the centrosome, a multitalented renaissance...

The Centrosome, a Multitalented Renaissance Organelle Anastassiia Vertii, Heidi Hehnly, 1 and Stephen Doxsey Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605 Correspondence: [email protected] SUMMARY The centrosome acts as a microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) from the G 1 to G 2 phases of the cell cycle; it can mature into a spindle pole during mitosis and/or transition into a cilium by elongating microtubules (MTs) from the basal body on cell differentiation or cell cycle arrest. New studies hint that the centrosome functions in more than MTorganization. For instance, it has recently been shown that a specific substructure of the centrosome—the mother centriole appendages—are required for the recycling of endosomes back to the plasma membrane. This alone could have important implications for a renaissance in our understanding of the devel- opment of primary cilia, endosome recycling, and the immune response. Here, we review newly identified roles for the centrosome in directing membrane traffic, the immunological synapse, and the stress response. Outline 1 Introduction: Centrosomes—Small but not simple 2 The constantly evolving role of the centrosome throughout the cell cycle 3 MT-organizing center and spindle poles 4 Basal body 5 Loss of centrosome or cilia function leads to ciliopathies 6 The endocytic recycling machinery interacts directly with the centrosome and plays a role in cilia formation and the cell cycle 7 The centrosome as a stress sensor 8 Can the centrosome discriminate between different types of stress? 9 Centrosomes in the immune response 10 Maintaining centrosome integrity requires chaperone machinery 11 Conclusion References 1 Currentaddress: Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York 13210. Editors: Thomas D. Pollard and Robert D. Goldman Additional Perspectives on The Cytoskeleton available at Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a025049 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2016;8:a025049 1 on March 26, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

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Page 1: The Centrosome, a Multitalented Renaissance · The Centrosome, a Multitalented Renaissance Organelle Anastassiia Vertii,

The Centrosome, a Multitalented RenaissanceOrganelle

Anastassiia Vertii, Heidi Hehnly,1 and Stephen Doxsey

Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605

Correspondence: [email protected]


The centrosome acts as a microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) from the G1 to G2 phases ofthe cell cycle; it can mature into a spindle pole during mitosis and/or transition into a cilium byelongating microtubules (MTs) from the basal body on cell differentiation or cell cycle arrest.New studies hint that the centrosome functions in more than MTorganization. For instance, ithas recently been shown that a specific substructure of the centrosome—the mother centrioleappendages—are required for the recycling of endosomes back to the plasma membrane. Thisalone could have important implications for a renaissance in our understanding of the devel-opment of primary cilia, endosome recycling, and the immune response. Here, we reviewnewly identified roles for the centrosome in directing membrane traffic, the immunologicalsynapse, and the stress response.


1 Introduction: Centrosomes—Smallbut not simple

2 The constantly evolving role of thecentrosome throughout the cell cycle

3 MT-organizing center and spindle poles

4 Basal body

5 Loss of centrosome or cilia function leadsto ciliopathies

6 The endocytic recycling machineryinteracts directly with the centrosomeand plays a role in cilia formation and thecell cycle

7 The centrosome as a stress sensor

8 Can the centrosome discriminate betweendifferent types of stress?

9 Centrosomes in the immune response

10 Maintaining centrosome integrity requireschaperone machinery

11 Conclusion


1Current address: Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York 13210.

Editors: Thomas D. Pollard and Robert D. Goldman

Additional Perspectives on The Cytoskeleton available at

Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a025049

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Theodore Boveri published his seminal work in 1888, de-scribing the origin of the centrosome from the sperm cen-triole after fertilization (Scheer 2014). This initial centriolewill become the mother centriole and will duplicate to forma daughter centriole. Another round of duplication is re-quired to make two mitotic spindle poles, each containingtwo centrioles. These two duplication cycles are required toform the first mitotic spindle, thus initiating the process ofdevelopment and growth of an embryo.

The centrosome has been visualized by light micros-copy since the 1880s and, subsequently, by transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM), which revealed the two bar-rel-shaped centrioles surrounded by pericentriolar material(PCM). The centriole itself contains substructures such as acartwheel-like structure and two sets of appendages at thedistal end of the oldest centriole (a.k.a. “mother centriole”;Fig. 1). The cartwheel-like structure serves as a platform toassemble microtubule (MT) triplets arranged with ninefoldsymmetry. It is argued that the assembly of this structure denovo involves a complex of proteins (Kitagawa et al. 2011),which are regulated by a polo-like kinase—the serine/thre-onine-protein kinase PLK4 (centriole assembly has beenreviewed elsewhere; Brito et al. 2012). However, the roleof appendages in centrosome function remains more enig-matic. We know that the oldest centriole (the mother) isstructurally distinct from the younger centriole (the“daughter”) in that it contains distal appendages and sub-distal appendages (Fig. 1). The proteins that comprise theseappendages are enriched specifically at the mother centri-ole, whereas the daughter centriole possesses its own spe-cific molecular components (e.g., centrobin—a proteinrequired to ensure the length of the newly formed centri-oles; Zou et al. 2005; Gudi et al. 2015). The current pro-posed role for distal appendages is in docking the cen-trosome to the plasma membrane during the formationof cilia (Tanos et al. 2013), whereas the subdistal append-ages are proposed to act in MTanchoring in interphase cells(Delgehyr et al. 2005). More recent evidence indicates thatthese appendage proteins are also important for ensuringsymmetric division and membrane trafficking (see below).

