the china national tobacco corporation: from...

1 THE CHINA NATIONAL TOBACCO CORPORATION: FROM DOMESTIC TO GLOBAL DRAGON? Jennifer Fang Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser University Blusson Hall, 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada Tel: 1 778 782 5927 Email: [email protected] Kelley Lee Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser University Blusson Hall, 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada Tel: 1 778 782 9039 Fax: 1 778 782 5927 Email: [email protected] Nidhi Sejpal WHO-NPSP Unit: Bhagalpur 2nd Floor Blood Bank Building JLNMCH, Mayaganj, Bhagalpur Bihar-812001 India Tel: 91 982 055 5758 Email: [email protected] Corresponding author: Jennifer Fang FUNDING This work is supported by the National Cancer Institute, US National Institutes of Health, Grant R01-CA091021. The authors are solely responsible for the contents of this paper. Final version published as: Jennifer Fang, Kelley Lee & Nidhi Sejpal (2016): The China National Tobacco Corporation: From domestic to global dragon?, Global Public Health. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2016.1241293.

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Page 1: THE CHINA NATIONAL TOBACCO CORPORATION: FROM …… · sources, notably Euromonitor, Tobacco Journal International


THE CHINA NATIONAL TOBACCO CORPORATION: FROM DOMESTIC TO GLOBAL DRAGON? Jennifer Fang Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser University Blusson Hall, 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada Tel: 1 778 782 5927 Email: [email protected] Kelley Lee Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser University Blusson Hall, 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada Tel: 1 778 782 9039 Fax: 1 778 782 5927 Email: [email protected] Nidhi Sejpal WHO-NPSP Unit: Bhagalpur 2nd Floor Blood Bank Building JLNMCH, Mayaganj, Bhagalpur Bihar-812001 India Tel: 91 982 055 5758 Email: [email protected] Corresponding author: Jennifer Fang FUNDING This work is supported by the National Cancer Institute, US National Institutes of Health, Grant R01-CA091021. The authors are solely responsible for the contents of this paper.

Final version published as: Jennifer Fang, Kelley Lee & Nidhi Sejpal (2016): The China National Tobacco Corporation: From domestic to global dragon?, Global Public Health. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2016.1241293.

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ABSTRACT The China National Tobacco Corporation (CNTC), which produces one-third of the world’s cigarettes, is the largest tobacco company in the world. Over the past sixty years, the CNTC has been focused on supplying a huge domestic market. As the market has become increasingly saturated, and potential foreign competition looms, the company has turned to expansion abroad. This paper examines the ambitions and prospects of the CNTC to “go global”. Using Chinese and English language sources, this paper describes the globalization ambitions of the CNTC, and its global business strategy focused on internal restructuring, brand development and expansion of overseas operations in selected markets. The paper concludes that the company has undergone substantial change over the past two decades and is consequently poised to become a new global player in the tobacco industry. KEYWORDS China, Tobacco industry, Globalization, Global business strategy, Tobacco control

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With nearly one-third of the world’s smokers (300 million), and 40% of global tobacco

production (2.5 trillion cigarettes), China has the largest tobacco industry in the world (Li, 2012).

The state monopoly China National Tobacco Corporation (CNTC) is the fourth largest Chinese

company in terms of profit (Li, 2012), employing 510,000 people across 33 provinces (China

Tobacco, n.d.), and contributing 7-11% of government tax revenues annually (Han, 2013). On a

global scale, CNTC profits exceed British American Tobacco (BAT), Philip Morris International

(PMI) and Altria combined (Bloomberg News, 2012). Despite the size of the Chinese industry,

given its domestic orientation, analyses of tobacco industry globalization to date have focused on

leading transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) (Lee et al., under review).

Following accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2001, and facing

growing saturation of the domestic market (Zhou & Cheng, 2006), the CNTC declared ambitions

to ‘go global’ (Euromonitor, 2008). The limited scholarly attention to globalization and the

CNTC to date has come largely from business studies (Wang, 2009). This paper examines the

global business strategy of the CNTC as a global public health challenge. Using Chinese and

English language sources, this paper describes the globalization ambitions of the CNTC, its

global business strategy focused on internal restructuring, brand development and expansion of

overseas operations in selected markets. The paper assesses the extent to which this strategy has

been successful to date, the likely prospect that China will join the ranks of existing TTCs, and

the implications for tobacco control worldwide.


Tobacco was brought to China by trading merchants during the sixteenth century. Leaf

cultivation was firmly established by the mid 1800s, and smoking from the late nineteenth

century with the automation of cigarette manufacturing. During the first half of the twentieth

century, the industry was dominated by BAT with 82% of market share (Tong, Tao, Xue, & Hu,

2008), and a handful of domestic companies (Benedict, 2011). Political instability and conflict

over decades undermined attempts to regulate the industry (STMA, 1997).

