temples, tombs and treasures - green dragon … to magnificent and rare treasures. green dragon...

What’s the big idea? The people who helped create the first great civilisations were not unlike you and me. Today we can learn a lot about these people and their way of life through the things they left behind – from everyday objects to magnificent and rare treasures. Green Dragon Primary School Temples, Tombs and Treasures Year 4 Project, Summer 1 What was daily life like in Ancient Egypt? How does religion in Ancient Egypt compare to religion now?

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What’s the big idea? The people who helped create the first great civilisations were not unlike you and me. Today we can learn a lot about these people and their way of life through the things they left behind – from everyday objects to magnificent and rare treasures.

Green Dragon Primary School

Temples, Tombs and Treasures Year 4 Project, Summer 1

What was daily life like in Ancient Egypt?

How does religion in Ancient Egypt compare

to religion now?

What will we be learning?

English: We will be learning how to write discussion texts, e.g. Should archaeologists have been allowed to raid Egyptian tombs? Should pharaohs have been buried with all of their possessions? We will continue to improve our SPaG knowledge, skills and understanding, in particular: apostrophes for possession with plurals, the present perfect tense,. And much more! For more information, please look on the school website or talk to your class teacher. http://www.greendragonprimary.co.uk/hounslow/primary/greendragon

Maths: • We will know how to mentally calculate percentages of a whole number,

eg. 4% of 800 = 32 • We will be able to round a decimal fraction to the nearest whole number,

e.g. 15.2 rounds to 15 • We will be able to use a compass and a ruler to draw triangles • We will know how to calculate equivalent fractions And much more!

Project: History We will know about:

• rivers and why they were important to ancient civilisations • daily life in Ancient Egypt • Egyptian hieroglyphics and will try to write using them • the different rulers of Egypt • Ancient Egyptian religion and burials • the pyramids and how they may have been built • the treasures discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb • similarities & differences between Ancient Sumer with Ancient Egypt

International We will be able to

• plan an Ancient Egyptian celebration to share with friends Art We will able to:

• plan and create tomb wall paintings • make an Ancient Egyptian headdress

Learning at Green Dragon comes in three forms:

1. Knowledge refers to factual information.

Your child can research this in a number of ways: • visit the library, • look in books, • on the internet, • talk to a friend / family member, etc.

You can help your child learn this knowledge but you could also tell them the knowledge.

2. Skills refer to things children are able to do. Skills

have to be learned practically and need time to be practiced. The good news about skills is the more your practice, the better you get at them! Ian Rose, “Practice makes progression!” You can help your child by practising with them, talking to them about skills you have found tricky, teaching them other ways to improve.

3. Understanding refers to the development or

‘grasping’ of ideas, the ‘lightbulb’ moment that we all strive for. Understanding is always developing. None of us ever ‘get there’ with understanding but we can give our children a range of experiences to help understanding deepen.

• PE Kits School PE uniform is black shorts (or tracksuit bottoms) with a white t-shirt.

• Homework Books are given out on Fridays and are due back by Tuesday with Reading Journals looked at regularly. Please quiz your child on mental maths and times tables -give them time each day to go on Mathletics & Bug Club.

• Entry Point 12th April: A carousel of activities – we will be ‘Tomb Raiders’, we will be bakers and we will be archaelogists – piecing together pieces of broken ‘pottery’

• Exit Point 20th May: You are invited in to help your child mummify some fruit (!) and celebrate our learning.

• Trip: British Museum – date to be confirmed! We will let you know as soon as we know.

• Can You Help? Perhaps you have knowledge or resources about our project? Perhaps you have time to come in to class to help with reading? Please come and talk to your child’s teacher if you do!

Year 4 Notes & Dates

We are a UNCRC Rights Respecting school. We always try to connect our learning to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child . This term we are still focusing on:

• Article 29: encouraging children to respect others and other cultures

We will be focusing on the Personal Goal Superheroes • Guardians of All – being socially responsible and

respectful to all.