Another important structure of the centrosome is thePCM that surrounds the two centrioles. It was originallyspeculated that the PCM was a disorganized meshwork ofproteins (as reviewed elsewhere; Mennella et al. 2014). Withthe advent of superresolution microscopy and deconvolu-tion, the PCM appears to have a lattice-like organization(Dictenberg et al. 1998) and ring-like arrangements (Lawoet al. 2012). Superresolution microscopy also revealed mo-lecularcomponents of the PCM (e.g., pericentrin,g-tubulin),

which were detected at a resolution of ,200 nm. Thesestudies allowed the precise modeling of different PCM com-ponents within the lattice (Fu and Glover 2012; Lawo et al.2012; Mennella et al. 2012; Sonnen et al. 2012). The firststriking observation was that pericentrin is organized withits carboxyl terminus closer to the centriole wall, and theamino terminus of the protein extends toward the outerlayer of the lattice (Mennella et al. 2012).g-tubulin is foundin a more peripheral layer. Pericentrin displays a structuresimilar to “arms” reaching across and, potentially, securingthe lattice network (Lawo et al. 2012), arguing for its im-portance in lattice stability (Mennella et al. 2012). Thistopology might explain why g-tubulin is lost so readily incells lacking pericentrin (Zimmerman et al. 2004; Chenet al. 2014).


The dynamic, yet organized, centrosome provides a plat-form for multiple functions. As the cell enters mitosis, theability of the centrosome to nucleate MTs increases, con-comitant with recruitment of additional PCM and signal-ing components, thus transforming the once PCM-poorinterphase centrosome into a mature PCM-rich spindlepole. Once division is completed and the cell commits todifferentiate, the once-again PCM-poor centrosome canmove toward the plasma membrane and function as a basalbody for cilia formation (Fig. 2). Besides these classicalfunctions of the centrosome, its recently appreciated rolesin membrane trafficking and formation of immunologicalsynapses (Fig. 2) direct a fast-burgeoning area of research,driven in part by the identification of more than 100 dif-ferent centrosome proteins and an open-access centrosomeproteome to peruse (Andersen et al. 2003; Jakobsen et al.2011). However, the framework for how these proteins areorganized, the dynamics of their localization to the centro-some throughout the cell cycle, and their organization havenot been fully elucidated. With the ability to use live-cellimaging and superresolution microscopy, we envision thatthese questions will quickly be resolved.

Proteins that make up the proteasome were one of manyinteresting centrosome candidates that have been identified(Badano et al. 2005; Wigley et al. 1999), but their specificsubcentrosome localization is still unknown. In eukaryotes,proteasomes drive the selective degradation of proteinsubstrates containing covalently linked ubiquitin chains.Although proteasomes are distributed throughout thecell, their localization at the centrosome argues for a spe-cific biological function at this distinct subcellular site. Forinstance, studies linking the proteasome to the centrosomeshow a role for centrosome localization in neuronal func-

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Distal appendages (DA)






Pericentriolar material (PCM)

13 γ-tubulins' oligomermade of γ-TuSC


N term

C term

Subdistal appendages (SDA)






Centriole (top view)













Distal appendageSubdistal appendage

Figure 1. Centrosome substructures. A model highlighting the centrosome and its specific substructures, namely,(A) the centrioles, (B) distal appendages, (C) subdistal appendages, and (D) pericentriolar material (PCM). Thecentrosome comprises the mother centriole (MC), daughter centriole (DC), tethered together by “linker” structures,PCM, and satellites. The “linker” ensures centriole engagement and timely linker degradation that licenses centrioleduplication during S phase. The protein composition of the “linker” remains elusive, but the involvement ofpericentrin, Cep215, and Cep68 in centriole connections has recently been shown (Pagan et al. 2015). (A) Illustra-tion showing the centriole barrel (in top view). Depicted is a central hub, a rod-shaped structure of SAS6 homo-dimers that form oligomers (Kitagawa et al. 2011; Guichard et al. 2013), from which nine spokes of SAS6homodimers emanate, which each radiate toward a microtubule (MT) triplet. (B) Relative organization of molecularplayers forming the distal appendages (DAs), with Cep83 being in closest proximity to the centriole. (C) A model inwhich it is proposed that cenexin/Odf2 is responsible for the integrity of the subdistal appendages (SDAs) and forconnecting them to the MC. (D) Organization of the PCM into 13 protofilament oligomers that contain g-tubulinin the outermost layer; the carboxyl terminus (C term) of pericentrin is located close to the centriole barrel, whereasthe amino terminus (A term) is oriented toward the outer lattice layer. (E) Electron micrograph of a mother centriolewith two sets of appendages; DAs are highlighted by blue arrows and SDAs are highlighted by red arrows. Scale bar,0.1 mm. (E, Reproduced from Hung et al. 2016, with permission from Elsevier.)