BAT was required to leave China in 1953 given the industry’s nationalization following

establishment of the People’s Republic of China (Lee, Gilmore, & Collin, 2004). The domestic

industry grew rapidly, with the building of many small factories, increasing annual cigarette

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production on average 11% annually between 1949 and 1958 (Benedict, 2011). However, the

industry was also highly uncoordinated, controlled at the provincial level by local monopoly

offices reporting to ministries of light industries, commerce and other financial entities (STMA,

1997). The Great Leap Forward (1958-1960) and ensuing famine (1959-1961) slowed

production to 5.1% annually (Benedict, 2011). In 1963, the China Tobacco Industrial

Corporation was established to try to achieve greater efficiencies through centralized

management of procurement, production and sales (STMA, 1997). Production and revenues rose

dramatically, and tobacco taxes remitted increased from 4.1 billion RMB from 1958-1962, to 5.6

billion RMB from 1963-1966 (STMA, 1997). The corporation was dismantled in the wake of

the Cultural Revolution in 1966 (STMA, 1997) and the industry reverted to its former

fragmented structure.

Economic reforms under the Open Door Policy, from the late 1970s, allowed imports of

new technology and knowhow (STMA, 1997). To reassert central control, the CNTC was

formed in 1981 to manage the 28 provincial companies (State Council, 1981). Profits and tax

revenues were distributed among the central and provincial governments, CNTC and various

subsidiaries (State Council, 1981). In 1983, the State Council established the State Tobacco

Monopoly Administration (STMA) as the industry’s administrative and regulatory body (State

Council, 1983). Formally separate entities, in practice the CNTC and STMA are ‘one institution

with two name plates’ (STMA, 1997) governing the industry through a vertical bureaucracy

(Wang, 2009). The CNTC undertakes central planning, manages raw materials, sets regional

production quotas for leaf and products, and is the umbrella company for provincial firms. The

STMA administers and regulates the national monopoly (STMA, 1984), with parallel structures

at the provincial level governed by municipal and provincial authorities (Zhou, 2004) (Figure 1).



The paper adopts the framework set out in Lee and Eckhardt (this issue) to organize and analyse

the factors assessing the global business strategy of CNTC including the key factors driving the

strategy, key tactics used, and the extent to which the company has succeeded to date. The

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primary and secondary data sources were compiled into a chronological narrative according to

these three questions.

We began by searching Google Scholar and Baidu Scholar to review the limited scholarly

literature on the Chinese tobacco industry from public health, business studies and other relevant

fields. Chinese-language secondary literature (dissertations, articles and industry reports) was

identified through the China Knowledge Network. These sources were used to map the

industry’s history and changes to its structure over time.

To understand the global business strategy of the Chinese industry, we searched the

websites of the CNTC (, and industry news sites, Tobacco China

(, Tobacco Market ( and China Tobacco

( The China Tobacco Yearbook (1981-2014) was reviewed for

information on key strategies and annual industry performance. The China Law Education

website was searched for official decrees and statements related to the tobacco industry.

To triangulate Chinese source data, we searched Google and Baidu for news on the globalization

ambitions of the Chinese industry. We also searched other English-language business news

sources, notably Euromonitor, Tobacco Journal International and Tobacco Reporter. We sought

information on industry restructuring, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), joint ventures (JV),

foreign direct investment (FDI), target markets and product development. The searches used the

keywords “China National Tobacco Corporation”, “Chinese tobacco industry” and specific

company names combined, using Boolean terms, with such terms as ‘global*’, ‘strategy’,

‘foreign’, ‘trade’ and ‘investment’. The international database UN Comtrade

( was used to compile Chinese tobacco trade data.

The paper does not draw on industry documents held in the Truth Tobacco Documents

Library (TTDL). These were previously searched to understand market access strategy by TTCs

into China (Lee, Collin & Gilmore, 2004; Lee & Collin, 2006; Zhong & Yano, 2007; Holden et

al., 2010). While mentioning CNTC as a TTC competitor, the collection is limited to TTC

documents dating primarily before the mid 2000s. Thus, they do not cover the CNTC’s

expansion plans.

While English and Chinese language sources are consulted, the available data has three

limitations. First, as a government-controlled monopoly, the CNTC is not required to report as a

public company (e.g. annual report to shareholders). Chinese data is thus limited in scope and

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content. Second, official Chinese data is government controlled and not verified by independent

sources. Much secondary analyses, in turn, are based on official sources. Third, we found

inconsistencies in data on key indicators from different sources. To address these three caveats,

triangulation of multiple data sources was undertaken where possible. The compiling of trend

data drew on the same sources where available for consistency.


What are the key factors behind the CNTC’s global business strategy?

China’s export-led growth, and status as the “world’s factory” (Zhang, 2013), faced growing

competition from lower-wage emerging economies by the late 1990s. In 1998, President Jiang

Zemin called on Chinese companies (including state-owned enterprises) to improve product

development, pursue foreign markets, and establish manufacturing abroad (CCPIT, 2007). This

policy was named the ‘Go Global’ strategy in 2000 (CCPIT, 2007).

