the alternative energy report

The Alternative Energy Report By TOM WADE

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Quickly discover how to benefit from using renewable energy


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The Alternative Energy Report


Page 2: The Alternative Energy Report

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A War Between Eating And Sustainable PowerAdvanced Vehicles

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Green Energy SourcesAlternative Energy Development In Japan

Alternative Energy For The HomeAlternative Energy From The Ocean

Alternative Energy Sources – A Brief GlimpseAlternative Energy Sources - Helping Businesses Succeed And Gain Positive Reputation

Alternative Energy Sources – Helping Out In Times Of Energy CrisisAlternative Energy Sources - The Best Aid In Times Of Crisis

An Alternative Energy Education MethodAn Energy Alternative: Free Energy

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A War Between Eating And Sustainable Power

Today climate change is a reality that is acknowledge by even the most doubtful of skeptics. The warmer temperatures in areas where its supposed to be cool, scorching summers, and bone chilling winter have become a pattern that people cannot simply ignore.

What's The War About?

Funny enough it seems that people are getting desperate and all are turning to bio-fuel like it's the savior of all mankind. So what is bio-fuel? Bio-fuel is any gaseous, solid, or liquid material derived from biological materials. The argument ensues when people talk of the future. Bio-fuel's raw materials are usually agricultural crops that are made to undergo fermentation and certain processes in order to produce bio-fuel.

The Problem

Who is the world's largest oil consumer? Those with the highest number of vehicles running their roads, countries like the US, England and generally most of the European nations. When you think about it bio-fuel is made from corn, sugarcane, palm oil, vegetable oil, and etc; where do these agricultural crops come from? Third World Countries.

In Mexico they have this 'tortilla crisis". Corn which is the basic ingredient of tortilla is now sold five times the price it used to be marketed for. The reason for the inflated prices? The demand of bio-fuel in highly developed countries has severely altered the business people's sense of profit. Why sell for a dollar when you can for 5 because the demand is now higher.

Who Suffers?

The first world countries will have to export goods from the third world countries to fuel their increasing demand for energy. The third world countries are usually tropical ones located near the equator, hence a higher crop growth of corn, and all those needed to manufacture bio-fuel; but for these countries corn is food, so is sugar cane. For the first world to survive the t poorer countries must either starve in hunger or break their back working to be able to afford the price hikes of the most basic of all commodities: food.

A Compromise

So what should we do? We need to address the problems of the environment and pollution, but it is also not right that to solve a problem we must create one. Think about it if the agricultural countries go into decline because its people can't afford food then who will till the land to supply the giants with endless bio-fuel?

Sustainable energy is geared to sustain life, not make it harder. A proposal is in order. Since the crops needed for the production of bio-fuel can only survive in tropical countries then the governments of the more well off countries will have to invest in the agricultural countries to supply their own demand. These crops must be independent from those for local consumers. Stringent rules governing pricing and distribution must be implemented to further protect the source of the energy.

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Sustainable power means the world working hand in hand to create a better way of life for the future. The road to betterment is paved with hard work and dedication. The ancient Egyptian used sails to go up and down the Nile; they were patient and they reached their destination. Let us all be patient but diligent in our quest for sustainable power to sustain life.

Advanced Vehicles

When we think of advanced vehicles it reminds us of speed that a vehicle has and all the newer vehicles that are coming out with all the modern gadgets and gizmos. Every time we turn the ignition on our vehicle we are sending a bad sign out into the world and the atmosphere. Scientist have worked rather hard at coming up with a way that our cars can be safe for our planet. So how is that done?

Advanced fuel systems include energy storage which is the batteries that help power it instead of the fuels, power electronics, thermal comfort and systems analysis. These fuel systems are constantly being studied and have made outstanding research and development topics. The main focus on the fuel systems in advanced vehicles is to find an alternative fuel in order to cut down on pollution and to restore our economy. We cannot continue buying fuels forever. We need an alternative to fuel. Sometime in the future, fuel will no longer be available for us to use. Advanced vehicles are designed to make it more efficient to run at top speeds. Convenience is another advantage to the advanced vehicles.

