the camden journal (camden, s.c.).(camden, s.c.) 1864-03...

'J ^ vol 44. Camden, & c, fridaV, march 11,1864. new series.vol Mmm i gggg «. & Bf"». B. nOOOTT. Ipr XI SflCS 7- ~~ **** 5 " % -v »^ I u » & ©0 Rates fdH' Advertising: » For qm 8qi»rt .Imcsft or kan . TWO POLLAES fbr i&R&rst iasertloo, *»d 0XB DOLfclB aad mrr C&TTS for t Oyrefjgr oof %wa, dmgfed - Wor* MOST &fc & "V-paid FOB i»j^gBateaga-. mi4k^rai|4 ©or n&^ulw adrert^ eg: pfttra&x, POET'S COEFEHmfhb M&; row. T&c oid mo **i hf fifelna*? *feJe~ If in tto* wm wrtekkd a&4 «sa, Assd he feamnf belli jwwwfo fabs it&K cth «ftM * ^"SrsSK^A-, A«! a «*?«#. t i|r fifc&l '/r^* to *r«*«l\ *tr P. 3b* at*?*,. &«?*# WU» oftifc. .'P'.v'*^;. -if'^t»' "t'': J '"^iraihf '' '^: ::x ''-^'->t. -* 'J /. TV* tarns**! rrjwc pm&ftd &*k u* tiat h <* $£; iS&Wwd BfV* ****$»; Theft tat rw iti 4gtrtt To nrhm> to w«fcry *fe% it. - w -. # w^tacxsi^jvxsrsoTjs. ; * / ; r¥ff£cm»mw r/7Fip§ 5| " Ti?c CbmfeffH'fit of On' Confederate of k* Kxofctkk'O* 9tod JodfcUi Depnrtnient*, m to mwe #gt-M of to ofcfdgt* eo?Sp0*iog \h 5 TbiftAffcneV ha* 3«^ti it» ojR=f*?iot* btii t|M* ?*«*, nod it ha* skoadv rnwrn1! it necr***? r tbftl *fWr to war s* oicf, a CMfontioD of titer hovtt&iSb Sf»tr» abouU! bo ealhrtf t%tilw to' delename tu limitation*. Ito people and to Sfeteft «w» Cft«rilljfig» In to lokfcf of the tr»r wow rm^mg bctwwo to Oonftontte StoU* 1 atii the Tutted Stpttt% lo dkpute or dour to power* to Gotmjromt <»?" to Confederate Suie*it&# Jtfcwmird. When a *lnp k in n *u>nt», | which *mht\$$r* the live* of aII on tocttnJ, pa**. ewgtra refuse to rc*e«t tndigfikktt pot j upat? tjjrato to captain or to ere*. At- j though toy ewnkJ hare ! hang a!) thrown ortr board, it » t*eilcr for them to watt until to fthip k wife in par*, And *0 it i* with toj WfltfM AAMtAMlbfl lk* »v ». * .* f 'Ittnf V«w*v>-!»» .' \,wt>(WV« »' « »"* » »-»««»< » btdo their trroe. Tli^y nirM drive their else* mie* oat of their Koniers and vindicate their j independence *go?na their otmi*l rag**. Ha trine aeeomphabed thi»% ihr? will tun* round ] on their agent* of |he Confederate 6^'«r#racW, add *eUl" *»ib them on Mfetttil of their imir-J pattern*. There are three %ml jhsHHs on abichl U baa aaanmed qaetUooall* power*, Let u* tmnnserate tlmta: -* I. The Confederate (ioveroroent has *«&umed | the power of appropriating money ft-w» the Trwtfttyjp boiki ratliwad*. 1Im jnstsiication j *. fe-ffpfrIf it U good, then all ^brawbe* oilnternal itt.provr.mcni, illicit faeii I p itato the transportation of troops or monitions of war, f itfeift the scope of appropriation* ^ by the Confederate OovemmcnL The Coo federate fifovcrnment b omoipoUmt over the whole mU&L * I, UedW the power giteo to CongrrM "to * * ffttse and «Jpport armies* Congrtw* ba* claimed th* eon^ribe and OQt into tlie arm* &* Confederals States all the State oSiciaft '%f whkh the Stale Gorsrnme&u are carried Ilia, If <>ng!W|!0^^ then H L-^L...1.. . ~ J-'Li1 ..-E"! ha* fte'$|$rer, of abolishing^tbc Sutes The existence of Use Confederacy reqnires that tbia matter shall be rightfully settW. '* 3. Congress claims the power of laying direct taxe*-~t*xing land arid slaves. If this power t* i^onfitioc to exist without question in the QiMgmm of tho Confederate 'States, it mar abolish tSbrery by taxation. This is too vita) a matter to ho left in dowbt* To confer thdift three points, it appears to us a Convention of the States after the war h over, should bo called. Three Ssitc* ran srnnipun the. Convention. The ComtitatiOn f*$t\ H'pan ih#lems«ml of any three States legally a*iemhM in their several Conventions the *3i*U win* moo a fconrention e? a?! U»t State*, to t»ke into contkkratjH: toeh amend itienis to the Co&*titotk>o ** %e sakJ Sulci aball coscnr in tag£pe«iicg it the tsftite wbec «th! demand f* made.* We b*« ihrown o^t these snggssfioa beearn* we *ee tlsait the Governor of Geoi^a ha* called the Leghfotnre of Georgia tios£r<ib<*r.~ deprecate an; action br the State* npo* the important matur* we have advert j<* ttfeii the mr h ww..Ifahmwi wrt*p9*> JffiU - *!. ^9*+ * TIIK AxTi-Stf»srrrerk LA w\.