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Piman~epickopoc n~remn~,ymi ` n~or;odoxoc ` n~te ni;ws ethwtp etcaryc The Coptic Orthodox Diocese Of the Southern USA Sunday School Curriculum Pre-Kindergarten

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  • Piman~epickopoc n~remn~,ymi


    ǹ~te ni;ws ethwtp etcaryc

    The Coptic Orthodox


    Of the Southern USA

    Sunday School Curriculum


  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool


    FILLER LESSONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 1

    1 - JESUS MEETS ZACCHAEUS ....................................................................................................................................................2 2 - THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN ......................................................................................................................................................3 3 - BREAD AND FISH MIRACLE ...................................................................................................................................................4 4 - BREAD FROM HEAVEN, WATER FROM A ROCK .........................................................................................................................5 5 - DAVID THE SHEPHERD BOY ..................................................................................................................................................6 6 - THE TWELVE SPECIAL FRIENDS ..............................................................................................................................................7 7 - SAINT PISHOY ....................................................................................................................................................................8

    LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER .................................................................................................................... 9

    WEEK 2 - WHO ARE THE SAINTS? ............................................................................................................................................10 WEEK 3 - FINDING THE CROSS .................................................................................................................................................11 WEEK 4 - JESUS HELPS THE FISHERMEN ....................................................................................................................................12

    LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER....................................................................................................................... 13

    WEEK 1 - THE CREATION ........................................................................................................................................................14 WEEK 2 - NOAH’S ARK ..........................................................................................................................................................15 WEEK 3 - THE LORD VISITS ABRAHAM ......................................................................................................................................16 WEEK 4 - JACOB’S DREAM .....................................................................................................................................................17

    LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER ................................................................................................................... 18

    WEEK 1 - ELIJAH AND THE WIDOW ..........................................................................................................................................19 WEEK 2 - NICE WOMAN BUILDS A ROOM FOR ELISHA .................................................................................................................20 WEEK 3 - JESUS CALMS THE STORM .........................................................................................................................................21 WEEK 4 - JESUS HEALS THE TEN LEPERS ....................................................................................................................................22

    LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER .................................................................................................................... 23

    WEEK 1 - DANIEL IN THE LIONS’ DEN ........................................................................................................................................24 WEEK 2 - ST. MARY AND ARCHANGEL GABRIEL ..........................................................................................................................25 WEEK 3 - BABY JESUS IN THE MANGER .....................................................................................................................................26 WEEK 4 - SHEPHERDS VISIT BABY JESUS ....................................................................................................................................27

    LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY ....................................................................................................................... 28

    WEEK 1 - THE WISE MEN VISIT BABY JESUS ..............................................................................................................................29 WEEK 2 - JESUS OBEYS HIS PARENTS ........................................................................................................................................30 WEEK 3 - THE BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST ...............................................................................................................................31 WEEK 4 - JESUS IS BAPTIZED ...................................................................................................................................................32

    LESSONS FOR JONAH’S FAST ......................................................................................................................................... 33

    WEEK 0 - A DONKEY THAT SPEAKS ...........................................................................................................................................34 WEEK 1 - JONAH AND THE WHALE ...........................................................................................................................................35

    LESSONS FOR THE GREAT FAST PERIOD ........................................................................................................................ 36

    WEEK 0 - THE WOMEN WITH THE TWO COINS ...........................................................................................................................37 WEEK 1 - GOD CARES FOR US MORE .......................................................................................................................................38 WEEK 2 - THE LOST SHEEP .....................................................................................................................................................39 WEEK 3 - THE PARALYTIC AT THE POOL .....................................................................................................................................40 WEEK 4 - THE MAN BORN BLIND ............................................................................................................................................41 WEEK 5 - THE LAST SUPPER ....................................................................................................................................................42 WEEK 6 - JESUS ENTERS JERUSALEM .........................................................................................................................................43

    LESSONS FOR THE PENTECOST PERIOD ......................................................................................................................... 44

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool


    WEEK 1 - JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN! ............................................................................................................................................45 WEEK 2 - JESUS APPEARS TO HIS FRIENDS .................................................................................................................................46 WEEK 3 - FISH FOR BREAKFAST................................................................................................................................................47 WEEK 4 - JESUS LOVES THE CHILDREN .......................................................................................................................................48 WEEK 5 - JESUS VISITS MARY AND MARTHA ..............................................................................................................................49 WEEK 6 - JESUS GOES UP TO HEAVEN ......................................................................................................................................50 WEEK 7 - THE HOLY SPIRIT ON PENTECOST DAY .........................................................................................................................51

    LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY .............................................................................................................................. 52

    WEEK 2 - THE FIRST MIRACLE BY ST. PETER ...............................................................................................................................53 WEEK 3 - HANNAH’S PRAYER ..................................................................................................................................................54 WEEK 4 - GOD CALLS SLEEPY SAMUEL ......................................................................................................................................55

    LESSONS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST ........................................................................................................................ 56

    WEEK 1 - FOUR FRIENDS HELP A PARALYTIC ..............................................................................................................................57 WEEK 2 - JESUS INVITED TO A WEDDING ...................................................................................................................................58 WEEK 3 - SAINT MARY THE BEAUTIFUL DOVE ............................................................................................................................59 WEEK 4 - JESUS HEALS BLIND BARTIMAEUS ...............................................................................................................................60

    LESSON OF THE FIRST WEEK OF SEPTEMBER ................................................................................................................. 61

    WEEK 1 - JESUS HEALS WOMAN WITH A BENT BACK ...................................................................................................................62

    REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED RESOURCES .................................................................................................................. 63

    PICTURE BIBLES: ...................................................................................................................................................................63 DVD OPTIONS: ....................................................................................................................................................................63 WEBSITES:...........................................................................................................................................................................63

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    Filler Lessons 1


    These lessons are to be used for the fifth Sunday of a month and to fill the empty weeks due to the

    changing date of the Resurrection Feast.

    1 – Jesus Meets Zacchaeus

    2 – The Angels in Heaven

    3 – Bread and Fish Miracle

    4 – Bread from Heaven, Water from a Rock

    5 – David the Shepherd Boy

    6 – The Twelve Special Friends

    7 – Saint Pishoy

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    2 Filler Lessons

    1 - Jesus Meets Zacchaeus


    Learn that our Lord always knows where we are and He wants to be with us.

    Memory Verse:

    “ I must stay at your house.” Luke19:5


    Luke 19:1-10


    If you’re in your room by yourself and no one is there, who can still see you? God always sees us. He

    knows everything about us. He knows our name without us having to tell Him. He even knows what

    we are thinking before we say it.

    Lesson Outline:

    There was once a short man named Zacchaeus who heard some exciting news that Jesus was in town.

    When Jesus came, Zacchaeus tried hard to see Him, but could not because he was too short and many

    tall people were standing around Jesus. "I know what to do," he said. He ran and climbed up on a tree

    to see Jesus when He passed by. Jesus stopped right under that tree and looked up at Zacchaeus and

    said, "Zacchaeus, hurry and come down for today I must stay at your house." Zacchaeus came down

    and was very happy. He was surprised that Jesus knew his name, and where he was. He brought Jesus

    to his house and told Jesus, "I want to do what is right; I'll give back all the money I took which I was

    not supposed to take, and I'll give half of my stuff to the poor." Jesus was happy to hear that from

    Zacchaeus, and Zacchaeus became a very good man.


    Our Lord Jesus Christ knew that Zacchaeus wanted so much to see Him, so He called him down from

    the tree. Jesus knows all what we want, too, and He will give us what is good for us. He knows all that

    is in our hearts.