Tobacco industry interest in foreign expansion was first raised following China’s signing

of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1993. As stated by STMA Director

Jiang Ming, to ensure long-term development of the tobacco industry, ‘we must follow a “Big

Tobacco” strategy’ (Huang, 1993). He envisioned the establishment of overseas companies and

diversification into non-tobacco sectors (Huang, 1993). Similarly, CNTC Director Xun Xinghua

declared that the industry was ‘seizing all opportunities to expand and occupy foreign markets’

(Anon, 1993). Given continued exclusion of TTC competition by the Chinese import quota

system (Lee et al., 2004), and size of the domestic market, initial industry efforts were limited.

The industry anticipated change following WTO accession. As Holden et al. (2010)

describe, TTCs pressed hard to access the closed Chinese market during accession negotiations.

Import quotas remained in place, but import tariffs were reduced from 70% in 1996 to 25% in

2004, along with opportunities for wider distribution of foreign brands. Tobacco imports rose in

value and quantity from 2001 (Table 1). Given potential erosion of domestic market share, as in

Japan and Taiwan, along with China’s signing and later ratification of the Framework

Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), firmer plans were made to ‘make up for domestic

losses overseas’ (Zhou & Cheng, 2006). In 2003, the industry was called upon to ‘actively

implement the ‘go global’ strategy to establish stable international markets’ (STMA 2004),

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coinciding with the removal of the requirement for retail permits to sell foreign cigarettes in

China (Tong et al., 2008).


Applying Dunning and Lundan (2008), the industry can be seen to have shifted sharply

since the mid 2000s, from largely domestic-focused, to increasingly outward-looking in four

ways. First, CNTC is a ‘natural resource seeker’, as the industry aims to source quality leaf to

bring its products in line with TTC brands. Establishing local leaf procurement companies in key

tobacco growing regions of Brazil, Zimbabwe and the US ensures a steady supply to feed

growing industry needs both domestically and abroad. Second, CNTC is a ‘market seeker’.

CNTC has been exporting since the 1980s, but the scale and reach of exports since the late 2000s

suggests a more concerted strategy. Third, CNTC is an ‘efficiency seeker’, setting up overseas

operations in key strategic areas to target specific markets. Seeking to further decrease

operational costs for greater profit margins, CNTC’s overseas operations strive to use locally-

grown tobacco leaf and hire locals where possible, thereby increasing efficiency through

removing cultural and language barriers. The strategic location of major offshore production

bases in each region is a clear indication of efficiency seeking. Fourth, CNTC is a ‘strategic

asset seeker’, as it monitors foreign markets seeking investment opportunities for business

growth through mergers and acquisitions. The CNTC’s globalization efforts are expected to


Which global business strategies have CNTC pursued?

The restructuring of the Chinese tobacco industry

High profits and tax revenues sustained government support in China for cigarette manufacturing

at the provincial, municipal and county levels over many decades. Provincial governments also

introduced protectionist measures in the 1990s, including near monopolies, to protect local

companies regardless of productivity and efficiency (Wang, 2009). The result, a crowded and

fragmented industry, was seen by the STMA as problematic ahead of WTO accession and

foreign competition. Structural reforms, described as ‘grasping the large and letting go of the

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small’ (Wang, 2009), were introduced to boost efficiency, productivity and product quality.

Tobacco companies were put into four categories (STMA, 1998):

• large firms with annual profits > RMB 100 million (US$12.08 million) and production >

500,000 cases1 of cigarettes (major inter-provincial/regional enterprises);

• medium firms with potential production of > 300,000 cases annually (major

provincial/regional companies);

• small firms with production of 100,000-300,000 cases annually (to merge with other firms or

close depending on performance); and

• poorly performing firms with production of < 100,000 cases annually (to declare bankruptcy).

Between 1998 and 2009, this consolidation reduced the number of companies to one-sixth

(Figure 2).


The industry at the provincial level was also restructured into three distinct entities -

industrial companies, tobacco companies, and local monopoly bureaus (Zhou, 2004). Industrial

companies centralize the management of manufacturing and allow pooling of resources among

factories (Tong et al., 2008). Tobacco companies are concerned with the sale and distribution

within the province of all tobacco products regardless of where they are produced. Local

monopoly bureaus regulate and administer the industry at the provincial level (Xu & He, 2003).

This restructuring supported the STMA’s vision of fostering ‘large-scale enterprises, big brands

and large markets’ (Zhou, 2004). For example, the removal of provincial protectionism allowed

provincial manufacturers to sell their brands nationally, fuelling domestic competition and, in

turn, product and brand development, and the expansion of successful companies (Wang, 2009).

Provincial tobacco companies, delinked from manufacturing and now reliant on sales, only

purchased products that sold well (Xie, 2003). Corporate governance reforms were also

accelerated in 2005, with manufacturing facilities becoming limited liability companies led by

boards of directors (Liu, 2006).

