sun qinghua, portpolio

GNED 500 E-Portfolio Student Name: Sun, Qing Hua GNED 500-002

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Page 1: Sun qinghua, Portpolio

GNED 500 E-Portfolio

Student Name: Sun, Qing Hua

GNED 500-002

Professor: Kokkinias, Athanasios Tom

Page 2: Sun qinghua, Portpolio

Due Date: Dec 15, 2010

Table of Contents

Section 1: Journals……………… Page 3-8

Section 2: Assignments…………..Page 9-24

Page 3: Sun qinghua, Portpolio
Page 4: Sun qinghua, Portpolio

Reflection of Journals

I have learned a lot of issues that have happened in our society even the

whole world when I wrote these three journals because I had to research the

topics and think critically about them. These issues brought my concerns and

attention, so I like to contribute my opinions and ideas to my three journals.

Overall, I like the journals very much.

Journal 1

Diversity and Solidarity

We live on the same earth where consists of about 300 hundred countries, therefore diversity and solidarity

can not be separated even they seem like conflicted. Diversity obviously means differences, while

solidarity means unity. We have so many differences in the society, for example, different cultures, races,

values and so on because each of us is so unique. However, we have the same goals or missions or

responsibilities when we work together or live together.

Canada is a typical diversity immigrant country. About 33 millions people living in Canada come from

different countries, such as China, India, Russia and so on. There are different races, religions, languages,

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entertainment and food in Canada. For example, Chinese people like rice and vegetables with meat cooked

together. Grandparents live with their children and their grandchildren. However, native Canadian people

prefer bread, milk and coffee. They try to be independent and have their own space. Does it mean Chinese

and Canadian people can not get along well or can not work together well? No, absolutely not. At work, we

have the same goals and missions, so each one tries his or her best to cooperate and be the best partners.

We respect each other and accept differences. For example, when we work as a group, we do not focus on

our different nationalities. Our goal is to get A plus, therefore, each of us works very hard by researching,

discussing, and making the best decision together. On the other hand, we can still keep our own religious

belief, values and cultures. In other word, we have unity in diversity.

Overall, diversity and solidarity seem like water and fish. When they are integrated, the society is

colourful, interesting and meaningful.

Hi Qing Hua,

You have written a thoughtful and well written journal on this important issue and I am glad to read about

your positive and insightful perspective. I look forward to your future journals and I also look forward to

your contributions to our class discussions! Well done, grade: 10/10

Journal 2

DiscriminationDiscrimination means treating people differently, negatively or adversely because of

their race, age, religion, sex, etc., that is because of a prohibited ground of discrimination. As

used in human rights laws, discrimination means making a distinction between certain

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individuals or groups based on a prohibited ground of discrimination

( There are different types of discrimination such as racial

discrimination, religion discrimination, cultural discrimination, sex discrimination, age

discrimination and so on. You name it.

Discrimination happens a lot in the world, especially in Canada because Canada is an

immigration country. That means different people from different countries live in Canada;

therefore, different races, background, languages, cultures and values exit in the country. It is

not uncommon that discrimination takes place in this country because some people can not

accept the values, beliefs, opinions and cultures that are different from theirs. Discrimination

can be much more subtle, and harder to stop. When someone does not get the service they

want or the job they think they deserve, there may be a discriminatory reason (www.chrc- For example, discrimination takes place in the employment. When

two candidates apply for the same job position, the interviewer or hiring manager would like

to take the one who has the same color or culture with his/hers even this candidate has a little

bit lower quality than the other one. This kind of employment discrimination is very subtle

and hurts a lot of victims because victims can not find enough visible proof to appeal to the

court for help. Discrimination is extremely a bad phenomenon because it is unfair, unjust and

unequal. As a result, it causes a lot of conflicts or fights or even wars between companies,

communities or countries.

To be honest, I hate discrimination because I am an immigrant in Canada and I

experienced the subtle racial discrimination and this really hurt my feeling. When this

semester started, a teacher asked us to form small groups because we would have a few group

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assignments. I decided to join the group where there are already four members in it. So I

asked the group members whether the group welcome me to join in and they agreed. I was

happy at that time. And I sat beside them. Later, another lady came to the group and sat beside

them too. When the teacher said the maximum number of each group is 5, one of the group

member said to me, “We already have 5, you can find another group.” I felt so upset and

hurting because I already asked them and they agreed me to join, but now they changed their

idea because they want the lady who came later than me. And the reason they take her is that

the lady has the same color as them and I am Chinese and my background and color are

different from them. I have got deeply hurt on that day.

