student achievement (Becker, 1992). For example, Mevarech, Stem, and Levita (1987) placed junior high school students into cooperative learning groups and asked the groups to complete language arts CAI lessons. Results indicated that students who worked on the CAI lessons in cooperative groups demonstrated significantly greater aca- demic gains than their peers who worked on the CAI lessons individually. Similar positive results of combining cooperative learning and CAI were found by Hooper (1992), Hooper

and Hannafin (1991) and Hooper, Temiyakarn, and Williams (1993). In these studies, peer interactions, positive student attitudes toward the group activities, and the construction of a supportive learning environment were all determined to be factors that contributed to positive academic gains for students.

In the past few years, CAI has evolved into powerful and costly systems, such as ILSs (Wiburg, 1995). An ILS is generally implemented in a computer lab of 15 to 30 computers linked to a central fileserver. The fileserver contains instructional software that contains entire curricula in reading, writing, mathematics, science, or other disciplines, over several grade levels (Bender, 1991; Robin- son, 1991). This software is individually dis- tributed to each computer in the computer lab, so that each student using the lab can work on any lesson at any given time. With this sys- tem, teachers (or students) can simply select the lessons they wish to use by choosing from a menu, or they can allow the computer to determine the appropriate content and diffi- culty level for particular students. In the latter case, the ILS selects and assigns lessons which either introduce new concepts or provide remediation of more difficult concepts accord- ing to the needs of each student. The ILS can also maintain detailed records of each student's progress and performance which the teacher can access at any time for assessment and evaluation purposes.

The research dealing with the academic effectiveness of combining cooperative learn- ing with ILS-delivered instruction is somewhat limited. Mevarech (1994) investigated the impact of using a cooperative versus an indi- vidual model when using an ILS system devel- oped in Israel. Results indicated that students working in cooperative groups performed sig- nificantly better on tests of both mathematics basic skills and higher-level concepts than their peers working individually.

Although the research dealing with cooper- ative learning and ILSs is limited, there are researchers who have criticized the individual- ized approach to ILS implementation and called for other implementation models (Bec- ker, 1992). Unlike CAI, ILSs are designed to be

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used with students on a long-term basis. In order for ILS instruction to be effective, Jostens Learning Corporation recommends that stu- dents use ILSs for 120 to 150 minutes per week throughout the entire school year 0ostens Learning Corporation, 1990). Because of the increased time students spend working on ILS activities individually, the negative impact on affective and social outcomes can be much greater than with students completing stand- alone CAI activities (Mevarech, 1994). Thus, the individualized approach to ILS has been criticized as de-emphasizing affective outcomes (Mevarech, 1994), increasing anxiety and hostil- ity toward the subject matter (Lepper, 1985), and increasing the gap between high- and low- achieving students (Hativa, 1988).

The recommended implementation strategy for ILSs also poses major logistical problems to teachers and administrators who are strug- gling to incorporate ILS instruction into their curriculum. The large cost of establishing and maintaining such systems, coupled with lim- ited resources, forces many school districts to target specific students to use ILS labs (Becker, 1994). This becomes necessary when schools do not have the facilities to serve all students.

If cooperative learning in an ILS setting were shown to be effective, many of the criti- cisms associated with the traditional ILS implementation model would be addressed. Students would not be working in isolation for long periods of time, teachers would be able to group students in order to have more time to provide academic assistance, and administra- tors would be able to utilize their ILS resources more efficiently by serving more students. Thus, it is important to determine if coopera- tive learning can be used effectively in an ILS setting.

The purpose of this study was to determine whether integrating cooperative learning strat- egies with ILS-delivered instruction produced positive academic and attitudinal gains in stu- dents. Specifically, this study addressed the following research questions:

1. Did students demonstrate significant posi- tive achievement gains in mathematics when completing ILS activities coopera- tively as opposed to individually?

2. Were there significant differences in stu- dent attitudes toward math when they com- pleted ILS activities cooperatively as opposed to individually?

3. Were there significant behavior differences between students completing ILS activities cooperatively as opposed to individually?

