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1 The Cults and Islam Text Book: The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin Course Taught by Pastor C. Matthew Recker Heritage Discipleship Institute A Ministry of Heritage Baptist Church P.O. Box 7925 New York, N.Y. 10116-7925 (212) 947-5316 September-December, 2018

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The Cults and Islam







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Cults & Islam ClassSchedule&WeeklyHomeworkREADING:TheKingdomoftheCults,WalterMartin,RaviZacharias,GeneralEditorDate&ReadingSeptember10;














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I.IntroductiontoCultsA. Definitionofacult

1. Theadherencetodoctrineswhicharepointedly_______________________________toorthodoxChristianity.


2. AnymajordeviationfromChristianityrelativeto_______________________________________________________________oftheChristianfaith.


• Theydeviatefrom:a. The______________________(hereticalBibliology):Theyaddto


b. The______________________(distortedChristology):Theyde-valueortakeawayfromhisdeityorhumanity.

c. The______________________(exclusiveSoteriology):Theyclaim


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B. Importanceofthisstudy

1. 90%ofallCultistswereonceprofessingChristians.2. Cultismthrivestoday.Thegrowthofcultsshowsanearnestattemptforthemtofindfulfill-mentofthedeepneedsoftheirhumanspirit,whichtheyhavenotfoundinchurchesalreadyestablished(Martin,p.18).

a. Ignorancetothetruth:ManyChristiansarenotgroundedinthe

truth.b. Uncertainty:Peopleareattractedbyvisualsigns,emotionalexpe-


c. _________________________:inthechurchtoteachandwarnconcerningcults.

d. _________________________:Cultspresentthemselvesasor-


C. DistinctivesofaCult:

1. __________________________________________Authority

a. TheirattitudetowardScriptureisalwaysa“mixtureofapparentsubjectiontoitsauthorityandofarbitrarymanipulationofitsteachings.”Theymakethescripturesaysomethingitdoesn’t.

b. TheyclaimtohaveasourceofrevelationbeyondtheScriptures:

1) Mormons:BookofMormon,DoctrineandCovenants,Pearlof

GreatPrice.2) UnificationChurch:DivinePrinciples.

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3) Seventh-dayAdventist:WritingsofEllenG.White,etc.

2. Denialof____________________________________bygracethroughfaithalone.Matthew7:21-23.

3. Devaluationofthe___________________________________:It


4. TheCultseesitselfastheexclusive_____________________ofthe


5. Cultsover-emphasize_________________________________(doc-



6. Acultgathersaroundaspecificperson’s_________________ofthe


II.TheChallengeoftheCultsorwhatwecanlearnfromthem:“Thecultshaveemphasizedthethingsthatthechurchhasforgotten,suchasdivinehealing,prophecy,andagreatmanyotherthings…”(p.24,Mar-tin).A. Theyhave________________________plusconviction:Theyseemto

knowtheirerrorbetterthanmostChristiansknowthetruth.B. TheimportanceofknowingtheScripturesaswellastheyknowtheir

error.C. Their_____________________________forwitnessing.

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D. Theeffectiveuseofthe_______________________________.E. Theirstrongsenseofurgency.

F. Theimportanceofthe_______________________________.

G. Theirsenseofdedicationandwillingnesstoendureridicule.

III.DealingWithCults(p.18,Martin)A. Knowthebackgroundand______________________ofthecult.

B. Knowthe_____________________________________________

1. Knowwhatyoubelieveandwhy.2. Beabletolocateandexplainkeyversesonvitaldoctrines.

3. Thebestwaytocombaterroriswiththe_________________.

C. Knowthe_____________________________________ofthecult

1. Befamiliarwiththeirsourcesof______________________.2. Knowafewoftheirdoctrinesandwhyitiserror.Youdonotneed


D. SomeDON’TSinDealingwithCults(Acts19:37)

1. Don’tmakefunofthoseincultsystems;thisisseriousbusiness(Martin,p.18)

2. Don’tapproachcultswithaspiritualchipontheshoulder.3. Don’tbecomeantagonisticorimpatient.

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4. Don’tdoubttheirsincerityanddesireforthetruth.

5. Don’thumiliatethecultist.

6. Don’tfabricateanswerstoquestionsyoumaynotknow.

7. Don’tpretendyouunderstandtheirdoctrinesunlessyoureallydo.

E. SomeDO’SindealingwithCultsWherefalseteachersandfalseteachingsareconcerned…wearetohavecompassionandloveforthosewhoareenmeshedintheteachingsofthefalseprophets,butwearetovigorouslyopposetheteachings,withourprimaryobjectivethewinningofthesoulandnotsomuchtheargument.”

1. Domakeeveryefforttounderstandthe_________________and_____________________________(ofthecult).

2. Dolaborpatientlyand________________________withthecultist


3. Doseektoshareyour______________________withthem.

4. Doexhausteveryefforttoanswertheir__________________.

5. Domaintainanattitudeofmeeknessyetofcertainty.

6. DosharetheGospelofsalvationwiththem.

7. Dospendmuchtimeinprayerforthem.

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JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES I.ABRIEFHISTORY A. Foundedby__________________________________________in


1. Bornin1852.In1870heledamen’sBibleclass.Russell,bornaCongregationalist,rejectedthedoctrineofHell.

2. In1876hewaselected“Pastor”;in1879foundedpublication


3. In1884Russellincorporated"Zion'sWatchtowerTractSociety"in


4. Tirelessinhisproductionofliterature,hewroteStudiesintheScripture.Russellsaidabouthisbooks,"Ifhethenlaysthemaside(hiswritings)andignoresthemandgoestotheBiblealone…Ourexperienceshowsthatwithintwoyearshegoesintodarkness."

5. RusselllaidthefoundationoferrorfortheJ.W.'s,denyingthedeity


6. RussellborrowedfromaSeventhDayAdventist,MiltonBarber,


7. Hispersonallifeisfascinatingandfullofsin:hiswifelefthim


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B. Continuedby___________________________________afterRus-


1. Aprolificwriterandspeakerhestronglykeptuptheattackagainst"_____________________________________".

2. OneofRutherford’smostmemorablemessageswasentitled,


3. HegavethemthenameofJehovah'sWitnessesin1931inorderto


4. Rutherfordhimselfdiedin1942inBethSarim,themansionhebuiltforAbraham,andtheWatchtowerSocietyquietlysoldthatpropertywithembarrassmentin1948.

C. NathanKNORRbecametheleaderin1942andcontinueduntil1977,FrederickFranzuntil1992.MiltonHenschelthenbecamepresident,whosteppeddownin2000.DonAdamsservedaspresidentuntil2014andnowRobertCirankoseemstobethePresident.ThereisalsoaGoverningBodyofsevenmembersthatassumesresponsibilityforformulatingpolicyanddoctrines,producingmaterialforpublicationsandconventions,andadministeringitsworldwidebranchofficestaff.Itssizehasvaried,butsinceDecember2010ithascomprisedsevenmemberswhoeachclaimtobeofthe"anointed"classwithahopeofheavenlylife.Itsmembershipisunelected;existingmembersinvitenewmemberstojointhebody.


