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Submitted as Partial Fullfilment of Requirement to get SI Degree in English

Departement Program of Tarbiyah Faculty



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In the name of Allah SWT, for His blessing and the merciful, with deep

thanks and proud, I dedicated this thesis especially to:

1. My beloved father (Sahrin) and my mother (Ratna Wilis) who have

given all their love to me, always educate, guide, support and advices.

There will be no success without their non stop prayer. They are the

only reason for me to be a successful woman. I am honored to have

them as my parent.

2. My beloved brother (Sahrijon Mardianto Ama.Pd, Arizal S.Pd, and Tol

Hatta S.ST) my beloved sisters (Presna Deli Amd.Kep, Pertiwi Yani

Ama.Pd, Penawar Susanti, Efit Zuryani S.Pd, Pernia Wati S.Hum as

one of the best sisters for me and especially Perles Darniati as my

hero and the best sister ever in the world). And all my nephew (Perta

Satria Gunawan, Reyhan Zapela Arizal, Perta Razel Maulana,

Jhofindra Pratama, and Perta Rafka Yusuf ).

3. My greatest advisor (Drs.H.Marzuki Arsyad Ash, MA) and (Ms.

Ayuliamita Abadi, S.Pd.I, M.Pd). Thanks for everything, suggestion,

and motivation untill finished this thesis. Then, my beloved lecturers

(Ms. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd. M.Hum and all of the lecturers of

English Education Program) thanks for your support, motivation, and


4. Thanks for all of my big family that never stop giving spirit to finish

this thesis.

5. My greatest friends, I wanna say thank you very much for (Muslimaini)

to be part of my life as my friendship, classmate, roommate, motivator

and everything. Thanks to my best fiends (Srik, Yosef, Predy, Reko,

Ridwan, Muslim and Susita ). And thanks to PBI C as my family and

greatest classmate. Thanks to my beloved friends in (PPL and KKN)

who has given me support during finished this thesis. The last, thanks

to all of my family in (RKPH).

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بسن الله الز حوي الز حين

ساى هي علق }1ك آلذى خلق }اسن رباقزأ ب { الذي علن 3{ اقزأ وربك الأكزم }2{ خلق آلإ

ساى هالن يعلن } {4بآلقلن} (1-5)القزآى. سزاة العاق {5علن آلإ


Read, in the name of your Lord Who Created. (1)

He created the human being from Alaq (an embryo). (2)

Read, and your Lord is the Owner of the Greatest Honor. (3)

That He taught with pen. (4)

(He has) taugth the human being what he did not know. (5)

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الز حينبسن الله الز حوي

All praises be to Allah who gives the writer guidence and strength in

completing this script. Peace and blessing be upon the prophet Muhammad

shalallahu ‗alaihi wassalam, her families, her relatives, and her followers.

The writer would like to express many thanks the following people who

deserved special recognitions for their invaluable help in accomplishing this


1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan MA, the Rector of the State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, MA, Ph.D. Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd. and Dr. Hj.

Fadhillah Husen, M.Pd as vice rector‘s I,II, and III of State Islamic

University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Drs. Hj. Armida, M.Pd.I as the dean of faculty of Education and

Teacher Training of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd as the first vice Dean of Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training Zawaki Afdal Jamil, M.Pd as the

second vice Deans of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, and

Dr. H. Kemas Imran, M.Pd.I as the Third vice Dean of Faculty

Education and Teacher Training.

5. Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd M.Hum as a chairwoman of English

Education Program of the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

6. Drs.H. Marzuki Arsyad Ash, MA as the first my advisor who has given

a lot of input such as correction, opinion, and other things which is

useful to the script writer in the process of writing this thesis.

Ayuliamia Abadi, S.Pd.I, M.Pd as the second advisor for motivation,

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help contribution of though and beneficial ideas toward the

development of this thesis.

7. All lectures of Tarbiyah Faculty of The State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

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Name : Perdila Desi

Major : English Education Program

Title : The Effect of using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on Reading

Comprehension of Nine Grade Students At Junior High School 13


The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was a

significant effect of using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on reading

comprehension and to know there was the significant diference of reading

comprehension between students who are taught by using Reciprocal Teaching

Strategy and those who are not The study was conducted at Junior High School 13

Sarolangun in October – November 2017. The population in this study were all

nine graders of Junior High School 13 Sarolangun, students of the nine grade were

about 67 students, each class consisted of less than 30 students. The researcher

used Reciprocal Teaching Strategy in class IX A as the experimental class and

class IX C used REDW (Read, Examine, Decide, Write) Strategy as control class.

This research used quantitative – experimental approach. The design of study was

quasi-experimental design, it was the pretest-posttest non- equivalent group

design. The data was collected by a test as research instruments, there were two

test: pre-test and posttest. The data were processed and analyzed by using SPSS

22 statistic technique of independent t-test and paired sample t-test. From the

results of the test, the independent t-test calculation in posttest score in both

groups showed that the significance value was higher than level of significance (

0,361 > 0,05). It indicated that there was the significant difference between

experimental and control group. Moreover, the paired t-test calculation showed

the result of paired sample t-test (12,805<0,05) in which there was a significant

effect of using RT Strategy on students reading comprehension.

Key words : Experimental research, RT ( Reciprocal Teaching ) strategy, Reading


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Nama : Perdila Desi

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Pengaruh penggunaan Strategi RT ( Reciprocal Teaching )

dalam Pemahaman Membaca di Kelas Sembilan Siswa

SMP N 13 Sarolangun.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh

yang signifikan dengan menggunakan strategi RT (Reciprocal Teaching) /

pengajaran timbal balik pada pemahaman membaca dan untuk mengetahui ada

perbedaan signifikan antara pemahaman membaca antara siswa yang diajar

dengan menggunakan Strategi RT (Pengajaran Timbal Balik) dan yang tidak.

Penelitian dilakukan di SMP N 13 Sarolangun pada bulan Oktober – November

2017. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP N 13 Sarolangun,

siswa kelas sembilan berjumlah sekitar 67 siswa, masing-masing kelas terdiri dari

kurang dari 30 siswa. Peneliti menggunakan dua metode pada pemahaman

membaca siswa. Peneliti menggunakan strategi Reciprocal Teaching di kelas 9 A

sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas 9 C menggunakan REDW (Baca, Periksa,

Putuskan, Tulis) sebagai strategi di kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan

pendekatan kuantitatif - eksperimental. Desain penelitian menggunakan desain

kuasi eksperimental, yaitu desain kelompok non-posttest non-ekuivalen. Data

yang dikumpulkan dari sebuah tes sebagai instrumen penelitian, ada dua tes: pre-

test dan posttest. Data diolah dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan spss 22 uji

independen sample t-test dan paired sample t-test, dan data yang dianalisis

dilakukan. Dari hasil pengujian, perhitungan independen sample t-test pada skor

posttest pada kedua kelompok menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikansi lebih tinggi

dari pada tingkat signifikansi (0,361> 0,05). Ini menunjukkan bahwa ada

perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol.

Selain itu, perhitungan paired sample t-test menunjukkan hasil paired sample t-

test (12,805 <0,05) dimana ada pengaruh yang signifikan dengan menggunakan

strategi RT pada pemahaman membaca siswa.

Kata kunci: Penelitian Experimental, Strategi RT ( Reciprocal Teaching ),

Pemahaman membaca.

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TITLE COVER .............................................................................................. i

OFFICIAL NOTE .......................................................................................... ii

ORIGINAL STATEMENT ........................................................................... iii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................ iv

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vi

ABSTRACT (English) ................................................................................... viii

ABSTRAK (Indonesia) .................................................................................. ix

LIST OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDIX .................................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................... xiii


A. Background of the Study .................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ............................................. 4

C. Limitation of the Problem .................................................. 4

D. Formulation of the Research Problem................................ 4

E. Objective of the Problem ................................................... 4

F. Significance of the Research .............................................. 5


A. Description of Theoritic ..................................................... 6

1. The Nature of the Reading ........................................... 6

a. Definition of Reading ............................................. 6

b. Definition of Reading Comprehension .................. 7

c. Technique in Teaching Reading............................. 8

d. Types of Reading .................................................. 9

2. Report Text................................................................... 12

a. Definition of Report Text ....................................... 12

b. The purpose of Report Text ................................... 12

c. Generic Structure of Report Text ........................... 13

d. Language Focus of Report Text ............................. 13

e. Example of Report Text ......................................... 14

3. Reciprocal Teaching Strategy ...................................... 15

a. Definition of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy .......... 15

b. The Goals of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy .......... 15

c. The Strategy of Reciprocal Teaching ..................... 16

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d. Implementing of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy .... 17

B. Study Relevant ................................................................... 19

C. Theoritical Frame Work ..................................................... 21

D. Research Hypothesis .......................................................... 22


A. Place and time of the research ............................................ 23

B. Research Design ................................................................. 23

C. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique ................... 25

D. Research Instrument ........................................................... 26

E. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................... 29

F. Technique of Collecting Data ............................................ 30

G. Schedule of the Research ................................................... -



A. Finding and Study .............................................................. 31

1. Descriptive Analysis .................................................... 31

a. The Result of Pre- Test and Post test in Experimental 32

b. The Result of pre-test and post-test Control .......... 35

2. Statistical Analysis of the Test ..................................... 38

a. Assessing Normality .............................................. 38

b. Homogeneity Test .................................................. 39

c. T-test ...................................................................... 40

B. Testing Hypothesis ............................................................. 41

1. The Analysis of Paired Sample T-test in Experimental 41

2. The Analysis of Independent Sample T-test ................ 42

C. Discussion .......................................................................... 43


A. Conclusion.......................................................................... 45

B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 45

REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 47

CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................ 49

APPENDICES ............................................................................................ 50

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Table 3.1 The Non Equivalent Pre-Test Post Test Design

Table 3.2 The Population of the Nine Grade Students of SMP N 13 Sarolangun

Table 3.3 The Score of Students Reading Comprehension

Table 3.4 The Specification of the Test

Table 3.5 The Result of Reliability Instrument

Table 4.1 Score Categories

Table 4.2 Pre test Experimental Class

Table 4.3 Post Test in Experimental Class

Table 4.4 Number of Class Interval 22

Table 4.5 Pretest in Control Class

Table 4.6 Posttest in Control class

Table 4.7 Chi Square Test in Experimental Class

Table 4.8 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in Control

Table 4.9 Experimental and Control Class (pre-test)

Table 4.10 Experimental and Control Class (post-test)

Table 4.11 Paired Sample T- test Experimental pretest and post test

Table .4.12 Independent Sample T test posttest Experimental and Control class

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Appendix 1 Soal Pre Test and Post Test .......................................................... 50

Appendix 2 Answer Keys ............................................................................... 53

Appendix 3 Descriptive Statistics Pre-test Experimental class ....................... 54

Appendix 4 Descriptive Statistics Post-test Experimental class ...................... 55

Appendix 5 Descriptive Statistics Pre-test Control Class ................................ 56

Appendix 6 Descriptive Statistics Post-test Control Class .............................. 57

Appendix 7 Paired Samples Correlation Experimental Class and Paired Sample

Statistics Experimental class ....................................................... 58

Appendix 8 Paired Samples Correlation Control and Paired sample Statistics

Control class ............................................................................... 59

Appendix 9 Paired T-Test of Experimental Class pre-test and post-test .........

