the birchbark tippecanoe high school - tipp city..."joe the plumber" causes new mania in...

Birchbark As November approaches, Ohioans are faced with yet another vital issue amongst the plethora of political and educational ones. The issue at hand could potentially have quite an impact on the future of Ohio’s economy and let’s be honest…we need a push. Voters will be able to choose whether or not they want, for the first time, a casino/resort in the state of Ohio. This would give jobs to nearly half a thousand people for casino employment and management. In addition to this, thousands of construction jobs will be given to residents of Clinton County, where the casino is planned to go, as well as other Ohio residents. Many of those who are aware of Issue 6 have decided to embrace it based on the fact that it will most likely boost our economy through various aspects. Junior, Kevin Fink stated “I believe it’s a good idea because it will only generate constant revenue, and those with gambling problems can handle their addiction like adults." With that said, hopefully Ohioans can make the right decision. Ohio rollers The Tippecanoe High School Do you know what this years school levy is about? Well, we do. This year there are two levies. One is a Permanent Improvement Levy, which is a renewal, and the other is an Emergency Operating Levy. The Permanent Improvement Levy is strictly a renewal and will not increase the taxes you are paying but it only covers things that are in dire need of repair at that moment. This levy deals with buildings, parking lots, school buses, textbooks, school music instruments, and other items that will last at least five years. The Emergency Operating Levy is primarily a renewal but could include a slight increase. Some of the operating expenses include salaries, benefits, gas and electric service, water, and other day-to-day expenses. If you are wondering how much this new levy will cost you, here is the information you need. There will be an additional 25 cents a day for Tipp City homeowners with a house valued at $100,000. If your house is worth more than that, it goes up 25 cents more for every $100,000 increase. If you don’t know what we are talking about, there are plenty of people who do. Senior Corrie Jones said, “I am in charge of a group supporting the school levy. There are three weekends in October that we pass out leaflets that explain what the levy is about and the different facts and figures that go along with it.” Also, senior Kaitlin Patzek says that this group focuses on talking directly to people by going around door to door to pass. There are people that care because it affects many of the kids that are going to be in school the next couple of years. The new levy is something to consider. Some things you may be interested in that the new levy covers is purchase of a new bus, copiers for the school, bleacher repair for Howell Field, sealing of school parking lots, and other painting and repairs. So this may concern you if you care about your school and things that are being bought for your use. If you really think about it, this levy actually may have something to do with your future. If you really care to join in the group or think this is interesting, what’s holding you back? Special Edition 25 cents Volume 06, Issue 02 Don't break the levy Nikki Richardson and Emma Brown Staff Writers Patrick Fisher Staff Writer Photo by Kara Brenneman Special Political Edition

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Page 1: The Birchbark Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City..."Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman Staff Writers 2 Special Edition The Birchbark News attack


As November approaches, Ohioans are faced with yet another vital issue amongst the plethora of political and educational ones. The issue at hand could potentially have quite an impact on the future of Ohio’s economy and let’s be honest…we need a push. Voters will be able to choose whether or not they want, for the first time, a casino/resort in the state of Ohio. This would give jobs to nearly half a thousand people for casino employment and management. In addition to this, thousands of construction jobs will be given to residents of Clinton County, where the casino is planned to go, as well as other Ohio residents.

Many of those who are aware of Issue 6 have decided to embrace it based on the fact that it will most likely boost our economy through various aspects. Junior, Kevin Fink stated “I believe it’s a good idea because it will only generate constant revenue, and those with gambling problems can handle their addiction like adults." With that said, hopefully Ohioans can make the right decision.

Ohio rollers

The Tippecanoe High School

Do you know what this years school levy is about? Well, we do. This year there are two levies. One is a Permanent Improvement Levy, which is a renewal, and the other is an Emergency Operating Levy. The Permanent Improvement Levy is strictly a renewal and will not increase the taxes you are paying but it only covers things that are in dire need of repair at that moment. This levy deals with buildings, parking lots, school buses, textbooks, school music instruments, and other items that will last at least five years. The Emergency Operating Levy is primarily a renewal but could include a slight increase. Some of the operating expenses include salaries, benefits, gas and electric service, water, and other day-to-day expenses.

If you are wondering how much this new levy will cost you, here is the information you need. There will be an additional 25 cents a day for Tipp City homeowners with a house valued at $100,000. If your house is worth more than that, it goes up 25 cents more for every $100,000 increase.

