the cocos (keeling) islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat...

Page 1 The Cocos (Keeling) Islands comprises of 27 coral islands forming two atolls, situated 2768km NW of Perth and 3685km due West of Darwin, is an isolated speck in the Indian Ocean. Cocos (Keeling) Islands Contents Page Isi Kandungan Cocos (K) Islands News Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2 Public Notices Notis-notis Umum 10 Games Kemainan 13 Cocos Moment Saat Cocos Birthdays Ulang Tahun 15 Community Events Acara Masyarakat Game Solutions Jawapan Kemainan 16 16 You can subscribe to The Atoll electronically by contacting: [email protected] Cocos Snapshots Gambaran Cocos $2.00 We would love to receive your feedback or suggestions on what you would like to read in The Atoll - please contact the Cocos CRC at [email protected] Adversement Rates Advertais Please contact the Cocos Islands Community Resource Centre for a full rate schedule Translaon Fees apply Spanish lessons with Olivia Halloween

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Page 1: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 1

The Cocos (Keeling) Islands comprises of 27 coral islands forming two atolls, situated 2768km NW of Perth and 3685km due West of Darwin, is an isolated speck in the Indian Ocean.

Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Contents Page

Isi Kandungan

Cocos (K) Islands News

Berita Pulu Cocos (K) 2

Public Notices

Notis-notis Umum



Kemainan 13

Cocos Moment

Saat Cocos Birthdays

Ulang Tahun


Community Events

Acara Masyarakat Game Solutions

Jawapan Kemainan



You can subscribe to The Atoll electronically by contacting:

[email protected]

Cocos Snapshots Gambaran Cocos


We would love to receive your feedback or suggestions on what you

would like to read in The Atoll - please contact the Cocos CRC at [email protected]

Advertisement Rates


Please contact the Cocos Islands Community

Resource Centre for a full rate schedule

Translation Fees apply

Spanish lessons with Olivia


Page 2: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 2

November Statistics

(latest to 9th November)


Latest 2017 Statistics:

(latest up to 9th November) 1225.4mm


Rainfall Stats

AFP 9162 6600

VHF Ch20

IOTHS WI Clinic 9162 6655

IOTHS HI Clinic 9162 7609

VHF Ch24

DFES HI 9162 7788

DFES WI 9162 7777

VMRS 0406 329 056

VHF Ch20

Shire HI 9162 6649

Shire WI 9162 6740

Watercorp 9162 6722

Emergency Contact List

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling)

Feel free to email your

thumbs up to:

[email protected]

To the Cocos Club for

a great Melbourne

Cup brunch

To Misty and Dan

(and helpers) for a great Halloween


Thumbs Up

Administration Building (PO Box 1039) Cocos Keeling Islands WA 6799 P: 08 9162 7707 E: [email protected] W: [email protected]

Proudly supported by


The Cocos (K) Islands Community Resource Centre is seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic young person/s to take on the role of distributing The Atoll each fortnight on Home and West Island during 2018.

This is a great opportunity to gain some extra cash! Please forward your interest with the approval from parents to the Coordinator, Kelly Edwards by Friday 22nd December 2017.

The first edition will be available for distribution on Thursday 18th January 2018.

Cocos (K) Islands Community Resource Centre sedang mencari orang-orang muda yang bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap dua minggu sekali semasa 2018.

Ini adalah peluang baik untuk mendapatkan duit tambahan! Silahkan hantar surat keminatan kamu dengan keizinan dari ibubapak kepada Mak Zoe sebelom Hari Juma’at 22hb

December 2018. Surat kabar Atoll yang pertama akan di bagi pada hari Khamis 18hb

January 2018


We are now compiling the 2018 Cocos Keeling Islands Telephone Directory. If you would like to include your listing, or amend your current listing please send an email to [email protected]. The new directory should be available early February 2018.


The votes have been counted! Congratulations to our winners: 1st Prize: Ghost of the Flats - Ibrahim Macrae 2nd Prize: Photo Bomb - Renee DeBondt 3rd Prize: Contrast - Alana Moore

The 2018 Cocos Calendar is now being compiled and should be available for purchase early December 2017.

