technical whitepaper redknee tcb and microsoft sql server benchmark whitepaper

Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 i Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB Running on SQL Server 2012 Running Redknee TCB 9.1 on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Intel Xeon processor-based NEC servers with X-IO storage provides unmatched performance and scalability Technical White Paper Published: April 2012 Applies to: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Abstract The telecommunications industry has undergone tremendous changes in recent years. As the services they provide converge and as industry churn puts revenue at risk, telecommunications service providers are finding that they must transform their operations and their business models so that they can deliver new services to market faster and at a lower cost. Microsoft and Redknee work together on solutions that make it possible for these service providers to reduce the time to market for new offerings, improve the subscriber experience, and monetize these value-added services. As part of their strategic alliance, Redknee and Microsoft conducted a comprehensive performance and scalability benchmark of Redknee Turnkey Converged Billing (TCB) running on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2. The benchmark used X-IO Hyper ISE storage and an NEC Express 5800/A1080a scalable 8x10-core server with Intel Xeon processor E7-8870 processors. The tests, designed to simulate the requirements of a typical tier-1 communications service provider, were conducted at the Microsoft Partner Solutions Center in Redmond, Washington, in November and December of 2011. The results were impressive. The 250-million subscriber test exceeded the performance objectives for both invoicing and mediation, generating 26 million invoices within a six-hour billing cycle, and mediating 4.9 billion call detail records (CDRs) within 12 hours, with near-linear scalability as the number of subscribers increased. At peak performance, the system processed an average throughput of 1,250 invoices per second and mediated an average of 113,402 CDRs per second. These benchmark results show that Redknee and Microsoft―with partners NEC, Intel, and X-IO―provide a solution that can support the volumes of the largest communications service providers. Additionally, the results were achieved at substantially lower costs for processing, storage, and licensing than competing database systems.

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Page 1: TECHNICAL WHITEPAPER Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server Benchmark Whitepaper

Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 i

Benchmark Testing Results:

Redknee TCB Running on SQL Server 2012

Running Redknee TCB 9.1 on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Intel Xeon processor-based NEC servers

with X-IO storage provides unmatched performance and scalability

Technical White Paper Published: April 2012 Applies to: Microsoft SQL Server 2012

Abstract The telecommunications industry has undergone tremendous changes in recent years. As the services they

provide converge and as industry churn puts revenue at risk, telecommunications service providers are

finding that they must transform their operations and their business models so that they can deliver new

services to market faster and at a lower cost. Microsoft and Redknee work together on solutions that make it

possible for these service providers to reduce the time to market for new offerings, improve the subscriber

experience, and monetize these value-added services.

As part of their strategic alliance, Redknee and Microsoft conducted a comprehensive performance and

scalability benchmark of Redknee Turnkey Converged Billing (TCB) running on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and

Windows Server 2008 R2. The benchmark used X-IO Hyper ISE storage and an NEC Express 5800/A1080a

scalable 8x10-core server with Intel Xeon processor E7-8870 processors. The tests, designed to simulate the

requirements of a typical tier-1 communications service provider, were conducted at the Microsoft Partner

Solutions Center in Redmond, Washington, in November and December of 2011.

The results were impressive. The 250-million subscriber test exceeded the performance objectives for both

invoicing and mediation, generating 26 million invoices within a six-hour billing cycle, and mediating 4.9

billion call detail records (CDRs) within 12 hours, with near-linear scalability as the number of subscribers

increased. At peak performance, the system processed an average throughput of 1,250 invoices per second

and mediated an average of 113,402 CDRs per second. These benchmark results show that Redknee and

Microsoft―with partners NEC, Intel, and X-IO―provide a solution that can support the volumes of the largest

communications service providers. Additionally, the results were achieved at substantially lower costs for

processing, storage, and licensing than competing database systems.

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 ii

©2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is provided “as-is.” Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product.