Appendix 10 Independent post-test Experimental Class and Control Class and

Independent Sample Test ............................................................ 60

Appendix 11 Reliability Statistics .................................................................... 61

Appendix 12 Lesson Plan................................................................................. 62

Appendix 13 Sylabus ......................................................................................

Appendix 14 Documentation .......................................................................... 63

Appendix 15 Score of Students ....................................................................... 65

Appendix 16 Table T Score ............................................................................. 69

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This chapter presents the background of the study, identification of

problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, objective

of the problem, and significance of the research.

A. Background of the Study

Reading is the practice of using text to create meaning. According to

Johnson (2008: p.7) reading is not an isolated process. Four language

processes work together to enhance the development of each of the others:

speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Listening and reading are the

receptive processes (taking in information), and speaking and writing are

the productive processes (giving out information). Moreover, according to

Moreilon, (2007: p.69) reading is making meaning from print and from

visual information.

Meanwhile, according to Day (2003: p.1) reading is a large amount of

easy material has a vital role to play in learning to read fluently. Firstly, it

helps move students away from word-by-word processing of text,

encouraging them instead to go for the general meaning of what they read,

ignoring (rather than worrying about) any details they do not fully

understand. Secondly, by meeting the same patterns of letters, words and

combinations of words again and again, students process them more

quickly and accurately and thus develop a sight vocabulary (words that are

recognized automatically). Consequently, students increase their reading

speed and confidence, and can give more attention to working out the

overall meaning of what they are reading.

Furthmore According to Klingner (2007: p.2), reading comprehension

is ―the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of

complex processes that included word reading, word and world

knowledge, and fluency‖. It refers to the ability in interpreting the words,

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understanding the meaning and the relationships between ideas conveyed

in a text. He summarizes reading comprehension instruction for the

teacher as following a three-step procedure: mentioning, practicing and

assessing. Teachers mention the skills that students want to use then, they

give them opportunities to practice those skills through work books or

work sheets, and finally assess whether or not they use the skills


Based on the grand tour and interview with the English teacher, the

researcher found that the students in Junior High School 13 Sarolangun

have some problems of reading. Some of the problems are (1) students

become lazy to read; (2) students just read the text but they do not

understand what the topic mean; (3) students have lack of vocabularies. So

they cannot answer or understand the other various of text given by their

teacher. It makes students become lack of knowledge and; (4) students do

not know about their ability in reading because they ignored their problem.

One way to solve those problems is the use of a technique. Brown

(2001: p.16) defines techniques as any of a wide variety of exercises,

activities, or tasks used in the language classroom for realizing lesson

objectives. One of a good technique is reciprocal teaching strategy.

According to Oczkus (2010: p.16) reciprocal teaching is a scaffolded

discussion technique that is built on four strategies that good readers use to

comprehend text: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.

The reason why the teacher use reciprocal teaching straegy as a good

technique to solve the problems in class IX because reciprocal teaching

strategy is very suitable with the characteristics of students and the

technique is easily understood and mastered by both teachers and students

According to Oczkus (2010: p.2) reciprocal teaching as an effective

practice that improves students reading comprehension. 1). To improve

students reading comprehension using four comprehension strategies:

predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. 2). To scaffold the

four strategies by modeling, guiding, and applying the strategies while

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reading. 3). To guide students to become metacognitive and reflective in

their strategy use. 4). To help students monitor their reading

comprehension using the four strategies. 5). To use the social nature of

learning to improve and scaffold reading comprehension. 6). To strengthen

instruction in a variety of classroom settings whole class sessions, guided

reading groups, and literature circles. 7). To be a part of broader

framework of comprehension strategies that comprises previewing, self-

questioning, making connections, visualizing, knowing how words work,

monitoring, summarizing, and evaluating. To improve the students reading

comprehension, the teacher must use interesting teaching strategy.

Therefore, a strategy which gives a better way to the reading subject score

is through reciprocal teaching strategy.

Based on the backgrounds above, the researcher conducted a study in

the form of quantitative research entitled “The Effect of Using

Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on Reading Comprehension of Nine

Grade Students At Junior High School 13 Sarolangun”.

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B. Identification of The Problem

Based on the background above, there are some problems that be

related with this research. The problem can be identified as follows:

1. The student become lazy to read

3. Students‘ lack of vocabularies.

4. Students have less interest in reading English text.

5. The students are difficult in comprehending the text.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the background of the study and the identification of the

problem, the problem of this research was limited on the effect of using

reciprocal teaching strategy towards students‘ reading comprehension on

report text.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The research problem will be formulated as follow:

1. Is there any significant effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

on students‘ reading comprehension

E. Objective of the Problem

According to the problems above the researcher sets the purposes of

the study are:

1. To know whether there is any significant effect of using reciprocal

teaching strategy on students‘ reading comprhension

2. To know whether there is any significant different achievement on

the students‘ reading comprehension before and after being taught

by using reciprocal teaching strategy.

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F. Significance of the Research

1. For the researcher

The research will help the researcher to improve his knowledge

about it and the researcher can give a solution for the problems which

experienced by students.

2. For the students

The research will be useful to improve the students‘ activity in

reading class and to help students solving problem in reading


3. For the teacher

As a result of this research should be a beneficial contribution for

English teacher of Junior High School 13 Sarolangun to attention to

students teaching learning in application of reading

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Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents some related literature about desciption of

theoretic, the nature of reading, definition of reading, definition of reading

comprehension, technique in teaching reading, types of reading, definition

of report text, social functions of report text, generic structure of report

text, language focus of report text, definition of reciprocal teaching

strategy, the goals of reciprocal teaching strategy, the strategy of

reciprocal teaching, study relevant, theoretical framework and research


A. Description of Theoretic

1. The Nature of Reading

a. Definition of Reading

According to Anderson (1985: p.8) reading is a process in

which information from the text and the knowledge possessed by

the reader act together to produce meaning. Good readers skillfully

integrate information in the text with what they already know.

Meanwhile, according to Harmer (2007: p.302) reading is

useful for other purpose too: any exposure to English ( provided

students understanding it more or less) is a good thing for language

students. At the very least, some of the language sticks in their

minds as part of the process of the language acquisition, and, if the

reading text is especially interesting and engaging, acquisition is

likely to be even more successful.

Reading texts also provide opportunities to study language:

vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way we construct

sentences, paragraphs and texts. Lastly, good reading texts can

introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite

imaginative responses and be the springboard for well-rounded,

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Definition of reading appear in various perspectives, each of

which is complimentary; among others are comprehension,

interaction of symbols, decoding, mental process, and interactive

process. According to Vacca & Gove (1991) asserted in

Mukminatien (2011: p. 57) reading is a means of communicating

information between the writer and the reader. The reader tries to

understand ideas that the researcher has put. Reading may involve

decoding and comprehension process. Decoding the process of say

something printed words into representation similar to oral

language either silently or aloud.

Furthermore, according to Adams & Collins (1985) in

Mukhroji asserted in Cahyono & Mukminatin (2011: p.57) reading

is a process of translating graphic strings into spoken words in the

beginning of learning to read. The emphasis of reading is on

perceptual process, that is, to familiarize the correspondence of

letter strings to the language sound. Reading in this stage may refer

to the bottom-up process, that is begun by identifying features of

letters, linked to recognize letters, combined to recognize words,

and proceeded to sentences, paragraphs, and text level processing.

According to those definitions above, the researcher draws a

conclusion that reading is the process for looking information

about the text, and to get many knowledge like study vocabulary,

grammar, punctuation, sentences, paragraph and etc.

b. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Snow (2002: p.11) defines reading comperehension as the of

simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through

interaction and involvement with written language. Snow add that

the emphasis is merely on the words ―extracting‖ and

―constructing‖. They both represent the importance and the

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insufficiency of the text as deteminant of reading comprehension.

Comprehension entails three elements:

1. The reader who is doing the comprehending

2. The text that is to be comprehended

3. The activity in which comprehension is a part

In considering the reader, the teacher include all the

capacitiesons, abilities, knowledge and experiences that a person

brings to the act of reading. Text is broadly construed to include

any printed text or electronic text. In considering activity, the

students include the purpose, processess, and consequences

associated with the act of reading.

Meanwhile, according to McNeil (1992) in Mukhroji asserted

in Mukminatien (2011: p.57) as the result of interaction between

the perception of graphic symbols that represent language and the

reader‘s prior knowledge. Reading comprehension, therefore, is a

process of getting information from context and combining

disparate elements into a new whole. It is a process using existing

knowledge to interpret text in order to construct meaning. Reading

involves the reader‘s schemata about the text and the reader‘s

ability to identify the text structures to get the meaning of the text


c. Techniques in Teaching Reading

According to Mukminatien (2011: p.68 ) reading is viewed as

an interactive process between language and thought. There are

kinds of activities involved in relation to the reading class activities

as follow :

1. Pre – reading

Pre – reading activities are instructional activities carried

out before students control conduct the real reading activities.

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2. While reading

While reading exercise help students to develop reading

strategies improve control of the target language and decode

problematic text passage.

3. Post reading

Post reading exercise checks the student‘s comprehension

and ideas students to deeper analysis of the text. These exercise

may take a variety of forms.

4. Follow up

Follow up reading activities take students beyond the

particular reading text in one of two ways by transferring skill

and integrating reading with other language skill.

d. Types of Reading

Harmer (2007: p.283) there are two types of reading; extensive

reading and intensive reading. To get maximum benefit from their

reading, students need to be involved in both extensive and

intensive reading. Whereas with the former, a teacher encourages

students to choose for themselves what they read and to do so for

pleasure and genereal language improvement, the latter is often

(but not exclusively) teacher chosen and directed . It is designed to

enable students develop specific receptive skill such as reading for

gist ( or general understanding often called skimming), reading for

specific information (often called scanning), reading for detailed

comprehension or reading for inference (what is ‗behind‘ the

words) and attitude

a. Extensive reading

Acording to Brown (2004: p.373) extensive reading is

carried out to achieve a general understanding of a usually

somewhat longer text (book, long article, essay, etc). Most

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extensive reading is performed outside of class time. pleasure

reading is often extensive.

According to Harmer (2007: p.286) the teachers have

discussed the importance of extensive reading for the

development of our students‘ word recognition and for their

improvement as readers overall. But it is not enough to tell

students to ‗read a lot‘; the students need to offer them a

programme which includes appropriate materials, guidance,

task and facilitiess, such as permanent or portable libraries of

books. There are four part of extensive reading according to


1. Extensive reading materials:

One of the fundamental conditions of a successful

extensive reading programme is that students should be

reading material which the students can understand. Harmer

(2007: p.283). If they are struggling to understand every

word, the students can hardly be reading for pleasure the

main goal of this activity. This means that we need to

provide books which either by chance, or because the

students have been specially written, are readily accessible

to our students.

2. The role of the teacher in extensive reading


Most students will not do a lot of extensive reading by

themselves unless the students encouraged to do so by their

teachers. Clearly, then, our role is crucial. We need to

promote reading and by our own espousal of reading as a

valid occupation, persuade students of its benefits.