    Give the children a coloring page related to this story; or make a craft of a tree and glue a drawing of

    Zacchaeus on it. Bring CD of the Christian Song:

    “Zacchaeus was a very little man, and a very little man was he.

    He climbed up in a sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see.

    And as the Savior passed him by, He looked up in the tree,

    And he said, "Zacchaeus, you come down from there;

    For I'm going to your house today, for I'm going to your house today"

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    Filler Lessons 3

    2 - The Angels in Heaven


    Learn about what angels do.

    Memory Verse:

    “Praise Him, all His angels” Psalms 148:2 (NKJV)


    “Heaven” by the Late Bishop Youanis


    Ask the children how they think angels look? They have wings…..they are bright…..most of the time,

    they are wearing white. Show them some pictures. Ask the children if they know where angels live?

    How many angels live in heaven? Is there a few of them, or a lot of them?

    Lesson Outline:

    There are so many angels in heaven, we cannot even count them. God created angels in heaven to praise

    Him and also to help us. Sometimes God sends His angels with special messages to His people; like

    the Angel who told St. Mary that she will be the mother of Baby Jesus.

    Some angels are special, because they are in charge of other angels.; they are called Archangels. There

    are Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and others. There are also many guardian angels. God has

    given each of His children a guardian angel to watch over him or her. Angels protect us from bad things

    that can happen to us. We do not see our guardian angel, but this angel is next to us all the time, whether

    we are playing, sleeping, or running. The guardian angel’s job is to keep us safe.

    Angels are always praising God in heaven by singing beautiful hymns. Angels are beautiful, calm, and



    We do not need to be afraid or scared at any time, because we know that God gave us each a guardian

    angel to be with us and keep us safe. If we do what God wants us to do and be calm and kind, we can

    be lovely like angels.


    Make crafts of angels using half paper plates made like a cone, a drawn head, and decorative paper as

    wings.Bring a white tunic, wings, and hallow. Let the children take turns dressing up like angels. Show

    the children different pictures of angels, e.g., the picture of the guardian angel, the Annunciation…etc.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    4 Filler Lessons

    3 - Bread and Fish Miracle


    God loves us and provides for our needs before we ask.

    Memory Verse:

    “I am the bread of life” John 6:35


    John 6:1-14


    Who loves us the most,, dad, sister, ...? Who loves us the most of all? It is our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Because He loves us the most, He always makes sure that we have what we need even before we ask.

    Lesson Outline:

    One day a big crowd of people followed Jesus, thousands and thousands of people, to a place far away

    from their homes. Jesus was very nice to all, He listened to everyone, healed the sick, helped the weak,

    and everyone was happy to be near Him.

    After a while, it was time to eat. Jesus did not want the people to leave hungry since they had a long

    way to get home. So, Jesus asked His friends to get food for the people. But, no one had any food except

    a boy who had five loaves of bread and two fish. Do you think this is enough to feed everyone? Of

    course not, but with Jesus, yes! Jesus took the food and prayed and then asked His friends to give

    everyone to eat… and guess what happened… everyone ate and there were twelve baskets of leftovers.

    With Jesus, everything is possible, He can take the little that we have and make it enough for everyone

    and more… We love Jesus our Lord.


    Jesus can do anything for us and cares for all our needs.

    Don’t forget to pray before you eat for God to bless our food.


    Make a craft with a foam plate and stick on it fish and bread cut out of construction paper.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    Filler Lessons 5

    4 - Bread from Heaven, Water from a Rock


    God always helps us and provides for all our needs.

    Memory Verse:

    "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid” Hebrews 13:6


    Exodus 16:1-18, Numbers 20:1-13


    Review the previous lesson. Ask the children: If we need something, who should we ask?

    Who takes care of all our needs?

    Lesson Outline:

    A long time ago, the people who loved God were living in Egypt, and had to do some very hard work

    for the king. God told His people that He will give them a new land in which to live and it will be much

    better for them; it was Moses who will lead them to this land. The people had to travel for a very, very,

    very long time, for days, and for weeks. It took them 40 years of travelling to arrive at the new land.

    All their food was finished in the first few days. They started to worry and to tell Moses that they had

    no more food…, but God did not leave them hungry. God told Moses that He will rain bread from

    heaven for them.

    The next morning they woke up, and yes…this is what they saw…., little white puffs falling from the

    sky. They started getting baskets and collecting them and they made them into bread. No one had ever

    seen anything like that before. They were so happy and amazed. They called this bread “manna.” Manna

    tasted sweet like it had honey in it. Since that day God gave all these people manna from heaven every

    day during their journey. When they become thirsty, they told Moses. Moses prayed and God made

    water come out of a rock for them and they all drank as much as they wanted. God gave them all that

    they needed all the time on their trip. He was their helper and did not want them to be afraid of anything

    because He was always with them.


    God always helps us and takes care of our needs. We should never be afraid or worried, because we

    know that God is our Father. He loves us, keeps us safe, and gives us all what we need. We must

    remember to always thank God for everything.


    Use a coloring page of the story and a picture Bible. Use the Christian Song: God is my Helper. I shall

    not be afraid. From the DVD “My Every Day Bible Story Collection—Moses”

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    6 Filler Lessons

    5 - David the Shepherd Boy


    Learn to always pray and praise God.

    Memory Verse:

    “I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart.” Psalm 9:1 (NKJV)


    1 Samuel 16


    Who likes to sing here in Sunday school? What we sing here are hymns or songs that are about God.

    We are praising God when we sing joyfully and thankfully to Him. We will learn about a boy who

    loved to praise God.

    Lesson Outline:

    There was once a nice boy named David who loved God. David’s father was Jesse and David had many

    brothers. David was a shepherd boy, which means he was the one who had the job of taking care of the

    sheep. He did a good job taking care of them. He led them to some green grass to eat and to some

    brooks of water when the sheep were thirsty. God always helped David, so David was able to fight any

    big animal that came so that it would not hurt his sheep. David always trusted in God and was not afraid

    of anything, because he knew that God will always keep him safe. With God’s help, David and the

    sheep were always safe and happy. While David watched the sheep, he always liked to pray and sing

    praises to God. David had a harp which he liked to play his music while he praised God. These prayers

    that David sang to God are called Psalms. David prayed saying, “I will praise You, O Lord, with my

    whole heart.”God saw how David loved Him and that David had a good heart and was very brave. So,

    God chose David to become a king. God sent Samuel the prophet of God to Jesse to tell him that one

    of his sons was going to be king. Jesse thought it was going to be one of David’s brothers, because they

    were older, but God told Samuel that He wants David to be the king, because God looked at his good



    It is wonderful to always pray and praise God just like David. God loves us and wants to hear our voices

    when we talk to Him in prayer and when we sing to Him. We love God too and should always talk to

    Him. Who has seen the prayer book called the Book of the Hours (the Agpeya) that is used in Church?

    (Show an Agpeya) The Agpeya has a lot of the Psalms that David wrote and now we all use these

    prayers too. Soon, when you learn how to read, you can use the Agpeya, too.


    Show a picture of David as a shepherd playing on the harp. Make a craft of a harp using cut out

    construction paper or felt and write the verse on it.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    Filler Lessons 7

    6 - The Twelve Special Friends


    Learn what it means to be a disciple.

    Memory Verse:

    “…all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35


    Matthew 10


    Who has friends? How many friends do you have? Let every child say a name of one of his/her friends.

    Prepare a picture of twelve men to count, which represent the twelve disciples. Ask the children to

    count to twelve.

    Lesson Outline:

    When Jesus Christ started to teach people about God, He wanted special friends that can help Him in

    this work. Just like you all have friends, it was the same with Jesus. He wanted His friends to go

    everywhere with Him and to learn from Him. He had twelve special friends. They were called disciples.