-Ism|g*> P«wsoc <^f N. CV*a s i&bmt tt<rpvd$$tom which reecntljr tried before fcimT decided that the rcccni act of Co!^re» to cotucribe person* who have fcrrmbed for the w fe itncon*tjln< tism&L Thftjkk^t Pr&rm jm he has t £ . i in*?je m* aTraitgrmem wmi U©T, uv$ Au«re*y fer the CoofederaUrSiate* | Bjr^^ *if? ufe n? the cm* o{ Walton, up©* j irbkfi the i%Qit&t»)* %etn m*d«, by &*forari ) U> She Itopreme Cmtri *bicb meet* in him. Aftd !$& ha§ every smtahir emm bdbn him, Ua» reco^masd tii^ party in the ««m o to report htm*df to tb«>»foilbg: dlkci of jM* rmift? or di*trat within ibt&* dny# nftci the dre£»W m Walton*# ca*e <h*U be road* | knouts Mm, hi caw? the decaion *M1 is | 1X« harfet < Mr. hictttt&ngtir ban ye! ! f&edecd that found »t the eh*a of the poti) tion of a b«gg*r(js wd?i#fy»j>cciioeo) *bo *v I gouig nlHiCt the up-t«»*n *5rt*;» \*U wi^lc. Th* | pctftMrti *ct forth lhat U»c tnwj'» beo*e had b**o bemi about t*o month* ago; that he wkj til difctrt**, necdvd aid, arid waa «r$Hng to ukc j *£*$1, or cl<fthf fcg, or wen money.**.Jfntirry, | DfcVTit..Mr Jo'*n M. Sitolt, the oM<S! I ;«rhter in (b United Suu>, died at hik red : deoee in /ewer i'itr i*n the 2Ut ulu He en a a ! tW^tiir Mmror «f the celebrated Miranda e*« p<**!hu»n, flu?*! om in in Net? York Cii\ i *j»*sn*i the SuinMi Main, ht% with othei*, !»n? \1'1* l^'tj W*e$gkai it»l«4hs; ij^ir hy W|w»<»n' ? lnix»f «. that llu'V WW* jjoing to NV«r Orh »«« j a* printer*. Mr. naif bag eatifced is ; a Sp*iu»h pr jjob. ! FKOMUL Qmtmtaat ai Yiwiwjuu,.A mgti of oppre^ba ha* Commenced at Ykk* btsrjj. The kikft^ that ha* rthihihs*] toward* the iftbabtUtlifz* hv the Fed«n|i wa> | merely the far that cotwvj Use tiger** eta** i The tmlmmaic people who are oidigrd t* j remain there «ilJ find tkc tyrant's grip light | ened daily until it become* mi Wamble.' Sfere | b mi eweonnt ofan outrage com mil led recently In thai unfortunate cfof: On Xlw Year** dav the Yankee* -conwatwi 7 to allott {'arson F«*. Wimo Omntr, to open | Ute Epwwpal church wid have vn ice, omit | tifX£ tit prayer for the Preuhleftt of the Unite* i Stale* With this Ufidc?*tMidin'f. the church I int% opened and a gTe»t nuiriMr of the oh <$£bro* repaired there at the usual h«*ur, to at trml divine mrti?#. A* Mr. Fox *a* obotii entrinjr the milpit, *ome Yankee officers ad Imo&idied litm a* he valued his life not to oeiii prefer for Iincola, ami the old gtntfenuitt at their merry, in the course of thcser Ice prated for the Pf^lcet of the United I Sftatfi*; *herc«p>n *cr< ml ladies left the rhurrh | This, of totirsv* infuriated the Yankee*, anc [ t«o hours afterward* the provost marshal itt I formed the bdic* that every one who left th» church would I*? allowed forty-ei^ht hour* u ksave the fcfarn, and if caught the** after thai time they would be remanded to the count] jail The bulk* iromediatelT prepared to leave and,«! the expiration of the time allowed, eurn one of them vdi out of Uie Hoc*. Get). M pf «* too caused printed placard* to be posted ai through the city, warning Uie bunts o! Sia^ir i>an | ifthment and the time given them to get aw at i Northern paper* confirm the dtahftttdiftg ft Wilcoi*i *ix month* corp*. It re-cnh*ted un der the offer of titty day's furlough and foa« hundred and seventy five dollars boucty. :W'V< t GENERAL CONGRESSES. A* a General Congress » shortly to be held in Europe, it is a subject of historical curiosity : to look bad afid see when and on what occa »iona those convocations which have changed the international relations of Enrope have l*cn held. The approaching Congress prormfc* to effect iumc important modifications these relations. The first General Congress was that at > which the treaty of Wc*tpbella (164$) became the public law of Europe. ft composed the religions dissensions which, arising out ofthe Uebad torn and afSicted Europe for I rfdrty year*. It produced this great change; > the religious pa^ions ceased to agitate Europe ' The object* and occasions of hostility became, ' subsequently, commerce and the extension of > territory. * ^ » The Congress that formed the "treaty of tJtrecbt (1713) was the nest occasion of a great - change. It closed the war of the Spanish snct cession, ami retrained the ambition of J-oui# Xl?