3. Extensive reading tasks

Students should to be allowed to choose their own

reading texts, following their own likes and interests, the

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students will be reading the same texts at ones. For this

reason and because we want to prompt students to keep

reading we should encourage them to report back on their

reading in a number of ways.

b. Intensive reading

SIntensive reading involves learners reading in detail with

specific learning aims and tasks. In order to get students to read

enthusiastically in class, the teacher need to work to create

interest in the topic and tasks.(Harmer : p.286). It can be

compared with extensive reading . Which involves learners

reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading

skill. However, there are further roles that the teacher need to

adopt when asking students to read intensively:

1. Organizer

The teachers need to tell students exactly what their

reading purpose is, give them clear instruction about how to

achieve it and explain how long they have to do this. Once

the teacher have said you have four minutes for this, the

teacher should not change that time unless observation (see

below) suggests that it is necessary.

2. Observer

When the teacher ask students to read on their own, the

teacher need to give them space to do so. This means

restraining ourselves from interrupting that reading, even

though the temptation may be to add more information or


3. Feedback organizer

When our students have completed the task, the teacher

can lead a feedback session to check that the students have

completed it successfully. We may start by having them

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compare their answers in pairs and then ask for answers

from the class in general or from pairs in particular.

4. Prompter

When the students have read a text, the teacher can

prompt them to notice language features of text

construction, clarifying ambiguities and making them

aware of issues of text structure which the students had not

come across previously.

2. Report Text

a. Definition of Report Text

There are many kinds of the text that can be taught in

classroom, for example: narrative text, procedure text, descriptive

text, and report text. Report text is a kind of text with the purpose

to give information about general characteristics of general things.

According to Barker (2000: 23) in Nur (2016) states report text

is a piece of writing which aims to describe something in general

way. Often it is non-chronological and written in the present tense.

This theory implies that report text refers to kind of text that

describes the information by explaining the general information

which is used to report the information. Furthermore, it is kind of

text which is written in chronological order and constructed in

present tense.

Report text is to describe the way things are related to history,

science, geography, natural resources, man-made and environment

phenomenon. It is explained that report text must include important

information that is considered to write as a report form.

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b. The Purpose of Report Text

According to Mukarto (2007: p.67) the purpose of a report is to

describe and classify information. Reports have a logical squence

of facts. Those facts are stated without any personal involvement.

Informative reports usually talk or tell about living things like

plants and animals and non-living things like cars or oceans.

c. Generic Structure of Report Text

Mukarto (2007: p. 67) report follows this structure:

1. Title

It satates the subject to be discussed

2. Identification or classification

It introdeces the subject of the report. It can classify the

thing being described, locate it in time and space and/or

preview the rest of the description to follow.

3. Descriptions

They are usually in paragraphs. They contain series of facts

about various aspects of the subject.

d. Language focus of report text

According to Steven & Christino (2014: p.6) in Nur (2016)

state report text has language characteristic state below;

1. Use of general nouns, that is, an object (be it alive or dead)

of a general nature.

2. Use of relating verbs to describe features, the grammar is

also called linking verb. As to be (is, am, are: present),

seem, look, taste, etc.

3. Some use of action verbs when describing behavior.

4. Some use timeless present tense to indicate usualness, is

one time in the simple present markers such as ―often,

usually, always‖ and others.

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5. Use of technical terms

6. Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organize bundles

of information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning

focus on the clause.

Language feature is something that related to the text. In

report text there are some of language feature, beginning from

use general noun to describe object, use relating verb to

describe features, action verbs to describe behavior, use

technical terms, and use paragraph topic sentences to organize

the information.

e. Example of report text

The Kangaroo is a common Marsupials from the islands of

Australia and New Guinea. Marsupials are animals with pouch.

They carry their babies in a pouch in the mother‘s abdomen.

Kangaroo have two strong legs with two long feet. They have a

muscular long tail, large ears and a small head. They have short

arms with clawed hands. The soft, woolly fur can be blue, grey,

red, black, yellow or brown, depending on the species. Females

have a pouch in which the young live and drink milk.

These herbivores (plant-eaters) eat grass, leaves, and roots.

They swallow their food without chewing it. Kangaroos need little

water; they can go for months without drinking, and they dig their

own water wells.

These shy animals live about 6 years in the wild and up to 20 in

captivity. Most Kangaroos are nocturnal (active at night).

Kangaroos can hop up to 74 kilometers per hour and go over 9

meters in one hop.

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3. Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

a. Definition of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

According to Oczkus, L.D (2010: p.16) reciprocal teaching is a

scaffolded discussion technique that incorporates four main

strategies are predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.

Predicting, a prediction is a good guess about what you think

you will find out about or what will happend next in a text.

Guestioning is asking question about a text help you have purpose

or reason for reading and deepends your understanding. Clarifying

means making the meaning of the text clearer. Clarifying helps you

recognise when you don‘t understand parts of a text. Summarising

is a text means picking out the main ideas and leaving out anything

that is not essential.

The good readers use together to comprehend text. Think about

how you use these strategies in your own reading as an adult. For

example, when you read and article in a newspaper, magazine, or

on the internet, first you look at visuals and skim as you predict

what it is about.

b. The Goals of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

The goals of reciprocal teaching (Harvey & Goudvis, 2007;

Keene & Zimmermann, 2007; McLaughlin & Allen, 2002; Oczkus,

2004; Pearson, Rooehler, Dole,& Duffy, 1992) in (Oczkus, 2010)

are the following:

1. To improve students reading comprehension using four

comprehension strategies: predicting, questioning,

clarifying, and summarizing.

2. To scaffold the four strategies by modeling, guiding, and

applying the strategies while reading.

3. To guide students to become metacognitive and reflective

in their strategy use.

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4. To help students monitor their reading comprehension

using the four strategies

5. To use the social nature of learning to improve and scaffold

reading comprehension

6. To strengthen instruction in a variety of classroom settings

whole class sessions, guided reading groups, and literature


7. To be a part of broader framework of comprehension

strategies that comprises previewing, self-questioning,

making connections, visualizing, knowing how words

work, monitoring, summarizing, and evaluating.

c. The strategy of Reciprocal Teaching

Understanding the strategy inside the Reciprocal is the

important thing. According to Oczkus (2010: p.17-22) reciprocal

teaching has some steps:

a. Predicting

Many students have been exposed to this popular strategy.

Student often define predicting as a form of guessing, and they

seem to enjoy making predictions. Predicting goes beyond

guessing and involves previewing the text to anticipate what

may happen next. Readers can predicting is a strategy that

assist students in setting a purpose for reading and monitoring

their reading comprehension.

b. Questioning

Guesting is an important strategy for good readers. In

reciprocal teaching lessons, students learn to generate questions

about texts main idea and important details, and about textual

inferences, thereby improving their reading comprehension

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skills. In addition, questioning often becomes the favored

strategy of many students.

c. Clarifying

Clarifying or monitoring comprehension includes more

than just figuring out difficult words in a text. A broader

definition of clarifying includes keeping track of one‘s

comprehension of the text and knowing fix-up strategies to

maintain meaning during reading. The clarifying step of

reciprocal teaching makes problem solving during reading

more explicit for students. When they learn to identify and

clarify difficult words or confusing potions of text, students

become more strategic readers.

d. Summarizing

There are many creative ways you can engage students in

summarizing. To provide more practice and improve students‘

abilities to summaries, try stopping throughout a text allow

students to give verbal summaries or dramatize text rather

requiring them to always write summaries of longer pieces of

chapter in a novel or book and sketch on a sticky note a quick

drawing to represent that scene.

d. Implementing of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

There are steps to implementing the reciprocal teaching:

Steps 1: Teacher explains what will be taught in the class,

example the report text. Then teacher explains the report text

explicitly. Teacher makes groups, one group consist of four

students then teacher asks them to choose the role of reciprocal

teaching. One student has one role. Then teacher administers the

first paragraph of the report text. Teacher as a model must give

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them some example about the steps of reciprocal teaching then

leads them to do the first step of reciprocal teaching

The first step is prdiction. Teacher leads and gives them some

examples about the prediction. Students make prediction about the

text in the paragraph. The prediction will complete if the three

steps done well by students. So, it makes well prediction for next


Next, after make a prediction about the first paragraph, the

teacher leads and gives them example to do second step. The step

is questioning, students are able to make some questions then ask

these questions to themselves and other peer. Students must be

cooperative with each other to get the complete understanding.

The third step is clarifying. Teacher leads and gives them some

example about clarifying. Students clear up the unknown word or

unfamiliar words, students can use the dictionary or other media to

help their difficulties

The last step is summarizing. Before doing the summarizing,

students must read the paragraph focus on the topic and the

sentences to interpret and make summary about the paragraph. For

the next various narrative texts, teacher should lead them to do all

steps of reciprocal teaching. The role will be changed based on the

agreement in group. Every student has one role and in each

paragraph, students have different role. When the students have

done all of these steps of reciprocal teaching, it means students

have finished all steps of reciprocal teaching. Teacher must lead

and ensure that four steps can work successfully.

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B. Study Relevant

In conducting this research, the researcher is guided by some previous

studies in order to make it aimed. Some studies that relevant to this

research are explained later as follow:

The first is a thesis ―The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Technique

towards students‘ Reading Comprehension on Report Text (A Quasi-

Experimental Study of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 3 South

Tangerang in the Academic Year 2014/2015) By: Lulu Walidaini‖

This study is a kind of quasi experimental study which has an objective

to get empiric evidence of reciprocal technique towards students‘ reading

comprehension on report text at eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 South

Tangerang in academic year 2014/2015. Based on the statistical

calculation and hypothesis testing in chapter IV, it is showed that

tobservation is 4,287 and ttable is 1,673 with the level of significance 5%.

Thus, H0 (Null Hypothesis) is accepted and H1 (Alternative Hypothesis)

is rejected. In the other words, the use of reciprocal technique has

significance effect towards students‘ reading comprehension.

The second one is a thesis ― Improving Reading Comprehension

Through Reciprocal Teaching Technique at MTs. Hidayatullah Umam

Cinere Depok‖ by Nurulia Dwi Febriani.

The aim of the study was to improve students reading comprhension

through reciprocal technique. The sample was taken from the first year

students of MTs Hidayatullah Umam Cinere Depok academy year

2011/2012. The sample consist of 37 students.

The research design use was classroom action research which was

adapted from Kurt Lewin model that include two cycles, i.e planning,

acing, observing and reflecting. The researcher was conducting two cycles

for this research.

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The result of the study indicated that using reciprocal teaching strategy

can improve students reading comprehension and it also makes students

more active in the class. It can be seen from the result pesentage of cycle I

is 40.68% to the cycle II was 57.73%.

The last is Choo, T. O. L., Eng, T. K., & Ahmad, N. (2011). Effects of

reciprocal teaching strategies on reading comprehension. Reading Matrix:

An International Online Journal, 11(2).

The aim of the study was to know whether reciprocal teaching strategy

can help low proficiency students in improving their reading

comprehension and to know what the effect of this strategy is. The sample

was taken from Sixth-form students in Malaysia. The sample consists of

68 low proficiency students from four Sixth-form, intact classes.