Student achievement test data, results from an attitudinal questionnaire, and researcher observations of student behavior were used to determine differences between students work- ing in cooperative pairs and students working individually.


Subjects and Setting

Subjects were 65 fifth-grade students in one selected elementary school located in a small city in the upper midwest. These represented all fifth-grade students in the school who were

g i v e n permission by their parents to partici- pate in the study (91% of the total fifth-grade population at the school). The school selected for the study was the second largest of the three elementary schools in the school district, with an overall enrollment of approximately 520 students. The teacher/student ratio for the selected school was approximately 1:20, with an average class size of 25 students. The selected school had three fifth-grade class- rooms.

The children enrolled in the school were generally from households with low to lower- middle socioeconomic status. The average income of families served by the school was approximately $12,000. As a result of the low socioeconomic levels in the community, approximately 43% of the students served by this school were eligible for free or reduced- price lunches under federal guidelines. The school also served children whose parents were military personnel, which accounted for approximately 20% of the total student popula- tion. The ethnic distribution of the students was approximately 60% Caucasian, 30% Afri- can-American, and 10% other. Of the students, 37% were female, and 63% were male.

Students participating in this study had

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already used the ILS labs and the computer- ized mathematics curriculum for a year, so training on use of the computer was not neces- sary. Any students new to the district received an orientation to the ILS lab as mandated by school computer-use policies. In addition, as part of the school district's professional staff development program, all teachers already received training in the implementation of cooperative learning activities and were encouraged to use cooperative learning in their classrooms. Thus, although they had not par- ticipated in cooperative learning in a computer lab setting, the students were not unfamiliar with cooperative learning activities.

Design and Materials

This study used a two-group (cooperative vs. individual) posttest-only design to determine achievement differences. The dependent vari- able was mathematics achievement as assessed by achievement posttest scores.

The mean on the achievement pretest for students in the individual group (M = 45.95) was not significantly different from the mean for students in the cooperative group (M = 45.07), F(1,63) = 0.88, p = .352. However, in view of the importance of student ability in accounting for error variance in posttest scores, data were analyzed using an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with student pretest scores as the covariate. The ANCOVA proce- dure is recommended by Taylor and Innocenfi (1993) to increase statistical power.

To determine attitudinal differences between the treatment groups, separate chi-squares were calculated using the student responses obtained for each of the attitudinal questions on the stu- dent exit questionnaire.

Achievement test. The California Achievement Test, Fifth Edition (CAT/5), was used as both the pretest and posttest for mathematics achieve- ment. For this study, students completed parallel forms of Level 15 of the entire mathematics bat- tery (Form A for the pretest and Form B for the posttest). Level 15 is the grade 5 level of the test (grade range = 4.6-6.2). Both versions of the test consisted of 94 questions, 44 of which pertained

to math computation and 50 to math concepts and applications. The mathematics computa- tion portion of the test covered traditional computation operations such as whole num- bers, decimals, fractions, integers, percents, algebraic expressions, estimation and using hand-held calculators. The mathematics con- cepts and applications portion focused on problem solving, which includes the " . . . broad range of strategies and critical-thinking skills students use in confronting problems based in any area of mathematics" (CTB/Mac- millan/McGraw-Hill, 1992, p.9).

Level 15 of the mathematics section of the test has a standardized mean of 58.38, a stan- dard deviation of 18.00, and a standard error of measurement of 4.01. Split-half reliability of the test, as measured by the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 measure of internal consistency, was 0.95 (CTB/Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, 1992).

Curriculum. The Jostens mathematics curricu- lum was used as the instructional content. Mathematics was chosen for this study because mathematics was the only content area currently using the Jostens curriculum with all fifth-grade students throughout the entire school year. The fifth-grade science and language arts curricula integrated Jostens on a very limited basis.

The Jostens curriculum covered the entire range of the fifth-grade curricular objectives for mathematics for the state of Michigan, as outlined by the Michigan Essential Goals and Objectives for Mathematics (Jostens Learning Corporation, 1990). The mathematical con- cepts covered in these objectives for grade five include whole numbers and numeration; frac- tions, decimals, ratios, and percents; measure- ment; geometry; statistics and probability; algebraic ideas; problem solving and logical reasoning; and calculators. These concepts also corresponded to the objectives covered on the California Achievement Test (Jostens Learning Corporation, 1993).

