student exchange experiences

2014-2015 Student Exchange Experiences Internaonal Exchange Programme Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

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Page 1: Student exchange experiences

2014-2015 Student Exchange Experiences

International Exchange Programme

Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

Page 2: Student exchange experiences
Page 3: Student exchange experiences


Student Experiences from:


City University Hong Kong 1

Hong Kong Polytechnic University 3

Nanyang Technological University 5

Singapore Management University 10

Australia and New Zealand

La Trobe University 11

University of Queensland 15

University of Swinburne 18

University of Sydney 19


La Rochelle Business School 21

Modul University 23

Stockholm University 27

University of Mannheim 29

North America and Canada

Brock University 31

North Carolina State University 32

Ryerson University 33

University of Central Florida 41

University of Cincinnati 45

Page 4: Student exchange experiences

City University Hong Kong

When I arrived in Hong Kong everything was so different

from Europe – the time zone, the weather, the food, the

language, the architecture and most importantly – the cul-


At first, I personally did experience a culture shock but later I

met so many people from all around the world – just like me

and we together started to explore this amazing new world

as well as getting to know each other.

I was in City University Of Hong Kong – the campus is a mix-

ture of modern architecture and nature, which I found really

nice. I lived with a girl, who was from Shanghai, China and

she was very clever although she was quite shy. Most of the

locals there are very nice and kind but it is quite hard to so-

cialize with them sometimes because they find it hard to

speak English. However, once they start to know you they

invite you to all of their social events and are very keen to

help you or answer all of your questions.

Furthermore, Hong Kong is an amazing place! It is a great

mixture of modern architecture as well as old Chinese tem-

ples and spectacular nature at the same time. The best thing

about Hong Kong in my view is that you can always go and

get away from the busy city life and get fresh air with a

breath-taking view by going on a beautiful hike.

Lilyana Georgieva

BSc Business Management

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Page 5: Student exchange experiences

Taking part in an exchange semester in

Hong Kong was a once in a lifetime oppor-

tunity and an experience I am incredibly

glad to have been a part of. Everything was

very well organised and whenever I faced

any challenges there was always someone

available to contact. I made many new

friends from all over the world that made it

easy to adjust to life in Asia by exploring

Hong Kong and travelling throughout Asia

too. The academic side of my studies was

very similar to that in Surrey and involved a

lot of group projects. It was incredible to be

able to experience many new cultures and

make memories that will last forever.

Sophia Devries

BSc International Business Management

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Page 6: Student exchange experiences

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

When I first landed in Hong Kong I was submerged by the

humidity and hotness, however after a few weeks I got used

to it and finally really started to enjoy the city, the only no-

ticeable drawback of this exchange were the humidity and

pollution however they were overpowered by the excite-

ment of being in a different culture and the fact that discov-

ering the city and its surrounding was amazing.

My favourite part of the exchange wasn’t the classes but the

numerous trips I made to local islands and beaches to discov-

er the local culture and scenery. I would recommend this

exchange because I feel it gave me a lot in the sense that it

allowed me to see something that I never saw before and

experience something unique.

Cyprien Bernet

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Page 7: Student exchange experiences

From September 2014 to December 2014 I had the oppor-

tunity to live and study in Hong Kong at the Hong Kong Poly-

technic University. Starting from the city, Hong Kong is a con-

centrate of modernity and luxury. You can reach any place in

the city within 30 minutes. Even if the city seems smaller in

size than London, there is a lot to discover and to do. You can

relax by the seaside until mid-November, go hiking in the

countryside or just go for a walk inside luxurious shopping

malls or traditional markets.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is located in a strategic

position, Hung Hom (Kowloon). The accommodation, a 20-

floors skyscraper is located just 10 minutes’ walk from the

main campus. All rooms are twin rooms and you share the

bathroom with other two suitemates. The SHTM School is

ranked second best in the world for its researches studies. All

students speaks very good English and are very friendly even

though they may seem shy at a first view. From Hong Kong I

had the opportunity to meet a lot of other exchange stu-

dents and visit other Asian countries during the weekends.

Overall, it was a great experience!!!

Alessandro Conte

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Page 8: Student exchange experiences

Nanyang Technological University

Four months of being an exchange student in Singapore was indescribable. Studying

abroad was nerve wrecking but it gave me different opportunities to learn, experi-

ence and develop myself as a person to become more independent, make decisions

that will help me in the future. In addition, I had the chance to meet new people

from different countries across the world and make connections within the hospital-

ity industry particularly in the events sector where I had the chance to help an

events company by organizing and promoting different parties and social for stu-

dents like myself.

As an exchange student it help me widen my knowledge about the industry by

learning from professors with expertise. Studying abroad is not just about studying

but it will also give you the chance to travel different places where I had the chance

to visit Malaysia and Philippines even though my timetable was full. In terms of aca-

demic, I learned to study in advance and never do a last minute revision as educa-

tion system in Singapore are very different here in the UK, everyone are competi-


Going on exchange gave me the opportunity to do a two months intern in Fairmont

Hotel Philippines, which I learned a lot about the business and how operations


Raphael Bustos

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Page 9: Student exchange experiences

I spent the first semester of my second year in Singapore for an exchange program,

and it was one of the most valuable experiences I have had to date. I was continuing

my studies in International Hospitality Management at Nanyang Technological Uni-

versity. My academics comprised of 4 modules, Business Finance, Accounting, CSR

in Tourism and Hospitality and Tourism and Technology. Although the work was

challenging; the classes were engaging and informative. I found that the university's

methods of assessment were useful for developing skills for the future, for example

it's excessive use of group and individual presentations.

Aside from my studies I also had the opportunity to travel. I went to Hong Kong,

Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. I feel that travelling around Asia independently

allowed me to mature and gain more confidence. Furthermore as a hospitality stu-

dent, the experience of staying in different types of accommodation and observing

different cultures was highly relevant to my studies.

Alongside the travelling my favourite part of exchange was making friends from all

around the world. It was interesting to compare the differences in lifestyles across

the globe.

To conclude, for me exchange was a rare opportunity to make international rela-

tionships, experience wonderful new cultures and develop as a person.

Dede Olatunji

BSc International Hospitality Management

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Page 10: Student exchange experiences

Campus life: Leaving all my friends and family behind, getting on my first international flight, arriving in an unknown

country and moving in a new (shared) accommodation were unbearable facts for me 6 months ago.. Living on campus

while on exchange was the best experience one can ever get. It helped me establish new friendships, indulge in the Singa-

porean cuisine (served at every canteen), step out of my comfort zone while getting accustomed to new habits and sur-

roundings. You have everything you need starting from facilities (computer rooms, library, study rooms), canteens, sports

and gym areas as well as entertainment.

Entertainment: As an exchanger, finding a good place to enjoy yourself and meet new people is not hard at all. There are

plenty of pubs, clubs, shopping malls, indoor or outdoor activities suitable for anyone. I took every opportunity of enjoy-

ing my time in Singapore and I do not regret a thing! It is amazing how people from all sorts of countries and backgrounds

can form groups, interact and bond with each other in no time when the chance arises for them to live it up and be real.

As no one knows you beforehand, all you have to do is be open-minded and create networks.

Food: Worth mentioning is my Asian cuisine experience which I found unusually delicious. I have tried a variety of dishes

which are peculiar to some countries or regions in specific countries and unfortunately the taste of them can hardly be

reproduced abroad as the flavours and recipes are family-based or cultural “secrets”.

Travelling: My exchange semester could not be complete without the travels and the people that I have met during my

time in Asia. I have visited Malaysia (Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi), Indonesia (Bali), Vietnam (Ho Chi

Minh City), Hong Kong and Macau and I had an amazing time discovering the traditions and customs that are hidden in

the Asian historical sites and surroundings.

