the danbury reporter. -...

Established 1872 Volume 66 Danbury, N. C., Thursday, November 3, 1938. THE DANBURY REPORTER. Number 3,345 \u25a0|Hi J|^P%:- I v.f[j34rß »'£y-- : ,^.i - ?; ? '^:' | i '9P&; 14i«m Miriam Hall, whose marriage to Walter Skellie Hunt, Jr., oc- curred last Thursday, Oct. 27. Miss Hall is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall of Danbury. Mr. Hunt is the so n of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hunt of Thomasvil!c. ? i . x HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT PINNACLE MISSF.S TILLEY AND M'GEE JOINT HOSTESSES AT EN- JOYABLE GATHERING- PERSONAL MENTION OF PINNACLEITES. Pinnacle, Nov. 2?Quite a num-j ber of people from Pinnacle at- tended the Hallowe'en parade in Winston-Salem Monday night. Jean Coral Beck spent the pasi week-end in Germ an ton. |f. and Mrs Robah Fulk are* j the glad parents of a baby girt j Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Perdue of, Roanoke. Va., Vjrfted Mrs. Per-j due'g parents, Mr. and Mis. C. M. George last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Randleman of Hickory announce jl»e birth of a daagbter. Mrs. Bess Chriatiga Smoyer spent the week-end in AAeville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oland of Dapville, Va., have been vfcuting Mrs. Sparks' parents, Mr, and Mrs: S. M. Scott of Pinnacle. Miss Eulalia Brandon spent the week-end with ber parents in Yadkin ville. Miss Clara King is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack Steele ii Hickory. Mis s Aline King who is a stu- dent at A. S. T. C.. spent the past week-end with her parents, Ittfr. and Mrs. J. W. King. Misses Janie Tilley, Irene and ' Nannie McGee were joint 1 hostesses Saturday at a Hallowe'en party. Games were enjoyed with Dorothy and Mit- chell Gordon winning prizes. ,De- :iciou"s were served to the following: Mbscs Maiilan Christian, Nor- Hauser, Dot and Vashtie Goi- don, Martha Stone, Dori s Lou j Westmoreland, Edlsy Walker, Dorothy and Verna Tedder, Dorothy Gordon, Lillie Stone, Opal and Edith Key, Kathleen Wall, Bonnie Mickey, Agnes lEaton, Nancey Watson, Frances [and Margie Boles, Norma and j Bella McGee, Messrs. Everett Folk, Everett Kallam, James jjtnses, George Jones, Wallace Gor- don, Mitchell Gordon, Charles Key, Jack Petitt, Ted and Hiram Tilley, Troy Gordon, J. 322. and Hilary Boaze, Wendell Kiger, Howard Gordon, Meivfa Wall, Glenn aad Alex McGee from Pin- nacle, affti Willie Stanley, Elgin! Marsh, Joe Anderson and H. B. Csndiff of Danbury. Miss Arline Eaton shopped in Winston-Salem Monday. The Seniors Pinnacle High School will attend the Carolina- V. P. I. football game at Chapel Hill Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Long and family of Getfmanton were visi- tors in Pinnacle Sunday. Misg Lun a Taylor, who ia teaching at Pine Hall, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. NelUe M. Taylor: LOFTIS I S I AT THE BAT SUCCESS OF THE BIG BARBE- CUE IS ASSURED WITH SUPERINTENDEXTOF COUNTY HOME IN CHARGE OF THE EATS?G RE A T CROWD COMING. Everything is ready for the big Democratic rally tomorrow. Houston Loftis, who is past' ! .naster of ihe art of tickling the' palate with good things to eat, is' chairman of the committee on l eats. This insures success for the! barbecue. But before this, there will be' seve ia 1 speeches made at the court house by orators of State-wide reputation, and there ?vill be blares of inspiring music iom the band. And after the .speaking the crowd will assemble in automobiles and there will be a parade of the hosts from the court house to the place of thei feast, which will be at Paul Tay-' lor's club house and grounds, just a mile west of Danbury on No. 89. j Prospects today point to a rec-' ord-breaking crowd to do honors i to the occasion?which will be a tribe *.e to President Franklin i>. -iSwsevelt, to the State Demo-1 era tic administration and to the county Democratic regime?all good fellows, and jolly friends of the **? Everybody is invited. And everybody i s expected to have a gorgeou g good time. Come, and be welcome. John Sisk Dead Madison, Oct. 31. ?John Sisk, 83, retired farmer, died this morn- ing at 2:30 o'clock at his home. Danbury, Route 1, after an illness of three days. The funeral will