If you don’t know what we are talking about, there are plenty of people who do. Senior Corrie Jones said, “I am in charge of a group supporting the school levy. There are three weekends in October that we pass out leaflets that explain what the levy is about and the different facts and figures that go along with it.” Also, senior Kaitlin Patzek says that this group focuses on talking directly to people by going around door to door to pass. There are people that care because it affects many of the kids that are going to be in school the next couple of years. The new levy is something to consider. Some things you may be interested in that the new levy covers is purchase of a new bus, copiers for the school, bleacher repair for Howell Field, sealing of school parking lots, and other painting and repairs. So this may concern you if you care about your school and things that are being bought for your use.

If you really think about it, this levy actually may have something to do with your future. If you really care to join in the group or think this is interesting, what’s holding you back?

Special Edition 25 cents Volume 06, Issue 02

Don't break the levy

Nikki Richardson and Emma BrownStaff Writers

Patrick FisherStaff Writer

Photo by Kara Brenneman

Special Political Edition

Page 2: The Birchbark Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City..."Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman Staff Writers 2 Special Edition The Birchbark News attack

This November’s election season brings about an exciting time at THS. For the first time in four years, our high school has seen the excitement going around from newly-turned 18 year-olds, ecstatic about their chance to vote.

For the longest time, our peers have always stated their opinions saying if they had the chance they would do this, or they would do that. Well now that time has come, and every person that will be 18 by Election Day and is choosing to make their vote count, should embrace the opportunity they have. It’s not only the teachers who have an input in the classroom; it’s the students who can offer their own opinion to the matter.

Everyone’s eyes are glued to the debates, and the recent poll predictions. We asked some eligible and non-eligible voters for their input on not

being able to vote or being able to vote. We talked to senior Nikki Richardson about her ineligibility to vote and she said, “I don’t like that voice because I am not eligible to vote, my opinion isn’t being heard. It

isn’t really going to matter who I [would] vote for.” Jason Salyer, an eligible voter is “excited to partake in the election process and have [his] opinion heard.”

So the question is, “To vote, or not to vote?” From what

I’ve seen, there aren’t too many 18 year-olds choosing not to vote. The point is, it’s a privilege to be able to participate in an election at this young of an age, and our students should take advantage of it.

Who is the newly famous man who was mentioned more than twenty times in the final presidential debate? Joe Wurzelbacher (pronounced wuhr-zell-BAHK-er). “Joe the Plumber” hails from Holland, Ohio. On Sunday October 12, 2008, he had gone to Obama’s campa ign appearance in Toledo.

Joe got the chance to talk to Senator Obama and stated to Obama that his tax plan would keep him from buying the business in which he’s currently employed. Senator McCain saw this as a chance to

rich. Congratulations.”Since “Joe the Plumber” has

been in the public eye, the media has scrutinized him. There have been claims that he’s not a real plumber and doesn’t have a license. However, for the job Joe does, he doesn’t need a license.

“Joe the Plumber” has now had the media spotlight on him, what some say as “putting a face on the ‘common person.’” He has not told anyone who he was going to end up voting for. He says that’s between him and the button he pushes.

Newcomers to the voting nation

"Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press

by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman

Staff Writers

2 Special Edition The BirchbarkNews

attack Obama and cited the statement Joe had told him during the debate. Obama claims that he wants to “spread the wealth around.” Some saw this as a socialistic remark.

Not only was Joe mentioned in the portion about taxes, he was also mentioned in the part about healthcare. McCain had said that Obama’s tax plan would fine the business Joe wanted to buy. Then Obama came back and said that small businesses would be left alone. McCain mockingly retorted, “Hey, Joe, you’re

photo from Associated Press

by Melanie WaltonStaff Writer

Page 3: The Birchbark Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City..."Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman Staff Writers 2 Special Edition The Birchbark News attack