I hope discrimination would be stopped even the subtle one in the whole world because

it hurt people deeply and it is not good for individuals, companies or countries just like crime.

People should treat equally each other even we are different but we serve and affect each

other. After all we live on the same planet and our goal is to live peaceful and welfare lives.


Hi Qinghua,

I am very sorry to read in your journal about your horrible experience of subtle

discrimination in school with the group you joined. I wish to thank you for sharing this

experience with me, and I commend your great understanding of this important issue and I

think that we need to educate more about this issue in our school as well as in the wider

society. Well done! Grade: 10/10

Journal 3

Poor Vs Rich

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Many people wonder why there are the poor and rich in this world and the gap is so

huge. I believe there are many reasons for it such as natural disasters, diseases, economy

crisis, and lack of education, etc.

I have found several kinds of poor people live in the whole world. First, some people

suffer from the natural disasters such as flood, drought, earthquakes, tsunami, and tornadoes.

When people face these bad conditions, they lose their homes, lack of food, cloth and basic

living needs. Therefore, they become poor and we, as lucky people, have the responsibility to

assist and support them by donating money and materials or providing medical care or

education support. Second, people who live in the places where there is less natural resources

such as food, clean water, oil, wood, good soil, or steel due to the weather or geography or

other unexplained reasons. When I watch TV, I see many Africans lack food and clean water

for many years not because the people are lazy but because the land does not grow enough

vegetables or grain. We need to support them too because it is not their fault to become poor.

Moreover, some people who suffer from chronic diseases or cancers that cost all their money.

Before they got sick, they were rich or at least have enough money to live. However, since

they got diseases, they don’t have the ability to work or make money as usual. As a result,

they become poor. For example, the healthy care is not free for most people in China and

medical care is very expensive and average people can not afford it. Finally, some people

become poor because they are lazy, don’t work hard, indulge in smoking, drinking, or

gambling, and depend on other people’s help or government’s welfare. Should we help such

kind of people? I don’t think so.

On the other hand, not all rich people get money in the illegal ways. After many people

gain high level education, learn new skills, work very hard or start their own business, they

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become rich and they contribute a lot to the society such as donating money or providing

employment opportunities. For example, I know a business man who was very poor when he

was young. Then, he learned a new skill-cooking, and started a small food court. After several

years of working hard, he owns a few nice restaurants. And he helps the poor by donating

millions of money. In contrast, some very rich millionaires get dirty money by exploiting

employees, or cheating customers. These “rich” people should ask themselves, “Is money

more important than anything else including people’s moral, lives or health?”

Overall, we should try our best to work hard and make money in the legal way. We

should help people in need when we have extra money or materials. As well, governments

should take responsibility to help poor people because people are most important in the world.

Sometimes, I do not understand why governments spend a great deal of money making

weapons, researching projects or building constructions that are seldom to be used and neglect

some poor people who are desperately needed help?

Hi Qinghua,

You have written an excellent and very thoughtful journal on this important issue and I

think you have presented a very balanced and insightful perspective on this issue. Perhaps

with the aid of further education, more people will come to understand these issues and take

action to ensure that governments and society in general take more measures to help the

deserving poor in their plight. Well done! Grade: 10/10

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Reflection of Assignments

I have learned a lot of practical skills such as designing PowerPoint,

research, presentation, cooperation with a team, discussion and communication

skills when I finished four assignments including both group assignments and

individual ones. One of my favourite assignments is Documentary Film

Analysis. I talked about the private health care system in US and Canada

according to the documentary made by Michael Moore. This documentary helps

me to understand the health care in Canada and other countries as well. Health

Care is really a very important issue for most people in the whole world and I

expressed my thoughts in my assignment.


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FOR SECTIONS 1 and 2 ONLY, Fair = 0.4 marks; Good = 0.6 marks; Excellent = 1 mark

FOR SECTION 3 ONLY, Fair = 1 mark; Good = 1.4 marks; Excellent = 2 marks  


Group Member Names    

Abubakar, Khadija S.    

Hassan, Fatuma A.    

Data, Maryelle B.    

Sun, Qinghua    


Chapter #: 7 Week #: 8 Group #: 5 Presentation Format: PP slides/notes  

Section 1: Format





PowerPoint Slides/Notes/Presentation

Do slides contain title slide with required info present? EXCELLENT 1

Are slides/notes/presentation clear and easy to read and understand? EXCELLENT 1

Are slides/notes/presentation well designed? EXCELLENT 1

Are slides/notes/presentation well organized? EXCELLENT 1

Are pictures/graphics/video/other media included in slides/presentation relevant, creative, interesting, etc?


