the art of context

Upload: redrose582

Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 The Art of Context


    rg first published "O Store Gud" in theMnsters Tidningen(Mnsters News) on 13 March

    1! #1$%

    &he poe' beca'e 'atched to an old Swedish fol tune and sung in public for the first nown

    occasion in a church in the Swedish proince of *+r'landin 1#11%,ight erses appeared

    with the 'usic in the 1-$ Sions Harpan#1.%

    /n 1-$ 0oberg beca'e the editor of Sanningsvittnet(&he itness for the &ruth) &he words

    and 'usic were published for the first ti'e in the 1! 2pril 1-1 edition of Sanningsvittnet

    /nstru'entation for both piano and guitar was proided b 2dolph ,dgren (born 145 died

    1-.1 in ashington 67)8 a 'usic teacher and organist8 who later 'igrated to the 9nited


    0oberg later sold the rights to the Sensa Missionsfrbundet (Mission 7oenant 7hurch of

    Sweden) /n 1-1 all nine erses were published in the 1-1 7oenant songboo8

    Sanningsvittnet#1$%&hese ersions were all in 3:; ti'e /n 1-; the Svenska

    Missionsfrbundet sngbok#1;%published "O Store Gud" in ;:; ti'eas it has been sung eersince)#13%

    Horst Wessel Lied

    &he tune is si'ilar to the tune of the iedthough neither copied the other 0oth

    copied traditional Northern ,uropean fol 'usic Nu'erous 'usicologists#14%hae pointed

    out that the 'etrical patternand chord progressionsof "O Store Gud" are si'ilar to those of

    the "ied" (first line "6ie ?ahne hoch")8 which theNa@iscusto'aril appended

    to "6eutschland Aber 2lles" (the Ger'an national anthe') /nfor'ed opinion

    oerwhel'ingl denies that

  • 8/13/2019 The Art of Context


    who had heard the h'n in ,stonia8 where there was a Swedish speaing 'inorit /t was

    first published inBlankenburger ieder#13%&he song beca'e popular in Ger'an8 where

    "ie groE bist 6u" is the co''on title (the first line is "6u groEer Gott") #1-%

    Russian translation (1912)

    ,entuall8 the Ger'an ersion traeled toussiawhere a ussianersion entitled "*elii

    0og" (JKL PQR = Great God)#.$%was produced in 1-1. b /an S rohano (1!-T

    1-34)8#.1%the "Martin >uther of ussia"8#13%and "the 'ost prolific rotestant h'n writer and

    translator in all of ussia" at that ti'e#..%in a ussian=language rotestant h'nboo

    published in St etersburg (later >eningrad)8!"#vali(7'bals)#13%2n enlarged edition of

    this h'nboo entitled "Songs of a 7hristian"8 including "*elii 0og" was released in 1-.H#13%

    English translations

    E. Gusta !ohnson (192")

    &he first literal ,nglish translation of $ store %udwas b , Gusta Bohnson (1-3T1-H;)8#.3%

    then a professor ofNorth ar 7ollege8 /llinois

  • 8/13/2019 The Art of Context


    / plead for 'erc and for grace and peace8

    / feel th bal' and8 all ' bruises healing8

    M soul is filled8 ' heart is set at ease

    2nd when at last the 'ists of ti'e hae anished

    2nd / in truth ' faith confir'ed shall see89pon the shores where earthl ills are banished

    /Ull enter >ord8 to dwell in peace with thee#.!%

    /n 1--! BohnsonIs translation was replaced in T'e &ovenant H"#nal() *ors'ipbook

    because ", Gusta BohnsonUs ersion which8 while closer to the original8 uses a 'ore archaic
