stem cells

1 Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV) Pune Office Shop No 3, Princeton Flair Society, Lane No 06, Koregaon Park Pune411001 Stem cells Banking

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a lay mans answer to how stem cell banking is done


Page 1: stem cells

1Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

Pune Office

Shop No 3, Princeton Flair Society, Lane No 06, Koregaon Park Pune411001

Stem cells Banking

Page 2: stem cells

We all have stem cells. They are essentially in those parts of the human body that are designed to make running repairs.

When you cut your finger, stem cells get to work to repair your broken skin.

When you think of those parts of our bodies that can repair themselves: skin, bone, muscle, it's because

of stem cells.

Basics of stem cells

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Multipotent Stem cells Stem cells can differentiate into only same family of cells Example – Stem cells in the Skin, Brain and cord blood and peripheral blood

(Hematopoetic stem cells)

Pluripotent Stem cells stem cells are the descendants of Totipotent cells and can differentiate into nearly all

cells, i.e. cells derived from any of the three germ layers.Example - cord lining, Bone marrow.

Totipotent Stem cells stem cells can differentiate into embryonic and extra embryonic cell types. Such cells

can construct a complete viable organism. These cells are produced from the fusion of an egg and sperm cell. Cells produced by the first few divisions of the fertilized egg are also Totipotent.Example - Embryonic stem cell

Types of stem cell

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4.Cord Blood Stem Cells1.Bone Marrow Stem Cells

2.Embryonic Stem cells

3.Peripheral Stem Cells ( Fat, Brain, Nose, Skin, teeth, Blood )

5.Cord Lining Stem Cells

What are sources of stem cells in the Human Body?

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5Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

The cord blood is rich in residual cells which were not used in developing the fetus.

U Cord stem cells are called Naïve Stem cells.

Cord blood is now being used increasingly on an experimental basis as a source of stem cells, as

an alternative to bone marrow.

Why stem cells from U cord Blood ?

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Cryo-Save India Confidential 2009

Yield is 50 times greater than stem cells from cord blood.

High potential for regenerative therapy

Umbilical Cord + Cord blood = More cells & more options for eventual stem cell therapy


Why Stem Cells from the Umbilical Cord?

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Cord Blood Cord lining

Rich in Hematopoietic Stem Cells Rich in Mesenchymal Stem Cells

can differentiate into blood and immune cells

can differentiate into a variety of cell types

1 out of 200 million cord blood cells is a stem cell

1 in every 300 of the jelly cells is a stem cell.

Harvesting is easy and well defined As it is a new source harvesting is slow and manual, requires in house R&D for proper

harvesting techniques

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Bone marrow Umbilical Cord

VintageOld source of stem cells

In use since 1950’s

New source of stem cells

Since 1975

SourceHarvested from pelvic / hip joint

Takes 4-6 hrs with side effects

Harvested for Umbilical Cord

(bio Medical waste)

No harm to Mother or child

QuantityApprox 2 - 5 x 10⁹/ml

Or 2% of a persons bone marrow

Larger amount of stem cells are harvested from Cord Blood + Cord Lining

7.5 – 25 x 10⁹/ml

Time Vs Availability

Donor must be found and confirm to the HLA typing

Once frozen, a Sample is always available for the Family

Matching probability

Requires a perfect match100% match for the child an 25% match for

family members per sample

Time Vs transplant

After a formal search is begun, takes an average of 4 months to transplant, if a

donor is available.

When a match is found, can take only a few days for confirmatory and special testing and shipment to the Transplant Center.

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After Delivery the cord is Clamped, cut and child

is separated

Collection process

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10Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

Cord Lining Tube Cord Blood Bag

Maternal Blood

Sample Tube

Kit Box

Collection process

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•Show sepax video

Processing of stem cells

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Vacuum insulated double hull tank Storage using liquid nitrogen at -196°C

Bar coded Cord Blood Stem Cell Sample

storing of stem cells

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13Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)


Stem cell Therapy



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14Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

1. All diseases cured using stem cells are clinical trails and not therapies

2. Stem Cell therapy as a 3rd alternative method of cure will take time.

3. Therapy procedures using stem cells are yet to be defined, published in medical journals and recognized by the governing bodies.

4. It is currently as a supportive therapy.

Clarity on Stem Cell Therapy

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In many diseases, cells are dead or damaged.