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tion. Specifically, an E3-ubiquitin ligase linked to Parkin-son’s disease is enriched at the centrosome (Zhao et al.2003). These E3 ligases are enzymes that recognize targetsfor degradation by tagging them with ubiquitin. This worksuggests that the centrosomal localization of this E3 ligaseprovides a subcellular site to specifically ubiquitinate anddegrade protein aggregates that are crucially involved in thepathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. A centrosomal locali-zation of proteasome components was also proposed to beimportant for the development of dendrites. This was test-ed by developing a tool to inhibit proteasome functionspecifically at the centrosome (Puram et al. 2013). Theproteasomal subunit S5a/Rpn10 was identified as an es-sential component for proteasomal activity specifically atthe centrosome in neurons to promote dendrite arbor elab-

oration. A deeper understanding of the molecular relation-ship between the centrosome and the proteasome couldelucidate potential therapeutic targets in Parkinson’s dis-ease progression and, thus, expand our understanding ofneuronal development.


The centrosome is most commonly known as a microtu-bule-organizing center (MTOC). MTs appear to be orga-nized at the centrosome in three different ways. They canbe nucleated at this site from/by g-tubulin ring complexes(g-TuRCs) located in the PCM (Fig. 1). g-TuRCs consist ofg-tubulin small complexes (g-TuSCs) and accessory pro-teins (Doxsey 2001). Unlike MT growth in vitro, in which

RE/Membrane organelleorganization

Spindle polematuration/formation

Immunological synapse formation

Target cellNatural Killer

Cilium formation and function




Basal body









NucleusNucleusCytolytic granules





Figure 2. The various functions of the centrosome. The figure summarizes the main activities of the centrosome,including (A) organization of membrane organelles (e.g., recycling endosome); (B) cilium formation and function;(C) spindle pole maturation during mitosis; and (D) formation of an immunological synapse, in which a naturalkiller cell recognizes an infected cell. IFT, intraflagellar transport; RE, recycling endosome.

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variable numbers of protofilaments are formed, centro-some-nucleated MTs typically comprise 13 protofilaments(reviewed in Doxsey 2001). g-TuRCs form oligomers thathave a slight helical geometry similar to the helical turns ofthe MT itself and are consistent with a role for the g-TuRCstemplating the assembly of 13-fold microtubule protofila-ments to form an MT (Kollman et al. 2010). MTs (appar-ently centrosome-nucleated) can also be anchored atsubdistal appendages of the centrosome in interphase cells,but little is known about how these MTs arise and anchor,other than them requiring ninein for their anchoring (Del-gehyr et al. 2005). MTs can also be elongated from the oldercentriole during ciliogenesis.

The centrosome function expands when the interphasecentrosome matures into a mitotic spindle pole. Centro-some maturation occurs every cell cycle and involves re-cruitment of signaling molecules to initiate centrosomeseparation and maturation, followed by the addition ofPCM components to increase MT nucleation. The role ofcentrioles in mitotic spindle assembly appears to be dispen-sable during Drosophila development (Basto et al. 2006)—in this case, the cells rely on acentriolar MTOCs. However,in chicken DT40 cells, centrioles are required for timelyspindle assembly and chromosome stability (Sir et al.2013). In developing mouse embryos, acentriolar mitosiscauses early embryonic lethality, arguing for an essentialrole for centrioles in mammalian development (Bazzi andAnderson 2014). To initiate spindle maturation in eitherDrosophila or mammalian cells, two well-studied kinases—Aurora A and Plk1—must be recruited to the spindle poles(reviewed in Barr and Gergely 2007), where they playcrucial roles in spindle assembly and mitotic progression.Interestingly, Aurora A modifies several important cell cy-cle–related proteins that include CPEB (cytoplasmic poly-adenylation element binding) to regulate translation ofcyclin-B–Cdk1 for mitotic entry (Mendez and Richter2001; Sasayama et al. 2005); Eg5, LATS2, and NDEL1,which are required for centrosome separation and matura-tion (Toji et al. 2004); and TACC (transforming acid coiledcoil) for astral MT stability (Conte et al. 2003; Barros et al.2005). Therefore, it is not surprising that defects in AuroraA signaling ultimately delay mitotic entry, induce mono-polar spindle formation, and cause misaligned chromo-somes (Hochegger et al. 2013). Plk1 seems to be morespecific and directly phosphorylates substrates requiredfor centrosome maturation and spindle assembly proteins(reviewed by Lens et al. 2010).


When a cell exits the cell cycle, during differentiation orbecause of a lack of nutrients (Goto et al. 2013), the cen-

trosome relinquishes its main role as an MTOC and relo-cates from its perinuclear site to the apical plasmamembrane where one of the two centrioles, the mothercentriole, serves as a basal body for ciliogenesis (Fig. 2)(reviewed by Kobayashi and Dynlacht 2011; Hehnly andDoxsey 2012). The basal body can revert back to anMTOC and reenter the cell cycle by reabsorbing the ciliaand moving away from the apical membrane.

