sustainability accounting a brief history and conceptual framework 2005 accounting forum

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  • 8/9/2019 Sustainability Accounting a Brief History and Conceptual Framework 2005 Accounting Forum


    Accounting Forum 29 (2005) 7–26

    Sustainability accounting—a brief history andconceptual framework 

    Geoff Lamberton

    School of Accounting, Southern Cross University, P.O. Box 157, Lismore 2480, Australia


    Research linking accounting to the emerging concept of sustainability surfaced in the early 1990s

    and has received continuing attention in academic and professional accounting literature. This paper

    tracks this brief history through to the release of the  Sustainability Reporting Guidelines at the World

    Summit on Sustainable Development in August 2002, consolidating the various approaches into a

    sustainability accounting framework. The result is a comprehensive reporting model that presents

    an enormous challenge to business organisations, requiring a significant commitment of resources

    to achieve widespread implementation. Failure to meet this challenge enables business organisationsto continue to avoid accountability for their continuing unsustainability. The paper concludes with a

    personal view as to how implementation of the sustainability accounting framework could proceed.

    © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords:  Global Reporting Initiative; Sustainability Performance Indicators; Sustainability Accounting


    1. Introduction

    Environmental accounting and its most evolved form   sustainability accounting(Elkington, 1993), have received continuing attention in the academic accounting litera-

    ture beginning with the work of Gray in the early 1990s, through to the release of the

    Sustainability Accounting Guidelines  at the World Summit on Sustainable Development

    in Johannesburg in August, 2002. This paper reviews and consolidates this research into a

    sustainability accounting framework that captures the breadth and complexity of this new

    form of accounting. The framework draws on the traditional financial accounting model for

    its structure, whilst the content of the sustainability accounting framework is derived from

     E-mail address: [email protected].

    0155-9982/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    the various approaches taken by accounting researchers to link accounting to sustainability

    over the past 10 years.

    2. A brief history of sustainability accounting

    Gray is attributed with much of the conceptual development of sustainability accounting.

    Gray (1993) identifies three different methods of sustainability accounting

    1. Sustainable cost.

    2. Natural capital inventory accounting.

    3. Input–output analysis.

    These three methods together with   full-cost accounting  and  triple bottom line  (TBL)

    accounting are discussed in Sections 2.1–2.4, leading to the identification of common themes

    in Section 2.5 and the specification of a comprehensive sustainability accounting framework 

    in Section 4.

    2.1. Sustainable cost and full-cost accounting

    Sustainable cost is the (hypothetical) cost of restoring the earth to the state it was in prior

    to an organisation’s impact; that is

    . . .  the amount of money an organisation would have to spend at an end of an ac-

    counting period in order to place the biosphere back into the position it was at thestart of the accounting period. (Gray, 1994, p. 33)

    Gray draws on the accounting concept of capital maintenance, and applies it to the bio-

    sphere, recognising the need to maintain the stock of  natural capital for future generations.

    A sustainable organisation would be one that maintains natural capital intact for future gen-

    erations (Gray, 1994). Sustainable cost is deducted from the accounting profit (calculated

    using generally accepted accounting principles) to arrive at a notional level of sustain-

    able profit or loss. Where the sustainable cost exceeds the accounting profit the degree of 

    unsustainability is measured in monetary terms.

    The practical problems of valuing external costs such as pollution have been well doc-umented (Mathews, 1993; Pearce & Turner, 1990). Any damage to critical natural capital

    would, in theory, be valued at infinite cost because it is irreplaceable, leading to the con-

    clusion that the activities of an organisation which damage critical natural capital are un-

    sustainable (Gray, 1994). Unfortunately the science of ecology does not provide clear and

    unchallenged solutions to environmental problems (Holland & Petersen, 1995); whilst plac-

    ing costs on a range of possible solutions to environmental problems may prove exhausting

    (Mathews, 1995).

    Sustainable cost provides an example of using an established accounting principle, in

    this case capital maintenance, and applying it to natural rather than financial capital. Gray

    (1992) acknowledges the inherent dangers of accounting for natural capital within a price-driven framework, as do critical accounting theorists (Cooper, 1992; Hines, 1991; Lehman,

    1996; Maunders & Burritt, 1991).

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    Preliminary research projects exploring the practical issues of applying the sustain-

    able cost framework have begun; (see Bebbington & Tan, 1996, 1997 and  Howes, 1999).

    Bebbington and Gray (2001) provide a fascinating account of the difficulties of applying

    the sustainable cost framework. Difficulties in determining a meaningful estimate of sus-tainable cost resulted in the recasting of the sustainable cost framework to provide data

    concerning a range of more sustainable options. This requires the organization to let go of 

    its attachment to the   business-as-usual assumption exploring possibly radical alternatives

    that require costing within the (revised) sustainable cost framework.