be held Tues- day afternoon at 1 o'clock at Wil- son Primitive Baptist Church. El- ders Watt Priddy and Watt Tuttle will conduct the services. Burial will be i n the church graveyard. Surviving "are the widow, Mrs. Caroline SisTr; two sons, Charles Sisk of Kernersville and Hobart Sisk of Sandy Ridge, Route 1; seven daughters, Mrs. Gat Young, Mrs. Yancey Yates and Mrs. Charlie Joyce of Madison, Route 1; Mrs. Ted Shepherd and Mrs. B. W. WQkin s of High Point; Mrs. Lynn Wilking of Dillard and Mis 3 Alvie Sisk of Danbury, Route 1. Services At The Baptist Next Sunday Ser»ice a at the Danbury Bap- tist Church next Sunday at 11 iu the morning and 7 in the night. The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Dav- enport, cordially invitefe all mem- bers as well as the public to come out. Lois Martin is welcomed back by her friends. She has recently visited friends and relatives at Pittsburg, Pa. FARMERS REAP BIG PROFITS TOBACCO CROP PROBABLY SIXTY PER CENT. SOLD?- MANY FARMERS HAVE RE- CEIVED FINE AVERAGES- TOBACCO CONTROL MEANS MONEY TO GROWERS. Stokes county farmers are in i better shape financially, probably, i than they have been in since 1918- j 19, the big years, when tobacco j prices skyrocketed to unheard of \ averages. The 1938 crop was a good one, I taken all in all, and its general av- j erage to the farmers has meant i handsome profit. It is now conceded by 90 per cent, of the farmers that the gov- ernment's arrangements of pro- duction control has resulted in handsome profits to the growers, and that uncontrolled production would have resulted in disaster. The 1938 crop is now probably 60 per cent. marketed. By Thanksgiving day the great ma-; jority of the crop will have been sold. Farmers have receive d j in most cases, good prices, while some have achieved that 'fine j profit reminding of the days fol- lowihg trfe world war when $1 a pound was common ' experiences for the farmere. It i s a foregone conclusion that next year's election .oft^CJ'opvcon- trol will result in an overwhelming verdict for governmental asirfsi- ance fo r the farmer, "whereby wild production will be restricted. I I WIRING UP ? LIWSONVILLE ELECTRICIANS ARE NOW PREPARING THE WAY FOIS THE DUKE POWER COM- PANY'S SERVICE INTO Til*: HEART OF STOKES. Electricians are at work wiring the homes and business houses from Danbury to Lawsonviile, and in a few days this region in the heart of Stokes county will receive the light an 3 power service of the Duke company which now reaches into probably three-fourths of thj neighborhoods of the county. W. R. Stovall and Charley Smith, citizens of the Sandy Ridge community, visited t>anbury Wed- nesday. These farmers think three-fourths of the tobacco crop of their section has been market- ed. Mr. Stovall want a the Report- er to thank the people for their liberal contributions in behalf of improvements to be made at Smith Chapel Church ?thank es- pecially Danbury, Stuart, Stone- ville, Madison, Walnut Cove and| Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Christian j of Westfield and John L. Chris-j tian of Pinnacle spent a while! Sunday evening with Mr. and> Mrs. S. P. Christian. TILLEY REUNION HELD SUNDAY LARGE CROWD PAYS HON OK TO WELL KNOWN LAWSON - VILLE F A MI L Y?A FINE FEAST AND A GOOD TIME. Sunday at noon a large crowJ! 'had gathered at the "Id homestead I jof the late Frank Tiiley near Law- ! ' isonville. i ! I I The occasion was a family re-, union of Til'eys. Many relatives, and friends were present. The! ?, Tiiley family i s composed of Mrs. i Cora Tiiley and several s»n s and ! daughters. After much conversation nnd J renewing of old friendships ami j relations, the crowd gathered i around a long table which had been absolutely loaded with good things to eat. A blessing was pronounced by j Elder Oliver Denny of the Primi- tive Baptist Church and cashier of the Trade street branch of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Co., and the attendants proceeded to Jdo justice to the splendid dinner. | Among those who were present j were the following: j Mrs. W. A. Joyce and R. :L." Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. , Sheppard -and" Clifford; Mr. and i Mrs. ? Zach Sheppard and Miss Kathleen; Mrs. Gertrude Lawson, -j .