# ttnd made cxk*d*e changes in the tern> toriijj relation*,of Europe. 'Hie treaty Pans (1 <33) was not prodac* five of farther r°cmha than to close the seven years' war, and no farther to affect the internation il relations of Europe than to confirm the i < -. < *«. . J claim trt uie nunc 01 * nrg^jgw pvwrr, The General Congress, thai «*t!«s ' ment of 1815, upsetting all the ddefWpoteoo4* territorial arrangement*, **m the mo< i«ij>orffest after the treatj of Utrecht in the aotiaii of diplomacy * The relations towards each other of the ' States of E«rope, as they «to©J before Bonaparte made the changes that followed bis 1 triumph#, were not restored to the condition in * which thev stood before the French reflation. Hew adji&tment* were tpade, A different i Mtntliirfinm fa* mfiUkbeti. Denmark was dt««*ted of fforway and it wju transferred to r Sweden. Tim balance con^aentty, betwean lhe Seanufinasian Slater destroyed. A re jmhlie, tha*of Wir»w, wa« «subJ$hfeJ in Po\ t*ml ami the wrong done to thai power by the partition partially redressed. Tfie German Confederation was amende^ with other chan**^ , which maternity altered the territorial ami other relation* of the European State* towards ? each other. I' * What w ill be the character of U»© changes made, if any, by the approaching C<mgrefcs H i* inipowdblr to forecast. That Loot# Napoleon contemplate* eome important modification# ol that «i*ui«>0tcnt » hi^hty probable. He has tommonedmi the State* of Eorope, large and small, fo participate in it* tfcffir ration* Ilia i gonitis in diplomacy *ill be hugely exercised 'I -**» »t«» Aj«i)au!AH 411 il k dtllL i.Xf(t tttftvll' k | V»l *«>«« » W r- «-^T^y 9>** . -r- . j Urt| lo attend, ejeept Great Kritam. That m>* . | eomplieafton* will ajb*, we think pM> , J bnble, and ihc osScwihsc jrctpppraijfej U)bc j appeadni pafekms that threaten in I 11 new c«a3«i*ratM>», ma? not only not to atcomj plkfwx!, hot fre*!i ui<d added to »ho i^eo«l<Jcr | ifig fift* a «*. > l : . j P** PictrnR op Motif^lle look* no ham [jdiichi^C Of medium *tat«|r«s» delicate, iitfw »l form, brown hair, bine cye<ao«I a roo&tackt* w? and »n ripre*»h»i* the sntipodx* of fi'nsften#, kt i! cviitrf* :;o phyaka! token* dgftnlimg the anila* Ieion* am! «te«e*ifnl parthan leader he tv. w** «lrt*KHi in a trbfrl major* foil draw oni I form. He gave a* hhrton1 tefo*$ ami do | ring the **r, and it was a mo»t agreeable re | dud. He acted and tpoke a* n gentleman » * *.* - - . » wisii up mow l>f vuipuwj pr 'ouinirg cnn?iu .; or lurking »nren at hh victim*. At time* lit I ©on Id not Mmprcsa a chuckle over bit succe**^ | in accomplishing certain capture* and avoid i j imce of Wng captured himself; but Urn Wat \ very natural. l i "Voti must bo quite a lien," I remember re . marking to him, "particmarly among the ladies I «o naturally worshipful of heroes of youi , | school f* j "Well, well,* be«a»d, stroking h U moustache I "I roar a little." m "««»# " mmwmrn I Moas TarniTtiA# Potmr..A lady of thii city, writing to her friend »n the country, says j j "The great boa of our city, at present, is aroum > I the "Bee-hive." The rulet of the crowd arc. \ 1 ptuh, jam, Kjueexe, pinclfc :hoke* stick with pins r stab with your elbows, and giroaa marhimpa* , denee as prwwdb'e. It spoils a woman's temper f patirfKe. pride and cJothct. Don't come, if yot can poesible stay away. Buy your good* hi 1 1 * *' * «A«f h«n^<i!iw<t j preiV, ^1''' If UlAi j'lUJll |'ninnivvi>n If you arv frantic to try the experiment* hovr . ever, tub vonr face wit)* a bra» candlestick be f re ron atari, with Tour pocket*. honrrtifnlh f *::ppJ''cd *ith Confederate note?, a little silvc on t!i» tongue, iron in the heart, hra«a in th< r face, and lead in jour boots, von mat venture j but tbaae irtijsdU^wablf * ^CsrpumktH, <- * r: .V The New York Bakes..The Bank Prea r#:;| idcnts of Niow York and Albany/have had a meeting, in which the national system adopted £ by Secretary Chase, was bitterly opposed.. .. \ 'H It was cla'raied that the advantage given to national banks in relief from taxation, etc./ . / * | would drive the State banks out of existence. One of the speakers urged that the new system ;/ | would prove not only dangerous, but in the cii<* ruumu*, uxiu uiuiiijHcu uuti «« "vmv» <v.w» va wa* of that no sooner was the war ended than a financial revolution throughout the North would fWicw. AH of the speakers ' urged State protection, and showed tiiat the bank* ol New york held some 24,000,000 of bulKon* which the* could sell at an enormous profit, hut kept as a balance-wheel, whifc .the nafioual hanks were not called upon to keep specie to r*?d»xrm their notes, and had nothing to &11 back upon. j Mr. Coe, the engineer, he »styled, of the ^ | tfanfc of England, fca* invented a'O&nx note wr ^ - a } that institution with a fegree "pattern which j cook] not he counterfeited, bet it costs too touch to ho introduced into tec. The notes of the * Bank of Bengal arc covered on one «d* with * gg what appear to be mere lm«*> best under the microscope they are found to be repetition* of the value and denomination. Faxct axo Fact..Yankee girl to her Yankee , Wan."When do yoo expect to get to RichYankee Wan."^Vb4n the spring fee tottm, gentle A wm.n # * \ : Confederate girl to her Confederate Seau., * "Wbeu wit! you leave RichmondT <Nli t » orcr. * Axrcdoi4* or Gr*. WtwL.We heard a day * * °, or two ago, wfi the PeUmlmi^ Erprm* a good story told opoo jfecu Wise, wfeieh we be- * \ f Itaee ha* new been in prist Whilst encamp! * . *d «t» lb? Pcnim*!* no one. $$f frfmg J; ** ' j afcmg WRsie toad tho-ndmtf ofHi garters, - «> and came open one of wagon* which Was , '*. J faH stalled. The driver w*» **. white oaj. Upbc seeing th» spectacle he reified oa hit 1 bene, and Ic&kiag tspon John,, said: "Here is & ntic wagon and team going to destruction for 1 nam of a dri*cr.,T The latter, fixing eye * apoo the (faMtajf, instantly retorted : *Ye», m j** ^ and tare h a eery floe brigade, io<v going to | destruction for want of a Brtgodief" The 1 ] Geneta! tooa resomad his journey at a' qoick-' ;jmdp»«e. . r _ |js A correspondent, of Uie lircrpool Post, giro tyflfeUowinw antttsmj? account of the manner f | fn w^b C«pt Semitic* traM a Yankee ia i! Use Straits of Sands: 11 W* ma little excited with intcnigece* £ |S| ' j ft#m Petuiag that the Cos&derate States stea* miif Alabama is era&mg about thtro. S^e L took two Yankees b the attaU* ofljaada, and f| *»punned by the Yimtlerbilt Wbec eight | ' came on, the Abfcams ww about tm%im r. | aheedL and under carer of darknessahe a&daip- r ship wa% th^ajyot abot5i*asd stood m ihj| ' direction «fwhero^hey bad ht& teen the Ysu* ' derMt« At d*ybre&4» im witMn a m * | of the Vaaderbtlt who bore down «d r qnircd If they had seen alau^e steamer fading' ' f to the northward. Captain Setavm tepitea t ' "Yes; she was gogpjg aheadlMf speed and mxm, n%, * be one bndrwi aum ***/% $>&" Y$* Van-. ^ ? dcrbilt immediately put on in stem, and west ; §W * on *VtId goose ch**i\ while Setamot quietly [ shipped hU funnel, and bore away in an oppo^ 1 site direction. It was reported last night thsbV^I: ^ t Uic Alabama was out«ide «>f Amherst * Ge*. Fircitovx. itencnn nn^n, MH? UW ^ r of Lake City, i* an Irishman by birth. In early life he enlists! a* a prirsU in the United $tatea ^ 1 » rcpa'ar army. After hi* discharge be <1 emoted « j to Florida, where he became employed, wc are | informed, as an engineer. By intelligence and \ '-Mm 1 good conduct be prospered in ht$ affront, roar* * ri«d eligibly, and bccanro a leading enwen, Since I the breaking out of the war he hft* rwn in the *. Confederate atfrricc to the rank of Brigadier * %'' v General; and he ha# just won a viciorv which * makes him famous at borne and honored * throughout the Confederacy. In biro we have $ * 5 J another reminder of the gratitude wnich we r owe to our #ohitm of foreign birth, and of the wki..k lUnW ntiniW to tlrtfiL attlUUW n»utM nv mi'v-w ........ > . l*jircBf« Armt..The last accooetf Topmost r Gon. Price to ta oak a few fottes lick of, ? r Washington, Ark, with a fine army.JHuaben* a it i* needless for well known reasons to name* Tneartnyisia fine plight and moat nswtUeof* 111111 "* .J ~'