They plug in and charge instead of running out of fuel and refilling the tank. Running these cars may not break any records but it can help tremendously knowing that they are running clean. Ultracapacitors are designed to provide additional power to accelerate for climbing hills. Vehicle power electronics controls the amount of electricity through the devices. This may be the ignition, DC to DC converters, inverters, and motor controllers.

Vehicle Thermal comfort is how you control your temperature inside the car. You may have to roll the windows down or put them up. Turn the heat on or the air conditioning on. No matter what you have to do this is thermal comfort. The main goal for such an invention is to come up with a vehicle that can get us where we need to go in the amount of time that we allow ourselves. In the fast paced world that we live in today, it is hard to find someone who has the time to spend waiting on their vehicles to get repaired or refueled. That is because we need that vehicle to be up and running when we need it the most. Scientist are studying the car factor and what it will do for us in the future and what it has done for us in the past. As they strive to gather more information they can better the way the advanced vehicles have made it through.

Advanced vehicles are on the go and will one day be the car that we decide to buy because that may be our only choice in the future. When the fuels run dry we will no longer be able to drive what we currently have now. Though these vehicles do allow some restriction, that will no longer be as we progress into the future and all the bugs will be worked out.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Green Energy Sources

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Green Energy Sources?

Today, we are now aware of the effects of global warming. Fortunately, it's not too late and we can still change which is why many are pushing for green energy sources.

The advantage of using green energy sources is that it is clean so it does not emit anything harmful into the air which has an impact on the environment. It is also renewable which means we will never run out of it unlike oil which is expected to dry up in a decade or so.

Although green energy facilities are expensive to build, it requires less maintenance so you don't have to shell out a lot of money to operate it.

It can also bring economic benefits to certain areas even boost tourism.

While these sound good, there are some who say that there are advantages to using such technology.

While green energy sources can produce electricity, how much it can generate is not consistent. This is because we have no control of the weather so if a certain area relies on solar energy and there is a weather disturbance, it will not be able to convert sunlight into electricity.

Building these facilities also requires a lot of land so we may have to cut on farmland which is what many are concerned about if more wind turbines are to be put up.

Another disadvantage is the fact that some of the green energy sources cannot be installed in certain areas of the planet. For instance, wave energy can only be utilized if the waves coming from the ocean reach at least 16 feet. The use geothermal energy can only be done in geologically unstable parts of the planet.

But if you look at such arguments, places that cannot use one form of green energy source can be substituted for another. If wind turbines need more space, they can be installed near the coast instead of putting these on land. A study shows that you can generate more electricity while these are in the ocean.

While the weather is something we cannot control, it is not everyday that there is a weather disturbance so this too shall pass. If solar energy is being used and the sun is covered, the emergency generators will be activated and use up the energy that was stored.

The point is that there are ways around the arguments put by certain individuals which discourage the use of green energy sources. In fact, research is ongoing to try and harness other means to generate the power we need.

A very good example of this is called ocean thermal energy. Power is generated by harnessing the different temperatures in the water. It is currently being used on a small scale both in Japan and Hawaii.

In the US, only 7% of green energy sources are used nationally. This was much higher 11 years ago and if we don't have to worry about the cost of oil or even reduce our dependency on it, we have to invest more in this clean energy.

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We can get it from green energy sources such as biomass, biodiesel, geothermal, solar, water and the wind. These are things we have all around us and all it takes is for someone to harness it instead of relying on traditional non-renewable means to produce energy.

Alternative Energy Development In Japan

Japan is a densely populated country, and that makes the Japanese market more difficult compared with other markets. If we utilize the possibilities of near-shore installations or even offshore installations in the future, that will give us the possibility of continued use of wind energy. If we go offshore, it's more expensive because the construction of foundations is expensive.

But often the wind is stronger offshore, and that can offset the higher costs. We're getting more and more competitive with our equipment. The price—if you measure it per kilowatt-hour produced—is going lower, due to the fact that turbines are getting more efficient. So we're creating increased interest in wind energy.

If you compare it to other renewable energy sources, wind is by far the most competitive today. If we're able to utilize sites close to the sea or at sea with good wind machines, then the price per kilowatt-hour is competitive against other sources of energy, go the words of Svend Sigaard, who happens to be president and CEO of the world's largest wind turbine maker, Vestas wind systems out of Denmark.

