the controversial nobel prize for peace

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  • 8/10/2019 The Controversial Nobel Prize for Peace


    The Controversial Nobel Prize for Peace

    By Ali Sukhanver-October 17, !1"

    #ust a

    fe$ %ays back, &avi% S$anson, a $ell kno$n A'erican (ournalist an% a hu'an ri)htsactivist *enne% %o$n an article, +A)ain the Peace Prize Not for Peace The to*ic of this

    article is a$ar%in) of the Nobel Prize for Peace to .alala /usafzai an% 0ailash

    Satyarthi e says in this article, +Accor%in) to Alfre% Nobels $ill the Nobel Peace

    Prize 'ust )o to the *erson $ho has %one the best $ork for fraternity bet$een nations,

    for the abolition or re%uction of stan%in) ar'ies an% for the hol%in) an% *ro'otion of

    *eace con)resses The *ersons $ho' the Nobel Prize !1" has been a$ar%e% to have

    not $orke% for fraternity bet$een nations or the abolition or re%uction of stan%in)

    ar'ies but for the ri)hts of chil%ren Ne2t he raises so'e ob(ections $ith *articular

    reference to .alala /usafzai e says, +.alala /usafzai beca'e a celebrity in 3estern'e%ia because she $as a victi' of %esi)nate% ene'ies of 3estern e'*ire a% she

    been a victi' of the )overn'ents of Sau%i Arabia or 4srael or any other kin)%o' or

    %ictatorshi* bein) use% by 3estern )overn'ents, $e $oul% not have hear% so 'uch

    about her sufferin) an% her noble $ork 3ere she *ri'arily an a%vocate for the

    chil%ren bein) trau'atize% by %rone strikes in /e'en or Pakistan, she% be virtually

    unkno$n to 5S television au%iences

    4t is not only &avi% S$anson6 there are countless others $ho have their reservations

    over the %ecision of a$ar%in) the Nobel Prize to .alala because they think there are so'any others $ho %eserve this *rize 'ore than .alala eor)e allo$ay, a reno$ne%

    British *olitician says, +4f .alala ha% been 'ur%ere% in a 5S %rone strike, the 50

    'e%ia $oul% never have tol% you her na'e So'eone co''entin) u*on the Nobel

    Prize a$ar%e% to .alala sai%, +4f .alala is blesse% $ith the Nobel Prize (ust because the

    Taliban trie% to 'ur%er her, an a$ar% 'ust also be )iven to Abeer 8asi' a'za al-

    #anabi Abeer $as a 1"-year-ol% 4ra9i )irl She $as )an) ra*e% by five 5S Ar'y

    sol%iers an% kille% in her house in /usufiyah :4ra9; in !!

  • 8/10/2019 The Controversial Nobel Prize for Peace


    'ur%ere% after her *arents an% si2-year-ol% sister a%eel 8asi' a'za $ere kille%

    4n short, the $estern 'e%ia is re*lete $ith the co''ents a)ainst the %ecision of

    a$ar%in) the Nobel Prize to .alala A silent ty*e of 'ove'ent to %isre*ute an%

    %efa'e .alala as a tool in the han%s of the 3est is successfully runnin) This all is (ust

    because .alala belon)s to Pakistan The 'ore astonishin) reality is that %urin) all

    such %iscussions one never fin%s any ob(ection on the na'e of 0ailash Satyarthi Theonly reason of this silence over his na'e is that he belon)s to 4n%ia 5nfortunately our

    'e%ia-'en in Pakistan are so *re-occu*ie% that they %ont have a'*le ti'e to counter

    this heinous *ro*a)an%a 'ove A%'iration an% accusation at the sa'e ti'e reflects an

    unethical behaviour 0ailash Satyarthi is $ell kno$n for his Non overn'ental

    Or)anization Bach*an Bachao An%olan e foun%e% this or)anization in 1=>! an%

    since then has been %oin) untirin) efforts to *rotect the ri)hts of 'ore than >?,!!!

    chil%ren fro' 1"" countries is services to the sufferin) chil%ren are no %oubt

    a**reciable an% a%'irable an% certainly $ei)htier than those of .alala 4n%ia 'ust be

    *rou% of such a *recious 'an $ho is an 4n%ian by nationality but *ossesses

    characteristics $hich are alto)ether +5n-4n%ian 0ailash Satyarthi is a sy'bol of care

    an% sy'*athy for the ailin) hu'anity thou)h his country 4n%ia is a sy'bol of reli)ious,

    racial an% ethnic *re(u%ices The $orst e2a'*le of her +narro$-'in%e% *artiality $as

    observe% a fe$ %ays back $hen the 'e'bers of a Pakistani %ele)ation $ere fine% @ "!