Delivery. The instruction was delivered via a networked ILS lab, with 30 computer stations in the lab. With this delivery method, each stu- dent (or pair of students) received mathemat-

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ics lessons as determined by their performance and progress.

Training documents. Training materials and activities were developed to help students establish their cooperative groups and under- stand their roles and responsibilities as mem- bers of groups. Two separate cooperative activities were used to provide training in cooperative learning strategies: one domain general and the other domain specific. The domain-general activity provided students with an opportunity to work together to com- plete a task that was not related to any partic- ular content area. The second activity specifically dealt with mathematics concepts.

Student exit questionnaire. A student exit ques- tionnaire was developed by the researcher and administered to participating students during the last week of the study. There were eight questions on the survey, asking students about their attitudes regarding math, the computer math lessons, and group activities. Students provided either a "yes" or "no" response to each of the first five questions. The sixth ques- tion required a response of either "alone" or "with a partner." The final two questions were open-ended, and asked students to describe what they liked and disliked about the com- puter math lessons. The survey was reviewed and approved by a group of education experts prior to administering the survey to students.

Procedu re

At the beginning of the school year, one of the three intact fifth-grade classes was randomly selected to be the individual dass, leaving the other two intact dasses to be cooperative. Based on the nature of the treatment, it was decided that all students in a partioalar fifth-grade class would receive the same treatment. Because the actual number of observable pairs in a coopera- tive class would be half the number of students in an individual class, it seemed appropriate to designate two of the three classes as cooperative and one class, individual.

At the beginning of the third week of school, the dassroom teachers administered

the pretest to the students participating in the study. The test took two days to complete. Students individually completed the first part of the pretest (computation) on the first day and the second part of the pretest (concepts and applications) on the second day.

After completion of the pretest, students in the two cooperative classes were formed into dyads. The criteria for arranging the dyads was via random assignment by class. In other words, a student in one of the cooperative classes was randomly paired with another stu- dent in the same class. This process was repeated until each student had a partner. Thus, since there were 24 and 20 students in the two cooperative classes respectively, a total of 22 dyads was formed (12 in one class and 10 in the other). The individual class had 21 stu- dents.

These student pairs then received training on cooperative learning and group interaction using the activities discussed previously. All student teams completed the training prior to starting their work on the computers. The 21 students in the control class did not receive any training.

At the beginning of the fourth week of school, all students participating in the study started working on the computer lessons. Stu- dents in the cooperative classes worked on the lessons in their dyads, while students in the individual class worked by themselves on the lessons. Students worked on the computer math lessons one time a week for 50 minutes each session. The classroom teacher and lab assistant were present in the lab during each session. The key elements of cooperative learning, that is, positive interdependence, group rewards, and individual accountability, were incorporated into the group activities through the establishment of the following rules and reward structures:

1. Positive interdependence. Students in the cooperative classes were told that they could work on the computer math lessons only in their cooperative pairs. Thus, each pair of students was able to work on only one computer. In order to access the math lessons, students had a special login name that was a combination of the first names of

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the students in their dyad. Each student in the pair was given a special role based on who was inputting the information into the computer. The student entering the infor- mation had the role of reading the problem and inputting the answer. The other stu- dent had the role of completing the calcula- tions needed to solve the problem. All dyads were instructed that they could not enter their response into the computer until both members of the dyad agreed on the answer. After completing a lesson, the stu- dents were instructed to switch roles. Through limiting the resources necessary to successfully complete an activity (i.e. only one computer and one login per team) and providing unique roles to each group mem- ber, positive interdependence was estab- lished (Dishon & O'Leary, 1984; Johnson & Johnson, 1990).