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'J ^vol 44. Camden, & c, fridaV, march 11,1864. new series.vol

Mmm i gggg «. &

Bf"». B. nOOOTT.Ipr XI SflCS 7- ~~

****5 " % -v »^I u » & ©0

Rates fdH' Advertising:» For qm 8qi»rt.Imcsft or kan. TWOPOLLAES fbr i&R&rst iasertloo, *»d 0XB DOLfclBaadmrr C&TTS for tOyrefjgr oof%wa, dmgfed

- Wor* MOST &fc& "V-paid FOB i»j^gBateaga-.

mi4k^rai|4 ©or n&^ulw adrert^eg: pfttra&x,

POET'SCOEFEHmfhbM&; row.T&c oid mo **i hf fifelna*? *feJe~

Ifin tto* wm wrtekkd a&4 «sa,Assd he feamnf bellijwwwfo s» fabs it&K cth «ftM



A«! a «*?«#. t

i|r fifc&l'/r^*to *r«*«l\ *tr P.

3b* at*?*,. &«?*# WU» oftifc..'P'.v'*^;. -if'^t»' "t'': J '"^iraihf '' '^: ::x ''-^'->t. -*


TV* tarns**! rrjwc pm&ftd &*k u* tiat h<* $£; iS&Wwd BfV* ****$»;

Theft tat U« rw iti 4gtrttTo nrhm> to w«fcry *fe% it.


w -.

# w^tacxsi^jvxsrsoTjs.;

* / ; r¥ff£cm»mw r/7Fip§5| "

Ti?c CbmfeffH'fit of On' Confederateof k* Kxofctkk'O* 9todJodfcUiDepnrtnient*, m to mwe #gt-M of to

ofcfdgt* eo?Sp0*iog \h 5

TbiftAffcneV ha* 3«^ti it» ojR=f*?iot* btii t|M*?*«*, nod it ha* skoadv rnwrn1! it necr***? r

tbftl *fWr to war s* oicf, a CMfontioD of titerhovtt&iSb Sf»tr» abouU! bo ealhrtf t%tilw to'delename tu limitation*. Ito people and toSfeteft «w» Cft«rilljfig» In to lokfcf of the tr»r

wow rm^mg bctwwo to Oonftontte StoU*1 atii the Tutted Stpttt% lo dkpute or dour to

power* to Gotmjromt <»?" to ConfederateSuie*it&# Jtfcwmird. When a *lnp k in n *u>nt», |which *mht\$$r* the live* of aII on tocttnJ, pa**.ewgtra refuse to rc*e«t tndigfikktt pot jupat? tjjrato to captain or to ere*. At- jthough toy ewnkJ hare ! hang a!) thrown ortr

board, it » t*eilcr for them to watt until tofthip k wife in par*, And *0 it i* with tojWfltfM AAMtAMlbfl lk* »v ». * .* f 'Ittnf

V«w*v>-!»» .' \,wt>(WV« »' « »"* » »-»««»<

» btdo their trroe. Tli^y nirM drive their else*

mie* oat of their Koniers and vindicate their jindependence *go?na their otmi*l rag**.Hatrine aeeomphabed thi»% ihr? will tun* round ]on their agent* of|he Confederate 6^'«r#racW,add *eUl" *»ib them on Mfetttil of their imir-Jpattern*. There are three %ml jhsHHs on abichlU baa aaanmed qaetUooall* power*, Let u*tmnnserate tlmta:-* I. The Confederate (ioveroroent has *«&umed |the power of appropriating money ft-w» theTrwtfttyjp boiki ratliwad*. 1Im jnstsiication j

*. fe-ffpfrIf it U good, then all^brawbe* oilnternal itt.provr.mcni, illicit faeii Ip itato the transportation of troops or monitionsof war, f itfeift the scope of appropriation*

^ by the Confederate OovemmcnL The Coofederate fifovcrnment b omoipoUmt over thewhole mU&L *

I,UedW the power giteo to CongrrM "to**

ffttse and «Jpport armies* Congrtw* ba* claimedth* eon^ribe and OQt into tlie arm*

&* Confederals States all the State oSiciaft'%f whkh the Stale Gorsrnme&u are carriedIlia, If <>ng!W|!0^^ then H

L-^L...1.. . ~ J-'Li1 ..-E"!ha* fte'$|$rer, of abolishing^tbc Sutes Theexistence of Use Confederacy reqnires that tbiamatter shall be rightfully settW.'* 3. Congress claims the power of laying directtaxe*-~t*xing land arid slaves. If this powert* i^onfitioc to exist without question in theQiMgmm of tho Confederate 'States, it marabolish tSbrery by taxation. This is too vita)a matter to ho left in dowbt*To confer thdift three points, it appears to

us a Convention of the States after the war hover, should bo called. Three Ssitc* ran srnnipunthe.Convention. The ComtitatiOn f*$t\H'pan ih#lems«ml of any three States legallya*iemhM in their several Conventions the

*3i*U win*moo a fconrention e? a?! U»tState*, to t»ke into contkkratjH: toeh amenditienis to the Co&*titotk>o ** %e sakJ Sulciaball coscnr in tag£pe«iicg it the tsftite wbec«th! demand f* made.*