    One day, Jesus was standing on the side of a lake and was watching the fishermen cleaning their nets.

    He called Peter and Andrew and said: “Come with me.” They immediately left their boat and nets and

    went after Jesus. He also called James and John and they did the same. So, Jesus called Peter, Andrew,

    John, and James (Let the children repeat the names after you). Then Jesus saw Matthew who was

    collecting money. Jesus went to have dinner with him and Matthew left all his money and followed

    Jesus. So, how many friends does Jesus have now? Yes, they are five now: Peter, Andrew, John, James,

    and Matthew. He also chose more friends until He had 12 friends. Jesus chose them to follow Him, to

    learn from Him, and to help Him teach everyone the word of God.

    What are the friends of Jesus called? (Disciples); Do we remember some of their names?


    Our Lord Jesus called all of us who love Him, His friends, and His disciples. He said: “By this all will

    know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” Like His twelve special friends (His

    disciples), we too, should always follow Jesus (by doing what He tells us in the Bible), and be good

    friends with Him (by always praying and talking to Him). We must obey Him, learn from Him, and do

    the work He asks us to do. Most importantly, we must love everyone around us because this is what

    Jesus wants the most from us. Like this, we could be the disciples of Jesus.


    Use a picture Bible. Show the children the twelve disciples and let them count with you the 12 men.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    8 Filler Lessons

    7 - Saint Pishoy


    Learn from the saints the love of God and ask for their prayers.

    Memory Verse:

    “'Love the Lord your God with all your heart” Matthew 22:37


    Coptic Synexarium


    Ask the children if they love God. Then ask them what they do when they love God. Read the Bible,

    pray, obey God, obey mom and dad, and love one other.

    Lesson Outline:

    Today our story is about a little boy whose name is Pishoy. Pishoy lived in a big family with many

    brothers and sisters. One day when his mom was sleeping, an angel appeared to her and told her that

    Pishoy will serve God.

    When Pishoy became a young man, he went to live in a place called a monastery; it is like a church,

    where he wanted to spend his time alone with God, to read the Bible and pray. Pishoy used to pray in

    the morning when he woke up and before he ate. He also prayed in the afternoon, before he started

    doing his work, and also before he slept. He used to pray a lot and read the Bible a lot and above all,

    he loved and helped everyone.

    One day, Pishoy was walking to church and it was really hot. He met an old man who had a hard time

    walking. The old man looked very tired. Because Pishoy loved everyone, he went quickly to help the

    old man. When he found out that the old man cannot walk, he carried the old man on his shoulders.

    After a while, he found a big surprise…. the old man was Jesus….. St. Pishoy was very happy to see

    Jesus and to carry him on his shoulders. Jesus appeared to St. Pishoy another time also, where St. Pishoy

    washed Jesus’ feet (like we see in the well-known picture of St. Pishoy)


    Jesus will be very happy with us when we love each other as He was very happy with St. Pishoy because

    he loved everyone.


    Give the children a picture of St. Pishoy to take home. Let the children make a frame around it using

    felt or popsicle sticks. Alternatively, give them a coloring page of St. Pishoy.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    September 9


    (Starting with the Coptic New Year)

    Week 2 – Who are the Saints?

    Week 3 – Finding the Cross

    Week 4 – Jesus Helps the Fishermen

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    10 September

    Week 2 - Who Are the Saints?


    Learn that Saints are close to Jesus in heaven and they pray for us.

    Memory Verse:

    “Let the saints be joyful” Psalms 149:5 (NKJV)


    Coptic Synexarium


    Bring a big picture of St. George and/or any church saint to show the children. Tell the children that

    we are celebrating El-Nayrouz feast and practice saying it. El-Nayrouz is the time we remember all the


    Lesson Outline:

    Saints are people who loved Jesus so much more than anything else. They were willing to give up

    everything for Him. St. George, for example, loved Jesus so much, he would in no way give up being

    a Christian (being a Christian means believing in and loving Jesus). When St. George went to Paradise,

    God gave him seven crowns because he was so brave. St. George and all the other saints are very close

    to Jesus and are very happy in Paradise singing with the angels. They like to pray for us. Our Church

    here is called _________ church, because we love this saint and we ask him/her to pray for our church.

    When we pray at night and in the morning, we can say at the end of our prayers: “Please St. Mary, St.

    George, and St. Mina pray for us” (or any other saints that you know).

    What did we celebrate yesterday?

    Who did the saints love more than anything else?

    What is the name of our church?

    How many crowns did St. George receive in Paradise?

    What do the saints like to do for us?

    Where are these saints now?


    God loves us so much and He wants us to be like these saints that we see in the pictures. We can also

    ask the saints to teach us to love Jesus like they loved Him. Saints can be our friends. We can pick one

    or more, and we can always talk with them and ask them to help us. Show the children some of the

    saints’ pictures and teach them their names.


    Give every child a picture of the saint of the church. Give a coloring page of St. George or any other

    church saint.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    September 11

    Week 3 - Finding the Cross


    Learn that the sign of the cross will keep us safe.

    Memory Verse:

    “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19


    Coptic Synexarium, Tute 17


    Show a picture of Jesus on the cross or show a wooden cross. Ask, who has a cross in their room? Who

    knows how to make the sign of the cross? Teach the children to make the sign of the cross correctly.

    Also, teach them the words, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen.”

    Lesson Outline:

    There was once a queen named Helena who loved the Lord Jesus very much. She had a son named

    Constantine. One time as King Constantine was traveling, he saw a big cross appear in the sky. Jesus

    let him see the cross to let the king know that God will bring him to safety. Queen Helena loved the

    cross so much and wanted to find the cross upon which our Lord Jesus was crucified. She went to

    Jerusalem with lots of helpers and looked everywhere. Finally, an old man told her where she can find

    the cross. He told her that it was buried under the big hill of dirt that people made a long time ago to

    hide the cross. Queen Helena asked the helpers to start digging to bring the hill down. They worked

    very hard until they finally reached the cross of Jesus at the bottom. When they found it, they were

    very happy and miracles happened by the Holy Cross. Then Queen Helena prepared the place where

    they found the cross and she had a church built there in that place. They put the cross of Jesus in that



    We love the cross of our Lord Jesus because it reminds us that He loves us a lot. The cross keeps us

    safe. If we are ever afraid, we must make the sign of the cross. We should also make the sign of the

    cross before anything (sleeping, eating, going outside, riding in the car, etc.)


    Make some arts and crafts of foam cross or use popsicle sticks on colored paper. Make a cross for each

    child to hang in their room.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    12 September

    Week 4 - Jesus Helps the Fishermen


    Learn about the power and love of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

    Memory Verse:

    “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” Matthew 4:19


    Luke 5:1-11


    Ask the children if they ever went fishing. How long did it take to catch just one fish? Did you ever see

    a boat with fishermen? Did you know that the best time to catch a lot of fish is at night?

    Lesson Outline:

    There were a lot of people around Jesus near the lake. They all wanted to hear the word of God. Jesus

    saw two boats by the lake and the fishermen were washing their nets because they could not find any

    fish. Jesus got into one of the boats, which belonged to Simon Peter, and He sat down in it and was

    teaching the people. When He finished speaking to the people, He told Simon to go out into the deep

    and let the nets down to catch some fish. Simon said: “Master, we have been trying all night to catch

    some fish and we could not catch any, but I will throw my nets again into the water because you said

    it.” When they threw their nets into the sea, right away a lot of fish got in the net. The net was so full

    that it was breaking. They had to ask their friends to come and help them because there was so much

    fish. Simon Peter saw how powerful Jesus is and that He can do anything. Simon Peter and the other

    fishermen (Andrew, James, and John) left everything (even all this fish that they caught) and followed

    Jesus all the time.

