the big boing theory

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  • 8/9/2019 The Big Boing Theory


    The Big Boin g The ory

    (The exam a t t he end of all exams)

    by J oh n Mich ae l William s


    revised from US ENET post ings of March 2001, to ne ws groups s ci .phy sics ,

    sci .physics.relativity, sci .astro

    Copyrigh t (c) 2008, J ohn Mich ae l Williams

    All Rights Re serve d

  • 8/9/2019 The Big Boing Theory


    2008-11-27 jmw Big Boing Theory v. 1.2 2

    0. The P roblem

    Note: The nar ra tive her e is based on rea lly fictit ious events!

    Two cosmona ut s ha d been living in an obscure compa rt men t of th e Mir Orbiter for

    seven year s, ever since Groun d Cont rol ina dvertent ly omitt ed th em from a list of retur n


    As usu al, th ey cha rged th eir ion self-propulsion u nits from Mir's main batt eries, and

    drew a lit tle fluid from t he a ir condit ionin g unit for imp ulse.

    They then jett ed away int o space, far from an y near by object, ta king with t hem a

    lar ge, compr essed, coiled sprin g an d a long bu ngee cord, ea ch of finite, bu t van ishingly

    small, mass.

    One cosmonau t, with all equipment, weighed half as m uch as th e oth er. They each

    tied t hem selves t o one en d of th e bun gee cord an d t ook u p positions on opposite en ds of

    th e spr ing. They synchr onized th eir watches to th e Big Ivan clock on th e Mir steeple;

    an d, exactly at 12:00, released t he lat ch on t he spr ing.

    The spr ing expan ded in n egligible time, sendin g th e two cosmona ut s off in exactly

    opposite directions.

    The sma ller cosmonaut determined by spectr al shift of the fixed sta rs t ha t h er speed

    was 0.9c. After a n h our ha d lapsed by her watch, the bun gee cord's slack was u sed up,

    an d t he cord ra pidly decelera ted h er a nd pu lled her back in t he opposite direction.

    The two cosmona ut s were ret ur ned t o opposite ends of th e spring, compr essing it a nd

    resetting the latch.

    By the sm aller cosmona ut 's watch, it was exactly 14:00.

    Quest ions:

    1. What t ime was it by th e lar ger cosmonaut 's watch?

    Hint : What t ime would Big Ivan sa y it was?

    2. Mir ha ving been deorbitt ed becau se of repeat ed batt ery and a ir conditioning

    problems, how will they retur n t o Ea rt h?

    3. Should th ey ar gue about the time?

    4. F inal Exam :

    A. Describe th e stress on the bun gee cord du rin g th e above.B. If you can't describe it, at least explain it.

    C. If you can 't explain it, then a t least plea se excuse it.

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    2008-11-27 jmw Big Boing Theory v. 1.2 3

    I. The First P ass

    First of all, this r eally happened!

    In 1993, Boris Yeltsin wa s filmed on CNN , walking out on t he t ar ma c to greet t he

    cosmonaut s on their retu rn from Mir. He shook their han ds and congra tu lated them,

    briefly speak ing to each one individually. As he was gettin g int o his car a fter t heceremony, he was report ed to rema rk (in Russian ),

    "Huh . That 's fun ny. I thought ther e were more of th em."

    Any way, here is an an swer to Question 1:

    The problem is amen able to reasonable additiona l assum ptions. The only error would

    be to assign a specific ma ss eith er t o th e sprin g or t he cord--for exa mple, to comput e a

    mechanical resonant frequency or something along those lines.

    The behavior of th e spring is irr elevan t to the problem. You ma y allocat e it a tin y bit

    of momen tu m a nd h ave it s it in th e fram e of Big Ivan; or, let it follow one of th ecosmonaut s or boun ce ar oun d between th em.