You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 iii

Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1

Introducing Redknee TCB ................................................................................................................................. 1

Benefits of SQL Server 2012 .............................................................................................................................. 2

The Redknee and Microsoft Alliance ................................................................................................................ 3

Benefits of Servers Based on Intel Xeon Processors ......................................................................................... 4

Benefits of X-IO Storage ................................................................................................................................... 5

Benchmark Testing Overview ........................................................................................................................ 5

Test Workloads ................................................................................................................................................. 5

Test Environment.............................................................................................................................................. 5 Application Servers ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Database....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Storage ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Network ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

Benchmark Testing Results ............................................................................................................................ 8

Results of Mediation Scenario .......................................................................................................................... 9

Results of Invoicing Scenario ............................................................................................................................ 9

Scalability Results ............................................................................................................................................. 9

Storage Results ............................................................................................................................................... 11

Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

Additional Information ................................................................................................................................ 13

About Redknee ............................................................................................................................................... 13

About Microsoft.............................................................................................................................................. 13

About Intel ...................................................................................................................................................... 13

About X-IO ...................................................................................................................................................... 13

About NEC Corporation of America ................................................................................................................ 13

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 1

Introduction The telecommunications industry has undergone tremendous changes in recent years.

Communications service providers are transforming their operations and their business models to

deliver new services to market faster and at a lower cost. Microsoft and Redknee work together on

solutions to meet these business needs, making it possible for service providers to reduce the time

to market for new offerings, improve the subscriber experience, and monetize these value-added


In November and December 2011, Redknee, Microsoft, Intel, and X-IO worked together to measure

the pre-paid and post-paid transaction throughput capacity and scalability of Redknee Turnkey

Converged Billing (TCB) running on Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Intel Xeon processor–based servers,

and X-IO Hyper ISE storage solutions. The test data was based on that of typical Redknee customers

to simulate real-world scenarios.

The test results showed that the system could scale to 250 million subscribers, generating 26 million

invoices within a six-hour billing cycle and mediating 4.9 billion call detail records within 12 hours.

The system showed near-linear scalability as the number of application servers and the number of

subscribers increased. At peak performance, the system processed an average throughput of 1,249

invoices per second and 113,402 CDRs per second.

This white paper begins with an introduction to Redknee TCB, Intel Xeon processors, and X-IO Hyper

ISE storage solutions. The paper also provides an overview of Microsoft SQL Server 2012, proven

data management software for enterprise TCB deployments and highlights the many advantages

SQL Server 2012 brings to TCB, including manageability, scalability, reliability, and affordability.

The white paper then presents benchmark test data that confirms that SQL Server 2012 running on

NEC servers based on Intel Xeon processors and X-IO Hyper ISE storage scales to meet the needs of

even the world’s largest tier-1 communications service providers. Enterprise customers can be

confident in the choice of SQL Server 2012 as data management software for TCB.

Introducing Redknee TCB

With new customer demands, new service offerings, and increasing competition, operators need

agile billing solutions to match their changing business strategies. Redknee TCB is an end-to-end

billing and customer-care solution that delivers centralized business intelligence, personalized

subscriber experience, and a full suite of billing capabilities, making it possible for operators around

the globe to differentiate themselves from the competition and maximize their profitability.

Redknee TCB provides the following benefits:

True convergence

Redknee’s TCB supports pre-paid, post-paid, and hybrid subscribers, in addition to any type

of access technology, including wireless and wireline, cable, broadband, and satellite. This

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 2

solution helps to reduce operating and capital expenses by letting operators consolidate

their billing “silos” onto a single convergent solution and quickly roll out new services.

A centralized solution

TCB centralizes valuable subscriber data onto one enhanced database that is accessed

through a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) tool. This

centralization provides operators with visibility into customer behavior and enables them to

quickly solve customer care issues, offer flexible pricing and subscriber-centric services,

such as cross-service bundles and loyalty points, and easily identify up-sell opportunities

and deliver real-time promotions.

Enhanced promotions and partner management

Redknee’s converged solution provides operators with a framework that uses advanced

interactive reporting and subscriber data management to help operators reach out to their

customers individually, through targeted promotions and real-time initiatives that are

relevant to individual subscriber's needs.

For more information about Redknee TCB, visit

Benefits of SQL Server 2012

The underlying core of a billing system is the data collected; this data is maintained in an enterprise

database such as SQL Server 2012.