    Another important conclusion drawn by Bebbington and Gray (2001) is that the process

    of working with an organization and attempting to estimate sustainable cost may prove

    more valuable than the financial data produced. This is not surprising given that ecological

    destruction and social inequity have much to do with the (un)ethical underpinnings of our

    consumer and wealth-obsessed culture (Sivaraksa, 1992), rather than a lack of information.

    If this is true, the process of disclosing specific aspects of unsustainability, with a detailed

    exposure of its causes and consideration of alternative paths could prove a significant and

    cathartic experience. Similar conclusions have been drawn regarding the process of prepar-

    ing life cycle analyses (Ayres, 1995; Christiansen, 1997) which may indicate we need to

    spend more energy applying sustainability accounting using field work and case oriented

    research methods.

    Sustainable cost and full-cost accounting are not necessarily equivalent forms of ac-

    counting (Atkinson, 2002), although both methods attempt to capture environmental costs

    external to the organization which together with internal costs, provide a more complete pic-

    ture of total cost. Full cost accounting as with Mathews’ total impact accounting (Mathews,1993), attempts to capture the total costs resulting from an organisation’s economic activ-

    ities, including social and environmental costs (CICA, 1994; Deegan & Newson, 1996),

    attempting to value these impacts in financial terms. This method of accounting is an at-

    tempt to counter the misinformation contained within market prices from the omission of 

    social and environmental cost, which leads to a misallocation of resources and widespread

    social and ecological destruction (Hawken, 1993).

    2.2. Natural capital inventory accounting

    Natural capital inventory accounting involves the recording of stocks of natural capitalover time, with changes in stock levels used as an indicator of the (declining) quality of 

    the natural environment. Various types of natural capital stocks are distinguished enabling

    the recording, monitoring and reporting of depletions or enhancements within distinct cat-

    egories (Gray, 1994). Gray suggests four categories of natural capital.

    1.   Critical, for example, the ozone layer, tropical hardwood, biodiversity.

    2.   Non-renewable / non-substitutable, for example, oil, petroleum and mineral products.

    3.   Non-renewable / substitutable, for example, waste disposal, energy usage.

    4.   Renewable, for example, plantation timber, fisheries.

    Natural capital inventory accounting could be predominantly non-financial, trackingresource flows in quantitative, but non-monetary units (Gray, 1992), although Jones (1996)

    suggests exploring the valuation of natural assets using financial units. Jones (1996, 2003)

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    applies the inventory approach to the problem of accounting for biodiversity, adopting a

    three part process involving the recording, valuing and reporting of natural asset wildlife

    habitat, flora and fauna, and suggests aggregating records of individual organisations to

    build national records of natural inventories.The influence of conventional accounting over natural capital inventory accounting is

    evident in the application of the capital maintenance concept, as well as utilization of the

    management accounting tool of inventory control. Invoking the axiom of strong sustainabil-

    ity, the capital maintenance concept could be applied to each category of capital (natural and

    humanmade) recognising that opportunities to substitute humanmade physical or financial

    capital for natural capital are limited (Costanza & Daly, 1992).

    Accounting for natural inventories is in its exploratory stage. Both the accuracy and

    potential usefulness of this information needs to be tested with further theoretical and

    empirical research. Major challenges involve the identification of the relevant accounting

    entity to which to apply this method, which may be at the community (Lehman, 1999) or

    regional level (Gray, 1992), rather than corporate level. Similarly the accounting principle

    of materiality is critical in identifying the level of detail and the degree of precision required

    at the data capture stage and reporting stages. Notwithstanding the preceding discussion,

    whether natural inventory accounts could meaningfully reflect nature’s interconnectedness

    and enormous diversity is extremely doubtful.

    2.3. Input–output analysis

    Input–output analysis accounts for the physical flow of materials and energy inputsand product and waste outputs in physical units. It aims to measure all materials inputs

    into the process, and outputs of finished goods, emissions, recycled materials and waste

    for disposal (Jorgensen, 1993). Resource flows are accounted for using units of volume,

    although accounting in financial units is considered feasible (Gray, 1994).  Input–output

    analysis uses a balancing technique familiar to accountants, applying the principle  what 

    goes in must come out , providing a disciplined approach to the provision of environmental


    Reported advantages of input–output analysis include identification of potential resource

    and energy savings, it is often the first step in an environmental audit process, and it can

    facilitate product innovation and pollution prevention strategies, particularly when it formspart of a product and/or process life cycle analysis (Jasch, 1993). Input–output analysis

    does not measure sustainability or unsustainability; rather it provides a transparent account

    of the physical flows into and out of a process, enabling further analysis of environmental

    impact and ultimately sustainability strategies (Gray, 1994; Jasch, 1993).

    Unlike the previous forms of sustainability accounting discussed, input–output analysis

    has its origins in materials accounting techniques used in the physical sciences, rather than

    in financial or management accounting principles or practice.