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A. THEDENIALofthe________________________________OFJESUS


1. JehovahWitnessteaching:

a. Jesusisthe____________________________ofthecreationofGod(Rev.3:14);thehighestcreatedbeing,the'____________________________'(Col.1:15)amongall.JesusdidnotregardequalitywiththeFathersomethingtobegrasped(Phil.2),andJesuswas“agod”(Jn.1:1).(SeeMartin,p.145)

b. TheyuseaperversetranslationoftheBible:theNewWorldTranslationoftheHolyScriptures.


c. The"facthewassentproveshewasnotequalwithGodbut


2. Bibleteaching:TheDeityofChristaCornerstoneofChristianity(SeeMartin,p.107-119)

a. JesusmanifestsalltheATTRIBUTESonlyGodhas.

1. HeisEternaland___________________________--Heb.


2. HeisHolyand_____________________________--2Cor.5:21,1Jn.3:5

3. HeisOmnipresent,omnipotent,andomniscient--Matt.


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b. Jesusdoesallthe_____________________________onlyGodcando.

1. Creates--Jn.1:1-3,Col.1:16

2. ForgivesSin--Mark2:7-11,1Jn.1:7

c. Jesusis_______________________________________:John


d. Jesusis_________________________________________as


• WatchtowerleadershipunderRussellandRutherfordencour-agedtheworshipofGod,theynowstatethat“reverentworshipshouldbeexpressedonlytoGod,”thatis,onlyJehovah.



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1. John8:58toEx.3:14(p.141)2. John12:40-41toIs.6:1-43. Phil.2:9-11toIs.45:21-23(p.143)


1. JehovahWitnessTeaching(SeeMartin,p.73)TheJehovahWitnessesdenyboththe_____________________andDEITYoftheHolySpirit.TheHolySpiritisthe“__________________________________________________ofAlmightyGod"(LetGodBeTrue,P.108)."AsfortheHolySpirit,theso-calledthirdpersonoftheTrinity,wehavealreadyseenthatitis,notaperson,butGod'sactiveforce.""SatanistheoriginatoroftheTrinitydoctrine"(LetGodBeTrue,p.101)2. TheBibleTeaching:ThePersonalityandDeityoftheHolySpiritare


a. ThePersonalityoftheHolySpirit1. Referredtoas"him"and"he":John14:17-18,Jn.16:7-142. HehasIntellect,hespeaksinJn.16:133. HehasEmotions,Hecanbegrieved--Eph.4:304. Hehasawill,HegivesgiftsaccordingtoHiswill--ICor.

12:11b. TheDeityoftheHolySpirit

1. HePossessesthe___________________________

a. Eternal--Heb.9:14b. Omniscient--Jn.14:26

c. Omnipresent--Ps.139:7-10

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2. HeFulfillstheWorksofGod

a. _________________________________--Ps.104:30b. _________________________________--Tit.3:5

c. _________________________________--2Tim.3:16,


3. CalledGod:Acts5:3-4,2Cor.3:17-18C. HELL

1. Jehovahwitnessteaching(SeeMartin,p.76)

a. Afieryhellisa"___________________________________doc-


b. Hellismankind'scommongrave,andcannotbetrueforfourreasons(p.76):


c. Hellisthegrave,andJ.W.theologyconceivesofdeathasbeing


2. BibleTeaching(seep.123-128)

a. ManyScripturesclearlytellusofaconsciousplaceofsuffering:Matt.13:42,50;Rev.14:9-11;19:20;20:10.

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b. Theword"_____________________________________"doesnotmeanannihilation;but"tovexwithgrievouspains”(Thayer,p.96).SeealsoMatt.8:6.

c. Hellcouldnotalwaysmeanthegrave,fortheRichManinLuke16issufferingconsciously.


1. JehovahWitnessteaching(SeeMartin,p.75)

a. "Thisfirstbornfromthedeadwasraisedfromthegrave,notahumancreature,buta_____________________________________________.”(p.Martin,p.119)

b. "JehovahGodraisedhimfromthedead,notasahumanSon,


c. Jesushadadifferentbody,Mk.16:11-12;andcouldnotoftenbe


2. BibleTeaching(SeeMartin,p.119-120)

a. JesuspredictedthatHewouldrisebodilyfromthedead.John2:19-21.

b. Thomasdoubtedalsoabodilyresurrection(Jn.20:25),butJe-


c. Jesuscouldnotberecognizedbecauseofavastlynewappear-ance,butbecauseoftheunbeliefofthoseseeingHim,andtheireyeswereholden(Lk.24:16).

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E. OtherStrangeTeachings:TheyrefusetosayJesusdiedonacrossbutonatree,theydenyallegiancetotheircountry(Rom.13:1,7);birth-days;Christmas;orbloodtransfusions.


A. AWarning:Youarefacingsomeonewhoissincere,dedicatedandknowledgeableintheirbeliefs.TheyaremastersofdeceitandunlessyouaregroundedintheTruthofScripturetheymightseduceyou.Donotallowthemtocontroltheconversation.Askthemtheseques-tions:

B. AREYOUA_________________________________________?Ifhe


C. AREYOU_____________________________________________?


D. DOYOUHAVE________________________________________?(I


E. PresentyourtestimonytoJ.W.'s


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MORMONISM Founded by Joseph Smith, Mormonism is alleged to be the faith that restores the Gospel and is the only true church on earth today. Their doctrines can be boiled down to this: “As man is, God once was: as God is, ________________________ ___________________________” (p.236). Another so-called Mormon prophet said, “God our heavenly Father, was perhaps once a child, and mortal like we ourselves, and rose step by step in the scale of progress…until he has arrived at the point where He now is” (p.236). I. It's BEGINNING

A. The life of ___________________________________________

Any man who does not believe in Joseph Smith as a true prophet and great man could not be a Mormon. His call of God, the vi-sions he experienced, and his character are essential to Mormon-ism.

1. Born in Sharon, Vermont, December 23, 1805. 2. His father, Joseph Smith, Sr., was a "mystic, a man who

spent most of his time digging for imaginary __________________ _______________________." (Martin, p. 197)

3. In 1820 Joseph Smith saw a vision of the Father and Son

materialized (Pearl of Great Price -- History 1:1-25). Joseph was chosen to reestablish the church on earth, for it had fallen into complete apostasy (p.198).

4. Smith would be the leader of the _______________________

of Christianity on earth.

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5. In 1823 Joseph Smith was confronted by angel _________________________ (Ma-roe-nie), the glorified son of the man Mormon, and in 1827 Smith claimed to receive the "golden plates" written in reformed __________________ hieroglyphics. Smith translated them with the help of Oliver Cowdery and the "Urim and Thummin", a close resem-blance to his "peep stones" (p.201).

6. Reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics is a

______________________ language according to Egyptolo-gists.

7. The Book of Mormon was published in 1830, and on April

6, 1830 "The Church of Christ (later renamed . . . "of Latter Day Saints) was begun in Fayette, N.Y. with six members.