Researchers are exploring ways of using stem cells to produce cells which could

replace these. This is basically called as « REGENERATIVE THERAPY  »

Much research is currently focused on using new heart muscle cells to help heart

failure patients, and on producing new brain neurons to treat people with Parkinson's or

Alzheimer's diseases.

How is Therapy done using stem cells

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Therapy Focus

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The first successful cord blood transplant was performed in 1988 on a 5 year old boy with Fanconi’s Anemia (a rare, genetic and lethal type of anemia)

He was given 0% chance for survival. The donor was his newborn sister. Today, he is alive and free from disease more than 20 years after the transplant.

In February 2007 a child suffering from a severe T-cell (CD8+) immune deficiency syndrome has been treated successfully with umbilical cord blood stem cells in Portugal. The stem cells used for this transplantation were harvested from the

umbilical cord blood.

The umbilical cord blood sample was processed and stored at the private stem cell bank facilities of Cryo-Save in Belgium.

History of Stem cell Therapy

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18Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

Treatment of heart problems using stem cells was first in March 2005 by AIIMS in New Delhi when trials were conducted on 35 patients.

There was no mortality reported and all patients were brought in at a stage where surgery was ineffective. After six months, 56 % of the affected area injected with these cells showed improvement.

After 18 months, this went up to 64% Source:

Success Stories in India

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19Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

Manipal Hospital discovers cure for Parkinson`s disease (Apr. 04th., 2007)

Mr Andrew Kisana, a 58-year-old patient affected by Parkinson’s disease has shown positive signs of cure with stem cell therapy.

With the success in treating this patient, India-based Manipal Hospital has proved that stem cell therapy could be a potential option for easing out symptoms in a patient suffering from

Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a neuro-degenerative disease that affects people over the age of 50.


Success Stories in India

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20Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

Four-month-old Aarohi Bhatt recently created medical history for being cured of a rare heart condition believed to be untreatable.

The cause of her cure—Stem Cell Therapy using her father's blood at Frontier Lifeline Hospital, Chennai. Besides being a difficult surgery, it was for the first time in the world that

SCT was successfully done on a child so young.

Lifeline Hospital, Chennai, 2005


Success Stories in India

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21Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

"This is the first time that Indian doctors have resorted to SCT to cure spinal cord problems and the second time in the world of literature," said Dr JS Rajkumar, Chief Surgeon, Lifeline

Multi-Speciality Hospital,Chennai

Ali underwent autologous SCT in December 2006. The Team aspirated 100ml of bone marrow fluid from the hip bone, isolated the stem cells, and 20 ml of this concentrate was

injected into his spinal fluid. Soon, he was able to walk on his own.

Lifeline Multi-Speciality Hospital,Chennai December 2006


Success Stories in India

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Six Year Old Sumaiya Aziza’s eye was damaged when a packet of wet lime or chuna had exploded into her eyes

her parents had come to the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) in Hyderabad in August 2001. A special form of cornea transplant was performed on her damaged eye. It was a

historic first in India:     Dr Virendra Sangwan simply took a small piece of limbus (border of cornea) from Aziza’s healthy right eye, cultured it on an amniotic membrane in the lab and after 11 days put it

back into her wounded left eye.The techniques he used were “indigenous, innovative and low-tech”. By 2004, when

President A.P. J. Abdul Kalam visited the eye institute, Aziza had near-normal vision with her glasses. Kalam was so impressed that he later invited a senior surgeon of the

hospital, Dr Taraprasad Das, now working on retina reconstruction with stem cells, to join him on his East Asia tour to speak of India’s stem cell success story


L.V. Prasad Eye Institute

August 2001

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Hospital Area of Specialization

AIMS DelhiCardiac, Neuro Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Diabetes, Ophthalmology, cancer

Christian College Vellore Cardiac, Diabetes

L V Prasad eye inst Ophthalmology

TATA Memorial Cancer

Manipal Hospital, Bangalore

Cardiac, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Vascular Surgery, Diabetes, Cancers

Life Line Hospital Cardiac

Apollo Hospital Cardiac, Cancer

Hospitals offering Stem Cell Therapy (India)

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Europe’s Leading Stem Cell BankNow in India

Company Profile

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25Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

• Holding established in 2000 in the Netherlands

• Headquarters in Switzerland

• Profitable, debt-free and cash generative

• Operates in 36 countries from four operating laboratories

• MNC – Listed in London stock exchange

• May 2008: new service “Cryo-Cord” first private mesenchymal stem cell bank” in EU

Cryo-Save is the largest stem cell storage company in Europe

and the fourth biggest in the world

World over 1,00,000 parents have stored their samples with us

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People Involved

Working in stem cells for over 20 years, he is an opinion leader who has been called upon by governments and hospitals, including the US Senate, the United Nations (Geneva) and the Parliaments of France, UK, Austria and Germany.

