t5 b70 dan grossi fdr- entire contents- 5-24-04 mfr- dan grossi- notes- saudi tampa-lexington flight

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  • 8/14/2019 T5 B70 Dan Grossi Fdr- Entire Contents- 5-24-04 MFR- Dan Grossi- Notes- Saudi Tampa-Lexington Flight


    MFR for Dan Grossi May 24, 2004Walt HempelAtty Cohen came on the telephone.TE asked Grossi to tell us about what happened on the day of the flight.Grossi asked if the telephone call was being recorded. TE stated that it was not but that ifGrossi felt more comfortable that a recorder was available.Atty Cohen asked if there we had a stenographer. TE said we did not.

    Grossi said that on 9/13/01, three Saudis were being given security by off duty TampaPolice Officers. Grossi does not recall their names but that he has a business card for oneof them that Manny Ramirez was given. He thinks they were students at the Universityof Tampa. Tampa PD Chief Brian Holder had made a decision that no on duty officerswere to provide security.A Lt. in Lexington, Kentucky had called Tampa PD requesting that Tampa PD assist ingetting the three Saudi students to Lexington, Kentucky.Sgt. John Salomon of the Tampa PD handled the arrangements. He contacted DanGrossi about 2:OOPM. Grossi said he is a retired homicide and internal affairs detectiveand had a private investigations agency. Sgt. Salomon told Grossi that the three studentswere going to fly to Lexington on a private aircraft. Grossi says that he was told to go tothe Raytheon hanger at the Tampa Airport. Sgt. Salomon said that two security officerswere required. Grossi asked how they were going to fly when the airspace was closed.Salomon said that it had been cleared by higher authority or the White House.Grossie called Manny Ramirez a retired FBI agent to ask him to go on the trip.Grossi went to the Tampa International Airport. He arrived at the Raytheon hanger andthat there was a small blue jet on the ramp. The Raytheon receptionist introduced themto the pilot who was in uniform. He was about 35 years old. There was also anotherpilot, about the same age, on the plane. The pilot said that they were from Ft. Lauderdale.Grossi did not see any markings on the plane.| [w.as at the ramp with the three Saudis. I tvas handling the threeSaudis. | Ipiaidflterncash for their services and cash fo r the off duty Tampa Policeofficers. (Grossi said that the Tampa PD extra duty office has. records of this.)About 4:30 PM they took off from Tanipa .and flew to Lexington Blue Grass Airport.The flight was less then two hours. He thinks ;:tfa :Lear had 8 or. 10 seats. It was veryplush with leather seats. "" ::::::::::^=,.

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  • 8/14/2019 T5 B70 Dan Grossi Fdr- Entire Contents- 5-24-04 MFR- Dan Grossi- Notes- Saudi Tampa-Lexington Flight


    During the flight Grossi spoke with one o f the Saudi students who said that his uncle orfather knew George Bush, the father, from the first Gulf War. He said that the WhiteHouse cleared the flight as a favor.Grossi said that w hen they arrived in Lexington, the Lear je t parked close to a "short"747 aircraft that had Arabic writing on the tail. They got off the plane. He did not recallbeing met by anyone from the airport staff. There was a Lincoln Town car parked on theother side of the fence. Grossi spoke to the driver and asked him if he had had any lawenforcement experience. The driver said that he had not but that he m et the Saudis abouteight years ago in when he was a lim o driver in Pittsburg. The students left in the l imo.The Lear jet w as refueled. Grossi said that the term inal at Blue Grass was very sm allwith m aybe 20 chairs. He went in and used the bathroom. H e never m et the Lt. from theLexington PD. Twenty to thirty minutes later he got back on the plane and flew back toTam pa. They landed in Tam pa about 8:30PM or 9:00 PM. He then drove hom e. On theway out of the airport, he thought he heard or saw the Lear departing.Grossi was asked if there was any other air traffic at Tampa when they took off or whenthey returned . Grossi said that he didn't rem em ber seeing any. He was asked if theterm inal was open at Tam pa. He said that he didn't think so but that he went to thegeneral aviation area and did not go through the main terminal.Grossi was asked if the Lexington Blue G rass Airport had any air traffic. He said that hedidn't think so but that Blue Grass was very small.A few days after the flight he was called by a reporter from the Tam pa Tribune. Hediscussed the flight and the reporter wrote an article.Grossi said that about two years after 9-11, Craig Unger of Vanity Fair called and spoketo him about the flight.Sometime after that flight, he was called by som eone representing Michael Moore. Theysaid that they wanted to m ake a m ovie about the Saudi flights. He said that he didn'twant to be in a m ovie but that he would talk to them . A fem ale from Moore's officecame down to Tampa to talk to him. He thought her name m ay have been M ichelle.Grossi said that he was disturbed by the FB I m aking a statement that the three studentshad been driven to Lexington. He said that he thought the FBI agent who made thestatement w as not from Tam pa as he did not know him and that he had worked w ith theFBI on m any occasions. Grossi stated again that he did fly to Lexington on the jet.Grossi said that it was his understanding that the airspace was closed but that he knewthat it was "opening up".

  • 8/14/2019 T5 B70 Dan Grossi Fdr- Entire Contents- 5-24-04 MFR- Dan Grossi- Notes- Saudi Tampa-Lexington Flight


    Gross! said that he wou ld contact Manny Ram irez and give him the telephone nu mb er forTom Eldridge.Atty. Cohen said that he could be contacted if the 9-11 commission wanted moreinformation.Cohen asked how the interview material was going to be used? TE stated that it mayappear in the final report or in a supplement.Cohen asked about a M otorola law suit over the radios in NYC . He asked for a contacton the commission. TE provided him w ith a telephone number for John Farmer in N YC.Cohen asked if Farmer was a Dem ocrat or Repub lican. TE said that he was independent.

  • 8/14/2019 T5 B70 Dan Grossi Fdr- Entire Contents- 5-24-04 MFR- Dan Grossi- Notes- Saudi Tampa-Lexington Flight


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  • 8/14/2019 T5 B70 Dan Grossi Fdr- Entire Contents- 5-24-04 MFR- Dan Grossi- Notes- Saudi Tampa-Lexington Flight


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  • 8/14/2019 T5 B70 Dan Grossi Fdr- Entire Contents- 5-24-04 MFR- Dan Grossi- Notes- Saudi Tampa-Lexington Flight


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