2. Group rewards. A reward system was estab- lished for all students based on the com- puter activities. At the end of each week, all students who had received a score of 100% on any of the lessons they had completed became part of the "100% Club" for that week and had their names posted in the computer lab. This provided each dyad (or individual) with a performance incentive each week. At the end of the l 1-week period, one dyad (or individual) in each class that had been in the 100% Club the most times received a prize. Since the coop- erative pairs had to complete all computer activities together, they needed to work together to perform successfully on the les- sons. Thus, the 100% Club established an incentive for the cooperative groups each week, and the prize for long-term success provided the potential for a larger reward at the end of the activity. See Slavin (1990) for a discussion of a similar reward structure.

3. Individual accountability. At the beginning of each session, students were informed by their classroom teachers that they would be individually tested on the material pre- sented in the computer lessons, and that it was important for both members of each group to understand the content presented. The classroom teachers used some of the

material presented in the lessons when they developed their weekly math quizzes. Thus, individual accountability for the aca- demic content was maintained through the completion of mathematics activities out- side of the computer lab (Johnson & John- son, 1990).

Throughout the study, students in both the cooperative classes and the individual class were observed by the researcher during their lab time each week. The purpose of the obser- vations was to collect anecdotal and qualitative data regarding student actions and work hab- its in the computer lab. The researcher observed for 30 of the 50 minutes of each ses- sion, allowing the first 10 minutes for students to move to their assigned seats, log in, and begin working, and the last 10 minutes for stu- dents to print their results and save their work.

The researcher used a predeveloped obser- vation form to record student comments or questions toward the teacher or lab assistant, student comments to themselves or their part- ners, and the frequency with which each stu- dent or group requested assistance from the teacher or lab assistant. In collecting these data, the researcher observed from an unob- trusive location in the computer lab. The researcher never interacted with the students during observations. Occasionally, the researcher would ask the teacher or lab assis- tant for clarification on interactions that took place. The researcher met with the computer lab assistant at the end of each week to discuss potential interaction problems with the stu- dent pairs, and to obtain feedback regarding the performance of the students in the lab.

All students participating in the study were also asked to complete attitudinal question- naires during the final week of the study. The questionnaire asked students questions deal- ing with their attitudes towards mathematics, the computer math lessons, and working in cooperative groups. The questionnaires were administered by the lab assistant to the stu- dents in the computer lab.

Students in the study worked on computer- ized math lessons once a week for a period of 11 weeks. At the end of the treatment period,

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the s tudents part icipating in the s tudy individ- ually comple ted a post tes t using the mathe- matics por t ion of form B of the CAT/5. The protocol for adminis t ra t ion of the posttest was identical to that of the pretest.


Achievement Test Data

A s u m m a r y of post tes t means and adjus ted means is p rov ided in Table 1.

Statistical analysis of the achievement data revealed that the adjus ted mean for s tudents

Table I [ ] Pretest and Posttest Scores for Achievement Tests by Group.

Group Pretest Posttest

Cooperative M

Unadj. Mean 45.07 SD 14.08 Individual M Unadj. Mean 45.95 SD 12.16

53.75 53.36 14.45

49.14 49.52 14.23

in the cooperative group (M = 53.75) was sig- nificantly higher than the adjus ted mean for s tudents in the individual group (M -- 49.14), F(1,62) = 4.53, p < .05. Thus, s tudents work- ing on the ILS in dyads per formed signifi- cant ly bet ter on the achievement test than s tudents working on the ILS individually.

Questionnaire Results

Responses to the questionnaire revealed attitu- dinal differences between students in the indi- vidual group and students in the cooperative group, particularly in terms of attitudes toward math and the computer math lessons. Table 2 provides a summary of the questionnaire results.

On the s ta tement deal ing with math at t i tudes (question 1), 91% of the s tudents in the cooperat ive group r e sponded that they liked math, as opposed to 57% in the individ- ual group. A chi-square test of the relationship be tween group responses was significant, ×2 (1, N = 65) = 10.13, p < .002.

In terms of the compute r math lessons (question 3), 94% of the s tudents in the coop- erative group r e sponded that they liked the computer math lessons, as opposed to only 43% in the individual group. Once again, a chi-square test was significant, k 2 (1, N = 65) = 20.28, p < .001.