The world around us is constantly changing, and it's time to elect a new leader. I believe that Barack Obama should be the next president. We have lost our popularity in the world, we are in the midst of an economic crisis, and we are fighting wars. Right now we need a leader who can start to dig us out of the hole we have gotten in. He wants to help our economy by cutting taxes for the middle class and decrease our dependence on foreign oil. Developing new forms of energy will create more jobs. He has been criticized by the McCain campaign for not wanting to cut taxes on the rich, but let's face it: the rich are not struggling. The top one percent owns more wealth than the bottom ninety percent. I think having Obama in office will also help in regaining our standing in the world. The one thing that angers me most about the McCain campaign is how they have built their campaign on fear. There has been so much focus on what Obama's real religion is or if he is involved with terrorists. And really, so what if he actually was a Muslim? I thought this was America where we are supposed to have freedom of religion. I think people need to be a little less prejudice. It is utterly dispicable and pathetic that the McCain campaign would accuse Obama of being a terrorist. It's really sickening to think that if he wins (which seems more and more likely) there will be people out there who genuinely think that there is a terrorist in the White House. Obama is an inspiring man who wants to do good things. I believe in Barack Obama's plan for the future. He is able to handle tough situations while staying calm, and with today's problems, that's the type of leadership we need. I'm ready for change, I'm ready for Barack Obama.

John McCain is a loyal member of our country. He fought for our great nation and was a POW for years, never turning his back on it. I think John McCain supports our country more than Barack Obama. I feel it is disrespectful that Obama has often refused to wear the American flag pin because of the Iraq War, saying it has become a substitute for “true patriotism.” He claims he can simply tell the American people what will make this country great. He does not support the war and calls it disastrous. What kind of example is this setting for the nation, or other countries? When we have troops overseas that are fighting for us, we should support them. I believe McCain is a great candidate for the presidency. He always sticks to his beliefs and will work with both parties. McCain supports energy independence and tax cuts for everyone. He believes we need to cut spending all across the board in order to recover from the bailout. Also, he thinks the people should make their own decisions instead of having the government get involved in everything. Many people argue that McCain would not be a good President because he is too old. Being old does not make him unqualified. Josh Smedley explains, “I think McCain knows a lot more than Obama does. He is more experienced. I think he’ll make the right decisions during stressful situations in our country.” I couldn’t agree more. John McCain and Sarah Palin have a very strong campaign. Hopefully we will see them in the White House very soon.

We need Obama for real change We'll gain with McCain

Presidential picks: What side are you on?

OpinionsThe Birchbark 3Special Edition





by Kara BrennemanStaff Writer

by Kayla StuckeStaff Writer

The BirchbarkOur Staff: Returning Members: New Members: Maria Crompton Bailey Arnold Nikki Richardson Caitlyn HaasEditor in Chief: Hallie Donathan Jesse Clark Jason Salyer Danae KingKara Brenneman Allison Hinde Sami Eberhardt Joel Slyman Amanda Howard Laura Haley Kayla Stucke Advisor:Assistant Editor: Melanie Walton Miranda Lammers Emma Brown Mrs. MahaneyMelanie O' Brien Wes Marsh Patrick Fisher


Page 4: The Birchbark Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City..."Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman Staff Writers 2 Special Edition The Birchbark News attack

Third parties: big impact or big inconvenience?

“I don’t think [third party candidates] are important because they are never going to win.” This quote by Ashley Stearns sums up the majority opinion of third parties. When asked if they were aware of any particular minority candidates, only one person could name someone other than Ralph Nadar. “Bob Barr is the head of the Libertarian party,” Kevin Fink replied. The unawareness of any third party candidates reflects the fact that we tend to focus only on the democratic and republican contenders.

While some people tend to ignore third parties completely, some argue they are detrimental to the two major presidential nominees. “They take away votes from candidates who are going to win,” Joey O’Brien stated, also adding that they are “a complete waste of time.”

However, others believe third party candidates are vital to those who want more selections for their vote. “You shouldn’t only have two options to vote for if you have a different stand,” Kayla Stucke argued.

This anonymous quote sums up my feelings about the election: “No one’s going to tell me what to do.” Voters aren’t required to mark their ballot democrat or republican and one should choose who they think will be the best leader. If that candidate does happen to be from a minority, do not let that factor into your vote. With third parties it’s not the issue of impact or inconvenience. The importance lies in your power to select the candidate you think will best represent the country. While your selection might not make a huge difference at the polls, at least you have the power to choose.