    *er *artici*ant for 'issin) Police re*ortin) This Pakistani %ele)ation $as there to

    atten% a tra%e e2hibition at Ne$ &elhi fro' 11 to 1" Se*te'ber As *er visa *rotocols

    of year !1, both 4n%ia an% Pakistan are boun% to )ive business visas 2e'*tion

    fro' Police e*ortin)D This non-coo*erative an% a))ressive attitu%e to$ar%s Pakistan

    reflects the *olicy $hich has ever been very %ear to the 4n%ian Pri'e .inister .o%i 4f

    so'eone like 0ailash Satyarthi $ere the Pri'e .inister of 4n%ia, the Pakistani%ele)ation 'i)ht not have receive% such an insultin) an% %e)ra%in) +$elco'e at the

    han%s of 4n%ian authorities

    A)ain the Peace Prize Not for Peace

    By davidswanson- Posted on10 October 2014

    The Nobel Peace Prize is required by AlfredNobel's will, which created it, to go to "the personwho shall have done the most or the best wor
  • 8/10/2019 The Controversial Nobel Prize for Peace


    for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standingarmies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses!" The Nobelommittee insists on awarding the prize to either a leading maer of war ora person who has done some good wor in an area other thanpeace!

    The #$%& prize has been awarded to ailash (atyarthi and )alala

    *ousafzay, which is not a person but two people, and they have not woredfor fraternity between nations or the abolition or reduction of standingarmies but for the rights of children! +f the peace prize is to be a prize forrandom good wors, then there is no reason not to give it to leadingadvocates for the rights of children! This is a big step up from giving it toleading maers of war! ut then what of the prize for peace and the missionof ending war that Nobel included in his will in ful-llment of a promise toertha von (uttner.

    )alala *ousafzay became a celebrity in /estern media because she was avictim of designated enemies of /estern empire! 0ad she been a victim of

    the governments of (audi Arabia or +srael or any other ingdom ordictatorship being used by /estern governments, we would not have heardso much about her su1ering and her noble wor! /ere she primarily anadvocate for the children being traumatized by drone stries in *emen orPaistan, she'd be virtually unnown to 2!(! television audiences!

    ut )alala recounted her meeting with 2!(! President arac 3bama a yearago and said, "+ also e4pressed my concerns that drone attacs are fuelingterrorism! +nnocent victims are illed in these acts, and they lead toresentment among the Paistani people! +f we refocus e1orts on education,it will mae a big impact!" (o, she actually advocated pursuing educationrather than war, and yet the Nobel ommittee had not a word to say aboutthat in announcing its selection, focusing on eliminating child labor ratherthan on eliminating war! The possibility e4ists then that either of this year'srecipients might give an antiwar acceptance speech! There has, after all,only been one pro5war acceptance speech, and that was from President3bama! ut many speeches have been unrelated to abolishing war!

    6redri (! 0e1ermehl, who has led e1orts to compel the Nobel ommitteeto give the peace prize for peace, said on 6riday, ")alala *ousafzay is acourageous, bright and impressive person! 7ducation for girls is important

    and child labor a horrible problem! /orthy causes, but the committee onceagain maes a false pretense of loyalty to Nobel and confuses and concealsthe plan for world peace that Nobel intended to support!

    "+f they had wished to be loyal to Nobel they would have stressed that)alala often has spoen out against weapons and military with a -neunderstanding of how ordinary people su1er from militarism! *oung peoplesee this more clearly than the grown ups!"

  • 8/10/2019 The Controversial Nobel Prize for Peace


    The leading contenders for this year's prize, as speculated in the media,included the Pope who has in fact spoen against all war, abandoning the"8ust war" idea9 and some advocate or other for :apan's Article Nine whichforbids war and ought to be a model for other nations but is beingthreatened in :apan instead! These recipients would at least have borderedon Nobel's ideal, as perhaps might be said for last year's recipient, the

    3rganisation for the Prohibition of hemical /eapons!

    Also on the list was a ;ussian newspaper supportive of /estern aggression,the President of 2ruguay for legalizing mari8uana, 7dward (nowden forleaing evidence of 2!(! spying, The 7uropean 2nion7llen :ohnson (irleaf, =eymah ?bowee and Tawaol arman=iu @iaoboarac 0! 3bama)artti Ahtisaari+ntergovernmental Panel on limate hange +PB and Albert Arnold AlB

    ?ore :r!)uhammad *unus and ?rameen an

    There you have the two leading maers of war in the world> 3bama and the7!2! *ou have advocates for green energy and small loans and women'srights and human rights! )artti Ahtisaari's prize announcement actuallyquoted from Nobel's will, but he himself supported NAT3 and /esternmilitarism!

    /hile good wor in other areas can in fact contribute to peace, it is unlielyto do so in the absence of recognition of the goal of peace and of wor

    directly aimed at abolishing war!The National Priorities Pro8ect, a 2!(! organization that actually worsagainst militarism, was nominated this year, as no doubt were othersrelevant to the purpose for which the peace prize was created!