synonyms 2 (8) with definitions

This week’s vocabulary Words for 8th Grade Synonyms 2 Week of Jan. 31, 2011 # Word POS Definition 1 pinnacle noun the most successful point; the culmination 2 innovative adj. (of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advance and original 3 bestir verb make a physical or mental effort; exert or rouse oneself 4 morose adj. sullen and ill-tempered 5 vulnerable adj. susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm 6 stipend noun a fixed regular sum paid as a salary or allowance 7 platitude noun a remark or statement, esp. one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful (e.g. take care) 8 tarry verb stay longer than intended; delay leaving a place 9 adulation noun obsequious flattery; excessive admiration or praise 10 impertinent adj. no showing proper respect; rude A synonym is a word similar to or exactly in meaning to another word. Knowing synonyms will improve your vocabulary and writing. Write the synonym for each group of words below. 1) top, highest point, climax ___________________________________________ 2) rude, sassy, impolite ___________________________________________ 3) compensation, consideration, payment ________________________________ 4) attackable, easily harmed, unprotected ________________________________ 5) acclaim, applause, praise ___________________________________________ 6) creative, inventive, ingenious ___________________________________________

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Page 1: Synonyms 2 (8) with definitions

This week’s vocabulary Words for 8th Grade

Synonyms 2

Week of Jan. 31, 2011

# Word POS Definition

1 pinnacle noun the most successful point; the culmination

2 innovative adj. (of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advance and original

3 bestir verb make a physical or mental effort; exert or rouse oneself

4 morose adj. sullen and ill-tempered

5 vulnerable adj. susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm

6 stipend noun a fixed regular sum paid as a salary or allowance

7 platitude noun a remark or statement, esp. one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful (e.g. take care)

8 tarry verb stay longer than intended; delay leaving a place

9 adulation noun obsequious flattery; excessive admiration or praise

10 impertinent adj. no showing proper respect; rude

A synonym is a word similar to or exactly in meaning to another word. Knowing synonyms will improve your vocabulary and writing.

Write the synonym for each group of words below.

1) top, highest point, climax! ___________________________________________

2) rude, sassy, impolite! ! ___________________________________________

3) compensation, consideration, payment! ________________________________

4) attackable, easily harmed, unprotected! ________________________________

5) acclaim, applause, praise! ___________________________________________

6) creative, inventive, ingenious! ___________________________________________