SQL Server 2012 is a comprehensive, integrated, and enterprise-ready data-management software

solution. It provides a reliable, cost-effective, low-maintenance database framework for Redknee

TCB that can support the largest and most process-intensive deployments. Hundreds of enterprises

are currently running 10 terabyte (TB) and larger transactional databases on SQL Server.

Running Redknee TCB on SQL Server 2012 provides customers with many benefits:

Six nines (99.9999 percent) uptime availability

Redknee customers can protect their mission-critical databases from downtime and data

loss with six nines uptime availability.1,2

Faster to deploy

On average, SQL Server database administrators (DBAs) can install and configure new

database servers in one and a half hours, while the largest competitor’s DBAs can take six


1 2

mission-critical-databases-from-downtime-and-data-loss-with-six-nines-uptime-availability/4000007136 3

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 3

Lower hardware cost

SQL Server can run on standard commodity server hardware, which can dramatically lower

the total cost of ownership (TCO) for customers.

Lower software costs

The list price of SQL Server is a third of the largest competitors;4 in addition, SQL Server

includes major database-related features, such as high availability; remote disaster

recovery; partitioning; data compression; transparent data encryption; spatial and master

data management; complex event processing; extract, transform, and load (ETL); online

analytical processing (OLAP); data mining; reporting services; and self-service business

intelligence (BI) tools. Competitors’ licensing models add costs for options and add-ins.5

Simpler systems management and lower staffing costs

SQL Server database administrators can typically manage four times as many physical

databases as a competitor’s DBAs, leading to an estimated annual savings of $5,779 in

administrative costs per database, a 460 percent difference in annual cost of administration

per database.6,7

Most secure of any of the major database platforms

Since 2002, SQL Server has recorded the fewest reported vulnerabilities of any of the major

database platforms as compiled by the National Institute of Standards and Technology


With SQL Server, Redknee customers can save with reduced licensing, hardware, administration,

and support fees, which translate into substantially lower costs over the life of the system.

For more information about SQL Server 2012, visit

The Redknee and Microsoft Alliance

Microsoft and Redknee have formed a strategic alliance, bringing about a transformation in the

telecom billing space by providing an expanded and pre-integrated software solution to

communication service providers. Redknee TCB utilizes the flexible tools and technology within

Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SQL Server, and Windows Server to provide one of the industry’s most

comprehensive, real-time converged billing solutions.

For more information about the alliance, visit

4 5 6 7 8

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 4

Benefits of Servers Based on Intel Xeon Processors

Servers based on Intel Xeon processors are well suited to the demands of telecom billing solutions,

and can provide dramatic cost savings in comparison with proprietary reduced instruction set

computers (RISCs) and mainframe systems.

Servers based on the Intel Xeon processor E5 family are often deployed in distributed architectures

that are highly resilient and easily scaled through the addition of servers. Servers based on the Intel

Xeon processor E7 family provide the high-end scalability and availability needed to support large,

transaction-intensive databases. These larger and more robust servers include integrated support

for all of the following:

Scalable performance

A single eight-socket server based on the Intel Xeon processor E7-8800 product family

provides up to 80 processing cores, 160 threads, and 4 TB of memory for high-volume,

transaction-intensive T24 workloads. Large cache configurations (up to 30 MB per

processor) keep frequently used data close to the processor cores to reduce latency and

increase throughput.

Data protection

Advanced circuitry detects and corrects errors across all major subsystems and

communication pathways and isolates uncorrectable errors so they can’t poison other data.

High availability

Built-in failover and automatic reconfiguration capabilities help to maintain uninterrupted

operation. Machine Check Architecture Recovery (MCA Recovery) works in tandem with

Windows Server to provide automated system recovery in complex error scenarios.


Built-in support for predictive failure analysis and partitioning lets administrators identify

and replace problematic components before they impact performance and without

bringing down the system for maintenance.

SQL Server 2012 can take advantage of the scalability features of Intel Xeon processor E7 family:

eight sockets or more, eight cores, and 16 threads per socket and up to 2 TB of RAM in an eight-

socket configuration. These servers deliver advanced reliability9 to increase the mission-critical

resiliency required by Redknee customers: The hardware and software work together to deliver

advanced support for data error detection and recovery, multiple levels of redundancy, and system


For more information about Intel Xeon processors, visit


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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 5

Benefits of X-IO Storage

Hyper ISE is an ideal storage solution for Redknee TCB running on SQL Server data management

software and servers based on Intel Xeon processors.