The research design used was quasi-experimental design. This research

divided the sample in control class and experiment class. The treatment of

this strategy was given in experiment class. The researchers gave pre-test,

post-test, and five question in an open ended questionnaire as the

instruments. The findings from the independent t-test and paired sample t-

test showed a significant difference, reveling the effectiveness of the

strategies and the respondents from the experimental group gave positive


Both of the previous studies guide me to conduct a different study

about reciprocal teaching strategy. Different from them, I had junior high

school students as the sample when they had elementary school and senior

high school. Then I used quasi experimental design and one of them used

classroom action research. But, the purpose of the researcher doing the

research to know whether there is any significant different effect on the

students reading comprehension before and after being taught by using

reciprocal teaching strategy.

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C. Theoretical Framework

There are two variables. In this study, the researcher decides that the

independent variable is reciprocal teaching strategy and the dependent

variable is students‘ reading comprehension. This study will be focus on

whether the reciprocal teching strategy effective or not.

Reading is one of the language skills that important enough. Reading is

not only a skill. It can affect another subject or another part in our life.

Reading also can support us in many areas. For example, reading can

make the reader gain much information. Therefore, reading is not only

reading. To get the actual and appropriate information there, the reader

must understand the content of the discourse. That is why the reader

should have the comprehension skill. By that skill, reading will be the

meaningful activity. Reading comprehension is process to make sense of

the information and text what they read then they get meaning of the text


In this research, students read a report text. Report text is one of the

text types in English which was learned by junior high school students.

Report is a text which present information about something, as it is. It is as

a result of systematic observation and analyses. They generally describe an

entire class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the planets,

rocks, plants, countries of region, culture, transportation, and so on.

Reciprocal teching strategy assumed as a technique which has

significance effect in teaching reading comprehension on report text. It

was designed to get the comprehension of middle school students who

could decode but had difficulty comprehending text effectively. In other

word, this strategy was specially designed to middle school students or we

can say in Indonesia Junior or Senior High School students. This technique

has four steps. Predicting – questioning –clarifying – summarizing. The

students will be engaged in their team and will be led by a leader. They

will interact with each other. So, if reciprocal technique is used in teaching

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reading comprehension, it will give a better reading comprehension skill

for students.

D. Research Hypothesis

According to Latief (2015: p.54) in testing hypothesis quantitatively,

the theoretical hypothesis should be transformed into stastical hypothesis,

which takes the form of Null hypothesis and its alternatives. it is the Null

hypothesis that is to be tested to justify its rejection or otherwise its


The hypothesis of this research is:

1. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no any significant different achievement on the students‘

reading comprehension before and after being taught by using Reciprocal


2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is significant different achievement on the students‘ reading

comprehension before and after being taught by using Reciprocal


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This chapter presents place and time of the research, research design,

population sample and sampling, research instrument, technique of data

analysis, and technique of collecting the data.

A. Place and Time of the Research

The research was conducted at Junior High School 13 Sarolangun

which is located in Batang Asai. The research was conducted on October

until November 2017. The focuses on grade IX at Junior High School 13

Sarolangun, in academic year 2016/2017.

B. Research Design

Research design is the plan to do something. Research design contains

the formula about the systematic steps of research. In this research the

writer uses quantitative method.

According to Uhar Suharsaputra, asserted in Walidaini (2015: p.19)

quantitative research is a research approach that represents the

understanding of positivism where the data or information that will obtain

will be proofed empirically. It refers to a theory and uses the hypothesis

test to vivificated that theory as the result. Meanwhile, Creswell in

Walidaini (2015: p.19) gave statement about quantitative research

definition, quanstitative research is an inquiry process of understanding

based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a using

reciprocal technique strategy through administering pre-test and post-test

to get the scores and to have numerical data social or human problem. The

researcher builds a complex, holistic, picture, analyzes words, reports

detailed views of informants and conducts the study in a natural

setting.Thus, this study was conducted to find out the effect of using

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reciprocal technique strategy through administering pre-test and post-test

to get the scores and to have numerical data.

In this research, the researcher used quasi-experimental design.

According to Creswell (2009), quasi experiment involves control group

and experimental group. However, participants are non-randomly assigned

into both groups. Quasi experiment still includes other group without

treatment, but it is under observation. This other group , called control

group, is a comparator to the experiment group with treatment. The exact

design of research is non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design.

Charles, C.M (1995) explained that quasi experimental design does not

take the sample randomly out of all of the population group (Latief, 2015,

p.69). By this design, experiment group and control group are selected

without a random assigment procedure. Both groups are subjected to

pretest and posttest.

The diagram described ( Sugiyono, 2009, p.79 ) as follows:

Table 3.1.

The non-equivalent pretest-posttest design


Experimental O1 X O2

Control O3 - O4

The dashed line separating the parallel where:

O : Observation

O1 : Pre-test of experimental class

O2 : Post-test of experimental class

X : Treatment in the experimental class

O3 : Pre-test of control class

O4 : Post-test of control class

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In this study, the researcher decides that there are two variables, the

independent and dependent variable. Variable is a concept where the

subjects stand variously in a class. The independent variable is reciprocal

teaching strategy and the dependent variable is students‘ reading


C. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

1. Population

In this study the population will be the nine grade students of

Junior High School 13 Sarolangun in the academic year 2016/2017.

The total numbers of the nine grade students of Junior High School 13

Sarolangun in the academic year 2016/2017 The total of the population

is 67 students.

Table 3.2.

The population of the Nine Grade students of SMP N 13


No Class/Major Male Female Number of


1. IX A 7 15 22

2. IX B 11 12 23

3. IX C 7 15 22

TOTAL 25 41 67

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2. Samples

Sample is a part of population which studied to gain information

about the whole. In this study the sample was the nine grade students

at Junior High School 13 Sarlangun.

The sample for this study will be two classes. They are IX A and

class IX C. Then the researcher manipulates the sample, IX A as

experimental class and IX C as controlled class. The class of IX A

have its member for about 22 students and the class of IX C have 22


The IX A class as the experiment class who will be taught by

reciprocal teaching strategy and the IX C as the control class ught by

REDW (Read, Examine, Decide, Write ) strategy. Researcher assigned

the students into experimental class and control class by the level of

students score in their class.

The sample of the study was only two classes of nine grade

students IX A and IX C. The researcher decides the sample based on

their daily score, in which those classes have the same starting point.

3. Scoring Rubric

Table 3.3.

The score of student’s Reading Comprehension





IKIP Characters Qualification

80-100 8,0-1,00 8,1-10 A Excellent

66-79 6,6-7,9 6,6-8,0 B Very good

56-65 5,6-6,5 5,6-6,5 C Good

40-55 4,0-5,5 4,1-5,5 D Fairly good

30-39 3,0-3,9 0-4,0 E Fair

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D. Research Instrument

Instrument is a tool to take information or data of subject who selected

by researcher. In this study the instrument will be test (pre-test and post-

test). The researcher gave the same test for experimental and control

group. The test will be essay test which consist of 20 items about report

text. The questions of pre-test and post-test have same questions which

have reliability and validity test from tryout of the instrument in 22

students except of sample research. The pre-test is give due to know the

students‘ condition before getting the treatment. Meanwhile, the post-test

is used to know whether any significance effect of reciprocal teching

strategy or not. On the other hand the researcher uses SPSS 22 program to

measure validity and reliability of the test.

1. Validity and Reliability test

a. Validity

According to Fraenkel & Wallen (1993: p.147-148) validity is

the most important idea to consider when preparing or selecting an

instrument for use. More than anything else, researchers want the

information they obtain through the use of an instrument to serve

their purposes.The drawing of correct conclusions based on the

data obtained from an assessment is what validity is all about.

Content validity of the test can be done by comparing the

contents of the instrument with the subject material that has been

taught (Sugiono, 2013: p.129).

To know whether the test is a good reflection of what has been

taught and knowledge which the teacher wants the students to

know, the researcher compared this test with table of specification.

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Table 3.4.

The Specification of the Test

No Objectives Kind of


Number of

test items

1. Finding topic and

main idea

Main idea 1, 6, 11,16

2. Finding explicit




2, 3, 7, 8, 12,

13, 17, 18

3. Finding implicit




4, 5, 9, 10,

14, 15, 19,


Total of numbers 20

b. Reliability

According Fraenkel (2009) ―Reliability refers to the

consistency of the scores Obtained — how consistent they are

for each individual from one administration of an instrument to

another and from one set of items to another‖ (p.154). The

technique that will be Cronbach Alpha. According Duwi p

(2014) ―Cronbach alpha is a method often used in research to

measure the scale range‖ ( p.64 ). The researcher tested

reliability of test by using SPSS 22. The result of reliability

instrument was showed as follow.

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Table 3.5

The result of Reliability Instrument

Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

,710 20

Based on the results of the test. It has found that r ( 0.710)

was higher than r table ( 0.396 ) or 0,706 > 0.396.

E. Techniques of Data Analysis

Tavakoli (2012: p. 145) in Muthohharoh, (2016) states that "Data

analysis is the process of reducing accumulated data collected in research

to a manageable size, developing summaries, looking for patterns, and

performing statistical analysis‖. The data which have been analyzed were

quantitative data. Quantitative was done by researcher using statistic to

process the data. This activity used by researcher to find difference on the

students‘ reading comprehension after and before being taught by using

reciprocal teaching.

After the test is given to the students in the pre and posttest, it will be

tested. The test is focused on normality of the students‘ pretest and post

test score. The result from the test will be analyzed first by the test of

normality and test of homogeneity in SPSS 22. The data will be analyzed

by assumption testing and hypothesis testing. The kind of assumption

testing was normality test and homogeneous test. It is calculated due to

know the next step of analyzing the data which whether using parametric

test or non-parametric test.

1. Normality Test

Normality test used for Pearson correlation, two different test

average, one way analysis, one sample T-test, paired sample t-test

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(Sugiono, 2013, p.271). this test was purpose for ensuring the

distribution of data which were accomplished from the population had

normal distribution or not. Normality test used is the liliefors test. The

researcher tested normality of test by using SPSS 22.

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is used to determine the variant of the data

population whether between two or more groups of data has the same or

different variants (Duwi P, 2014, p.84). this test uses for hypothesis test

such as independent sample T- test and way ANOVA. The researcher

tested homogeneity of test by using SPSS 22.

3. T- test

The technique of analysis the data, the researcher will employ SPSS

22. In this case, the data will be analysed by sample t-test. There will be

two kinds of sample t-test, they are independent sample t-test and

paired sample t-test. The independent sample t-test is used to compare

the means of one variable for two groups of cases. Paired sample t-test

is used to see wheter or not there is significant effect of students‘

reading comprehension before and after treatment.

F. Techniques of Collecting Data

1. Testing

According to Brown (2004: p.3) a test is a method of measuring a

person‘s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. In this

research, the researcher use the test of instrument in research. The test

is essay consist of 20 items about report text. The data were collected

in two stages; pre-test and post-test.

a. Pre-test

The purpose of giving pre-test is to know how far the students

can understand about reading texts before being taught by using the

reciprocal teaching. So that, administering pre-test before student

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will give treatment by researcher. The pre-test is essay containing

of 20 items about report text.

b. Post-test

The purpose of giving post-test is to know the result of

student‘s reading comprehension after giving the treatment. The

result decided the effect of the reciprocal teaching on students‘

reading comprehension. The post-test was given by researcher after

students done the treatment. The post-test was essay consist of 20

items about report text

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A. Finding of Study

The data of students‘ reading comprehension in the pre-test and

post-test in experimental and control class were scored by researcher.