1 One case contains 50,000 sticks of cigarettes

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In 2003, Anhui became the first province to implement these reforms by establishing

Anhui Tobacco Industrial to manage the assets of five manufacturers (Zhou, 2004). The same

year the first inter-provincial industrial company was formed, between Sichuan Province and

Chongqing city, consolidating their manufacturing into Chuanyu Industrial. By 2004 sixteen

industrial companies were established (Li, 2006). In 2003 the Beijing Cigarette Factory split

from Beijing Tobacco Company to merge, along with the Tianjin Cigarette Factory, with the

Shanghai Tobacco Group (Zhou, 2004). In 2008, a ‘merger of two giants’ occurred between

Yunnan’s Hongyun and Honghe Groups, forming the Hongyun Honghe Tobacco Group. With

annual sales of over 4 million cases, Hongyun Honghe is the world’s fourth largest by sales

volume after PMI, BAT and Japan Tobacco International (JTI) (Anon, 2008).

The overall vision of provincial reforms has been to establish a three-tiered system, with

municipal factories becoming subsidiaries (with legal authority) or branches (without legal

authority) of provincial industrial companies, and the latter acting as CNTC subsidiaries (Liu,

2006). The aim has been to reduce local government power over the industry, and increase

competition across the same tiers in the industry, by dismantling its vertical structure and

bureaucracy (Wang, 2009). Further reforms under discussion include reduced political

involvement from the commercial side of the industry, as opposed to its regulation and

administration, and even privatisation (Liu 2014; Wang, 2015). However, given the economic

and political importance of the industry, including its significant contribution to public revenues,

wholesale privatisation is unlikely to precede the pursuit of a global business strategy in the near

future (Wang, 2015).

Overall, restructuring of the Chinese tobacco industry since the early 2000s has been seen

by industry sources as a key strategy for CNTC to become globally competitive. It is believed

that CNTC may follow in the footsteps of JTI, eventually pursuing public listing for the most

successful firms, but remaining part owned by government (Anon, 2003). Five domestic giants

from three regions have emerged through these reforms: Hongta Group and Hongyun Honghe

Tobacco Group in Yunnan Province; Shanghai Tobacco Group (STG); and Changsha Tobacco

Group and Changde Group in Hunan Province (Wang, 2009).

Product development: Brand consolidation and premiumization

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To enhance global competitiveness, Chinese product development involved three strategies:

consolidation of brands into a smaller number with mass appeal; adaptation to appeal to foreign

markets; and higher value-added premium products. First, historically, a large number of

Chinese companies manufactured thousands of local brands at many different price points (Anon,

2014). The number of brands was dramatically reduced, to a few with broader appeal, to

improve economies of scale and enable marketing abroad. In 2001, STMA selected 36 brands

to support through advantageous policies such as priority access to raw materials and technology.

The result was an increase to 11% market share within two years (Zeng, 2010).

In 2004, STMA announced plans to limit mid- and higher-priced brands to one hundred

within three years (STMA, 2004). In 2006, this became known as the ‘two by ten’ strategy with

plans to have ten large-scale manufacturers produce ten key brands. In 2007 the so-called ‘two

leaps’ was emphasised whereby leading provincial brands were encouraged to enter the national

market, and strong national brands to enter the global market (Zeng, 2010). This was followed

in 2010 by the ‘235’ strategy, to develop two brands selling over five million cases; three brands

selling over 3 million cases; and five brands selling over 2 million cases (Zeng, 2010), and the

‘461’ strategy, with twelve brands to earn revenues over RMB 40 billion (US$5.87 billion), six

brands over RMB 60 billion (US$8.80 billion), and one brand over RMB 100 billion (US$14.7

billion) by 2015 (Zeng, 2010).

By 2013 consolidation had reduced cigarette brands from around 2000 in the late 1990s,

to 90 (Figure 3). These remaining brands held larger domestic market share. By 2010, seven

brands exceeded US$4.4 billion in annual sales, with five brands - Hongtashan, Baisha, Double

Happiness, Furongwang and Chungwa, seeking to sell over 5 million cases (US$14.7 billion)

annually (Zeng, 2010). As well as fending off global brands such as Marlboro in the domestic

market, consolidation aimed to create global Chinese brands for foreign markets. In 2013,

CNTC sold 70 billion sticks overseas comprising 74 brands. This was reduced to thirty brands

by 2014, with many tailored to key markets (Feng J, 2014).


Alongside consolidation, CNTC has pursued a strategy of premiumization since 2008.

In China, luxury brand cigarettes are an important currency of guanxi (a system of social

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networks and influential relationships to facilitate business and other dealings). Premium brands

enjoyed rising sales, as the economy boomed, with manufacturers releasing luxury versions of

familiar brands or new brands. In 2012, luxury brands sold over 2 million cases and enjoyed a

20% increase from the previous year (Anon, 2013). Despite an STMA price cap, anti-corruption

measures and public smoking ban for government officials (China News, 2014), production and

sale of luxury brands continued to rise (Feng W., 2014). Market share grew, from 6% in 2007 to

25.2% in 2014, the only segment to see growth in 2014. Mid-priced products saw modest

growth, while the economy segment fell dramatically from 59.7% to 28.3% during the same

period (Euromonitor, 2013; Euromonitor, 2015). Overseas, premium brands are seen as key to

efforts to improve the perceived quality of Chinese products (Feng W, 2014). CNTC documents

suggest it will seek to establish global brands comparable in quality and price to TTCs brands

(Lu, 2014).