    2.4. Triple bottom line accounting and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

    Elkington (1999) describes a form of sustainability accounting referred to as triple bottom

    line (TBL), which aims to report on an organisation’s economic, social and environmental

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    impacts. Underpinning TBL accounting is the evolving three dimensional definition of 

    sustainable development (Van den Bergh, 1996; WCED, 1987; Westing, 1996).

    Some versions of TBL attempt to use monetary units to measure economic, social and

    environmental performance, whereas others versions such as that used in the  GRI Sustain-ability Accounting Guidelines  utilise a wide array of indicators to measure performance

    toward the goal of sustainability. The use of indicators to estimate variables that cannot

    be measured precisely has a long history of use in environmental science (Moldan et al.,

    1997), and is considered appropriate where variables that are inherently complex cannot be

    directly observed.

    The latest version of the GRI Sustainability Accounting Guidelines, released at the World

    Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in August 2002, provide a

    rigorous framework for the application of TBL reporting.

    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a long-term, multi-stakeholder, internationalprocess whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable Sustainable

     Reporting Guidelines  (‘‘Guidelines”). These   Guidelines   are for voluntary use by

    organisations for reporting on the economic, environmental, and social dimensions

    of their activities, products and services. (GRI, 2002)

    The Guidelines draw on the accepted three-dimensional definition of sustainability using

    a series of performance indicators to measure each of the economic, environmental and

    social dimensions, as well as a set of integrated indicators capturing multiple dimensions.

    The hierarchy of performance indicators included in the GRI framework is provided in

    Table 1.The economic category of indicators is designed to supplement financial information

    contained in conventional financial accounting reports, providing information concerning

    the impact of an organisation’s activities on the

    1. economic circumstances of stakeholders;

    2. local, national and global economies (GRI, 2002, p. 45).

    A clear link to sustainability is difficult to observe from these performance indicators

    (Baker, 2002) particularly given that long term economic impacts are a critical aspect of 

    sustainability. However, the reporting of an organisation’s financial relationships with cus-

    tomers, suppliers, employees and investors discloses the extent of these stakeholders’ re-liance on the reporting organization for financial support, and some indication as to potential

    financial risk if the reporting organization ceases to operate.

    The environmental indicators specified in the   Guidelines   are contained within many

    state-of-the-art environmental reports. Each  aspect  identified in Table 1 represents criteria

    relevant to measuring an organisation’s environmental performance. It is recommended in

    the Guidelines that environmental performance indicators be expressed in absolute and rel-

    ative (or normalized) terms (GRI, 2002, p. 48), with the latter method enabling comparisons

    between organizations.

    A major contribution of the  Guidelines   is the four categories of social performance

    indicators covering employee, consumer and human rights, as well as societal issues suchas corruption and bribery. Given many of the social performance indicators are difficult

    to measure in quantitative units, the   Guidelines   require a range of social policies to be

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    Table 1

    GRI framework for performance indicators

    Category Aspect

    Economic Direct economic impacts Customers



    Providers of capital

    Public sector

    Environmental Environmental Materials




    Emissions, effluents, and waste

    SuppliersProducts and services




    Social Labour practices and decent work Employment

    Labour/management relations

    Health and safety

    Training and education

    Diversity and opportunity

    Human rights Strategy and management


    Freedom of association and collective bargaining

    Child labour

    Forced and compulsory labour

    Disciplinary practices

    Security practices

    Indigenous rights

    Society Community

    Bribery and corruption

    Political contributions

    Competition and pricing

    Product responsibility Customer health and safety

    Products and services


    Respect for privacy

    Source: GRI, 2002, p. 36.

    specified, together with a description of the system used to monitor compliance with the

    policy and results from the monitoring process.

    Gray (2002) describes social accounting as the universe of possible accountings. This

    implies that social accounting practice requires careful prioritisation of relevant social infor-mation. Sustainability accounting draws its social dimension from the evolving definition

    of sustainability, which includes the goal of intragenerational equity, usually interpreted as

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    the elimination of poverty. The problem of poverty is not directly targeted in the GRI social

    performance indicators, although some of its causes (human rights violations, health and

    freedom) are evident, and the financial value of donations is specified as a core economic

    performance indicator. Limited disclosure could be due to a belief that primarily it is therole of government and not business organisations to eliminate poverty. Nonetheless the

    business sector does have an obligation to ensure it does not contribute to poverty or its

    continuance, and activities which do need to be disclosed.

    In summary, the Guidelines form a noble initiative aimed at increasing the transparency

    of organisations’ social and environmental impacts, in the belief that if the quality of this

    information is improved organizational change toward sustainability will occur. However,

    Broadhead (2002) draws attention to the inherent danger in the incremental management of 

    selected environmental problems at an international level. According to Broadhead  regime

     formation (for example the international regime concerning ozone depletion) and its re-

    sulting compromise not only fail to initiate decisive action, but also mask lack of progress

    toward averting environmental crisis, creating a false impression of material change.