After the researcher got the data, the researcher analyzed the data by

using t-test in using statistical product and service solution (spss)

version 22 program. The researcher conducted same steps: 1.

Descriptive analysis of the students reading comprehension test, 2.

Statistical analysis of the reading comprehension test.

1. Descriptive Analysis

In data descriptive analysis, the researcher explain about score,

frequency, percentage, mean score, and the result of the students

score based on category were analyzed. The scores were acquired

from : a. The Result of Pre Test and Post Test in Experimental

Class, b. The result of Pre Test and Post test in Control Class.

Table 4.1

Score categories

Score Category

86-100 Very good

76-85 Good

56-75 Fair

36-55 Poor

0-35 Very poor

Source : Arikunto, (2010)

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a. The result of Pre Test and Post Test in Experimental Class

The researcher took IX as the experimental Class. The

result of pretest before the interventions, shows that the lowest

score is 30 and the highest score is 90. Based on the calculation, it

can be concluded that the mean score of pretest in experimental

class was 52,05, the calculation can be seen in appendix 3. The

lowest score was categorised into very poor, that was between 0-35

and the highest score was categorised into very good, that was

between 86-100, it checked the result by using statistical product

and service solution (SPSS) version 22 program.

Table 4.2

Pre test experimental class








Based on the table above, the students pretest scores in

experimental class, there were 4 students (18,18%) who have the

score under 35. They were catagorised into very poor, the interval

was between 0-35. It was obtained 12 students (54,54%) who have

the score under 55. They were catagorised into poor, the interval

Frequency Percent





Valid 30,00 1 4,5 4,5 4,5

35,00 3 13,6 13,6 18,2

40,00 1 4,5 4,5 22,7

45,00 5 22,7 22,7 45,5

50,00 3 13,6 13,6 59,1

55,00 3 13,6 13,6 72,7

60,00 2 9,1 9,1 81,8

70,00 1 4,5 4,5 86,4

75,00 2 9,1 9,1 95,5

90,00 1 4,5 4,5 100,0

Total 22 100,0 100,0

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was between 36 – 55. There were 5 students (22,72%) who have

the score under 75. They were categorised into fair, the interval

between 56-75. Then, it was 0 student were categorised into good,

the interval was between 76-85. The last, it was obtained 1 student

(4,54%) who have the score under 100. They were categorised into

very good, the interval was between 86-100.

After the treatment, the researcher gave post test to the class to

see the improvement of the students‘ reading comprehension. The

lowest score was 50 and the highest score was 95. Based on

calculation, it can be concluded that the mean score of post test in

experimental class were 72,95 from 22 students, the calculation

can be seen in appendix 4. Then, the lowest score was categorised

into poor, because it was between 36-55 and the highest score was

categorised into very good, that was between 86-100.

Table 4.3

Post Test in Experimental Class















Frequency Percent





Valid 50,00 1 4,5 4,5 4,5

55,00 1 4,5 4,5 9,1

60,00 2 9,1 9,1 18,2

65,00 5 22,7 22,7 40,9

70,00 3 13,6 13,6 54,5

75,00 2 9,1 9,1 63,6

80,00 2 9,1 9,1 72,7

85,00 3 13,6 13,6 86,4

90,00 1 4,5 4,5 90,9

95,00 2 9,1 9,1 100,0

Total 22 100,0 100,0

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Based on the calculation, it can be seen that from 22

students there was 0 student were catagorised into very poor, the

interval was between 0 – 35. It was obtained 2 students (9,09%)

who have the score under 55. They were catagorised into poor, the

interval was between 36–55. There were 12 students (54,54%) who

have the score under 75. They were catagorised into fair, the

interval between 56–75. Then, there were 5 students (22,72%) who

have the score under 85. They were catagorised into good, the

interval was between 76 -85. And it was obtained 3 students

(13,63%) who have the score under 100. They were categorised

into very good with the interval was between 86-100.

The result of post test showed that the students

improvement in reading comprehension by using Reciprocal

Teaching Strategy. In fact, the mean score differences between pre

test was 52,05 and post test was 72,95 in experimental class

showed that there was an improvement in experimental class after

the students were taught by using Reciprocal Teaching strategy.

The completed calculation can be seen in the table frequency


Table 4.4

Number of Class Interval 22

Class Interval Frequencies Percentages

0 – 35 0 0%

36 – 55 2 9,09%

56 – 75 12 54,54%

76 – 85 5 22,72%

86-100 3 13,63%

Total 22 100%

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b. The result of Pre Test and Post Test in Control Class

The researcher took IX C as the control class. They were

consisted of 22 students. After calculated the pretest and posttest in

experimental group, the researcher calculate pretest and posttest in

control class. The result of the test before interventions showed

that the lowest score is 20 and the highest score is 80. Based on

calculation, the mean score of pretest in control class was 48.86

from 22 students, the calculation can be seen in appendix 5.

Based on the result analysis of the students pretest score in

control class, there were 6 students (27,27%) who have the score

under 35. They were categorised into very poor, the interval was

between 0-35. It was obtained 9 students (40,90%) who have the

score usnder 55. They were categorised into poor, the interval was

between 36-55. Then, there were 6 students (27,27%) who have the

score under 75. They were categorised into fair, the interval was

between 56-75. The last, 1 student (4,54%) who have the score

under 85. They were categorised into good, the interval was 76-85.

See the table 4.5.

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Tabel 4.5

Pretest in Control Class











After teaching and learning activities, the researcher

calculated the students post-test. The result of post-test showed that

the lowest score was 25 and the highest score was 90. The mean

score of post-test in control class was 59,77 from 22 students.

There were 2 students (9,09%) who have the score under 35. They

were catagorised into very poor, the interval was between 0-35. It

was obtained 8 students (36,36%) who have the score under 55.

They were catagorised into poor, the interval was between 36-55.

There were 8 students (36,36%) who have the score under 75.

They were catagorised into fair, the interval was between 56-75.

There were 2 students (9,09%) who have the score under 85. They

were categorised into good, the interval was between 76-85. The

Frequency Percent





Valid 20,00 1 4,5 4,5 4,5

25,00 1 4,5 4,5 9,1

30,00 1 4,5 4,5 13,6

35,00 3 13,6 13,6 27,3

40,00 2 9,1 9,1 36,4

45,00 3 13,6 13,6 50,0

50,00 3 13,6 13,6 63,6

55,00 1 4,5 4,5 68,2

60,00 2 9,1 9,1 77,3

65,00 2 9,1 9,1 86,4

70,00 1 4,5 4,5 90,9

75,00 1 4,5 4,5 95,5

80,00 1 4,5 4,5 100,0

Total 22 100,0 100,0

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last, it was 2 students (9,09%) who have the score under 100. They

were categorised into very good, the interval was between 86-100.

Moreover, the mean differences between the results of post-test

in experimental class was 72,95 and the result of post-test in

control class was 59,77. See the table 4.6.

Table 4.6

Posttest in Control Class

Frequency Percent





Valid 25,00 1 4,5 4,5 4,5

35,00 1 4,5 4,5 9,1

40,00 1 4,5 4,5 13,6

45,00 1 4,5 4,5 18,2

50,00 4 18,2 18,2 36,4

55,00 2 9,1 9,1 45,5

60,00 4 18,2 18,2 63,6

65,00 2 9,1 9,1 72,7

70,00 1 4,5 4,5 77,3

75,00 1 4,5 4,5 81,8

80,00 1 4,5 4,5 86,4

85,00 1 4,5 4,5 90,9

90,00 2 9,1 9,1 100,0

Total 22 100,0 100,0

2. Statistical Analysis of the Test

a. Assessing Normality

The normality test was employed by using chi square test to

find out whether or not score that the students were obtained

normality distributed. This test was carried out in order to check

whether or not the data was normal. If the data was, the parametric

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test was used, if the data was not normal, the non- parametric test

was used. The test was done by using SPSS version 22 program.

The result of the analysis was presented in table. 4.7

Table 4.7

Chi Square Test in Experimental Class

In the test, the level of significance was set up at 0,05 as

presented in table 4.7, the asymp sig of pre test values was 0,628

and post test was 0,722. Both of the data are higher than the level

of significance (0,05), or 0,628 > 0,05 and 0,722 > 0,05. It can be

said that the data of pretest and post test in experimental class are

normally distributed. Meanwhile, the test of normality for control

class can be seen in the table 4.8.

Table 4.8

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in Control

Pretest Posttest

Chi-Square 7,091a 6,182


Df 9 9


Sig. ,628 ,722

Pretest Posttest

N 22 22

Normal Parametersa,b

Mean 48,86 59,77


Deviation 16,105 17,077

Most Extreme


Absolute ,108 ,131

Positive ,108 ,131

Negative -,074 -,102

Test Statistic ,108 ,131

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,200c,d


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n the test, the level of significance was set up at 0,05 as presented

in table 4.8, the asympsig of pretest values was 0,200 and post test

was 0,200. Both of the data were higher than the level of

significance ( 0,05 ), or 0,200 > 0,05and 0,200 > 0,05. It can be

said that the data of pretest and posttest in control class are

normally distributed.

b. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test was done to see whether the both

samples have a homogeneous varaince or not, the assumption of

analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) work well in the case numbers of

subject in the various groups.

The researcher tested homogeneity test after she got score

of students reading comprehension in experimental and controlled

class (Pre-test and Post-test of reading comprehension).

Table 4.9

Experimental and Control Class (pre-test)

Based on table 4.9 above, the result of homogeneity test

(pre-test) of experimental and controlled class was higher than the

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1,625 5 9 ,248

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significant 0.05; (0.248 > 0.05) it means that the data was


Table 4.10

Experimental and Control Class (post-test)

The result of homogeneity test (post-test) from the table

4.10 described of experimental and controlled class was higher

than the significant 0.05; (0.136 > 0.05) it means that the data was


c. T – test

The technique of anlysis the data, the researcher would employ

SPSS ( Statistical Product and Service Solution ) version 22

program. In this case, the data would be analyzed by t-test. There

were to kinds of sample t-test, they were paired sample t-test and

independent sample t-test. ( the result of T-test see in appendix 9-


B. Testing Hypothesis

1. The Analysis of Paired Sample T-test in Experimental


This analysis was conducted to examine the difference of

score between pretest and posttest. Firstly, to see whether significant or

not Reciprocal Teaching Strategy gave significant effect to students

reading comprehension, the researcher applied pair sample t-test. The

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

2,319 4 9 ,136

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researcher tried to find out the students achievement before the

intervention. The result of the calculation showed that the t score was -

12,805. In fact the t table for 22 samples ( df=n-1 ) was 1,710.

Therefore the result of t-test -5,949 indicate that there is significance

between differences the student score before and after taugh by using

Reciprocal Teaching Strategy.

