the cloverfield campaign

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Post on 25-May-2015




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  • 1. The CampaignCreating a CampaignCase Study: Cloverfield

2. Cloverfield (2008) J.J.Abrams development of ideas= Cloverfield (2008)Escape From New York (1981) Godzilla (1998) Blair WitchProject (1999)Plane Crash Monster First Person /Handheld 3. Verisimilitude to 9/11'monster movie for the YouTube generation 4. Distribution and Marketing 5. THE MARKETING CAMPAIGNCloverfield A Series of Clues were laid out for the audience: The teaser trailer provided one piece of important information, the nameof the producer JJ Abrams = sci-fi / horror The web page just a date The official website contained links to social media -Facebook & MySpace pages created by the characters in the film A Widget was available for download from the website which played afew minutes of the film, and could be added to blogs / websites To download the widget, people had to register their details, whichautomatically entered them into a competition Word of Mouth marketing, where people promoted the film by passinginformation virally 6. CloverfieldTHE MARKETING CAMPAIGN An Alternative Reality Game , centred around a fictional Japanesecompany Tagruato and its subsidiary Slusho! The company was attacked by a monster and was featured in severalfake news reports Slusho! ran an online competition for people to create an advert for thefrozen soft drink Slusho! is the company that the character, Rob was taking a job with, inthe film A Prequel Manga film was created Cloverfield/Kishin , which bears aresemblance to the monster in the film