    Similar to Broadhead’s concerns is the potential misuse by corporate interests of infor-

    mation produced using the   Guidelines, reducing sustainability accounting information to

    environmental propaganda, masking the reality of the environmental crisis and the role of 

    business as a primary cause (Gray, 1992; Lehman, 1995). Critical implementation issues

    include: voluntary versus statutory compliance; the audit of sustainability reports by quali-

    fied and independent third parties; as well as identifying who will bear the cost of producing

    sustainability accounting information. These issues are discussed in the conclusion to this


    2.5. General themes to sustainability accounting

    In this section five major themes evident in the varied approaches to sustainability ac-

    counting discussed in Sections 2.1–2.4 are identified. These themes contribute to the spec-

    ification of the sustainability accounting framework in Section 3.

    2.5.1. Preferred definition of sustainability

    Applications of TBL are based on contemporary definitions of sustainable develop-

    ment which necessarily include economic, ecological and social dimensions. Absent is anyguidance as to how these competing elements are prioritised, although this is more a de-

    cision making rather than reporting issue. The three dimensional approach has its roots

    in the WCED’s definition published in Our Common Future in 1987, where the social

    evil of poverty was inextricably linked to environmental degradation (WCED, 1987), and

    economic growth was identified as an essential weapon to fight poverty. However, it is

    extremely doubtful whether continuing volume measured economic growth is compatible

    with ecological sustainability (Costanza & Daly, 1992).

    2.5.2. Use of indicators

    Sustainability being a multi dimensional concept is not directly measurable and requiresa set of indicators to enable performance toward its multiple objectives to be assessed. Re-

    search into the identification of sustainability indicators at the macro level is continuing (see

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    for example Azar, Holmberg, & Lindgren, 1996; Moldan et al., 1997; Nilsson & Bergstrom,

    1995), and more recent research has focussed on sustainability at the organisational level

    (Bebbington & Gray, 2001;  Lamberton, 1998).  Application, for example, of established

    rules for achieving ecological sustainability at the macro level are inherently difficult to ap-ply at the organisational level (Victor, 1991), and this will continue to hinder the derivation

    of meaningful micro level sustainability targets.

    2.5.3. Multiple units of measurement 

    Although some forms of environmental accounting rely on monetary units to measure

    environmental and social impacts, an increasing trend, evident in the GRI  Guidelines, is the

    use of multiple units of measurement to assess performance toward the three dimensions of 

    sustainability. Financial units of measurement, the preferred choice for measuring economic

    performance, are not necessarily suitable for capturing social and ecological impacts, which

    require an array of measurement tools to capture nature’s multiplicity (Cooper, 1992)andthe

    social equity dimension of sustainability. Qualitative tools, such as narratives to describe

    an organisation’s social and environmental impacts form a critical part of sustainability

    accounting (Lehman, 1999).

    2.5.4. The interdisciplinary nature of sustainability accounting

    Given the three dimensional definition of sustainability, it necessarily becomes a concept

    reaching across and requiring cooperation between the accounting, social and ecological

    disciplines. This necessitates the construction of a common dialogue to facilitate trans-

    disciplinary discourses, and the formation of interdisciplinary teams to prepare and auditsustainability accounting reports.

    2.5.5. Use of traditional accounting principles and practices

    Most of the various approaches to sustainability accounting draw on traditional account-

    ing principles and/or practice. The capital maintenance concept used in sustainable cost and

    natural resource inventory accounting, full cost accounting, inventory accounting, and the

    valuation of environmental assets and liabilities are examples of this reliance. Not surpris-

    ingly, the accounting profession’s response to environmental crises draws on the traditions

    of financial and management accounting, providing familiar principles to navigate through

    the unfamiliar territory of ecology and sustainability.The five themes listed together with the traditional financial accounting model enable the

    specification of the sustainability accounting framework in Section 3.1. The components of 

    the traditional financial accounting model are discussed in the next section.

    3. Components of the financial accounting model

    Solomons (1995) describes an accounting model as consisting of the traditional financial

    statements (profit and loss statement and balance sheet) and the generally accepted account-

    ing principles that underlie their preparation. Elliot and Jacobson (1991) take a similar viewof the traditional financial accounting model, including the statement of cash flows in the

    set of final reports produced.

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    Ijiri (1983) identifies accounting records and accounting reports as the major tools of the

    accountant. Fundamental to the preparation of traditional financial statements are account-

    ing records compiled using tools such as the journal, ledger and trial balance, and most

    significantly the double entry principle, which increases reliability and influences the formof final reports. According to Ijiri the design of these tools is directly linked to the perfor-

    mance evaluation function of accounting. He states that accounting records and reports are

    designed to account for

    . . . performance evaluation relative to the goal assigned to the accountor based on the

    underlying accountability relationship. (Ijiri, 1983, p. 77)

    Underlying the provision of financial statements is the assumption that users are primarily

    interested in the accounting entity’s financial performance, measured by accounting profit

    and cash flow, and the entity’s financial position measured by the balance sheet. The financial

    accounting model has evolved to provide information relevant to these assumed primary

    financial objectives of entrepreneurs. In sustainability accounting the goal assigned to the

    accountor is the objective of sustainability (or sustainable development). Using a deductive

    approach (Martin, 1994) a sustainability accounting model can be designed to provide

    information enabling performance toward this objective to be evaluated.