Hyper ISEs are a new generation of storage solution based on a common pool of solid-state drives

(SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs) in a single module, with more than 200,000 input/output

operations per second (IOPS) in a single 3U storage system supporting 14.4 TB (pre-RAID) of

capacity. The Hyper ISE System continuously monitors blocks of data and (in seconds) automatically

migrates the most active blocks between the SSD and HDD devices in a process called Continuous

Adaptive Data Placement (CADP).

For information about X-IO Hyper ISE storage, visit

Benchmark Testing Overview As part of their strategic alliance, Redknee and Microsoft, along with Intel and X-IO, ran

benchmarking tests to evaluate the performance and scalability of current versions of TCB and

SQL Server running on servers based on Intel Xeon processors and X-IO Hyper ISE storage. The tests,

designed to reflect “real-world” conditions, were run at Microsoft Partner Solution Center lab in

Redmond, Washington, in November and December 2011.

Test Workloads

The data set used in the benchmarking test reflects typical global communications service provider

activity volumes:

For input to the mediation process, 4.9 billion CDRs were generated. This represents about

1.5 CDRs per subscriber per busy hour.

Of the subscribers, 10 percent were considered to be post-paid, or subscribers who require

detailed invoices to be generated. This number is typical for high-growth markets, which

have large subscriber bases.

Subscribers were assumed to have one account.

A single billing run per month was assumed.

The invoicing was run in off-peak hours on the same servers as the mediation process. At

the maximum tested workload of 250 million subscribers, 25 million invoices were

generated in a six-hour run.

Test Environment

The test infrastructure included four major components:

Application servers

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 6




Figure 1 shows the test infrastructure.

Figure 1. Test infrastructure to support 250 million subscribers

Application Servers

Fifteen application servers generated mediation and invoicing workload for the SQL Server. These

servers used four quad-core Intel Xeon processor 7300 series. Note that only minor changes were

made to the Redknee TCB application and the application servers to achieve linear scalability and

the results for even the largest subscriber runs.


The database tier used a single NEC Express5800/A1080a, taking advantage of the latest generation

of Intel Xeon processor E7 family. The configuration was as follows:

SQL Server 2012.

8 x 10-core Intel Xeon processors E7-8870, for a total of 80 cores.


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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 7

Hyper-threading was enabled for the 100 million and 250 million subscriber workloads,

making it possible for SQL Server to use 160 threads.

Power-saving was disabled.

Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (SP1).

The following is a description of the database server configuration that was used:

Disabled Windows write cache

The Windows write cache was disabled on the computer running SQL Server because there

is a large cache managed by the storage area network (SAN) and in SQL Server. Note that

disabling the write cache is a best practice for SQL Server, because the cache on most

servers is not preserved by a battery backup.

Partitioned CDR tables

In the database, the CDR tables were partitioned by date and placed on a single filegroup

that was composed of 10 files. Each file was uniquely mapped to one logical unit number

(LUN), which lets the I/O be spread evenly across all LUNs.

Enabled page-level data compression

The page-level data compression feature of SQL Server was enabled for the large CDR-

related tables. This reduced the storage capacity requirements by up to 80 percent, and

also reduced the number of physical IOPS required to process the data.

Modified clustered index

The physical organization of the call detail table was changed by modifying the clustered

index to order the data by subscriber and date, which allowed all the data related to a

subscriber to be read in a minimum number of I/O operations.

Increased number of tempdb files

The number of files used for the tempdb filegroup was increased to 160 (two files per core,

or one file per logical processor/thread). This increases the parallelism that can be invoked

by SQL Server when reading and writing temporary tables. Uptiering by the X-IO Continuous

Adaptive Data Placement (CADP) algorithms from HDD to SSD further increased tempdb



Three X-IO Hyper ISEs storage modules provided 19.5 terabytes (TBs) of storage for the database

tables and indices. The Hyper ISEs averaged more than 60,000 IOPs at less than 6 milliseconds (ms)

average latency:

Two Hyper ISE arrays were used in tests up to 100 million subscribers.