Vestas is heavily involved in investments of capital into helping Japan expand its wind turbine power generating capacity. It is seeking to get offshore installations put into place in a nation that it says is ready for the fruits of investment into alternative energy research and development.

The Japanese know that they cannot become subservient to the energy supply dictates of foreign nations—World War II taught them that, as the US decimated their oil supply lines and crippled their military machine. They need to produce energy of their own, and they being an isolated island nation with few natural resources that are conducive to energy production as it is defined now are very open to foreign investment and foreign development as well as the prospect of technological innovation that can make them independent. Allowing corporations such as Vestas to get the nation running on more wind-produced energy is a step in the right direction for the Japanese people.

The production of energy through what is known as microhydoelectric power plants has also been catching on in Japan. Japan has a myriad rivers and mountain streams, and these are ideally suited places for the putting up of microhydroelectric power plants, which are defined by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization as power plants run by water which have a maximum output of 100 kilowatts or less. By comparison, 'minihydroelectric" power plants can put out up to 1000 kilowatts of electrical energy.

In Japan, the small-scaled mini- and micro-hydroelectric power plants have been regarded for a considerable time as being suitable for creating electricity in mountainous regions, but they have through refinement come to be regarded as excellent for Japanese cities as well. Kawasaki City Waterworks, Japan Natural Energy Company, and Tokyo Electric Power Company have all been involved in the development of small-scale hydroelectric power plants within Japanese cities.

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Alternative Energy For The Home

The trend toward homes that are powered by alternative energy sources, ranging from wind turbines and solar collection cells to hydrogen fuel cells and biomass gases, is one that needs to continue into the 21st century and beyond. We have great need of becoming more energy independent, and not having to rely on the supplying of fossil fuels from unstable nations who are often hostile to us and our interests.

Guide to preventing home energy loss and drastically reduce energy bills.

But even beyond this factor, we as individuals need to get "off the grid" and also stop having to be so reliant on government-lobbying giant oil corporations who, while they are not really involved in any covert conspiracy, nevertheless have a stranglehold on people when it comes to heating their homes (and if not through oil, then heat usually supplied by grid-driven electricity, another stranglehold).

As Remi Wilkinson, Senior Analyst with Carbon Free, puts it, inevitably, the growth of distributed generation will lead to the restructuring of the retail electricity market and the generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure. The power providers may have to diversify their business to make up for revenues lost through household energy microgeneration. She is referring to the conclusions by a group of UK analysts, herself included among them, who call themselves Carbon Free.

Carbon Free has been studying the ever-growing trend toward alternative energy-using homes in England and the West. This trend is being driven by ever-more government recommendation and sometimes backing of alternative energy research and development, the rising cost of oil and other fossil fuels, concern about environmental degradation, and desires to be energy independent.

Carbon Free concludes that, assuming traditional energy prices remain at their current level or rise, microgeneration (meeting all of one's home's energy needs by installing alternative energy technology such as solar panels or wind turbines) will become to home energy supply what the Internet became to home communications and data gathering, and eventually this will have deep effects on the businesses of the existing energy supply companies.

Carbon Free's analyses also show that energy companies themselves have jumped in on the game and seek to leverage microgeneration to their own advantage for opening up new markets for themselves. Carbon Free cites the example of electricity companies (in the UK) reporting that they are seriously researching and developing ideas for new geothermal energy facilities, as these companies see geothermal energy production as a highly profitable wave of the future.

Another conclusion of Carbon Free is that solar energy hot water heating technology is an efficient technology for reducing home water heating costs in the long run, although it is initially quite expensive to install. However, solar power is not yet cost-effective for corporations, as they require too much in the way of specialized plumbing to implement solar energy hot water heating. Lastly, Carbon Free tells us that installing wind turbines is an efficient way of reducing home electricity costs, while also being more independent. However, again this is initially a very expensive thing to have installed, and companies would do well to begin slashing their prices on these devices or they

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could find themselves losing market share.