    Information provided for general purpose financial reporting should possess the qual-

    itative attributes identified in statement of accounting concept  SAC 3 (2002).   Similarly,

    the GRI  Guidelines provide a comprehensive set of qualitative attributes of sustainability

    accounting information, which are included later in this paper as part of the sustainability

    accounting framework.From the discussions in this section five components are identified as integral to the

    financial accounting model

    1. The accounting reports (Elliot & Jacobson, 1991).

    2. Accounting principles (Solomons, 1995).

    3. Accounting records (Ijiri, 1983).

    4. The objective of the accounting model (Martin, 1994).

    5. Qualitative attributes (SAC 3).

    In Section 3.1 a sustainability accounting framework is specified drawing on the general

    themes identified in Section 2.5 and the five components of the financial accounting model.A justification for sustainability accounting research is that stakeholders, and in particular

    business decision makers, require a balanced information set, including economic, social

    and environmental information if decisions are to achieve the multidimensional goal of 


    If the accounting profession is to make a constructive contribution to the environmental

    crisis, it will draw on the accumulated knowledge and experience of accounting tradi-

    tion. Accountants have significant experience and long established standards for reporting

    corporate financial performance which should prove useful when preparing sustainability

    accounting information at the corporate level.

    What else have accountants to offer? Accounting knowledge may also be used to informusers as to the limitations of and critical assumptions underpinning accounting information

    (Hines, 1991). Alternatively, as some critical theorists argue, accountants will exacerbate

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    the problem and the environment will suffer from attempts by accountants to capture and

    report its value (Cooper, 1992; Maunders, 1996).

    The financial accounting model identified in this paper represents a general framework 

    for the capture and reporting of information that has evolved from financial accountingpractice.Specifying a sustainability accounting model in the form of the financial accounting

    model is attempted in this paper to provide structure to sustainability accounting which has

    developed in a relatively ad hoc manner over the past 15 years. It is difficult to speculate

    whether this approach will ultimately benefit the environment. Certainly the process of 

    reporting sustainability accounting information is open to manipulation by vested interests.

    A potentially critical role for accounting is the design of systems to reduce manipulation

    and increase the qualitative attributes of sustainability accounting information.

    3.1. Sustainability accounting framework 

    Fig. 1 displays five components of a sustainability accounting framework drawn from

    the preceding discussion of the financial accounting model which is expanded into a com-

    prehensive framework later in this paper (refer Fig. 2). An assumption underpinning the

    specification of this framework is that the issues of: the objective of the reporting model; the

    principles which underpin application of the model; data capture; reporting frameworks;

    and the qualitative attributes of the information produced, are critical issues which need to

    be addressed during the developmental phase to add rigor and structure to the reporting of 

    sustainability accounting information.

    The five components depicted in Fig. 1 represent the

    1. objective(s) of the sustainability accounting framework;

    2. principles which underpin application of the framework;

    3. data capture tools, accounting records, and measurement techniques;

    4. reports used to present information to stakeholders;

    5. qualitative attributes of information reported using the framework.

    Fig. 1. Components of the sustainability accounting framework.

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    Fig. 2. Comprehensive sustainability accounting framework.

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    The primary objective of the sustainability accounting framework is to measure organi-

    sational performance toward the objective of sustainability. Information measuring perfor-

    mance toward sustainability could serve either the accountability or decision useful objec-

    tives evident in the provision of conventional accounting information (Ijiri, 1983). Criticalto this objective is the chosen definition of sustainability, which determines the depth and

    complexity of the accounting framework. If, as is becoming increasingly common, a three

    dimensional definition of sustainability is adopted, the accounting framework must report

    on organisational performance from an ecological, social and economic perspective.

    The primary objective of the sustainability accounting framework together with the

    chosen definition of sustainability determines the principles which guide the capture and

    reporting of accounting information. These principles are analogous to the principles and

    conventions that underpin financial accounting, suchas the historical cost, going concern and

    conservatism principles, and conventions concerning the accounting period and reporting


    Data management tools used to capture and record sustainability accounting data are

    analogous to the financial accountant’s journals, ledgers and trial balances used to record

    financial data. Measurement techniques include the use of performance indicators and val-

    uation methods used to estimate for example, environmental assets and liabilities.

    Data captured by the sustainability accounting framework would be reported to users in

    the form of both quantitative and qualitative information and must conform to a series of 

    qualitative attributes. These attributes, listed in Fig. 2, are drawn from the GRI’s Sustain-

    ability Reporting Guidelines, and are equivalent to the attributes prescribed for financial

    accounting data in SAC 3 (2002).In the next section, Fig. 1 is expanded into a comprehensive sustainability accounting


    4. Theoretical framework for sustainability accounting

    Fig. 2 depicts a comprehensive sustainability accounting framework and displays some

    of the interconnections between the various components within the framework.