B. The Growth of the Mormon Church

1. They moved to Kirtland County, Ohio shortly after their in-

ception; and increased to over 16,000 in six years.

a. They moved from N.Y. Smith says by "Revelations", he allegedly received over ____________________ between the years 1831 and 1844. (p.203)

b. He really moved because the people who knew him best

thought he was a __________________ and a ______________________. E.D. Howe was a contempo-rary of Smith and charged Smith with these accusations: "We consider them (Smith and his family) destitute of moral character . . . and addicted to _______________________________." (Martin, p. 204)

c. Smith had to relocate in order for his religion to spread.

2. They then moved to Nauvoo, Illinois.

a. The practice of ____________________, started in Kirtland, increased in Nauvoo (p.203,204).

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b. It is claimed that Smith not only had multiple wives (po-lygamy) but he took other men’s wives and was married to them, without the consent of their husband, _____________________________. One-third of Smith’s eleven wives were married to other men.

c. Hyrum (Joseph’s brother) and Joseph were

_____________________ after destroying an anti-Mormon publication entitled THE NAUVOO EXPOSITOR. A mob of 200 people stormed the Carthage jail and murdered the two Smiths. They were thus immortalized as having died as martyrs, June 27, 1844, (p.205).

3. Brigham Young took over and moved them to Utah in 1847

a. Young is second only to smith as Mormon prophet and authority.

b. Courageous and ruthless, Young was the law in Utah.

c. Young ordered Mormon Bishop John D. Lee to massacre

100 non-Mormon immigrants in a wagon train. Lee was tried and convicted, and he testified Young commis-sioned him to do it.


A. The Bible, Old and New Testaments B. Doctrine and Covenants

C. The ____________________________________: History of Jo-

seph Smith & the Mormon Church, The Book of Abraham and the Mormon Articles of Faith.

D. The ____________________________________

1. The Story of the Book of Mormon (briefly given):

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It is a history of two ancient civilizations on the American con-tinent. The first Civilization left Babel 2250 B.C., crossed into Europe and immigrated to Central America. This group, the ____________________________, was destroyed on account of their corruption. The SECOND civilization left Jerusalem 600 B.C. They were righteous Jews whose leader was Lehi, who had two sons, Laman and Nephi. These sons formed into two groups, the _________________________ and Lamanites (Amer-ican Indians). Christ appeared to the Nephites, preached the Gospel to them, and instituted both baptism and communion. This was a fulfillment of John 10:16 (Martin, p.210-211). The Book of Mormon teaches that the American Indians descend-ed from the Jewish people. __________________________ is an alleged Nephite prophet who compiled the records found in The Book of Mormon. Mo-roni is allegedly his son. He buried the Golden plates of the Nephite people and later was revealed as an angel and told of their location to Joseph Smith in 1823. The Nephites, however were destroyed by the Lamanites in a great battle near the hill Cumorah in Palmyra, N.Y. in approxi-mately 421 AD (This is where Smith found and dug up the "golden plates", Martin, pp.207-208). There were four classes of plates:

a. The plates of Nephi b. The plates of Mormon c. The plates of Ether d. The plates of brass, or the "brass plates of Laban" e. After the plates were translated with miraculous

_____________ spectacles or “urim and thummim,” then Smith delivered the plates back to the angel. (P.O.G. His-tory of Smith 2:59-60) The plates have never been found. No one ever saw Smith actually translate the plates. Smith did his translation work from behind a __________________________ (Martin, p.201).

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2. Purpose of the Book of Momon (p.209-211)

A. To fulfill ________________________ in the Bible, John 10:16

B. To interpret Old Testament prophecies (Isaiah 29) C. To predict the regathering and restoration of Israel and

other blessings to them. D. Another ________________________ to the truth of the

Christian Gospel.

3. Evidences against the Book of Mormon (p.197-20)

a. ___________________________ Evidence

1.) Joseph Smith sought to use Columbia University pro-fessor Charles Anthon to validate the Book of Mormon as a translation from reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics. (p.211) 2.) But Anthon refused to validate this however and said any attempt to use his scholarship to validate the Book of Mormon was “______________________________.” (p.212) 3). As stated above, there has never been a trace of lan-guage known as "reformed Egyptian" and linguists re-gard Mormon evidence as mythical.

b. ______________________________ Evidence: The Smithsonian Institution of Washington, D.C. has never found any direct evidence between the archeology of the New World and the subject matter of the book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon relates vast cities which implemented technology in building, machinery, and use of copper, brass, and steel (Jarom 1:8; 2 Nephi 5:15). The Smithsonian says that iron; steel, glass, and true metallurgy was not in use be-fore 1492. (Martin, p.215) If the Book of Mormon is true, one would expect ______________ _____________________ of

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finds to be evaluated, but the mighty cities have never been uncovered. c. _______________________________ Evidence 1.) Book of Mormon teaches that American Indians are de-scendants of the ___________________. Genetic experts re-late there are vast differences in extraction; Indians are Mongoloid; Jews are of Caucasoid extraction with different characteristics. 2.) Dr. David Smith, a molecular anthropologist who has studied Native Americans for 30 years and whose lab is a leading test center for Indian genetics, says, “If you look at the genes of Native Americans…they came from their an-cestral populations…You can look for those genes in Jewish populations but you don’t find them…they don’t coincide at all. The homeland of Native Americans is East Asia.” 3.) Mormon scholar Thomas Murphy summarizes the LDS di-lemma: “We don’t have a _______________ ____________________ from ancient America outside the Book of Mormon validating a single place, a single person, a single event. We don’t have any of that, so the problem that the DNA poses for the book of Mormon…exemplifies the difficulties that we already have. There has never been any evidence that would show us that there had been an Israel-ite migration to the New World. Not in genetics or for that matter in any other source, historical, archaeological, or lin-guistic.” 4.) If there was no Israelite migration (and there was not) then there was no Nephite or Lamanite people, and Joseph Smith is a big fraud.

E. The Book itself is filled with corrections, contradictions and plagiarisms (p.217-227).

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1. Since published in 1830, The Book of Mormon has gone through __________________________________ ___________________ in order to arrive in its current form. Remember, this book is supposedly inspired by God to J. Smith. This was not a translation, but Smith claimed to be the inspired spokesman who needed to use the Urim and Thummim spectacles. How can the book be changed without them?

2. Alma 7:10 states Jesus was born at Jerusalem. 3. The Book of Mormon contains thousands of words

from the KJV. Some chapters are word for word from the KJV. These plates, supposedly written long before the KJV, yet quote verbatim from it, in old English. How could Egyptian hieroglyphics be translated into Old English unless it was copied?

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A. Doctrine of GOD the Father: “Mormon theology is polytheistic… that God the Father is a ______________ _______________ is the root of their polytheism, and forces Mormons to deny…the im-material nature of God as pure spirit” (Martin, p.237-238).

1. Smith said, "God Himself was once as we are now, and is

an ________________________________ . . . "God Himself, the Father of us all, is a glorified, exalted, immortal, resur-rected man." The Father of us all dwelt on an earth the same as Jesus Christ Himself did.” (Martin, p.235)


____________________________: AS GOD IS, MAN ___________________________________________.” (Prophet Lorenzo Snow, Martin, p.236)

3. Mormon Apostle Orson Hyde said, "God, our heavenly Fa-

ther, was perhaps a ______________________________ … and rose step by step in the scale of progress, in the school of advancement; has moved forward and overcome, until He has arrived at the point where He now is."