To sum up, the experience exceeded all my expectations and it made me realise how independent and mature I became

over time. Having celebrated my 20th birthday in Singapore with old and new friends alike and spending an entire week-

end at the Marina Bay Sands were unforgettable bonuses added to a unique adventure.

Delia-Alexandra Bute

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Page 11: Student exchange experiences

Campus life: Leaving all my friends and family behind, getting on my first international flight, arriving in an unknown

country and moving in a new (shared) accommodation were unbearable facts for me 6 months ago.. Living on campus

while on exchange was the best experience one can ever get. It helped me establish new friendships, indulge in the Singa-

porean cuisine (served at every canteen), step out of my comfort zone while getting accustomed to new habits and sur-

roundings. You have everything you need starting from facilities (computer rooms, library, study rooms), canteens, sports

and gym areas as well as entertainment.

Entertainment: As an exchanger, finding a good place to enjoy yourself and meet new people is not hard at all. There are

plenty of pubs, clubs, shopping malls, indoor or outdoor activities suitable for anyone. I took every opportunity of enjoy-

ing my time in Singapore and I do not regret a thing! It is amazing how people from all sorts of countries and backgrounds

can form groups, interact and bond with each other in no time when the chance arises for them to live it up and be real.

As no one knows you beforehand, all you have to do is be open-minded and create networks.

Food: Worth mentioning is my Asian cuisine experience which I found unusually delicious. I have tried a variety of dishes

which are peculiar to some countries or regions in specific countries and unfortunately the taste of them can hardly be

reproduced abroad as the flavours and recipes are family-based or cultural “secrets”.

Travelling: My exchange semester could not be complete without the travels and the people that I have met during my

time in Asia. I have visited Malaysia (Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi), Indonesia (Bali), Vietnam (Ho Chi

Minh City), Hong Kong and Macau and I had an amazing time discovering the traditions and customs that are hidden in

the Asian historical sites and surroundings.

To sum up, the experience exceeded all my expectations and it made me realise how independent and mature I became

over time. Having celebrated my 20th birthday in Singapore with old and new friends alike and spending an entire week-

end at the Marina Bay Sands were unforgettable bonuses added to a unique adventure.

Delia-Alexandra Bute

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management


Page 12: Student exchange experiences

Studying in Singapore was an amazing experience and I

would definitely recommend it to anybody! I made

friends from all over the world and learned about many

different cultures and how to adapt to a totally new envi-

ronment. Most lectures were in a classroom setting and

included group work and activities which was enjoyable.

There were many halls of residence on campus and all

rooms are shared, but it was a great chance to socialise.

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in clubs

and societies too!

Singapore is a small island with a lively atmosphere. NTU

is a bit further from the city centre, but transport is

cheap. However there is plenty to do on Campus and the

facilities are fantastic such as the outdoor pool and mul-

tiple canteens serving a diverse range of food. There are

many things to do in the city such as visiting Chinatown,

Little India or simply admiring the skyscrapers. There is

also Sentosa Island which has a lovely beach. In terms of

nightlife, Singapore has plenty of bars and clubs and

there are many events happening. Singapore is also a

great hub for travelling, but obviously studying should

come first!

Charlotte Cheesman

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Singapore Management University

Adeniran Akindele and Bilal Hussain | BSc Economics and Finance

Pascal Phillips | BSc International Business Management

A s




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Page 13: Student exchange experiences

Singapore Management University

Adeniran Akindele and Bilal Hussain | BSc Economics and Finance

Pascal Phillips | BSc International Business Management


Page 14: Student exchange experiences

La Trobe University

When deciding whether to complete an International Exchange, it

seemed very daunting and terrifying to move to a new country

with new cultures. However, now that I have completed my ex-

change, I can wholeheartedly say it was the best experience of my

life and the best decision I ever made.

Melbourne was a vibrant city with unique qualities but the accom-

modation given to us was around 40 minutes tram journey from

the city centre which wasn’t as accessible as I’d have hoped. Alt-

hough the accommodation was comfortable and right in the cam-

pus of the University, it was too far from the centre which wasn’t

ideal. However, campus life was fun and easy to get to lectures/

tutorials, while a night out consisted of going to small University

nights at local pubs and bars.

I had 2 part-time jobs while studying at University, at a juice bar on

campus and as a waitress in a local restaurant, which was good for

earning money to go travelling at weekends and term holidays.

The travelling was definitely my favourite part of my exchange.

From making friends from America, Australia, Asia and Europe, we

got groups of us to visit different places. I got to complete activities

I’d never even dreamt of, such as Sky-diving, Bungy Jumping,Scuba-

diving in the Great Barrier Reef etc.

All of these experiences and the new international friends I made

has really shaped the person I am today. Studying abroad on ex-

change is definitely a life-changing opportunity!

Karysca Gill

BSc International Business Management

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Page 15: Student exchange experiences

La Trobe University

When deciding whether to complete an International Exchange, it

seemed very daunting and terrifying to move to a new country

with new cultures. However, now that I have completed my ex-

change, I can wholeheartedly say it was the best experience of my

life and the best decision I ever made.

Melbourne was a vibrant city with unique qualities but the accom-

modation given to us was around 40 minutes tram journey from

the city centre which wasn’t as accessible as I’d have hoped. Alt-

hough the accommodation was comfortable and right in the cam-

pus of the University, it was too far from the centre which wasn’t

ideal. However, campus life was fun and easy to get to lectures/

tutorials, while a night out consisted of going to small University

nights at local pubs and bars.

I had 2 part-time jobs while studying at University, at a juice bar on

campus and as a waitress in a local restaurant, which was good for

earning money to go travelling at weekends and term holidays.

The travelling was definitely my favourite part of my exchange.

From making friends from America, Australia, Asia and Europe, we

got groups of us to visit different places. I got to complete activities

I’d never even dreamt of, such as Sky-diving, Bungy Jumping,Scuba-

diving in the Great Barrier Reef etc.

All of these experiences and the new international friends I made

has really shaped the person I am today. Studying abroad on ex-

change is definitely a life-changing opportunity!

Karysca Gill

BSc International Business Management

Accommodation: During my exchange I

lived at Chisholm College, one of the three

colleges located on campus. While the col-

lege could be quiet at times, I made some

great friends and was involved in social

events throughout the semester.

Academics: I undertook four modules while

at La Trobe, which matched the ones I

would have taken at Surrey. While I found

it difficult initially to adjust to a new way of

approaching academic work, for the most

part my lecturers were helpful in accom-

modating these adjustments.

Social: Melbourne provides an excellent

backdrop for social events. While the uni-

versity is located 45 minutes from the city,

local bars and restaurants facilitate most of

the social scene. I joined two of the surfing

trips which were great fun and allowed for

me to make new friends.

Laura Anthony

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism


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Page 16: Student exchange experiences

I can say that doing an exchange semester at LaTrobe Uni-

versity in Melbourne, Australia was the best thing I ever did.

Melbourne was a beautiful city with probably the friendliest

people I have ever met, great nightlife and always something

going on with so many things to see and do. An organised

trip for the exchange students to the Great Ocean Road in

the first week was where I met people from all over the

world and made lifelong friends.

The university itself was very organised and staying on cam-

pus accommodation was really convenient. Being there for 6

months meant that any time we had free from studying and

assignments we made the most of it by going into the city,

going on weekend trips or travelling around Australia.

My favourite aspect of my exchange was the opportunity to

travel to the most incredible destinations, seeing things I

never thought I would see and meeting so many different


All in all, I can’t recommend the exchange programme

enough. It was without a doubt scary and hard at times, but

it in the end all the memories made it worth it.