    This framework draws together the five general themes (identified in Section 2.5) ev-

    ident in environmental accounting research and practice, up to and including the releasein 2002 of the GRI Sustainability Accounting Guidelines. Central to the sustainability ac-

    counting framework presented in this paper and the Guidelines, is the use of performance

    indicators to measure the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainabil-

    ity. Given the complexity of measurement across the three dimensions of sustainability,

    multiple units of measurement including narratives of social policy and procedure is en-

    visaged, preferably guided by the supervision of multidisciplinary teams of profession-


    The fifth general theme listed in Section 2.5  acknowledges the influence of traditional

    accounting principles and practice over environmental accounting research. The influence

    of accounting tradition in this paper is evidenced by the application of the five componentsof the traditional financial accounting model depicted in Fig. 1, to form the sustainability

    accounting framework presented in Fig. 2. This structure provides objectives, principles,

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    measurement and reporting methods directed at achieving the extensive list of qualitative

    attributes listed in the Guidelines and discussed in Section 4.5 of this paper.

    In Sections 4.1–4.5 each of the components of  Fig. 2 is discussed in detail.

    4.1. Objectives of framework 

    The primary objective of the sustainability accounting framework is to measure per-

    formance toward sustainability. Central to this is the debate as to whether sustainability

    is a relevant goal at the organisational level, and whether it is measurable at this level.

    The sustainable development concept is widely recognized as a multi-level concept (Starik 

    & Rands, 1995) where levels are highly interdependent. Genuine progress toward global

    sustainability requires action at every level. Rules have been set for achieving sustain-

    ability at the macro level (Daly, 1990) but translation of these rules to the micro level is


    As with conventional accounting information, potential   internal users of sustainability

    accounting information can be distinguished from  external users. Use by external parties

    would aim to discharge the accountability of business organisations for their environmental

    and social impacts to a broad set of external stakeholders. Sustainability accounting infor-

    mation must exhibit the qualitative attributes of transparency and comparability in a relevant

    sustainability context to enable stakeholders to assess the environmental and social impact of 

    the organization. Society requires information which renders the impact of an organisation’s

    operations transparent so its contribution to the goal of sustainability can be assessed. An

    important aspect of sustainability accounts is to establish measurable sustainability targetsto enable stakeholders to assess an organisation’s level of unsustainability.

    The provision of sustainability accounting information to internal users would focus on

    the provision of relevant and decision useful information to management. For example, an

    array of performance indicators and life cycle data compared to relevant sustainability targets

    would assist the internal management of the organization toward the multidimensional

    sustainability objective.

    4.2. Underlying principles

    Major principles that underpin the application of the sustainability accounting frame-work are listed in the second column of  Fig. 2. The chosen definition of sustainability will

    shape the scope and content of an organisation’s sustainability accounting framework. The

    increasingly accepted three dimensional definition expands the sustainability concept to

    include ecological, social and (specifically longer term) economic objectives. Measuring

    performance toward a multidimensional conception of sustainability requires an array of so-

    cial, environmental and economic indicators. The problem of prioritization of the competing

    dimensions of sustainability leads to differing interpretations of sustainability accounting

    information by, for example, business management compared to environmentalists. One

    response to this is to develop integrated performance indicators which attempt to measure

    two or more dimensions of sustainability, such as eco-efficiency indicators.A contentious issue relates to identifying the appropriate entity for which sustainability

    accounts are prepared. Applying the sustainability concept at the micro level by construct-

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    ing sustainability accounts for individual organisations is based on the (possibly mistaken)

    assumption that reported information will lead to organizational change toward sustain-

    ability (Lehman, 1999). Research exploring sustainability accounting at the household,

    community, regional and national levels is necessary to exert sufficient pressure to drive thetransition to sustainability.

    Given the systemic nature of human impact on the natural environment the boundaries of a

    sustainability accounting system need to be clearly defined to limit the scope to a manageable

    exercise. First-level environmental impacts refer to direct impacts on the environment.

    Second-level environmental impacts are impacts caused by suppliers of inputs. Third-level

    impacts are incidental to the provision of inputs. In prior research boundaries have been

    drawn to include first and second level environmental impacts, but to exclude third level

    impacts (Bebbington & Tan, 1997).

    Similarly the period over which organisation performance toward the goal of sustain-

    ability is assessed needs to be defined. Alternatives to the financial accounting conventions

    of (typically) reporting monthly, quarterly and/or annually are reporting continuously by,

    for example, updating websites (maybe many times per day) with latest information, and/or

    reporting over the life cycle of an organisation’s products and services. The use of life cycle

    analysis is considered critical to the sustainability accounting process as it contributes to

    changing the time horizon of decision makers from the short term accounting period to the

    longer term product life cycle (Christiansen, 1997).