Page 3: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 3

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Page 4: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 4

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Page 5: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 5

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Page 6: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 6

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

The Cocos Keeling Islands Visitor Centre is currently compiling a new destination brochure for 2018/19. Businesses or people that would like to advertise their product or services can get in touch with [email protected] or 08 9162 6790 to receive an advertising booking form. The deadline to register your interest is Sunday, 12th November.

Ad Size Non CKITA Member CKITA Member

1/8 Page $300 $200

1/4 Page $550 $375

1/2 Page $750 $500

Back Page $1,500 $1,000

Page 7: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 7

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

With Summer and the Doldrums approaching it’s time to get back out on the water. But before you get out and about, remember to check your vessel and equipment to ensure it’s all in working order.

Suda waktu musin panas dan kedatangan musin angin teduh sekarang waktu nya untok keluar di laut. Tapi sebelom anda keluar di laut, ingat cek sekoci-sekoci dan alat-alat semua memastikan yang semua bagus.

Ensure you are carrying the correct equipment for the activities you’re about to undertake.

Pastikan anda membawa alat-alat yang kenak untuk aktivitas yang akan anda lakukan

Police will be out in force on both islands to ensure all persons are complying with mainland standards. These include:

Polis akan berlaku di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang untuk memastikan semua orang mengikut undang-undang.

Ini termasuk:

Carrying a Recreational Skippers Ticket.

Mempunyai skipper tikit

All vessels are registered with the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and are displaying a registration label.

Yang semua sekoci-sekoci di register sama Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands dan menunjukan nomor registration nya.

All trailers which are required to be registered have been registered with the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and are displaying a

registration label.

Semua trailer-trailer yang harus di register suda di register sama Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands dan menunjukan nomor registration nya.

There is a lifejacket for all persons on board the vessel.

Yang ada lifejacket di dalam sekoci

The vessel has a bilge pump.

Yang sekoci mempunyai pompa.

The vessel has an anchor and line.

Yang sekoci mempunyai jangkar dan tali

There is a fire extinguisher on board the vessel.

Yang ada pembunuh api di dalam sekoci

The vessel has 2 red and 2 orange flares.

Yang sekoci mempunyai 2 rokit merah dan 2 roki orin

If you’re travelling outside of protected waters, you will also need to carry 2 parachute flares, an EPIRB and a Marine radio.

Kalok anda pigi di lautan luar, anda misi bawak 2 rokit parasut, EPIRB dan radio laut.

For further information visit:

Kalok memperlukan informasi terlebih:

Page 8: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 8

Mowing and


Mow only as often

as you need to keep

your lawn in good

shape. For most lawns,

that means cutting your

grass no lower than 2.5

inches; keeping many

grasses as long as 3.5

inches is ideal for

crowding out crab grass

and other weeds.

Longer grass retains

water better.

Use natural

fertilizers or

compost. They release

nutrients slowly

throughout the year,

won’t leach away, and

support the variety of

soil organisms that

combat diseases.

If you're in the market for a lawn care company, seek out one that uses "natural" management practices as opposed to heavy chemical treatments. For more information about the hazards of lawn pesticides, see this Lawn Pesticide Fact Sheet from EarthShare Member nonprofit Beyond Pesticides.

Leave grass

clippings on the

lawn after you mow to

provide your lawn with a

natural (and free) source

of nutrients, or compost

the clippings for use in

your garden.

Green Living Tips

More tips in next edition...

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Page 9: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 9

1901 Eastern Extension Telegraph Station establishes a relay cable station on Direction Island. Cables go to Rodrigues, Mauritius, which then links to Durban, South Africa, also to Batavia, Java, which then links to Singapore and also to Fremantle, Western Australia.

Did You Know???

Running - Lari

Walking - Jalan Kaki

Riding a bike - Bawak


Swimming - Mandik Laut

Jumping - Belompat

Cocos Malay Words

Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d) Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Yoga for weight loss.

Desire of many ! Yoga helps here too. Sun Salutations and Kapalbhati pranayama help lose weight with yoga. Moreover, with regular practice of yoga, we tend to become more sensitive to the kind of food our body asks for and the time we take. This can also help keep a check on

our weight.

