the center of islamic civilization in the world

The Center of Islamic Civilization in The World

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The Center of Islamic Civilization in The World

- Makah Al-Mukarramah is one of city that emerge of Islam. Makah also become

birthplace of Muhammad Prophet and place when Muhammad Prophet get revelation (Al-


- In the beginning, Makah is the center of Jahiliyah civilization (paganism). But with the

development of Islam that bring by Muhammad Prophet, Makah become holy city.

- There are Ka’bah in Haram mosque that become muslim kiblat in praying. Makah also become center of religious study especially

fiqh and hadits.



- Previously this city name is Yatrib. Then after hijrah of Muhammad Prophet and his friend from Makah to Yastrib this city replace become Madinah. Then this city develop to be one of center Islamic civilization

- In the middle of Madinah city, Muhammad Prophet was built mosque called Nabawi mosque that become center of worship, civilization, and headquarter Islamic

country (politic, economic, social). Beside of this mosque was built closed room for muslim who fakir. This mosque have two doors i.e. Aisyah and Atiqah.

After Khaibar war, Muhammad Prophet make enlarge this mosque then continue by Chaliph after Prophet.

- In this city Muhammad Prophet was buried. This city become holy city of Muslim after Makah al-

Mukarramah. Madinah also become center of religious study especially fiqh, hadits, and Al-Qur’an tafsir.



• Baghdad was built in 762 M by Al-Manshur Chaliph from AbbasiyahDynasty (754-755 M). Baghdad mean “justice garden”. This city has round shape and its around was built big and high wall. In the outside of wall was built big moat that has function as water canal and fortress.

• In Harun Ar-Rasyid chaliph (786-809 M) and his son Al-Makmun (813-833 M) is the golden age of Bagdhad. In that era Baghdad become center of higest civilization and culture in the world. Science and literature rapidly developed. In Abbasiyah era, there is famous college in Baghdad called An-Nizhamiyah (Nizamul Mulk – 5 H) and Al-Mustanshiriyah (Al-Muntashir Billah – 7 H)

• In this city was born scientist, scholar, philosopher, and letters such as Al-Khawarizmi (astronomer and mathematic figure, algebra discoverer), al-Farabi (philosopher), Ar-Razi (philosopher, physicist, and medical), Imam al-Ghazali (scientist and famous scholar) and other. In 1258 M this city was broken up by Mongol in Hulagu Khan leader. Then 1400 M this city was attacked by Lenk east troops and in 1508 M this city was broken up by army of Safawi empire.



• After commander of Jauhar As-Siqili was empowering Egypt in 356 H, he decided to move government central from Fustat to Cairo. In 17 Sya’ban 358 H (969 M), Jauhar As-Siqilistart to built new central government city of FatimiyahDynasty.

• After finish build the Cairo city, Jauhar As-Siqili build Al-Azhar mosque in 17 Ramadhan 359 H (970 M). In development Al-Azhar mosque become biggest university.

• Cairo gain this glory in Fatimiyah Dynasty i.e. in government of al-Muiz until al-Aziz. Then Fatimiyah Dynasty replaced by Ayyubiyah Dynasy in government of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubiand then replaced by government of Baybars, and An-Nashir in Mamalik Dynasty.

• In 1517 M Mamalik Dynasy was defeated by UsmaniDynasty in Turky and after this Cairo just as province city of Usmani empire



• Damaskus in era before Islam is city of East Roman empire in Syiria. Damaskus is the old city that was built again by Umayyah dynasty and become capital city since Muawiyahbin Abi Sufyan government (first chaliph in Ummayahdynasty)

• In Damaskus there are many beautiful buildings that has artistic. This city was built systematic and beautiful, regularly street, canals as way and irrigation, and amazing recreation garden.

• In Damaskus city there is Damaskus mosque that glory and noble. This mosque was built by Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik chaliph by Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah as arsitecture. Al-Walidchaliph conducived 12.000 craftsmans from Roman. This mosque has high artistic with pillar and wall carved with beautiful carving and spreading precious stone.



• Istamnbul is capital city of Turky Usmani empire. In the beginning Istanbul is capital of East Roman empire with name Constantinople. Before that Constantinople is city with name Byzantium, then replace Constantinople by Constantine Caesar, East Roman Caesar

• Constantinople can fall under Islam in Turki Usmai dynasty under the leader of Sultan Muhammad II (Muhammad Al-Fatih) in 1453. Then Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih replace Constantinople as Istambul that has meaning Islamic city.

• In Turki Usmani dynasty Istambul as capital city become super power country. They have authority include some region in East Europe, Asia minor, North Africa.

• Istambul is the important center of Islamic civilization when the authority Turki Usmani era. Not only the beautifulness of this city but also this city as ex-capital of East Roman authority. So, there are studies center of science in Islamic history and Christian history.



• Delhi is the capital city of Islamic empire in India since 608 H/1211 M. As capital city of Islamic empire, Delhi become center of Islamic culture and civilization in India subcontinent

• In the beginning Delhi authorized by Islam under Quthb Ad-Din Aybak. Then 602 H/1204 M by Quthb Ad-Din Aybak created as capital city of Mongol Islamic empire. Zhahiruddin Babur is the first king of Mongol dynasty succesed arrogating Delhi from Lodi dynasty

• Every Islamic dynasty that empowering Delhi enlarge the city by built new cities in old Delhi i.e. city in Lalkot fortress. All of new city include in Delhi and known as Seven Delhi city.

• There is historical monument called Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal is the monument which built by Syah Jehan (Mongol’s king, 1628-1658) for remember his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. Taj Mahalbecome one of seven world miracle



• Andalusia is a Islamic region in Spanish. Andalusia known as beautiful cities, beautiful mosque, amazing palace and bewitching garden.