Alternative Energy From The Ocean

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) was conceived of by the French engineer Jacques D'Arsonval in 1881. However, at the time of this writing the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii is home to the only operating experimental OTEC plant on the face of the earth. OTEC is a potential alternative energy source that needs to be funded and explored much more than it presently is. The great hurdle to get over with OTEC implementation on a wide and practically useful level is cost. It is difficult to get the costs down to a reasonable level because of the processes presently utilized to drive OTEC. Ocean thermal energy would be very clean burning and not add pollutants into the air. However, as it presently would need to be set up with our current technologies, OTEC plants would have the capacity for disrupting and perhaps damaging the local environment.

There are three kinds of OTEC.

"Closed Cycle OTEC" uses a low-boiling point liquid such as, for example, propane to act as an intermediate fluid. The OTEC plant pumps the warm sea water into the reaction chamber and boils the intermediate fluid. This results in the intermediate fluid's vapor pushing the turbine of the engine, which thus generates electricity. The vapor is then cooled down by putting in cold sea water.

"Open Cycle OTEC" is not that different from closed cycling, except in the Open Cycle there is no intermediate fluid. The sea water itself is the driver of the turbine engine in this OTEC format. Warm sea water found on the surface of the ocean is turned into a low-pressure vapor under the constraint of a vacuum. The low-pressure vapor is released in a focused area and it has the power to drive the turbine. To cool down the vapor and create desalinated water for human consumption, the deeper ocean's cold waters are added to the vapor after it has generated sufficient electricity.

"Hybrid Cycle OTEC" is really just a theory for the time being. It seeks to describe the way that we could make maximum usage of the thermal energy of the ocean's waters. There are actually two sub-theories to the theory of Hybrid Cycling. The first involves using a closed cycling to generate electricity. This electricity is in turn used to create the vacuum environment needed for open cycling. The second component is the integration of two open cyclings such that twice the amount of desalinated, potable water is created that with just one open cycle.

In addition to being used for producing electricity, a closed cycle OTEC plant can be utilized for treating chemicals. OTEC plants, both open cycling and close cycling kinds, are also able to be utilized for pumping up cold deep sea water which can then be used for refrigeration and air conditioning. Furthermore, during the moderation period when the sea water is surrounding the plant, the enclosed are can be used for mariculture and aquaculture projects such as fish farming. There is clearly quite an array of products and services that we could derive from this alternative energy source.

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Alternative Energy Sources – A Brief Glimpse

It seems like the efforts to find the best alternative energy sources are seriously being looked into by lots of countries including most US cities. One proof is the signing of the Kyoto Treaty. The main aim of the concerned group and individuals is to lessen the greenhouse gases and pollutants.

The renewable energy sources have proven to be of great help in reducing the quantity of toxins, which are by-products of the use of energy. These sources also preserve most of the natural resources that people use as resources of energy. What are the most popular sources of renewable energy? Here's a list to give you some basic understanding about the matter.

1. Solar. This works when the sun's rays are trapped into solar cells. The process turns the heat coming from the sun into electricity. When the sun's rays hit solar thermal panels, the power is then converted to heat air or water. The sun's rays can also hit parabolic mirrors. This process can produce steam by heating the water. But you don't need all these scientific processes to be able to benefit from solar power. All you have to do is open the windows and blinds on your room to let the sunshine in. You'll get an instant heater without having to go to any processes that will require conversion of this energy source.

To date, the main disadvantage of using this source is that it is limited. You cannot use it obviously on nighttime and during days when it is raining or even on cloudy days. This has been acted upon through solar power stations. But these are too expensive that there aren't so many of such piece around the globe.

2. Wind. The energy coming from the wind boosts the blades of the wind turbines. As this happens, electricity is produced through the use of electrical generator. In the old days, windmills are created so that mechanical machinery could perform physical labor. This includes the pumping of water and crushing of grains that are essential in planting and farming.

Now there are large scale wind farms that produce electrical currents. The end products are then distributed to national electrical grids and small turbines owned by individuals to distribute electricity to far flung areas and homes. There are many advantages of this kind of power. The main one, of course, is that this doesn't produce any by-products that can be harmful to the environment. And we will never run out of this source of renewable energy.

3. Geothermal. This comes from the bottom of the earth. Holes are being drilled in certain regions. The hot rocks that can be found underneath produce steam. This is being purified to be used to be able to drive turbines. The latter then become power source for electric generators.