Yoga for stress relief. A few minutes of yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily - in both the body and mind. Yoga postures, pranayama and meditation are effective techniques to release stress. You can experience the calming effects of yoga in the Sri Sri Yoga Level 2


Healthy Living Tips

More tips in next edition...

Page 10: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 10

Public Notices Notis-notis Umum

Drug offences and you IV – other potential consequences of

convictions for serious drug offences

These are short articles about legal issues that may interest you. They are not legal advice. You should always get individual legal advice for your situation.

This is the fourth in several articles about drug offences under state-based legislation that is applied to Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands and under Commonwealth legislation. These first several articles

are about offences under the state-based Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 (WA)(CI) (“MDA”).

In the first and second articles we talked about prohibited drugs and premises and drug paraphernalia and offences to do with prohibited plants. In the third, we talked about the offence to do with selling or supplying or offering to sell or supply prohibited drugs, or manufacturing drugs, or pos-sessing drugs with intent to sell or supply.

In this article we will talk about more potential consequences of convictions for some serious offences under the MDA.

Selling or supplying trafficable quantity of methylamphetamine (ice)

If you sell or supply, or offer to sell or supply, or possess with intent to sell or supply, a trafficable quantity of methylamphetamine (ice) it is a very serious offence. A trafficable quantity is 28 grams or more. In this case you must be dealt with by the District Court and the maximum penalty is life imprisonment.

Selling or supplying, or offering to sell or supply a prohibited drug or prohibited plant - penalties if children are involved

With these offences involving prohibited drugs or prohibited plants, if you are an adult and you sell or supply, or you offer to sell or supply, to a child under 18 years you must be sentenced to either suspended imprisonment, conditional suspended imprisonment or imprisonment, if it is your first offence. If it is a subsequent offence you must be sentenced to at least 6 months imprisonment.

There are the same penalties if you are an adult and manufacture a prohibited drug and in doing so endanger the life, health or safety of a child under 16 years. If you actually cause bodily harm to a child under 16 years you must be sentenced to immediate imprisonment of at least 12 months.

Being declared a drug trafficker in certain circumstances

You can be declared a “drug trafficker” in certain circumstances if you are convicted of a “serious drug offence”, or an equivalent offence in another jurisdiction (such as under Commonwealth legislation). The application is made by the prosecution and can be made within 6 months of the convic-tion that brings you within the definition of what constitutes a drug trafficker.

A “serious drug offence” is:

selling or supplying a prohibited drug or plant, or offering to, or manufacturing or preparing a prohibited drug, or possessing a prohibited drug or prohibited plants with intent to sell or supply it or them, including having so much of the drug or so many of

the plants that you are presumed to have an intent to sell or supply it or them, or

attempting to commit an offence which is a crime (which is a more serious offence than a simple offence) under the MDA, or conspiring to commit an offence of sell or supply or offer to sell or supply a prohibited drug or plant, or manufacture a prohibited drug, or

possess a prohibited drug or plant with intent to sell or supply it or them.

If you are convicted of one of these offences mentioned above, and have an amount of the drug or number of plants equal to or greater than specified in schedules in the MDA you can be declared a “drug trafficker”. Examples in the schedules are if you have 20 or more cannabis plants, or 3 kgs or more of cannabis, or 28 gms or more of amphetamine, cocaine, methylamphetamine or ecstasy.

Alternatively, if you are convicted of a serious drug offence and have been convicted of a serious offence twice or more in the previous 10 years, you can also be declared a “drug trafficker”.

If you are declared a drug trafficker, you are then liable to have any property you own, or any property that you have given away before or after the declaration, confiscated by the government, under the Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA)(CI). The policy behind this is that it is presumed to be property gained from illegal activity.

In the next article we will move onto drug offences under Commonwealth legislation.

Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA

Page 11: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 11

Public Notices Notis-notis Umum

Pelanggaran Drug dan kamu IV – lain-lain kemungkinan akibat daripada hukuman untuk pelanggaran drug yang berat.

Majalah-majalah pendek ini tentang perkara-perkara hukum yang mungkin menarik perhatian kamu. Ia bukan nasihat menurut perundangan. Kamu harus selalu mendapatkan nasihat undang-undang untuk keadaan kamu.