    What were the fishermen doing all night?

    Did they catch any fish all night?

    What did Jesus ask Simon Peter to do after He finished teaching?

    Did Simon Peter obey what Jesus told him?

    How much fish did they catch?

    What did they do after they finished fishing?

    Who can help us when we have something hard to do?


    Remember, Jesus can help us with anything. He can do everything. He loves us and always wants us

    to follow Him.


    Make fish of colored paper, decorate them, and put them in a net. Children’s Bible pictures can be used

    to tell the story. Bible song: “I will make you fishers of men” (bring CD to class)

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    October 13


    Week 1 – The Creation

    Week 2 – Noah’s Ark

    Week 3 – The Lord visits Abraham

    Week 4 – Jacob’s Dream

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    14 October

    Week 1 - The Creation


    Learn that God made us and everything around us.

    Memory Verse:

    “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis 1:1


    Genesis 1


    Ask the children if they like to play outdoors. What do you like to do outside? Do you like seeing the

    trees, flowers, the sky, and the fields? Have you ever been to the beach and seen the big ocean? Show

    the children some pictures of the ocean and other nature scenes.

    Lesson Outline:

    Tell the children to close their eyes for a moment. Now it is all dark. Tell them to cover their ears. Now

    it is all quiet. A long time ago, before the world began, everything was quiet and dark… no people, no

    birds, and no animals. Then God spoke: “Let there be light… let there be day… let there be a sun to

    shine,” and the light came. How good the light was! God kept the dark for nighttime. He made the

    moon and stars to shine in the dark. That was good too. Then God said: “Let there be sky… land…

    sea,” and so it was. But, the world was still empty and quiet. Then, God made plants and trees, so, we

    can have very nice fruits and vegetables to eat and flowers to smell. Then, God made the fish to swim

    in the waters and the birds to fly in the sky. It was not quiet any more. The dog was saying: “woof-

    woof,” the cat was saying, “meow-meow,” the mouse was saying, “squeak-squeak,” and the cow was

    saying, “moo-moo,” etc. Although it became very noisy, God was happy with all that He made and He

    thought indeed that everything was good. At the end, God found that everything is good, but one thing

    was missing…Guess what that was? People! Yes, God created a man and his name was Adam and a

    woman whose name was Eve. Adam and Eve loved each other and God loved them and always helped

    them in everything. Who created everything? What was the last thing God created? Did God love and

    help Adam and Eve?


    God created everything around us and He created us. God did all this for one reason: He loves us very

    much. He wants us to have beautiful things around us. When we see the beautiful sky, birds, grass, or

    our wonderful parents and friends, we must remember that it was God who made them all and we

    should thank Him for everything.


    A felt board can be used to display the Creation. As the story is being told, add the items created on

    that day on the board. Give the children a coloring page of the Creation.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    October 15

    Week 2 - Noah’s Ark


    Learn that God keeps His children safe.

    Memory Verse:

    “I set My rainbow in the cloud” Genesis 9:13


    Genesis 6-9


    Did you ever go to the zoo? Who can name some of the animals you’ve seen at the zoo? Today, we

    will hear a story about someone who had to take care of a lot of animals when there was a lot of rain.

    Lesson Outline:

    Noah was building a boat, an enormous boat ….Bang…Bang….Bang… went the hammer. The boat

    was big enough for all his family and two of every kind of animals and birds. The people in the world

    forgot about God, and they were doing bad things all the time. Noah was the only good man and was a

    friend of God. So, one day, God told Noah that He was going to send rain…rain…and more rain on the

    earth for 40 days and nights. God told Noah to build a big boat (The Ark) so it would swim on top of

    the water. He also told him to take two of every kind of animal and lots of food in the ark. Noah listened

    to God as he always did and built the big ark.

    Two of every kind of animals and birds came to Noah in the ark. The animals were so

    excited…Quack...Quack...said the duck, Moo…Moo...said the cow, …hurry…hurry… said the geese,

    and baa…baa… said the sheep (the servant should bring pictures or toy animals and act as they are

    entering the ark). Noah also brought all his family into the ark (his wife, his three sons and their three

    wives - a total of eight people). After they all entered the ark, God closed its door (Gen.7:16). The sky

    started to rain heavily. When the waters started to cover the whole earth, Noah’s ark started to float and

    swim on top of the waters. Noah, his family, and two of every kind of animal and bird were saved.

    Noah sent a dove 3 times to find out if the water had dried up. When Noah and his family and the

    animals came out, God showed them a big beautiful rainbow in the sky as a promise that this kind of

    flood will never happen again. God said to Noah: “I set My rainbow in the cloud” as a promise.


    God keeps His children safe. It is important to obey what God tells us, just like Noah did. It is important

    to obey our parents because they can tell us what is good for us and teach us what God wants us to do.


    A toy ark and animals can be used as a visual aid along with a picture Bible and a coloring page.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    16 October

    Week 3 - The Lord visits Abraham


    Learn to welcome our visitors and learn that nothing is impossible for God.

    Memory Verse:

    “God has made me laugh” Genesis 21:6


    Genesis 18:1-15; Genesis 21:1-7


    Have you ever had visitors come to your house? Were you happy? Do you like to have your friends

    come and play with you at your house?

    Lesson Outline:

    Abraham and Sarah loved God very much. They were very old in age and had no children. They always

    wanted a child, but, now they were too old. On one hot day, Abraham was sitting outdoors under a tree.

    He saw three men coming near. He was very happy he had visitors. He welcomed them and invited

    them to stay for dinner. He ran and told Sarah to get things ready. They made them the best dinner and

    were very nice to their visitors. While they were eating, they told Abraham something surprising,

    “Sarah will have a baby next year.” These visitors were the Lord Himself with two angels. At first,

    Sarah could not believe the news and laughed, but they said to her: “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

    God kept His promise and Sarah had a baby boy. They named him Isaac and Sarah was very happy

    with a big smile on her face. She said out of joy “God has made me laugh.” (Gen. 21:6)

    In this story, what are the names of the two old people who loved God?

    How many men did Abraham see when he was sitting outside?

    Who were the visitors?

    What was the name of Abraham’s and Sarah’s baby?


    We should always be happy when visitors come to our house, just like Abraham and Sarah. When

    visitors come to our home, we should share our toys, play with them, and be very friendly. We have to

    make sure our guests are happy at our house. Jesus will be very pleased when we do that and we will

    receive a blessing as if Jesus Himself visited us. We should also remember that God can do anything

    for us. Nothing is hard for Him, but He gives us what we need at the right time because He loves us.


    Tell the story while using a picture Bible. Give the children a coloring page after the lesson.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    October 17

    Week 4 - Jacob’s Dream


    Learn that God has angels to help us.

    Memory Verse:

    “I am with you and will keep you” Genesis 28:15


    Genesis 28:10-21


    How do Angels look? They are white and bright and beautiful (dress up as an angel in class and have

    the children take turns dressing up). What is a ladder? It has steps to go up and down. Today our story

    is about a special ladder and lots of angels.

    Lesson Outline:

    There was a man who loved God very much. His name was Jacob. Jacob’s mom told him to go to his

    uncle because his brother was mad at him and Jacob was afraid. He walked and walked all day until

    the sun went down. Then he decided to get some sleep. He placed a stone under his head as a pillow

    and fell asleep. God sent him a nice dream to comfort him. He saw a ladder reaching from earth to

    heaven and lots of angels going up and down the ladder. At the top of the ladder, God appeared to

    Jacob. God blessed Jacob and promised to give him many children. God also told him that He will be

    with him always, wherever he goes. Jacob was surprised, and when he woke up, he said, “God is in this

    place.” Jacob was very happy with this dream and remembered that God was with him.