Web*« ihrown o^t these snggssfioa beearn*we *ee tlsait the Governor of Geoi^a ha*called the Leghfotnre of Georgia tios£r<ib<*r.~

deprecate an; action br the State* npo*the important matur* we have advert j<*ttfeii the mr h ww..Ifahmwi wrt*p9*>JffiU

- *!.^9*+*TIIK AxTi-Stf»srrrerk LA w\.-Ism|g*> P«wsoc

<^f N. CV*a s i&bmt tt<rpvd$$tom which v« reecntljrtried before fcimT decided that the rcccniact of Co!^re» to cotucribe person* who havefcrrmbed for thew fe itncon*tjln<tism&L Thftjkk^t Pr&rm jm he hast £ . i

in*?je m* aTraitgrmem wmi U©T,uv$ Au«re*y fer the CoofederaUrSiate*

| Bjr^^ *if? ufe n? the cm* o{ Walton, up©*j irbkfi the i%Qit&t»)* %etn m*d«, by &*forari) U> She Itopreme Cmtri *bicb meet* in him.Aftd !$& ha§ every smtahir emm bdbnhim, Ua» reco^masd tii^ party in the ««m o

to report htm*df to tb«>»foilbg: dlkciofjM* rmift? or di*trat within ibt&* dny# nftcithe dre£»Wm Walton*# ca*e <h*U be road*

| knouts i« Mm, hi caw? the decaion *M1 is

| 1X« harfet < Mr. hictttt&ngtir ban ye!! f&edecd t» that found »t the eh*a of the poti)tion of a b«gg*r(js wd?i#fy»j>cciioeo) *bo *vI gouig nlHiCt the up-t«»*n *5rt*;» \*U wi^lc. Th*| pctftMrti *ct forth lhat U»c tnwj'» beo*e hadb**o bemi about t*o month* ago; that he wkjtil difctrt**, necdvd aid, arid waa «r$Hng to ukc

j *£*$1, or cl<fthffcg, or wen money.**.Jfntirry,| DfcVTit..Mr Jo'*n M. Sitolt, the oM<S!I ;«rhter in (b United Suu>, died at hik red: deoee in /ewer i'itr i*n the 2Ut ulu He en

a a

! tW^tiir Mmror «f the celebrated Miranda e*«

p<**!hu»n, flu?*! om in in Net? York Cii\i *j»*sn*i the SuinMi Main, ht% with othei*, !»n?

\1'1* l^'tj W*e$gkai it»l«4hs; ij^ir hy W|w»<»n'? lnix»f «. that llu'V WW* jjoing to NV«r Orh »««

j a* printer*. Mr. naif bag eatifced is; a Sp*iu»h prjjob.

! FKOMUL Qmtmtaat ai Yiwiwjuu,.Amgti of oppre^ba ha* Commenced at Ykk*btsrjj. The kikft^ that ha* rthihihs*]toward* the iftbabtUtlifz* hv the Fed«n|i wa>

| merely the far that cotwvj Use tiger** eta**i The tmlmmaic people who are oidigrd t*

j remain there «ilJ find tkc tyrant's grip light| ened daily until it become* miWamble.' Sfere| b mi eweonnt ofan outrage commilled recentlyIn thai unfortunate cfof:On Xlw Year** dav the Yankee* -conwatwi


to allott {'arson F«*. Wimo Omntr, to open| Ute Epwwpal church wid have vn ice, omit| tifX£ tit prayer for the Preuhleftt of the Unite*i Stale* With this Ufidc?*tMidin'f. the churchIint% opened and a gTe»t nuiriMr of the oh<$£bro* repaired there at the usual h«*ur, to attrml divine mrti?#. A* Mr. Fox *a* obotiientrinjr the milpit, *ome Yankee officers adImo&idied litm a* he valued his life not to oeiii

prefer for Iincola, ami the old gtntfenuittat their merry, in the course of thcser

Ice prated for the Pf^lcet of the UnitedI Sftatfi*; *herc«p>n *cr< ml ladies left the rhurrh| This, of totirsv* infuriated the Yankee*, anc

[ t«o hours afterward* the provost marshal ittI formed the bdic* that every one who left th»church would I*? allowed forty-ei^ht hour* uksave the fcfarn, and if caught the** after thaitime they would be remanded to the count]jail The bulk* iromediatelT prepared to leaveand,«! the expiration ofthe time allowed, eurn

one of them vdi out of Uie Hoc*. Get). M pf «*

too caused printed placard* to be posted aithrough the city, warning Uie bunts o! Sia^ir i>an

| ifthment and the time given them to get aw at

i Northern paper* confirm the dtahftttdiftg ft

Wilcoi*i *ix month* corp*. It re-cnh*ted un

der the offer of titty day's furlough and foa«hundred and seventy five dollars boucty.


t GENERAL CONGRESSES.A* a General Congress » shortly to be held

in Europe, it is a subject of historical curiosity: to look bad afid see when and on what occa

»iona those convocations which have changedthe international relations of Enrope have l*cnheld. The approaching Congress prormfc* toeffect iumc important modifications these relations.The first General Congress was that at

> which the treaty of Wc*tpbella (164$) becamethe public law of Europe. ft composed thereligions dissensions which, arising out ofthe Uebadtorn and afSicted Europe for

I rfdrty year*. It produced this great change;> the religious pa^ions ceased to agitate Europe' The object* and occasions of hostility became,' subsequently, commerce and the extension of> territory.