Raw Score Rounded Score

Grand Total for Section 1:

5 5

Section 2: Speakers





Speaker 1: Khadija

Voice Projection and speaking pace EXCELLENT 1

Page 15: Sun qinghua, Portpolio

Use of English language EXCELLENT 1

Student is interactive, clear and easy to understand EXCELLENT 1

Student addresses class and instructor EXCELLENT 1

Student is well prepared to present their portion of the presentation and chapter content EXCELLENT 1

Raw Score Rounded Score

Grand Total for Speaker 1 5 5


Count 1

Speaker 2: Fatuma

Voice Projection and speaking pace EXCELLENT 1

Use of English language EXCELLENT 1

Student is interactive, clear and easy to understand EXCELLENT 1

Student addresses class and instructor EXCELLENT 1

Student is well prepared to present their portion of the presentation and chapter content EXCELLENT 1

Raw Score Rounded Score

Grand Total for Speaker 2 5 5


Count 1

Speaker 3: Qinghua

Voice Projection and speaking pace EXCELLENT 1

Use of English language EXCELLENT 1

Student is interactive, clear and easy to understand EXCELLENT 1

Student addresses class and instructor EXCELLENT 1

Student is well prepared to present their portion of the presentation and chapter content EXCELLENT 1

Raw Score Rounded Score

Grand Total for Speaker 3 5 5


Count 1

Speaker 4: Maryelle

Voice Projection and speaking pace EXCELLENT 1

Use of English language EXCELLENT 1

Student is interactive, clear and easy to understand EXCELLENT 1

Student addresses class and instructor EXCELLENT 1

Student is well prepared to present their portion of the presentation and chapter content EXCELLENT 1

Raw Score Rounded Score

Grand Total for Speaker 4 5 5

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Count 1

Speaker 5:

Voice Projection and speaking pace N/A 0

Use of English language N/A 0

Student is interactive, clear and easy to understand N/A 0

Student addresses class and instructor N/A 0

Student is well prepared to present their portion of the presentation and chapter content N/A 0

Raw Score Rounded Score

Grand Total for Speaker 5 0 0


Count 0

Grand Total for Section 2: 5.0 5


Speakers 4

Section 3: Content





Has the group covered some of the key points/issues in the assigned chapter?


Has the group provided relevant examples/explanations to illustrate each key point/issue clearly and well?


Has the group followed the general outline and flow of the chapter to help them in organizing their presentation?


Are any included media (pictures, graphics, video, audio, etc) relevant and helpful in explaining and 'teaching'

the chapter to us? EXCELLENT 2

Has the group included any other methods of 'instruction' such as a Q&A, games, class discussion, etc to help

them illustrate and explain the key points selected from the chapter?


Raw Score Rounded Score

Grand Total for Section 3:

10 10






In Section 2, the "Grand Total for Section 2" is calculated as follows: The sum of Individual Speaker Grand

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Totals is divided by the total number of speakers to give a final score for this section

Assignment 2

Value Contradictions

According to Diana Kendall, Rick Linden, and Jane Lothian Murray (2008), all societies have

value contradictions which means values conflict with one another or mutually exclusive.

That is true there are a lot of value contradictions in current society.

I hold the value of making children curious to be a core value, yet, in my field placement, my

agency supervising teacher prefers to have materials open to children when I start off a

planning experience. These two values seem to be in contradiction. For example, in school,

we have been taught to encourage children to be active learning. We would invite children to

engage the experiences by luring them or attracting them. Some effective tips are valued such

as covering the materials that we are going to use during the activity. When children see a

cover on a table, they wonder what inside is or what will happen in a couple minutes.

Therefore, they will come to table and ask you some questions, and then the experience starts

off naturally. However, in my placement, my agency supervising teacher holds the value of

making toys or materials open for children. When children see the toys or props, they will

come and play. She asks me to set up a table and put materials on a table and wait for children

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to approach me. So the two values of college and field placement are conflicted, one is setting

up a curious environment, while the other is everything should be visible for children to


In addition, I believe hardworking is very important in my life. For example, I spend lots of

time studying and working on weekends. However, my husband holds the value of relaxation,

such as watching TV, playing computer games or eating with friends after work. Here, two

values, hardworking and enjoying life seem to be valued at the same time, yet they seem to be

in contradiction. I hope I can be my best at school or at work, so I read text books or review

class notes a lot after school. Because I spend too much time reading, I do not have time to

enjoy the entertainment life. If I spent more time entertaining, I might fail one or two courses

this semester. On the other hand, my husband argues people work hard in order to make

money and enjoy life. He spends much time watching movies and playing sports after work.