Know for creating the first liver cell from cord stem cells

Professor Colin McGuckin Scientific Director Cryo-Save Group

Doctor Rob KoremansMD and CEO of Cryo-Save Group

VR Chandramouli, MD, Cryo Save India

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ITERA (International Tissue Engineering Research AssociationCryo-Save is a founding member of ITERA Forum, an international forum

of scientists specialising in stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative

medicine it is dedicated to the latest developments in stem cell research.

CRYSTAL (Cryo banking of Stem cells for human Therapeutic Application)

Together with 5 universities in Europe and the Fraunhofer Institute, Cryo-Save has been selected to conduct fundamental research in the field of

cryo preservation techniques for stem cells

Scientific Approach

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Situated in Whitefield, Bangalore conforms to GLP Area of 10,000Sqft.

which can store initially 1,50,000 samples which will make it the largest

such storage facility in Asia.

Cryo-Save India

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Cryo-Save India (Storage Facility)

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Two is Safer

we follow a dual storage system, meaning that the stem cells are stored independently at two physically separate locations

Automated procedure for harvesting of stem cells- recovery 50% more as compared to manual methods using Sepax units

All samples are secured by a bankruptcy insurance cover of the European parent company Cryo-Save Group N.V

Facility Highlights

Storage of two samples in the same cost

(Cord Blood + Cord Lining)

Exclusive national Logistic services by DHL

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Registration Process


Kit Box




Intimation to Doctor



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Post Registration procedure

Sample Received at Lab

Sample Processing Maternal Sample Inspection

Cryo preservation

Final Report to Client

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I SAVED Client name – Mrs.Sunitha yadav Name - Mannyu Date of delivery-30/12/08 Hospital-Jehangir Hospital. Doctor-Dr. K.A Rao.

Client name –Mrs.Rachana Jaju.Name - AravDate of delivery-13/11/08Hospital- Telangs Women Clinic.Doctor-Dr. Pravanda Telang.

“we highly appreciate your concern to reach the hospital within two hours of our first call. Due to your co operation we were able to give our child

the worlds best gift”

“services offered by Cryo-Save are very good, the service offered during delivery time is very good”

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Client name – Trilochana PatelName - Date of delivery- 14/02/2009Hospital- Meera hospitalDoctor- Dr. Umranikar

“we were happy with the way presentation was given, and they were very transparent in all their information on stem cells

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When you need your sampleDocuments required.

Consent of parents Medical certificate from the doctor with details of time/date of therapy. No cost for retrieving the sample, but cost of courier is paid by the client .

Using the sample from the cord blood and cord lining

Each sample is of a single use. (as sample can sustain 1 freeze & thaw cycle only) First the 19 ml sample from cord blood stem cell is released. The 6 ml is kept in case a second sample is required. If both the samples are used for therapy then stem cells from the cord lining will be

harvest and given to the client. The cost for harvesting stem cells from cord lining will be collected then, the storage is

done free of cost till such time.

Page 36: stem cells

Factors of selection

1. Collection of cord blood sample2. Shipping and handling 3. Laboratory testing 4. Processing & Storage5. Storage facility6. Company stability of

• Parent company• Indian Company

7. Existence in the field8. No of products offered to customers9. No of patented products10. Investments in Research & Development 11.Customer rights 12.Price protection

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37Cryo-save India (part of Cryo-Save NV)

Payments and refund 3 PAYMENT OPTIONS

Sr No. Plan RefPlan


PaymentSecond Payment

Third Payment

1 CS08001Standard option 1


2 CS08002Standard option 2

25,000 20,000 30,000

3 CS08003Standard Option 3

25,000 11 PDC’s of Rs 5000

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All the best