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Africa: The Dark Continent

0 Why is Africa called the “Dark Continent?” 0 Mysterious to Europeans 0 Did not have Christ

0 Africa is the ________ largest continent 0 Second

0 ________ % of the world’s population lives in Africa. 0 Thirteen

0 _________ % Africa’s land is desert. 0 Forty


0 Earliest recorded civilization in Africa ? 0 Egyptians

0 Carthage built an empire in north Africa 0 Rome conquered Carthage 0 After Rome’s collapse Muslims brought the region under

Islamic domination 0 What do you call all of the land south of the Sahara Desert ?

0 Sub-Saharan Africa


0 Two important ancient kingdoms 0 The earliest was the kingdom of Kush 0 Originally a province (Nubia) of the Egyptian Empire 0 By 700BC Kush grew strong enough to overthrow and conquer

the Egyptians 0 The Assyrians drove the Kushites out of Egypt in the mid 600’s

but they retained a kingdom for another 1000 years 0 Kush eventually fell to Aksum around 330 AD 0 Aksum embraced a form of Christianity 0 It’s rulers claim descent from King Solomon and the Queen of

Sheba 0 Aksum became the modern day Ethiopa

African climate

Climate warm and constant Half of Africa is savanna or grasslands Rainfall unreliable Great rivers-not navigable Poor soil

Africa 0 African history was preserved how?

0 Oral tradition rather than in writing 0 Who said that writing destroys the human memory because you don’t

have to remember anything? 0 Plato-Greek philosopher

0 Do we think that John Green is uncivilized because we are watching him on YouTube?

0 Mansa Musa 1312-37-Ruler of Mali 0 Converted to Islam 0 Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca recorded in the official chronicles

of Egypt 0 Muslim pilgrimage called a ? 0 Haji

0 What can we conclude about Mansa Musa making the haji? 0 He was a devout Muslim

0 The best known city in west Africa was? 0 Timbuktu-Musa’s capital city

Presentation Notes
Timbuktu is an oasis city in the West African state of Mali with 54 453 inhabitants (census 2009). The name supposedly means “fountain of Buktu”. According to legend, was Buktu (French spelling Bouctou ) a slave, with a herd of goats from the Tuareg was left behind to guard a well. The name is “woman with a big belly,” meaning, perhaps, these are but a folk etymology . Some historians consider this the tradition of myth-borne justification of the former elite of Timbuktu for social stratification, that is the dichotomy between light-skinned gentlemen, the Tuareg, and dark-skinned vassals, Bella--

Africa 0 Pastoral North Africans were called?

0 Berbers 0 Berbers traded what for West African?

0 Salt for Gold 0 Most of the population worshipped what?

0 Traditional African gods and spirits 0 Kings blended African religions with Islam and

gave who more equality that in Arabia? 0 Women

0 What was the name of the first empire in Western Africa? 0 Ghana

Africa 0 Some historians believe that Malians even

reached where? 0 The Americas

0 The Malian Empire fell to ? 0 Songhai

0 What civilization arose in Eastern Africa? 0 Swahili Civilization

0 What was it? 0 A collection of city-states

0 What is a city-state? 0 an independent or autonomous entity, not administered as

part of another local government, whose territory consists of a city and possibly its surrounding territory

0 What 3 things links did these states have in common? 0 Language 0 Culture-mixture of Arab, Persian, African cultures 0 Religion

Presentation Notes

Africa 0 When did Swahili civilization begin rapid development?

0 8th century 0 Arab traders arrived seeking goods

0 What did the Africans export? 0 Ivory 0 Animal hides 0 Timber 0 Slaves 0 Gold

0 What did they import? 0 Porcelain 0 Books


0 What was the most basic form of social organization? 0 The Family

0 What is polygamy? 0 Marrying more than one wife

0 What can you tell me about Kilwa? 0 Wealthy city-state in Eastern Africa 0 14th century Muslim visitor: “Kilwa is one of the most beautiful

and well-constructed towns in the world.” 0 European wrote in 1500: “In this land there are rich merchants,

and there is much gold and silver and amber and musk and pearls. Those of the land wear clothes of fine cotton and of silk and many fine things, and they are black men.”

Indus Valley Civilization

India 0 Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa

0 Carefully planned cities in Indus River Valley 0 How do we know about these civilizations?

0 Archaeology 0 Cannot decipher written language

0 What was at the center of the city? 0 The Great Baths

0 What were the seals used for? 0 Identification markers of goods and clay tablets

0 Where were these seals found? 0 In Mesopotamia

0 What did they trade? 0 Cotton cloth

0 What is the most amazing thing about the Indus Valley People? 0 They were peaceful

0 Around 1750 BC the civilization declined. What happened to it? 0 Conquest-no military-easy to overthrow and conquer 0 Environmental disaster 0 Earthquake changed the course of the rivers

