’s divine · pdf file · 2013-11-20all our mothers, grandmothers,...

ST.GEORGE’S DIVINE SERVICES Sunday, May 12 Sunday of the First Ecumenical Council/Mother’s Day Readings: Acts. 20:16-18 & 28-38; Jn. 17:1-13 9:10 A.M. Third Hour; 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy Health and wellbeing on Andrew, Lyudmyla, Joe, Stanislava , Mykola (By Galyna Sibruk) Supplications will be offered for+ Michael Sahayda, given by wife Mary. 12:00 noon Bishop Robert Moskal Golden Jubilee at parish of Holy Trinity (Carnegie) Tuesday, May 14 St. Isidore, Martyr Readings: Acts. 21:26-32; Jn. 16:2-13 9:00 A.M. Divine Liturgy Repose of Stefan, Maria, Stefan, Joseph Lorinc (By Michael Lorinc) Thursday, May 16 St. Theodore, Venerable Readings: Acts. 1:1-12; Lk. 24:36-53 7:00 P.M. Holy Anointing of the Sick (Office of the Holy Oil) Saturday, May 18 St. Patrick, Bishop-martyr of Prusa in Asia Minor Readings: Acts. 2:1-11; Jn. 7:37-52 & 8:22 3:00 P. M. Mysteries of Christian Initiation 6:30 P.M. Vigil Divine Liturgy (McKees Rocks) Sunday, May 19 Pentecost Sunday-Descent of the Holy Spirit Readings: Acts. 2:1-11; Jn. 7:37-52 & 8:22 *First Reconciliation* 9:10 A.M. Third Hour; 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy Health and salvation of Nancy Romah and Vicki & Michael Senko on their wedding anniversary. Health and salvation of Andrew, Lyudmyla, Joe, Stanislava, Mykola (By Galyna Sibruk). Supplications will be offered for+ Sandy Winghart, given by sister mary Siwecky Mary. Following the Divine Liturgy we will have refreshments in the Church hall to celebrate the First Reconciliation of our parish children.

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Sunday, May 12 Sunday of the First Ecumenical Council/Mother’s Day

Readings: Acts. 20:16-18 & 28-38; Jn. 17:1-13

9:10 A.M. Third Hour;

9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy

Health and wellbeing on Andrew, Lyudmyla, Joe, Stanislava , Mykola (By Galyna Sibruk)

Supplications will be offered for+ Michael Sahayda, given by wife Mary.

12:00 noon Bishop Robert Moskal Golden Jubilee at parish of Holy Trinity (Carnegie)

Tuesday, May 14 St. Isidore, Martyr

Readings: Acts. 21:26-32; Jn. 16:2-13

9:00 A.M. Divine Liturgy

Repose of Stefan, Maria, Stefan, Joseph Lorinc (By Michael Lorinc)

Thursday, May 16 St. Theodore, Venerable

Readings: Acts. 1:1-12; Lk. 24:36-53

7:00 P.M. Holy Anointing of the Sick (Office of the Holy Oil)

Saturday, May 18 St. Patrick, Bishop-martyr of Prusa in Asia Minor

Readings: Acts. 2:1-11; Jn. 7:37-52 & 8:22

3:00 P. M. Mysteries of Christian Initiation

6:30 P.M. Vigil Divine Liturgy (McKees Rocks)

Sunday, May 19 Pentecost Sunday-Descent of the Holy Spirit

Readings: Acts. 2:1-11; Jn. 7:37-52 & 8:22

*First Reconciliation* 9:10 A.M. Third Hour;

9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy

Health and salvation of Nancy Romah and Vicki & Michael Senko on their wedding anniversary.

Health and salvation of Andrew, Lyudmyla, Joe, Stanislava, Mykola (By Galyna Sibruk).

Supplications will be offered for+ Sandy Winghart, given by sister mary Siwecky Mary.

Following the Divine Liturgy we will have refreshments in the Church hall to celebrate the

First Reconciliation of our parish children.

Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Nicea I

At that time, Jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven and said,

“Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son

may glorify you, since you have given him power over all

flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him.

And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God,

and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”

The Divine Liturgy is the celebration of the Eucharist that is,

the consecrated Body and Blood of Our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ. It is a time when we rejoice with the angels and

glorify God with the Angel hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy are You

of God . . .” It is the time when we gather with fellow

Christians in apostolic tradition and transcend the

limitations of this life and experience a foretaste of the

Kingdom of God through the Eucharist.