    Including social and environmental factors in the sustainability concept necessitates the

    use of an array of measurement units. Monetary units are relevant for assessing economic

    performance, but are not appropriate for assessing social or environmental performance.Attempts to monetarise social and ecological impacts risks seriously misrepresenting and

    understating the significance of these issues relative to economic issues.

    The accounting principle of capital maintenance is applied to sustainability accounting

    in Gray’s suggested sustainable cost and natural capital inventory approaches (Gray, 1993).

    Defining sustainable development in the context of the capital maintenance principle implies

    maintaining stocks of ecological, social and economic capital, and leads to the contentious

    issue of substitutability between categories of stock, and the distinction between weak and

    strong versions of sustainability (Costanza & Daly, 1992).

    The financial accounting concept of materiality is also relevant to the sustainability

    accounting framework. Given the interconnectedness inherent in the natural environment,it is not feasible to capture and report all human caused environmental impacts. Impacts

    need to be prioritised depending on their significance as a potential threat to humankind

    or the natural environment and their relevance to stakeholders. Lesser threats that would

    not influence users could be excluded from sustainability reports based on the principle of 


    The principle of materiality needs to be considered together with the ecologically based

     precautionary principle, whereby action to alleviate environmental impacts is not delayed

    due to scientific uncertainty (Chiras, 1992).   Impacts that may not be precisely measur-

    able, or where the risk is low still may require reporting to users. An example is high-

    magnitude-low-probability risks (Rubenstein, 1994)   which need to be considered giventheir potential to influence users given their potential for ecological, social and economic


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    4.3. Data capture and measurement techniques

    The use of a wide array of indicators to measure performance toward sustainability is

    recommended in the GRI Guidelines. Performance indicators have a relatively short historyof use in management accounting with the development of balanced scorecards which

    identify critical indicators (Kaplan & Norton, 1996) in recognition of the multidimensional

    nature of organizational performance.

    Environmental accounting research has focused considerable attention on the valua-

    tion of environmental assets, liabilities and costs, in an attempt to account for the envi-

    ronment using generally accepted accounting principles. Milne (1991) reviews a range of 

    estimation techniques for facilitating the valuation process. Lehman (1996) warns that valu-

    ing environmental assets is potentially destructive, and suggests sustainability accounting

    is more about providing narratives of the social and environmental impact of corporate


    Life cycle analysis provides an enormous challenge given the complexity and detailed

    measurement of environmental impacts. As an evaluation technique it is inherently impre-

    cise (Ayres, 1995) and simplified, non-quantitative versions which encourage the transition

    to life-cycle thinking may be more cost effective.

    Environmental data can be captured using generalised scientific models to estimate

    emission levels and resource consumption. In cases where resources are purchased

    from suppliers, direct measurement by technical instrumentation is possible. For ex-

    ample water meters record consumption by the consumer at the source, as do elec-

    tricity meters. In many cases sampling method is the only cost effective method of data capture due to the excessive cost of measuring all emissions and natural resources


    The poor quality of data required to calculate environmental performance indica-

    tors and to perform life cycle analysis is well documented (Lee, O’Callaghan, & Allen,

    1995).  Methods and sources used to capture data are broad, varied and potentially un-

    reliable, due to the practice of environmental accounting being at an early stage in its


    Primary records forming part of the sustainable accounting system could include, for

    example, a pollution inventory and a resource consumption inventory. As with subsidiary

    records maintained in conventional accounting systems these inventories are used to recorddata from which the final reports are extracted.

    4.4. Reporting formats

    The fourth component of the sustainability accounting framework depicted in  Fig. 2

    concerns the dissemination of information to users and involves two key questions:

    1. What is the appropriate format of sustainability accounting reports?

    2. How frequently should sustainability accounting information be disseminated to users?

    Examples of reporting formats used to present sustainability accounting information


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    •  Tables of performance indicators which measure actual values of each indicator for a

    specified accounting period (CICA, 1994). Usefulness of information is increased where

    actual values are compared to relevant sustainability targets (Lamberton, 2000).

    •   Inventories of stocks of natural capital segregated into various categories (Jones, 1996).•  Cost estimates of sustainable alternatives to current business practice (Bebbington &

    Gray, 2001).

    •   Input–output analysis (Jasch, 1993).

    •  Life cycle analyses.

    •   Lists of non compliance with relevant legislation incidents (for example, see  WMC,


    •  Narratives of environmental and social impacts.

    These reports could be prepared periodically, or in the case of LCA, as required over the

    useful life of a product or process, and preferably prior to the design decision being taken.Some types of sustainability accounting information could be disseminated using web sites

    as it becomes available, rather than conforming to a fixed reporting schedule. This places

    the onus on users to check web sites regularly for updates.