He believes life should be relaxed and a lot of fun.

Overall, values are not good or bad, right or wrong, but provide us the directions to behave.


Diana Kendall, Rick Linden, and Jane Lothian Murray, Values&Norms, Sociology in Our

Times(2008), Thomson Learni

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Assignment 2 Grading Rubric

On due date (No penalty) Late (2% per day penalty. Note: weekends count as one day)

Good (1-2 marks) (Contains some format elements as per assignment instructions)

Very Good (3-4 marks) (Missing at least one or more format elements as per assignment instructions)

Excellent (5 marks) (Contains all format elements as per assignment instructions)

Good (3-6 marks) Student has addressed at least one or more assignment requirements for the chosen option 1, 2, 3, or 4,

and has written a reflective assignment which demonstrates good effort and good academic writing.

Very Good (7-9 marks) Student has addressed most of the assignment requirements for the chosen option 1, 2, 3, or 4, and has written a thoughtful and reflective assignment which demonstrates very good effort and very good academic writing.

Excellent (10 marks) Student has addressed all assignment requirements for the chosen option 1, 2, 3, or 4, and has written a thoughtful, reflective and original assignment which demonstrates great effort and excellent academic writing.

Grade Subtotal (before any deductions for late submission, if applicable):

Late Submission deduction (if applicable):

Comments: Well done on Assignment 2 Andrea! You have written a very good assignment and it is clear to me that you have understood the issue of value contradictions very well!

Assignment 3

Documentary Film Analysis

Question 1: What does the current private health care system in the US tell you about American society? Would you want our Canadian universal health care system to be more like the one in the US or like the one in, say, France? Why or why not?

According to the documentary made by Michael Moore, I think the current private health care system

in American is not beneficial and right for most people who live in the US. Even people buy health

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insurance, clients do not get service and health care they should because health insurance companies take

advantage of clients to make a great deal of money. The average people or poor people are unable to afford

the terrible price to get treatment and medicine when they are sick; therefore, they have to wait for the

disease consuming their health until dying without any help or support from the society. This private health

care system may reflect the American society is not fair, just and equal because the rich dominate the society

and they make every effort to make money for themselves rather than consider humanity and fairness. I have

heard the tax is much less in the US than in Canada. That means the US government collects less money

from Americans and take less care of people who live in the US. Therefore, they have to depend on

themselves by working hard to live. People in the US can not count on government or society even

sometimes they contribute a lot to the society. For example, several volunteers who rescued victims during

911 Event and got severe disease later can not get any support or assistance from the government and they

became hopeless.

Our Canadian universal health care system is very good compared to other countries. Citizens or

permanent residents get treatment in hospitals without paying any pennies. In addition, hospitals freely

provide food and fruits for patients. These excellent services are just like a dream for most of people in the

whole world. Canadian government collects tax from every citizen or permanent resident and use the money

to provide services and facilities for the public. This system maintains the society equal, fair and peaceful.

Everyone has the right to get services and benefits provided by government.

I wish our Canadian universal health care system to be more like the one in France because I like the

way doctors go to patients’ houses and the child care system in France. First, the greatest difference of

health care in France and in Canada is French doctors give patients treatment by driving to patients’ homes

in half an hour. Patients have doctors come to their houses only by making phone calls no matter what time

even it is mid night or late night because doctors drive on streets in the community. This may be called

“Service is just outside of the door.” In Canada like most countries, patients have to make an appointment

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and wait outside of doctors’ offices. Sometimes it takes longer time to see the doctor in Emergency Room

even though the appointment is not necessary. For example, one of my friends fell down and got hurt badly.