» The Congress that formed the "treaty oftJtrecbt (1713) was the nest occasion of a great

- change. It closed the war of the Spanish snctcession, ami retrained the ambition of J-oui#Xl?# ttnd made cxk*d*e changes in the tern>toriijj relation*,of Europe.

'Hie treaty Pans (1 <33) was not prodac*five of farther r°cmha than to close the seven

years' war, and no farther to affect the internationil relations of Europe than to confirm thei < -. < *«. . J

claim trt i© uie nunc 01 * nrg^jgw pvwrr,The General Congress, thai «*t!«s

' ment of 1815, upsetting all the ddefWpoteoo4*territorial arrangement*, **m the mo< i«ij>orffestafter the treatj of Utrecht in the aotiaii ofdiplomacy* The relations towards each other of the

' States of E«rope, as they «to©J before Bonapartemade the changes that followed bis1 triumph#, were not restored to the condition in* which thev stood before the French reflation.Hew adji&tment* were tpade, A different

i Mtntliirfinm fa* mfiUkbeti. Denmark was

dt««*ted of fforway and it wju transferred tor Sweden. Tim balance con^aentty, betwean

lhe Seanufinasian Slater w» destroyed. A re

jmhlie, tha*of Wir»w, wa« «subJ$hfeJ in Po\t*ml ami the wrong done to thai power by thepartition partially redressed. Tfie GermanConfederation was amende^ with otherchan**^

,which maternity altered the territorial amiother relation* of the European State* towards

? each other.I'* What w ill be the character of U»© changes

made, if any, by the approaching C<mgrefcs Hi* inipowdblr to forecast. That Loot# Napoleoncontemplate* eome important modification# olthat «i*ui«>0tcnt » hi^hty probable. He hastommonedmi the State* of Eorope, large andsmall, fo participate in it* tfcffirration* Ilia

i gonitis in diplomacy *ill be hugely exercised'I -**» »t«» Aj«i)au!AH 411 il k dtllL i.Xf(t tttftvll'

k | V»l *«>«« » W r- «-^T^y 9>** . -r- .

j Urt| lo attend, ejeept Great Kritam. That m>*. | eomplieafton* will ajb*, we think pM>, J bnble, and ihc osScwihsc jrctpppraijfej U)bc

j appeadni pafekms that threaten in I

11 new c«a3«i*ratM>», ma? not only not to atcomjplkfwx!, hot fre*!i ui<d added to »ho i^eo«l<Jcr

| ifig fift*a «*.

> l :

. j P** PictrnR op Motif^lle look* no ham[jdiichi^C Of medium *tat«|r«s» delicate, iitfw»l form, brown hair, bine cye<ao«I a roo&tackt*w? and »n ripre*»h»i* the sntipodx* of fi'nsften#, kti! cviitrf* :;o phyaka! token* dgftnlimg the anila*Ieion* am! «te«e*ifnl parthan leader he tv. H«w** «lrt*KHi in a trbfrl major* foil draw oni

I form. He gave a* b« hhrton1 tefo*$ ami do

| ring the **r, and it was a mo»t agreeable re

| dud. He acted and tpoke a* n gentleman» * *.* - - . »

wisii up mow l>f vuipuwj pr 'ouinirg cnn?iu

.; or lurking »nren at hh victim*. At time* litI ©onId not Mmprcsa a chuckle over bit succe**^

| in accomplishing certain capture* and avoidi j imce ofWng captured himself; but Urn Wat

\ very natural.l i "Voti must bo quite a lien," I remember re

. marking to him, "particmarly among the ladiesI «o naturally worshipful of heroes of youi, | school f*

j "Well, well,* be«a»d, stroking hU moustacheI "I roar a little."

m"««»# " mmwmrn

I Moas TarniTtiA# Potmr..A lady of thiicity, writing to her friend »n the country, says

j j "The great boa of our city, at present, is aroum> I the "Bee-hive." The rulet of the crowd arc.

\ 1 ptuh, jam, Kjueexe, pinclfc :hoke* stick with pinsr stab with your elbows, and giroaa marhimpa*, denee as prwwdb'e. It spoils a woman's temperf patirfKe. pride and cJothct. Don't come, ifyot

can poesible stay away. Buy your good* hi1 1 * *' * «A«f h«n^<i!iw<t

j preiV, ^1''' If UlAi j'lUJll |'ninnivvi>nIf you arv frantic to try the experiment* hovr

