steps to motivate yourself and to stay motivated constantly


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Post on 21-Jan-2018



Self Improvement

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Self Motivation

If you want to attain success andmake things done, you need to havean ability to motivate yourself.

Even experienced person often needsmotivation. Of course motivationhelps you to keep going to achievesuccess and wealth.

The basements to climb the successsteps are first have faith in you, thencheerfulness, self-motivation , andbeing optimist in approach.

The principles for success are self-reliance. When you help yourself, Godwill help you. Indeed, depend uponyourself and you can achieveanything. Nothing is impossible.

It is just a bend:

It’s natural, often when weLose hope and think this is theend. But remember at thattime , God smiles from aboveand says, “relax, sweet heart,it is just a bend, not the end!

Mission Not yet over.

If you think your mission is over andyour life has come to an end, Justthink it over! Do you ever dispose of‘live’ battery which still have a purposeto serve? Believe it, as longer as youare ‘alive’ your mission is not yet over,and you have a purpose to serve.

So, remember there is no end for yourgoal, till you are alive.

Keep motivating yourself positively

“There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.” – Quote by Napoleon Hill

We desire to have a more positive life experience. To have positive experience we must positively motivate ourselves. We must be persuaded that any change we make will bring about the gratification of a particular need or desire.

To create beneficial change in life, we must assess the potential benefits for any given action. Then we must persuade ourselves that the benefits will justify or outweigh the price we have to pay for them.

Steps to motivate yourself and to stay motivated constantly:

If you want to attain success andmake things done, you need to havean ability to motivate yourself. Evenexperienced person often needsmotivation. Of course motivationhelps you to keep going to achievesuccess and wealth.

Have a reason:

To motivate yourself, you need a strongest motive. This motive will inspire you and it makes you do whatever it takes to challenge all of the difficulties, so you can reach your goal. If your desire to win and your motives are normal then your get motivated temporarily. The strong desire always makes you think and live on your goals and this strong motive will cling to you moving forward.

Dream Bigger

“If your dreams don’t scare you,they are not big enough” – Quote

I like this quote “Never give up on whatyou really want to do. The person withbig dream is more powerful than the onewith all the facts”. So, having a great goalis important, then work hard for it, stayfocused and surround yourself with goodpeople.

Have a definite plan

“A goal without a plan is just a wish”

Alan lakin said, ‘Failing to plan is planning tofail”. So make a plan to achieve your goal.Always be supple, thus you can makealteration to your plan when you need to,because sometimes you may encounter anobstacle.

Start with small steps

“The best way to achieve big goalsis to take small steps”.

To go where you want to needsserious effort. To achieve your goal,first you need to take small step. Onceyou start, it will be quite easy for youto keep moving forward.

Never compare yourself with others“Comparison is a thief of joy”. – TheodoreRoosevelt

Do you know the reason that why some people arestruggling with insecurity?

It is because they are comparing themselves withothers without knowing the scenes behind them.

Stop comparing yourself otherwise it will kill yourmotivation and self-confidence. Though you startyour work with full interest, you will lose enthusiasmif you focus on what others accomplished. Don’tinsult yourself by comparing with other.

Learn from your earlier mistake

Elbert Green Hubbard said, “character isthe result of two things: mental attitude andthe way we spend our time”.

Don’t kill your motivation by concentrating onyour previous mistakes. Of course learning fromyour mistakes can help to motivate you meanwhileyou know what to avoid. Just think today is newday for you. So, motivate yourself and achieve whatyou want.

To read more motivational articles, motivationquotes, success stories, leadership qualities,types of motivation, mind control, power ofpositive thinking, how to control negativethoughts and anger, self improvement, believein yourself and more…

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