the coastal resource leadership challenge€¦ · the values of philippine coastal resources, a ......

x MANILA PROJECT LIAISON OFFICE OLANGO, CEBU SAN VICENTE, PALAWAN MALALAG BAY, DAVAO DEL SUR SARANGANI BAY, SARANGANI CRMP PROJECT OFFICE CEBU CITY SOUTHEAST NEGROS ORIENTAL NORTHWEST BOHOL N W E S Field operations established in six Learning Areas covering 29 municipalities in 6 provinces and 3 regions of the Philippines Courtesy calls and orientation with national government agencies, local government executives, non-governmental organizations, and other assisting organizations to introduce Project and identify key CRM issues and concerns 370 local government, national government, and NGO partners prepare vision statements, action plans, and commitments for coastal resource management (CRM) for all Learning Area provinces and municipalities through the Coastal Resource Leadership Challenge developed in collaboration with the USAID-funded Governance and Local Democracy Project h i g h l i g h t s . . . International Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) identifies urgent need to develop common framework for evaluating coastal management initiatives CRMP Learning Areas 1996 The Coastal Resource Leadership Challenge Strategies for local CRM implementation formulated

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Field operations established insix Learning Areas covering 29municipalities in 6 provincesand 3 regions of the Philippines

Courtesy calls and orientation with national governmentagencies, local government executives, non-governmentalorganizations, and other assisting organizations tointroduce Project and identify key CRM issues andconcerns

370 local government, national government, and NGOpartners prepare vision statements, action plans, andcommitments for coastal resource management (CRM)for all Learning Area provinces and municipalities throughthe Coastal Resource Leadership Challenge developed incollaboration with the USAID-funded Governance andLocal Democracy Project

h i g h l i g h t s . . .

International Group of Experts on theScientific Aspects of Marine Environmental

Protection (GESAMP) identifies urgentneed to develop common framework for

evaluating coastal management initiatives CRMP LearningAreas


The Coastal Resource Leadership Challenge

Strategies for local CRM implementationformulated


35 local government unitssign memorandums ofagreement committingresources and budget toCRM

Average annual CRM budget allocated byCRMP Learning Area municipalitiesincreases to Php 92,485 from the 1995pre-project baseline of Php 37,023

Training courses in Participatory Coastal ResourceAssessment, Integrated Coastal Management, andCoastal Resource Leadership Challenge developed andconducted

Coastal area profiles underdevelopment in each Learning Area

23 local government, national government, andNGO partners trained in intensive 10-dayIntegrated Coastal Management Training Course

CRMP InternshipProgram recruits 10undergraduate andgraduate student internsfor field practice incoastal management

First Edition of Tambuli, A Publicationfor Coastal Management Practitionerspublished and distributed

Over 1,000 fisherfolk from 200coastal barangays in 29municipalities participate in CRMorientation and training, activitiesin participatory resourceassessment, and communityorganizations 12 out of 29 Learning

Area municipalities enactordinances limitingaccess to coastalresources

Indicators for CRM developedthrough multisectoral workshops

Coastal environment-friendly andmarket-driven enterprise optionsanalyzed for Learning Areas atOlango, Malalag, and Sarangani


Mangrove strategydeveloped and initiatedin Bohol

Enterprise development plans formulatedfor short-listed communities, e.g.,seaweed, ecotour, marine aquarium fish,oysters, mud crab

Standardized marinesanctuary monitoring andtraining protocolsestablished with Universityof the Philippines MarineScience Institute andapplied to CRMPLearning Area marinesanctuary

Barangay Fisheries and AquaticManagement Councilsestablished or strengthenedthroughout all Learning Areamunicipalities

Expansion memorandums ofagreement signed with 13municipalities

International Year of the Reef


Partnership with League of Municipalities ofthe Philippines initiated

Consultative workshops in allLearning Areas conducted forreview of Legal and JurisdictionalGuidebook for CRM in thePhilippines

Marine sanctuaries initiated in allLearning Area municipalities

Olango Birds and Seascape Tour developedwith Sabang Women�s Organization and pre-tested for commercial run


Legal and Jurisdictional Guidebook for CRM in the Philippines developed toclarify existing national legal framework to catalyze local implementation,endorsed by the Secretaries of DENR, DA, and DILG, and launched alongwith the 1998 Search for Best CRM Programs by President Fidel V. Ramos atthe National Convention of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines

Agricultural and FisheriesModernization Act (RA

8435) passed by Congress toaddress national food security


CRM technical assistance initiated along1,000 km of shoreline

CRMP designated by UNESCO-National Committee on MarineSciences as official implementing armfor the 1998 International Year of theOcean

Sardine processing onstream by Panindigan Women�sAssociation in San Vicente, Palawan

Communityseaweed farmingand new net bagtechnology initiated in Gilutongan (OlangoLearning Area); partnerships on seaweedenterprise support with developmentinstitution formalized under the SeaweedConsultative Forum

Second and Third Editions of Tambuli, APublication for Coastal ManagementPractitioners published and distributed


Low-impact mariculture enterprise (oyster,mudcrab, bangus) initiated in 3 communities inBohol, mudcrab facilities in Bais Bay, and seaweedfarms in Siaton, Negros Oriental

�Our Seas, Our Life� traveling exhibit mounted, covering 6 destinationasfrom Manila to Mindanao, generating an attendance of over 1.3 millionpeople, and highlighting to the general public, for the first time, thedegraded condition of Philippine seas, solutions, and need for action

CRM website at http:www.oneocean.orglaunched as International Year of theOcean information center with on-linemagazine, discussion board, CRMHotline, and children�s page

Legal Arsenal for Coastal ResourceManagement Workshop organized andconducted in partnership with thePhilippine Supreme Court and attendedby senior-level practitioners, lawenforcement officials, and members of thejudiciary

International Yearof the Ocean

Philippine Fisheries Code (RA8550) passed by Congress establishes

CRM as the National LegalFramework

Award-winning CRM radio drama series�Kapitan Barongoy� produced and airedto highlight CRM problems and solutions

Blue Tapestry community arts projectconducted in partnership with Levi StraussPhilippines Inc. officially endorsed by theGirl Scouts of the Philippines for FamilyCamp Program

Infestations of crown-of-thorns starfishreported in 26 Indo-Pacific countries

Presidential ProclamationNo. 57 signed by PresidentEstrada declares every May

as Month of the Ocean in thePhilippines

El Niñoconditions resultin record droughtconditions in the



Olango ecotour adoptedby DOT National andRegion 7 offices forpromotion and technicalassistance

Seaweed GrowersCooperative organized andbuying stations establishedat Gilutongan withsupport from AlternativeCommodities Exchange(ACES), and VisayasCentral Fund (VICTO-VCF) and Foundation forSustainable Society Inc.(FSSI)

Introductorycommercial runs ofthe Olango Birds andSeascape Tourestablished in Cebuand Manila

Study tours on seaweed and ecotourenterprise development by communities infull swing at Olango and Gilutungan islandscatering to LGUs, NGAs, students, teachers,NGOs, diplomats, international developmentagencies

�I Love the Ocean Movement� is born andgrows to 11,000 members with 5 chaptersnationwide sustaining advocacy and action forsustainable seas

Manual onParticipatoryCoastal ResourceAssessmentpublished anddistributed fornationwide use


Revised Results Framework and Indicatorsfor CRMP reviewed, finalized andapproved by the Government of thePhilippines and USAID after extensiveconsultative process

Municipal Fisheries and AquaticManagement Councils establishedthroughout all Learning Area municipalitiesas CRM policy formulation, planning, andconsultative body in partnership with DA-BFAR

Marine sanctuarytraining and monitoringconducted in selectedLearning Areas inpartnership with UP-MSI, DENR, DA-BFAR, and academe

Colors of the Sea, a six-part TV series of thepublic education program �Sine�skwela�produced and aired nationwide in partnershipwith ABS-CBN Foundation

CRM orientation conducted for newly-elected localgovernment executives

ICM Training Courses conducted in Cebu, Palawan, General Santos, addingto the expanding pool of trained practitioners from NGAs, LGUs, andNGOs

2-year extension of CRMPrecommended by USAID Mid-Term Evaluation Team based onhigh performance record

Record highs in tropicalsea surface temperatures

result in severe tocatastrophic coral

bleaching in 40-50% ofthe world�s reefs

National election resulted in newpresident, change of national government

agency staff, and approximately 60 percentturnover of LGU officials in Learning

Area municipalities and provinces

49 nations report, at theInternational Coral

Reef Initiative held inTownsville, Australia,

that little change in theendangered status of

coral reef ecosystems hasoccurred since the globalCall to Action in 1995

International CoastalCleanup Dayorganized by IMA inthe Philippines,drawing 300,000people to cleanbeaches

Criteria for improvedmanagement of coastalresources met in 170 km ofshoreline composed of 7municipalities