. ever, tub vonr face wit)* a bra» candlestick bef re ron atari, with Tour pocket*. honrrtifnlh

f *::ppJ''cd *ith Confederate note?, a little silvcon t!i» tongue, iron in the heart, hra«a in th<

r face, and lead in jour boots, von mat venture

j but tbaae irtijsdU^wablf * ^CsrpumktH,<- * r: .V

The New York Bakes..The Bank Prea r#:;|idcnts of Niow York and Albany/have had a

meeting, in which the national system adopted£by Secretary Chase, was bitterly opposed.. .. \ 'HIt was cla'raied that the advantage given tonational banks in relief from taxation, etc./ . / * |would drive the State banks out of existence.One of the speakers urged that the new system ;/ |would prove not only dangerous, but in thecii<* ruumu*, uxiu uiuiiijHcu uuti «« "vmv» <v.w» vawa* of that no sooner was the war

ended than a financial revolution throughoutthe North would fWicw. AH of the speakers

' urged State protection, and showed tiiat thebank* ol New york held some 24,000,000 ofbulKon* which the* could sell at an enormous

profit, hut kept as a balance-wheel, whifc .thenafioual hanks were not called upon to keepspecie to r*?d»xrm their notes, and had nothingto &11 back upon.

j Mr. Coe, the engineer, /» he »styled, of the ^

| tfanfc of England, fca* invented a'O&nx note wr ^- a

} that institution with a fegree "pattern whichj cook] not he counterfeited, bet it coststoo touchto ho introduced into tec. The notes of the *

Bank of Bengal arc covered on one «d* with * ggwhat appear to be mere lm«*> best under themicroscope they are found to be repetition* ofthe value and denomination.

Faxct axo Fact..Yankee girl to herYankee, Wan."When do yoo expect to get to RichYankee

Wan."^Vb4n the springfee tottm,gentle Awm.n # * \:

Confederate girl to her Confederate Seau., *

"Wbeu wit! you leave RichmondT<Nli

t »


Axrcdoi4* or Gr*.WtwL.We heard a day **°,or two ago, wfi the PeUmlmi^ Erprm* a

good story told opoo jfecu Wise, wfeieh we be- * \ fItaee ha* new been in prist Whilst encamp! *


*d «t» lb? Pcnim*!* no one. $$f *» frfmg J; **

' j afcmg WRsie toad t» tho-ndmtf ofHi garters, - «>

and came open one of b» wagon* which Was , '*. JfaH stalled. The driver w*» **. white oaj.Upbc seeing th» spectacle he reified oa hit

1 bene, and Ic&kiag tspon John,, said: "Here is& ntic wagon and team going to destruction for

1 nam of a dri*cr.,T The latter, fixing b» eye *

apoo the (faMtajf, instantly retorted : *Ye», m j** ^and tare h a eery floe brigade, io<v going to

| destruction for want of a Brtgodief" The1 ] Geneta! tooa resomad his journey at a' qoick-';jmdp»«e. . r

_ |jsA correspondent, of Uie lircrpool Post, giro

tyflfeUowinw antttsmj? account of the manner f| fn w^b C«pt Semitic* traM a Yankee ia

i! Use Straits of Sands:11 W* ma little excited with intcnigece* £ |S|' j ft#m Petuiag that the Cos&derate States stea*

miif Alabama is era&mg about thtro. S^eL took two Yankees b the attaU* ofljaada, andf|*»punned by the Yimtlerbilt Wbec eight |

' came on, the Abfcams ww about tm%imr. | aheedL and under carerof darknessahe a&daip- r

ship wa% th^ajyot abot5i*asd stoodm ihj|' direction «fwhero^hey bad ht& teen the Ysu*' derMt« At d*ybre&4» im witMn a m* | ofthe Vaaderbtlt who bore down «dr qnircd If they had seen alau^esteamerfading'' f to the northward. Captain Setavm tepitea t

' "Yes; she was gogpjg aheadlMf speedand mxm, n%,* be one bndrwi aum ***/% $>&" Y$* Van-. ^? dcrbilt immediately put on in stem, and west ; §W* on *VtId goose ch**i\ while Setamot quietly[ shipped hU funnel, and bore away in an oppo^1 site direction. It was reported last night thsbV^I:^ t Uic Alabama was out«ide «>f Amherst

* Ge*. Fircitovx. itencnn nn^n, MH? UW ^r of Lake City, i* an Irishman by birth. In early

life he enlists! a* a prirsU in the United $tatea ^1» rcpa'ar army. After hi* discharge be <1emoted «

j to Florida, where he became employed, wc are

| informed, as an engineer. By intelligence and \ '-Mm1 good conduct be prospered in ht$ affront, roar** ri«d eligibly, and bccanro a leading enwen, SinceI the breaking out of the war he hft* rwn in the*. Confederate atfrricc to the rank of Brigadier * %''v General; and he ha# just won a viciorv which* makes him famous at borne and honored* throughout the Confederacy. In biro we have $ * 5

J another reminder of the gratitude wnich wer owe to our #ohitm of foreign birth, and of the

wki..k W« lUnW ntiniW to tlrtfiLattlUUW n»utM nv mi'v-w ........

>. l*jircBf« Armt..The last accooetfTopmost

r Gon. Price to ta oak a few fottes lick of, ?r Washington, Ark, with a fine army.JHuaben*a it i* needless for well known reasons to name*

Tneartnyisia fine plight and moat nswtUeof* 111111

"* .J~'