The calculation of pair sample t-test by using SPSS also proven

something. There was a statistically significant effect in students

reading comprehension. Therefore, the hyphothesis one (H11) is

accepted and null hyphothesis (Ho1) is rejected. The result can be seen

in table 4.11

Table 4.11

Paired Sample T-test Experimental Pretest and Posttest

Paired Differences

T df




) Mean







95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper

Pair 1 Pret




-20,909 7,659 1,633 -24,305 -17,513 -12,805 21 ,000

2. The Analysis of Independent Sample T-test

In this study an independent sample t-test was conducted to find

out whether or not there was a significant difference between the

experimental and control class after the students were given the

treatment, the calculation of independent sample t-test was used to

analyzed the score of post-test in experimental and control class. The

result can be seen in table 4.12

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Table 4.12

Independent Sample T test posttest Experimental and Control class

This test established the level of significance in 0,05 and df = 21.

Meanwhile, the data showed that the mean difference was 13,18182 and

the significance value was 0,361 > 0,05. The result show that t-score was

2,914. Regarding to this finding, it discover that there was significant

difference in mean of posttest values between the experimental and control

group. Therofore, the hyphothesis two (H12) is accepted and null

hyphothesis (Ho2) is rejected.


Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. T Df






Std. Error


95% Confidence Interval

of the Difference

Lower Upper








,853 ,361 2,914 42 ,006 13,18182 4,52430 4,05141 22,31223







2,914 38,635 ,006 13,18182 4,52430 4,02779 22,33585

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C. Discussion

The aims of this research were to find out whether or not there was

any significant effect on reading comprehension of nine grade students at

junior high school 13 sarolangun before and after being taught by using

reciprocal teaching strategy. Besides, it was to find out whether there was

any significant difference between the students‘ reading achievement who

were taught by using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy and those who are not.

Based on the result of the analysis, there was significant effect of

group who are taught by using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy and those

who are not. This can be seen from the pre-test and post-test result in both

of groups. The mean score of pre-test in experimental class was 52,05 and

the mean score of post-test was 72,95. Meanwhile, the mean score of pre-

test in control class was 48,86 and the mean score of post-test was 59,77.

The researcher draws some discussion. Firstly, the improvement on

students‘ achievement is the result of experience meaningful teaching and

learning process. By learning through meaningful process, the students can

acquire the knowledge better.

According to Oczkus (2010: p.2) reciprocal teaching as an

effective practice that improves students reading comprehension. 1). To

improve students reading comprehension using four comprehension

strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. 2). To

scaffold the four strategies by modeling, guiding, and applying the

strategies while reading. 3). To guide students to become metacognitive

and reflective in their strategy use. 4). To help students monitor their

reading comprehension using the four strategies. 5). To use the social

nature of learning to improve and scaffold reading comprehension. 6). To

strengthen instruction in a variety of classroom settings whole class

sessions, guided reading groups, and literature circles. 7). To be a part of

broader framework of comprehension strategies that comprises

previewing, self-questioning, making connections, visualizing, knowing

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how words work, monitoring, summarizing, and evaluating. To improve

the students reading comprehension, the teacher must use interesting

teaching strategy. Therefore, a strategy which gives a better way to the

reading subject score is through reciprocal teaching strategy.

The result of the test showed that students‘ score who taught by

using Reciprocal Teaching strategy in control group improved, but the

result of post-test in control group are lower than the result of post-test in

experimental group. The students in both of groups, most of them get

better score than their own test in pre-test. Some students scored better,

although they still had mistaken.

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A. Conclusion

After conducted the research, there was a significant effect on the

students reading comprehension after being taught through reciprocal

teaching strategy. This could be seen from the T-test result which showed

that the students mean score of posttest in experimental class is 72,95 was

higher than pretest is 52,05. Therefore, the hypothesis one (H11) is

accepted and null hypothesis (HO1) is rejected, or it can be said that there

was a significant effect using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy in teaching

reading comprehension, and the hypothesis two (H12) accepted and null

hypothesis (HO2) is rejected, it can be said that there was significant

difference of using reciprocal teaching strategy in teaching reading


B. Suggestion

After doing the research, the writer would give suggestion to the

English teachers and other researchers. For English teacher, especially for

those who teach at Junior High School 13 Sarolangun could use reciprocal

teaching strategy as an alternative method to improve student reading

comprehension score. The teacher must be creative to make the teaching

learning activity more interesting by using this method. The reason is to

make the students enjoy and interested to learn English. Not only for

reading, teacher also suggested to be creative and choose the appropriate

strategy in teaching learning in the classroom. For other researcher, who

want to conduct the research in teaching reading could use the result of

this research as a source for conducting the research and as an additional

references for futher relevant research certainly with different material and

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sample. The other researchers also can consider the weaknesses of the

result from this research to conduct a better research.

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NAMA : Perdila Desi

Nim : TE 13 0544

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Sungai Salak, 17 – 09 – 1995

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

Pekerjaan : Mahasiswa

Alamat : Desa Pulau Salak Baru, kec. Batang Asai, Kab.


Provinsi Jambi

Kontak : HP : 082380808572

Alamat email : [email protected]

Pendidikan Formal :

1. SD N 155/VII Pulau Salak Baru

2. SMP N 13 Sarolangun

3. SMA N 6 Sarolangun

Page 65: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy


Soal Pre test and Post Test

Student Worksheet

Name :

Class :

Date :

Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions number

1-5 based on the text above!!

Komodo dragon is a member of the family, Varanidae. It is the world's

largest living lizards. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighs up to 126

kg and belong to the most ancient group of lizards still alive.

It is found mainly in the island of Komodo and on other small islands,

Rinca, Padar, and Flores. The natives call the dragon, land crocodile.

The Komodo dragon has a long heavy tail, short, strong legs, and rough

skin. It is covered with small dull, colored scales. It can sprint at up 18 km per

hours, but only for short distances. When it opens its wide red mouth, it shows

row of teeth like the edge of a saw.

Komodo dragons are good simmers and may swim the long distance from

one island to another. Like other lizards, they swim by undulating their tails, and

their legs held against their body

The Komodo dragon is totally carnivorous. It hunts other animals during

the day. It hunts deer, wild pigs, water buffaloes, and even horses. While smaller

komodos have to be content with eggs, other lizards, snakes and rodents. Komodo

dragons are cannibals. The adult will prey on the young one as well as the old and

sick dragons. Lizard digs a cave with its strong claws in the cave at night.


1. What is the story about?

2. How long and heavy is komodo dragon?

3. Where can we find the komodo dragon?

4. What is the paragraph five tell about?

5. Komodo dragon is called canibals because?

Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions number

6-10 based on the text above!!

Giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5

meters and its weight about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has a unique characteristic.

Page 66: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

They have a very long neck and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big

brown eyes and protected by thick and long eyebrows. Her body is covered with a

unique pattern that is attached by brown spots all over their body.

Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for long time

because giraffes can rely on the water contained in leaves they eat. Giraffes are

very selective in choosing food. They always eat young leaves that grow in the

tree tops. Their tongue shaped like a knife help them to cut branches which are

very hard.

Female giraffes can start pregnant at the age of five years, with a gestation

period of 15 months. Commonly female giraffe bear one baby, but sometimes two

babies at once. Giraffes bear its baby with a standing position. When the baby is

about to be born, they just drop it to the ground from a 1.5 meter of height. Baby

giraffe can stand with about 20 minutes since being born, and begin breastfeeding

within an hour of birth.


6. what is the story about?

7. Giraffe has a unique characteristic. What they have?

8. The famele giraffes can start pregnant at..?

9. The text tell us about?

10. What is the second paragraph discussed about?

Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions number

11-15 based on the text above!!

Doctor is a popular job. It takes a great responsibility to work as a doctor.

Minor mistakes made by a doctor can bring the lost of patient.

There are a lot of jobs that doctors must do. They are expected to evaluate

symptoms and run a test to determine what is wrong with a patient. If a doctor

does not know off handedly what the diagnosis should be, it is his or her

responsibility to do the necessary research.

Notes are kept on each patient to ensure that any medical professional can

walk into a room and know what has been done in the past. It is also a way to

track the patients‘ progress during recovery.

Writing prescriptions is a major part of doctors‘ jobs. They must know

how much medicine to prescribe based on the patient‘s history; they also need to

know how two drugs can interact with one another.

A doctor needs to know not only how to treat the current conditions, but

also how to advise the patient on how to prevent another occurrence.


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11. What is the text about?

12. What is the major part of doctor‘s jobs?

13. Doctor is a popular job. It takes?

14. What is the purpose of this text?

15. Why does a doctor keep a note on their patients?

Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions number

16-20 based on the text above!!

Dolphins are very intelligent animals and they are benign to humans. This

water mammals are able to fascinate us in many different ways. These mammals

live in a group. They have been known to help humans in a variety of

circumstances including rescue and fishing.

There are 36 species of dolphins that have been found. 32 species are

dolphins the sea is already well known by the people and 4 species are river

dolphins. It‘s very interesting to see and learn about the dolphin species

Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water. Some

of them can jump up to 30 feet in the air. The dolphins are grayish blue and his

skin is very sensitive to human touch and other objects.

Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they don‘t use their teeth to eat.

They use it to get fish then they swallow the fish. They can consume fish up to 15

kg per day. They always gather in a group to hunt fish.


16. What is the story about?

17. How many species of dolphins that we have found?

18. How many dolphins that can consume the fish?

19. What is the special things from dolphins?

20. What is the colour of dolphins‘ skin?

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1. About komodo dragon

2. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) and up to 126 kg

3. In the Island of komodo, small island, rinca, padar, and flores.

4. Komodo dragon are carnivorous and also canibals

5. They prey on young ones as well as old and sick dragons

6. About giraffe

7. They have a very long neck and two small horns on its head

8. The age og five years with a gestation period of 15 months

9. The highest animal in the world

10. The giraffe‘s food

11. About doctor

12. Writing prescription

13. A great responsibility to work as a doctor

14. To describe a doctor‘s job and responsibilities

15. To make the patients well

16. About dolphins

17. There are 36 species

18. 15 kg per day

19. Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water,

make people happy, and laught

20. The colour of dolphins is grayish blue

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Descriptive Statistics Pre-test Experimental Class



um Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

nilai 22 30 90 52,05 15,013

Valid N

(listwise) 22

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Descriptive Statistics





m Mean Std. Deviation

Nilai 22 50 95 72,95 12,598

Valid N

(listwise) 22

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Descriptive Statistics Pre-test Control Class





m Mean Std. Deviation

Pre test 22 20 80 48,86 16,105

Valid N

(listwise) 22

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Descriptive Statistics Post test Control Class





m Mean



Posttest 22 25 90 59,77 17,077

Valid N

(listwise) 22

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Paired Sample Correlation Experimental Class



n Sig.

Pair 1 Sebelum &

Sesudah 22 ,860 ,000

Paired Sample Statistic Experimental Class

Mean N



Std. Error


Pair 1 Sebelum 52,05 22 15,013 3,201

Sesudah 72,95 22 12,598 2,686

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Paired Sample Correlations Control Class



n Sig.