Table 2 [ ] Student Exit Questionnaire Results: Percentage of Group Agreement

Questionnaire Statement Group Responses Cooperative Individual k .2b

(n = 44) (n = 21)

1. Do you like math? 91 2. Do you think you do well in math? 86 3. Do you like the computer math lessons? 94 4. Do the computer math lessons help you 85

with your math classwork? 5. Do the computer math lessons help you 73

with your math homework? 6. Would you rather work on the math 68

lessons alone or with a partner?

57 10.13"* 76 1.05 43 20.28*** 62 3.94*

48 3.92*

76 0.44

* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001 Note: Item 1-5 results show percentages of group responding "yes." Item 6 shows percentage responding "partner." b Chi-square analysis of group responses to each question. One degree of freedom.

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Students in the cooperative group also responded significantly more favorably than students in the individual group when asked if they believed the computer math lessons helped them with their math classwork and homework. In the cooperative group, 85% responded that they believed the computer math lessons helped them with their math classwork (question 4), as compared to 62% of the students in the individual group, X 2 (1, N = 65) = 3.94, p < .05. Also, 73% of the coop- erative group responded that they believed the computer math lessons helped them with their math homework (question 5) compared to 48% of the individual group, X 2 (1, N = 65) = 3.92, p < .05.

On the questionnaire statement dealing with working with a partner (question 6), 76% of the students in the individual group stated that they would rather work on the computer with a partner, as opposed to 68% in the coop- erative group. These data were not statistically significant, however.

Open-ended Questions

Students were asked to respond, in written form, to two open-ended questions at the end of the questionnaire. The questions asked them to describe what they liked and did not like about the computer math lessons. A sum- mary of the positive and negative statements recorded by each group, and a representative sample of the student comments, are provided below.

Cooperative Group

A majority of the positive statements made by students in the cooperative group had to do with the assistance the partners could provide one another. The negative statements pro- vided by these students dealt mostly with problems cooperating and keeping on task. Positive statements, with the number of stu- dents providing similar responses, included:

• "If I am stuck my partner makes it easy to figure out" ~f = 2);

• "We do great in math together" (f = 3);

• "He helped me learn and understand stuff I do not k n o w . . . " (f = 7),

• "We can work together and talk things over

. . . " (f = 4);

• "You get to see how they do m a t h . . . " (f = 3);

• "She helped me with my grades and made me feel good" (f = 2).

The negative statements provided by stu- dents in the cooperative group included:

• "My partner wasn't paying much attention to the l e s s o n s . . . " (f = 3);

• "She talks too much" (f = 2);

• "I got no good a d v i c e . . . " (f = 1);

• "Not letting me do the work" (~ = 6);

• "We fought a lot, and d i s a g r e e d . . . " ~ = 5);

It is interesting to note that 16 of the students (36%) could not think of anything they dis- liked about working on the computer math lessons.

Individual Group

Most of the positive responses for the individ- ual group dealt with the assistance the com- puter lessons provided in understanding math. The negative responses generally involved the difficulty of the lessons or how the lessons were uninteresting. The positive comments included:

• " . . . if you get a problem wrong it will help you" (f = 4);

• "It's fun" (f = 3);

• "They are easy" (f = 3).

Six of the students (29%) either responded "nothing" or "I don't like the computer."

When asked what they liked least about the lessons, student responses included:

• "Sometimes it's too hard" (f = 3);

• "It 's boring" (f = 2);

• "I don't understand what they are talking about" (f = 2);

• "They're too l o n g . . . " (f = 3);

• "They are not fun" (f = 2).

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Four of the students (19%) either responded "everything" or "I don't like the math lessons" when asked what they disliked. Three stu- dents (14%) said that there was "nothing" they disliked about the lessons.

Computer Lab Observations

Each time a student (or dyad) requested assis- tance from the teachers or lab assistant, the researcher recorded the question(s) asked by the student(s). Following the treatment period, these data were reviewed by the researcher and five "question types" emerged. These

get a drink; "asking for supplies," where stu- dents requested scrap paper or writing instru- ments; and "social problems," where students were asking for adult intervention regarding some inappropriate action by another student. Refer to Figure 1 for a graphical summary of these data.