Expansion of Chinese cigarette exports

Chinese cigarette exports date from the creation of the China Shenzhen Tobacco Trading Centre

in 1984. In 1985, the China National Tobacco Import Export Corporation (CNTIEC) was then

formed to oversee trade of tobacco products, technology, and accessories, as well as international

economic cooperation (STMA, 1997). However, exports remained small-scale and distributed

across many different companies. From 1991-1995, CNTC exported over 100 brands to 37

countries including Virginia (flue-cured) cigarettes to Southeast Asia; blended cigarettes to

Europe, USA, Russia and Africa; and herbal cigarettes to Korea and Japan (STMA, 1996). The

restructuring of the industry from the mid 1990s saw the closure of several export arms of

provincial companies (STMA, 1998a). Focusing on quality over quantity, underperforming

brands and markets were subsequently dropped, and exports declined to an all-time low in 1998-

1999 (STMA, 2000).

Looming WTO access prompted a more strategic approach to exports. In 2000 the

CNTIEC was reorganized and renamed the China Tobacco Import Export Group (CNTIEG).

CNTIEG became the parent company of all CNTC overseas operations and export branches of

provincial companies (STMA, 2005). In 2008, CNTIEG became China Tobacco International

(CTI), focused on supporting ‘CNTC’s strategic need to “go global”’ (Wang, 2008). In 2011 the

first annual meeting on tobacco market expansion was held which adopted a three-step strategy

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for export growth: (a) market entry and establishment of a distribution network; (b) licensed

production by local manufacturers; and (c) establishment of local production facilities (Ju, 2011).

At the 2013 meeting, five export manufacturing facilities in Shanghai, Guangdong, Yunnan,

Hunan and Zhejiang, and Jilin were announced (Anon, 2013a), each focused on nearby regions

and ‘cultural advantage’. For example, Yunnan Tobacco would target Southeast Asia (Zhu &

Tian, 2007).

Chinese exports, as a proportion of total production, remain relatively small but rising

since 2004, from 4.35% to 5.08% by 2013. However, by volume this represents a 60% increase

from 16.3 to 26 billion sticks (STMA, 2005, 2014), surpassing Korean company KT&G to

become the world’s fifth largest exporter (Zhang & Zhang, 2013). Export value (unadjusted) has

also increased, from US$100 million in 1999 to US$500 million in 2013 (Figure 4). In 2015, a

link between the ‘One Belt, One Road’ and ‘Go Global’ strategy was announced to improve

CNTC’s access foreign markets (Qing, 2015). This initiative refers to the extension of the so-

called Silk Road Economic Belt, linking western China with Europe through Central Asia, to the

new Maritime Silk Road from China’s southern coast to Europe via North Africa and Southeast

Asia (Knowler, 2015).


Gaining access to foreign technology and knowhow

TTCs sought to negotiate a return to the Chinese market, as the ‘ultimate prize’, from the 1980s

(O’Sullivan and Chapman, 2000). While they pressed for full or part-ownership of local

manufacturing, the STMA limited joint ventures to leaf production and licensed manufacturing

of foreign brands by Chinese companies (Lee et al., 2004). For example, RJR licensed the

Xiamen Cigarette Factory to produce Camel cigarettes in 1980 (Lin, 1984). In 1991, BAT

agreed to license manufacturing of Derby by the Wuhu Cigarette Factory, while Rothmans was

licensed by the Shandong-Rothmans joint venture (Lai, 2009). In 1993 PMI signed licensing

agreements for Marlboro (Shanghai Cigarette Factory) and other brands (Lai, 2009; PMI, 1993).

In 1999, JTI licensed production of Mild Seven to Shanghai Gaoyang International Tobacco

Company (Lai, 2009). Imperial Tobacco’s West brand was licensed to Hongta Group in 2003

(Hongta Group, 2014).

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From a Chinese perspective, licensing allowed local firms to access new technology and

knowhow (Lai, 2009), while keeping the industry under Chinese control. This strategy is evident

in agreements with TTCs supporting the development of Chinese brands. In 1986, Huamei was

established in Xiamen’s Special Economic Zone (SEZ) as an equity JV between Xiamen

Cigarette Factory and RJR, developing Golden Bridge as a leading brand by 1989 (Lai, 2009).

In 1996 BAT agreed to support brand development (Lovell White Durrant, 1996) of Guangzhou

Cigarette Factory’s Cocopalm and Guiyang Cigarette Factory’s Huangguoshu Waterfalls (Lai,

2009). BAT and Yunnan Tobacco Company agreed in 1999 to ‘jointly develop and produce

blended cigarettes’, in addition to leaf cultivation and training (BAT, 1999). In 2000 RJR agreed

to develop a jointly-owned brand for sale in China and the US (RJR, 2000). TTC hopes that

these agreements would lead to greater market access were disappointed in 2006 when the

government announced a ban on all new manufacturing facilities, including JVs with foreign

companies, as part of stronger tobacco control measures (Ding, 2006). As PM realized, CNTC

only wants ‘to acquire foreign technology and management skills without giving away much to

foreigners’ (PM, 2002).