4. Brigham Young taught that “Adam is our _______________

_______________________.” (Martin, p.236)

5. What saith the Scripture? God is One ________________Essence yet Three ______________________ Persons. From everlast-ing to everlasting He is the same. "There is no God beside me" (Is. 45:21) "Professing themselves to be wise, they be-came fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like unto corruptible man" (Romans 1:22-23)

B. Doctrine of Christ

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1. Mormonism teaches that the Father had a father, therefore Christ is only a god, too.

2. Concerning the virgin birth they say that Christ was not con-

ceived by the ____________________________________, but "by actual sexual relations between ‘an _______________ or resurrected glorified Father’ and ______________________ – a blasphemous view which takes its place beside the infa-mous mythology of Greece. . . " (Martin. p. 246)

3. Brigham Young stated, “He was not begotten by the Holy

Ghost…Jesus, our elder brother, was begotten in the flesh by the same character that was in the garden of Eden, and who is our _________________________ in Heaven.” (Martin, p.245, 246, 247).

4. Jesus is preexistent spirit, the spirit brother of the devil and

celebrated his own _____________________________ to Mary, Martha, and the other Mary (Martin, p.252)

C. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

• There are many confusing and contradictory heretical teach-ings about the Person of the Holy Spirit.

A. Parley Pratt says He is a “________________ or essence.” B. Heber Kimball, first counselor to Brigham Young said the

“The Holy Ghost is a man; he is one of the ______________ of our Father and our God…”

C. Joseph Fielding Smith says the “Holy Ghost has ___________________ and dimensions… and cannot be eve-rywhere present in person at the same time.”

D. Doctrine of the Priesthood

1. Mormon Beliefs

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A. In Mormon theology the priesthood occupies a very im-

portant position and comprehends nearly every male member of the church above the age of 12. (Martin, p.229)

B. __________________________________________ Priest-

hood: Mormons maintain that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received the Aaronic priesthood from the hand of John the Baptist on May 15, 1829.

C. __________________________________________ Priest-

hood: Conferred upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery through Peter, James and John, shortly after the confer-ring of the Aaronic order. Its offices are Elders, Seventies, High Priests, Evangelists, Patriarchs, Apostles, Prophets, and President. (Martin, p.228)

D. These two distinct priesthoods are considered but one in

Mormon theology.

2. Bible Teaching

A. Aaronic Priesthood

1. One had to be a _______________________________ -- Heb. 7:5

2. Sacrifices had to be offered – Leviticus

3. Veil was rent in two, signifying the ________________ of

this priesthood and the end of the sacrifices as Christ fulfilled all the offerings in His one sacrifice for sin – Heb.7:27.

B. Melchizedek Priesthood (One is both King and Priest)

1. This is an __________________________________ Priest-

hood -- Heb. 7:1-10

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2. This is a ____________________________________

Priesthood -- Heb. 7:20-25

3. This is a ____________________________________ Priesthood -- Heb. 7:26-28

Jesus Christ is the Great High Priest after the order of Mel-chizedek, and this is _____________________________ (v. 24). This means it is unalterable and not liable to pass to a successor. Christ’s coming changed the priesthood of Aa-ron and instituted in its place His own priesthood of the Melchizedek order.

C. The Priesthood of the Believer -- I Peter 2:9 We need no temples, we are the temple of the Spirit; we need no human priest to represent us before God, for we have direct access to God ourselves; and we have Jesus, “our _______________________________________, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus Christ the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.” -- Hebrews 4:14.

E. Salvation: (See Statement on p.253-254)

1. On the surface some of their statements sound Biblical. They use phrases like “saved ___________________.” (Martin, p.253)

2. Yet they teach that individual salvation is based on man’s

faith, repentance, __________________________ and endur-ing to the end in keeping the commandments of God.” (Martin, p.254)

3. Their goal to progress to become like God is quite different

from our understanding and it is complicated by a “whole Mormon collection of ________________________________ observances.” (Martin, p.254)

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F. Doctrine of Eternity

1. Mormon Beliefs (see chart)

a. Intelligence's: Man is eternally existent; Smith said, "the mind of man is as eternal as God."

b. __________________________________ World: Those

who were less valiant as spirit children become of black ethnicity. Black folk, also, were denied the priesthood at one time.

c. ___________________________________ Kingdom: The

full presence of the Father and Son. Eventually be-come a god.

d. ___________________________________ Kingdom:

Presence of "only" the Son.

e. ___________________________________ Kingdom:

f. Second Death: For the devil and His angels. There can be no advancement from level to level.

2. Bible Teaching

A. Man is conceived and is not eternal -- Ps. 51:5. This life begins in the womb; there is no "spirit world"

B. Heaven is for the saved -- Jn. 14:2, I Thess. 4:17,

Eph.2:8,9; By grace are ye saved through faith….

C. Hell is for the lost -- 2 Thess 1:7-9

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G. Mormon doctrine of ____________________ __________________: some crimes are so heinous that the blood of Jesus cannot forgive them. Instead, to atone for these sins the guilty person must be killed in a way that allows their blood to be shed upon the ground as a sacrificial offering. Brigham Young preached this doctrine without compromise and said, “the blood of Christ will never wipe that out, your own blood must atone for it.” (Martin, p.252)

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A. The Return of Christ: _____________________________________ and October 22, 1844 as the final date of the Lord’s return: He said Jesus would come but He did not come. This became known as the “__________________ ______________________.” Disillusioned, Miller did not follow in the new theories that de-veloped after his false prediction (p.538-541).

B. The _________________________________: Hiram Edson and

O.R.L. Crosier and the ___________________________________.

Hiram Edson received a great spiritual revelation in a cornfield. Instead of coming to earth, “Christ had passed from one apart-ment of the sanctuary into the other apartment to perform the work of ______________________________ judgment (p.542-543).

C. The _______________________________: Joseph Bates, from

Sea Captain to chief Sabatarian Joseph Bates issued two important pamphlets which had a large influence upon Adventists to worship on the Sabbath Day. He de-clared the “Sabbath as a divine institution ordained in Eden, pre-figured in Creation, and buttressed at Mt. Sinai” (p.544). D. The Spirit __________________________________________: Ellen

G. White and restoration of the spiritual gift of prophecy. Adventists teach that Mrs. White’s writings are considered authori-tative and that the gift of prophecy has been restored in her. White wrote about a “__________________ _______ _______________ sur-rounding the fourth” commandment, in the Ark in the heavenly sanctuary. Thus the “Sabbath and the sanctuary became insepa-rably tied together” (p.545).

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E. The _____________________ of their denominational connection: Adventists do not put their name on their literature. (p.547)

II. Their Beliefs

A. The Spirit of Prophecy (p.564)

1. Official Adventist teachings declare, "We do not regard the writings of Ellen G. White as an addition to sacred canon of scripture." Although this may be the official position of the S.D.A. Church, for all practical purposes they uphold her writings as the authoritative interpretation of scripture. They desire _________________________________ among other Bi-ble Believers and Protestantism in order to spread their error.

2. SDA's recognize Mrs. White as their chief theologian, and the

"________________________________________" resting solely upon her. She is quoted extensively and exclusively in the 7th Day Adventist Bible Commentary.

