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Page 1: The Complete Book of Dwarves - · Chapter 1: The Creation of Dwarves 7 Chapter 2: The Dwarf Subraces 12 Hill Dwarves 12




Page 2: The Complete Book of Dwarves - · Chapter 1: The Creation of Dwarves 7 Chapter 2: The Dwarf Subraces 12 Hill Dwarves 12

AfivapcedPlayer's Handbook °^ Edition Rules Supplement

TheComplete Book



Written by Jim BambraEdited by Doug StewartIllustrated in color by Brom, Clyde Caldwell,

Larry Elmore and Keith ParkinsonIllustrated in black and white by Larry Elmore and

Karl WallerTypeset by Gaye O'KeefeIcons by Laurie Yockey

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Page 3: The Complete Book of Dwarves - · Chapter 1: The Creation of Dwarves 7 Chapter 2: The Dwarf Subraces 12 Hill Dwarves 12

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Chapter 1: The Creation of Dwarves 7

Chapter 2: The Dwarf Subraces 12Hill Dwarves 12Mountain Dwarves 12Deep Dwarves 13Sundered Dwarves 14Duergar (Gray Dwarves) 14Gully Dwarves 15Chapter 3: Your Life as a Dwarf 17Dwarf Clans 17Loyalties 20World View 20Dwarven Crafts 20Dwarves and Humor 21Wealth 21Crafts 22Individualism 22Emotions 23Attitudes Toward Other Races 23War to the Death 23Isolationism 24Dwarven Hearths 24Dwarves' Diet 26Clothing 27Music and Singing 27

Chapter 4: Character Creation 28Hill Dwarves 30Mountain Dwarves 30Deep Dwarves 30Duergar 31Sundered Dwarves 33Gully Dwarves 33Ability Score Modifiers 34Other Characteristics 36

Chapter 5: Proficiencies 38Acquiring Proficiencies 38Weapon Proficiencies and Specialization 38Nonweapon Proficiency Groups 38Nonweapon Proficiencies 40Dwarven Detection Proficiencies 48

Chapter 6: Dwarf Kits 49The Composition of the Kits 49Warrior Kits 50

Animal Master 50Axe For Hire 51Clansdwarf 52Hearth Guard 53Battlerager 54Highborn 57Outcast 58Rapid Response Rider 59Sharpshooter 60

Priest Kits 61Crafts Priests 61Pariah 62Patrician 63Ritual Priest 64

Warrior/Priest Kits 64Champion 64Temple Guard 65

Vindicator 66Thief Kits 67

Diplomat 67Entertainer 67Locksmith 68Pest Controller 68

Warrior/Thief Kits 69Ghetto Fighter 69Trader .70Vermin Slayer 71Wayfinder 72

Chapter 7: Role Playing and Personalities 74The Dwarven Personalities 75

The Decadent 75The Glory Seeker 76The Grumbler 76The Hoarder 78The Optimist 78The Paragon 79The Phobic 79The Pragmatist 80The Statesman 80

Chapter 8: Mining 81Conducting a Survey 81Mine Products 81Quality of Mine 82Types of Mines 84Excavating a Tunnel Mine 84Playing Out a Mine 87Overseeing Mining Operations 87

Chapter 9: Equipment 88Smelters 88New Weapons 88

Two-handed Battle Axe 90Close Combat Weapons 90Head Spike 90Knee and Elbow Spikes 90Glove Nail 90Chain Flail 91

War Machines 91Grinder 91Ballista 92Ore Masher 92

Chapter 10: Dwarf Strongholds 93Designing Dwarf Strongholds 93The Stronghold of Bazzakrak 110

Chapter 11: Designing Dwarf Campaigns 114Creating a History 114The Importance of Myth 115The Importance of the Gods 115The Races of the World 116Wars and Conflicts 116Campaign Environments 118Creating New Kits 121

Design Sheets 123-128Dwarf Stronghold Design Sheet 123Dwarf Character Kit Design Sheet 124Complete Dwarf Warrior's Character Sheet 125Complete Dwarf Priest's Character Sheet 126Complete Dwarf Thief's Character Sheet 127Complete Dwarf's Character Sheet (Back) 128

Table of Contents • 3




Page 4: The Complete Book of Dwarves - · Chapter 1: The Creation of Dwarves 7 Chapter 2: The Dwarf Subraces 12 Hill Dwarves 12


Balor the Hill Dwarf Introducesthe Dwarves

Dwarves are the greatest race ever createdby the gods. We are far superior to the pansyelves, smelly goblins, dirty ores, and mis-shapen humans. Dwarves are perfectlyshaped, solid and strong, like the stones thatform our dwellings. Our skins are the color ofthe earth, our hair and beards are of the finesthue and texture imaginable.

Dwarves are more than just an attractiverace. Imbued with unchanging attitudes andsteadfastness, we do not waver, even in theface of great adversity. Well suited to our livesunderground, we can see in the dark and de-tect underground dangers and pitfalls. Ourcraftsmen have created the finest cities andbuildings in the world. Our bridges and highvaulted chambers are wonders to behold,with a strength and permanence of form thatother races have never duplicated.