A third Hyper ISE array was added for the 250 million subscriber test to provide total

storage of 14.4 TBs in a 3U rack.

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 8

A single Hyper ISE module, HDD ISE19.2, provided additional dedicated space for the

SQL Server log files.


Network bandwidth was very important because of the high workload capacity of the NEC Express

5800/A1080a 80-core database server. The end-to-end network bandwidth was 10 GB.

In the 250-million subscriber test, a second network adapter was added to the computer running

SQL Server because the single network adapter had become the major bottleneck.

The network adapters were configured so that the interrupts were spread over all processors

instead of just the first one. Note that the number of processors that can service the network

adapter interrupts varies with the network adapter hardware, with newer network adapter

hardware able to spread the load over more processors. For information on configuring receive-side

scaling (RSS), see

Benchmark Testing Results

The benchmarking test results showed that SQL Server 2012 is capable of handling very large

workloads, and the X-IO Hyper ISE arrays provide greatly improved IOPS to support the large


The number of application servers sending work to the database server determined the throughput

for the 10 million through 100 million subscriber tests. The application servers did not reach full

utilization. For the 250 million subscriber tests, the network capacity was improved by adding a

second network adapter to the database server; a third Hyper ISE module was also added to

balance the resource utilization and to reach close to 100 percent utilization of the resources.

Few changes to the infrastructure of the application were required to achieve this high level of


Table 1 shows a summary of the benchmark test results.

Table 1. Summary of results

Metric Results

Invoicing 26 million invoices within a six-hour billing cycle

CDR mediation 4.9 billion CDRs within 12 hours

Average invoice throughput at peak performance 1,249 invoices/second

Average invoice throughput at peak performance 113,402 CDRs/second

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 9

Results of Mediation Scenario

Table 2 shows the detailed results of the benchmark testing for mediation.

Table 2. Benchmark testing results for mediation

100 million 250 million

Number of CDRs processed per hour (in millions) 187.2 408.2

Number of CDRs processed per second 52,000 113,402

Percent of objectives 124% 108%

Number of application servers 7 15

Percent CPU utilization for SQL Server 30% 90%

Results of Invoicing Scenario

Table 3 shows the results of the benchmark testing for invoicing.

Table 3. Benchmark testing results for invoicing

100 million 250 million

Number of invoices generated per hour

(in millions) 1.944 4.5

Number of invoices processed per second 540 1,250

Percent of objectives 116% 108%

Number of application servers 6 13

Percent CPU utilization for SQL Server 7% 11%

Scalability Results

The scalability of Redknee TCB running on SQL Server 2012 was demonstrated during the

benchmark testing in several ways. As the number of application servers and the number of

subscribers were increased, the throughput of the database increased in a nearly linear fashion.

Note that the addition of application servers demonstrates that Redknee customers can use existing

and new hardware simultaneously to develop a resilient and scalable architecture.

Figure 2 displays the throughput results for both the mediation and invoicing tests. These results

demonstrate that as the number of application servers increases, the throughput of the database

server increases almost linearly.

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 10

Figure 2. Scalability of throughput

Figure 3 displays the results for both the mediation and invoicing tests for scalability with the

number of subscribers.

These results demonstrate that as the number of application servers increase, the number of

subscribers that can be supported increases almost linearly.

Figure 3. Scalability for number of subscribers



















0 5 10 15 20 25






R p











s p




Number of application instances

Invoice Throughput (TPS) Mediation Throughput (TPS)










0 5 10 15 20 25

# o

f Su






Number of application instances

# of Subscribers (M) by Mediation # of Subscribers (M) by Invoicing

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 11

Storage Results

Storage I/O is often a bottleneck to achieving maximum performance. With the combination of X-IO

Hyper ISE storage modules and Intel Xeon processors used in the benchmarking tests, a balance was

achieved that made it possible for both resources to achieve almost 100 percent utilization and kept

either from becoming a bottleneck. Traditional SANs with pure hard drive and cache hardware

would likely have required a configuration with a very low percentage of capacity utilization to

deliver a similar result. The X-IO configuration used only 160 spindles for data storage.