    Angels can help us and support us wherever we go. Angels are beautiful and they do whatever God

    tells them to do. God gives everyone of us a guardian angel that is with us all the time and never leaves

    us. Even when we are sleeping at night, the guardian angel is still there to keep us safe. We must

    remember to pray before we sleep. We can ask God to give us nice dreams and for the angels to protect



    Story can be told along with a picture Bible and a coloring page. Have the children take turns dressing

    up as angels. Alternatively, make arts and crafts of an angel.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    18 November


    Week 1 – Elijah and the Widow

    Week 2 – A Nice Woman Builds a Room for Elijah

    Week 3 – Jesus Calms the Storm

    Week 4 – Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    November 19

    Week 1 - Elijah and the Widow


    Learn about sharing and about God’s blessings.

    Memory Verse:

    “God loves a cheerful giver” 2 Corinthians 9:7


    1 Kings 17:8-16


    Who gives us everything that we have, our food, our homes, our clothes, our toys, etc..? God is the One

    who provides for all of our needs. God is very happy when He sees us sharing with others and loving


    Lesson Outline:

    Our story today is about a man named Elijah. He loved God and prayed all the time. Elijah always

    obeyed God. One day, God sent Elijah to a city to meet a poor woman who lives alone with her son.

    Elijah reached the gate of the city and saw the woman. She was about to go and make the last bit of

    food which she had. The woman did not have any more food to cook after this meal. Elijah asked her

    to bring him a cup of water. The woman obeyed Elijah and brought him a cup of water. Then, Elijah

    asked her to make him a little bread. The widow could not help it and said “I have nothing baked, only

    a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar; and now I was about to make it as our last meal, for

    me and my son…. it is the last thing we have to eat.” Elijah told her: “don’t be afraid; go and bake the

    bread for you and your son, but first make a little bread and bring it to me.” The woman trusted God

    and listened to Elijah. She took the last flour and the last oil and baked the bread for Elijah. While

    baking the bread, she found that the jar is full of oil and the bin is full of flour! When the woman saw

    that, she became very happy, they all had a very nice meal, and they all prayed thankfully to God.


    God blessed the widow and her son with a miracle (her oil and flour did not run out—everyday she

    found the jars filled to the top again)! This blessing was because she obeyed the man of God and shared

    her food. She trusted in God. When we share our things with others because we love them, God will

    give us many rewards for that. Remember to ask your mom and dad for money to put in the donation

    box in Sunday school. The church can use that money to share with children and families in need.


    For a visual aid, bring a jar of flour, some oil, and a mixing bowl.. Give each child a small Ziploc bag

    with some of that dough to take home. Use a coloring page of Elijah and the widow.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    20 November

    Week 2 - Nice Woman Builds a Room for Elisha


    Learn to share and to love others.

    Memory Verse:

    “Let us love one another” 1 John 4:7


    2 Kings 4:8-11


    Love is the greatest thing we can have. If we love one another, then we are doing the right thing and

    acting as God’s children.

    Lesson Outline:

    Elisha was a prophet. He loved God so much and loved all people. He used to pray for everyone and

    care about his people. One day, Elisha went to visit a rich woman, but, he did not have a place to stay.

    The woman asked Elisha to stay at her home. She asked her husband to build Elisha a small room on

    the roof of the house. She put a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp for Elisha to be comfortable in the

    room. Elisha was so happy that he had a place to stay and was thankful to the woman. He prayed for

    her that God would give her and her husband what they wanted, a baby, so she can be very happy.


    This woman was very kind and loving and built a room for Elisha. Elisha too, prayed to God to give

    her a baby. We have to remember to be kind and loving to each other. We should also learn to share

    our things and to pray for each other.


    Story can be told along with a picture Bible and a coloring page. At prayer time, have each child pray

    by name for the person next to him/her or have them repeat a prayer after the servant remembering each

    of their friends by name.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    November 21

    Week 3 - Jesus Calms the Storm


    Learn to have courage, and don’t be afraid, , because Our Lord Jesus is with us.

    Memory Verse:

    “…even the wind and the sea obey Him!” Mark 4:41


    Mark 4: 36-41


    Ask the children if they have ever been on a boat or seen one. Ask them to describe a rain storm and if

    they ever felt a strong wind. Explain to them that during a storm, the waves of the sea are very high.

    Lesson Outline:

    One day, Jesus was by the seashore and wanted to go to the other side. He asked His friends, the

    disciples, who had a boat to go with them. The disciples started sailing and all was fine at the beginning.

    Jesus felt tired so He went to the back of the boat to rest. Then, the wind started to blow…whoooo…

    whoooo…, and it was getting stronger and stronger. It started to be a big storm and the waves got higher

    and higher. Boom! ….Bang!….Splash! The waves were hitting the boat harder and harder, and water

    started to fill the boat. The friends of Jesus were scared and did not know how to steer the boat anymore.

    They were not able to get to the other side or even to go back.

    They started looking for Jesus and found Him sleeping on a pillow in the back. They woke Him up

    quickly and said, ‘Master, wake up, don’t You see what is happening and how we are having

    problems….?” Jesus woke up; He looked at the storm and said: “Peace. Be still.” As soon as He said

    this, the wind stopped and the sea was calm again with no waves at all. It was all nice and quiet again.

    Everyone was amazed and said, “even the wind and the sea obey Him!” Jesus told them that they should

    not have been scared.


    If we ever feel scared of anything, we should ask Jesus to help us. We should always remember that

    Jesus our Lord is with us, so we do not need to be afraid or scared. He will always keep us safe. He can

    do anything, and even the storm, the wind, and the sea obey Him.


    Show a DVD of this miracle, if it is available. Use a coloring page of the story.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    22 November

    Week 4 - Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers


    Remember to always thank God.

    Memory Verse:

    “We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks!” Psalm 75:1 (NKJV)


    Luke 17:11-19


    When we ask for something, what do we say? …Please! When we receive what we asked for, what do

    we say? Thank you! It is important to remember to say these expressions. It is also very important to

    always thank God for everything He gives us.

    Lesson Outline:

    Today our story is about someone who did a very good thing. He said thanks to God, and Jesus was so

    happy with Him. Once upon a time, there were ten sick men. Their skin was looking bad and no one

    wanted to touch them. One day, they saw Jesus, so they ran to Him and asked Him for help. Jesus

    looked at them and told them to go to the temple (church) and show themselves to the priest (Abouna).

    On their way, their skin started to look better and better until they were all well and all healed. All of

    them were so happy! They rushed to see their families and tell them the great thing that happened to

    them. Only one of them suddenly stopped and decided to go back to Jesus and thank Him. The man ran

    to Jesus and told him, “Thank you! Thank you, Jesus, for making me well.” Jesus was so happy to see

    that man come and thank Him. Jesus wondered why the other nine did not do the same. Conclusion:

    When we thank Jesus for what we have, Jesus will be very happy with us, bless us, and even give us

    more. What is the first thing we should say to God when we pray? Can each one tell us one thing for

    which we can thank God?


    Tell the story along with a picture Bible. If available, use a DVD to show the story. A coloring page of

    that story can be also used. At prayer time, have the children repeat a prayer after the servant, thanking

    God and listing many things that we have, or ask each child to just thank God for one thing.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    December 23


    Week 1 – Daniel in the Lion’s Den

    Week 2 – St. Mary and Archangel Gabriel

    Week 3 – Baby Jesus in the Manger

    Week 4 – Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    24 December

    Week 1 - Daniel in the Lions’ Den


    Learn that God always protects His children.

    Memory Verse:

    “My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths” Daniel 6:22


    Daniel – Chapter 6


    Did any of you ever go to a zoo? What animals did you see? Who saw a lion? Is the lion strong? Did

    you hear its roar?

