suicide prevention - auckland council social and community development forum

Suicide Prevention Auckland Council Social and Community Development Forum – 26 February 2013 Moira Clunie Suicide Prevention Information Development Manager

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Presentation on suicide prevention and the work of Suicide Prevention Information New Zealand to Auckland Council Social and Community Development Forum, 26 February 2013.


  • 1. Suicide PreventionAuckland Council Social and CommunityDevelopment Forum 26 February 2013Moira ClunieSuicide Prevention Information Development Manager

2. a national information service provided by theMental Health Foundation of New Zealand. provides high quality information to promote safeand effective suicide prevention activities. contracted by the Ministry of Health to support theNew Zealand Suicide Prevention Strategy 2006-2016. 3. Suicide and suicidal behaviours are a majorhealth and social issue in New Zealand.Each year approximately 500 people taketheir own lives.This figure represents a tragic loss ofpotential and a tremendous impact on thosefamilies, friends, workplaces andcommunities that are affected by the loss ofsomeone through suicide. Ministry of Health (2012) 4. Suicide in NZ: 2010 A total of 522 peopledied by suicide This equates to 11.5deaths per 100,000population(age-standardised). The 2010 suicide ratewas 23.6% below thepeak rate in 1998. 5. Demographics Gender: Male rate 2.5 x higher than female Ethnicity: significantly higher for Mori. Age: similar between adults and youth.NZs youth rates are high within OECD. Sexuality & gender identity: higher risk forLGBTTI populations. Location: higher rates for rural males andpeople who live in socioeconomicallydeprived areas.Ministry of Health (2012) 6. Pathways and risk factors Associate Minister of Health (2006) 7. Whakamomori has beendescribed as a journey thatis enclosed in a deep-seatedsadness and is morepowerful than a passingfeeling. Whakamomori hasan extremely severe impacton the wairua and mauri ofthe person affected. If leftuntreated whakamomori canlead to attempts of suicide. Ihimaera, L., & MacDonald, P. (2009) 8. Protective factors may include: connectedness to family personal resilience, coping and problem-solving skills responsibility for children family communication patterns presence of a signicant other good physical and mental health positive beliefs and values community and social integration economic security in older age connection to culture Commonwealth of Australia. (2005) + others 9. New Zealand SuicidePrevention Strategy2006-2016Key area of input forAuckland Council:Goal 1. Promote mentalhealth and well-being,and prevent mentalhealth problems Associate Minister of Health. (2006). 10.