Centuries ago, 325A.D. to be exact, the First Ecumenical Council comprised of the Holy and

God-bearing Fathers gathered together as keepers of apostolic traditions in Nicea to set forth

the dogma (accepted and unchanging truth of the Church) of the Holy Trinity. In so doing, they

cast down the blasphemy of Arius, censured Macedonius, the enemy of the Holy Spirit, and

condemned Nestorius, Eutyches, Dioscorus, Sabellius, and Severus.

Why do we commemorate the Fathers of the First Council today? We are now three days after

the Feast of the Ascension and seven days before Pentecost. These Feasts prove the Divinity of

Christ. That is why today we have read from St John’s Gospel where Our Lord speaks of His

Father, He speaks as His Son, Whom the Father has sent, saying that He came out from the

Father and that all things that are the Father’s are also the Son’s. These Gospel words prove the

Divinity of the Son. It is these very words of Our Lord faithfully recorded in the Gospel that

inspired the Fathers of the First Universal Council.

Today, we call these events of the First Council to mind and pray that our lives may be

preserved blameless in faith and that we, following their divine doctrines and believing with

assurance, may worship, in One Godhead, the Father, Son, and All-holy Spirit, the Trinity one in

essence. Amen.

May 12, 2013

Sunday of the Holy Fathers of

The First Ecumenical Council

Our Holy father Epiphanius,

Bishop of Cyprus & Germanus

Festal Tone

Changeable Parts:

Pages 20-22

In the Booklet of Changeable Parts (Small

white book)

Our Parish Family wishes special blessings upon

all our mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and

spiritual mothers on this Mothers’ Day. Grant

them, O Lord, many happy and blessed years:

Многая Літа!

Announcements: Today: Sunday of the Fathers

On this Sunday, following the Ascension of Our Lord, we commemorate the victory of the

true faith over its enemies. We also affirm the importance of the First Ecumenical Council, held

in Nicaea in 325 A.D. It was at this First Ecumenical Council that the Bishops gave us a written

summary of our Holy Faith. Today, we call this summary the “Creed”. As followers of Christ, let

us always love one another, so that in oneness of mind, we may continue to profess our faith

and say the “Creed” as a community of faithful.

Today: Parents Meeting

In preparation for the First Reconciliation Celebration, we will have a meeting of the parents

of this year’s class today, Sunday, May 12th, following the Divine Liturgy, in the Church hall. We

ask those parents to please be present for this meeting. Thank you.

This Sunday: GOLDEN JUBILEE/DINNER: Bishop Robert Moskal, born and raised in our

Carnegie parish and the first bishop of our Eparchy, will return to Holy Trinity Church, in

Carnegie, to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood today, Sunday,

May 12. He will serve Divine Liturgy at noon followed by a Testimonial dinner at the Airport

Marriott in Coraopolis. The dinner will begin with a social at 2:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 3

p.m..Tickets are $35 per person and may be obtained by calling Holy Trinity Church at 412-279-

4652 or from other members of the Diocesan Resource Committee.

Next Sunday: Pentecost

Next Sunday, we will celebrate the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the

establishment of the Church through the preaching of the Apostles and the baptism of the

thousands, who on that day, believed in the Gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

This Feast is also seen as the culmination of the revelation of the Holy Trinity. As part of our

celebration, we will have the Kneeling Prayers and Festal Anointing-Mirovanya. Therefore at

the end of the Divine Liturgy, please come forward to receive this Festal Anointing, as we will

celebrate the birthday of the Holy Church.

Anyone who has been the victim of abuse by one of the clergy or religious serving in the

Eparchy of St. Josaphat, or by any employee of the Eparchy or any of its parishes, or by a

volunteer at any event sponsored by the eparchy or one of its parishes or organizations, is

invited to contact His Grace Bishop John (Bura) at (440) 888-1522; or the Victim

Assistance Coordinator, Marika Zaliszczuk, at (412) 215-5372.


Our total income from last week’s sale was $280.00 Thanks to all our

dedicated women and men that come faithfully to be part of this parish activity.

Collection- May God bless you…

The total for Sunday of May 5, 2013 was $1529.00 (Collection: $828.00, Loose & other: $421.00, Pyrohy: $280.00)

Sincere thanks to all for your kindness and generosity to our Holy Church!


Please light a candle in honor/memory of the following

_________________________ Living Deceased

_________________________ Living Deceased

_________________________ Living Deceased

Given By:


Please print each name and circle the correct notation. Red candles will be used for

the deceased, White for the Living. Donation for each candle is $3.00.