Lydia Ganotaki

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Page 18: Student exchange experiences

University of Queensland

Studying in a foreign country and living on the

other side of the world teaches you a lot about

yourself and your future aspirations. Becoming

a student at the University of Queensland in

Brisbane, Australia was an exciting challenge

and an experience that I will never forget. Stud-

ying abroad gives you the opportunity to

choose modules that are unavailable anywhere

in the UK. During my time at UQ I studied Mari-

time and Mining and Petroleum Law, two ex-

tremely topical modules in Queensland. In ad-

dition to this I studied Corporations Law and

Private International Law. These tour modules

have lead to me achieving a placement in a

corporate law department and applying for

training contracts in Shipping Law.

Away from the study and the library I was for-

tunate enough to see what Australia has to

offer as a country. From Sydney to schooners

the country is a travellers playground and I saw

some unbelievable sights. Studying abroad is

certainly an opportunity I would recommend. I

have friends in all corners of the world from

Chile to Chester and have experienced some

unforgettable trips.

Kieran Mitchell


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Page 20: Student exchange experiences

I had an amazing time on exchange at UQ, I was so glad that I

had the opportunity to see apart of the world I had never

been to before. The best part of my exchange was being able

to travel a lot during my time in Australia. I traveled a long

the east coast of Queensland where I camped on Fraser is-

land, slept a night outside in the outback, sailed the Whitsun-

day islands and snorkeled in the great barrier reef . I also got

to visit Sydney, Melbourne and New Zealand. The top things I

would recommend doing in Brisbane and the surrounding

area is going to lone pine koala sanctuary, day trip to Morton

island where you can feed wild dolphins, going to the Gold

Coast to surfer paradise beach and visiting the theme parks,

day trip to north stradbroke island and going to the top of

mount Coo-tha for great views of the city.

I was also lucky with where I lived as it was in a central loca-

tion and had very good transport connections to both the city

centre and uni. Urbanest is a privately run halls in south bank

where he rooms were very nice, modern and were all en-

suite. However it was expensive at $225 a week and this was

a discounted price I managed to get. For a cheaper option

you would probably have to find a house off campus as on

campus accommodation is even more expensive and had

very limited availability.

Sarah Boon

BSc Tourism Management

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Page 21: Student exchange experiences

University of Swinburne

Having never travelled to Australia, nor to any part of the Northern Hemi-

sphere, embarking on Surrey’s student exchange programme to Mel-

bourne was a dramatic learning curve that without doubt, broadened my

horizons in many different ways.

On reflection, I can say that with absolutely no doubt, studying in Mel-

bourne was one of the best experiences I’ve had; not only on an academ-

ic level but also on a personal level. I believe that the memories made

over in Australia will be ones that will resonate with me for a lifetime.

Whilst away, I met best friends from across the globe; friends that I would

never have met if I without visiting Melbourne. We studied, travelled the

entire East Coast and created memories that will always be true to my

heart. I went to Australia with the intent to immerse myself in a new cul-

ture, not realising that some of the the friends I made would be friends

for life.

Although studying the same course, attending university in Australia was

much different from studying at Surrey. Earlier starts and later finishes to

the teaching timetable was one aspect that didn't go down as well. How-

ever, the laid-back style of teaching combined with the great social side

of the university were factors that totally overruled the few flaws study-

ing abroad had to offer.

In conclusion, my time spent studying abroad has had a major impact me,

all of which is positive. Instead of being confined to one culture in one

university, I have now had the experience of viewing other cultures and

university life. My semester exchange was certainly a big highlight of my

university life and has ignited memories that will never be forgotten.

Katie Gillon

BSc Business Management

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Page 22: Student exchange experiences

University of Sydney

In January 2014 I found out that I received the only available place for my

course to do an exchange semester at the University of Sydney, which was

my first choice out of all possible host universities.

In July I was finally on the plane, together with my best friend from Surrey

who also got into Sydney, which made my experience even more special

as this time we spent together so far from home will always be special to

our friendship.

The first month in Sydney was very stressful, not knowing many people,

not knowing the local area very well and being confronted with a big city

of 4.5 million people. However, we soon found many friends from all over

the world, whether from Norway, Ireland, Scotland, the U.S. or Canada -

and of course loads of Aussies, who are friendly and open minded people.

In our leisure time we would go to the beach, do some excursions, e.g. we

went to Melbourne over the Melbourne Cup, which was amazing, and

would just chill with our friends, getting to know them and their cultures.

The way the University of Sydney works is quite different to Surrey. In-

stead of having one big exam period at the end of the semester, there

were many mini assessment during the semester, which was very time

consuming and which showed that the University of Sydney is one of the

top universities in the world, and that you actually have to work hard to

get good grades.

I truly had the time of my life during my semester in Sydney, where I could

not only develop professionally, but especially personally as it opened my

eyes to the world and made me more open minded and self-confident.

Jill Juergensen

BSc International Business Management

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Page 23: Student exchange experiences

I can easily say that my exchange at The University of Sydney, Australia was one of the best experiences of my life so far! Hav-ing the opportunity to study and live in a country on the other side of the world is something that I will never take for granted.

During my time in Australia I was fortunate enough to socialize and make friends with people from all over the world as my ac-commodation primarily included exchange students. The Univer-sity campus itself was so grand, beautiful and had impressive views of Sydney skyline. The University had so much to offer and as a result I joined the dance and sailing societies. I was very fortunate enough to be able to do the exchange program with my best friend from university, which was very beneficial as we helped each other with our academic studies and travel.

Jill and myself had the opportunity to travel to New Zealand in our mid semester break which was incredible! We went on a tour where we had the chance to have our first surfing lessons, go caving and embark on a 19km hike. At the end of our semes-ter Jill and myself arranged another tour to travel up the East Coast of Australia. This experience is one that I will always treas-ure as we saw so many amazing things that Australia has to offer.

We travelled to Byron Bay, sailed around the Whitsundays; I skydived on the beach at Surfers Paradise and went swimming round the Great Barrier Reef! After two weeks of traveling up the coast we reached Cain’s where we caught a flight to the out-back! This was a completely different experience where we went on long walks at 4am, slept in swags and camped under the stars. The exchange was an experience of a lifetime and I wish I could do it all over again!

Molly Dye

BSc Business Management

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Page 24: Student exchange experiences

La Rochelle Business School

Academic studies

Studied 7 modules (group work/assignments and exams)

Choice of English or French track

Integration week for international students: intensive French classes and team

building activities (First week of September)

A business school therefore the institution’s smaller in comparison to Surrey

Strict monitoring of attendance (need to badge ID card for every class)


School offers assistance in finding accommodation

Types of accommodation: host family stay (€350-€570 per month), apartments or

studios/residence (€300-€600 per month)

Stayed in a residence, an 18m² studio with a fully equipped kitchen (€579 a month)

Local area

Varieties of restaurants, shops, nightclubs and bars

Beaches, Mediatheque, Université de La Rochelle, EIGSI

Excursions—Places I visited whilst in France included:

Ile de Re







Nicolai Marasigan

BSc Tourism Management

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Page 25: Student exchange experiences

La Rochelle Business School

Academic studies

Studied 7 modules (group work/assignments and exams)

Choice of English or French track

Integration week for international students: intensive French classes and team

building activities (First week of September)

A business school therefore the institution’s smaller in comparison to Surrey

Strict monitoring of attendance (need to badge ID card for every class)


School offers assistance in finding accommodation

Types of accommodation: host family stay (€350-€570 per month), apartments or

studios/residence (€300-€600 per month)

Stayed in a residence, an 18m² studio with a fully equipped kitchen (€579 a month)

Local area

Varieties of restaurants, shops, nightclubs and bars

Beaches, Mediatheque, Université de La Rochelle, EIGSI

Excursions—Places I visited whilst in France included:

Ile de Re







Nicolai Marasigan

BSc Tourism Management


Page 26: Student exchange experiences

Modul University

Time spent on my exchange semester in

Vienna was one the best times in my life.