Ini adalah majalah ke empat tentang pelanggaran drug dibawa perundangan bahgian state yang digunakan di Pulu Christmas dan Cocos (Keeling) dan dibawa perundangan Commonwealth. Yang pertama dalam berberapa

majalah adalah tentang pelanggaran menurut perundangan bahgian state dalam Misuse of Drugs Act 1981 (WA)(CI) (“MDA”).

Dalam majalah pertama dan kedua kita bincangkan tentang drug yang terlarang dan tempat-tempat dan pekakas-pekakas penggunaan drug dan pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang berkenaan dengan tanaman-tanaman terlarang. Dalam majalah ketiga, kita bincangkan tentang pelanggaran yang mengenai menjual atau menyediakan atau menawarkan untuk menjual drug terlarang, atau perbuatan drug, atau memeliki drug-drug dengan tujuan untuk dijual atau menyediakan.

Dalam majalah ini kita akan bincangkan lain-lain kemungkinan akibat daripada hukuman yang mengenai pelanggaran berat dibawa MDA.

Menjual atau menyediakan jumlah methyl amphetamine (ice) untuk perdagangan

Kalau kamu menjual atau menyediakan, atau menawarkan untuk jualan atau persediaan, atau mempunyai dengan tujuan untuk menjual atau persediaan, jumlah methyl amphetamine (ice) untuk perdagangan inilah pelanggaran yang sangat berat. Jumlah perdagangan ialah 28 grams atau lebih. Dalam kes ini kamu mesti diurusi oleh District Court dan hukuman maksimum ialah penjara seumur hidup.

Menjual atau menyediakan, atau menawarkan untuk menjual atau menyediakan drug terlarang atau tanaman terlarang – hukuman jika ada anak-anak terlibat

Dengan pelanggaran yang melibatkan drug terlarang atau tanaman terlarang, kalau kamu seorang dewasa dan kamu menjual atau menyediakan, atau kamu menawarkan untuk menjual atau menyediakan, untuk anak-anak dibawa 18 tahun kamu mesti dihukum untuk penjara yang ditunda, penjara yang ditunda dengan syarat-syarat atau dipenjara, kalau ia pelanggaran pertama. Untuk pelanggaran seterusnya kamu mesti dipenjara untuk sekurang-kurangnya 6 bulan.

Ada hukuman yang sama kalau kamu seorang dewasa dan membuat drug terlarang dan dengan berbuat demikian memberbahayakan kehidupan, kesihatan atau keselamatan anak-anak yang dibawa 16 tahun. Kalau kamu menyebabkan kecederaan badan kepada anak-anak dibawa 16 tahun kamu mesti dihukum penjara dengan segera untuk sekurang-kurangnya 12 bulan.

Digelarkan sebagai perdagang drug dalam keadaan-keadaan tertentu

Kamu boleh digelarkan sebagai “perdagang drug” dalam keadaan-keadaan tertentu jika kamu didapati bersalah dalam “pelanggaran drug yang berat”, atau pelanggaran yang sama dalam wilayah kuasa lain (contohnya didalam perundangan Commonwealth). Pemohonan dibuat oleh pihak pendakwa dan boleh dibuat dalam masa 6 bulan hukuman ini dibuat yang membawa kamu dalam penerangan apa yang dimaksudkan sebagai perdagang drug.

“Pelanggaran drug yang berat” adalah:

menjual atau menyediakan drug atau tanaman, atau menawarkan untuk, atau membuat atau menyiapkan drug terlarang, atau mempunyai drug terlarang atau tanaman terlarang dengan tujuan untuk menjual atau menyediakannya, temasuk mempunyai drug bergitu

banyak atau tanaman yang kamu dianggap mempunyai tujuan untuk jual atau menyediakannya, atau mencoba untuk membuat pelanggaran yang merupakan jenayah (yang merupakan pelanggaran lebih berat daripada pelanggaran yang

ringan) dibawa MDA, atau berkongsi untuk berbuat pelanggaran dalam menjual atau menyediakan atau menawarkan untuk menjual atau menyediakan drug atau

tanaman terlarang, atau membuat drug atau tanaman terlarang dengan tujuan untuk menjual atau menyediakannya.