Establishing foreign-based operations

Foreign operations established during the early 1990s were limited in scope and focused on Asia,

notably Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. Hong Kong and Macau received substantial investment

due to their SEZ status and proximity to the mainland. This began to change in the mid 2000s as

the CNTC looked to expand foreign production and distribution of Chinese brands. Lacking its

own networks, joint ventures were formed with TTCs to produce and distribute Chinese

cigarettes abroad (CTI, 2014; Zhang & Zhang, 2013). In 2003, Shanghai Tobacco Group and

Gallahers signed reciprocal trademark license agreements and, the following year, launched each

other’s brands in China and Russia (Gallaher, 2004). A ‘long-term strategic cooperative

partnership’ with PMI agreed in 2005 involves licensed production and distribution of Marlboro

in China, and the establishment of jointly-owned China Tobacco Philip Morris International

(CTPMI) to launch and distribute Chinese brands in foreign markets. Based in Switzerland,

CTPMI launched three so-called ‘heritage brands’ (RGD, Dubliss, and Harmony) in 2008, using

PMI’s distribution networks in Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America (Tobacco Free

Kids, 2010). In 2012, CTPMI opened an office in the Democratic Republic of Congo to launch

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heritage brands (CTI, 2014b). Similarly, CNTC partnered with BAT to form China Tobacco

British American Tobacco (CTBAT) International in 2013, with worldwide rights to BAT brand

State Express 555, and Chinese brand Double Happiness outside of China (BAT, 2013).

Shanghai Tobacco licensed production of Zhongnanhai, Golden Deer and Red Double

Happiness to JTI for distribution in Russia (Zhang & Zhang, 2013). Joint brands include Win

and Xingxin, developed by Hongyun Honghe Group and Myanmar’s Fu Xing Brothers Group

(Lei, 2013), and Zhongnanhai (Totem) developed by Shanghai Tobacco and the Chinese-

Mongolian joint venture (CTI, 2014). At the time of writing there are negotiations for a similar

joint venture between Yunnan Tobacco Industrial and Imperial Tobacco (Yu, 2015).

It is expected that CNTC will soon progress to M&As of small and medium-sized foreign

tobacco companies, mimicking TTCs such as JTI and Imperial Tobacco (Qing, 2015). For

example, there were negotiations between Hongta Group and Donskoy Tabak in 2012 for

Hongta’s purchase of 0.5% share of Russia’s largest national tobacco manufacturer. This would

permit entry of Hongta brands into the Russian market, produced and distributed by Donskoy

Tabak (Anon, 2012). While negotiations appear to have been unsuccessful, industry analysts

predict that the CNTC’s ‘massive current account surplus built up over years means that no

company is too large to be purchased for cash’ (Euromonitor, 2008), a sentiment echoed by

others (The Economist, 2014).

By the late 2000s, Chinese overseas supply chain has also improved. Foreign operations

have been established to secure tobacco leaf from Brazil, USA and Zimbabwe. For example,

land in the Zambezi region, Namibia has been leased to Namibia Oriental Tobacco to grow

tobacco leaf for China, generating much controversy in a country with high levels of food

insecurity (Dlamini, 2015). Shanghai Tobacco is opening a distribution centre in Singapore,

with initial duty-paid target markets of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore, and

select duty-free markets within the region (CTI, 2014a). There is also rapid growth of Chinese

offshore production with over half of the 50.4 billion sticks of Chinese cigarettes sold

internationally (2011) produced overseas (STMA, 2012). This increased to 44 billion sticks

(two-thirds of global sales) in 2013 (Zhang & Zhang, 2013). Located in strategically important

geographical regions, these facilities (marked with asterisk in Table 2) reflect expansion plans in

Latin America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. For instance, Viniton Group and Lao

Liaozhong Hongta Fortune Tobacco have established production and distribution bases in

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Southeast Asia. The CTIEC targets Europe, while United Overseas (Panama) produces Chinese

brands for the Americas (CTI, 2014, 2014b). The industry’s focus on expanding overseas

production is expected to continue, encouraged by favourable government policies (Feng J.,



Table 2 lists CNTC’s portfolio of foreign operations which include distribution offices,

manufacturing plants, production and distribution bases, tobacco leaf procurement, and

machinery and accessory materials. Led by China Tobacco International, each investment is

affiliated with a provincial industrial company (Guangdong Tobacco Industrial and Viniton

Group), or municipal subsidiary (Hongyun Honghe Group and Myanmar Kokang Factory). The

foreign operation produces brands of the respective parent companies or licensed production of

other companies. Importantly, FDI has been coordinated to minimize competition among

Chinese companies on the global market (CTI, 2014b).

How globalized is CNTC to date?