It is not only about new country, universi-

ty or even new friends. It is an opportuni-

ty to take risk and follow your wish to

explore new piece of world. You never

know what to expect but it is about how

to adjust and find yourself in the new

environment, how to deal with issues and

how to be responsible. New life in Vienna

broadened my knowledge and gave me

many answers. I have presented a little

part of my experience, however I wish

everyone would use this opportunity to

discover a new country and gain their

own experience.

Alesia Martsishonak

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism


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Page 27: Student exchange experiences

Academic studies: Due to the small student pop-

ulation, we students could express ourselves

freely regarding the subject in class. More atten-

tion from the lecturers could be dedicated to

each student. Not only do the lecturers know the

names of almost all the students in their classes,

they are also aware of the individual academic


Accommodation: The block I lived in WIHAST

was clean and peaceful. The room and shared

kitchen were spacious. The toilet and mini kitch-

enette are shared between two adjacent rooms.

Managing cleanliness and functionality of the

shared space with my roommate felt like a

“preparation” for my future home planning.

New Friends: I made friends with some of my

neighbours and hung out with them in several

occasions. Sometimes we would bring our

friends along to the gatherings. Meeting people

of different cultural backgrounds was enriching

as we shared about our own country, customs

and traditions.

Sheila Koo

BSc International Hospitality Management

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Page 28: Student exchange experiences

Summary: Erasmus exchange was definitely a one-of-a-kind experience for me; I met so many new friends from all over the world (not just Austrians) as well as getting the opportunity to

experience a different culture that is unlike my own. Of course, things were not smooth sailing in the beginning (as I had to familiarise myself with the environment, people, language and

food). However, I’m happy to say after 5 months, I did not regret choosing Modul University Vienna as my student exchange choice. It was truly memorable!

Viennese café culture: Viennese cafés have an extremely long and distinguished history that dates back centuries, and as such it was a must for us to visit the coffeehouses there. There

are many coffeehouses all over Vienna (and we went to quite a few in our short 5 months stint there), and some research online helped us in picking which places to go to. The more pop-

ular drinks are the Wiener Melange (similar to a cappucino) and the more popular desserts include the Apfelstrudel (Apple Strudel) and Sacher Torte (Chocolate cake with apricot jam)

Food: The food in Vienna was truly amazing! The must-trys are definitely the soups, Schnitzel and Ribs (most Viennese restaurants sell them). It is also common to find sausage stands

and noodle stands almost everywhere you go. When it comes to grocery shopping in Vienna, it is advisable to bring your own bags (as they would charge for plastic bags used). Stores

that are more popular with student include: Hofer (there is one near the student dorms-Wihast), Merkur, Billa and Spar.

Christmas Markets: As my exchange was in the fall semester, we got a chance to visit the beautiful Christmas markets in Vienna which are held from mid-November to Christmas. We

also had the chance to try out local Christmas delicacies such as the punsch (a Christmas drink with rum and brandy in it), glühwein (mulled wine), different types of sausages, german

dumplings, cheeses and many more.

Campus on Kahlenberg: Modul University is located on a located on Kahlenberg, a scenic hill with a spectacular view of Vienna. Compared to Surrey, it is a much smaller university with a

smaller intake which is why I feel that we get to know each other really well over time (which was great). Seminars and lectures were also much smaller as compared to Surrey, which is

different but interesting in a way as we got to interact more with the lecturers and professors.As I got the chance to speak up more, voice my opinions and ask questions, I feel that I am a

more confident person now as compared to before.

Friends: I have met so many friends throughout the course of my exchange. We met everyone during Orientation Week at first—when everyone was all tentative and awkward in the

beginning, but after time meeting the same people in lectures and tutorials frequently brought everyone closer together. Also, we do have dinner and go out together outside of class

time. I really think I’ve made friends for a lifetime and would definitely recommend you to go for exchange!

Advice: Keep an open mind! Request for a buddy with the Student Services Centre (SSC), my buddy really helped me when it came to getting my Austrian phonecard, my transport cards

and all the other necessities (such as bank accounts etc). Be adventurous and travel around Austria! (as well as within Austria).

Jolene Neo

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Page 29: Student exchange experiences

Summary: Erasmus exchange was definitely a one-of-a-kind experience for me; I met so many new friends from all over the world (not just Austrians) as well as getting the opportunity to

experience a different culture that is unlike my own. Of course, things were not smooth sailing in the beginning (as I had to familiarise myself with the environment, people, language and

food). However, I’m happy to say after 5 months, I did not regret choosing Modul University Vienna as my student exchange choice. It was truly memorable!

Viennese café culture: Viennese cafés have an extremely long and distinguished history that dates back centuries, and as such it was a must for us to visit the coffeehouses there. There

are many coffeehouses all over Vienna (and we went to quite a few in our short 5 months stint there), and some research online helped us in picking which places to go to. The more pop-

ular drinks are the Wiener Melange (similar to a cappucino) and the more popular desserts include the Apfelstrudel (Apple Strudel) and Sacher Torte (Chocolate cake with apricot jam)

Food: The food in Vienna was truly amazing! The must-trys are definitely the soups, Schnitzel and Ribs (most Viennese restaurants sell them). It is also common to find sausage stands

and noodle stands almost everywhere you go. When it comes to grocery shopping in Vienna, it is advisable to bring your own bags (as they would charge for plastic bags used). Stores

that are more popular with student include: Hofer (there is one near the student dorms-Wihast), Merkur, Billa and Spar.

Christmas Markets: As my exchange was in the fall semester, we got a chance to visit the beautiful Christmas markets in Vienna which are held from mid-November to Christmas. We

also had the chance to try out local Christmas delicacies such as the punsch (a Christmas drink with rum and brandy in it), glühwein (mulled wine), different types of sausages, german

dumplings, cheeses and many more.

Campus on Kahlenberg: Modul University is located on a located on Kahlenberg, a scenic hill with a spectacular view of Vienna. Compared to Surrey, it is a much smaller university with a

smaller intake which is why I feel that we get to know each other really well over time (which was great). Seminars and lectures were also much smaller as compared to Surrey, which is

different but interesting in a way as we got to interact more with the lecturers and professors.As I got the chance to speak up more, voice my opinions and ask questions, I feel that I am a

more confident person now as compared to before.

Friends: I have met so many friends throughout the course of my exchange. We met everyone during Orientation Week at first—when everyone was all tentative and awkward in the

beginning, but after time meeting the same people in lectures and tutorials frequently brought everyone closer together. Also, we do have dinner and go out together outside of class

time. I really think I’ve made friends for a lifetime and would definitely recommend you to go for exchange!

Advice: Keep an open mind! Request for a buddy with the Student Services Centre (SSC), my buddy really helped me when it came to getting my Austrian phonecard, my transport cards

and all the other necessities (such as bank accounts etc). Be adventurous and travel around Austria! (as well as within Austria).

Jolene Neo

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management


Page 30: Student exchange experiences

Stockholm University

I can definitely say that the semester I spent in Sweden was the highlight of my stu-

dent life. I had the most amazing time and got the chance to live in a country such

as Sweden, with an interesting culture and a really high standard of living. I was

initially really hesitant and I was not sure about my decision. But within a week of

being there, meeting new people and exploring a new city, those doubts had disap-

peared. Stockholm is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful capitals of Europe, and

home to a Top 100 European university. I really enjoyed my modules, and my pro-

fessors and the exchange team at Stockholm University had a relaxed attitude while

at the same time succeeding in keeping high academic standards, thus making the

transition a lot easier and the exchange experience a lot more enjoyable.

I was lucky to get student accommodation in Lappkärrsberget, situated 10 minutes

from campus. I had a spacious ensuite room with a view to the adjacent national

forest. The most important part of this experience was the people. I think the

friendships I made during this semester are going to last a lifetime. I will never for-

get our parties, our songs around the fire at the beach, our barbeques, our trips to

the Swedish countryside and Stockholm archipelago and our party cruise to Riga.