IAL The freedom to form our own ideas

and express them is something to take full advantage of. We all have the ability to think for ourselves, but it is a danger when we don't. It's another election year, a huge one, so everyone is thinking about politics. This election has sparked controversies and arguments. I, like everyone else, do not always agree with the opinions of others, but I will respect anyone's political beliefs as long as they are their own. It drives me crazy when my peers begin their arguments with, "Well my parents said..." I challenge you to become more informed than that. Everyone should do a little research so they can take an informed stance. It's okay if you find that you have different beliefs than your parents or friends. Don't compromise your opinions to fit in. I know that many times teenagers are wrapped up in typical high school drama, but I encourage you to think outside of the bubble of Tipp City. There is a much larger world, with more important things happening. I know only a small fraction of us can actually vote in this election, but you should still pay attention because what happens now will affect what will be happening when you can vote. When that time comes, it is imperative that we live up to our duty as citizens and make an informed vote that is of our own true beliefs.

Editor in Chief: Kara Brenneman

Free your mind

4 Special Edition The BirchbarkOpinions

Staff Writer

by Caitlyn Haas

Does it ad up?So everyone knows what

happens about this time every four years: The Presidential Election. With the election you get the debates, the campaigning, and the infamous advertising. Some ads as you know are very positive in supporting their candidate, but others are very negative and belittle the other candidate. Don’t get me wrong, some are really funny and interesting to hear about a person’s past. But when I stop and think, “How much of that is really true?” is when I get a little disturbed. I don’t like how the candidates think its ok to just completely slander their opponent. What really gets me is when they drag the opposite candidate’s family

into the advertisement. It is one thing to degrade each other but do not bring the family into the battle. The advertisements range from TV, to posters, to billboards, to radio shows. I don’t think you can turn on the TV this time every four years and not sit down for 10 minutes without seeing a slandering campaign ad. To me it’s hard to sit back and enjoy my night with negative ads on the tube. I think the negatives ads are unnecessary and pointless. Next time you sit down to watch TV, count how many negative ads there are to the positive ones. I’m pretty sure the negative will out weigh the positive.

Staff Writersby Hallie Donathan

Page 5: The Birchbark Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City..."Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman Staff Writers 2 Special Edition The Birchbark News attack

FeaturesThe Birchbark 5Special Edition


Photo from The New York Times

“I think Obama is just radical enough to actually make a change for the better. Also, if anything did happen to him, I'd prefer to have a competent person take over."Abby DowdSenior

Illuminating or inconsequential: the race for the vice presidency

“The vice president plays a vital role in the election,” says Kayla Stucke. But how much does the vice presidential candidate factor into your decision for president? Do their opinions matter to you? What do you look for in a vice president? Kevin Fink says he looks for the “same things I look for in a president because they’re just one moment away from becoming the president.” Yet Mr. Porto looks for different qualities in a vice president, he wants a vice president who “balances out the president.”

However, there are so many issues that are important in today’s world, such as the war in Iraq, the economy or abortion.

On the issue of abortion, Sarah Palin is pro-life, and Biden is pro-choice, these differing opinions may very well be the deciding factor for some voters.

The war in Iraq is another big issue for the candidates and their stance is important because the people want to know how they will end the war. Palin has the desire to form an “exit strategy” for troops and, one opinion on Palin and the war, as Ashley Stearns says “if McCain and Palin win, in my view the war will be ended right.” However, Biden and Obama have a plan for the end of the war too, but the controversy is that they have a time line for their “phased withdrawal” and the republicans

don’t. Another issue is the economy,

Biden says that all their future economy plans “are about creating jobs.” So what will Palin do about jobs and the economy? They have a plan too, mostly based on the fact that, in Palin’s words, “America just cannot afford another big spender in the White House.”

The real question is how the election will play out? Will the vice presidential candidates be a key factor in the race for the presidency or will their opinion be inconsequential? Only the voters can decide.

by Danae KingStaff Writer

“John McCain has a reason and a plan for what he is doing.. And Sarah Palin is hot.”

Logan HicksSenior

Page 6: The Birchbark Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City..."Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman Staff Writers 2 Special Edition The Birchbark News attack

This campaign season has led many people to get involved to help their cause. People have been inspired to give their time and money to become part of the democratic system.

One group of students that had to campaign was Mr. Sentman's AP Government students. He wanted to challenge his classes to participate in this election. The students were going to be able to find out how campaigns work and what it takes to win.

by Kara BrennemanStaff Writer

Many students were able to take this project and have fun with it. Dusty Paulus related, "I helped out with the McCain campaign. The campaign experience was pretty cool and fun. It was interesting to meet some influential people." Getting an inside look at big elections was a great learning experience for the students.