As the centrosome is at the base of the primary ciliumand is required for anchoring the cilium at the plasmamembrane, it is not surprising that many centrosome pro-teins were found to be crucial for ciliogenesis (Graser et al.2007; Mikule et al. 2007; Nigg and Raff 2009). The mothercentriole appendages comprise a handful of centrosomeproteins that have been implicated in the formation of cilia(e.g., Cep164, ODF2/Cenexin, Cep83, and centriolin;Gromley et al. 2003; Ishikawa et al. 2005; Graser et al.2007; Chang et al. 2013; Tanos et al. 2013). The distal ap-pendage molecular components, Cep164 and Cep83, arethought to be important for docking of the mother centri-ole at the plasma membrane during ciliogenesis. The role ofthe subdistal appendages is less defined. Interestingly,ODF2/cenexin localizes to both subdistal and distal ap-pendages and contributes to the formation of both (Ishi-kawa et al. 2005; Chang et al. 2013). One interesting role forsubdistal appendages is that they might act as a site toassemble a ciliary vesicle (Sorokin 1962), which is a mem-branous capsule proposed to be required for fusion of thecilium with the plasma membrane (Hehnly et al. 2013).Another recent study showed that ciliary components, in-cluding membrane vesicles, remain associated with themother centriole during mitosis (Paridaen et al. 2013).Furthermore, it seems that the daughter cell that inheritsthe oldest centriole will be the first to form a primary cilium(Paridaen et al. 2013).

Besides the formation of the ciliary vesicle, the centro-some undergoes additional changes during ciliogenesisthat include the establishment of a ciliary rootlet (Yanget al. 2002). During assembly of cilia, the centrosome (basalbody) facilitates the formation of the ciliary rootlet. Root-letin—a structural component of the ciliary rootlet (Yanget al. 2002)—is also a component of the centrosome duringG1–S cell cycle stages and is required for centrosome co-hesion (Bahe et al. 2005). Interestingly, a lack of rootletindoes not affect initial cilia development, but is implicatedin long-term cilia stability in photoreceptors and, whenlost, leads to retinal degeneration (Yang et al. 2005).

PCM components of the centrosome, such as pericen-trin, are also implicated in ciliogenesis (for further details,see Delaval and Doxsey 2010). One possible explanation forthe perturbation of ciliogenesis that accompanies the lossof pericentrin is that pericentrin interacts with components

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of the intraflagellar transport (IFT) system, IFT20 andIFT88 (Jurczyk et al. 2004). IFT is a cargo-trafficking path-way that functions inside cilia and contributes to theirassembly and the delivery of signaling proteins (e.g., sonichedgehog; reviewed by Sung and Leroux 2013). The IFTsystem efficiently delivers cargo to the cilium in a timelymanner, which is important as the cilium itself lacks trans-lational machinery. The cilium consists of two protein sub-complexes, IFT-A and IFT-B, which use the motor proteinskinesin 2 and dynein to move bidirectionally along MTs inthe cilium.

An unexpected recent finding showed that formation ofthe cilium involves autophagy-regulated degradation ofcentrosome satellite proteins. Centriolar satellites (Fig. 1)are cytoplasmic granules that have been proposed to func-tion in centrosome protein targeting and exchange, as wellas communication between centrosomes and the cyto-plasm. More specifically, the centriolar satellite proteinoral-facial-digital syndrome 1 protein (OFD1) is specifi-cally degraded by autophagy, and this degradation is im-portant for ciliogenesis (Tang et al. 2013). The interactionof OFD1 with the autophagic protein LC3 is enhanced byanother satellite protein, PCM1. It has also been shown thatthere is a mutual interdependence between ciliogenesis andautophagy, favoring a model in which autophagy influenc-es ciliogenesis (Pampliega et al. 2013). Other support forthis comes from the observation that cigarette smoke caus-es the loss or shortening of cilia, and this is correlated withan overall increase in autophagy (Lam et al. 2013). Inhibi-tion of autophagy prevents cilia shortening in response tocigarette smoke, thus supporting the notion regarding aninhibitory effect of autophagy on ciliogenesis.

Most cell types contain primary cilia, implicating theirimportance in cellular function. One particularly interest-ing observation is the presence of signaling receptors at theprimary cilium, suggesting a role as a specialized signaling“antenna.” Proteome analyses of nonmotile cilia have iden-tified signaling components such as sonic hedgehog,smoothened and Wnt (Liu et al. 2007; Mayer et al. 2009;Ishikawa et al. 2012). These cilia-localized signaling cas-cades have been modeled to influence neuronal migrationand cerebral cortical development (reviewed by Guemez-Gamboa et al. 2014). One proposed mechanism for howcilia might regulate neuronal migration is that they couldact as an antenna sensing hormonal changes in the extra-cellular environment. Strikingly, a recent study revealed abranched cilium in neurons of the nematode Caenorhab-ditis elegans, suggesting that there could be some diversityin the range of morphology of primary cilia (Doroquezet al. 2014). Another example of the diversity of cilia comesfrom comparative proteomic studies (Liu et al. 2007).When compared with proteome analysis between photore-

ceptor sensory cilia and other cilia proteomes, a highernumber of transport and light-perception components,such as photoreceptors and photoadaptor proteins, weredetected in photoreceptor cilia. This specialized organiza-tion of distinct signaling components suggests that the cil-ium is an organelle that is “tunable” to specific cell types.