This experience taught me a lot about myself, and gave me the opportunity to expe-

rience different cultures and way of life; I would therefore recommend it to any-


Ioannis Benetatos


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Page 31: Student exchange experiences

Studying in Stockholm has been an unforgettable experience!

I enjoyed studying Human Rights in a Global Perspective and Comparative Law. The

classes were taught in small groups (which I preferred) and found engaging. I have

learnt transferable skills, through the practical staggered assessments and believe

these skills will contribute to studies in my final year at Surrey.

My accommodation was on a student campus which was predominantly for inter-

national students. It was the perfect place to meet and live with other students

also on exchange. This not only gave me an insight into Swedish culture, but also

many others that I never expected to encounter. I even found myself integrating

into Swedish culture by having the traditional Fika (Coffee break) every day!

Experiencing university life in one of Europe’s most cultured cities has allowed me

to expand my horizons, giving me the opportunity to embrace new traditions and

make friends for life. I explored a completely different lifestyle and contributed to

things I perhaps would not have had the opportunity to do in the UK. I plan to re-

turn to Stockholm in April to visit and definitely see myself working/living in Stock-

holm or a nearby city in the future!

Masuma Shamsi

LLB Law with Criminology

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Page 32: Student exchange experiences

University of Mannheim

I took part in a semester exchange at the University of

Mannheim in Germany. Firstly Mannheim has lots of

interesting attractions, including the university itself as

well as the Rhein River. It is close to other major cities

and towns such as Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Frankfurt and

a few hours from Munich by train. Unfortunately uni-

versity owed accommodation was fully booked almost

as soon as the reservation portal opened, but the uni-

versity had a private accommodation service exclusively

for students so I ended up renting in an apartment,

with two German students. When it came to academic

studies, half of my classes started in mid- October/

November which meant I had a lot of free time and

could concentrate on doing well in the language classes

available. Be prepared however, as learning styles are

extremely different. Lots of memorizing was required

which came as a bit of a shock and was not necessarily

easier than how we study at home. I made lots of

friends from around the world and that was the biggest

highlight of my experience, I was not disappointed!

Kyria Mputu-Mombo


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Page 33: Student exchange experiences


Page 34: Student exchange experiences

Brock University

I was lucky enough to study at Brock University

in the Niagara region, Canada. I lived in halls

on campus, sharing a hallway with 55 Canadian

first year students. This was a lot of fun that

came with countless opportunities to socialise

and enjoy myself. Classes were a bit easier

than those taught at Surrey which was great,

although the work load was a fair bit higher.

However, it was very manageable and I still

found I had time to go travelling somewhere

every other weekend. In terms of travel, I visit-

ed a number of Canadian and American places

such as Montreal, Toronto and New York to

name a few. Going on exchange gave me the

chance to learn about and appreciate new

sports like Ice Hockey and American Football,

which was a new insight for me. Furthermore, I

got to try plenty of new food dishes, my fa-

vourite being poutine (chips, covered in cheese

and gravy). I would certainly recommend doing

exchange to anyone and have no regrets about

doing it.

Harry Brickwood

BSc International Business Management

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Page 35: Student exchange experiences

North Carolina State University

I studied at North Carolina State University for the first semester of my second

year. I was there from beginning of August till the end of December.

Accommodation: During my semester at NCSU I stayed in an apartment on cam-

pus. I shared the apartment with 3 other students, two Americans and one interna-

tional student. I had my own room but shared bathrooms and kitchen with the

other student. The room was medium size with double bed and all the basic furni-


Academic studies: I was enrolled onto four classes for that semester. What I found

different from Surrey was that they had a wide range of different classes to pick

from and the lectures were much shorter. The course load was much more than at

Surrey but if you stay on top of things you should be fine.

Social life: University life at NCSU was incredible. To start with there were 30,000

students, which is half of what we have in Surrey. There are hundreds of student

clubs and organizations at the university which offers different activities and some

are academically focused and others purely social. I attended events such as live

music, football games, basketball games, and Greek initiation ceremonies. I met

amazing people I will never forget and made life long friends.

Traveling: Travelling around the USA has also been once in a lifetime experience.

Not many people can say they have visited 12 states in less than 6 month. USA is a

vast country with lots to explore and doing so has been fascinating and rewarding.

Tsion Gebru

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Page 36: Student exchange experiences

Ryerson University

Things to know before you go:

No VISA necessary for 1 semester

Flights are quite expensive! Know the best time to buy for best deals

Choosing modules (Ryerson are very flexible and helpful with this)

No need to know French, practically no one speaks it in Toronto

Money – have some cash for initial expenses. I personally took out a credit card with no overseas fees for easy payments on most things but friends made do with just taking

out large sums of cash every now and then on their regular debit card (but you need to inform your bank you’ll be away or they will block it and you’ll be in trouble!)

Would advise a Cab from airport – expensive but you wont get lost/have to lug your suitcase(s) around the public transport system

Everyone knows Canada to be COLD, but August/Sept is HOT and it is still mild until around November where it suddenly changes, so be prepared for this!

People are friendly, but you are in a city, so most people have places to be - imagine a friendlier London

Learning how to get around without a car – mostly public transport, you can get practically anywhere in the city for $3 using TTC (Subway, Buses and Trams)

Academic studies:

3 hour lectures are the norm – but they are not as bad as they seem!

Fantastic buildings and facilities - Ted Rodgers School of Management. Facilities similar to SurreyLearn for lecture slides and information etc.

Brilliant Lecturers – engaging and interesting

More work for less– I would do an essay that, here, might be 40% but there is only 10%! They break up the grade more, but it is actually a blessing! Mix of Homework,

Coursework, Group work, Midterms and Finals (not all of them for each module, obviously!) Lots of multiple choice exams. Exams before Christmas!


On Campus accommodation unavailable for 1 semester, only for a full year. Early deadlines to apply!

100% advise Neill Wycik (where I stayed) - Cheap, everyone lives there! lots of events always on. Centre of the city, across the road from Campus (1 minute walk!), great Fa-

cilities – Gym, BBQs on Roof Decks, Games room, TV Room, Computer Lab, Laundry Rooms, Café, 24/7 Security, own room, shared bathrooms and kitchen facilities.

Top Tips:

Plan and organise before you go! Take every opportunity that arises or you will regret it!

Take it upon yourself you explore, don’t rely on University trips!

Be a part of Ryerson – go to sports matches and the SU! (Free Hockey matches to watch Ryerson Rams!)

Explore Toronto but also explore further! (I visited New York, twice! Barrie and the Lakes – Skydiving! Niagara Falls, twice, once in a helicopter!)

Document your memories!

Briony Clarke

BSc Business and Retail Management

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Page 37: Student exchange experiences

Ryerson University

Things to know before you go:

No VISA necessary for 1 semester

Flights are quite expensive! Know the best time to buy for best deals

Choosing modules (Ryerson are very flexible and helpful with this)

No need to know French, practically no one speaks it in Toronto

Money – have some cash for initial expenses. I personally took out a credit card with no overseas fees for easy payments on most things but friends made do with just taking

out large sums of cash every now and then on their regular debit card (but you need to inform your bank you’ll be away or they will block it and you’ll be in trouble!)

Would advise a Cab from airport – expensive but you wont get lost/have to lug your suitcase(s) around the public transport system

Everyone knows Canada to be COLD, but August/Sept is HOT and it is still mild until around November where it suddenly changes, so be prepared for this!

People are friendly, but you are in a city, so most people have places to be - imagine a friendlier London

Learning how to get around without a car – mostly public transport, you can get practically anywhere in the city for $3 using TTC (Subway, Buses and Trams)

Academic studies:

3 hour lectures are the norm – but they are not as bad as they seem!

Fantastic buildings and facilities - Ted Rodgers School of Management. Facilities similar to SurreyLearn for lecture slides and information etc.