< ' Annie Lawson, William, * Sam, Rachel,' "Doradfian, Dorias, Opal Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawson, Carl Lawson, Margaret l Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'sheppard and Kenneth, Mrs. J. S. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. i Tiiley, Mrs. N. A. Stevens, Mr. I * s*' [ and Mrs.,J-./A. Spencer, Mr. and 'Mi's. R. E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. 1 R. A. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. ! A. Tiiley, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tucker and children Billie and ' Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow I Lawson and daughter Barbara | Ann, Mrs. Nick Stevens and s»n > Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Walter 5 Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. ' Martin, the Roy Martin twins, Dr. J: W: Neal, Martha P: Dr. J. M. Pringle, Maurice J j Robertson, Cliftoh Sjtevens, Cor- -1 vis Lawson, Wallace Stevens, ; Bailey Stevens, Rufus Mabe, Charle s Robertson, Raymond, Bill, Bobby and Clifton Moore, Anna '; Maude Stevens, John Tiiley, ? I Sheriff John Taylor, H. H. Stovall, ", Louise Tiiley, Junior Stevens, c j Novella Stevens, Fred Stevens, ' Ray Stevens, Clarence Lawson, "j Harriett Tiiley, Sophie Mae Tiiley, "jNancy Lee Tiiley, Roscoe Tiiley, * | Gladys Tiiley, Shirley Ann Tiiley, j Myer a Tiiley, Tommie Tiiley, Gene -1 Tucker, Mrs. Lorene Tucker, Nor- "ima Gene Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. ' j Josh Lawson, Harold Lawson, Vir- 'jginia Lawson, Ralph Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Denny, Mrs. C. |H. Boaz, Ruth Stephens, Elaine . | Stephens, Angela Stephens, Mr. jand Mrs. P. H. Robertson, Blanche !; Robertson, Miss Dorothy Boyle 3, I, Miss Rebecca Mabe, Miss Gladys and Joeie Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. 1 IMPROVEMENT AT KING SCHOOL MATKRUL It KING PLACED FOK NEW I) « M K S T 1 C SCIENCE BI iLi>2N(i? MRS. GARFIELD DOSS IS SOME BETTER. I King, Nov. 2 .There is slight improvement in the condition (if .Mrs. Garfield '-.?fs wh.< has been quite sick for the past several t days. ! Captain Joe Moore is having ( hi s home on north Depot street re- painted. I Herbert Marshall went l ° Wal- nut Cove Saturday to look after some business matters. j I Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Pulliam II I 'of Asheboro are spending a few I days with relatives and friends j here. Mr. Pulliam formerly re- sided here. j Gaither Smith of King. Route !J, I underwent a tonsil removal opcr- i ation here Friday. He is getting along nicely. | Edwin and Jack Caudle of Win- ston-Salem were among the manv ' i visitors here Saturday. Lee Calloway, planter of the j Crooked Run section, was hero ? Saturday on business. j Material i s being placed on the on the school property pren- ' aratory to erecting a domestic ? science building. 'j Farmers in this section are very ' busy preparing land and sowing 1 wheat. About an average crop ' will be sow n in this section. I 1 ] The following births were re- corded last week: To Mr. and Mrs. V.*l!cy Jones, a daughtev; to Mr. . i an. 1 . White, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fanclier, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Moore, Jr., a son. j Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Tuttle of Rural Hall visited relatives here Friday. 'i 1 P. W. Simmons r Seriously 111 P. W. Simmons, 83 years of age, is seriously ill at hi s home near ! Francisco of heart disease and [complications. 0. C. East of Ogburn Station, Forsyth county, wa s here on bus- iness at the court house Wednes- day. Mr. East is a former citi- zen of Sandy Ridge, Stoke s coun- ty. He conducts a mercantile business at Ogburn Station. ,'jim Spencer, Garland Spencer, E. ,| G. Spencer, John Evan Spencer, 2 Billy Spencer, Mrs. Will Stevens, -jMargaret Stevens, Mis s Lucy . Smith, Herbert Jr. Lassiter, Mary i - Sue Lassiter, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve , Lawson, Charles Lawson, Mr. an.i . Mrs. John Dalton, Misses Una ; Mae, Sterling and Evla Tilley, Mr. . and Mrs. Eldridgc Tilley, Cecil ; Stephens, Calvin Mabe, H. E. Mc- , Collums, Winfred Beasley, Russeil j Stephens, Winifred Stephens, N. . E. Pepper.

