teen tip #2 -- communicate for success

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  • 7/29/2019 Teen Tip #2 -- Communicate for Success


    A Mentors Notes for Teen Transition to Adult Life: Tips for Future Success on the Planet 2013 B. Murray


    his widely quoted (and often


    phrase comes from the

    movie Cool Hand Luke starring Paul


    So whats the point, you


    Well, this TIP #2 is about how to

    communicate well. But you already

    know how to communicate, right?

    Actually, probably not completely or

    well! Communicating requires an

    originator (speaker, writer, image) and a

    receiver (listener, reader, viewer). But

    thats not all. For communication to

    take place the receiver must completely

    and fully understand the originators

    message. And, it is the originators

    responsibility to ensure that the

    message is, indeed, completely and fully

    understood by the receiver. Very often

    the originator does not take on this

    responsibility and failure to

    communicate is as often the result.

    Importantly and unfortunately, neither

    the originator nor receiver realizes that

    there even was a failure and each

    merrily continues without

    communicating, any the wiser!

    There are many important reasons why

    these failures occur but lets

    concentrate on two important ones: 1.

    Failure to speak the receivers language;

    2. Failure to follow-up (catch my drift?).

    The parenthetical phrase in the latter is

    very possibly an example of the


    Are you completely confused

    now? Do we have a failure to

    communicate here? Be sure to read

    footnote 3 to, hopefully, clear up things

    a bit.

    1The misquote most often heard is: What we have

    here is a failure to communicate.2

    You may not know who Paul Newman is since he

    died at age 83 i n 2008 and most likely you have never

    heard of the movie because it was released in 1967.3

    If you do not know (and you probably do not) what

    the phrase catch my drift? means, then I committed

    the first error in communication, not using my

    audiences language. Catch my drift? means do

    you know what I mean?

    When I say the originator must speak

    the receivers language, Im not talking

    language as in German, Swedish, or

    English--thats given. What I do mean,

    for example, is if you are a teen talking

    to another teen most likely you are

    speaking and receiving fairly effectively

    using current teen vernacular4,

    inflection5, and cadence

    6in your

    conversation. However, if you are

    speaking to an adult using these same

    patterns there would most likely be a

    communication failure. But it is more

    than pace or cadence, inflection and

    choice of words. It is also diction7


    voice projection that is important to

    good communication. Teens have, since

    time immemorial, as often as not,

    mumbled softly as if they have mush in

    their mouth then when finishing the

    sentence auto-fade the volume to near

    silence! Also, often the teens pace of

    speech is so rapid that only a highly

    trained court reporter could keep up.

    So a good rule of thumb is to slow

    down, project your voice through the

    whole sentence, and pronounce yourwords with full and good diction.

    Following up is simply the originator


    whether the receiver

    correctly received the intended

    message. Asking the receiver Know

    what I mean? is not good follow-up.

    More often than not, the receiver will

    answer yes to that question, which

    means nothing (think about it). If the

    receiver does happen to say no, then

    you might have a chance to clarify the

    message. One good follow-up

    4Vernacular is the distinctive vocabulary or language

    of a profession, group, or class. In this case the group

    or class is teenagers.5

    Inflection is a change in the pi tch or tone of the


    Cadence as used here means a drop in the pitch of

    the voice near the end of a sentence.7

    Diction is the art of speaking c learly so that each

    word is perfectly heard and understood to its fullest

    complexity. It is about pronunciation and tone,

    rather than word choice and style.8

    Ascertain means to find out something with


    technique would be to ask the receiver

    to explain in the receivers words what

    the message meant to the receiver.

    While it is the originators responsibility

    to ensure that the message is fully

    understood it is also incumbent9

    on the

    receiver to actively listen. Often a

    receiver hears only what the receiver

    expects or wants to hear. Good follow-

    up should expose this. Of course, the

    more important the message is, the

    greater the need for active follow-up.

    So, to follow-up: For communication to

    take place the originator needs to speak

    to the receiver in words, phrasing,

    diction and pacing that the receiver can

    understand; then the originator must

    verify that the message was received

    and understood! Catch my drift?

    I know not good follow up!

    Best Regards,

    9In this case i ncumbent means resting on someone as

    a duty or responsibility. It can also mean a person

    currently holding an official position or post.