Brilliant Lecturers – engaging and interesting

More work for less– I would do an essay that, here, might be 40% but there is only 10%! They break up the grade more, but it is actually a blessing! Mix of Homework,

Coursework, Group work, Midterms and Finals (not all of them for each module, obviously!) Lots of multiple choice exams. Exams before Christmas!


On Campus accommodation unavailable for 1 semester, only for a full year. Early deadlines to apply!

100% advise Neill Wycik (where I stayed) - Cheap, everyone lives there! lots of events always on. Centre of the city, across the road from Campus (1 minute walk!), great Fa-

cilities – Gym, BBQs on Roof Decks, Games room, TV Room, Computer Lab, Laundry Rooms, Café, 24/7 Security, own room, shared bathrooms and kitchen facilities.

Top Tips:

Plan and organise before you go! Take every opportunity that arises or you will regret it!

Take it upon yourself you explore, don’t rely on University trips!

Be a part of Ryerson – go to sports matches and the SU! (Free Hockey matches to watch Ryerson Rams!)

Explore Toronto but also explore further! (I visited New York, twice! Barrie and the Lakes – Skydiving! Niagara Falls, twice, once in a helicopter!)

Document your memories!

Briony Clarke

BSc Business and Retail Management 34

Page 38: Student exchange experiences


Page 39: Student exchange experiences

For my semester abroad I studied at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.

The 4 months I was there was probably one of the best experiences I have

ever had I would hugely recommend it to anyone thinking about studying

abroad. Not only did studying abroad allow me to learn in a different culture,

but it allowed me to find out so much about myself and overall I believed I

have developed so much.

My time in Toronto was amazing, from meeting new people at university or

in my hotel, to partying every week, to going travelling around Canada and

USA. There was so much to do and explore. Also my friend from Surrey Uni-

versity came and visited me.

My trip was fulfilled with adventures, flying out in first class to staying in a

hotel for 4 months. I went and watched a baseball game, basketball game,

ice hockey game, and had a tour round the stadium and met all the players

and a soccer match and when I flew out to America I watched American

football and went to a boxing match to see my idol Floyd Mayweather.

There was so many things I did in Canada such as go up the CN Tower, NIag-

ra falls, Go shopping, Go to a fashion show, party in the best clubs, went to

concerts, themeparks, historical places and many more.

This experience was a once in a lifetime and I have made so many new

friends from all over the world and memories that will last a life time.

Adam See

BSc Business Management

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Page 40: Student exchange experiences


Finances: Student Finance (£300 for the first cost, the rest covered.) Only cover flights, not accommodation. Robert Earl Scholarship

Flights: Shop around for flights! I found Air Transat the cheapest, if you have a return date it is even cheaper!

Immigration: Currently, if you're a student for less than 4 months you don't need a study permit! You need to be able to prove that you can support yourself financially, and

that you are enrolled to your chosen university. (I was directed to talk to immigration and asked to prove all of the above, however others were not. Be prepared!)

Transport: TTC! To and from the airport there is a bus and subway route, not straight forward but a lot cheaper. From the airport by taxi $50, to the airport by TTC $3 - alt-

hough TTC is more hassle, its worth it for the price.

Ryerson University

Modules: Equivalents! You have to make sure you choose an equivalent modules to align with Surrey - be prepared for the modules not to run! Sometimes they are listed but

do not get enough students on the course and cancel it! Pre Requisites - Check whether their are any! I was caught out on this, I entered a module that the students all had

previous knowledge for - I ended up changing.

UHIP - University Health Insurance Plan: This is compulsory! Costs approximately $200.

Lectures: Much more interaction, powerpoints are more of a guide rather than the teaching material. Be prepared for everyone to turn around when they hear your accent


RISExC: Exchange student group, run by students for students. They organise trips although not 100% reliable, less than half the planned events went ahead. Although the

events that did run were very good.

Location: Several buildings around downtown Toronto. Ted Rogers Management School is located next to the Eaton Centre in Dundas Square.

Hospitality and Tourism: Aspects of Food & Issues and Policies. Incredible professors! Food = several guest speakers, prepared food in front of you, tried the food etc. Issues

and Policies = British lecturer, approachable, supportive, has a lot of time for his students, interactive.

Books: A lot of lecturers refer back to them, but expensive! I paid $400+ for mine. At the end you can resell them in Ryerson Bookstore.

Canada, Toronto

Temperature: When I arrived in Toronto I was prepared for chilly weather, when I stepped off the plane I walked into 30 degrees. Be prepared for all weather! Within 3-4

weeks, you couldn't leave without a coat!

Shopping: Dundas square - huge shopping centre, mostly underground

Fall: Take a walk to see the changing of the leaves. I drove through Niagara on the Lake in November, although the end of the season, the colours were amazing!

Baseball: Cheap tickets, slightly boring sport but I personally enjoyed it!

Ice Hockey: The Maple Leaves are Toronto’s hockey team however tickets are expensive! The Ryerson Rams (Or your university team) are just as entertaining.

TTC: Subway & Trams..$3 token will take you as far as you need to go! Passes can be bought, cheap, simple & easy way to travel!

Time difference: +5 hours from London!

Eating Out: Subways are everywhere, you're never more than 10 blocks from one! Tim Hortons, great coffee. Eaton Eatery = an entire floor of food; Indian, subway, KFC,

McDonalds, Thai, Greek, Mediterranean, Vegan, New York Fries for Poutine!

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Page 41: Student exchange experiences


Finances: Student Finance (£300 for the first cost, the rest covered.) Only cover flights, not accommodation. Robert Earl Scholarship

Flights: Shop around for flights! I found Air Transat the cheapest, if you have a return date it is even cheaper!

Immigration: Currently, if you're a student for less than 4 months you don't need a study permit! You need to be able to prove that you can support yourself financially, and

that you are enrolled to your chosen university. (I was directed to talk to immigration and asked to prove all of the above, however others were not. Be prepared!)

Transport: TTC! To and from the airport there is a bus and subway route, not straight forward but a lot cheaper. From the airport by taxi $50, to the airport by TTC $3 - alt-

hough TTC is more hassle, its worth it for the price.

Ryerson University

Modules: Equivalents! You have to make sure you choose an equivalent modules to align with Surrey - be prepared for the modules not to run! Sometimes they are listed but

do not get enough students on the course and cancel it! Pre Requisites - Check whether their are any! I was caught out on this, I entered a module that the students all had

previous knowledge for - I ended up changing.

UHIP - University Health Insurance Plan: This is compulsory! Costs approximately $200.

Lectures: Much more interaction, powerpoints are more of a guide rather than the teaching material. Be prepared for everyone to turn around when they hear your accent


RISExC: Exchange student group, run by students for students. They organise trips although not 100% reliable, less than half the planned events went ahead. Although the

events that did run were very good.

Location: Several buildings around downtown Toronto. Ted Rogers Management School is located next to the Eaton Centre in Dundas Square.

Hospitality and Tourism: Aspects of Food & Issues and Policies. Incredible professors! Food = several guest speakers, prepared food in front of you, tried the food etc. Issues

and Policies = British lecturer, approachable, supportive, has a lot of time for his students, interactive.

Books: A lot of lecturers refer back to them, but expensive! I paid $400+ for mine. At the end you can resell them in Ryerson Bookstore.

Canada, Toronto

Temperature: When I arrived in Toronto I was prepared for chilly weather, when I stepped off the plane I walked into 30 degrees. Be prepared for all weather! Within 3-4

weeks, you couldn't leave without a coat!

Shopping: Dundas square - huge shopping centre, mostly underground

Fall: Take a walk to see the changing of the leaves. I drove through Niagara on the Lake in November, although the end of the season, the colours were amazing!

Baseball: Cheap tickets, slightly boring sport but I personally enjoyed it!

Ice Hockey: The Maple Leaves are Toronto’s hockey team however tickets are expensive! The Ryerson Rams (Or your university team) are just as entertaining.