Average annual CRM budget allocatedby CRMP Learning Area muncipalitiesincreases to Php101,395 or 174% over1995 pre-project baseline

Six municipalities (Malalag, Davao del Sur; Pres. Garcia, Bohol; PrietoDiaz, Sorsogon; Calabanga, Camarines Sur; Pasacao, Camarines Sur)awarded Best CRM Programs for 1998 at League of MunicipalitiesNational Convention

Annual Strategic Review and Planning workshopconducted with institutional partners

Construction of SillimanUniversity Marine Laboratorybuilding completed

Multiple coastal enterprises installed andintegrated into river and mangrovemanagement at Cambuhat, Buenavista,Bohol. These are Cambuhat river andvillage tour; oyster culture and handicraftsmanufacturing


The Anvil Award, considered the �Oscars� of Public Relations inthe Philippines awarded to DENR and CRMP �for [their] sustainedand unique year-long package of special events and public educationactivities that helped increase awareness, understanding, andappreciation of the maritime heritage and rich but delicate ecosystemsthat are the lifeblood of millions of Filipinos�

Adoption of ICM TrainingCourses by academicinstitutions, governmenttraining centers, and NGOs

First Conference of Coastal Municipalities convened,breaking ground in terms of presidential and high-level government participation, mass media publicityand participation by 90% of coastal mayors in thecountry

Policy Study and Draft JointAdministrative Order prepared inresponse to Implementing Rules andRegulations of the Fisheries Codedefining the jurisdictional responsibilitiesof DENR and DA-BFAR

ICM Training Courses conducted for MFARMCsin partnership with DA-BFAR and RFTCs

Provincial expansion mechanismsformalized for Bohol and Davaodel Sur through signing ofMemorandum of Agreementbetween the provincialgovernment, DENR, DA-BFAR,and CRMP

La Niña conditionsresults in record floods

Ocean Ambassadors webpage at http://www.oneocean.orgfeaturing the satellite telemetry project for sea turtles in theTurtle Islands launchedin partnership with DENR,WWF, and SmithsonianInstitution

Nationwide shortage of seaweed forcarrageenan production arises due to disease


State of the Ocean Address �Saving the PhilippineSeas� delivered by President Joseph Ejercito Estradabefore a live audience of over 700 mayors, mass mediaand diplomatic corps and carried by nationwide radiothrough the Philippine Information Agency

Port Barton Marine Parkestablished in Port Barton,San Vicente, Palawan

Municipal Coastal Database softwarepackaged in CD-ROM for betatesting

www.oneocean.orgnamed �MostOutstanding Websitefor Environment� bythe Philippine WebAwards

CRM for Food Security bookletdeveloped in collaboration with DA-BFAR and DA-ATI in response tothe AFMA and distributed at theFirst National Food SecurityConvention as the strategy forachieving food security from the sea

The Values of Philippine Coastal Resources, abook describing national and local benefitsderived from coastal resources, prepared,published, and distributed to highlight theneed to invest in CRM to sustain economicbenefits


future directions...

Joint Administrative Order drafted for review,comment and signature by Secretary of DENRand DA establishing jurisdictional responsibilitiesfor implementing the Philippine Fisheries Code of1998 (RA 8550)

1999Integrated National CoastalManagement Policy Statement andInstitutional Development Plancompleted, and endorsed by all relevantnational government agencies


11-part National Coastal Management GuidanceSeries Guidebooks published in support ofnational policy and legal framework on allaspects of coastal resource management

2,100 km of shoreline meet criteria forimproved management of coastalresources


Project completion December 31


MOU signed between CRMP and FRMPestablishing close coordination between the twolargest CRM projects in the Philippines

Mangrove Management Toolkit reviewed andadopted by DENR for publication anddistributionProvincial expansion mechanisms formalized forLearning Area provinces through signing ofMemorandum of Agreement between theprovincial government, DENR, DA-BFAR, andCRMPICM Trainors Pool established in all Learning Areaprovinces to promote expansion activities

741 km of shoreline meet criteria forimproved management of coastalresources

1,200 km of shoreline meet criteria forimproved management of coastal resources

National elections

3,000 km of shoreline (17% ofcountry�s 18,000 km) meet criteria forimproved management of coastalresources

Institutionalization of CRM with Leagues ofMunicipalities, Provinces and Cities initiated

Integration of CRMP/CEP activities at nationaland field levels begins

Mangrove management toolkits completedand published