A chi-square test of the relationship between group and types of questions asked was significant, ×2 (4, N = 190) = 12.26, p < .02. The greatest differences between the coop- erative students and the individual students were in the content-related and asking to leave categories. Of the questions asked by the cooperative students, 67% were content-

Figure 1 [ ] Types of Questions Asked by Group.

7 0 ~-

6 0

5 0

= 4 0 o o

~ 3 0




¢ : - -

O .==

k-CL ~ ~OO o_

Type of Question Asked

• Cooperative n Individual

question types included "content related," which were questions specifically dealing with the math instruction; "technical problems," which were questions dealing with computer malfunctions or operations; "asking to leave," where students asked to go to the bathroom or

related, as opposed to just over 50% for the individual students. In addition, over 18% of the questions asked by individual students were requests to leave the lab, whereas only 6.8% of questions asked by cooperative stu- dents were requests to leave.

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The notion of combining ILS-delivered instruc- tion with cooperative learning activities has not been widely studied. This research sug- gests that integrating cooperative learning with ILS-delivered instruction is an effective instructional strategy. Results showed that stu- dents working on math activities delivered by an ILS performed better on achievement tests of the content taught when they completed the activities in cooperative pairs than when they worked on the activities individually. Achieve- ment posttest scores for the cooperative and individual groups differed significantly, with the mean posttest score for the cooperative group being more than four points higher than the mean score for the individual group. In addition, this study showed that combining a cooperative learning model with ILS instruc- tion had a positive impact on student attitudes toward the instructional content.

There are a number of possible reasons for the significant achievement differences between the experimental group and the control group. One explanation is that students working in pairs were able to assist one another with the computer math activities, thus creating peer sup- port structures and expanding perspectives within their groups (Hooper et al., 1993; Johnson & Johnson, 1985; Mevarech, 1994). Dalton, Hannafin, and Hooper (1989) have stated that "Cooperative learning, if properly implemented, may enrich the value of CAI by expanding the perspectives of individuals to include a range of alternatives and opinions not provided during the l e s s o n . . . " (p. 21).

This possibility is supported by the cooper- ative group's responses to the open-ended questions. When asked what they liked about working on the math lessons, many of these students responded that they liked helping or being helped by their partner. If one student in the pair did not understand the math concept being presented, the other student had the opportunity to explain the concept. Through this dialogue, not only did students who did not understand the concepts receive additional instruction from their partners, but their part- ners may have been able to reinforce their own

understanding of the concepts through expla- nation (Johnson & Johnson, 1985; Webb, 1985). If students working individually did not understand any of the concepts being pre- sented, the alternatives were either to guess at the answer or to ask the teacher or lab atten- dant for assistance.

A second explanation is that students work- ing in pairs tended to stay on task while work- ing on the lessons, whereas students working individually were more likely either to be dis- tracted from the math activities or to stop working altogether. Both Klein and Pridemore (1992), and Simsek and Hooper (1992) found that students working on activities in coopera- tive pairs spent more time on those activities than students working individually. Mulryan (1995) found that students working on math activities in cooperative groups spent more quality time on task than students working individually. Similar results regarding positive effects of cooperative learning on time on task were reported by Hwong, Caswell, Johnson, and Johnson (1993), Kagan (1985), and Wiersema and Van Oudenhoven (1992).

Some of the observational data support this explanation. For example, the researcher noted that individual students requested to leave the lab during instructional time nearly three times as often as cooperative students. In addition, cooperative students asked more content-related questions than individual stu- dents. By staying focused on the computer math lessons and engaged in the content of the lessons, cooperative students most likely learned more math concepts, and thus were able to perform better on the math achieve- ment test.