TTC: Subway & Trams..$3 token will take you as far as you need to go! Passes can be bought, cheap, simple & easy way to travel!

Time difference: +5 hours from London!

Eating Out: Subways are everywhere, you're never more than 10 blocks from one! Tim Hortons, great coffee. Eaton Eatery = an entire floor of food; Indian, subway, KFC,

McDonalds, Thai, Greek, Mediterranean, Vegan, New York Fries for Poutine!


Page 42: Student exchange experiences


Neill Wycik: Exchange students are generally housed together, met lots of students from around the world. Not luxury, but is very good value for location. As the building is a

co-op, hours! Do not leave them for last minute, get them over and done with ASAP! ($1900 for September -December)

Primrose Hotel: More expensive, although I didn't visit - better living conditions.

On campus: Not available for semester 1 students!


CN Tower: Glass floor on observation deck

Hockey Hall of Fame: Interesting for hardcore hockey fans, interesting but slightly boring if you do not know the ins and outs of Hockey like myself.

Toronto Island: Everything closes at the end of the summer but the boat offers some amazing photo opportunities.

Niagara Falls: Wrap up warm! It is freezing but an amazing place. Explore! The local town has a few shops including a fudge shop, bowling alley and a small amusement park.

Niagara on the Lake: Visited with my mother, small shops, beautiful scenery

Reptile Centre: If you like reptiles, 100% would recommend. Lots of venomous animals that cant be found in several UK places.

Toronto Zoo: Incredible place, easy to get to. 100% would recommend, give yourself plenty of time to walk around, it is huge!

Sky Diving: Incredible experience, cheaper than UK approx 2 hours to destination

Barrie: Not a lot happening but nice to walk around the lake

International Womens Show: Pretty self explanatory, lots of freebies and saw Patrick Adams from suits.

New York: Driving 12 hours, not far and you get to tick off one of the best cities in the world!

Sanata Claus Parade: Every year a huge parade travels through Toronto with floats from local companies such as Tim Hortons, Toronto Raptors, Toronto Maple Leaves etc.

Future Students

Call Student Finance: See what they can do for you! Anything they can offer you is a bonus!

Modules: Check, check and check again. Do not be afraid to change if it is not right for you.

Accommodation: What I saved on housing I spent on travelling

Transport: TTC is worth it! Bit of a hassle but the saving is well worth it

Temperature: Go prepared for ALL weather!

Explore: Study first, then explore! I did things I never thought I would, some incredible things. Exploring was the highlight of my time in Toronto. I had the most incredible

time in Toronto, be prepared to be mature, independent, miss your loved ones, but have the most amazing time!

Jamie Woodhams

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Page 43: Student exchange experiences


Neill Wycik: Exchange students are generally housed together, met lots of students from around the world. Not luxury, but is very good value for location. As the building is a

co-op, hours! Do not leave them for last minute, get them over and done with ASAP! ($1900 for September -December)

Primrose Hotel: More expensive, although I didn't visit - better living conditions.

On campus: Not available for semester 1 students!


CN Tower: Glass floor on observation deck

Hockey Hall of Fame: Interesting for hardcore hockey fans, interesting but slightly boring if you do not know the ins and outs of Hockey like myself.

Toronto Island: Everything closes at the end of the summer but the boat offers some amazing photo opportunities.

Niagara Falls: Wrap up warm! It is freezing but an amazing place. Explore! The local town has a few shops including a fudge shop, bowling alley and a small amusement park.

Niagara on the Lake: Visited with my mother, small shops, beautiful scenery

Reptile Centre: If you like reptiles, 100% would recommend. Lots of venomous animals that cant be found in several UK places.

Toronto Zoo: Incredible place, easy to get to. 100% would recommend, give yourself plenty of time to walk around, it is huge!

Sky Diving: Incredible experience, cheaper than UK approx 2 hours to destination

Barrie: Not a lot happening but nice to walk around the lake

International Womens Show: Pretty self explanatory, lots of freebies and saw Patrick Adams from suits.

New York: Driving 12 hours, not far and you get to tick off one of the best cities in the world!

Sanata Claus Parade: Every year a huge parade travels through Toronto with floats from local companies such as Tim Hortons, Toronto Raptors, Toronto Maple Leaves etc.

Future Students

Call Student Finance: See what they can do for you! Anything they can offer you is a bonus!

Modules: Check, check and check again. Do not be afraid to change if it is not right for you.

Accommodation: What I saved on housing I spent on travelling

Transport: TTC is worth it! Bit of a hassle but the saving is well worth it

Temperature: Go prepared for ALL weather!

Explore: Study first, then explore! I did things I never thought I would, some incredible things. Exploring was the highlight of my time in Toronto. I had the most incredible

time in Toronto, be prepared to be mature, independent, miss your loved ones, but have the most amazing time!

Jamie Woodhams

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management


Page 44: Student exchange experiences

University of Central Florida

Academic Studies: Overall, we were supposed to choose 4 modules, including 3 compulsory

modules, and I had class for only 3 days. I chose Beer class for optional module and it was

amazing experience; students in that class tasted a range of beer from various countries. For

Ethics module which is compulsory to take, we had to take shuttle to the main campus. Mar-

keting class involved a lot of effort; students in the class have to take pre-quiz before every

class and take another quiz instead of checking attendance. Still, designing a marketing plan

and interviewing concierge was a good practice.

Accommodation/ Local Area: Accommodation in Rosen campus has 4 bed rooms, a living

room and nice kitchen. However, there is only one temperature control in the flat and Flori-

da students prefer to turn air conditioner down so low even during winter and this was the

most suffering. I wish we could choose accommodation in the main campus, because I had

classes for only two days a week on Rosen and there’s not many things we could do around

Rosen without car. The shuttles to the main campus operate only during weekdays, and pub-

lic buses come once in a while.

Travelling/ Excursion: Travelling around the USA was the biggest purpose of going to the

exchange. Before semester starts, I went to Miami and Key West and they were very beauti-

ful places. During semester I went to Discovery Cove, Sea World, and Universal Studios in

Orlando, and travelled Chicago and Michigan. After semester finished some exchange stu-

dents went to trip in California and Las Vegas. We visited national parks including Grand Can-

yon and Death Valley and they showed us incredible views. Also, in Las Vegas the hotels

were very creative and diverse. This trip was the most amazing memory in the whole semes-


Friends: I had great chance to meet other exchange students from different countries, and

we usually hanged out together and went to trip during and after semester. There’s interna-

tional buddies to each exchange students, and I and my buddy tried to meet each other but

we could never see each other.

Jinwoo Kang

BSc International Hospitality Management

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Page 45: Student exchange experiences

University of Central Florida

Academic Studies: Overall, we were supposed to choose 4 modules, including 3 compulsory

modules, and I had class for only 3 days. I chose Beer class for optional module and it was

amazing experience; students in that class tasted a range of beer from various countries. For

Ethics module which is compulsory to take, we had to take shuttle to the main campus. Mar-

keting class involved a lot of effort; students in the class have to take pre-quiz before every

class and take another quiz instead of checking attendance. Still, designing a marketing plan

and interviewing concierge was a good practice.

Accommodation/ Local Area: Accommodation in Rosen campus has 4 bed rooms, a living

room and nice kitchen. However, there is only one temperature control in the flat and Flori-

da students prefer to turn air conditioner down so low even during winter and this was the

most suffering. I wish we could choose accommodation in the main campus, because I had

classes for only two days a week on Rosen and there’s not many things we could do around

Rosen without car. The shuttles to the main campus operate only during weekdays, and pub-

lic buses come once in a while.