Pair 1 sebelum & sesudah 22 ,865 ,000

Paired Sample Statistic Control Class

Paired Sample Test Control Class

Paired Differences

t df



tailed) Mean







95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper

Pair 1 Pretest







8,67898 1,8503








5,896 21 ,000

Mean N



Std. Error


Pair 1 sebelum 48,8636 22 16,10470 3,43353

sesudah 59,7727 22 17,07667 3,64076

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Paired T-test of Experimental Class Pre-test and Post-test

Paired Differences

t df



tailed) Mean







95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper

Pair 1 Pretest



-20,909 7,659 1,633 -24,305 -17,513




21 ,000

Paired T-test of Control Class Pre-test and Post-test

Paired Differences

t df



tailed) Mean







95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper

Pair 1 Pretest







8,67898 1,8503








5,896 21 ,000

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Independent Posttest Experimental Class and Control Class

Kelompok N Mean



Std. Error







Experimental 1 22 72,9545 12,59810 2,68592

Control 2

22 59,7727 17,07667 3,64076

Independent Samples Test


Test for

Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df












95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper

nilai Equal



,853 ,361 2,914 42 ,006 13,1818





1 22,31223





2,914 38,635 ,006 13,1818





9 22,33585

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Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

,710 22

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean

if Item



Variance if

Item Deleted








Alpha if Item


Q1 67,14 307,552 -,066 ,799 ,724

Q2 67,50 266,071 ,555 ,882 ,676

Q3 67,59 263,396 ,554 ,904 ,674

Q4 68,50 252,833 ,592 ,983 ,665

Q5 68,27 276,113 ,298 ,448 ,697

Q6 67,14 270,409 ,572 ,851 ,678

Q7 68,05 297,855 ,037 ,781 ,722

Q8 67,59 287,206 ,203 ,698 ,706

Q9 67,82 298,061 ,042 ,861 ,721

Q10 67,59 286,253 ,216 ,853 ,705

Q11 67,59 287,206 ,203 ,787 ,706

Q12 67,82 294,251 ,091 ,846 ,716

Q13 68,27 276,113 ,298 ,840 ,697

Q14 68,73 259,446 ,495 ,956 ,676

Q15 68,73 254,684 ,558 ,882 ,669

Q16 66,68 309,370 -,106 ,719 ,719

Q17 67,59 310,063 -,107 ,726 ,732

Q18 68,05 263,093 ,488 ,812 ,678

Q19 68,95 268,331 ,378 ,926 ,689

Q20 68,05 289,284 ,143 ,876 ,712

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( Experimental Class )

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( Control Class )

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Kelas IX A ( Pretest Experimental Class )

No Nim Name Sex Score

1. Q1 L 45

2. Q2 P 75

3. Q3 L 55

4. Q4 P 60

5. Q5 L 35

6. Q6 P 45

7. Q7 P 60

8. Q8 L 55

9. Q9 P 30

10. Q10 P 40

11. Q11 L 45

12. Q12 L 35

13. Q13 P 50

14. Q14 P 45

15. Q15 P 75

16. Q16 P 50

17. Q17 P 90

18. Q18 P 50

19. Q19 L 45

20. Q20 L 55

21. Q21 P 70

22. Q22 L 35

Mean score 52.05

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Kelas IX A (Posttest Experimental Class)

No Nim Name Sex Score

1. Q1 L 65

2. Q2 P 85

3. Q3 L 75

4. Q4 P 80

5. Q5 L 55

6. Q6 P 60

7. Q7 P 80

8. Q8 L 75

9. Q9 P 65

10. Q10 P 70

11. Q11 L 65

12. Q12 L 50

13. Q13 P 70

14. Q14 P 65

15. Q15 P 95

16. Q16 P 70

17. Q17 P 95

18. Q18 P 90

19. Q19 L 65

20. Q20 L 85

21. Q21 P 85

22. Q22 L 60

Mean score 72.95

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Kelas IX C (Pretest Control Class)

No Nim Name Sex Score

1. Q1 L 35

2. Q2 L 60

3. Q3 L 30

4. Q4 L 45

5. Q5 L 35

6. Q6 P 40

7. Q7 L 20

8. Q8 L 70

9. Q9 P 55

10. Q10 L 35

11. Q11 P 25

12. Q12 P 50

13. Q13 P 65

14. Q14 P 45

15. Q15 P 40

16. Q16 L 50

17. Q17 L 45

18. Q18 P 80

19. Q19 P 60

20. Q20 P 75

21. Q21 P 50

22. Q22 L 65

Mean score 48.86

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Kelas IX C (Posttest Control Class)

No Nim Name Sex Score

1. Q1 L 45

2. Q2 L 65

3. Q3 L 40

4. Q4 L 60

5. Q5 L 35

6. Q6 P 50

7. Q7 L 25

8. Q8 L 60

9. Q9 P 60

10. Q10 L 50

11. Q11 P 50

12. Q12 P 85

13. Q13 P 75

14. Q14 P 50

15. Q15 P 55

16. Q16 L 65

17. Q17 L 55

18. Q18 P 90

19. Q19 P 70

20. Q20 P 90

21. Q21 P 60

22. Q22 L 80

Mean score 59.77

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Nama Sekolah : SMP N 13 Sarolangun

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : IX (Sembilan) / 1 (Experimental Class)

Materi pembelajaran : Report Text

Skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana

berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.1. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esi pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Di akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

1. Siswa dapat mengikuti pelajaran dan menerima materi dengan baik

2. Siswa dapat mengembangkan keberaniannya dalam mengemukakan


3. Siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang berbagai informasi dalam suatu bacaan

4. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks yang

berbentuk report text

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5. Siswa dapat memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan bacaan

D. Nilai-nilai karakter

1. Dapat dipercaya

2. Rasa hormat dan perhatian

3. Tekun

4. Bersahabat / komunikatif

5. Berani

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Definition of report text

Report text is a kind of text with the purpose to give information

about general characteristics of general things.

Report text is to describe the way things are related to history,

science, geography, natural resources, man-made and environment

phenomenon. It is explained that report text must include important

information that is considered to write as a report form.

The purpose of report text

The purpose of a report is to describe and classify information.

Reports have a logical squence of facts. Those facts are stated without any

personal involvement. Informative reports usually talk or tell about living

things like plants and animals and non-living things like cars or oceans.

Generic structure of report text

1. Title

It satates the subject to be discussed

2. Identification or classification

Page 87: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

It introdeces the subject of the report. It can classify the thing

being described, locate it in time and space and/or preview the

rest of the description to follow.

3. Descriptions

They are usually in paragraphs. They contain series of facts

about various aspects of the subject.

Language focus of report text

1. Use of general nouns, that is, an object (be it alive or dead) of a

general nature.

2. Use of relating verbs to describe features, the grammar is also

called linking verb. As to be (is, am, are: present), seem, look,

taste, etc.

3. Some use of action verbs when describing behavior.

4. Some use timeless present tense to indicate usualness, is one

time in the simple present markers such as ―often, usually,

always‖ and others.

5. Use of technical terms.

6. Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organize bundles of

information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning

focus on the clause.


Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This

means that unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they

have no bones at all.

Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have

nervous systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They

are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through


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Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light.

The light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists

believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow to

scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.

Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in

fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They

live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South


Answer the question based on the text

1. What is the story about?

2. What is jellyfish have?

3. Where the jellyfish live

4. Why and when jellyfish glow?

5. What is the special thing from jellyfish?

F. Metode Pembelajaran / pendekatan

Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

G. Langkah langkah Pembelajaran

a. Pendahuluan :

1. Greeting

2. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru memberikan brainstorming

4. Guru memberika motivasi kepada siswa tentang

pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari.

b. Kegiatan inti:

1. Eksplorasi :

a. Sebelum memulai pelajaran guru

menanyakan kepada siswa tentang

report text

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b. Guru menjelaskan materi pelajaran

tentang report text

c. Guru mencontohkan masing-masing

peran yang akan di pelajari

2. Elaborasi :

a. Siswa diminta untuk membuat


b. Siswa diminta memilih peran dari

masing-masing kelompok

c. Siswa diminta membaca teks lalu

memprediksi teks tersebut

d. Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan

dari teks yang telah di baca

e. Siswa diminta mengklarisifikasi/

menemukan kata-kata sulit lalu

diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan


f. Siswa diminta membuat kesimpulan

dari semua paragraf.

g. Siswa diminta menjawab pertanyaan

berdasarkan texs yang telah dibahas

3. Konfirmasi :

a. Siswa melakukan perannya masing-


b. Guru menuntun dan membimbing


c. Guru harus memastikan bahwa setiap

siswa melakukan perannya dengan


d. Guru memberikan umpan balik dari

setiap penampilan siswa.

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4. Penutup :

a. Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan

dari setiap pembahasan.

H. Sumber belajar

1. Buku English on Sky 3 for Junior High School Students Year IX oleh

Mukarto, Sujatmiko, Josephine S.M, and Widya Kiswara. Penerbit


2. Internet

I. Penilaian

1. Teknik penilaian

a. Tulisan

2. Bentuk penilaian

a. Latihan

J. Rubrik penilaian :

Butir Skor

1 20

2 20

3 20

4 20

5 20

Jumlah 100

Final score :


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Kepala SMP N 13 Sarolangun Peneliti, 2017


NIP. 197308152006041009 NIM. TE130544

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Nama Sekolah : SMP N 13 Sarolangun

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : IX (Sembilan) / 1 (Experimental Class)

Materi pembelajaran : Report Text

Skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana

berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.1. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esi pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Di akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

1. Siswa dapat mengikuti pelajaran dan menerima materi dengan baik

2. Siswa dapat mengembangkan keberaniannya dalam mengemukakan


3. Siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang berbagai informasi dalam suatu bacaan

Page 93: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

4. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks yang

berbentuk report text

5. Siswa dapat memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan bacaan

D. Nilai-nilai karakter

1. Dapat dipercaya

2. Rasa hormat dan perhatian

3. Tekun

4. Bersahabat / komunikatif

5. Berani

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Definition of report text

Report text is a kind of text with the purpose to give information

about general characteristics of general things.

Report text is to describe the way things are related to history,

science, geography, natural resources, man-made and environment

phenomenon. It is explained that report text must include important

information that is considered to write as a report form.

The purpose of report text

The purpose of a report is to describe and classify information.

Reports have a logical squence of facts. Those facts are stated without any

personal involvement. Informative reports usually talk or tell about living

things like plants and animals and non-living things like cars or oceans.

Generic structure of report text

1. Title

It satates the subject to be discussed

2. Identification or classification

Page 94: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

It introdeces the subject of the report. It can classify the thing

being described, locate it in time and space and/or preview the

rest of the description to follow.

3. Descriptions

They are usually in paragraphs. They contain series of facts

about various aspects of the subject.

Language focus of report text

1. Use of general nouns, that is, an object (be it alive or dead) of a

general nature.

2. Use of relating verbs to describe features, the grammar is also

called linking verb. As to be (is, am, are: present), seem, look,

taste, etc.

3. Some use of action verbs when describing behavior.

4. Some use timeless present tense to indicate usualness, is one

time in the simple present markers such as ―often, usually,

always‖ and others.

5. Use of technical terms.

6. Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organize bundles of

information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning

focus on the clause.


A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it

has a smaller relative, called wallaby, which lives on the Australian

island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but

very long and very strong back legs and a tail. These they use for

sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make

forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than

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three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers

per hour.

