style: preparation of research papers for annals of tourism research

ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH 4nnals Of Tourism Research is a social sciences journal focusing upon the academic perspectives on tourism. The purpose of Annals is to reach into the domain of tourism as a discipline and a socio-economic subject, to encourage the development and dissemination of tourism research, and to facilitate the application of data and theoretical frameworks to both the academic and the practical problems of the tourism phenomenon. Although Annals regards tourism as a distinct field of inquiry, it is only by means of a fully interdisciplinary approach that the expansion of val- uable tourism knowledge can be achieved. Therefore, Annals will serve as a forum through which various disciplines involved in tourism research can meet and interact. Annals thus can contribute significantly to expanding the frontiers of knowledge in this new academic field. Annals of Tourism Research est une revue des sciences sociales concentr$e sur le c~t~ acad~mique du tourisme. Le but des Annals est d'explorer le domaine du tourisme en rant que discipline et mati~re socio-gconomique le d~veloppement etla dissemination des recherches su le tourisme, et de faailiter l'application des donn~es et des cadres lh~oriques aux probldmes acad~miques aussi bien que pratiques du ph~nomdne tour- istique. Quoique les Annals considerent le tourisme comme un domaine distinct, on ne rdussira ~ ~largie les connaissances du tourisme que par une effort interdisciplinaire. Aussi les Annals serviront-elles de forum ou peuvent se rencontrer les diverses disci- plines engag~ sur ie tourisme. Les Annals peuvent ainsi contribuer d'une manidre signif- icalive ~ ! expansion des fronti~res de la connaissance darts ce nouveau domaine ac~tdemique. Annals Of Tourism Research is an international journal publi.hed five (5) times during the academic year. The publication dates are September/October, November/December, January/February, March/April, and May/August. Views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and contributor (s) and not necessarily endorsed by the Editor or the University. MANUSCRIPTS: All parts of the research papers, case studies, and book reviews should be typed double space, and the original manuscripts and a copy addressed to the editor of Annals. For com- plete information, please see the STYLE, published in each issue of the journal. Please address all editorial and business correspondence to the Editor: dnnals of Tourism Research Department of Habitational Resources University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751, U.S.A. COPYRIGHT 1976 by J. Jafari and UW-Stout All rights reserved. Printed at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin, U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: Regular $10.00 and Student $5.00 per year. Please add .~.00 for subscriptions outside of North America. Second class postage paid at Menomonie, Wisconsin. Arrangements for air mail postage will be made upon request. Subscriptions from outside of tl,e United States of America are payable in U.S. currency or full equivalent. Single Copies & Back Issues: when available, $2.50 postpaid. MISSING ISSUES Must be claimed within four months after publication date to qualify for rFplacement. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 4,,a/., must be advised of a change of address (or name of receiver, in c,~r~uu; u~gan*zation) at least five (5) weeks prior to date of issue, with the subscriber's old and new address. Undelivered copies resulting from change of address will not be replaced. INTRODUCTORY COPY: Upon request, a complimentary copy of Annals will be senCto !nrerested ,ncJ,,,,~JtlaI$ or o~ganizations. 4 ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, Sept/Oct '76

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4nnals Of Tourism Research is a social sciences journal focusing upon the academic perspectives on tourism. The purpose of Annals is to reach into the domain of tourism as a discipline and a socio-economic subject, to encourage the development and dissemination of tourism research, and to facilitate the application of data and theoretical frameworks to both the academic and the practical problems of the tourism phenomenon. Although Annals regards tourism as a distinct field of inquiry, it is only by means of a ful ly interdisciplinary approach that the expansion of val- uable tourism knowledge can be achieved. Therefore, Annals will serve as a forum through which various disciplines involved in tourism research can meet and interact. Annals thus can contr ibute significantly to expanding the frontiers of knowledge in this new academic field.

Anna ls o f Tou r i sm Research est une revue des sciences sociales concentr$e sur le c~t~ acad~mique du tourisme. Le but des Annals est d'explorer le domaine du tourisme en rant que discipline et mati~re socio-gconomique le d~veloppement etla dissemination des recherches su le tourisme, et de faailiter l'application des donn~es et des cadres lh~oriques aux probldmes acad~miques aussi bien que pratiques du ph~nomdne tour- istique. Quoique les Annals considerent le tourisme comme un domaine distinct, on ne rdussira ~ ~largie les connaissances du tourisme que par une effort interdisciplinaire. Aussi les Annals serviront-elles de forum ou peuvent se rencontrer les diverses disci- plines engag~ sur ie tourisme. Les Annals peuvent ainsi contribuer d'une manidre signif- icalive ~ ! expansion des fronti~res de la connaissance darts ce nouveau domaine ac~tdemique.