    4.5. Qualitative attributes

    The fifth component of the sustainability accounting framework identifies qualitative

    attributes of sustainability accounting information which have been drawn from the GRI

    Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a comprehensive list of attributes knitted together intoa cohesive framework. These attributes are referred to as reporting principles; refer Table 2

    which is taken from page 23 of the Guidelines.

    These attributes, drawn predominantly from financial accounting are designed to inform

    users as to how reports have been prepared by the reporting organization (GRI, 2002, p.

    22). The primary attributes specified in the  Guidelines are

    1.   Transparency which requires

    (f)ull disclosure of the processes, procedures, and assumptions in report preparation

    (GRI, 2002, p. 24).

    2.   Inclusiveness which requires(t)he reporting organization [to] systematically engage its stakeholders to help focus and

    continually enhance the quality of its reports (GRI, 2002, p. 24).

    3.   Auditability which requires

    (r)eported data and information [should] be recorded, compiled, analysed, and disclosed

    in a way that would enable internal auditors or external assurance providers to attest to

    its reliability (GRI, 2002, p. 25).

    The remaining eight qualitative attributes are designed to ensure the quality, reliability

    and accessibility of information reported which is relevant to the organizational objective

    of sustainability. As stated in SAC 3 Qualitative Characteristics of Financial Information,sustainability accounting information must possess these qualitative attributes to enable

    preparers of reports to discharge their accountability to users (SAC 3, 2002, p. 23).

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    Table 2

    Reporting principles

    Source: GRI, 2002, p. 23.

    5. Conclusion

    This paper reviews the relatively short history of sustainability accounting theory and

    practice, and draws upon the structure of the financial accounting model to develop a sustain-

    ability accounting framework. The aim of the framework is to provide direction for future

    development of sustainability accounting at both conceptual and applied levels. Whether or

    not it will prove beneficial to apply the structure of the traditional financial accounting model

    to the sustainability accounting framework is unknown. Ideally sustainability accounting

    practice should benefit from the history of financial and management accounting, although

    such an approach may stifle creative development and reinforce existing (environmental)

    problems and their (accounting) causes.The sustainability accounting framework depicted in Fig. 2 presents an enormous chal-

    lenge to business. The breadth of reporting to include aspects of environmental, social

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    and economic performance which conform to the stringent qualitative standards set in

    the GRI  Guidelines requires a large commitment of resources to achieve widespread ap-

    plication. Given that the desired outcome from the dissemination of sustainability ac-

    counting information is   radical  change to sustainable business practice; it is unrealis-tic to expect business to voluntarily commit the resources required for full implemen-

    tation. Furthermore, humankind has too much to lose if this transition does not take


    This paper views the development of sustainability accounting through the lens of the

    traditional financial accounting model. What this reveals is that sustainability accounting as

    theorised and practiced exhibits some of the attributes of the traditional financial accounting

    model but much work is required for sustainability accounting practice to achieve the rigor

    and integrity defined by the list of qualitative attributes.

    One option for financing the implementation of sustainability reporting would be to

    use environmental taxes to both raise revenue and to discourage negative environmental

    impacts. Once the sustainability accounting system is established tax rates could be linked

    to (sustainability) performance outcomes to encourage the transition to sustainability at

    the organizational level. Environmental taxes are a common policy option within green

    political parties, and have been established as policy during the 1990s in Europe (Ekins,


    A critical assumption of this research is that corporate impacts on the environment can

    be changed by the provision of relevant information to stakeholders. Linking sustainability

    performance to rates of tax incurred at the corporate level should increase the likelihood

    of corporate management responding to the information produced. The expectation thatbusiness organisations pass environmental taxes on to consumers would partially offset

    the widespread underpricing of economic goods and services from the failure to include

    environmental and social costs in market prices.

    The formation of independent transdisciplinary sustainability teams to prepare and au-

    dit sustainability accounts would add credibility to the process. Accountants will need

    to broaden their knowledge and establish a common dialogue to facilitate discourse with

    social and ecological professionals. A more cost effective alternative to the regular and

    continuous preparation of sustainability accounting information could be to prepare sus-

    tainability reports (say) every 3 years, using data the company is required to collect

    annually.The future direction of sustainability accounting research must continue to display the

    essential quality of diversity. Attempts to increase the coverage, depth and quality of sus-

    tainability accounting information need to be complimented by research which draws on

    knowledge from outside conventional accounting and business. An interesting example is

    provided by the joint project between GPI Atlantic and the Centre for Bhutan Studies, who

    report work in progress toward the measurement of human, social and natural capital in-

    cluding environmental quality, health, security, equity, education and free time (Coleman,

    2004, p. 5). This project draws on the Buddhist foundation and commitment of the Bhutan

    Government to achieve genuine progress toward operationalising the objective of   Gross

     National Happiness. Innovative projects drawing, where appropriate on alternative cul-tural perspective are needed to inform an accounting that is capable of making a genuine

    contribution to sustainability.

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