strategies for turning undeclared majors into stem graduates

1 Strategies for Turning Undeclared Majors into STEM graduates Ann Blackman CTC Program Manager, Collin College Kat Balch English Professor, Collin College Julie Turnbow Math Professor, Collin College 1/08/2012

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Strategies for Turning Undeclared Majors into STEM graduates. Ann Blackman CTC Program Manager, Collin College Kat Balch English Professor, Collin College Julie Turnbow Math Professor, Collin College. Convergence Center Partners. It’s NOT Your Imagination …. There really are more students!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Strategies for Turning Undeclared Majors into STEM graduates

Ann Blackman

CTC Program Manager, Collin College

Kat Balch

English Professor, Collin College

Julie Turnbow

Math Professor, Collin College


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Convergence Center Partners

2 1/08/2012

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It’s NOT Your Imagination …. There really are more students!

October 2009: 70% of high school graduates enrolled in some form of college


1987 – 1997

Higher Education enrollment increased 14%

1997 – 2007

Higher Education enrollment increased 26%

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Types of Prospective Students

Recent High School Graduate Undeclared Major Entry level technician Re-careering individual Post Baccalaureate

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Recruiting Practices

Prospective Students vs

Undeclared Majors


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Challenges and Opportunities

Turning Undeclared Students Into


University Transfer


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Do We Have Their Attention?

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Why Would A Math & English Professor be involved in the CTC?

Working Connections Impact on the Classroom– Educator Perspective

– Student Perspective



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Why Would A Math & English Professor be involved in the CTC?

Why get involved with the CTC? How to get involved? Advice


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One Recruitment Event, Over and Over, Right?

Recruitment MUST be a multi-faceted, focused approach.

“We’re creating quality through customization.” -Alicia Huppe, Associate Dean of Recruiting & Programs for New Students, Collin College.


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Making Connections

Focused Recruitment

Provide “just in time” information Keep it relevant to what their interest and

needs are Show them the money Remember - If they’re not a geek, then they

know a geek1/08/201211

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Making Connections

Information SessionsSHORT, INFORMALOne stop shopping

– Advisors, high school dual enrollment, internship info etc


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Making Connections

Information SessionsKeep it interactive

– Clickers (we use Turning Technologies)– Passports to stamp, games, etc.– TRY THIS!

Let the students and alumni be your ambassadors


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Is Convergence Technology...

1 2 3 4

0% 89%7%4%1. Voice

2. Voice & Video

3. Voice, Video & Data

4. Voice, Video & Data on one secure network

NOTE: Example of quiz game used at Info Session in place of a lecture describing value of program


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The average salary of Convergence Technician with an AAS degree is...

1 2 3 4

0% 0%100%0%1. $100/year

2. $5/hour

3. $35,000-$50,000/year

4. More than Bill Gates will ever make!

NOTE: Example of quiz game used at Info Session in place of a lecture describing value of program.


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Make It Hands On

NOTE: Demo’s can be cheap and easy yet meaningful and engaging … students using their own cell phones to plot wireless strength based on 3 minutes of instruction.

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Make It Hands On

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Partners in Recruitment & Retention

NOTE: Students lend your recruitment events credibility as well as more energy.

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Partners in Recruitment & Retention

NOTE: Partner a current student with a prospective student. This builds confidence in the current student and provides an additional resource for the prospective student.

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Partners in Recruitment & Retention

NOTE: Encourage the students to create demo’s they have not learned in class – We ALL have got something to learn!

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Partners in Recruitment & Retention

NOTE: Making student services like advisors, co-op program, career services etc turns a recruitment event into a recruitment AND retention event.

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Partners in Recruitment & Retention


B.A. in Information Technology A new program from the Computer Science and

Engineering Department at UNT

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Effective Communication Tools

Online Communication– Regular contact that is CUSTOMIZED– Upcoming courses, Promote events, Faculty

development Email & Event Marketing

–– –– –


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Maintaining Connections …Be Social!


Convergence Technology Center Fan Page

Collin College Convergence Group

GreenITCenter twitter stream

LinkedIn Group: CTC - The Green IT Solution

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Effective Communication Tools

It’s not ALL online …

AdvisorsFacultyPosters …. And chalk! … And maybe

balloons!LISTEN to what others want …


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Maintaining Connections

Declare Your Degree Day - is a hand out in class Focus Groups - are a class visit and/or email

survey– Plan TechKnowFire– Suggest “Bringing IT Together” Network Dinners– Participate in recruitment events

Take every opportunity to highlight and acknowledge student accomplishments


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Access To Recruitment Materials

Choose “Educators” tab


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In Summary


Personalize– Communication, Events, and Follow Up

Think Recruitment and Retention Seek out partnerships Develop a Year-Round Plan

– Think in terms of both in person

and online

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Your Best Recruitment Tools are Your Students!


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Want More?


Consider becoming a CTC Mentor Network College

A lead faculty member to assist PI or grant staff as an administrative contact Training for faculty through summer institute Equipment list Recruitment plans and event details

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For more information:

Ann Blackman [email protected]

Julie Turnbow [email protected]

Kat Balch [email protected] "This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0903239. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."