    Lesson Outline:

    There once a man named Daniel. Daniel loved God and prayed in the morning, at noon, and at night.

    One day, the king said that he does not want anyone to pray to God and whoever does not listen, will

    be sent to the lions’ den. Daniel would not stop praying to God, because he loved God and prayed only

    to God. He went home and prayed like he did every day. Some men saw him praying through his

    window, and they went and told the king. The king was sad, because he liked Daniel, but the king still

    had to put him in the lions’ den. Daniel was not afraid of the lions. Daniel prayed to God and God kept

    him safe. God sent His angel and the angel shut the lions’ mouths. That’s why the lions did not roar at

    Daniel nor hurt him, but were nice to him. The next morning, the king went to see what happened to

    Daniel. He called: “Daniel, did your God save you?” Daniel said: “Yes, king. My God sent His angel

    and shut the lions’ mouths so that they did not hurt me.” They pulled Daniel out of the den and he was

    perfectly safe.


    God keeps us safe because we are His children. As God’s children, we need to always talk to Him like

    Daniel did. When we wake up in the morning and before we go to bed, we have to remember to pray.


    Story can be told along with a picture Bible. Make a paper bag lion puppet.

    Show a DVD of the story, if available.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    December 25

    Week 2 - St. Mary and Archangel Gabriel


    Learn that Saint Mary is very special because she is the Mother of our Lord Jesus.

    Memory Verse:

    “Blessed are you among women” Luke 1:28


    Luke 1:26-38


    Do you remember how the angels look? Our story today is about an angel who came to say good news

    to Saint Mary.

    Lesson Outline:

    One day St Mary was doing her work, all of a sudden, Archangel Gabriel was standing in front of her.

    She was so surprised that an angel came to her. Gabriel the Archangel said to her, “Be happy Mary,

    you are loved by God, and He is with you. Blessed are you among women.” Then the angel told her

    some very happy news. He told her that she was going to have a baby boy who will be very special,

    because He is the Son of God and a great King. He told her that His name will be Jesus. St. Mary was

    very amazed to hear that. She said “I will do whatever God wants.” Then the angel left. St. Mary was

    very happy and praised God.


    God chose St. Mary to be the mother of Jesus. We call St. Mary blessed, because she is the mother of

    Jesus. This means she is the Mother of God (Theotokos). This is something very special. Have you

    seen the pictures of St. Mary in the Church? Who is she carrying? We love St. Mary very much,

    because she is Christ’s mother and she takes care of us and helps us and prays for us.


    Story can be told using big paper characters (like a felt board idea). Make a scratch color angel as a

    craft. Ask for St. Mary’s intercession during prayer time at the end of class.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    26 December

    Week 3 - Baby Jesus in the Manger


    Learn about Christmas (The Feast of the Nativity).

    Memory Verse:

    “Jesus was born in Bethlehem” Matthew 2:1


    Luke 2:1-7


    Review the previous lesson and verse.

    Has anyone ever been to a farm? Did you see a barn? A stable is like a barn where they keep the cows,

    sheep, and other animals. The place where they put the hay for the cows to eat is called a manger.

    Lesson Outline:

    St. Mary and St. Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem. St. Mary was sitting on a donkey. Her tummy was

    big, because she had baby Jesus in her tummy. St. Joseph was trying to find a place for them to stay,

    but nobody welcomed them because they had no space. One man told them he had a stable. There were

    animals there, like sheep and cows. St. Mary and St. Joseph were thankful for the stable. On that night,

    Jesus was born. St. Mary wrapped Baby Jesus in swaddling (big, loose) clothes and put Him to sleep

    in the manger. So, Baby Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem among the animals, like sheep and

    cows. The sheep was saying, “Baa… Baa…” and the cow was saying, “Moo…Moo…,” but, Baby

    Jesus was sleeping calmly. The day Jesus was born is now called The Nativity Feast (Christmas), and

    we celebrate it every year.


    We all love Baby Jesus, because He came to be like us and to show us what we should do to be good

    children of God.


    Prepare pictures of the Baby Jesus in the manger. Bring material to make a Nativity scene in the class.

    Ask the children to identify who are in the picture. Have each child make a Nativity craft.

    Teach the children the song: “Away in a Manger.”

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    December 27

    Week 4 - Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus


    Learn that Jesus came as a baby, because He loves us.

    Memory Verse:

    “Glory to God in the highest” Luke 2:14


    Luke 2:8-20


    Review the previous lesson and verse.

    Go over the picture or the scene of the Nativity that is in the class and review the location of Bethlehem,

    the manger, Baby Jesus with St. Mary and St. Joseph, the stable, Jesus asleep in the manger, etc….

    Lesson Outline:

    When Baby Jesus was born, there were shepherds who were taking care of the sheep at night. They saw

    an angel in the sky who told them about Baby Jesus and that He is the Lord. The angel told the shepherds

    that they will find the Baby in the manger wrapped in swaddling (loose) clothes. After the angel said

    this, suddenly the sky was full of angels who were singing and praising God. The angels said: “Glory

    to God in the highest, and peace on earth.” The shepherds immediately went to see the Baby. They

    told everybody about what they saw. The shepherds were very happy and thankful to see the Lord Jesus

    Christ as a baby. They returned praising and glorifying God.


    We are also very happy and thankful during this time of year to celebrate the Nativity Feast (Christmas).

    We love Baby Jesus and we know that He was born as a baby because He loves us and wanted to bring

    us joy and peace to the world.


    Show a DVD of the story. Make Christmas arts and crafts. For example, the children can make an angel

    that can be hung as an ornament holding a verse on the Christmas tree. Continue to teach the children

    the song: “Away in a Manger.”

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    28 January


    Week 1 – The Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus

    Week 2 – Jesus Obeys His Parents

    Week 3 – The Birth of St. John the Baptist

    Week 4 – Jesus is Baptized

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    January 29

    Week 1 - The Wise Men Visit Baby Jesus


    Learn that Jesus is our King, the true King.

    Memory Verse:

    “We have seen His star…” Matthew 2:2


    Matthew 2:1-12


    Review the account of the birth of Baby Jesus in the manger and the story of the shepherds.

    Lesson Outline:

    When Baby Jesus was born, God put a special star in the sky. It was big and bright, bigger than all the

    other stars in the sky and very white and shiny. Wise men, like kings, saw the star from very far. They

    knew that it was a special star. They said to each other “this star must be for a new King who is born,

    let us go and find Him and worship Him.” They packed their stuff and started to travel on a very long

    journey, which took so many days. Nobody had any cars at that time; they had to use camels to travel.

    They followed the star for a long way and finally, it led them to Bethlehem, where Jesus was. They

    were very happy to see Baby Jesus and they bowed down to Him. They gave Him three gifts: gold,

    frankincense, and myrrh.


    Christmas is the birthday of Jesus, the Feast of the Nativity. We are all happy at this time and we give

    and receive presents just like the wise men did for Baby Jesus.


    Show a DVD of the story and make Christmas arts and crafts.

    Continue to teach the children the song: “Away in a Manger”

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    30 January

    Week 2 - Jesus Obeys His Parents


    Learn to obey our parents like Jesus did.

    Memory Verse:

    “Children, obey your parents…” Ephesians 6:1


    Luke 2:40-52


    Talk to the children about listening to their parents and obeying them. Explain to them that it is very

    important to do this. God wants all children to obey their parents. Remind the children that Jesus was

    born as a baby in a manger and that He grew up little by little, just like they are growing.

    Lesson Outline:

    When Jesus was a little boy, St. Mary His mother and St. Joseph the carpenter, took very good care of

    Him. He always did what they asked Him. He was a very good boy and never caused any trouble.