We have no pear of magic. We shake off itseffects as easily as we slay the goblins wholurk in the dark. We are impervious to poisonsand noxious substances that would kill thoseof lesser races. Such is our vigor that evencursed weapons fail to possess us, for our in-herent vitality is invincible.

Dwarves are also great warriors, well disci-plined, and organized into armies that strikefear into evil monsters everywhere. Our com-bat skills against the filthy dark dwellers arebeyond question. It is a particularly stupidgoblin, pig-faced ore, or brainless hobgoblinwho does not quake with fear at the sound ofdwarven boots. Our battle axes have drunkdeeply of the blood of such creatures, our ham-mers have smashed thousands of their skulls.We will continue until there are none left tokill. That is not an idle boast, it is an oath.

Yet we are a peaceful people. We do notseek war, nor do we steal from others. Thoseare the actions of other, less honorable races.We see to our own and those who attempt tosteal that which is ours will die. That is not athreat, it is the way of the dwarf. If you do notwish to feel our wrath, leave us alone.

Dwarves As You Know Them

The Monstrous Compendium, VolumesOne and Two, discussed hill and mountaindwarves, and the duergar (gray dwarves);where they live, their appearance, combatabilities, friends, enemies, and how they viewthe world.

The ADVANCED DUNGEONS &DRAGONS® 2nd Edition Player's Handbookand Dungeon Master's Guide introduced meth-ods of creating dwarf characters. The CompleteBook of Dwarves expands the scope of previoustexts by making available new subraces ofdwarves and by providing new rules for playersand DMs. All of the new information is directedspecifically to dwarf characters.

Dwarves As You Will Know Them

Player charecters have usually been hilldwarves. Now you will be able to choose fromsix subraces of dwarves. In addition to hill,mountain, and duergar, three other types ofdwarves are introduced in this book: deep, gul-ly, and sundered dwarves. While these haveappeared in other AD&D® game products,they are made available here with the same at-tention to detail that the hill dwarves weregiven in the Player's Handbook. Each of the sixsubraces of dwarves has its own special advan-tages and limitations, which make the charac-ters unique and fun to play.

4 • Introduction




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Your Life as a Dwarf examines the social or-ganizations of the dwarves and the craftsclans. It describes a typical family and detailsdwarf education.

Character kits have been previously intro-duced with this series. They enlarge the basiccharacter classes of warrior, thief, and priest.The Complete Book of Dwarves presents 24new kits created especially for dwarf charac-ters, including seven kits designed exclusivelyfor use by multi-class characters. Kits like ani-mal master, axe for hire, and hearth guardgreatly expand the kinds of characters whichcan be played.

In Chapter 7, players will find useful hintson playing typical, and not so typical, charac-ters. You will also find extensive informationon the background and stronghold of yourcharacter, in Chapter 11. Dwarf strongholdsare not merely fortresses, but homes and workplaces as well. Some strongholds may noteven be fortified, but dwarves will always re-fer to their home as a stronghold. It is a matterof racial pride and a warning that a dwarf'shome is well defended.

DMs will find the expanded information in-valuable in fitting dwarf characters into theircampaign worlds. Whether dwarves are adominant race or just a people living in isola-tion under the earth, there are plenty of sug-gestions and ideas for strongholds andadventure settings.

The Complete Player's HandbookSeries

The Complete Book of Dwarves comple-ments the other books in the series. The hand-books contain information useful to dwarfcharacters and there is a wide range of charac-ter classes to choose from. The Complete

Priest's Handbook, with its descriptions ofdwarf religions and optional rules for priests,is particularly recommended. Also recom-mended are the Complete Fighter's and Com-plete Thief's Handbooks for their new combatoptions, weapon specializations, thief abili-ties, and thieves' guilds. All three of thesebooks are indispensable to DMs and playerswith dwarf characters.

The Complete Book of Dwarves is specifi-cally targeted to dwarves adventuring in theirown societies and provides extensive back-ground information on dwarf cultures, socie-ty, creation myths, and campaign settings.

Like the other books in this series, the rulespresented in this book are optional. Althoughthe other books in this series are useful theyare not essential. All you need to use this bookare the Player's Handbook and the DungeonMaster's Guide.

It you use the Complete Book of Dwarveswith the original AD&D® game, instead of theAD&D 2nd Edition game, be aware that thereferences refer to AD&D 2nd Edition books.Players using older books will need to ignoresome of these. In most cases, the relevant ma-terial will be found in the index or table ofcontents.

Finally, many of the rules presented in thisbook depend upon the use of weapon andnonweapon proficiencies described in thePlayer's Handbook. If you have not been us-ing these proficiences in your campaign, wehighly recommend that you familiarize your-self with them and introduce them into yourgame.

Introduction • 5




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The Creation of Dwarves

6 • Chapter One