• Center of Islamic civilization in Spanish are Cordova, Sevilla, Granada.

• Cordova is the old city that built again with Islamic style. First time Islam entered Cordova in 711 M by Muslim troops under the leader is Thariq bin Ziyad.

• According to George Zaidan, in Cordova there are buildings such as: 113.000 houses, 430 palaces, 6.300 house of government employees, 3.873 mosques, 900 bathing places, and 8.455 shops. In Cordova thee are 27 education institutions, and 70 libraries. From this city was born a famous philosopher name Ibnu Rusdy (Averros)

• In that era there is Cordova University that become one with Cordova mosque. Cordova also become culture city in Europe. Cordova, Constantinople, and Baghdad are three centers of World culture



Interior of Cordova mosque

Cordova mosque

Ibnu Rusdy(Averroz) sculpture

• Sevilla (Asyibiliyah) was built in Al-Muwahhidin dynasty. In the beginning this city is swamps. In Roman empire this city named Romula Agusta, then replaced become Hispah before Asyibiliyah

• Sevilla under Islamic authority more or less 500 years (712-1248). So, not surprised if there are many relic oddment (art and culture) of Islam. One of building that become pride of Muslim that know change from big mosque become church i.e. Santa Maria de la Sede. That mosque was built in 1171 M in government of Sultan Yusuf Abu Yakub (1163-1184 M). Then Sevilla fall down to Ferdinand King in 1492 M.

• Granada is big city in Andalusia that have been pride of Andalusia’s muslim. Highness of Granada seen in the relic of Alhambra palace that was built in 1238M/635 H by Muhammad bin Al-Ahmar from Ahmar dynasty. Granada under Islamic authority close resemblance with other cities that subjected by Abbasiyah dynasty under Thariq bin Ziyad and Musa bin Mushair in 711 M.

• In Umayyah dynasty in Andalusia, Granada has quick development. After Umayyah dynasty have decline in 1031 M, Granada authorized by local government i.e. Zirids dynasty. After that Granada fall down into Al-Murabitungovernment (a Barbar dynasty from North Africa in 1090 M)

• Granada gain their glory in Muhammad V government (1354-1391 M), well in architecture or politic. But in the last of 15 century, the government become weak because family separation. Then 1492 M Andalusia fall down into Christian authority, i.e. Ferdinand from Argon and Isabella from Castilia. Then 1610 Muslim was chase away from Andalusia


• Transoxania is the region in middle Asia and the location in west of China, south of Russia, and east of Afghanistan. There are two important cities in Transoxania that be a center of Islamic civilization i.e. Bukhara and Samarkand.

• Samarkand located in south of As-Saghad river. In some note mention that sometimes Samarkand was authorized by Iskandarwhen he and his troops against Spitamenes. But in old story in Arabic languages, Iskandar is the founding of Samarkand.

• After 323 M, This city become part of Bactria empower. Then after that standing empire of Graeco-Bactrion (Bactria-Greek) in Anthiocus II Theos era.

• In Samarkan there are grave of Islamic scholars who has seen as the carrier of Islam in Samarkand in Usman bin Affan chaliph era. He is Qasim bin Abbas. Then the other is grave of theology scholar. He is Abu Manhur Al-Maturidi, he is the founder of Maturidiyah current. Perhaps one of walisongo i.e. MaulanaMalik Ibrahim (died 1419 M) came from Samarkand, because he coming from descent of Ibrahim As-Samarkandi, then in Java known as Ibrahim Asmarakandi


Maulana Malik Ibrahim


• Approximately, Bukhara has been there before Islam, because this city was exist when Iskandar Zulkarnain arrive there. In 204 H/819 M Al-Makmun chaliph from Abbasiyah dynasty give government authority of Transoxania especialy Samarkand and Bukhara to Asad ibn Samanfamily. So, since that time both of that city under the government of Samaniyah dynasty.

• In Bukhara there is grave that be admired and become pilgrimage place of Muslim i.e. Bahauddin An-Naqsyabandi’s grave (died 8 H/14 M). He is the founder of Naqsabandiyah current. In other side in this city was born hadits scholar known as Imam Bukhari who written Shahih Bukhari book. Bukhara known as center of Islamic science

• In 906 H/1500 M Samarkand and Bukhara fall down into Syaibani, Uzbek king. After he died, in the same time the authority was arrogated by Babur, Mongol king in India. Then next year Babur king come back to India and Transoxania back to authorized by Uzbekistan people (part of Uni Soviet). Since 1992 Uzbekistan become independent muslim country.

Imam Bukhari


• Aceh represent of Islamic world in South east Asia. In the glory era, Aceh become center of Islamic civilization in east region i.e. south east Asia. Aceh is the transmission ways to spreading Islamic religion to all of region in south east Asia. So, Aceh known as Serambi Mekkah.

• In Aceh has been exist first Islamic empire such as Peurlak empire, Samudra Pasai empire, and Aceh Darus Salam empire. Samudra Pasaiempire has been leaded by Sultan Al-Malikuz Zahir who loves science and culture. Then Ibnu Batutah and Marcopolo had been visited in Aceh.

• From Aceh appear some science figure that indicate science development in south east Asia such as Nuruddin Ar-Raniri, HamzahFanshuri, Abdurrauf Singkel, Syamsuddin Sumatrani, and others.

• From Aceh, Islam develop to several region in Nusantara such as Ampel, Demak, Cirebon, Sulawesi, Maluku and Kalimantan. Aceh also a power that frightened by Dutch when colonialism era, because Aceh has strong power to confront Dutch.