sunshine coast admin

Balanced Literacy Sunshine Coast Administrators January 9, 2013

Post on 13-Sep-2014




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Balanced Literacy

Sunshine  Coast  Administrators  

January  9,  2013  

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Putting the Big Literacy Ideas to Work in Primary Classrooms

Kamloops  Tuesday,  October  30th,  2012  Tuesday,  November  27th,  2012  

Faye  Brownlie  

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“Every  Child,  Every  Day”  –  Richard  Allington  and  Rachael  Gabriel  

In  EducaOonal  Leadership,  March  2012  

6  elements  of  instrucOon  for  ALL  students!  

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1.    Every  child  reads  something  he  or  she  chooses.  

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2.  Every  child  reads  accurately.  

-­‐intensity  and  volume  count!  

-­‐98%  accuracy  

-­‐less  than  90%  accuracy,  doesn’t  improve  reading  at  all  

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3.  Every  child  reads  something  he  or  she  understands.      -­‐at  least  2/3  of  Ome  spent  reading  and  rereading  NOT  doing  isolated  skill  pracOce  or  worksheets      -­‐build  background  knowledge  before  entering  the  text      -­‐read  with  quesOons  in  mind        

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4.  Every  child  writes  about  something  personally  meaningful.    -­‐connected  to  text    -­‐connected  to  themselves    -­‐real  purpose,  real  audience  

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K/Grade  1  WriOng  Commons  &  Jakovac  

Samples  from  June  7th,  2012  

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5.    Every  child  talks  with  peers  about  reading  and  wriOng.  

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6.  Every  child  listens  to  a  fluent  adult  read  aloud.  

   -­‐different  kinds  of  text  

   -­‐with  some  commentary  

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The teeter totter


learners curriculum

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How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better –

McKinsey, 2010 Three  changes  collaboraOve  pracOce  brought  about:  1.  Teachers  moved  from  being  private  emperors  to  

making  their  pracOce  public  and  the  enOre  teaching  populaOon  sharing  responsibility  for  student  learning.  

2.  Focus  shieed  from  what  teachers  teach  to  what  students  learn.  

3.  Systems  developed  a  model  of  ‘good  instrucOon’  and  teachers  became  custodians  of  the  model.  (p.  79-­‐81)  

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Why Inclusion: BC Principles of Learning

•  Learning  requires  the  acOve  parOcipaOon  of  the  learner  

•   People  learning  in  a  variety  of  ways  and  at  different  rates    

•  Learning  is  both  an  individual  and  a  group  process    

•  BC  Ministry    of    EducaOon  at  the  beginning  of  every  IRP  (since  1994)  

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Professional Collaboration •  InteracOve  and  on-­‐going  process  •  Mutually  agreed  upon  challenges  

•  Capitalizes  on  different  experOse,  knowledge  and  experience  

•  Roles  are  blurred  •  Mutual  trust  and  respect  

•  Create  and  deliver  targeted  instrucOon  •  GOAL:    beker  meet  the  needs  of  diverse  learners  

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Collaboration… •  Takes  Ome  

•  Needs  a  framework  

•  In-­‐class  collaboraOon  without  preplanning  runs  the  risk  of  teachers  funcOoning  as  highly  paid  educaOon  assistants    

•  CollaboraOon  without  preplanning  can  place  focus  of  support  on  learning  acOviOes  (what  is  easily  observable  when  entering  a  classroom)  rather  than  learning  outcomes  and  evidence  of  thinking  and  learning    

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No plan, no point

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to  support  students  in  working  effecOvely  in  the  classroom  environment  

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By  sharing  our  collecOve  knowledge  about  our  classes  of  students  and  developing  a  plan  of  acOon  based  on  this,  we  can  beker  meet  the  needs  of  all  students.  

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A Key Belief

IntervenOon  is  focused  on  classroom  support.