    Similar ly, you m ay ha ve the bun gee cord sit in th e rest fra me of Big Ivan a nd pa y out

    slack t o the cosmonaut s a t both ends; or, you ma y let one of th e cosmonaut s carr y th e

    slack an d pay it out to the oth er.

    The first problem is very str aight forwa rd: One solut ion would be by defining th e lab

    fra me time, tF , as th e time in th e fra me of th e spring before it was r eleased. This would

    be th e fra me of Big Ivan . Then , call the proper time of th e light er an d heavier

    cosmonauts, tL and tH , respectively.

    By Lorentz time dilation,

    t t tF L L H H = = , (1)

    in wh ich j jv c= 1 12( ) .

    So, from (1), th e hea vier cosmona ut 's tim e would be

    t tH LL



    . (2)

    Incident ally, before cont inu ing, notice th at L was about 1 1 0 81 2 25 . . ; so, th e tFdur at ion of th e excur sion mu st h ave been about 4.5 hour s: It was 16:30 when th ey met

    aga in, accordin g to Big Ivan t ime.

    They missed Mir, but ma ybe they can cat ch ISS?

    To solve Eq. (2), th e quickest wa y would be sim ply to appr oxima te t he h eavier

    cosmonaut 's speed by assum ing the doubled mass pu t t ha t speed t wice as far away from c

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    2008-11-27 jmw Big Boing Theory v. 1.2 4

    as th at of th e light er cosmona ut 's: So, ifv cH 0 8. , then H 1 67. ; and so, from Eq. (2),

    we would h ave,

    tH = 22 25

    1 672 7


    .. h ou r s, (3)

    ma king it a bout 14:40 by the h eavier cosmonaut 's watch.Call th is COARSE ANSWER 1.

    More pr ecisely, we know moment um is conser ved an d ma y be set equa lly to 0 for th e

    two cosmona ut s in the fra me of th e spring just before release. The relat ivist ic definit ion

    of momen tu m of a m ass ive body is,

    p m v= ; and so, (4)

    m v m vL L L H H H = , (5)

    in the fra me of Big Ivan . We need vH . Solving Eq. (5) for H Hv , and using L from ca.

    Eq. (2) above, we find t ha t

    2 250 9



    . =

    c v





    . (6)

    After some algebra, we find t ha t v cH 0 7. , making H about 1.4. Substitu ting into

    Eq. (2) above,

    tH = 2 2 25 1 4 3 2( . . ) . hours, (7)

    ma king it a bout 15:10 by the h eavier cosmonaut 's watch.

    Call this FIN E ANSWER 1.

    The quest ion about t he bun gee cord tension will be answer ed soon. Hint : If th e cord is

    not to break, wha t would ha ve to be th e speed of soun d in it?

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    2008-11-27 jmw Big Boing Theory v. 1.2 5

    II. The Secon d P ass

    The final question, the stress in the bungee cord, again allows for reasonable


    Let's star t by looking at th e length of th e cord . We can't ha ndle a relat ivistic pr oblem

    validly by assum ing length an d time t o be independent, but we can calculat e th ema ximu m length possible at an y time, in an y fra me: This is just th e length with no

    Loren tz cont ra ction, th e length t o which th e bun gee cord would ha ve to ha ve been


    In t he fra me of th e coiled spring just before r elease, we know the t wo cosmona ut s

    t ravelled in opposite di rect ions for about 4 5 2 2 25. .= hours.

    In t ha t frame, th en, using the previous a nswer, the cord u nwra pped to a length LF

    given by their combin ed speed of .9c + .7c = 1.6c. So,


    1 6 3 10 2 25


    . ( ) . )m s h (60 s h


    ; or, (8)

    LF 4 109 km . (9)

    This is slight ly less tha n t he avera ge radius of th e orbit of th e planet N eptun e.

    Wow! The cord m us t be qu ite st iff, to rever se a velocity of .9c in a t ime n egligible on

    th e scale of an h our. It was, of cour se, ma de of na notu bules precipita ted in a face-

    cent ered cubic ar ra y of th e newly discovered pa rt icle, the st rongerin o.