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Page 1: THE DANBURY REPORTER. - · Established 1872 Volume 66 Danbury, N. C., Thursday, November

Established 1872 Volume 66 Danbury, N. C., Thursday, November 3, 1938.


\u25a0|Hi J|^P%:-I v.f[j34rß »'£y-- :

,^.i -

?; ? '^:' | i '9P&;

14i«m Miriam Hall, whose marriage to Walter Skellie Hunt, Jr., oc-

curred last Thursday, Oct. 27. Miss Hall is the daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. J. W. Hall of Danbury. Mr. Hunt is the so n of Mr. and Mrs.

S. Hunt of Thomasvil!c. ? i . x







Pinnacle, Nov. 2?Quite a num-jber of people from Pinnacle at-

tended the Hallowe'en parade in

Winston-Salem Monday night.

Jean Coral Beck spent the pasi

week-end in Germ an ton.|f. and Mrs Robah Fulk are*

jthe glad parents of a baby girt j

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Perdue of,

Roanoke. Va., Vjrfted Mrs. Per-jdue'g parents, Mr. and Mis. C.

M. George last week.Mr. and Mrs. Paul Randleman

of Hickory announce jl»e birth of

a daagbter.

Mrs. Bess Chriatiga Smoyer

spent the week-end in AAeville. 1Mr. and Mrs. Oland of

Dapville, Va., have been vfcuting

Mrs. Sparks' parents, Mr, and

Mrs: S. M. Scott of Pinnacle.

Miss Eulalia Brandon spent the

week-end with ber parents in


Miss Clara King is visiting her

sister, Mrs. Jack Steele ii


Miss Aline King who is a stu-

dent at A. S. T. C.. spent the

past week-end with her parents,

Ittfr. and Mrs. J. W. King.

Misses Janie Tilley, Irene and '

Nannie McGee were joint 1

hostesses Saturday at aHallowe'en party. Games wereenjoyed with Dorothy and Mit-

chell Gordon winning prizes. ,De-

:iciou"s were served

to the following:

Mbscs Maiilan Christian, Nor-

Hauser, Dot and Vashtie Goi-

don, Martha Stone, Dori s Lou

j Westmoreland, Edlsy Walker,Dorothy and Verna Tedder,

Dorothy Gordon, Lillie Stone,

Opal and Edith Key, KathleenWall, Bonnie Mickey, Agnes

lEaton, Nancey Watson, Frances

[and Margie Boles, Norma and

j Bella McGee, Messrs. EverettFolk, Everett Kallam, James

jjtnses, George Jones, Wallace Gor-don, Mitchell Gordon, Charles

Key, Jack Petitt, Ted and HiramTilley, Troy Gordon, J. 322. and

Hilary Boaze, Wendell Kiger,Howard Gordon, Meivfa Wall,Glenn aad Alex McGee from Pin-nacle, affti Willie Stanley, Elgin!

Marsh, Joe Anderson and H. B.

Csndiff of Danbury.

Miss Arline Eaton shopped in

Winston-Salem Monday.The Seniors Pinnacle High

School will attend the Carolina-V. P. I. football game at Chapel

Hill Saturday.

Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Long andfamily of Getfmanton were visi-

tors in Pinnacle Sunday.

Misg Lun a Taylor, who ia

teaching at Pine Hall, spent the

week-end with her mother, Mrs.NelUe M. Taylor:







Everything is ready for the bigDemocratic rally tomorrow.

Houston Loftis, who is past'

! .naster of ihe art of tickling the'palate with good things to eat, is'chairman of the committee on leats. This insures success for the!barbecue.

But before this, there will be'seve ia 1 speeches made

at the court house by orators of

State-wide reputation, and there

?vill be blares of inspiring music

iom the band. And after the

.speaking the crowd will assemble

in automobiles and there will be

a parade of the hosts from the

court house to the place of thei

feast, which will be at Paul Tay-'lor's club house and grounds, justa mile west of Danbury on No.89. j

Prospects today point to a rec-'ord-breaking crowd to do honors ito the occasion?which will be a

tribe *.e to President Franklini>. -iSwsevelt, to the State Demo-1era tic administration and to the

county Democratic regime?allgood fellows, and jolly friends of

the **?