To secure that no harmful by-products are going to be produced in the process, geothermal plants must be created accordingly. Once this has been set up, this will be self-sufficient in creating energy sources.

4. Hydroelectric. This power is being created through dams that contain water that can drive generator and water turbine. Tidal power can also be used if dam is not available. The idea here is to make use of the kinetic energy of water.

Just by reading through the available alternative energy sources, you will be amazed at how nature works wonders. It is your responsibility to care for everything around you as to be able to gain from the benefits that each source of energy can give you.

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Alternative Energy Sources - Helping Businesses Succeed And Gain Positive Reputation

Is it only a trend that people are all of a sudden fond of looking for alternative energy sources? And what's with the going green projects being endorsed by high profile personalities and celebrities around the globe? Do businesses gain anything positive in the process of being responsible and in utilizing other kinds of energy resource?

Whether this is just a trend or not, this is good news and one step towards energy conservation. This is exactly what the world needs now more than ever. To open your eyes to such advent, here are some realities that are happening due to such good cause.

1. Businesses and industries that have started going along with the going green trend have also realized how much savings they can gather in the process. Instead of allotting a very big sum in the electricity bills, they can either resort to their own ways of conserving such or they can also utilize renewable sources for such needs.

In the process, they can gain higher amount that they can use for other purposes in their businesses. They can use the money for advertising and promotions. They can use it to expand on their businesses. They can also use it to add the number of their employees or increase their wages.

Who doesn't need the additional savings that one can gain with such advent? At these times when times are hard and the value of money keeps on decreasing, this is one good way to make sure that you do not run out of financial resources.

2. If businesses will opt for such good causes, their consumers will regard them highly. This will create a positive feedback that can increase their sales and revenues. Being identified as a company that is environmentally friendly, people will look up not only with the management but this will encourage them to patronize your products and services as well.

3. There are renewable sources of energy that can be utilized by businesses that will require them to shell out a lot of money first and foremost. For example, if you want to utilize the sun's rays to its fullest capabilities, you must first buy or build the kind of panels that can store the energy and convert such into electricity.

Although not everybody can afford to invest on such venture, if you can do and have the financial capability, it is recommended that you think about this real hard. The amount of money that you will be spending in the process will all be worth it in the end. You may not be able to recuperate from the spending at first. But on the long run, you will be assured that you will get the amount that you have spent in this kind of investment.

4. The savings can also come in the form of tax rebates. This is being offered in various states. There are tax incentives and energy rebates being given to those who choose to use renewable resources when it comes to energy use. It is also allowed in some places that such companies sell the excess energy that they can get in the process to the utility companies.

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So are you already aware of the abovementioned benefits of using alternative energy sources? What are you waiting for? Improve your business and gain recognition from your clients and prospective ones by utilizing its every potential.

Alternative Energy Sources – Helping Out In Times Of Energy Crisis

How important are the alternative energy sources? People most commonly get the energy to power many types of equipments and things through the kinds which can be acquired on natural resources. And what are these? What will first come to mind when subjected to such question will be the likes of petroleum, electricity and coal.

But with the increase of the industries that rely a lot in the consummation of energy resources, the negative effects in nature is also on the rise. There is also the truth that many factories emit harmful chemicals that can be bad to nature. There are also many facilities and gadgets that require a lot of energy resource to be consumed. Plus the fact remains that there is a continuing rise of people's population all over the globe. With these situations, there are pros and cons that happen in the process. And here are some of the harmful effects that such can be caused by the advent.

1. High technologies are on the rise. But these cause negative outcome to nature. Not everything that is new and advance can cause positive effects to the surroundings. And these add to the factors that utilize available energy causing the latter to diminish faster.

2. People find new ways to use old resources in new and innovative ways. But sometimes, people overlook the harmful effects that such activities can cause the environment. If this is the case, there will come a time that even the alternative sources of energy will not be able to provide what is expected from them.

3. There are environmental agencies that have done surveys with regards to energy consumption. It found out that with the current trend in the consumption of petroleum products, four decades from now, all the reserves for such products will run out if the trend will not change.