The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the

Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over

90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female

kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby

kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this

pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

Answer the question based on the text

1. What is the story about?

2. What is kangaroo eat?

3. Where can we find kangaroo?

4. The ―kangarood ― are marsupials‖ (paragraph 4) the

word ―marsupials‖ mean?

5. Kangaroo smaller relative is found in?

F. Metode Pembelajaran / pendekatan

Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

G. Langkah langkah Pembelajaran

a. Pendahuluan :

1. Greeting

2. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru memberikan brainstorming

4. Guru memberika motivasi kepada siswa tentang

pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari.

b. Kegiatan inti:

1. Eksplorasi :

Page 96: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

a. Sebelum memulai pelajaran guru

menanyakan kepada siswa tentang

report text

b. Guru menjelaskan materi pelajaran

tentang report text

c. Guru mencontohkan masing-masing

peran yang akan di pelajari

2. Elaborasi :

a. Siswa diminta untuk membuat


b. Siswa diminta memilih peran dari

masing-masing kelompok

c. Siswa diminta membaca teks lalu

memprediksi teks tersebut

d. Siswa diminta membuat pertanyaan

dari teks yang telah di baca

e. Siswa diminta mengklarisifikasi/

menemukan kata-kata sulit lalu

diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan


f. Siswa diminta membuat kesimpulan

dari semua paragraf.

g. Siswa diminta menjawab pertanyaan

berdasarkan texs yang telah dibahas

3. Konfirmasi :

a. Siswa melakukan perannya masing-


b. Guru menuntun dan membimbing


Page 97: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

c. Guru harus memastikan bahwa setiap

siswa melakukan perannya dengan


d. Guru memberikan umpan balik dari

setiap penampilan siswa.

4. Penutup :

a. Guru dan siswa membuat

kesimpulan dari setiap pembahasan

H. Sumber belajar

1. Buku English on Sky 3 for Junior High School Students Year IX oleh

Mukarto, Sujatmiko, Josephine S.M, and Widya Kiswara. Penerbit


2. Internet

I. Penilaian

1. Teknik penilaian

a. Tulisan

2. Bentuk penilaian

a. Latihan

b. Rubrik penilaian :

Final score :


Butir Skor

1 20

2 20

3 20

4 20

5 20

Jumlah 100

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Mengetahui, Peneliti, 2017

Kepala SMP N 13 Sarolangun


NIP. 197308152006041009 NIM. TE130544

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Nama Sekolah : SMP N 13 Sarolangun

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : IX (Sembilan) / 1 (Control Class)

Materi pembelajaran : Report Text

Skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana

berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.1. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esi pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Di akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

1. Siswa dapat mengikuti pelajaran dan menerima materi dengan baik

2. Siswa dapat mengembangkan keberaniannya dalam mengemukakan


3. Siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang berbagai informasi dalam suatu bacaan

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4. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks yang

berbentuk report text

5. Siswa dapat memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan bacaan

D. Nilai-nilai karakter

1. Dapat dipercaya

2. Rasa hormat dan perhatian

3. Tekun

4. Bersahabat / komunikatif

5. Berani

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Definition of report text

Report text is a kind of text with the purpose to give information

about general characteristics of general things.

Report text is to describe the way things are related to history,

science, geography, natural resources, man-made and environment

phenomenon. It is explained that report text must include important

information that is considered to write as a report form.

The purpose of report text

The purpose of a report is to describe and classify information.

Reports have a logical squence of facts. Those facts are stated without any

personal involvement. Informative reports usually talk or tell about living

things like plants and animals and non-living things like cars or oceans.

Generic structure of report text

1. Title

It satates the subject to be discussed

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2. Identification or classification

It introdeces the subject of the report. It can classify the thing

being described, locate it in time and space and/or preview the

rest of the description to follow.

3. Descriptions

They are usually in paragraphs. They contain series of facts

about various aspects of the subject.

Language focus of report text

1. Use of general nouns, that is, an object (be it alive or dead) of a

general nature.

2. Use of relating verbs to describe features, the grammar is also

called linking verb. As to be (is, am, are: present), seem, look,

taste, etc.

3. Some use of action verbs when describing behavior.

4. Some use timeless present tense to indicate usualness, is one

time in the simple present markers such as ―often, usually,

always‖ and others.

5. Use of technical terms.

6. Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organize bundles of

information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning

focus on the clause.


A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it

has a smaller relative, called wallaby, which lives on the Australian

island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but

very long and very strong back legs and a tail. These they use for

sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make

forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than

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three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers

per hour.

The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the

Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over

90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female

kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby

kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this

pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

Answer the question based on the text

1. What is the story about?

2. What is kangaroo eat?

3. Where can we find kangaroo?

4. The ―kangarood ― are marsupials‖ (paragraph 4) the

word ―marsupials‖ mean?

5. Kangaroo smaller relative is found in?

F. Metode Pembelajaran / pendekatan

REDW ( Read, Examine, Decide, Write ) Strategy

G. Langkah langkah Pemelajaran

a. Pendahuluan :

1. Greeting

2. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru memberikan brainstorming

4. Guru memberika motivasi kepada siswa tentang

pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari.

b. Kegiatan inti:

1. Eksplorasi :

Page 103: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

a. Sebelum memulai pelajaran guru

menanyakan kepada siswa tentang report


b. Guru menjelaskan materi pelajaran

tentang report text

c. Guru mencontohkan masing-masing

peran yang akan di pelajari

2. Elaborasi :

a. Siswa diminta untuk membaca text

b. Siswa diminta untuk mengidentifikasi

kosa kata, frase, dan klausa.

c. Siswa diminta untuk menentukan kata-

kata yang mendukung untuk

menjelaskan gagasan utama dalam

sebuah paragrap

d. Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan gagasan

utama dari paragrap tersebut

e. Guru meminta siswa muntuk menjawab

pertanyaan berdasarkan text

3. Konfirmasi :

a. Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan jawaban

dari setiap pertanyaan

b. Guru memberikan umpan balik secara

positif dengan memberikan penguatan

dalam bentuk tulisan

c. Guru membimbing siswa yang

mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami

setiap pembahasan

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4. Penutup :

a. Guru memberikan kesimpulan dari apa

yang telah dipelajari

H. Sumber belajar

1. Buku English on Sky 3 for Junior High School Students Year IX oleh

Mukarto, Sujatmiko, Josephine S.M, and Widya Kiswara. Penerbit


2. Internet

I. Penilaian

1. Teknik penilaian

a. Tulisan

2. Bentuk penilaian

a. Latihan

1. Rubrik penilaian :

Butir Skor

1 20

2 20

3 20

4 20

5 20

Jumlah 100

Final score :


Page 105: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

Mengetahui, Peneliti, 2017

Kepala SMP N 13 Sarolangun


NIP. 197308152006041009 NIM. TE130544

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Nama Sekolah : SMP N 13 Sarolangun

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : IX (Sembilan) / 1 (Control Class)

Materi pembelajaran : Report Text

Skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana

berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

5.1. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esi pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Di akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

1. Siswa dapat mengikuti pelajaran dan menerima materi dengan baik

2. Siswa dapat mengembangkan keberaniannya dalam mengemukakan


3. Siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang berbagai informasi dalam suatu bacaan

Page 107: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

4. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks yang

berbentuk report text

5. Siswa dapat memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan bacaan

D. Nilai-nilai karakter

1. Dapat dipercaya

2. Rasa hormat dan perhatian

3. Tekun

4. Bersahabat / komunikatif

5. Berani

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Definition of report text

Report text is a kind of text with the purpose to give information

about general characteristics of general things.

Report text is to describe the way things are related to history,

science, geography, natural resources, man-made and environment

phenomenon. It is explained that report text must include important

information that is considered to write as a report form.

The purpose of report text

The purpose of a report is to describe and classify information.

Reports have a logical squence of facts. Those facts are stated

without any personal involvement. Informative reports usually talk

or tell about living things like plants and animals and non-living

things like cars or oceans.

Generic structure of report text

1. Title

Page 108: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

It satates the subject to be discussed

2. Identification or classification

It introdeces the subject of the report. It can classify the thing

being described, locate it in time and space and/or preview the

rest of the description to follow.

3. Descriptions

They are usually in paragraphs. They contain series of facts

about various aspects of the subject.

Language focus of report text

1. Use of general nouns, that is, an object (be it alive or dead) of a

general nature.

2. Use of relating verbs to describe features, the grammar is also

called linking verb. As to be (is, am, are: present), seem, look,

taste, etc.

3. Some use of action verbs when describing behavior.

4. Some use timeless present tense to indicate usualness, is one

time in the simple present markers such as ―often, usually,

always‖ and others.

5. Use of technical terms.

6. Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organize bundles of

information; repeated naming of the topic as the beginning

focus on the clause.


Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This

means that unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they

have no bones at all.

Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have

nervous systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They

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are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through


Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light.

The light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists

believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow to

scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.

Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in

fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They

live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South


Answer the question based on the text

1. What is the story about?

2. What is jellyfish have?

3. Where the jellyfish live

4. Why and when jellyfish glow?

5. What is the special thing from jellyfish?

F. Metode Pembelajaran / pendekatan

REDW ( Read, Examine, Decide, Write ) Strategy

G. Langkah langkah Pemelajaran

a. Pendahuluan :

1. Greeting

2. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru memberikan brainstorming

4. Guru memberika motivasi kepada siswa tentang

pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari.

b. Kegiatan inti:

1. Eksplorasi :

Page 110: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

a. Sebelum memulai pelajaran guru

menanyakan kepada siswa

tentang report text

b. Guru menjelaskan materi

pelajaran tentang report text

c. Guru mencontohkan masing-

masing peran yang akan di


2. Elaborasi :

a. Siswa diminta untuk membaca


b. Siswa diminta untuk

mengidentifikasi kosa kata, frase,

dan klausa.

c. Siswa diminta untuk menentukan

kata-kata yang mendukung untuk

menjelaskan gagasan utama

dalam sebuah paragrap

d. Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan

gagasan utama dari paragrap


e. Guru meminta siswa muntuk

menjawab pertanyaan

berdasarkan text

3. Konfirmasi :

a. Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan

jawaban dari setiap pertanyaan

Page 111: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

b. Guru memberikan umpan balik

secara positif dengan

memberikan penguatan dalam

bentuk tulisan

c. Guru membimbing siswa yang

mengalami kesulitan dalam

memahami setiap pembahasan

4. Penutup :

a. Guru memberikan kesimpulan

dari apa yang telah dipelajari

H. Sumber belajar

1. Buku English on Sky 3 for Junior High School Students Year IX oleh

Mukarto, Sujatmiko, Josephine S.M, and Widya Kiswara. Penerbit


2. Internet

I. Penilaian

1. Teknik penilaian

a. Tulisan

2. Bentuk penilaian

a. Latihan

Page 112: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy

J. Rubrik penilaian:

Final score :


Mengetahui, Peneliti, 2017

Kepala SMP N 13 Sarolangun


NIP. 197308152006041009 NIM. TE130544

Butir Skor

1 20

2 20

3 20

4 20

5 20

Jumlah 100

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Page 114: THE EFFECT OF USING RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY ON … CD PERDILA DESI... · 2019. 10. 10. · the effect of using reciprocal teaching strategy