Jika kamu dihukum dengan salahsatu pelanggaran tersebut diatas, dan mempunyai jumlah drug atau berberapa tanaman yang setaraf atau lebih daripada yang dinyatakan dalam daftaran MDA kamu boleh digelarkan sebagai “perdagang drug”. Contoh-contoh dalam daftaran adalah kalau kamu mempunyai 20 atau lebih tanaman cannabis, atau 3 kilo atau lebih cannabis, atau 28 gms atau lebih amphetamine, cocaine, methyl amphetamine atau ecstasy.

Ada kemungkinan lain, kalau kamu didapati bersalah pelanggaran drug yang berat dan telah dihukum kerana pelanggaran berat dua kali atau lebih dalam 10 tahun sebelomnya, kamu juga boleh digelarkan “perdagang drug”.

Kalau kamu digelarkan sebagai perdagang drug, kamu dipertanggungjawabkan untuk segala harta milik kamu, atau harta yang kamu telah jual sebelom atau selepas pernyataan ini, dirampas oleh kerajaan, menurut undang-undang Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA)(CI). Perundangan dibelakang akta ini ialah dianggap harta itu semua didapati daripada aktiviti haram.

Dalam majalah seterusnya kita akan maju mengenai pelanggaran drug dibawa perundangan Commonwealth.

Annie Gray, Legal Aid WA

Page 12: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 12

Never reach out your hand unless you're willing

to extend an arm.

Quote of the Day

The most wasted of all days is one without


Thought for the Day

Nelson Mandela is sitting at home watching the telly when he hears a knock at the door. When he opens it, he is confronted by a little Chinese man, clutching a clip board and yelling, "You sign! You sign!" Behind him is an enormous truck full of car exhausts. Nelson is standing there in complete amazement, when the Chinese man starts to yell louder. "You sign! You sign!" Nelson says to him, "Look mate, you've obviously got the wrong bloke. Push off", and shuts the door in his face. The next day he hears a knock at the door again. When he opens it, the little Chinese man is back with a huge truck of brake pads. He thrusts his clipboard under Nelson's nose, yelling, "You sign! You sign!". Mr Mandela is getting a bit hacked off by now, so he shoves the little Chinese man back, shouting: "Look, push off! You've got the wrong bloke! I don't want them!" Then he slams the door in his face again. The following day, Nelson is resting, and late in the afternoon, he hears a knock on the door again. On opening the door, there is the same little Chinese man thrusts a clipboard under his nose, shouting "You sign! You sign!" Behind him are TWO very large trucks full of car parts. This time Nelson loses his temper completely, he picks up the little man by his shirt front and yells at him; "Look, I don't want these! Do you understand? You must have the wrong name! Who do you want to give these to?" The little Chinese man looks at him very puzzled, consults his clipboard, and says:

"You not Nissan Maindealer?

Joke of the Week

Public Notices Notis-notis Umum

2017 ARDMONA CUP! Friday 24th November - 5.00pm

Under Lights! Cocos Club Oval

Food available for sale

If you would like to play or can umpire, please contact Chubbz ASAP

Training every Wednesday 4.30pm

Proudly supported by

Page 13: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 13


Across 1. Chilling with evidence of injury at the end of the day (5) 3. Supernatural forces displayed in havoc culture (6) 6. High-spirited due to unusual blue inlet (9) 9. Endless reading matter produces sound of displeasure (3) 10. Changed sprites into spiritual leaders (7) 11. Sounds like passing time with a twitch (3) 13. Star sign found in beetle oil (3) 14. Female residing in two mansions (5) 15. Perceive slight difference in pet adder (3) 16. Trap for profit but not gross (3) 17. Crumbling gardens create high risks (7) 20. Something peculiar in blood diet (3) 22. Spooky evening resulting from dislocated owl heel (9) 23. Legendary little men rearranged no gems (6) 24. Empower with some token dowry (5)

