stem/worddefinitionexamples comtogether combine, complete, complex intrawithin intracellular,...

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Page 1: Stem/WordDefinitionExamples Comtogether Combine, Complete, Complex Intrawithin Intracellular, Intravenous, Intramural CentOne hundred Century, Centimeter,

Caesar’s English

Page 2: Stem/WordDefinitionExamples Comtogether Combine, Complete, Complex Intrawithin Intracellular, Intravenous, Intramural CentOne hundred Century, Centimeter,

Lesson 1Stem/Word Definition Examples

Com together Combine, Complete, Complex

Intra within Intracellular, Intravenous, Intramural

Cent One hundred Century, Centimeter, Centurion

Ad to Adapt, Advocate, Adhere

Fer Carry Aquifer, Conifer, Transfer

Bi Two Binocular, Bilingual, Binary

Sub Under Subterranean, Subordinate, Submit

De Down Deduct, Demolish, Denounce

Pre Before Preposition, Precede, Predecessor

Super Over Superfluous, Supernatural, Supercilious

Page 3: Stem/WordDefinitionExamples Comtogether Combine, Complete, Complex Intrawithin Intracellular, Intravenous, Intramural CentOne hundred Century, Centimeter,

Lesson 2Stem/Word Definition

Placate To appease

Derision Ridicule

Vivacious Full of life

Procure To acquire

Retort A quick, clever reply

Countenance Facial expression

Profound Deep

Manifest Obvious

Prodigious Huge

Languor Weakness

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Lesson 3Stem/Word Definition Examples

Vita Life Vital, Vitamin, revitalize

Vid Look Video, evidence, provide

Pater Father Paternal, Patriarch, Expatriate

Matri Mother Maternal, Matriarch, Matrimony

Pop People Popular, Population, Populous

Un Not Unfit, Unclear, Unequaled

Inter Between Interstate, Intermediary, Interface

Semi Half Semitone, Semi lucid, Semicircle

Dis Away Dispute, Dissonant, Dissuade

Sym Together Symbol, Symposium, Symbiosis

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Lesson 4Stem/Word Definition

Audible Able to be heard

Benevolent Charitable

Somber Gloomy

Prostrate Lying flat

Profuse Abundant

Serene Calm

Acute Sharp

Condescend To patronize

Grotesque Distorted

Odious Hateful

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Lesson 5Stem/Word Definition Examples

Loco Place Locomotion, location, dislocate

Sur Over Surface, surrealist, surfeit

Alter Other Altercation, Alternative, Altruism

Contra Against Contradiction, Contrast, Contrary

Stell Star Stellar, Constellation, Interstellar

Circum Around Circus, Circumpolar, Circumlocution

Mal Bad Malcontent, Malign, Malapropism

Post After Postgraduate, Posterior, Postlude

Equi Equal Equation, Equinox, Equitable

Ante Before Antedate, Ante Meridiem, Antepenult

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Lesson 6Stem/Word Definition

Ostentatious Showy

Inexorable Inevitable

Indolent Lazy

Doleful Mournful

Alacrity Eagerness

Exquisite Beautifully Made

Clamor Outcry

Sublime Lofty

Tremulous Quivering

Allude Indirectly refer to

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Lesson 7Stem/Word Definition Examples

Amat Love Amorous, Amateur, Amity

Luna Moon Lunar, Lunatic, Sub lunar

Greg Group Congregate, Segregate, Gregarious

Clam Cry out Clamor, Exclamation, Declaim

Tang Touch Tangle, tangent, Intangible

Aqua Water Aquifer, Aquaplane, Semi aquatic

Audi Hear Audition, Audiology, Audit

Scrib Write Transcribe, Scribble, Ascribe

Cede Go Antecedent, Concede, Intercede

Cise Cut Precise, Concise, Decisive

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Lesson 8Stem/Word Definition

Oblique Indirect or slanting

Pensive Thoughtful

Magnanimous Generous

Importune To Pester

Peremptory Imperious

Placid Calm

Singular Unique

Amiable Friendly

Incredulous Skeptical

Perplex Confuse

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Lesson 9Stem/Word Definition Examples

Mar Sea Marine, Maritime, Mariner

Junct Join Junction, Conjunction, Adjunct,

Luce Light Lucidity, Translucent, Pellucid

Medi Middle Medium, Mediterranean, in medias res

Tempor Time Temporal, Temporize, Contemporary

Cred Believe Credulous, Credit, Discredit

Miss Send Missionary, Missile, Admission

Cide Kill Genocide, Herbicide, Fungicide

Dict Say Predict, Dictionary, Interdict, Diction

Bell War Rebel, Belligerence, casus belli

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Lesson 10Stem/Word Definition