After he was sent to a hospital by 911, he did not get any treatment from doctors until he waited for four

hours. This made my friend felt disappointed and upset but he could do nothing because too many patients

and less doctors in the hospital. If my friend lived in France he would have got treatment in half an hour and

suffered less because doctors are always available to treat patients in a timely way. I hope there will be more

doctors available for patients in Canada. Another reason I would like for doctors to go to patients’ homes is

that many new immigrants or refugees who have just come to Canada do not know to have access to doctors

due to the language barrios or locations or the process of seeing doctors when they get sick and need to see

doctors. It would be so nice for the new comers or even for younger children or elders to have doctors come

to their homes and get treatment only by calling doctors. Second, the child care system in France is

convenient and reasonable. For example, parents drop their children in child care center and only pay one

dollar per hour. Even the fee is little almost free, children can get professional care and education without

any discount and parents are very satisfied with care givers. I hope Canada would provide this kind of child

care system soon because the child care fee for some parents is really a heavy burden.

Overall, each county has its unique system to govern citizens and society. I hope people in all over the

world can live a happy and peaceful life in a fair, just, equal and wealthy society no matter which country.

Government takes care of people and people abide by rules and laws and everyone contributes to their

community or society by helping and loving each other.


Michael Moore Nov 10, 2010

Assignment 3 Grading Rubric

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Submitted: By due date (No penalty) Late (2% per day penalty. Note: weekends count as one day) Marks Out of:

Format: Good (1-2 marks) (Contains some format elements as per assignment instructions)

Very Good (3-4 marks) (Contains most but not all format elements as per assignment instructions)

Excellent (5 marks) (Contains all format elements as per assignment instructions)

4 /5

Content: Good (7-10 marks) Student has addressed at least one or more question elements for the chosen question and film, and has written a reflective assignment which demonstrates good effort and good academic writing.

Very Good (11-13 marks) Student has addressed most of the question elements for the chosen question and film, and has written a thoughtful and reflective assignment which demonstrates very good effort and very good academic writing.

Excellent (14-15 marks) Student has addressed all question elements for the chosen question and film, and has written a thoughtful, reflective and original assignment which demonstrates great effort and excellent academic writing.

15 /15

Grade Subtotal (before any deductions for late submission, if applicable): 19 /20

Late Submission deduction (if applicable):

Assignment 3 FINAL GRADE: 19 /20

Comments: You have written an excellent and reflective assignment 3 Qinghua! Well done!

Assignment 4 Group Work

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Most of the world’s hungry live in developing countries. According to the latest Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics, there are 925 million hungry people in the world and 98 percent of them are in developing countries. They are distributed like this:

578 million in Asia and the Pacific265 million in Sub-Saharan Africa 53 million in Latin America and the Caribbean 42 million in the Near East and North Africa

Nature: earthquake, floods, drought War: displaced people, food used as a weapon, farm

and wells mined Poverty Trap: poor farmer cannot afford seeds and

poor people cannot afford to buy food Poor agricultural infrastructure: roads, water, food

storage, Over-exploitation of environment: deforestation,

overcropping and overgrazing Harmful economic policies

Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and long periods of drought are on the increase -- with calamitous consequences for food security in poor, developing countries.

Drought is now the single most common cause of food shortages in the world.

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Since 1992, the proportion of short and long-term food crises that can be attributed to human causes has more than doubled, rising from 15 percent to more than 35 percent. All too often, these emergencies are triggered by conflicts.

From Asia to Africa to Latin America, fighting displaces millions of people from their homes, leading to some of the world's worst hunger emergencies.

The poverty-stricken do not have enough money to buy or produce enough food for themselves and their families. In turn, they tend to be weaker and cannot produce enough to buy more food.

The poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty.

Many developing countries lack key agricultural infrastructure, such as enough roads, warehouses and irrigation. The results are high transport costs, lack of storage facilities and unreliable water supplies.

All conspire to limit agricultural yields

and access to food.

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Poor farming practices, deforestation, over cropping and overgrazing are exhausting the Earth's fertility and spreading the roots of hunger.

Increasingly, the world's fertile farmland is under threat from

erosion, salination and desertification.

Every year 15 million children die of hunger Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger

To satisfy the world's sanitation and food requirements would cost only US$13 billion- what the people of the United States and the European Union spend on perfume each year.

For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years

More than 40%of people in low- or lower middle income households reported food insecurity.

Even in middle-income households, almost 25% reported at least one aspect of the problem.

About 18% of people food aged 12 to 44 had experienced food insecurity.

18% increase in Food Bank use in 2009 87% people who use food bank are in rented


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Create awareness of this important issue through education and fundraising by setting up a booths in Ashtonbee campus. Money raised goes to Foodbank.

Volunteer in organizations that work to reduce poverty and hunger such as Canada without poverty

Donate to the food bank Call politicians to do something about hunger and poverty in Canada