4. People have become too dependent in using natural energy resources. If time will come that there will be little or no more left of these resources, a lot of people's activities and businesses will cease to exist. Transportation will stop. Trade will be affected. Communications will be stopped. Factories and other kinds of manufacturing businesses will stop from operating. Growth will be hindered as well as success.

To stop such negative outcome or slow down the timeline so that it won't come about in the near future, people must do their part to be able to conserve the available resources. They must use their geniuses to find new ways and techniques to turn alternative resources into the kind of energy that can substitute the diminishing ones.

1. People must be serious about energy conservation. They must do everything in their capacity to save their use of the available energy resources. For example, if they can do without cars or riding on public transportation, or if you can just walk, then you better do that. Even if this is only a small step, this can be a big leap towards better results in conserving energy.

2. People must be responsible on whatever they do when it concerns the environment. You must

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remember that nature gives you a lot that you owe it as well.

Overall, it is people's duty to look for alternative energy source to help us on our daily lives. We must also aim to alleviate the negative effects that these may cause to humanity and the environment.

Alternative Energy Sources - The Best Aid In Times Of Crisis

You have been hearing all about it. It seems to be a big problem now all around the globe. Energy crisis is something that people can be blamed for. But it is too late now to point fingers to whoever committed the biggest mistake. What you can do to do your share in helping to solve the root of the problem is by finding and using available alternative energy sources.

Look around you. Amidst all the technological advancements, you will still be amazed at how nature provides for all the needs of mankind. But through the years, this has been overlooked and taken advantage of. This resulted to the energy crisis that we have now. But you cannot turn back the time to undo the damage. The best thing that you can do is to help resolve the problem or reduce it even with your own little means.

But first, do you know the available renewable sources of energy that surrounds you. It is everywhere. Look up and there is the sun that produces solar power. The sun's rays are converted into electricity through solar cells, solar thermal panels, parabolic mirrors and other medium.

Look underneath. Did you know that the heat coming from the ground can also be turned into energy resources? There are holes that are being drilled in certain regions to find steam that are being produced by the heat underneath. The steam is purified to be used as power to electric generators.

Feel the air. The wind can also create energy as this drives the blades of the wind turbines. This rotation produces electrical current that can be utilized through electrical generator. In 2005, it was reported that the capacity of the wind-powered generators reaches up to 58,982 megawatts.

Hydroelectric energy comes from water. The later can be used for its kinetic energy or the tidal power to produce the energy. It can also be contained in a dam that harness the gravitational fall of a river to become the energy source.

Crisis Alert Now more than ever is the time to act to make use of the available renewable energy resource like the abovementioned. Aside from the fact that they are free, they will be available as long as you know how to care for your environment.

There are methods and studies being conducted by experts worldwide to find ways on how to improve on the utilization of these available sources of energy. People must learn to slowly detach themselves on being too dependent on the use of energy sources that are non-renewable. In a matter of years, the latter will decrease until they slowly diminish. Are you going to wait for that time to come when all along, if you will only look around, you will discover how nature provided for everything that you need. All you have to do is to find ways on how to use them wisely.

Time to Care Upon finding the means on how you can make use of the available resources around you, the next thing that you have to make certain of is how you will care for such. Once in a while,

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it will be okay to pause from your busy life to look back and give gratitude to where it is due.

You can do your share of caring for these available alternative energy sources by being a good citizen who cares for your environment. You can start in your own simple ways like not adding up to the pollution, planting plants and trees and supporting products that do not contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment.

An Alternative Energy Education Method

The best method of educating young people about alternative energy production that this writer has ever witnessed is the use of the PicoTurbine Company's kits, books, and projects. The PicoTurbine Company produces these things for the purpose of advancing the cause of renewable (alternative) energy and getting young people to look into the future and see that the environment that's being seeded now is the one they will inherit then. As the late, great Gerry Ford said, "Things are more like they are now than they have ever been before." If we are to change the future world for the better, then it starts right here and now with the advent of "green" energy systems.

One of the core concepts of PicoTurbine can be stated: Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I might remember some of it. Involve me, and I will master it. Based on this old tried and true adage, the kits that the company produces come with activity suggestions to get the young people into hands-on learning situations. One suggestion of the company is to demonstrate how heat can be produced by wind energy (the company's specialty) through using a "picture wire" for the heating element.

