the art of hypnotic storytelling

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  • 7/27/2019 The Art of Hypnotic Storytelling


    The Art of Hypnotic StorytellingSo what is it exactlythat makes a story hypnotic??One of the tools is to ask a question, like I ust !i!" #or when you hear a question, you ha$e togo insi!e to think a%out it, an! as you !o, you are accessing the power of your inner min!"

    Another is to emphasi&e some points as !ifferent from others" In person you can !o this in $oicetone" 'ou can ha$e one $oice for the inner min! an! another $oice for the usual e$ery!ay

    conscious min!"Or if you(re writing a %log post, you can !o this same thing %y italici&ing some wor!s, like I !i!a%o$e, thus emphasi&ing them" It soun!s funny I know %ut if you speak as if a person has twomin!s an! you treat them $ery !istinctly""some $ery interesting change can take place"One part of your min! is the e$ery!ay, always rattling conscious min! that hol!s only a%out )pieces of information at one time" That(s not $ery much* The other part of your min! is your wisean! $ast inner min! that regulates all of your %o!ily functions, stores all of your learning(san!""likes to go insi!e an! think a%out things +-If you($e notice! in fact, I(m using a lot of "".!ots- here" These are a form of literary pause"'ou can !o this with your $oice as well" /ust notice if you go ahea! an!.pause right now-"what happens?

    'our min! searches"It says something like, 01hat is the meaning of this? 1hat am I looking for?2 An! in this pausewhere your conscious min! is engage!""your unconscious min! is free to !o otherthings, like imagine" An! imagining is one of the ways that hypnotic storytelling sol$es pro%lems"'es in!ee!"1ant to try it out???Think of something that you(! like to %e resol$e, or some way you(! like to %e more creati$e orfree a%out something" It can %e aything at all %ut pro%a%ly %est not to %e your %iggest life issuee$er" /ust something e$ery!ay"3ow think to yourself".pause-"2Hmmm, I won!er how this is going to get %etter

    ust while I(m rea!ing this %log post?2power of pauseAn! then".pause again-ust won!er a%out it for a moment"

    3ow go %ack to what you were !oing %ut notice later if something %u%%les up from insi!e" Thatis the power of hypnotic storytelling" 'ou can use it to".pause-"sol$e all sortsof pro%lems easily"One of the people we ha$e to thank for this is 4ilton 5rickson 46" He helpe! thousan!s ofpeople ust %y.pause-"telling stories"

    An! if you think it(s ust too easy ust to pause to sol$e your pro%lems, then go ahea! an! pauseagain right now an! go insi!e an! see what change can happen with almost no effort at all" #orisn(t it easier to change ust %y pausing then %y efforting?Of course it is" An! that(s why the art of hypnotic storytelling can %e use! to change ust a%outanything at all"" Hope you enoye! that little reprie$e from your e$ery!ay pro%lems" 9et me know what