Dysfunction of primary (sensory) cilia is associated withseveral human disorders, collectively termed ciliopathies.The primary cilium was thought to be the reason behindthe syndromic phenotypes associated with their disrup-tion, including obesity, cystic kidneys, polydactyly, situsinversus, and encephalocele, to name just a few. One recentexample linking primary cilia with obesity is a study on theobesity-linked hormone leptin. Leptin is produced by ad-ipocytes and was shown to stimulate elongation of cilia inthe hypothalamus neurons in adulthood (Han et al. 2014).These findings suggested that leptin governs cilia length,possibly to increase the sensitivity of hypothalamic neu-rons to metabolic signals.

One specific ciliopathy, Bardet–Biedl syndrome (BBS),has at least nine associated “ciliopathy” phenotypes thatinclude retinopathy, polydactyly, situs inversus, and devel-opmental delays such as a hypoplastic (underdeveloped)cerebellum and obesity. The multiple phenotypes of BBSmake it difficult to determine whether loss of cilia is the soledefect in this disorder. BBS can result from mutations in atleast 14 different genes, some of which are involved in aprotein complex called the BBSome that contributes to ciliastructure, formation, and function. However, some BBSproteins have been implicated in cellular structures outsidethe cilium (reviewed by Vertii et al. 2015a). For instance,BBS4 and BBS6 both localize to the centrosome/basal bodyduring interphase, when a cilium is emanating from thebasal body, and during mitotic progression, when the cili-um is not present (Kim et al. 2004, 2005). Based on theseknown BBS protein localizations to the centrosome, wepropose that defects in centrosome function, leading tomitotic or cilia defects, might cocontribute to the etiologyof ciliopathies.


Intercellular trafficking is dependent on centrosome struc-ture (Fig. 2). One example of this is the recycling endosomeand its interaction with mother centriole appendages

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(Hehnly et al. 2012). The appendages are required for theassembly of the ciliary vesicle, which forms at the mothercentriole before the centriole docks to the plasma mem-brane from which the primary cilium emerges (Sorokin1962). The recycling endosome contains two GTPases—Rab11 and Rab8—that regulate cargo recycling in andout of this organelle. Recently, these GTPases were shownto interact directly with a mother centriole appendage pro-tein, cenexin (Hehnly et al. 2012, 2013; Chang et al. 2013).In addition, a Rab11–Rab8 GTPase cascade was shown tobe required for formation of cilia, in which active Rab11recruits the Rab8 GDP–GTP exchange factor (GEF) Ra-bin8 to activate Rab8 and, thus, induce cilia formation(Knodler et al. 2010; Westlake et al. 2011). Rab8 andRab11 also interact with several well-defined proteins re-quired for ciliogenesis such as the BBSome, the vesicle teth-ering complex known as the exocyst, and the mothercentriole appendage protein cenexin (Fielding et al. 2005;Wu et al. 2005; Nachury et al. 2007; Hehnly et al. 2012,2013; Chang et al. 2013). However, the molecular mecha-nism underlying the interplay between these molecularcomponents during ciliogenesis is unknown. Early stepsin ciliogenesis require the Rab8–Rab11 cascade and themembrane-shaping proteins EHD1 and EHD3 (Lu et al.2015). We speculate that the interaction between the recy-cling endosome and its machinery with mother centrioleappendages facilitates the organization of the Rab11–Rab8GTPase cascade, ensuring the initiation of the formation ofcilia at the appropriate time during the cell cycle.

Strikingly, a recent study implicated Rab11 and its rolein dynein-based endosome motility in maturation of spin-dle poles and mitotic progression. Time-lapse imagingshowed Rab11-associated endosomes organized around in-terphase centrosomes, mitotic spindles, and mitotic spin-dle poles (Hehnly and Doxsey 2014). The Rab11-decoratedendosomes contained g-tubulin and dynein, suggestingthat endosomes might act as carriers for localizing MT-nucleating and spindle pole proteins to the mitotic spindlepoles. Taken together, the results show that Rab11-associ-ated endosomes are important in centrosome maturation(Hehnly and Doxsey 2014) and ciliogenesis (Knodler et al.2010; Westlake et al. 2011), thus showing their role in cen-trosome function.


Signaling by centrosomes is crucial for cell cycle pro-gression (Doxsey et al. 2005). Cyclin-dependent kinases(CDKs) are well-known regulators of cell cycle progression,and so it is not surprising that two cyclins—cyclin E andcyclin A—physically interact with and activate CDKs,including Cdk2 and Cdk1, and activate these kinases.

Interestingly, cyclins E and A both display centrosome lo-calization and are required not only for centriole duplica-tion but also for DNA replication. Each of these cyclins,cyclin E and A, contain their own unique centrosome-lo-calization signals, which are thought to spatially activateCDKs (Matsumoto and Maller 2004; Pascreau et al. 2010).Cyclin B also localizes to the centrosome. However, in thiscase, the sequestration at the centrosome serves to preventcyclin B from conducting its nuclear function (Krameret al. 2004) and does not directly affect the centrosome.