Annals Of Tourism Research is an international journal publi.hed five (5) times during the academic year. The publication dates are September/October, November/December, January/February, March/Apri l , and May/August. Views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and contr ibutor (s) and not necessarily endorsed by the Editor or the University.

MANUSCRIPTS: All parts of the research papers, case studies, and book reviews should be typed double space, and the original manuscripts and a copy addressed to the editor of Annals. For com- plete information, please see the STYLE, published in each issue of the journal. Please address all editorial and business correspondence to the Editor:

dnnals of Tourism Research Department of Habitational Resources

University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751, U.S.A.

C O P Y R I G H T 1976 by J. Jafari and UW-Stout All rights reserved. Printed at the University of

Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E : Regular $10.00 and Student $5.00 per year. Please add .~ .00 for subscriptions outside of North America. Second class postage paid at Menomonie, Wisconsin. Arrangements for air mail postage wil l be made upon request. Subscriptions from outside of tl,e United States of America are payable in U.S. currency or ful l equivalent. Single Copies

& Back Issues: when available, $2.50 postpaid.

MISSING ISSUES Must be claimed within four months after publication date to qualify for


CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 4,,a/., must be advised of a change of address (or name of receiver, in c,~r~u u; u~gan*zation) at least five (5) weeks prior to date of issue, with the subscriber's old and new address. Undelivered copies resulting from change of address wil l not be replaced.

I N T R O D U C T O R Y COPY: Upon request, a complimentary copy of Annals will be senCto !nrerested ,ncJ,,,,~JtlaI$ or o~ganizations.


A N N A L S OF T O U R I S M R E S E A R C H Vol. IV, N o . 1, S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 1 9 7 6





For the FRENCH version see: September/October, 1975, issue.

For the G E R M A N version see: March/April, 1976, issue.

For the SPANISH version see: NovemberlDecember, 1975, issue

A N N A L S will cons ide r for pub l i ca t iun , rese.~r{'b papers and case s tudies dea l ing wi th all o r var ious phases of the t ou r i sm p h e n o m e n o n . In general , papers on eco- nomic , ecologica l , pol i t ical , sociological , psychotol.ncal. and educa t iona l aspects o f t o u r i s m , i nc lud ing case s tudies and industry, o r i en ted works m a y he s u b m i t t e d for ptlb- l ica t ion in A N N A L S .

Submis s ion o f a pape r requi res the assurance tha t ~he manu~r r i p t will n o t be s u b m i t t e d for pub l i ca t ion • , sewhere unt i l a dec is ion has been reached as to its ac- cep tab i l i ty for A N N A L S O F T O U R I S M R E S E A R C I I . If the m a n u s c r i p t d ep en d s cr i t ical ly on an o t h e r pape r which is n o t pub l i shed , one copy o f the paper s h o u l d be inc luded for the reviewer. Those man u s c r i p t s i nco rpo . ra t in~ the resul ts o f de ta i led or iginal research shou ld in- c lude (t iscussion of the b roade r s igni f icance of the suhject mat ter . '1o facil i tate p r o m p t review by t w o or m o r e ref- erees, send the ed i to r the original man u s c r i p t s and one copy . All ar t ic les mus t be in English.


. \ u tho r s may s u b m i t papers p repa red in a s t anda rd format . However . to faci l i ta te an d ex p ed i t e the work of ed i tors , they wou ld apprec ia te receiving ar t icles p repared in the s ty le descr ibed here. T h e m a n u s c r i p t s shou ld he divided in to the fo l lowing sec t ions :

T I T L E : If poss ible a s h o r t i n fo rma t ive t i t le shou ld be suppl ied for use as r u n n i n g head . Ti t le . a u t h o r ' s n ame and af f i l ia t ion are to appea r on a cover sheet .

A B S T R A C T : A one pa ragraph in fo rmat ive abs t rac t o f ~o more than 200 w o rd s s h o u l d a c c o m p a n y the article.

~t shou ld s tate concise ly w h a t was d o n e and w h y , w h a t was found , and w h a t was conc luded .