Using indicators set out in Lee and Eckhardt (this issue), and Lee et al. (in press), for which there

is available data, CNTC appears poised to “go global”, but its global business strategy is unlikely

to follow the pattern of existing TTCs. Most notable has been the domestic restructuring of the

industry, as a whole, and of individual firms. There has been substantial consolidation, to

transform a highly fragmented and inefficient industry, into fewer, larger and more competitive

firms with clearer geographical (national, provincial and municipal), functional (manufacturing,

sales and administration) and regulatory (central and provincial STMAs) delineation. Supported

by favourable government policies and substantial resources, the restructured domestic industry

has achieved greater economies of scale. Moreover, while consolidating to compete with TTCs,

the Chinese industry has been reconfigured in ways that minimize competition among domestic

firms. The resultant structure potentially dwarfs existing TTCs and serves as a springboard for


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Changes to ownership structure do not appear to be part of Chinese global business

strategy for the tobacco industry. The industry is likely to remain state-owned and controlled for

the foreseeable future. As observed by industry analysts,

As domestic firms in China mainly dominate the local cigarette industry, the industry's globalization level is relatively low and is expected to remain low in the future….The industry's globalization level is low due to the low foreign ownership levels of the industry's firms in China. In 2014, the share of revenue contributed by foreign-funded enterprises (including those from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) is expected to be only 0.1% of the industry's total. The Chinese Government largely controls China's tobacco sector and limits the investment of foreign manufacturers in China (IBIS World, n.d.).

While open to adopting foreign technology and expertise since the 1980s, and pursuing joint

ventures and other forms of FDI (spanning two SEZs and twenty countries across all continents

except Australia by 2015, and leaf growing in Africa), the domestic industry has remain firmly

under Chinese ownership (Figure 7).

Another indicator of globalization is product development to promote a small number of

Chinese ‘heritage’ brands overseas, as well as premium brands. These are likely to appeal to

overseas Chinese, rather than serve as global brands, given their close affinity with Chinese

cultural tastes and practices. The development of new brands, to appeal to a wider global market

beyond Chinese diasporas, is likely to increase via joint ventures with existing TTCs.


Finally, trends in exports suggest an increasingly outward looking Chinese industry.

Exports have grown rapidly by volume (Figure 7) following the establishment of five export

manufacturing facilities in 2013. A target of 8 million cases by 2020 was declared in 2014 with

the aim of catching the sales volumes of leading TTCs (Anon, 2013a; Lu, 2014). This data

excludes overseas production which has also risen sharply since 2008, reaching 1.57 million

cases in 2014 (Qing, 2015). Export markets have also begun to diversify beyond Asia. While

Asia remains a priority region, with the largest number of overseas operations, markets in Latin

America, Eastern Europe and the Middle East are clear targets.


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Previous analyses of the global tobacco industry recognize the importance of, but generally

exclude, the CNTC because of its strong domestic focus. The findings of this paper suggest,

however, that the Chinese industry has been steadily positioning itself to become a global player

since the late 1990s. While the Chinese tobacco industry is likely to remain, in the medium term,

primarily dependent on its huge domestic market of 350 million smokers, indicators suggest the

emergence of a new Chinese TTC in the next decade.

This analysis shows that the “go global” ambitions of the Chinese tobacco industry have

been spurred by both internal and external forces. Domestically, the market has neared

saturation among adult males with 53% smoking prevalence rates. Future growth is likely to

come from population growth and increasing female smoking rates (currently 2.4% for adult

females). However, ratification and implementation of the FCTC since 2005 has increased

support for the adoption of stronger tobacco control measures, albeit tempered by weak political

will and enforcement. Although important changes have been made to strengthen tobacco control

legislation, “major gaps still exist compared with FCTC requirements” (Li, Ma, Xi, 2016).

Externally, following WTO accession in 2001, it was anticipated that market opening

would bring greater foreign competition like in other Asian countries. This, in turn, would lead

to a gradual shrinking of domestic market share. To date, however, the Chinese government has

retained a firm grip on the industry and market access, limiting joint ventures to technology

transfers and leaf development and, more recently, reciprocal production and distribution

agreements. More influential has been the broader support, in Chinese economic policy, for the

‘go global’ strategy as key to the country’s emergence as a global economic superpower. The

sheer size of the Chinese tobacco industry compared to existing TTCs, and thus its potential to

generate significant foreign earnings, has prompted the government to promote the industry’s

expansion overseas.

If even partially realized, the global ambitions of the Chinese tobacco industry will have

profound impacts for public health. The Chinese industry is advantaged by sheer size, weak

domestic regulation and government support for overseas expansion. If successful, this will lead

to increased global competition on price, new products and intensified marketing, all resulting in

increased tobacco consumption. Beyond the WTO, there is much uncertainty to how tobacco

will be handled in key negotiations for major trade and investment agreements such as the Trans

Pacific Partnership (TPP). As CNTC increasingly mimics the globalization strategies of TTCs,

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there is a need to now include China, along with other emerging TTCs, into global tobacco

control efforts.