Others chose to help with local campaigns, and several got involved with

the school levy. Karen Allen, speaking of her experience, said, "I just passed out fliers for the levy, so it was easy. I don't think I honestly made much of an impact, but I hope I did."

Sometimes it may seem like the campaign experience is unrewarding, but others see it as completely worth it. Kaitlin Patzek said, "My experience passing out fliers for the levy was good. I fulfilled my government requirements and feel like

I got the word out about our levy."

Winn ing e lec t ions i s hard, but it would be nearly impossible without people volunteering their time or money to help. The campaign project bestowed a valuble lesson on s tudents and hopefully made them want to continue to volunteer. When people feel passionate about a certain cause, it doesn't take much to help.

The BirchbarkSpecial Edition6

AP students get real campaign experience

“ “I think that students

learned how real campaigns work and how to be a part of

the political process.”

– Mr. SentmanAP Government Teacher

Page 7: The Birchbark Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City..."Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman Staff Writers 2 Special Edition The Birchbark News attack

From the get-go this election year turned out shocking numbers of activism from teenagers and young people in America. Their interest in politics grew; they assisted in their nominee’s campaign, researched positions, and spread the news and findings to their peers and friends. Now Election Day draws closer, and opinions are flying between adults and teenagers.

It’s down to two nominees, Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain, and students at Tippecanoe High school have not stopped forming a variety of opinions on this unique election year of shocking turning points to vice president picks to campaign tactics to the nominees themselves.

Ian Liffick is hesitant at first. “I was a bad pick for this,” he said initially, but he quickly gave his own opinion pick for Obama. “He’s different, not like all of our other presidents.” Rachel Bethroe gave her own substantial reasons in favor for Obama, mainly her belief in introducing racial diversity into our line of presidents. “Our nation is so far behind other nations,” she said, referring to other country’s presidents of different race and gender. But even with Rachel’s support of Obama, the growing figure of republican vice-president pick Sarah Palin found her favor. “I like her,” Rachel said. “She’s secure with who she is.”

An opinion not shared by everyone. An anonymous junior offered the statement “Palin is a breath away from being president and I don’t like it!”

Jacob Kenworthy gave a specific account of his opinions on this campaign year, and is drawn toward McCain and Palin. He believes both Obama and Biden are very one-sided. He believes that if McCain is elected, he could further a more bipartisan relationship between Republicans and our mainly Democratic congress, a cooperation that could be good for America. “He’s a maverick,” Jacob explained. “They don’t always agree and that’s a good thing.” Abby Bollard also sided with McCain. “I like his viewpoints”

Danae King gave a rare neutral viewpoint. “I don’t like either of them right now. I thought the choice was more clear cut with the last election. Maybe there’s a lesser evil, but I don’t know.”

Some students focused less on the president and more on their dislike of the campaign tactics going on. Brandy Peters aptly sums it up as, “I don’t like the fact that everyone is slinging mud.”

Clearly, THS is never lacking in various viewpoints no matter the situation under scrutiny. Despite the differing opinions given by students, it’s safe to say that whatever outcome this campaign concludes in, it will be considered a historical one.

by Melanie O' BrienStaff Writer

Opinion fever over presdential campaign


7Special EditionThe Birchbark Politics


"John McCain's fought for us and he knows what it takes to run this country."

Jess PlummerSenior

"I'm voting for Obama because I don't want my president to die in office."

Logan Ernst Senior

Page 8: The Birchbark Tippecanoe High School - Tipp City..."Joe the plumber" causes new mania in press by Wes Marsh and Joel A. Slyman Staff Writers 2 Special Edition The Birchbark News attack

In FocusThe BirchbarkSpecial Edition8

RIGHT: Gabi Barth proudly

displays her support of Barack Obama.

BELOW: The yard sign

supporting our own school levy.

RIGHT: Aaron Evans,

Logan Subler, Laura Haley, Kayla Stucke,

Jon Vollmer, Sam Farling, Drake Turley,

Sarah Quinn, Bailey Wogoman, and Jenna Werts all enjoying the

Palin rally.

ABOVE: The crowd at the Sarah Palin rally,

and their campaign slogan.

BELOW: An Obama- Biden sticker

Politics in action!Fall 2008

Photo by Melanie O'Brien

Photo by Bailey Arnold

Photo by Kara Brenneman

Photos by Melanie O'Brien

Photo by Laura Haley