PicoTurbine has found that people typically think of wind energy as being "cold" energy, and are pleasantly surprised to see how wind can be used for generating heat in the home. Another project suggestion that the company offers is to have different groups split off in the classroom and then compare their respective wind turbines that they have built. They can see which ones produce the most or least electricity; which ones start up with need of the least amount of wind power; and for very young children, which ones have the most aesthetic appeal.

There is a core curriculum that PicoTurbine has in mind for teachers to instill in their pupils. Renewable, alternative sources of energy include solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass in addition to wind-produced energy. When we use more alternative sources of energy, we decrease our nation's dependence on foreign oil supplies, which often come from nations who cannot really be called our "allies". Alternative energy is already becoming cost effective when set against the fossil fuels that we are so reliant on currently.

PicoTurbine points out that wind farms and solar arrays are already letting their makers enjoy commercial success. In the last two decades, the cost of photovoltaic cells expressed in terms of per-watt has gone from nearly $1000 to just $4! It has been predicted by analysts that by the year 2015, the cost per watt should only be about $1 (in today's dollars). Students also need to be taught about the hidden cost of fossil fuels: pollution and environmental degradation. Air pollution from burning fossil fuels has been shown through studies to increase incidences of asthma attacks, heighten the effects of allergies, and even cause cancer. Switching over to clean, green energy found in the alternative forms would prevent air pollution and help bolster the environment.

An Energy Alternative: Free Energy

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There has been much debate about what is often called "free" energy—energy that can supposedly, with the right technology, be drawn straight out of the atmosphere, and in very abundant supply. The debates are about whether the stuff actually exists or not, what it would actually cost were it to be harnessed, and if it does exist is it truly as abundant and efficient as it's being made out to be by proponents of research and development into this potential alternative energy source.

Generate Free Energy From Radiant Energy

When one hears the phrase "free energy device", one might be hearing about one of several different concepts. This might mean a device for collecting and transmitting energy from some source that orthodox science does not recognize; a device which collects energy at absolutely no cost; or an example of the legendary perpetual motion machine. Needless to say, a perpetual motion machine—a machine which drives itself, forever, once turned on, therefore needing no energy input ever again and never running out of energy—is impossible. However, it is not so simple to say that a new technology for harnessing the energy "floating" in the atmosphere is impossible.

New technologies replace old ones all the time with abilities that had just been "impossible". Harnessing the power of the atom for providing huge amounts of energy was "impossible" until the 1940s. Flying human beings were an "impossible" thing until the turn of the 20th century and the Wright Brothers' flight.

The biggest claim of the proponents of "free" energy is that enormous amounts of energy can be drawn from the Zero Point Field. This is a quantum mechanical state of matter for a defined system which is attained when the system is at the lowest possible energy state that it can be in. This is called the "ground state" of the system. Zero Point Energy (ZPE) is sometimes referred to as "residual" energy and it was first proposed to be usable as an alternative form of energy way back in 1913 by Otto Stern and Albert Einstein.

It is also referred to as 'vacuum energy" in studies of quantum mechanics, and it is supposed to represent the energy of totally empty space. This energy field within the vacuum has been likened to the froth at the base of a waterfall by one of the principal researchers into and proponents of Hal Puthof. Puthof also explains, the term 'zero-point' simply means that if the universe were cooled down to absolute zero where all thermal agitation effects would be frozen out, this energy would still remain.

What is not as well known, however, even among practicing physicists, are all the implications that derive from this known aspect o quantum physics. However, there are a group of physicists—myself and colleagues at several research labs and universities—who are examining the details, we ask such questions as whether it might be possible to 'mine' this reservoir of energy for use as an alternative energy source, or whether this background energy field might be responsible for inertia and gravity.

These questions are of interest because it is known that this energy can be manipulated, and therefore there is the possibility that the control of this energy, and possibly inertia and gravity, might yield to engineering solutions. Some progress has been made in a subcategory of this field (cavity quantum electrodynamics) with regard to controlling the emission rates of excited atoms and molecules, of interest in laser research and elsewhere.