testing grails applications with selenium rc

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Testing Grails Applications with Selenium RC

Rob Fletcher, Energized Work

Comparison with webtest/g-func

Comparison with Selenium IDE

Test examples

Running tests


Page Objects

Data Driving


Running Selenium RC Tests

grails install-plugin selenium-rc

grails test-app

grails test-app -functional

Show example suite run


grails -Dselenium.browser=*firefox test-app

Selenium RC vs. Selenium IDE

Selenese not a 'real' language

Sequence, Selection & Iteration (1 out of 3)

No encapsulation / modularity

Better Factored Tests

Selenese tests as a 'run-on sentence'

divide into methods

simpler modularity (no custom commands)

leads into less repetition page object pattern

Bits of coverage hide in long tests

Temptation to extend tests

Writing Selenium RC Tests

Use @Mixin(SeleniumTest)


Works with non-JUnit frameworks

Extend GrailsSeleniumTestCase

Offers Selenese-like assertions, e.g. assertTextPresent

Easy migration from Selenese

Use Page Object Pattern

Tests do not interactdirectlywith Selenium

The Page Object Pattern

What is a page object?

exposes methods that reflect the things the user can see and do on a page

eliminate duplication by building abstractions

hides the detail of how

code completion

tests responsible for assertions, not page object

Underlying implementation can be changed

Page Object Test Example

Note does not extend or mixin Selenium test classes

shows how page object hide detail of implementation

Page object handles position of elements in table, test can access by name

Factory method that opens URL

Navigation method that returns another page object

Scrapes error messages and returns in useful form

Returns element value if present (can't do in Selenese)

Uses MOP to override property access to type in form fields

Data Driving

using monolithic data setup

Build test data



Using Build-Test-Data

withTransaction blocks ensure data committed and errors thrown right away

Importance of tearDown

BDD Frameworks

Selenium RC &Spock