I 'FXT: All par ts o f the manusc r ip l s shou ld he t yped Ion ,,,,, silh. o f thv paper on ly ) doulAe-spaced, o r pref, .rahly

triph,-~paced, wi th amp le margnlx. 'rh(. h .x t , where i).)s- sibh., s hou ld be sul)-divi(h,d wi th titl(,d ht,a(lings pre¢'cth,d Iiv an in[ro~Ju(.til)n and Sl.lCl.l.Pded by a summlEy ()r ('l)n- c lus ion. Tbt, paper shou ld hv wr i t ten m thi rd person (do mlt urn, I and weh

I A T E I I . V F I ' l IE ( T I ' E I ) : In t lm tex t . rofervnces ~tre t ' ih,d l)x number . The l . ih , ra lu te ( ' i ted section should Ix, ty l~,d m~tl l.~Toupt,d ~,parah, ly at the end o f the paper in alpha- : . , : ic ,)r,h,r. by f irst au tho r al ld nllmhPrq.d. ( 'Ol l~,ql lent ly l ' l l :It i l l l lS Sllch aS "Paper suba l i l h .d . " "pt.rst}nal l ' t ln lmlul i - i ' i l l i{)n. '" "pt,rsl)na] CXl~.ricn('e.'" should nol b(, (, l l tered i l l tha rq,ft.ri,ll('i, list bi l l nlay IN, added ill parl,nthl,s(,s d i rect- ly. Ill lh~' l .~dy ( i f lh(' paper. ,.~tUUlOrS must (,11~;ilre thal t h i l r r(,ri'r(qlt'l,s ai'v il(,t.urate]y ci ted. Soh,:4of( .xplan~l- llOll i lhoi l l flit, aulhl)rs and pap~'r should llOl carry a ntl l l lbl,r.

.~.P, IH{ EV I V I ' IONS A N D T E R M I N t ) L ( ) ( ; I I C S : l~nfami l . l;ir or lli,'~*~ abbrl,vial ioiqs or terms should Ix, dt , f im,d when f~rst u~.,d m thG, t~.xt.

I'.\t~I,E~; A?.:I) I I , I , l l S T R : \ ' F t O N S : Each tabh, or i l lus t l :! .l sll(~uld I'~, tvpt.d on a, pa~(,. 'l 'bl' :]:~ta il~ lah],,s shtJlll(I I~, ar ranged so tha t ('~)lumns of like nlitlt.- rials read down . not across. Nonsi~f i f i ( .ant dec imal places m tabu la r da ta shou ld he omi t t ed . 'rht. tables and fieures sh~)uhl IX. numix ' r ed il3 Arabic numera l s . Suffi- r . . n l th'~criptiq)n shc)uhl IX. inc luded m the headings tt) make them sc.lf-t.xplanat()ry. Addi t iona l (h. tai lssht~uhl h~. fo()Ulotod, m)t in thl. till(.. In the. t ex t . i l lus t ra t ions xhl)uld h~, r~ff~.rrod to as fil[ures. They shou ld be f in ished d rawings not ne( 'din~ fu r the r a r twork o r t ype set t ing. No labh,~ i)r i l lus t ra t ions planm~d for r ( ,product ion can be I~trltor than t)ne page of the ANNAI ,S , wi th amp le mar- km~s prov ided.

t ) T I I E I { S : Pro fem.d lenffth o f an artk 'h, is 10-20 type- wr i t ten pages. The date when the paper was submi t ted and the, au thor 's a(Idross should Ix, pla('~,d at the end o f the pat}or, beh)w the' reh.renc~, list. 'rh(. papt.r should be a r ranged in the foll t)willg ~rd~.r: t i t le page, abs t rac t . i n t r oduc t i on , text l in( . luding tabtos and i l l u s t m t i o n s h s u m m a r y a n d / o r t .onclusi(ms, a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t , r~ffer- once notes , and the da tv of submiss ion of the paper and a u t h o r ' s address .

( ' t ) I ' Y R I G t l T : A N N A L S O F ' I O U R I S M RESEARCI1 is a copyri~jated pubt i( .a t ion. N(~ permiss ion is necessary for br ief q u o t a t i o n s and oricgnally worded abs t rac ts , pro- vided an app rop r i a t e acknowle( tRement is Riven. Wri t ten permiss ion m u s t be ob t a ined f rom the ed i t o r for ( 'opyinR or roprintinlz text of more than 5(10 words , tables , or fiffures. It shou ld include an expl ic i t s t a t emen t o f in tend- ~,(I use and deta i led Sl~,cification o f the mater ia ls to be r ep roduced . Permiss ion is norm'al}y ¢ranted c o n t i n g e n t Ul)On the like permiss ion o f the au thor .

ANNA LS also sol ici ts reviews of cur ren t t ou r i sm books . ' l~cy will Ix, pub l i shed in the review sect ion of \ N N A L S en t i t l ed " T o u r i s m in Rev iew."

Please send all manusc r i p t s d i rec t ly it) :

dafar Jafar i , Ed i to r A N N A L S O F T O U R I S M R E S E A R C H

Dept . o f Habi ta t iona l Resources . T o u r i s m University of Wiaeonsth.$tout

Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751 U.S.A.

A N N A L S O F T O U R I S M R E S E A R C H , S e p t / O c t ' 7 6 5