    Come to thin k of it, I wonder wh at h app ened to the sprin g? It sh ould be stored sa fely

    on Mir s omewh ere, wher e some kid couldn 't get h old of it a nd a ccident ally un lat ch it . . ..

    Let's assum e for br evity th at th e slack in t he bun gee cord wa s carried by the h eavier

    cosmonaut an d paid out to the light er. Looked at in th e fra me of th e lighter cosmonaut ,

    th e cord t hen would have to be able to survive being un wrapped a t a speed equa l in tha t

    fra me t o wha t we shall call vLH , th e combined s peed of separ at ion.

    To add th e two velocities, we ha ve to realize th at th e speeds .9c an d .7c were given in

    th e fra me of th e coiled sprin g just before relea se. So, tim e dilat ion will apply to both of

    th em: Time passing in t he larger cosmonaut 's fra me will be dilat ed relative to the

    dilat ion in th e light er ones. A clock in th e fram e of Big Ivan m erely copying ticks of, say,

    th e hea vier cosmona ut 's clock will seem t o run slow by a factor ofH

    in th e Big Ivan

    fra me. This copy-clock, if viewed from t he fra me of th e light er cosmona ut , will ru n m ore

    slowly yet, t his t ime by a factor ofL . Using th e an swers previously calculat ed, th e

    gam ma of the u ncoiling point on th e bun gee cord t her efore will be

    LH L H= = =2 25 1 4 3 15. . . . Thus, we may write,

    3 15 1 1


    . =



    LH ; an d, (10)

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    2008-11-27 jmw Big Boing Theory v. 1.2 6

    v cLH 0 95. . (11)

    In th e fra me of th e light er cosmonaut , th e cord will be lengthen ing an d propagating a

    wave of slight t ension in th e direction of th e hea vier cosmona ut at a speed of0 95. c .

    Ther efore, t he speed of sound in th e cord mu st exceed 0 95. c ; oth erwise, th e cord would

    separa te a s it was being unwra pped.

    As we know, spring keeps ret ur nin g. So, th inkin g again of our lost spr ing . . . while

    compr essed, it mu st h ave stored ener gy enough t o accelerat e a combined m ass of, say,

    150 kg to 0 95. c . This stored energy may be consider ed equal to th e kinetic ener gy of th e

    two separ at ing cosmonau ts.

    The r elat ivistic total ener gy is given by E pc m c m c= + =( ) ( )2 2 2 2

    . The kinetic

    energy EK will be the difference between t he t ota l an d t he m c2 energy residing in m ass;


    E m c cK= =

    ( ) . 1 2 15 150

    2 2

    3 10


    jou les. (12)

    Sta rt ing at 20 C, it ta kes about 4 540 80 10 3 102 6 10jou le cal cal g g t on + ( ) joules to

    vaporize a met ric ton of wat er; so, th e kinet ic ener gy stored in t he compr essed spr ing is

    enough to vaporize one billion met ric tons of wat er. Luckily, it is safely out in spa ce,

    where nothing ever ha ppens.

    But, Mir, ISS, an d everything else actua lly is not in space but r at her in t he th innest

    reaches of th e Ea rt h's upper at mosphere! So, th ings can ha ppen.

    What h appens when th e slack in th e bun gee cord is all paid out ? An an swer to th is

    will be att empted next.

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    2008-11-27 jmw Big Boing Theory v. 1.2 7

    III. The Third P ass

    I'd like to sta rt by apologizing for pa nicking th at way: I thought th e compr essed sprin g

    ha d been stolen; and, in a ll the excitement , I misun derstood wha t t hey were saying.

    If th ere are a ny members of th e press still present, I'd just like to say that th e thr ee

    th ird-grade kids I overhear d t alking about football now have been r eleased int o thecust ody of their pa rent s.