Solution on Page 16

Down 1. Sharp inclination to immerse in liquid! (5) 2. Living things could start with male chromosome replacement resulting in loud utterances (5) 3. Portents revealed in phantom ensemble (5) 4. Formula brew holds answer to workplace (3) 5. Something hideous discovered in author riddle (6) 7. Imaginary creature appears in runic ornamentation (7) 8. Giant featured in Tahiti tantrum (5) 12. On reflection, feline keeps more than one on the road (4-3) 13. Stirred up liquid on a log cut off from another body (6) 14. Outwit charlatan to reveal sorceress (5) 17. Replace rat tail costs with bad end for effigies (5) 18. So one entangled hangman's rope (5) 19. Tissue from some ursine wanted (5) 21. Discovered lair in fetid enclosure (3)

Page 14: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 14 Solution on Page 16

Sudoku Station

Kids Colour In

Colour in the Cocos Islands Flag

Page 15: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 15

Do you have a Cocos Moment you would like to share?

Email your favourite photo to [email protected] or drop into the Community Resource Centre.

Happy 21st to Carly for the 12th and Happy 40th to Chris for the 18th, love from Claire, Chubbz, Olly and Jarrah

Happy Birthday to Carly for the 12/11, love Chris

Happy 6th birthday to Hannah for the 11th November

Happy 8th birthday to Jacob for the 20th November

Happy 8th birthday to Joseph for the 20th November

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Wish to send loved ones special messages on their birthdays and anniversaries? Drop an email to [email protected]


[email protected]


(08) 9162 7707

Contact for The Atoll:

Cocos Islands CRC


The views expressed in articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editors or other volunteers who work to produce The Atoll.

The editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items as considered necessary. No responsibility is accepted for any statement of opinion, any error or omissions.

Have Your Say

Letters to the Editor will either be accepted or rejected by the Editor. Items need to be:

Accurate and/or factual

Not defamatory or inflammatory

Identified by author

Please take into consideration our format when preparing your items/materials to make the most of the spaces available.

The Atoll publication staffs reserves the right to edit the formatting of articles submitted for publication.

Materials should preferably be electronically forwarded to: [email protected]

To ensure a timely distribution of the newsletter, we request that all items/materials be forwarded before 3.00pm, 2 days prior to its distribution date. Please contact the Cocos CRC for their deadlines.


Welcome to the world, Lani (left) and Albion (right). They are very happy to be back together, first time in two weeks, and now back to their own wee little beds!

Both are doing well, and Peter and Emma are hoping to have them home soon. Emma is doing awesome!

Page 16: The Cocos (Keeling) Islands forming two atolls, situated ... · bersungguh-sungguh dan bersemangat untuk menjalankan pembagian surat kabar Atoll di Home Island dan Pulu Panjang setiap

Page 16

Community Events Acara Masyarakat

Thursday 23rd November

3:00pm Tuesday 21st November

The next edition of The Atoll will be produced on:

Edisi The Atoll selanjutnya akan dikeluarkan pada:

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2017 Community Events Contact the CRC to add your event.

Would you like to receive State Government information relating to service delivery agreements, community bulletins, shipping updates, or any general information relating to Cocos Keeling Islands?

The Cocos CRC has developed an email distribution list for those who are interested in receiving this information and it is free! Your email address remains hidden and you can unsubscribe from the list at any time.

Simply email our office [email protected] to be added to the list. Please note that this distribution list will not be used to promote business.

Event Name Event Date Event Host

Lagoon Swim 11/11/2017 CKITA

Wild Papaya Pop Up Shop 17/11/2017 The Big Barge Art Centre

Ardmona Cup 24/11/2017 Cocos Club

Home Island Market Day 24/11/2017 Cocos Islands Shire Council

Cocos Islands CRC AGM 29/11/2017 Cocos Islands CRC

Council Meeting - Home Island 06/12/2017 Cocos Islands Shire Council

West Island Market Day 09/12/2017 Cocos Islands CRC

Golf Presentation Dinner 10/12/2017 Cocos Islands Golf Club

Symphony in the City - live broadcast 16/12/2017 Cocos Islands CRC

NYE Party “WILD WEST (ISLAND)” 31/12/2017 Cocos Club