    Every year, they would take Jesus and go to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast. Jerusalem was the city

    that had the big temple – like the church where people prayed. One time, when Jesus was twelve years

    old, St. Mary told Jesus to get ready for the trip to Jerusalem. They had to travel a long way to Jerusalem.

    When they got there, Jesus was very happy to spend time in the temple. He loved listening to the

    teachers who read God’s word. He was also asking and answering questions.

    When the time came to leave Jerusalem, St. Mary and St. Joseph started their trip back home. Jesus

    was still in Jerusalem, but they did not know it. When St. Joseph and St. Mary did not find Jesus, they

    went back to the church (temple) and they found Jesus there talking with the teachers. All the teachers

    were very amazed at how much Jesus understood and how He answered the questions. Then His mother

    told Him that they were very worried about Him. Jesus said “Did you not know that I was doing work

    for God My Father.” Jesus loved staying in the temple, but His parents told Him that He had to go back

    home with them; so, right away Jesus obeyed, and He left with them and went home.


    Jesus obeyed His parents all the time. We also have to do the same and do what our parents tell us.

    Jesus wants us to be good children like He was.


    Give each child a printed calendar for the next week and some stickers to give to their parents. Ask the

    parents to put a sticker on their child’s calendar every time s/he obeys. Have the children bring it back

    to class the following week and give them little prizes for the stickers they received.

    Use a coloring page for the story.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    January 31

    Week 3 - The Birth of John the Baptist


    Learn that God answers our prayers at the right time.

    Memory Verse:

    “…your prayer is heard…” Luke 1:13


    Luke 1: 5-25


    Ask the children if they have noticed Abouna in church, when he uses the ‘shorya’ (the censer) to raise

    incense. Ask them about how it looks and how it smells when it is used during the prayers of the priest.

    Tell them that the story today is about a priest that lived a very long time ago and used to also raise

    incense and pray.

    Lesson Outline:

    There was a priest named Zacharias, and his wife’s name was Elizabeth. They both loved God very

    much and did everything well. Because they had no children of their own, they always prayed and

    asked God for a baby. After a long time, when they were very old (as old as grandparents), God still

    remembered their prayers. Zacharias was at the altar in the sanctuary one day, raising incense.

    Archangel Gabriel appeared to him and told him “Your prayer is heard” and that Elizabeth will have a

    baby boy and they will call him John. He told him that John will be great, because he will prepare the

    way for Jesus. Zacharias told the angel: “how can I know that what you’re saying is really going to

    happen since we are too old to have a baby now?” The angel told him: “I am the angel Gabriel from

    heaven and God sent me to tell you this good news. To help you believe that this is true, when you go

    out, you will not be able to speak, until the baby is born.”

    (Note for the servant: Do not emphasize that Zacharias became mute, so the children do not form an

    impression of a punishing God). Everything that the angel said did happen. Elizabeth had a baby boy.

    When He was born, his father Zacharias wrote “His name is John” like the angel told him. Right after

    that, he was able to speak again and praised God. He prayed a long prayer thanking God for the baby

    and for everything that God does, because God is so good to all his people and loves them very much.


    God always hears our prayers. Sometimes God us gives what we ask a while later, because He knows

    when it is the best time for us to have it. God loves us and gives the things that are good for us.


    Give the children a coloring page for the story.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    32 January

    Week 4 - Jesus is Baptized


    Learn that Jesus taught us about baptism. We get baptized as babies to have the Holy Spirit in us

    and because Jesus got baptized too.

    Memory Verse:

    “This is My beloved Son” Matthew 3:17


    Matthew 3:13-17


    Ask the children if they have ever attended a baptism or seen their own pictures when they were

    baptized. Tell them that we are baptized because Jesus was baptized too, like they will hear in the story


    Lesson Outline:

    John lived in the desert and was teaching the people to look for Jesus who will soon come to help them.

    He was telling the people to stop doing wrong things and to start doing good things. He was baptizing

    them in the Jordan River.

    One day, Jesus came to the river and asked John to baptize Him. John baptized Jesus and that is why

    he is called John the Baptist. As soon as Jesus came out of the water, there was a beautiful white dove

    that came down from heaven and rested on Jesus. He was the Holy Spirit. Also, the heaven opened and

    God the Father said: “This is My beloved Son, I am very happy with Him.”


    Jesus was baptized because He wanted to teach us to also be baptized. Do you know that all of you

    were baptized when you were babies? Abouna puts the baby in and out of the water three times, and

    says: “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” When we are baptized, we become the

    children of God. So now, since we were all baptized when we were babies, we are all God’s children.


    Watch a DVD about St. John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. Alternatively, show them a video of a baby’s

    baptism at one of our Coptic Orthodox churches. Let them know that when this happens, we receive

    the Holy Spirit into our hearts forever.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    Jonah’s Fast 33


    Week 0 – A Donkey that Speaks

    Week 1 – Jonah and the Big Fish

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    34 Jonah’s Fast

    Week 0 - A Donkey that Speaks


    Learn not to hit, not even animals. Learn that God can do anything, even make an animal speak.

    Memory Verse:

    “…the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey” Numbers 22:28


    Numbers 22


    Does anyone have a pet at home? How do you take care of pets? Do pets feel hurt sometimes? How

    does a donkey look? What sound does it make? Can it speak? Today we’ll hear a story about a donkey

    that actually spoke.

    Lesson Outline:

    There once a man named Balaam, who had a nice donkey that helped him to go from one place to

    another. One time, there was a king who wanted Balaam to go to him and to help him with a bad idea.

    As Balaam was on his way to meet the king, an Angel stood in the road to stop him. Balaam did not

    see the Angel, but the donkey did. The donkey went off the road. Balaam was angry, because he wanted

    the donkey to move. So, Balaam hit his donkey. The donkey looked at the Angel and could not move

    and lay down. Balaam hit the donkey three times. Then, God made the donkey speak, “the Lord opened

    the mouth of the donkey,” and the donkey said to Balaam: “Why are you hitting me? Was I not always

    a good donkey to you?” Then Balaam was able to see the Angel and bowed down. The Angel was not

    happy with Balaam, because he hit his donkey. Balaam said sorry to the Angel, because he had done

    something wrong by hitting his donkey.


    God can do anything. He made a donkey speak. Repeat the verse.

    It is not nice to hit. We should not hit anyone at all. If we have a brother or sister, we should be kind to

    each other and never hit or hurt each other. We should be gentle with everyone and kind to the animals

    also. If we forget and do something wrong, we say should sorry and try not to forget this mistake again.


    Use puppets of a donkey and a man (Balaam) for the story. Use a picture of a cut out angel with the

    puppets. Make a craft of a donkey with construction paper and some decorations.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    Jonah’s Fast 35

    Week 1 - Jonah and the Whale


    Learn that we can never hide from God. God will always protect us.

    Memory Verse:

    “Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights” Jonah 1:17


    Book of Jonah


    Who likes to play hide and seek? How do you play it? Let’s try one game here in class. Even if we hide

    very well, there’s someone who can still always see us. Who is the One who can always see us no

    matter where we are?

    Lesson Outline:

    A long time ago, there was a man named Jonah. God told Jonah to go to a city (or a place) called

    Nineveh to help the people there. Jonah did not want to obey God, so he tried to hide by going on a

    boat that was going somewhere else far away. Do you think we can hide from God? No! God always

    sees where we are.