Tacit Unspoken

Affable Friendly

Sanguine Cheerfully Confident

Torpid Sluggish

Mortify Profoundly Humiliate

Melancholy Sadness

Visage The Face

Venerate To Respect

Abate To Lesson

Repose Resting

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Lesson 11Stem/Word Definition Examples

Grat Pleasing Gratitude

Curr Run Current, Recur, Incur

Trans Across Transfer, Transfusion, Transcendent

Migr Wander Migrate, Migratory, Transmigration

Rupt Break Abrupt, Corrupt, Disrupt

Spec Look Specter, Specious, Spectrum

Pend Hang Pending, Impeding, Depend

Omni All Omnipotent, omnivorous, Omniscient

Re Again Reiterate, Regurgitate, Revive

Ex Out Exculpate, Exorbitant, Except

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Lesson 12Stem/Word Definition

Obsequious Cringing, Submissive

Ignominy Disgrace

Acquiescence Passive Compliance

Impassive Expressionless, without emotion

Impending About to Happen

Vulgar Common

Traverse To Cross

Undulate To Wave

Vivid Bright

Pallor Paleness

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Lesson 13Stem/Word Definition Example

Clude Close Exclude, Include, Preclude

Se Apart Separate, Secede, Sedation

Plu More Plus, Pluralism, Nonplused

Germ Vital Germ, Germinate, Germane

Fus Pour Transfusion, Infusion, Fusillade

Bene Good Beneficial, Benevolent, Benign

Son Sound Consonant, Resonant, Assonance

Nov New Innovate, Renovate, Nova

Sangui Blood Sanguine, Sanguinary, Consanguinity

Congn Know Recognize, Cognomen, Precognition

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Lesson 14Stem/Word Definition

Verdure Vegetation

Equivocal Ambiguous

Orthodox Traditional

Profane Irreverent

Tumult Disturbance

Wistful Yearning

Subtle Slight

Sagacity Wisdom

Remonstrate To Object

Tedious Boring

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Lesson 15Stem/Word Definition Examples

Culp Blame Culprit, Culpable, Exculpate

Pugn Fight Pugnacious, Pugilist, Oppugn

Urb City Urban, Suburb, Urbane

Numer Number Numeral, Enumeration, Supernumerary

Acr Sharp Acrid, Acerbity, Acrimony

Ject Throw Subject, Deject, Interjection

Dorm Sleep Dormancy, Dormitive, Dormient

Magn Great Magna Carta, Magnum Opus, Magnanimous

Ver True Aver, Verisimilitude, Cinema Verite

Put Think Impute, Computer, Dispute

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Lesson 16Stem/Word Definition

Incongruous Incompatible

Malevolence Ill Will

Ambiguous Uncertain

Felicity Great happiness

Irrevocable Unalterable

Articulate Express Clearly

Vex To Irritate

Prostrate Lying Down

Abyss A Bottomless Depth

Martyr One Who Suffers

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Lesson 17Stem/Word Definition Examples

Per Through Percolate, Peregrinate, Perspicacity

Anim Mind Animal, Animadversion, Magnanimous

Tort Twist Torturous, Tortuous, Retort

Sanct Holy Sacrosanct, Sanctimonious, Sanction

Voc Voice Vocal, Invocation, Vociferous

Archy Government Matriarch, Patriarch, Hierarchy

Bio Life Biogenesis, Exobiology, Biomorphic

Auto Self Automatic, Automaton, Autocracy

Chron Time Chronometer, Anachronism, Chronic

Dec Ten Decade, Decagon, Decathlon

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Lesson 18Stem/Word Definition

Adjacent Adjoining

Transient Existing Briefly

Latent Present but Inactive

Livid Bruised or Pale

Censure Strong Criticism

Apprehension Fear

Superfluous Extra

Tangible Touchable

Lurid Sensational

Pervade Spread Throughout

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Lesson 19Stem/Word


Punct Point Punctuate, Punctual, Punctilious

Trib Pay Tribute, Retribution, Diatribe

Cap Take Capture, Captivate, Captious

Pond Weight Ponder, Preponderance, Ponderous

Rect Right Correct, Rectify, Rectitude

Geo Earth Geothermal, Geophysics, Geosynchronous

Scope Look Horoscope, Electroscope, Periscope

Anti Against Anticline, Antibody, Antitoxin

Intro Into Introduce, Introspective, Introvert

Neo New Neologism, Neoclassic, Neonatal

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Lesson 20Stem/Word Definition

Epithet A characterizing term

Abject Miserable

Eccentric Unconventional

Imperious Overbearing

Solicitude Concern

Genial Kind

Stolid Unemotional

Palpable Touchable

Austere Bare

Furtive Stealthy