Finally, it is likely that teachers were able to spend more time with and provide a higher quality of assistance to students working in cooperative groups than to students working individually. When investigating teacher behavior differences in whole-class and coop- erative group instruction, Hertz-Lazarowitz and Shachar (1990) noted that " . . . when the teacher encounters a set of small systems instead of the whole Class he radically increases positive pro-social behavior and drastically decreases negative instructional

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behaviors . . ." (p. 88). Although there were about the same number of students in each of the classes participating in the study, teachers for the cooperative classes had an easier time getting around to all the students that needed assistance. This is most likely because in the cooperative classes, teachers could work with two students at the same time, whereas in the individual class the teacher had to work with each student individually. Thus, pairing of stu- dents allowed the teacher to spend more time with the students who needed help and thus provide a greater amount of small-group tutor- ing on difficult concepts (Hertz-Lazarowitz & Shachar, 1990).

Results of this study also demonstrated sig- nificant differences in attitudes toward both the content and the delivery system. These results coincide with numerous studies report- ing positive attitudes towards the subject mat- ter when using cooperative learning groups (Davidson & Kroll, 1991; Farivar, 1992; Good, Reys, Grouws, & Mulryan, 1989-1990; Hwong et al., 1993; Slavin, 1985, 1995). As with the achievement results, a major contributor to the positive attitudes reported by students work- ing in cooperative groups could be the support structure provided by the cooperative groups. Students working individually on the lessons were observed becoming frustrated and upset with the computer math activities, and responses to open-ended questions revealed that nearly one-third of the individual students had nothing good to say about the computer lessons. Without the availability of peer assis- tance, students in the individual group had to complete the lessons alone. This isolation from their peers may have contributed to their neg- ative attitudes toward the lessons and math in general. Also, students in the individual group possibly did not receive as much teacher sup- port in the computer lab when they were hav- ing difficulty with the math activities. This lack of support could have contributed to the indi- vidual group's negative attitudes toward the computer activities.

Although the relationship between group and preference for working with a partner was not significant, it is interesting to note that a greater percentage of individual students than

cooperative students responded that they would rather work with a partner than work alone. This pattern may be partly because of two factors. First, cooperative students worked with the same partner for the entire 11 week treatment period. Some cooperative learning models (e.g., Slavin, 1980, 1990) recommend rearranging students in groups frequently, particularly if the cooperative learning activi- ties will continue for a prolonged period of time. Some of the cooperative students in this study may not have liked working with the same person for 11 weeks, which potentially contributed to their preference to work alone. If they had been allowed to work with differ- ent partners during the treatment period, their attitudes might have been different.

In addition, the individual students may have responded that they would have pre- ferred to work in groups simply because they were bored or dissatisfied with working alone. As the attitudinal results indicated, a majority of the individual students stated that they did not enjoy working on the computer math les- sons. These students may have felt that any change in the routine of completing the les- sons, including working on the lessons in groups, would have been more exciting than continuing to work on the lessons in isolation.

In interpreting the present results, readers should consider several limitations to this study. First, only fifth-grade students from one elementary school participated. It may be diffi- cult to generalize these results to other age- groups. For example, younger students might have had more difficulty interacting and stay- ing on-task in cooperative group activities. In addition, mathematics was used as the content area for this study. These results might not necessarily transfer to other subject areas such as language arts, science, or social studies. Writing activities, for example, generally take longer to complete than do math problems. Students might have more difficulty complet- ing this type of activity in cooperative groups because of the personal nature of many writ- ing activities. Further research with different age groups and content areas would improve the external validity of these results.

Research investigating the combination of

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in tegra ted learning sys tems and cooperative learning has demons t ra ted posit ive effects on academic achievement levels and at t i tudes of s tudents (Mevarech, 1994). Results of this s tudy provide addit ional evidence regarding the effectiveness of this strategy. Producers of in tegra ted learning sys tems may wish to use these results as a basis for redesigning ILS les- sons to include opt ions for integrating cooper- ative learning. Other researchers have provided guidel ines for including key coopera- tive learning componen t s in computer-based design (Hooper et al., 1993; Hooper , 1992). An in tegra ted learning sys tem is a powerful tool in its own right. Utilizing effective instruc- t ional strategies such as cooperative learning with an ILS can make that tool even more powerful . [ ]

Thomas a Brush is Assistant Professor of Educational Technology at Auburn University, Auburn, AL.


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