3. What does the Bible say about setting up woman as teach-

ers and prophets? "Let your women keep silence in the churches" (1 Cor. 14:34), "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, not to usurp authority over the man. . ." (1 Tim. 2:11-12); ". . .thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a proph-etess, to teach and to seduce my servant. . ." (Rev. 2:20)

B. The ______________________________________________ (p.585-


1. They believe the Sabbath (Saturday) is THE day of worship, ordained in Eden, prefigured in Creation, and fortified on Mt. Sinai. Again, in their official statements they deny Sabbath-keeping is essential for salvation. "We are saved by grace alone. Hence our Sabbath observance is an expression of our love for our Creator and Redeemer."

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2. Once again, however, their "official statement" betray the practical results, for many Adventists are confused concern-ing salvation, mixing grace with their works.

3. Why is the Sabbath Day not binding upon us? (p.586-ff)

a. Historical Evidence: The early Church Fathers who fol-lowed on the heels of the Apostles give overwhelming ev-idence of Sunday worship -- Ignatius (110 AD), Justin Martyr (100-165) wrote "Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly. . . " SDA's incorrectly teach the _______________ ___________________ and Constantine changed the day of worship in 321. This is historically inaccurate. (p.587)

b. Biblical Evidence (p.590-599)

1. Colossians 2:13-17 & Galatians 4:9-11:


• One must not divide between the moral law and ceremonial law. The law is ONE, it is indivisible.

2. Acts 20:7 & I Cor. 16:2:

_________________________________________ • The Catholic Church did not change the day of worship to

Sunday; the early church worshiped on Sunday!

3. Romans 14:4-6, 10-13: __________________________________________

4. Romans 6-8; Galatians 3 & 4:


• Death with Christ brings death to the Law (Romans 7:3-5)

C. The Sanctuary and Soul Sleep

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1. SDA teaching is Christ did not come back to earth in 1844, but He entered the heavenly Most Holy Place to review the cases of believers to determine their worthiness of eternal life. "He had a work perform in the most holy place before coming to this earth." (Dr. Froom, SDA Scholar). The sins of believers are transferred and recorded in the heavenly sanctuary and are being dealt with in "Investigative Judg-ment".

2. This is a dangerously tricky doctrine. Whereas Adventists

affirm that Christ's sacrifice provides a complete atone-ment, for all practical purposes they teach that He did not finish this Atonement on the cross but in the Heavenly Sanctuary. SDA theology removes any possibility of Assur-ance of salvation (John. 10:28,29) and transfers the work of atonement from the cross to the Sanctuary in Heaven. This is Heresy.

3. The Bible clearly teaches:

a. Jesus Christ _____________________________________ all

that was necessary on the cross for our complete for-giveness NOW. (1 John 1:9, Col. 2:13).

b. He is ____________________________ at the right hand of God (Hebrews 1:3).

c. He makes ____________________________ for us (He-brews 7:24,25)

d. Solely on the merits of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ are we saved (Heb.9:28; Heb. 10:12-14).

4. The SDA's teach ____________________________________

(the righteous are unconscious between death and the res-urrection) and annihilation (the unrighteous cease eternally to exist).

a. 1 Jn. 5:11-13 Eternal life is NOW b. Jn. 11:25-26 We shall never die

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c. 2 Tim. 1:10 Christ has abolished death

It seems that some Seventh Day Adventists are saved, but it is

in spite of the teaching of their church. They conceal the true error of their teaching by seemingly to acknowledge what the Bible does teach, only to confuse it with inconsistent interpre-tations. They mix up Grace and Works, Heaven and Hell, Christ's work on the cross, and their day of worship. Let us love SDA's and witness to them of the full and free salvation we can KNOW we have NOW and FOREVER because of Christ’s COMPLETED WORK.

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INTRODUCTION: Islam is not a cult but a major world religion, but as we shall see, Is-lam is also more than that. The main belief of Islam can be summa-rized by the Shahadah: “There is no God but ________________________ and Muhammed is the prophet of Allah.” The Quran is the book of Islam, and according to them, is superior to the Bible. 1. DEFINITION is ISLAM

A. Islam is an entire way of life, a comprehensive system of thought and life to bring about a new ________________________________.

1.) Islam is not just a religion, but a “complete way of life governed by __________________ __________________ (Shari’ah).” 2.) Islam is a political, economic, military, social, cultural, family, and religious system. In Islam, _____________________________ is subordinate to the requirement to adhere to the Shari’ah. 3.) Islam is a ______________________________ ideology and a re-placement religion and civilization. That is, Islam seeks political power over all earthly territory. 4.) Islam the religion is what a Muslim does to go to

______________________________. 5.) Islam the political, economic, military and social system deter-mines the treatment of unbelievers, hypocrites and apostates – the __________________________________.

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6.) Islam is governed by Islamic Jurisprudence or ______________ ____________________, not Theology. There are two primary sources of Sharia law: the precepts set forth in the _________________, and the example set by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the ______________.

7.) Islam’s creed is, “The Quran is our law; the Prophet is our lead-er; Jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.” Or the Muslim Brotherhood puts it like this: “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide: the Quran is our law; _____________________________ is our means; and martyr-dom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.”

C. ___________________________ is civilizational warfare against kaf-irs (unbelievers).

1.) A legitimate defensive act against anyone who has offended Allah by engaging in __________________________ – rejecting Allah and his prophet – Muhammad. Thus, for Al Qaida, 9/11 was a defensive act because Americans have refused to ac-cept Allah as the only god and Muhammad as the last prophet. 2.) A “_____________________________:” • Allah’s name for an _________________________, thus a kaf-

ir, is hated and despised by Allah because of who Allah is. Allah hates the kafir.

• Muslims thus may mock, torture, punish, kill, behead, con-fuse, plot against, terrorize, deceive, cause pain, cheat, in-sult, subjugate, make war on and humiliate.

• A kafir is viewed as ignorant, blind, arrogant, evil, a liar, a partner of Satan, doomed, detested, unclean and cursed.

• A kafir is a Christian or Jew (also an infidel), a Hindu, Bud-dhist, Zoroastrian, an atheist, an African (yes in Islam, they are a special group)

3.) 111 verses are devoted to Jihad. All of the verses devoted to jihad occur in the Medinan portion of the Quran.

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4.) “Islam makes it ___________________________ on all adult males, provided they are not disabled or incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the world. Those who study Islamic Holy War will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world.” Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

(Note by Retired Navy Chaplain Wayne Bley: Statements similar to this can be found in Islamic Law texts in every century and across all of the major schools of Sunni and Shia Sharia Law.) Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Qur’an 9:29) B. Summary of definitions:

• Islam – literally = submission to Allah or slave of Allah • Muslim – a person who ________________________ to Allah • Ummah – worldwide community of Muslims • Caliph – title for the leader of the Islamic Ummah • Ulema – Muslim scholars trained in Islamic Law

2. SOURCES OF AUTHORITY in ISLAM A. Qur’an – the final divine guidance and moral direction for mankind which is unalterable. It contains 114 Surahs of unequal length, from 3-286 verses. B. Sira – example of Muhammad – his biography C. _____________________________ – words and deeds of Muham-mad

• NOTE: The Sira and the Hadith together are the Sunnah 3. SECTS OF ISLAM A. ______________________________ Islam:

– Largest sect

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– Leadership succession is a function of elected commu-nity consensus – Muftis and Mullahs

B. Shi’ite Islam: – Leadership succession as a matter of direct family line-

age to Muhammad – Imams & Ayatollahs – Anticipates the return of the 12th Mahdi “ho will bring

about a golden age before the end of the world” (Martin, p.437).