Figure 4 shows the total storage IOPS that the server was producing during the 250 million

subscriber benchmarking tests. This comprises activity from all three Hyper ISE storage systems and

the ISE19.2 that was used for the database log traffic.

The results show that as the load was increased, averages in the 50,000 IOPS range were achieved,

with regular spikes past 60,000 IOPS.

Figure 4. Environment total IOPS

Figure 5 shows the environment write IOPS for the mediation testing. Note that almost all of the

activity in the test was write.

Towards the end of the test, averages of write IOPS were in the range of 40,000 to 50,000 IOPS,

with regular spikes to 70,000 IOPS with 6 ms latency on average.









8 A




3 A




8 A




3 A




8 A




3 A































6 P




1 P




6 P




1 P




6 P







1 P




6 P







6 P




1 P




6 P







1 P




6 P







1 P





Environment Total IOPS

Environment Total IOPS 40 per. Mov. Avg. (Environment Total IOPS)

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 12

Figure 5. Environment write IOPS for mediation tests

For invoice generation, the load is much less, generating 10–15 percent of the IO load of mediation.

Summary Scalability, stability, and performance are important to Redknee customers. These customers want

assurances that as their organizations grow and the number of billing subscribers increases, their

database platform can maintain the performance they rely on.

Redknee has worked with Microsoft to tune the Redknee portfolio of solutions with Microsoft

products and technologies. Benchmark testing and product optimizations are part of this joint


The Redknee, Microsoft, Intel, and X-IO benchmark tests were designed to simulate the real-world

usage patterns of large Redknee TCB customers. The results show that Redknee TCB running with

SQL Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise on NEC servers using Intel Xeon

processors can scale to 250 million subscribers, generating 26 million invoices within a six-hour

billing cycle and mediating 4.9 billion call detail records within 12 hours. At peak performance, the

system processed an average throughput of 1,249 invoices per second and 113,402 CDRs per


The results also demonstrated that the system is highly scalable, with near-linear scalability as the

number of application servers and the number of subscribers increased. Redknee customers can

select SQL Server as the database platform for large and complex TCB deployments with





8 A







8 A







8 A







8 A




3 A




8 A




3 A




8 A




1 P




1 P




6 P







6 P







6 P







6 P







1 P







1 P







1 P







6 P







1 P







1 P


Environment Write IOPS

Environment Write IOPS 40 per. Mov. Avg. (Environment Write IOPS)

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Benchmark Testing Results: Redknee TCB and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 13

Additional Information The following references provide more information about Redknee and Microsoft.

About Redknee

Redknee is a leading global provider of real-time converged billing and customer care solutions for

communications service providers around the globe. Redknee serves over 90 service providers in

more than 50 countries. Its solutions include advanced converged billing, rating, charging, policy,

and wholesale settlement for all subscriber types across any communication platform, including

mobile, landline, broadband, cable and satellite. For more information about Redknee products and

services, visit

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services, and

solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. For more information about

Microsoft products and services, visit

About Intel

Intel is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designs and builds the essential

technologies that serve as the foundation for the world’s computing devices to continually advance

how people work and live. For more information about Intel products and services, visit

About X-IO

X-IO is a recognized innovator in the storage industry. Its award-winning Intelligent Storage systems

leverage over two decades of expertise to deliver unmatched price/performance for enterprise

applications. For more information about X-IO products and services, visit

About NEC Corporation of America

Headquartered in Irving, Texas, NEC Corporation of America is a leading provider of innovative IT,

biometrics, network, and communications products and solutions for service carriers, Fortune 1000

and SMB businesses across multiple vertical industries, including healthcare, government,

education, and hospitality. NEC Corporation of America delivers one of the industry's broadest

portfolios of technology solutions and professional services, including unified communications,

wireless, voice and data, managed services, server and storage infrastructure, optical network

systems, microwave radio communications and biometric security. NEC Corporation of America is a

wholly-owned subsidiary of NEC Corporation, a global technology leader with a presence in over 44

countries and more than $37.5 billion in revenues. For more information, please visit