Hinduism 0 What percentage of Indians

are Hindu? 0 80%

0 Two most sacred things to Hindus? 0 Cattle-symbol of all life

0 Pull plows and carts 0 Milk, butter-no meat! 0 Hindus believe cows are reincarnation of past lives

0 Refuse to eat beef to avoid accidentally eating a grandfather in a current incarnation 0 McDonalds serves Maharaja Mac-two all mutton patties

0 India has more cattle than any other country in the world 0 250 million vs. 95.8 in U.S.

0 Cows wander wherever they want to go unhindered 0 Eat whatever they want to 0 Too scrawny to eat

0 The Ganges River-really a goddess

Hindu Definitions 0 Karma

0 Means action, work or deed

0 It also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect)

0 Dharma 0 Dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord

with the order that makes life and universe possible 0 Includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and "right way

of living“ 0 Saṃsāra

0 The concept of rebirth and "cyclicality of all life, matter, existence", a fundamental belief of most Indian religions. In short, it is the cycle of death and rebirth

Hindu Definitions 0 Moksha

0 Also called vimoksha, vimukti and mukti, is a term in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism which refers to various forms of emancipation, liberation, and release

0 It refers to freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth

0 Moksha refers to freedom from ignorance: self-realization and self-knowledge

0 Nirvāṇa 0 Nirvāṇa is a term found in the texts of all major Indian

religions - Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. It refers to the profound peace of mind that is acquired with moksha , liberation from samsara , or release from a state of suffering , after respective spiritual practice or sādhanā

0 The end of all suffering and the state of enlightenment achieved by all spiritual seekers

Hindu Definitions 0 Sādhanā

0 Literally "a means of accomplishing something", is an ego-transcending spiritual practice. It includes a variety of disciplines in Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Sikh traditions that are followed in order to achieve various spiritual or ritual objective

0 Reincarnation 0 Every person follows an endless cycle of birth, death, rebirth 0 Purpose is to gain better lives each time based on good works

in a past life 0 Reincarnation until full enlightenment

Hindu Definitions 0 Pantheism

0 View that God is nothing more than the life force throughout the world

0 Bible teaches that God existed before He created the Universe and is not limited to it

0 Hindus ultimately want to do what ? 0 Be so good, he or she will escape the cycle of reincarnation

(saṃsāra) and become part Brahman, the world spirit 0 Reach Nirvana-”to extinguish” or “blow out”

0 Sanskrit 0 Means perfected or refined-literary language of ancient India

0 Guru 0 A spiritual leader

Hindu beliefs 0 Hindus does not have a single founder or teacher 0 Three holy books 0 Gods

0 One supreme reality (Braham) found in many gods and goddesses

0 Beliefs differ 0 Some Hindus believe in one god others in many gods

0 Hindu gods 0 Brahma 0 Vishnu 0 Shiva

Islam & Christianity in India

0 Islam is the 2nd largest religion in India and the fastest growing

0 13.4% of Indian population is Muslim

0 2.3% of Indian population are Christians

Jainism 0 Related to both

0 Hinduism and Buddhism 0 Jains believe humans can become gods (Jina) by being

enlightened through 0 The worship of 24 Jinas who serve as inspiration bridges

0 Until then each soul is 0 Continually reborn through reincarnation

0 Some Jains wear cloths over their mouths because- 0 They do not want to accidentally swallow and kill an insect

0 Number of Jains in India? 0 5 million

Sikhism 0 Sikhism

0 Sikhs follow Guru Nanak (1469-1539) 0 Bring together Islam with Hinduism 0 Sikhs 2% of India’s population 0 80% of Sikhs live in the Punjab

What is a “Caste”?

Social and economic divides still exist across India

0 Describes a complex system of social divisions that controls life in India

0 Ancient hereditary system that developed alongside and became intertwined with Hinduism

0 Determines whom a person can marry, specifies what kind of work he can do, and even controls what he can eat or touch

0 Caste system played important role in Indian history

0 Majority of Indians are Hindu 0 Still a factor today in modern Indian

culture and politics

Where does this system come from? 0 Caste first found in the Aryan’s Vedic

hymns-1000 B.C.

0 Caste from Portuguese castas=pure

0 Famous passage uses metaphor of human body to describe Indian society

0 Brahman, or priestly, caste represents society's head

0 Kshatriya, or warrior, caste are its arms

0 Vaishya caste—traders and landowners—are legs

0 Sudra caste—servants of the other three—feet.

0 Order of importance and interdependence

Presentation Notes
The word caste comes from the Portuguese word castas, meaning "pure." This Portuguese word expresses one of the most central values of Indian society: the idea of ritual purity. In India, however, the word varna, or "color," denotes the fourfold division of Indian society. The word varna may have been used because each of the four castes was assigned a specific color as its emblem.

