synopsis magzine indent

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Magzine Indent


    Online Weekly Magazine Indent Administration


    The project entitled Online Weekly Magazine Indent

    Administration is a website to manage Distributor's magazine uantity

    reuirement generally called as indent! "ach week the reuirement o#

    the distributor $aries so this website pro$ides them an option to enter

    their reuirement based on that the company can supply the

    magazines to the Distributors!


    Online Weekly Magazine Indent Administration is a website to

    manage supply o# magazine to their distributors each week% this

    project ha$e two sections one #or admin and other #or distributors!

    Distributors can signup with the website and then they can enter their

    uantity o# magazines they reuire! In admin corresponding

    employees know how much they need print and supply! This project

    gi$es clear picture on how much uantity need to be printed! Also

    billing can be done based on the indent distributor chosen!


    The main objecti$e o# the application is to automate indent

    system% where the distributor can enter the number o# magazines he

    want on that week! The ne&t objecti$e o# this site is to enable

    distributors to make online payment through this website! The other

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Magzine Indent


    ne&t objecti$e o# this website is to enable company employees to know

    the uantity o# magazine they need to print each week!


    The scope o# this type project is $ery wide% once it is success#ully

    implemented in this company! Then the same project can implemented

    many other magazine publishing companies world wide! This is a web

    based application so one can also make general site where all

    publisher can signup to pro$ide ser$ices to their distributors!


    resently the distributor(s reuirement will be taken by calling them

    o$er phone! To call each e$ery distributor each week is a $ery huge

    process and it leads lot o# errors! The uantity need to be print in each

    week must be known other wise i# e&tra printed it will get wasted andi# printed less then we can't supply to the distributors% to balance this

    each they need e&act uantity% with the present system it take too

    much time and also huge number o# people to process all these


    To come out o# this problem the proposed project will help in many

    ways! In the proposed project indent will updated as and when it isreuired! Distributors can also make online payment so it reduces the

    payment timings and delay in payment! All distributors can able to see

    their bills so it pro$ides trans#erence in billing!

  • 8/10/2019 Synopsis Magzine Indent


    Hardware and Software requirement

    Hardware Requirement

    rocessor ) Intel *ore Duo +!, -.z or more

    /AM ) 0 -1 or More

    .ard disk ) 2,-1 or more

    Monitor ) 034 */T% or 5*D monitor

    6eyboard ) 7ormal or Multimedia

    Mouse ) *ompatible mouse

    S!tware Requirement

    8ront "nd ) 9isual Web De$eloper +,,2

    With :l :er$er *ompact "dition


    9isual Web De$eloper +,0,

    With :l :er$er *ompact "dition

    1ack "nd ) M: :l :er$er

    Operation :ystem ) Windows ; with ser$er pack