– Iran is a Shi’ite Islamic Republic, and Shi’ites are also strong in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (Martin, p.437).

C. ________________________ Islam – mystics D. Salafi Islam – adherants to the earliest fundamentals


1. Muhammad (570 - 632)

A. His Birth and Childhood: Little reliable information is known, but he was born in Mecca. His father died before his birth and his mother died when he was six.

B. His First Marriage: At the age of 25 (in 605), he married

_______________________________, fifteen years older than himself, and when she died he went on to marry ______________ other wives. Some of these caused him much trouble and scandal. His favorite wife, Ayesha, was more jealous of the dead Khadijah than any of the other living wives, for Mohammed looked to her as his model wife. The Quran in Sura 4:3 limits the number of wives to four, and in Sura 4:31 marrying one’s daughter-in-law was forbidden. Muhammad’s seventh wife was his ex-daughter-in-law.

C. His Prophetic Call

1. ________________________________ the archangel

called to Mohammed in a trance in the solitude. The year was 610.

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2. He waited for other visions, but none came, so he returned to Mount Hira, this time to commit ___________________. When he went to the precipice, Gabriel again appeared to him and said, "I am Gabriel, and thou art Muhammad, the prophet of God. Fear not!"

3. Muhammad began to preach to others and gathered a

few converts, __________________________ (his first wife), his cousin Ali, and his friend Abu Bakr. His basic message consisted of belief in the one sovereign God, resurrection, and the last judgment.

4. Most in Mecca rejected his message of God’s oneness.

In Mecca was the Kaa’ba, a building famous for its 360 idols. One of these was the ____________ ___________. Muhammad’s message gave rise to some persecution against his monotheism. In order to win support among his opponents, he proclaimed that the favorite deities of al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat (supposedly Allah’s daughters), could be considered divine beings whose intercession was effective with God. Muhammad soon believed his own words were from Satan, however (Martin, p.438-439; these became known as the “Satanic verses,” Sura 73: 19,20).

5. Muhammad’s continued mystical experiences led to an

increase of Meccan opposition. D. His Flight to _____________________________ (622)

1. His success at Medina: In Medina he became an able diplomat and politician. He unified varying Arab clans and warring factions. He drew up a legal document bringing about peace and also acknowledged himself as a prophet.

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2. In order to survive, Muhammad and other Meccan emigrants raided commercial Meccan caravans.

3. This led to three battles between Mecca and Medina:

a. The Battle of Badr: The Muslim’s were outnumbered three to one (10,000 to 3,000) and defeated the Meccans (626-627 AD).

b. The Battle of Uhud: The Meccans defeat the Muslims, but not entirely.

c. The Siege of Medina: It was a silent victory for Muhammad.

4. After this, Muhammad attacked the last Jewish tribe in

Medina based upon suspicion they had plotted with Mecca against him. Hundreds (previous editions of Kingdom of the Cults say 800 were killed) of male Jews were killed and the women and children were sold into slavery. (p.441)

E. The Conquest of _______________________ (630).

1. In 630 he re-entered Mecca and conquered it with little resistance.

2. In Mecca was a temple, or Kaaba. The Kaaba houses

a black stone along with 360 other idols. Long before Muhammad, pious Arabs came to the Kaaba in Mecca to kiss the black stone. Muhammad cleansed the Kaaba of its 360 idols. The only idol that remains is the black stone, that Muslims now come to in order to kiss.

3. After the surrender of Mecca, other tribes in the Arabian

peninsula professed their allegiance to the prophet.

A. In 632 Muhammad ___________________, after leading an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca and delivering his final address.

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B. After Muhammad’s death, Islam continued its rapid spread through the _______________________________. Contrast this with the spread of the first century church that spread through the power of the Holy Spirit inspite of persecution and death.

C. Muhammad’s Place in Islam

1. Muhammad is considered the ___________________

_______________. He is not considered a divine being.

2. “He was the most eloquent and the most perfect mankind in every variety of perfection.” (p.85, Answering Islam)

3. His Military Career a. Muhammad personally led 27 raids

b. Muhammad authorized 38 other major battles, many lesser raids, assassinations and executions.

`` c. The Example of Muhammad - Words

“I am commanded by Allah to go and _________________ all the people of the world until they confess there is no God but Allah, and I am his messenger, and to pray five times a day and to give alms. And if they do that, their blood will be spared from me.”

Haddith (Bukhari)

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Qur’an 9:29)

4. They hold that the Old and New Testament’s contain

clear prophecies about Muhammad.

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a. Deuteronomy 18:15-18. Is Muhammad Jewish?

The coming One had to be from among their brethren.

b. John 14:16, Muslim scholars say that the

________________ _____________________ is Muhammad. Has Muhammad come to be with a Muslim “forever?”

5. Muslims uniformly confirm that miracles confirm

Muhammad’s claim to be a prophet, but many Muslim defenders claim that his only miracles were the Suras of the Koran.

a. Most of his alleged “miracles” are mere tradition,

and there is ________ _________________ that is an established fact in the Koran or in history.

b. Some Muslims offer Muhammad’s military victories as miracles. Muhammad promised Paradise for the efforts of the Muslim soldiers (Heaven a place of sensual delight in Koran, Sura 56:12-38, Sura 55:50-70).

4. The ___________________________ The Koran is the most powerful rival to the Bible in the world; it is a mock revelation referring to “another Jesus” (2 Cor.11:4) and without a sacrifice for sin.

A. Muslim beliefs about the Koran: Muslims believe the Koran is the direct revelation of Allah, and not merely the words of Allah through a prophet. The Koran is inspired, errorless, eternal, and the final revelation to mankind. Muhammad claimed it was the ultimate ________________________ __________________, that its literary style shows it is inspired, and that an “illiterate prophet” could not produce such a work apart from divine inspiration. Muhammad

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received this revelation from Gabriel the archangel. It consists of 114 Suras and 6,225 verses. The Koran is the “eternal speech of God” and “an expression of the divine will” (Geisler, p.135).

B. An examination to these claims:

1. There is no logical connection between literary

eloquence and divine authority. Many disagree that the Koran is a literary masterpiece. Most think it is a toilsome, wearisome, and confused jumble of words.

2. There is evidence to suggest that Muhammad was not


3. While the Koran does teach the virgin birth happened, it denies foundational Bible truth:

a. Denies _______________________________, (Sura

4:157), but most Muslims believe Jesus was assumed into Paradise (Sura 4:158).

b. Denies Christ’s ________________ and says those who believe this will have their abode in hell, Sura 5:72-73.

c. Denies the ___________________ of God, Sura 5:72,73.