On induction of DNA damage, the pathway involvingthe proteins ATM, ATR, and Chk1 regulates the localizationof cyclin B at centrosomes. Normal entry into mitosis oc-curs after activation of Cdk1, resulting in chromosomecondensation in the nucleus and centrosome separation,as well as increased MT-nucleation activity in the cyto-plasm. The centrosome-associated serine/threonine pro-tein kinase Chk1 is proposed to colocalize with, and thusshield, centrosome-localized Cdk1 from unscheduled acti-vation by the cytoplasmic tyrosine-protein phosphataseCdc25B, thereby contributing to the accurate timing ofthe initial steps of cell division, including mitotic spindleformation (Kramer et al. 2004). However, on DNA damage,a Chk1-mediated checkpoint induces excessive formationof centriolar satellites that constitute assembly platformsfor centrosomal proteins, which subsequently leads to cen-trosome amplification (Loffler et al. 2013). This proposedcentrosome-inactivation checkpoint comprising centro-some amplification might lead to the elimination of cellsby mitotic catastrophe in response to DNA damage.Furthermore, following UV-induced DNA damage, Chk1first accumulates, and then becomes phosphorylated, at thecentrosome (Loffler et al. 2007). The specific phosphory-lation of Chk1 is a prerequisite for its degradation by theproteasome (Zhang et al. 2005). One interesting possibilityis that, on DNA damage, the nuclear fraction of Chk1 ac-cumulates at the centrosome, where it is then spatially, andin a timely manner, modified for degradation. This wouldbe one of several examples showing that signaling activitiesinvolving centrosomes and nuclear events are linked in theresponse to cellular stress. For example, it appears that thedisruption of centrosome structure results in a G1 arrestthrough a p38–p53 stress pathway (Mikule et al. 2007).Similarly, increasing p38 or p53 expression modulatesPLK4 activity, thereby regulating centriole duplication(Nakamura et al. 2013).


Heat stress, like DNA damage, can have a deleterious effecton centrosome function. For instance, cells either under-

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going heat stress, such as fever, or incurring DNA damagehave a higher propensity to form a primary cilium (Villum-sen et al. 2013), suggesting that multiple cellular stresses cancause cells to exit the cell cycle and remain in G0. Thecentrosome seems to be sensitive to stress. When com-paring the DNA damage response in Drosophila embryos(Sibon et al. 2000) with the heat-stress response of mam-malian cells (Vidair et al. 1993), both undergo dramatic butsomewhat opposite changes in centrosome structure. Forexample, although UV stress causes centriolar satellite am-plification and centrosome overduplication, heat stress insome cases causes disassembly of the PCM (Vidair et al.1993; Brown et al. 1996b; Loffler et al. 2013). There havebeen several discrepancies between studies on changes incentrosome function that might have resulted from differ-ences in heat-stress intensity and/or duration (Vidair et al.1993; Brown et al. 1996b; Villumsen et al. 2013). Based onthese differences, it is important to define the physiologicalrelevance of heat stress in vivo on centrosome structure/function and correlate these phenotypes to what has beenreported in the literature. Analysis of leukocytes from pa-tients with febrile condition revealed decreased centrosomeintegrity compared with that of healthy controls (Vertiiet al. 2015b). These data are supported by experiments invitro with fever-mimicking temperature regimens, indicat-ing that the centrosome is a heat-stress-sensitive organelle.Moreover, this sensitivity is unique to the centrosome, asother nonmembranous organelles, the midbody, and kinet-ochore appear to be heat-stress-tolerant (Vertii et al.2015b). The heat-stress-related defects in centrosome in-tegrity resulted in functional consequences for the centro-some, such as its ability to nucleate MTs and polarizeduring formation of the immunological synapse (IS; seebelow).


Recent studies have shown that centrosome reorientationoccurs during formation of the IS. IS formation is a neces-sary step within the immune response that includes mem-brane rearrangement at the sites where a T cell contacts anantigen-presenting cell (APC), resulting in activation of theT cell (Kloc et al. 2013). Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) ornatural killer (NK) cells form one type of IS that can elim-inate infected or tumorigenic cells by releasing cytolyticgranules. Another type of IS occurs when T helper cellsrecognize an antigen presented by the APC through its T-cell receptor (TCR). The IS then assembles into a highlyorganized structure that contains a peripheral and centralsupramolecular activation complex (pSMAC and cSMAC,respectively) (Dustin et al. 2010; Thauland and Parker2010). Once formation of the IS is initiated, the centrosome

reorients toward the cSMAC within the IS and proceeds todock at the plasma membrane where it can control secre-tion of lytic granules (Fig. 2) (Stinchcombe et al. 2006).At the same time that the centrosome docks at the plasmamembrane, secretory granules move in a dynein-depen-dent manner toward the centrosome (Mentlik et al.2010). Centrosome reorientation and movement towardthe IS depends on several molecular factors that includeMTs; MT motors such as dynein and kinesin; membranecomponents such as diacylglycerol; and signaling compo-nents that include protein kinase C (PKC), casein kinase 1delta, Lck, Fyn, and Zap-70 (Knox et al. 1993; Kuhne et al.2003; Combs et al. 2006; Martın-Cofreces et al. 2006;Quann et al. 2009; Bertrand et al. 2010; Tsun et al. 2011;Zyss et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2013; Jenkins et al. 2014).The molecular interplay between all these componentshas yet to be deciphered. However, recent evidence illus-trates that MTs are required for centrosomes to orientthemselves at the IS, and that this process is biphasic withcentrosome polarization toward, and docking at, the IS (Yiet al. 2013). This work suggests an interesting model where-by centrosome reorientation might influence polarity for-mation in the IS. Future studies are required to investigatewhether reorientation of the centrosome sets up T-cellpolarity or whether T-cell polarity initiates centrosomereorientation.