Everybody is invited. Andeverybody is expected to have agorgeou g good time.

Come, and be welcome.

John Sisk DeadMadison, Oct. 31. ?John Sisk,

83, retired farmer, died this morn-

ing at 2:30 o'clock at his home.Danbury, Route 1, after an illnessof three days.

The funeral will be held Tues-

day afternoon at 1 o'clock at Wil-

son Primitive Baptist Church. El-

ders Watt Priddy and Watt Tuttlewill conduct the services. Burial

will be in the church graveyard.

Surviving "are the widow, Mrs.Caroline SisTr; two sons, Charles

Sisk of Kernersville and Hobart

Sisk of Sandy Ridge, Route 1;

seven daughters, Mrs. Gat Young,

Mrs. Yancey Yates and Mrs.

Charlie Joyce of Madison, Route

1; Mrs. Ted Shepherd and Mrs. B.

W. WQkins of High Point; Mrs.

Lynn Wilking of Dillard and Mis3Alvie Sisk of Danbury, Route 1.

Services At TheBaptist Next Sunday

Ser»ice a at the Danbury Bap-

tist Church next Sunday at 11 iu

the morning and 7 in the night.

The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Dav-

enport, cordially invitefe all mem-

bers as well as the public to

come out.

Lois Martin is welcomed back

by her friends. She has recently

visited friends and relatives at

Pittsburg, Pa.







Stokes county farmers are in ibetter shape financially, probably, ithan they have been in since 1918- j19, the big years, when tobacco jprices skyrocketed to unheard of \averages.

The 1938 crop was a good one, Itaken all in all, and its general av- jerage to the farmers has meant ihandsome profit.

It is now conceded by 90 per

cent, of the farmers that the gov-

ernment's arrangements of pro-

duction control has resulted in

handsome profits to the growers,

and that uncontrolled productionwould have resulted in disaster.

The 1938 crop is now probably60 per cent. marketed. By

Thanksgiving day the great ma-;

jority of the crop will have been

sold. Farmers have receive d jin most cases, good prices, whilesome have achieved that 'fine jprofit reminding of the days fol-

lowihg trfe world war when $1 a

pound was common ' experiences

for the farmere.It is a foregone conclusion that

next year's election .oft^CJ'opvcon-trol will result in an overwhelming

verdict for governmental asirfsi-ance for the farmer, "whereby wild

production will be restricted.I I






Electricians are at work wiringthe homes and business houses

from Danbury to Lawsonviile, and

in a few days this region in theheart of Stokes county will receive

the light an 3 power service of the

Duke company which now reaches

into probably three-fourths of thj

neighborhoods of the county.

W. R. Stovall and CharleySmith, citizens of the Sandy Ridge

community, visited t>anbury Wed-

nesday. These farmers think

three-fourths of the tobacco crop

of their section has been market-ed. Mr. Stovall want a the Report-

er to thank the people for their

liberal contributions in behalf of

improvements to be made at

Smith Chapel Church ?thank es-

pecially Danbury, Stuart, Stone-ville, Madison, Walnut Cove and|Winston-Salem.

Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Christian jof Westfield and John L. Chris-jtian of Pinnacle spent a while!

Sunday evening with Mr. and>

Mrs. S. P. Christian.






Sunday at noon a large crowJ!'had gathered at the "Id homestead Ijof the late Frank Tiiley near Law-

! '

isonville. i! II The occasion was a family re-,

union of Til'eys. Many relatives,and friends were present. The!

?, Tiiley family is composed of Mrs. iCora Tiiley and several s»n s and

! daughters.

After much conversation nnd

Jrenewing of old friendships ami jrelations, the crowd gathered iaround a long table which had

been absolutely loaded with good

things to eat.A blessing was pronounced by j

Elder Oliver Denny of the Primi-tive Baptist Church and cashier of

the Trade street branch of the

Wachovia Bank and Trust Co.,

and the attendants proceeded to

Jdo justice to the splendid dinner.

| Among those who were present jwere the following:

j Mrs. W. A. Joyce and

R. :L." Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. B. O.

, Sheppard -and" Clifford; Mr. and

i Mrs. ? Zach Sheppard and Miss

Kathleen; Mrs. Gertrude Lawson,-j .< '

Annie Lawson, William, * Sam,

Rachel,' "Doradfian, Dorias, OpalRobertson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam

Lawson, Carl Lawson, Margaret

l Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph'sheppard and Kenneth, Mrs. J.

S. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. T. W.iTiiley, Mrs. N. A. Stevens, Mr.

I * s*'

[ and Mrs.,J-./A. Spencer, Mr. and

'Mi's. R. E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs.

1 R. A. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. J.!A. Tiiley, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.

Tucker and children Billie and

' Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow

ILawson and daughter Barbara

| Ann, Mrs. Nick Stevens and s»n

> Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Walter5 Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.

' Martin, the Roy Martin twins,

Dr. J: W: Neal, Martha P:Dr. J. M. Pringle, Maurice

J jRobertson, Cliftoh Sjtevens, Cor-

-1 vis Lawson, Wallace Stevens,; Bailey Stevens, Rufus Mabe,

Charle s Robertson, Raymond, Bill,

Bobby and Clifton Moore, Anna';Maude Stevens, John Tiiley,

? I Sheriff John Taylor, H. H. Stovall,", Louise Tiiley, Junior Stevens,

c j Novella Stevens, Fred Stevens,

' Ray Stevens, Clarence Lawson,

"jHarriett Tiiley, Sophie Mae Tiiley,

"jNancy Lee Tiiley, Roscoe Tiiley,

* | Gladys Tiiley, Shirley Ann Tiiley,

jMyer a Tiiley, Tommie Tiiley, Gene

-1 Tucker, Mrs. Lorene Tucker, Nor-"ima Gene Tucker, Mr. and Mrs.

' jJosh Lawson, Harold Lawson, Vir-

'jginia Lawson, Ralph Lawson, Mr.and Mrs. O. G. Denny, Mrs. C.

|H. Boaz, Ruth Stephens, Elaine

. | Stephens, Angela Stephens, Mr.

jand Mrs. P. H. Robertson, Blanche

!; Robertson, Miss Dorothy Boyle 3,I, Miss Rebecca Mabe, Miss Gladys

and Joeie Lawson, Mr. and Mrs.






King, Nov. 2 .There is slight

improvement in the condition (if

.Mrs. Garfield '-.?fs wh.< has beenquite sick for the past several



! Captain Joe Moore is having

( hi s home on north Depot street re-


I Herbert Marshall went l° Wal-

nut Cove Saturday to look after

some business matters.jI Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Pulliam

III 'of Asheboro are spending a few

I days with relatives and friends

j here. Mr. Pulliam formerly re-

sided here.

j Gaither Smith of King. Route !J,

Iunderwent a tonsil removal opcr-

iation here Friday. He is getting

along nicely.

| Edwin and Jack Caudle of Win-

ston-Salem were among the manv

' i visitors here Saturday.

Lee Calloway, planter of the

jCrooked Run section, was hero

? Saturday on business.

j Material is being placed on the

on the school property pren-

' aratory to erecting a domestic

? science building.

'j Farmers in this section are very

' busy preparing land and sowing

1 wheat. About an average crop

' will be sow n in this section.I 1

] The following births were re-

corded last week: To Mr. and Mrs.V.*l!cy Jones, a daughtev; to Mr.

. i an. 1. White, a son;

to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fanclier,a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs.E. O. Moore, Jr., a son.

j Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Tuttle of

Rural Hall visited relatives hereFriday.

'i1 P. W. Simmonsr

Seriously 111

P. W. Simmons, 83 years of age,

is seriously ill at hi s home near! Francisco of heart disease and[complications.

0. C. East of Ogburn Station,

Forsyth county, wa s here on bus-

iness at the court house Wednes-

day. Mr. East is a former citi-

zen of Sandy Ridge, Stoke s coun-

ty. He conducts a mercantile

business at Ogburn Station.

,'jim Spencer, Garland Spencer, E.

,| G. Spencer, John Evan Spencer,

2 Billy Spencer, Mrs. Will Stevens,

-jMargaret Stevens, Mis s Lucy

. Smith, Herbert Jr. Lassiter, Maryi

- Sue Lassiter, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve, Lawson, Charles Lawson, Mr. an.i

. Mrs. John Dalton, Misses Una

; Mae, Sterling and Evla Tilley, Mr.. and Mrs. Eldridgc Tilley, Cecil

; Stephens, Calvin Mabe, H. E. Mc-

, Collums, Winfred Beasley, Russeil

j Stephens, Winifred Stephens, N.. E. Pepper.