    Of cour se, th ey will rema in u nder susp icion of ter rorism for t he r est of th eir lives; but ,

    th ink of all the both er of cha nging t he police records .

    The bungee cord also clear ly is a problem. We estim at ed its ma ximum length

    previously, but t ha t ma y ha ve to be cha nged after considering how it mu st work while

    being paid out.

    In t he frame of th e lighter cosmonaut , the st ress in t he cord is const an t in t ime during

    th e first hour after spring release. Call th is th e slack t ension . However sma ll th e ma ssper un it length of th e cord, as it u nwra ps, the additiona l increment in m ass per u nit t ime

    accelerated by the lighter cosmonaut is proportional to the additional length, which is

    const an t. In t he fra me of th e heavier cosmonaut , a negligible an d much sma ller const an t

    tension ma y be assum ed exert ed in t he direction of the light er one.

    Of cour se, during slack t ension, th e tension must be small enough t ha t it does not

    noticeably r educe th e combined speed ofv cLH = 0 95. .

    When t he slack ha s been consu med, a su dden increa se in ten sion will occur , first felt

    by th e heavier cosmonau t, who suddenly has ru n out of cord to pay. Call th is the taut

    tension . The taut t ension will propagate as a wave towar d the light er cosmonaut a t th e

    speed of sound in th e cord, sa y, 0 98. c .

    We might at this point a ssume (a) that th e cord m ust str etch; or, we might disallow

    th is and a ccelera te th e heavier cosmonaut (b) imm ediat ely to th e velocity of th e lighter ;

    (c) imm ediat ely to th e negat ive of the h eavier velocity; or, perh aps (d) gra dua lly to some

    oth er inter media te velocity. The imm ediat e choices ass um e virtu alizat ion of ener gy over

    a space-like interval.

    We decide here t o use th e first altern at ive, stret ching, becau se we do not wish to

    ass um e a specific ma ss for th e cord. We also will assu me immedia te reversa l of th e

    velocity of th e hea vier cosmona ut at some unspecified time in the fra me of th e light er. In

    reality, the ma ss a nd elast ic const an ts of the cord would determine t he dyna mics of th erest orin g force in all fra mes.

    Becau se we know that th e lighter cosmonaut must cont inue at 0 9. c (Big Ivan fram e)

    un til the t au t t ension r eaches her , we permit t he cord t o str etch freely for t he dur at ion of

    th e propagation of th e tau t t ension wave.

    So, using th e reversed frame of th e heavier cosmonaut at th e point of initiat ion of tau t

    ten sion, we ma y define an origin of dista ncex by th e locat ion 0 of th e hea vier cosmona ut

    at t he insta nt of initiation of th e tau t ten sion wave. Then, in the bungee cord, we ha ve a

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    2008-11-27 jmw Big Boing Theory v. 1.2 8

    region of ta ut ten sion (T T) in t he fram e of the hea vier cosmonau t pr opagat ing in th e

    direction of th e light er cosmona ut an d boun ded by a point xTT obeying,

    x c tHTT H= 0 98. , (13)

    th e tau t segment of th e cord a t 0 <

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    2008-11-27 jmw Big Boing Theory v. 1.2 9

    In t he fram e of Big Ivan , the fractional ad ded length of th e cord because of str etching

    then would be something like,

    stretch = +

    4 10 0 47 60 0 992

    4 101125

    12 2


    . ..

    c. (17)

    Thus, a fter adding a str etch of no more th an about 12.5% in t he frame of Big Ivan, th eta ut wave will reach t he light er cosmonaut an d, we assume jerkily, will reverse her


    With both cosmonaut momenta reversed, a slack wave now will propagate over t he

    bungee cord u nt il all tension ha s been relaxed. This concludes th is answer t o th e final

    exam quest ion.

    This is as far out as I go with th is theory. I hope readers have foun d it hu morous an d
