the corporation paper - business ethics and media

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  • 7/30/2019 The Corporation Paper - Business Ethics and Media


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    Summer Biggs

    Professor Innes Mitchell

    Media Communications

    1 February 2012

    The Corporation and The Crisis in Journalism Response Paper

    The Corporation, a film by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, and Joel Bakan and The Crisis

    in Journalism, a book chapter from The Death and Life of American Journalism go hand in hand

    by showing how media is changing. Tension between journalism and commerce, buyouts,

    layoffs, downsizings, lack of public control, and the corporate agenda are all concerns our

    society has began to deal with in the 21st century. These concerns seem to be well known but the

    public is unaware of the degree and the long-term consequences these issues hold.

    After watching the documentary, I was very surprised at how much I didnt know about

    modern corporations. I felt strange because I now feel like I dont know the truth. These big

    name corporations that we all are so familiar with, and who we choose to trust, are completely

    profit driven and will lie, perform immoral acts, and manipulate consumers. I thought it was

    perfect the way the filmmakers listed the characteristics of corporations, gave specific examples,

    and then connected these criteria to the behaviors of a a psychopath. In The Seven Deadly Sins

    of Corporate Doubletalk, Larry Alexandercompiles a similar list. Ignoring major social

    problems, placing the blame on someone else, discrediting outside critics, firing troublemakers,

    suppressing information, countering with a PR campaign, and denying charges all are all

    connected with the major theme from the film of corporations only concern with short term

    profit and their stockholders. Alexander shows how each one of these sins is detrimental to

    long-term success. Many of these sins initially seem to work, which reinforces a companys

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    belief that its response is correct. Unfortunately, they often backfire in the long run when the

    true picture emerges and the company is exposed for some inappropriate behavior (Alexander).

    It makes me wonder what loyalty means to corporations and at what point is too far.

    The passages that created the most impact on me were about the sweatshops in Honduras,

    Bangladesh and China. The footage shown of the young girls working in the factories was

    astonishing. I couldnt believe that when corporations realize they cant do any more in a

    country, they move onto the next desperate lot because the wages are too high and people are no

    longer desperate. Its the principle of exploitation that is so astounding. This represents the

    films arguments ofharm to workers, unconcern for feelings of others, and the incapability of

    maintaining enduring relationships.

    The most lasting impression I got from the film was the concept ofgenerational

    tyranny and taxation without representation. The Corporation discussed how our generation is

    leaving a horrible legacy of diminishment of the environment for our grandchildrens

    grandchildren. I really liked the metaphor of the first people to try and fly. The person thinks

    they are flying because the ground is so far away but in reality, he is just in free fall. The false

    perception we have of our unlimited resources is a scary thing to think about. Just like in the

    metaphor, the ground is coming up fast and we need to find a way to slow it down, or ultimately

    keep from hitting the bottom. This part of the film made me realize that the responsibility is on

    all of us. It isnt fair to take from the earth something that belongs to future generations as well.

    It will be their home, just as much as it is ours now.

    The purpose of this film is to inform the public about the nature of modern corporations

    and to raise awareness about the need for media reform. I think that the filmmakers ofThe

    Corporation were very effective in their communication strategies. Their argument was sound

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    based on the ethos, logos and pathos used. The ethos came from the credibility of the interview

    subjects. From the forty subjects interviewed, there were CEOs and executives from a wide

    variety of industries like oil, manufacturing, branding, advertising and undercover marketing.

    Academics, historians and critics were also included. In terms of logos, the documentary was

    filled with statistics, actual footage, court decisions, and excerpts from news and business

    reports. The variety of information and the way they compared public perception to actual

    events was very successful in my opinion. And finally, the use of pathos played a huge part in

    the impact the filmmakers wanted to create. They wanted to make the viewer feel a sense of

    realization, astonishment, and fear. These reactions are central to the purpose of the film, which

    is to get people to act on these emotions and become part of the solution.

    The purpose ofThe Crisis in Journalism is to acknowledge the problem surrounding the

    newspaper industry and to outline the future of journalism. I also think the authors of this book

    were effective in getting their message across to the readers. They broke up the chapter with

    their main points in question form, and then answered the question, giving the chapter a Q&A

    feel. This allows people to quickly see what they want to know; question, answer, problem, and

    solution. They also used studies, quotes, charts and graphs to back up their claims and to

    represent their argument in a variety of ways.

    The intended audience of both the film and the book chapter are men and women ages 18

    to 60. I think both works are trying to target adults in general. The older adults are included

    because they are the ones who are concerned about corporate power and the death of

    newspapers. They are the ones who have experienced better times, when the public had more

    control over corporations and when the Internet didnt threaten journalism. They are looking for

    answers. On the other hand, the younger adults in this target audience are the ones who need to

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    be informed. Generally, teenagers and young adults arent concerned about these topics. The

    filmmakers ofThe Corporation and the authors ofThe Crisis in Journalism must reach out to

    these people, in hopes that the upcoming generation will take action. I do consider myself to be

    part of the intended audience because I am a potential solution.

    From watching The Corporation, I have learned about marketing and advertising

    techniques that seem to raise some issues. The nag factor is how kids get their parents to buy

    the things they want. The documentary discusses the nagging study that has parents record every

    time their child nagged them for a product. It was designed to help corporations help children to

    nag more effectively. Companies are in a way, manipulating children into buying their products.

    Food marketing expenditures aimed at children increased from $6.9 billion in 1992 to $15

    billion in 2002 - this includes advertising for such items as cheese crackers, pasta, cereals,

    sweetened snacks, Oscar Mayer 'Lunchables' and Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, as well as fast-food

    restaurants (Spake 2003) (Bridges). It is clearly an effective strategy, but is it ethical? There is

    debate over if it is okay for marketers to play towards childrens developmental stages.

    From the film, I have learned that our society is starting to see the world in terms of

    commodities. The film uses the examples of water being privatized in Bolivia. It is amazing

    that someone could charge families for such a basic human need. Although not as extreme as the

    example of water, commodifying information is also becoming an issue. It is an anomaly that

    information, the one thing most necessary to our survival as choosers of our own way, should be

    a commodity subject to the same merchandising rules as chewing gum (Jackson). This is

    exactly why the media reform movement is so important. The media are now a political issue.

    And not just that, but its understood as a keystone issue like a keystone species, s omething that

    critically affects virtually everything else we care about (Jackson).

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    My perceptions of the media, private corporations, government and American society

    have changed after watching the film and reading The Crisis in Journalism mostly because I

    have now become aware. Ive learned that the media is in trouble. In the book chapter, it

    emphasizes the consequences of the loss of newspapers. If the daily newspaper disappears, other

    forms of news that are living on it will be weakened. I strongly believe that media reform is

    necessary. I think I could see myself getting involved in a media reform movement at some

    point in my life. A lot of progress is ahead in terms of this issue but we have to look at the

    accomplishments made so far as well. People are aware of media reform, which is an

    achievement in itself. The part that will take work is getting people to do something about it.

    Taking action is the next step. With people getting informed by sources like The Corporation

    and The Crisis in Journalism, we are moving towards this next step.

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    Works Cited

    Alexander, Larry D. "The Seven Deadly Sins Of Corporate Doubletalk."Business & SocietyReview (00453609) 48 (1984):Business Source Complete. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.

    Bridges, Eileen, and Richard A. Briesch. "The 'Nag Factor' And Children's Product Categories."International Journal Of Advertising25.2 (2006): 157-187.Business Source Complete.Web. 31 Jan. 2012.

    Jackson, Janine. "Media Reform For What?."Extra! 19.1 (2006): 5. Communication & MassMedia Complete. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.