“Issues like the Trinity, the Divinity of Christ and the Crucifixion, so central to Christian beliefs, have no place in Islamic faith, having been categorically refuted by the Quran.” (Ahmed Zaki Yamani, Muslim scholar)

4. There are no supernatural predictions or _____________ in the Koran.

5. There are inconsistencies in the Koran:

“Let there be no compulsion in religions”, Sura 2:256

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“Fight those who believe not” (Sura 9:29), and “fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them.” (Sura 9:5).

6. To deal with these inconsistencies, they have the

teaching of ___________________________. That is, one Sura can supersede another when it was written after a previous Sura. Sura 9, the “Sura of the ______________________” abrogates previous Suras.

(The Islamic teaching of abrogation is far different from the Bible teaching of different dispensations and progressive revelation. The Koran was written over a brief period of time and does not give the history of the world from Creation to the Consummation, p.445).

7. There are ______________________ inaccuracies: The Koran states that human beings are formed from a clot of blood: “Then we made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood: then of that clot we made a lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh.” (Sura 23:14)

8. The Koran teaches that is confirms the “previous

Scriptures.” (Sura 5:53). The Koran teaches not to befriend Jews or Christians. “If any one of you taketh them for his friends, he surely is one of them! God will not guide the evil doers” (Sura 5:57). The Koran does not teach that Jerusalem is the City of God, that Jesus died on the cross, or rose again.

4. Islam and the __________________________ The Koran calls the Bible the “book of God,” the “Word of God,” “a light and guidance to man,” and “a decision for all matters.” Nevertheless, Muslims teach that the Koran displaces all previous revelations and that the Torah, Zabur (Psalms of David) and the Injil

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(Gospels) have been tampered with and therefore are not reliable. Muslims believe:

A. The Bible’s Text has been _____________________ (tabdil).

B. __________________ ________________ have crept into Christian teaching:

1. They deny the Incarnation of Christ.

2. They deny the _______________________________,

resurrection and Deity of Jesus Christ .

Sura 5:72,73, “Infidels now are they who say, “God is the

Messiah, son of Mary,”…Whoever shall join other gods

with God, God shall forbid him the Garden, and his abode

shall be the fire; and the wicked shall have no helpers.”

3. They deny the Tri-unity of God.

4. They deny the doctrine of ________________________.

C. What can you say to a Muslim?

1. Ask a Muslim, Can the words of ____________________ ________________? He must say YES, for alleged quotes of Jesus are given in Koran, “For the Messiah said, O children of Israel! Worship God, my Lord and Your Lord” (Sura 5:75).

2. Ask a Muslim if the Bible when ______________

___________________ was trustworthy. He must say YES, for Sura 10:94 says,

“And if you art in doubt as to what we have sent down to thee, inquire at those who have read the Scriptures before thee. Now hath the truth come unto thee from thy Lord: be not therefore of those who doubt.”

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Christians and Muslims were obligated ________ ________________________ the New Testament of Muhammad’s day (seventh century).

3. Show a Muslim that the New Testament teaches that

the original words that God inspired will be preserved throughout all ages, Matt.5:18. A “jot” is the smallest ______________________ in the Hebrew alphabet and the “Tittle” is the smallest distinguishing _____________ between two Hebrew letters. Challenge him that the wealth of manuscript evidence (over 5,300 manuscripts) proves that the Bible we have ___________________ is the same Bible that existed in the days of Muhammad.

4. Islam and God Sura 112 deals with the question, “_____________ _______ _________.” Allah is the ________________ ______________________ for God in Islam. There are twenty different views to the derivation of the name, Allah. Most probably it is from the root which means “to worship.” In Islam, Allah is the First and the Last. He is great and it is impossible to know and comprehend Him and the concept of a loving and Holy God is not emphasized. He is unique and nothing resembles him in any way. God is absolutely One and in Sovereign control. Muhammad said “Verily there are ninety-nine names of God and whoever recites them shall enter Paradise.” Sura 59:22-24 says, God is He, than whom There is no other god; who knows things visible and invisible: He is the Compassionate, the Merciful. HE is God beside whom there is no god: He is the King, the Holy, the Peaceful, the Faithful, the Guardian, the Mighty, the Strong, the Most High! Far be the glory of God from that which they unite with Him! He is God, the Producer, the Maker, the Fashioner! TO Him are ascribed excellent titles. Whatever is in the heavens and in the earth praiseth Him. He is the Might, the Wise!

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The goal of a good Muslim is not to know God and become more conformed to His character (Phil.3:10; 2 Cor.3:17) but to understand Allah’s will and become obedient to his commands. Allah is unknowable and totally different. “He is neither physical nor spirit” (Martin, p.444).

A. Muslims deny the ___________________________ of God. The God and Father of the Bible has a Son, Psalm 2:7,12. Allah has no Son.

B. Muslims deny that man is made in the _______________

_________________________, Gen.1:26,27. C. Muslims deny the Names of the God of the Bible:

1. The Koran never uses the name __________________ (LORD, GOD in KJV). The name for God appears over 6,800 times in the OT.

2. The Koran never uses the name, ___________________

or Lord. This name for God appears over 2,500 times in the Bible.

D. Muslims deny the salvation of the God of the Bible: The God

of the Bible chose salvation to come through the Jewish nation, John 4:22. The god of the Koran commands Muslims, “Take not the Jews and Christians as friends” (Sura 5:54).

E. Muslims deny that _________________________ is the City of

God. The God of the Bible chose Jerusalem as His Holy City and Jesus will rule on David’s throne in Jerusalem, 2 Sam.7:16. Allah, on the other hand, never mentions Jerusalem directly. Mecca is the heart of Islam, and Mecca is not mentioned in the Bible. No believer in the One True God ever journeyed to Mecca to engage in idolatry and kiss the black stone in the Kaaba.

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Jerusalem is considered a holy site to Muslims, however, just after Mecca and Medina. Sura 17:1 tells of a mystical journey by a vision Muhammed had from Mecca to Jerusalem, spoken of a mosque to a remote place. Some believe Muhammed was literally transported from Mecca to Jerusalem.

5. Islam and Jesus Christ

A. Along with Adam, Noah, Moses, and Muhammad, Muslims teach that Jesus is a _______________________. B. The Koran teaches Jesus is a great and unique man (See p.447):

1. Muslims believe Jesus did ______________________. Sura

5:110). This Sura also teaches Jesus turned clay figurines in-to actual birds. This “miracle” is not found in the Gospels, but in the heretical “Gnostic Gospel”, The Infancy Gospel of Thomas. (This seems to indicate that Muhammed had ac-cess to Gnostic Gospels and apocryphal writings which are not true).

2. Jesus was _________________________ 3. Jesus was called the _________________ and born of a

_______________________(Sura 3:45-57; 19:16-21) 4. Jesus ascended to heaven.

C. They deny His deity and most Muslims deny He died on the cross, believing He was taken bodily into heaven without dying. Some are so opposed to the crucifixion of Christ that they label it demonic. Ibn Taymiyya delcared that “the first goal of the demon is to lead people astray by delivering to them false information, as did the one who informed the apostles that he was Christ who was crucified” (Geisler, p.273).