Recently, similarities have been discerned between ISformation and cilia formation. For instance, in both cases,the centrosome is required to reorient toward a polarizedmembrane, either the apical membrane in the context ofcilia formation or the IS in T cells. Both these processesinvolve hedgehog signaling either to function (Rohatgiet al. 2007; Tasouri and Tucker 2011) or to dock thecentrosome at the plasma membrane (Stinchcombe et al.2006; de la Roche et al. 2013). The similarities between ISformation and cilia formation provide a rationale to testwhether proteins involved in cilia formation are also re-quired in IS formation (e.g., IFT proteins, mother centrioleappendage proteins). Along these lines, a recent finding hasimplicated an IFT protein—IFT20—in assembly of the ISin T cells (Finetti et al. 2009). Specifically, IFT20 is impli-cated as a central regulator of TCR recycling to the IS,possibly through an interplay between IFT20 and the RabGTPase network that controls endosomal recycling (Finettiet al. 2014). Recycling endosomes, specifically ones con-taining either the Rab8 or Rab11 GTPases, have also beenimplicated in formation of cilia (Knodler et al. 2010).Therefore, we propose that the centrosome might be thecontrol center for organizing the endosomal pathway con-taining IFT20 (Hehnly et al. 2012; Finetti et al. 2014) toinitiate either cilia formation or IS formation at the righttime and place.

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A high percentage of centrosomal proteins are .150 kDain size and contain large hydrophobic coiled-coil motifsthat are important in centrosome assembly. However, thesecharacteristics imply a risk of rapid aggregation under cel-lular stress, suggesting that the centrosome is a highly un-stable macromolecular complex. Maintaining centrosomeintegrity is essential for cell cycle progression and cilia for-mation. One proposed mechanism for maintaining centro-some integrity, and thus function, is through chaperoneassistance. Chaperones are important components thataid folding of newly synthesized proteins, prevent aggrega-tion of misfolded proteins, and target misfolded proteinsfor proteasome-mediated degradation (Horwich 2014). Inmammalian cells, there are multiple chaperones, includingheat-shock protein (Hsp) families: Hsp100, Hsp90, Hsp70,the chaperonin complex TRiC/CCT, and small chaperonessuch as crystallins (Kampinga et al. 2009). Some of these,such as Hsp70 and Hsp90, use ATP to prevent proteinaggregation and facilitate proper folding of target proteins,whereas others, such as the small chaperones Hsp27 andaBcrystallin, are ATP-independent but still efficient in theirchaperone function.

The molecular chaperonin system differs dramaticallyfrom other chaperones (Kim et al. 2013). Chaperonins havebeen implicated in facilitating molecular components thatassist in centrosome function. The chaperonin TRiC/CCTis responsible for folding tubulin and actin intermediates,as well as the PLK1 kinase (Llorca et al. 2000; Liu et al. 2005;Munoz et al. 2011), and localizes to the centrosome (Brownet al. 1996a). Interestingly, CCT chaperonins have beenidentified as molecular components contributing to theonset of BBS (see Sec. 5 above). Two protein complexesimplicated in the etiology of BBS consist of an octamericcomplex, the BBSome, and a handful of chaperonin-TRiC/CCT-like proteins (BBS6, BBS10, BBS12) (Nachury et al.2007; Loktev et al. 2008; Jin et al. 2010; Wei et al. 2012). Anydefect in protein complex assembly can result in BBS (Kat-sanis 2004; Yang et al. 2008; Billingsley et al. 2010). Many ofthe components that assist in formation of the BBSomelocalize to the centrosome and include BBS6 and theCCT proteins CCT1, CCT4, CCT5, and CCT8 (Kim et al.2005; Seo et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2012, 2013). Whetherchaperonins require centrosome localization to interactwith BBSome components is unknown. We speculate thatthe centrosome, which already contains many chaperonecomponents, acts as a checkpoint to investigate the integ-rity of the BBSome complex.

Like the chaperonin system, the Hsp70–Hsp90 chap-erone machinery localizes to the centrosome (Wigley et al.