Untouchables 0 Higher castes believe

0 Even the shadow of an untouchable upon food contaminates

0 Totally despised in Indian society 0 1/7th of population are untouchables 0 Modern society movement to demand less

discrimination against them 0 Untouchables have gotten violent in the past 0 Mahatma Gandhi renamed them Harijans or Children of

God 0 Now called Dalits, a Sanskrit term meaning "trampled


Why does the system stay? Tradition 0 Main form of government in villages

throughout India 0 Depends on two central Hindu concepts:

0 Caste dharma – divine law - Mahatma Gandhi: "the duty one has to perform" and "the law of one's being." 0 Overcome selfish desires 0 Focus on group goals and ideals

0 Karma -As a man himself sows, so he himself reaps; no man inherits the good or evil act of another man. The fruit is of the same quality as the action.-- Mahabharata, xii.291.22

Hindu caste system

0 Indian view 0 Indians believe that the caste system is a time-honored system for

managing Indian society

0 Christian view 0 Caste system violation of human rights 0 How should Christians view this system ? 0 How are all humans viewed through God’s eyes ? 0 Should your worth be determined by your occupation or status ? 0 Are there any occupations unworthy of human beings ?

Presentation Notes

Chandragupta Maurya, 340-298 BC

0 Founder of the Maurya Empire 0 First emperor to unify India into one state 0 Pompous, cruel dictator 0 Turned India into a police state 0 Supported by army and spies 0 Would only travel seated in a litter on top of an

elephant surrounded by guards 0 Cages of buffalo, lions, leopards 0 Released if danger

0 Personal bodyguards were women 0 Accepted Jainism later in life

Presentation Notes

Buddhism 0 Where was Buddhism born?

0 India 0 Who was the founder?

0 Siddhartha Gautama, 563?-483 BC 0 Buddha means?

0 “Enlightened One” 0 Five Precepts of Buddhism

1. To refrain from harming others 2. To refrain from stealing 3. To refrain from sensual misconduct 4. To refrain from lying 5. To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness




0 What did the Chinese call their land? 0 Middle Kingdom - Zhongguo

0 Why? 0 They believed China was the center or the earth

0 In land size is China slightly large or smaller than the U.S. 0 Slightly smaller

0 In modern population, who has more people? 0 China 5 times more!

China 0 One of world’s oldest civilizations 0 Lived in fertile valleys of two major river

systems 0 Huang He

0 Yellow River 0 Yangtze

0 Like Mesopotamia, Egypt, India 0 China not conquered (early history) 0 Isolated by Pacific Ocean, Himalayan

Mountains, Gobi Desert

China 0 Family center of life in Chinese society – Strong family ties 0 Families used to be large, ancestors were included in Chinese

concept of family 0 The cult of ancestor worship became the leading religion in

China 0 Most notable feature of China’s spoken language is it’s tonal

quality 0 Chinese people from different regions often have trouble

understanding each other 0 China has a common written language 0 Not based on simple alphabet, uses some 65,000 characters

that represent complete ideas, objects ad sounds 0 Scholars revered and this was determining factor in obtaining

the desired government positions


0 Two philosophies, systems of thought, influenced Chinese life 0 Confucianism 0 Taoism

0 Confucianism – K’ung Futzu most honored teacher in Chines history, also known as Confucius

0 Confucius believed that through proper conduct man could solve the problems of society and live in complete happiness

0 His followers recorded and expanded upon his teaching developing a system of ethics that became a major influence on Chinese culture

China 0 Fundamental to Confucius teaching was his belief in five basic human

relationships 0 Father and son 0 Elder and younger brothers 0 Husband and wife 0 Friend and friend 0 Ruler and subjects

0 He believed maintaining proper relationships in these five areas would bring harmony and order to society

0 Derived this principle for all human relationships 0 “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others”

0 Major defect in this thinking ? 0 Neglect of the most important relationship between man and God 0 Only as we fulfill our duties and responsibilities to God are we able to properly

relate to our fellow man 0 Luke 6:31:

0 “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise”


0 Taoism – Second in importance to Confucius teachings was that of Lao-tzu 0 He taught that Tao (the way) was the pervading force in nature 0 He encouraged man to find peace and happiness by living in harmony with

nature 0 Men can achieve this harmony by ceasing to strive after power wealth and

learning 0 Instead, adopt a simple inactive lifestyle, by being passive and submissive

man can accomplish great things 0 Used water as an example 0 Taoism favors a passive lifestyle, freeing man from the busyness of

responsibility 0 Confucianists strive for improved government, laws, and education

China 0 Chinese had a passion for history which sparked a great tradition

of historical writing, much of which traces the history of China’s ruling families

0 From the periods of dynastic rule, historians have established the major divisions of Chinese history

0 Each dynasty went through the same cycle 0 It began 0 Matured 0 Prospered 0 Declined

0 Record all the dynasties talked about in the following video


China 0 For centuries China resisted the introduction of foreign

elements 0 Because of this the Chinese way of life remained

unaffected for centuries 0 The West benefited from trade with China in what seven

specific ways? 0 Silk 0 Porcelain-China 0 Printing-Movable type-block printing 0 Paper 0 The magnetic compass 0 Fireworks 0 Gunpowder