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Table 1: Value and quantity of tobacco product imports 2001-2015

Year Import value

(US$) % growth Import quantity

(tons) % growth

2001 33,353


2002 25,866 -22.45% 1,374 -23.15%

2003 38,460 48.69% 1,883 37.05%

2004 51,734 34.51% 2,568 36.38%

2005 52,448 1.38% 2,836 10.44%

2006 50,275 -4.14% 2,715 -4.27%

2007 60,573 20.48% 3,843 41.55%

2008 67,212 10.96% 4,010 4.35%

2009 76,345 13.59% 4,513 12.54%

2010 75,464 -1.15% 3,534 -21.69%

2011 78,442 3.95% 3,658 3.51%

2012 75,819 -3.34% 3,742 2.30%

2013 101,120 33.37% 5,065 35.36%

2014 117,781 16.48% 5,704 12.62%

2015 551,162 367.95% 26,940 372.30%

Source: Trade Map. China tobacco imports [data file]. 2016.

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Table 2: Tobacco-related foreign-based operations by China, 1989-2015

Company name Year Location Target Market Tianli International Trading Co Ltd

1989 Hong Kong

China tobacco International Moscow Office

1992 Renamed in 2008

Russia Russia

Golden Leaf Macau Group*

1992 Macau Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam, Singapore, South Africa, Australia, Panama, Peru

Hongta Hong Kong International*

1992 Restructured in 1998

Hong Kong South East Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America

Lao Liaozhong Hongta Fortune Tobacco*

1992 Restructured in 2008

Laos Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand, Middle East, North Africa

Viniton Group* 1993 Cambodia Cambodia and South-East Asia Myanmar Kokang Factory

1994 Myanmar Myanmar, India

United Castle International Co Ltd

1994 Hong Kong Global

China Tobacco International Europe Company (CTIEC)*

1997 Restructured in 2007

Romania Romania, Europe, Africa, Middle East

Dubai Ruishida Trading Co

1997 UAE Middle East, Africa, West and South Asia

China Tobacco International Hamburg Ltd

1998 Renamed in 2008

Germany Machinery and accessory materials

Taedong River Co Ltd*

2000 North Korea

HTS Hongta Switzerland

2000 Switzerland

China Tobacco Japan 2001 Japan Japan Mongolia Tobacco Co Ltd*

2001 Mongolia Mongolia, Central Asia, Russia

Raison Co Ltd 2001 North Korea North Korea, South Korea, Middle East, South-East Asia

China Tabaco Internacional do Brasil

2002 Brazil Leaf procurement

Namibia Oriental Tobacco

2005 Namibia Sub-Saharan Africa

CTPMI 2005 Switzerland Global

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Tianze Tobacco 2005 Zimbabwe Africa Leaf procurement

HTS Hongta Services 2007 Romania Eastern Europe Hongta Tabaco Latinoamericana S.A.

2008 Argentina Latin America, Caribbean

Pyongyang Haikusan Co Ltd

2008 North Korea

China Tobacco Argentina Ltd

2009 Argentina

United Castle America SA de CV

2009 Mexico The Americas

China-Brasil Tabacos Exportadora

2012 Brazil Latin America

CTPMI D.R.Congo 2012 D.R. Congo China Tobacco Hongyun Honghe (PTY) LTD

2013 Namibia (Walvis Bay)

Overseas United Inc* 2012 Panama Latin America Shandong Tobacco (Middle East) Trading Co

2012 UAE Middle East, Africa

Universal Tobacco (Dubai)*

2012 UAE Middle East, Africa

CTBAT 2013 Hong Kong Global US China Tobacco International

2014 USA Leaf procurement

PT Kolang Citra Abadi

2015 Indonesia

Source: Compiled from BAT, 2013; CTI, 2014a; CTIEC, n.d.; Hongta Group, 2010; MOFCOM, 2015; Namibia Oriental Tobacco, n.d.; STMA, 2006; STMA, 2009; STMA, 2012; Tobacco-free Kids, 2010; United Castle America, n.d.; Zhejiang Tobacco Industrial, 2015.

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Figure 1: Structure of the Chinese tobacco industry

Note: The CNTC and STMA also manage other tobacco-related entities including leaf, machinery, accessory materials, research institutes, technology centers and tobacco museums.

Source: Compiled from STMA, 1997; Zhou, 2004.

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Figure 2: Total number of Chinese tobacco companies (1998-2009)

Source: Compiled from Liu & Ren, 2009; STMA, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006.

Figure 3: Number of CNTC brands (1990s-2013)

Source: Anon (2014, August 6). 中国卷烟品牌市场竞争分析 [Analysis of market competitiveness of Chinese cigarette brands]. Retrieved from Tobacco market:








1998 2000 2002 2004 2005 2009


1183758582494325175175138138133124 95 90


















Number of brands produced by CNTC

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Figure 4: Value of tobacco exports, 1992-2013 (US$ millions)

Source: Compiled from UN Comtrade Database. (2015). China tobacco export [data file]. Retrieved from:

























Export by value (US$ millions)

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Figure 6: Map of distribution of CNTC’s foreign-based operations

Source: Compiled from BAT, 2013; Hongta Group, 2010; STMA, 2006; STMA, 2009; STMA, 2012; Tobacco-free Kids, 2010.

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Figure 7: CNTC annual production and export in billions of sticks (1980-2013)

Source: Compiled from STMA, 1996-2014.











































Total production and export volume (billion sticks)

Production volume CNTC export