1999). This localization suggests that Hsp70–Hsp90 mightbe involved in maintaining centrosome structure. In fact,when centrosome structure is compromised (by depletionof 13 specific centrosome proteins; Mikule et al. 2007), thecells arrest in G1 phase. Strikingly, this same cell cycle arrestoccurs when Hsp/Hsc70 is depleted (Powers et al. 2008).This finding suggests that the Hsp/Hsc70 depletion, likedepletion of centrosome proteins, compromises centro-some structure and, thus, leads to cell cycle arrest. Suchan intriguing correlation led to the hypothesis that chap-erones have a bona fide role in centrosome structure/func-tion, in addition to their role in being recruited to thecentrosome under stress. For example, under heat stress,the PCM of the centrosome is disrupted (Vidair et al. 1993;Hut et al. 2005). This disruption occurs concomitant withHsp70 recruitment to the centrosome, suggesting a role forthis chaperone in centrosome protection. Furthermore, ec-topic expression of Hsp70 protects the PCM when underheat stress (Brown et al. 1996a,b). However, as increasedcellular levels of chaperones will protect multiple cellularorganelles from stress-related defects, from these studies itis difficult to determine whether Hsp70 expression is di-rectly protecting the centrosome or whether this effect isindirect. Specific targeting of Hsp70 to the centrosomerescues centrosomal defects during stress, most likelythrough its ability to nucleate MTs and to serve as a basalbody for polarizing toward the IS (Vertii et al. 2015b).


The emerging roles of the centrosome in underpinning amyriad of cellular functions might be related to the pos-session by the centrosome of many unique structural com-ponents. For example, the centrosome nucleates most of itsMTs from the PCM and anchors MTs at the subdistal ap-pendages, which are also implicated in organizing recyclingendosomes. Furthermore, the distal appendages are linkedto a separate centrosome function that involves centrioledocking to the plasma membrane for both cilia formationand the formation of the IS. Although these different cen-trosome substructures can be linked to different cellularprocesses, we still do not know whether there is cross talkbetween the substructures themselves. For instance, couldthe subdistal appendages regulate PCM function? Supportfor this idea comes from the observation that several sub-distal appendage proteins become more PCM-like (e.g.,ninein) during maturation of the spindle pole, suggestingthat these molecular players “toggle” between their roles atthe appendages and their roles at the PCM. However, therole of appendage proteins at the PCM is unclear, althoughwe do know that the appendage protein ninein is requiredfor symmetric cell division (Wang et al. 2009; Dauber et al.

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2012). We propose that chaperone components guard thesedifferent centrosome structures and assist in the assemblyand disassembly of the many substructures of centrosomes.

Centrosome multitasking involves dynamic molecularrearrangements and, sometimes, movement of the entirecentrosome during cell migration or ciliogenesis. Thesechanges are probably due to MT-based transport to andfrom the centrosome. However, an alternative method toreorganize centrosome structure could involve local degra-dation of protein pools through centrosome-localized pro-teasome activity. One can imagine that maintaining thecentrosome requires dynamic transport of material toand from the centrosome, the initiation of newly synthe-sized material at the centrosome, and the degradation ofmaterial no longer needed. If any of these pathways areimproperly regulated, the fate of the cell will ultimatelybe decided by the centrosome. Therefore, it will be impor-tant to gain a greater understanding of the molecular path-ways that feed into the centrosome and how the centrosomeultimately influences them.


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Multiple Functions of the Centrosome

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2016; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a025049Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  Anastassiia Vertii, Heidi Hehnly and Stephen Doxsey The Centrosome, a Multitalented Renaissance Organelle

Subject Collection The Cytoskeleton

ProteinsMicrotubules and Microtubule-Associated

Holly V. Goodson and Erin M. JonassonEvolutionary PerspectiveOverview of the Cytoskeleton from an

Thomas D. Pollard and Robert D. GoldmanMotor Proteins

H. Lee Sweeney and Erika L.F. HolzbaurTypes I and II Keratin Intermediate Filaments

Kwan, et al.Justin T. Jacob, Pierre A. Coulombe, Raymond

Myosin-Driven Intracellular TransportMargaret A. Titus

Muscle ContractionH. Lee Sweeney and David W. Hammers

The Actin Cytoskeleton and Actin-Based MotilityTatyana Svitkina

PeripherinFibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP), Vimentin, and Type III Intermediate Filaments Desmin, Glial

Elly M. Hol and Yassemi Capetanaki

CellsMechanical Properties of the Cytoskeleton and

WeitzAdrian F. Pegoraro, Paul Janmey and David A.

Cytokinesis in Metazoa and FungiMichael Glotzer

Motility during Regeneration and Wound HealingIntermediate Filaments and the Regulation of Cell

Fang Cheng and John E. ErikssonMotorsCiliary Motility: Regulation of Axonemal Dynein

E. PorterRasagnya Viswanadha, Winfield S. Sale and Mary

Intermediate Filaments and the Plasma Membrane

Harmon, et al.Jonathan C.R. Jones, Chen Yuan Kam, Robert M.

Neighboring CellsInteractions with the Extracellular Matrix and Actin-Based Adhesion Modules Mediate Cell

Nelson, et al.Alexia I. Bachir, Alan Rick Horwitz, W. James

Intracellular Motility of Intermediate Filaments

WindofferRudolf E. Leube, Marcin Moch and Reinhard Tethering, and Organization of Organelles

Microtubule-Based Transport and the Distribution,

Kari Barlan and Vladimir I. Gelfand For additional articles in this collection, see

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