    A big storm happened when Jonah was on the boat, while he was sleeping. The sailors woke him up

    and told him to pray to his God for help. Jonah said: “God made this storm happen because I did not

    do what He told me. The storm will not stop until I am thrown into the sea.” They did what Jonah said

    and threw him into the sea. Right away, the wind stopped, the waves calmed down, and the storm was

    over. Jonah went down in the deep water. God sent a big fish to help Jonah and keep him safe. The

    fish opened its mouth big and swallowed Jonah, so Jonah can be safe. Jonah stayed inside the belly of

    the fish for three days and three nights. He was praying and praying asking God to get him out. He

    said to God that he will obey Him. God heard Jonah’s prayers and made the fish throw Jonah out of its

    mouth again. Jonah ended up on the sand. He got up and obeyed God and started to walk towards the

    place Nineveh, just like God wanted him to do.


    God is everywhere and always sees us. We should always do what God wants, because He knows what

    is good for us. Even when Jonah did not obey, God kept him safe in the fish’s belly and his prayers

    were answered.


    Use a book with pictures of the story. Make arts and crafts of a fish with Jonah using felt or construction

    paper. A lunch size paper bag can also be used to make a large fish, by cutting out a circle in the closed

    part for the mouth, and closing the other end with an elastic band for a tail.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    36 The Great Fast


    Week 0 – The Woman and the Two Coins

    Week 1 – God Cares for Us More

    Week 2 – The Lost Sheep

    Week 3 – The Paralytic at the Pool

    Week 4 – The Man Born Blind

    Week 5 – The Last Supper

    Week 6 – Jesus Enters Jerusalem

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    The Great Fast 37

    Week 0 - The Women with the Two Coins


    Learn to give some of what we have back to God.

    Memory Verse:

    “God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7


    Mark 12:41-44


    Show the kids a donation box that is used every Sunday and ask them: What is this? Why do we put

    money in it? Where does this money go?

    Lesson Outline:

    The temple was the place like the church where people went to worship God. In the temple, there were

    big money boxes that were open on the top. People would put money in these boxes as they walked

    into the temple. The money was used for the temple and for the things needed there.

    One day Jesus was in the temple and sat across from these boxes. He saw how many rich people came

    and put a lot of money in the box. They made a lot of noise while putting in their coins. Jesus knew

    that these people had a lot of money, and He knew that they had given only a little bit of the lots that

    they have. Then, a widow came and quietly dropped two small coins in the box. She was a poor woman,

    whose husband had died. She did not put much money, but it was all she had. She wanted to give the

    little that she had to God’s house. When Jesus saw that, He told His friends that in God’s eyes, this

    poor widow has given more than all the others, because they only gave a part of what they have, but

    she gave everything she has.


    When we give money to the Church, it’s because we love God. God is the One who has given us

    everything we have. When we are happy to give from what God gave us, He blesses us and gives us

    even more. Happy also means cheerful like the verse says: “God loves a cheerful giver.”


    Use a children’s picture Bible to tell the story.

    Tell the kids: When we put money in the donation box today, we will do it quietly, and we will thank

    God for everything He gave us. Bring the donation box and give each child something to put in it even

    if they didn’t bring some donations that week.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    38 The Great Fast

    Week 1 - God Cares for Us More


    Learn to look and admire everything which God has made. Remember that God cares for us even

    more than all these things.

    Memory Verse:

    “ ..He cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7


    Matthew 6:25-33, Luke 12:22-32 Introduction:

    If possible, take the children outdoors in the yard to look at some nature. Talk to the children about

    birds, trees, flowers, rabbits, squirrels, etc… Ask them if they like to look at these things. Who created

    them? Who takes care of them?

    Lesson Outline:

    So many people loved Jesus. They loved to listen to what He was teaching them about God. One day,

    Jesus was sitting on a mountain and talking to the people. There were a lot of people who went there

    to be with Jesus. Parents and kids were there, grandparents and even babies. Some people were sick

    and Jesus healed them. Some were worried about something and wanted Jesus to answer their questions.

    Jesus started to tell them how much God cares for everyone. He said: “Look at the birds of the air, they

    don’t know how to make their own food, but God, your heavenly Father, feeds them. God cares for you

    even more than for the birds, so for sure, He will give you your food too.” Then Jesus told them to look

    at the flowers and lilies that are in the fields, and He said: “See how beautiful they are, they do not

    know how to make clothes for themselves. God dressed them in colors more beautiful than a king’s

    robes. If God cares so much for the birds and the flowers, He cares even more for you.”


    God loves everything He made and cares for it. He will give us everything we need. We need to be

    happy and pray and thank God for everything. When we look at the nice birds and flowers, let us

    remember how beautiful God made everything and how much He cares for them and for us even more.


    Make arts and crafts of a bird or a flower using different colored construction paper. Use glitter and

    other items for decoration. Bring flowers to the class to show the kids how God created beautiful things.

    Let each child take a flower home.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    The Great Fast 39

    Week 2 - The Lost Sheep


    Jesus loves us and cares about us like the good shepherd.

    Memory Verse:

    “I am the good shepherd” John 10:11


    Luke 15:3-7


    Who knows what sound the sheep makes? How do sheep eat? Do you know what a shepherd does? He

    takes the sheep out to eat and play. He finds green grass for them to eat and finds a place that has water

    for the sheep to drink. Does the shepherd love his sheep? Yes! He also has to make sure his sheep are

    safe from any danger. Today, we are going to tell you a story about a very good shepherd.

    Lesson Outline:

    There was once a shepherd who had 100 sheep. The good shepherd always counted his sheep every

    night to make sure they are all there. One day, a little sheep was not there anymore. He counted all the

    sheep, and then …, counted again to make sure, but still found one missing. It was the littlest one named

    Toto, who was missing. That made the shepherd very sad to think that one of his sheep was not safe.

    Quickly, the shepherd left the 99 behind and went to look for the one little lost sheep. He looked over

    mountains and hills, behind trees, under the cliff, in rocky places, and everywhere. (Let the children act

    as if they are also looking for the lost sheep. A puppet sheep can be used). He called his name

    everywhere…..Toto…Toto…, do you hear me? …. Until, finally, he heard a little sound far

    away……baaaa…..baaaa….Yes!! This is the sound of Toto…. The shepherd ran to him and hugged

    him and picked him up. The shepherd was so happy that he had finally found his lost sheep. Toto was

    also very happy to be safe again because he had been scared when he was lost. The shepherd carried

    Toto up on his shoulders and brought him all the way back home to the other 99 sheep. The shepherd

    was very happy to have all 100 sheep safe and together again.


    In the same way, Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we are the little sheep. Jesus loves us (His sheep)

    very much and wants us always to be close to Him. To stay close to our Shepherd Jesus, we must pray,

    talk to Him, and hear what He tells us in the Bible. Jesus will be looking for anyone who is not close

    to Him to bring him back, so that person can be safe with Jesus.


    Make a cotton ball sheep as a craft.

    Give each child the picture of Jesus the Good Shepherd.

  • The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

    Sunday School Curriculum Preschool

    40 The Great Fast

    Week 3 - The Paralytic at the Pool


    Learn about the power and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Memory Verse:

    “The blind see and the lame walk” Matthew 11:5


    John 5:1-15


    Talk to the children about how it is not comfortable when one is sick. If we have to stay in bed because

    we are sick, we probably get bored and tired. Our story today is about a man who had to stay on his

    bed for the longest time.

    Lesson Outline:

    There was once a very special pool or a small lake. Once a year, an angel would come and stir the

    water. If anyone was sick and jumped in the water when it was stirred by the angel, that person would

    get better right away. A lot of people waited around the pool trying to get in when the angel stirred the


    One day Jesus was walking near that pool and saw that sick man on his bed. Jesus knew he had been

    sick for a long time. Jesus asked him: “Do you want to be made well?” The man said: “Yes, but there’s

    no one to help me get into the pool when the water is moved.” Jesus