Sura 4:157, And for their saying, Verily we have slain the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, an apostle of God. Yet they slew him not,

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and they crucified him not, but they had only his likeness. And they who differed about him were in doubt concerning him: No sure knowledge had they about him, but followed only an opinion, and they did not really slay him, but God took him up to Himself. Some say that when Jesus was arrested the soldiers confused him with Judas and the two Jews got mixed up in the dark. Judas died instead of Jesus! Would Judas say on the way to the cross, “Weep not for me…?” Would Judas say from the cross, “Father forgive them…?” How absurd to make such a suggestion!

A. Two main reasons for Islamic denial of the crucifixion of Christ are:

1. A ______________________ ________________ would have

prevented crucifixion. 2. Man does not need a ________________________________.

Muslims deny the doctrine of depravity or that man is born with original sin.

B. How we know that Jesus did die:

1. The TENACH (Old Testament) predicted the death of Je-

sus Christ, Isaiah 53, Psalm 22.

2. Jesus announced during his earthly life he would die as a ransom for many, Mark 8:31, Mark 10:45, Matt.17:22,23.

3. The nature and extent of the suffering of Jesus as well as

the nature of the crucifixion assure His actual death, John 19:34.

4. The Roman soldiers knew he was dead and Pilate dou-

ble checked to make sure Jesus was dead, Mark 15:44,45.

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5. Non-Christian historians from the first and second centu-ries recorded the death of Jesus:

a) Josephus wrote, “Pilate, at the suggestion of the princi-

pal men among us, had condemned him to the cross.” b) Tacitus wrote, “a wise man who was called Je-

sus…Pilate condemned Him to be condemned and to die.”

c) According to Julius Africanus (A.D. 221), the first century

historian, Thallus (A.D.52) wrote, “when discussing the darkness which fell upon the land during the crucifixion of Christ…”

6. The Early Christians in the first and second centuries be-

lieved in the historical death and resurrection of Christ and were willing to even die for their faith.

7. Islam and Jihad The Koran teaches conflicting things regarding “JIHAD.” Some Su-ras teach violent warfare: (p. 114-115,123; 328 in The Koran.) Others like Sura 2:256, “let there be on compulsion in religion.” How are these reconciled? They use the life of Mohammed. The at-titude of peace was necessary for him to gain the cooperation of Jewish tribes and Christians when Mohammed was in the minority. When his popularity increased, he launched out against those who did not believe he was Allah’s prophet. Muslims in America use this tactic. They live by Surah 2:256; Let there by no compulsion in religion. They labor and work for their re-ligious rights, and they use our freedoms against us. They use their religious privileges in schools and society. They integrate them-selves into the social fabric, law enforcement community, school PTA boards, local political clubs, etc.

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When Muslims are living in the minority, fighting is FORBIDDEN; when their power increases it become PERMITTED; when they are in the majority, it is OBLIGATORY. When they have enough power politically and militarily they will sub-jugate unbelievers to Sharia Law and practice holy war “to fight against the friends of Satan.” We know that Mohammed was a mili-tary conqueror; 66 battles were fought during his lifetime by his ar-my; he personally led 27 of them. A Muslim defines words differently than a Christian. A Muslim says PEACE and he means all the world is under Sharia Law (not necessarily that all are Muslims, but that all are submissive to Sharia Law.) A Muslim says HUMAN RIGHTS and means that Sharia Law is the standard for human rights. Whereas we say our rights are inaliena-ble (given by God) and based on Natural Law; a Muslim says we have no natural rights, only the rights that Sharia allows. A Muslim says RACISM and means any defamation of Islam. That alone is racism. A Muslim says he is against TERRORISM and he means that he is against the killing of a Muslim without just cause. These words defined in this way are the legal definitions according to the Organization of Islamic Countries in the UN. This is 57 Muslim countries, and this is their official definition. The Difference between Moderate Islam (Muslim Brotherhood, Or-ganization of the Islamic countries) and Al Quada is “___________________ _________ ______________________.” In other words, they want the same goal: Sharia Law. But they do not think Al Queda’s timing and tactic are proper. The “war of muscle” is not to be fought until they win the war of will.

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There is an unholy alliance between the hard left politicians and radi-cal Islam. We have sanitized our language and removed words like terrorist, Al Queda, Hamas, jihad, Sharia Law, and other such words. We cannot defeat an enemy we have not defined. 8. Islam and Salvation Islam denies human depravity, and therefore believes that a man may be saved by good works. Islam believes that man is fundamen-tally good and that God loves and forgives those who obey his will. They do not believe man must be “redeemed, converted, or born again.” Instead, they say that a man must be restored and return to God, and remember that there is a God. The Koran teaches that a salvation comes to a man through faith (iman) and action (amal).

A. Islamic FAITH

1. In the Oneness of God and his attributes 2. In the Prophet Muhammad 3. In the Koran as the Word of God 4. In life after death 5. In Qadar, that God decrees all that occurs

B. Islamic ACTION (Pillars of Islam)

1. The Shahadah (The Confession) 2. Five daily prayers 3. Almsgiving 4. Fasting 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (at least once in the lifetime) 6. Jihad, or Holy War (Not all Muslims)

C. What Does the Bible Teach

1. Man is Sinfully Depraved, that is, unable to save himself, Rom.3:10,23

2. Man’s sin deserves the punishment of death and hell, Rom.6:23

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3. God sent His Son to pay the debt of sin through death on the cross, Rom.5:8

4. Jesus Christ rose again in order to justify us by grace through faith, Rom.4:24-Rom.5:2

5. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to the believing sinner on the basis of God’s grace, Rom.10:9-13.

9. Witnessing to a Muslim A. Be a good listener & do not get into an argument. B. Show respect to your faith. Handle the Bible with care. C. Emphasize the importance of the virgin birth of Jesus as the

Quran teaches this important doctrine. D. Center your witness on Jesus, His Gospel, stories from His life. E. Share what Jesus means to you F. Discuss man’s sin and his need of a Savior. G. Do not defend the loose morals of the western world but rather

condemn them. H. Be sensitive to cultural differences: Don’t cross your legs when

you are sinning in from of a Muslim as showing the bottom of your shoe is considered offensive.

Final Note: In 1786, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson met with Arab diplomats from Tuni-sia, who were conducting terror raids and piracy against American ships (Barba-ry Pirates). Writing to John Jay, Thomas Jefferson described what he saw as the main issue and the reason why they were attacking Americans who had done them no harm. The following quote is from Thomas Jefferson.... “We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretensions to make war upon a Nation who had done them no Injury, and ob-served that we considered all mankind as our Friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation. THE AMBASSADOR ANSWERED US THAT IT WAS FOUNDED ON THE LAWS OF THEIR PROPHET, THAT IT WAS WRITTEN IN THEIR KORAN, THAT ALL NATIONS WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED THEIR AUTHORITY WERE SINNERS, THAT IT WAS THEIR RIGHT AND DUTY TO MAKE WAR UPON THEM WHEREVER THEY COULD BE FOUND, AND TO MAKE SLAVES OF ALL THEY COULD TAKE AS PRISONERS, AND THAT EVERY MUSSELMAN (MUSLIM) WHO SHOULD BE SLAIN IN BAT-TLE WAS SURE TO GO TO PARADISE”