Travelling/ Excursion: Travelling around the USA was the biggest purpose of going to the

exchange. Before semester starts, I went to Miami and Key West and they were very beauti-

ful places. During semester I went to Discovery Cove, Sea World, and Universal Studios in

Orlando, and travelled Chicago and Michigan. After semester finished some exchange stu-

dents went to trip in California and Las Vegas. We visited national parks including Grand Can-

yon and Death Valley and they showed us incredible views. Also, in Las Vegas the hotels

were very creative and diverse. This trip was the most amazing memory in the whole semes-


Friends: I had great chance to meet other exchange students from different countries, and

we usually hanged out together and went to trip during and after semester. There’s interna-

tional buddies to each exchange students, and I and my buddy tried to meet each other but

we could never see each other.

Jinwoo Kang

BSc International Hospitality Management

I went on an exchange for a semester at Uni-

versity of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida,


My entire experience has been absolutely

incredible! 10 out of 10. The students at UCF

were really helpful, co-operative and friendly.

In my starting days I was a bit scared but the

students and teachers around made me feel

comfortable and gave me an idea about the

school and the locality, which really helped

me throughout the entire semester. I could

not have been more fortunate.

Accomplishing this exchange programme has

impacted on my future in following ways:

Deciding my career goals

New lifelong friendships

Personal growth

The only negative thing I can talk about is the

public transport, it is bad, you have to have a

car in Florida. But, other than that it is a life

defining experience.

Anybody who does not do an exchange is so

definitely missing out.

Vishal Yadav

BSc International Hospitality Management

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘


Page 46: Student exchange experiences

Accommodation: Rosen College resembles a resort. On the small hospitality campus there is a

swimming pool, a gated community with security, library and a small gym. I share an apartment

with 3 other female students, sharing a kitchen and living room and shared bathroom facilities

with 1 other flat mate.

Local Area: Living in Orlando, you are given the opportunity to visit all the famous local theme

parks at a discounted rate being a UCF student. There are also a range of bars and clubs around

town (If you’re 21+). You can find beaches all around Florida that are short drives away. There

are 2 premium outlets with very cheap designer clothes.

Transport: There is a university shuttle bus that takes you to and from the main campus Monday

to Friday from around 6am-9am. If you have a driving license and you have the funds to do so, I

would highly recommend that you rent a car time to time or buy one for your stay because

getting around can be very hard without one. There are local buses that can take you to the mall,

airport and other places but do not run as regularly as they do in Guildford. Taxis can be slightly

expense if traveling alone as most places are somewhat spread out and not walkable.

American football: American students are really into football and there are regular games

throughout the semester. Whist being at the games, it was natural for me to get into the UCF

football spirit.

Traveling between studies: During my time in the USA, I was able to Travel to; the Bahamas, New

Orleans, St Augustine, Miami, Key West and Clearwater.

Friends: I met meet many new people whist being at the University of Central Florida. I met some

friends that I will keep in contact with for life. I also got to know many new cultures and pick up a

little Spanish and Chinese from fellow exchange students.

Shakiya Yemoh-Parkes

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘


Page 47: Student exchange experiences

Accommodation: Rosen College resembles a resort. On the small hospitality campus there is a

swimming pool, a gated community with security, library and a small gym. I share an apartment

with 3 other female students, sharing a kitchen and living room and shared bathroom facilities

with 1 other flat mate.

Local Area: Living in Orlando, you are given the opportunity to visit all the famous local theme

parks at a discounted rate being a UCF student. There are also a range of bars and clubs around

town (If you’re 21+). You can find beaches all around Florida that are short drives away. There

are 2 premium outlets with very cheap designer clothes.

Transport: There is a university shuttle bus that takes you to and from the main campus Monday

to Friday from around 6am-9am. If you have a driving license and you have the funds to do so, I

would highly recommend that you rent a car time to time or buy one for your stay because

getting around can be very hard without one. There are local buses that can take you to the mall,

airport and other places but do not run as regularly as they do in Guildford. Taxis can be slightly

expense if traveling alone as most places are somewhat spread out and not walkable.

American football: American students are really into football and there are regular games

throughout the semester. Whist being at the games, it was natural for me to get into the UCF

football spirit.

Traveling between studies: During my time in the USA, I was able to Travel to; the Bahamas, New

Orleans, St Augustine, Miami, Key West and Clearwater.

Friends: I met meet many new people whist being at the University of Central Florida. I met some

friends that I will keep in contact with for life. I also got to know many new cultures and pick up a

little Spanish and Chinese from fellow exchange students.

Shakiya Yemoh-Parkes

BSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management


Page 48: Student exchange experiences

University of Cincinnati

Overall the experience exceeded all expectations. It was truly an experience of a lifetime and I would have stayed

there haven been given the opportunity. At first like anything I was hesitant and questioning going, for the simple

reason that I feared the unknown. However after the first day I knew it would be a great trip as I was welcomed with

open arms and strangely my surroundings felt quite familiar.

Academic Studies: In America I studied 4 courses, all worth 3 credits each and all of which were based around a de-

gree in Business Management. Most of the courses were examined either by presentation and or a multiple-choice

exam both of which were a lot easier than what I would expect at the University of Surrey. The biggest surprise for

me was how easy and laid back the education was, which enabled me to walk away with a 90% average.

Accommodation: My assigned accommodation was called ‘Stratford Heights’ which was mainly home to the inter-

national students. it was located across the road from campus and within walking distance from the bars, restau-

rants, parties ect. The rooms were dorm like and very modern and spacious. Overall I feel it was a great place to live.

Relationships: American people are very welcoming therefore it made it easy to build relationships. Professors at

the University of Cincinnati are also very outgoing and helpful, making education, communication and relationships

easy to establish and maintain. Like me, all other international students were on an adventure, and it takes a certain

personality to leave home alone and travel to another country, which again made it easy to relate and connect to

each other.

Travel: During my time in the states, I travelled to over 20 states, including crossing the boarder to Canada. The

affordable prices and access to travel options made it easy to get around.

Sport: In America everything revolves around sport, especially throughout the education system. Game days are an

event in itself and involve the whole community in the area and or city to come together. The social life and feasting

on food is built on the foundations of sport also. Sport is what the American culture is all about, family’s and friends

coming together, eating and drinking.

Taylor Inkersole

BSc Business Management

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘


Page 49: Student exchange experiences

University of Cincinnati

Overall the experience exceeded all expectations. It was truly an experience of a lifetime and I would have stayed

there haven been given the opportunity. At first like anything I was hesitant and questioning going, for the simple

reason that I feared the unknown. However after the first day I knew it would be a great trip as I was welcomed with

open arms and strangely my surroundings felt quite familiar.

Academic Studies: In America I studied 4 courses, all worth 3 credits each and all of which were based around a de-

gree in Business Management. Most of the courses were examined either by presentation and or a multiple-choice

exam both of which were a lot easier than what I would expect at the University of Surrey. The biggest surprise for

me was how easy and laid back the education was, which enabled me to walk away with a 90% average.

Accommodation: My assigned accommodation was called ‘Stratford Heights’ which was mainly home to the inter-

national students. it was located across the road from campus and within walking distance from the bars, restau-

rants, parties ect. The rooms were dorm like and very modern and spacious. Overall I feel it was a great place to live.

Relationships: American people are very welcoming therefore it made it easy to build relationships. Professors at

the University of Cincinnati are also very outgoing and helpful, making education, communication and relationships

easy to establish and maintain. Like me, all other international students were on an adventure, and it takes a certain

personality to leave home alone and travel to another country, which again made it easy to relate and connect to

each other.

Travel: During my time in the states, I travelled to over 20 states, including crossing the boarder to Canada. The

affordable prices and access to travel options made it easy to get around.

Sport: In America everything revolves around sport, especially throughout the education system. Game days are an

event in itself and involve the whole community in the area and or city to come together. The social life and feasting

on food is built on the foundations of sport also. Sport is what the American culture is all about, family’s and friends

coming together, eating and drinking.

Taylor Inkersole

BSc Business Management


Page 50: Student exchange experiences

FBEL International Exchange

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