status nutrisi 1

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Presentazione di PowerPointNutritional Status Assessment and Analysis Nutritional status and food security
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Nutritional Status Assessment and Analysis Nutritional status and food security
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mengkaji malnutrisi
evaluasi program yang sudah berjalan
Apakah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status nutrisi individu?
Notes for trainers:
Understanding malnutrition is also important as it carries heavy costs on individuals and households, communities and nations. In fact, due to malnutrition, millions of lives are destroyed by death and disability, both mental and physical.
Besides being morally unacceptable, this implies economic costs, in terms of lost productivity and income caused by premature death, lower physical capacity, absenteeism and lower educational and occupational opportunities.
Nutritional Status Assessment and Analysis Nutritional status and food security
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Status nutrisi adalah kondisi fisiologis individu sebagai hasil dari:
hubungan antara intake nutrisi dan kebutuhan tubuh
kemampuan tubuh mencerna, mengabsorbsi dan menggunakan nutrisi
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What is malnutrition?
Hal ini timbul karena:
makanan yang tidak beragam (salah jenis makanan atau proporsi makanan).
Disebabkan kurangnya makanan.
Malnutrition may arise from imbalance, excesses or deficiency of specific nutrients, for example, iodine, vitamin C, iron and vitamin A.
Undernutrition is defined as a dietary energy intake below the minimum requirement level to maintain the balance between actual energy intake and acceptable levels of energy expenditure.
“Malnutrition" and "undernutrition" are terms generally used interchangeably, and they often both refer to nutritional situations that are typical in populations belonging to the low-income and poor socio-economic groups of developing countries.
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Pada banyak negara berkembang kekurangan atau kelebihan nutrisi terjadi pada populasi yang berbeda
It arises either
Fenomena ini disebut beban ganda malnutrisi ( “double burden” of malnutrition).
Apakah yang dimaksud malnutrisi?
The “double burden” of malnutrition
The “double burden” of malnutrition refers to the co-existence of undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight/obesity and other nutrition-related chronic diseases in the same countries, in the same communities and even in the same households.
This phenomenon is not limited to upper-income developing countries, but is occurring across the globe in countries with very different cultures and dietary customs.
When poor economic conditions improve, amounts and variety of food consumed tends to rise and mortality rates of infant and young children tend to fall as communicable diseases are more successfully put under control. This may be accompanied by rises in obesity and diet related non-communicable diseases which may co-exist with high levels of child undernutrition.
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Kemiskinan adalah akar penyebab malnutrisi
(penyebab yang mendasari adalah ketersediaan pangan, kesehatan dan perawatan).
Notes for trainers:
Most micronutrient deficiencies primarily affect poor and disadvantaged households whose members cannot produce or procure adequate food, who live in marginal or unsanitary environments without access to clean water and basic services, who lack access to appropriate education and information, or are otherwise socially disadvantaged.
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Causes of malnutrition
Penyebab malnutrisi
The availability of, access to and consumption of adequate quantities of safe good quality nutritious food is an important factor influencing nutritional status.Nutritional well-being is influenced by the nutrient content of food consumed and its absorption by the body, in relation to other requirements determined by age, sex, level of physical activity and health status, as well as the efficiency of nutrient utilization by the body.
Health and sanitation are essential for nutrition, yet they are beyond the reach of the majority of the world's population.
Infectious disease and inadequate diet act together, each aggravating the effects of the other to produce what is referred to as the "malnutrition and infection cycle".
Nutritional requirements are higher during and following episodes of infection. Chronic or frequent acute infections make it almost impossible to maintain adequate nutritional status.
Care and feeding practices require time, attention and support and are essential to meet the physical, mental and social needs of individuals.
The knowledge, attitudes and practices of household members largely determine the nutritional status of the household.
An incomplete understanding of the body's nutritional needs and lack of knowledge of how to meet these needs with available foods can lead to malnutrition.
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Food, health dan care saling berhubungan:
Kejadian pada satu area bisa berdampak signifikan pada area yang lain
Kebijakan pemerintah biasanya tidak dimasukkan dalam faktor penyebab malnutrisi, tetapi mempunyai dampak besar pada status nutrisi masyarakat
Causes of malnutrition
Notes for trainers:
Food, health and care are interrelated, and actions affecting one area may have significant consequences on another. For example:
Adoption of sustainable and labour-saving agricultural technologies may influence nutrition not only through improved food supplies and income, but also through their beneficial impact on sanitation and health and on the time available for providing care to household members.
The effects of development policies Their effects may be monitored on food, health and care.
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Notes for trainers:
This framework sets out causes that operate at three levels: immediate, underlying and basic, whereby factors at one level influence other levels.
For instance:
Malaria. Immediate cause
Poor breast-feeding practices. Underlying cause.
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Menurut Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Mapping System (FIVIMS) framework for food security, livelihoods and nutrition.
Socio-economic and political environment
Notes for trainers:
The key difference between the UNICEF and FIVIMS framework is that the latter gives a greater centrality to food availability, access, consumption and utilization and their determinants. However, health and sanitation and care practices still occupy an important place within the framework.
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Notes for trainers:
Nutritional and health status: there is a ‘vicious cycle’ in which malnutrition and diseases influence each other.
Nutritional status and mortality: mortality increases exponentially with declining nutritional status.
Nutritional status and low birth weight: inadequate maternal nutritional status is the most significant cause of low birth weight.
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Berhubungan erat:
Nutritional Status Assessment and Analysis Nutritional status and food security
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Weight loss, growth faltering and reduced immunity, which lower the body’s ability to resist infection.
leads to
this causes
Loss of appetite, malabsorption of nutrients, altered metabolism and increased nutrient needs.
leads to
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Notes for trainers:
Certain diseases may predispose a person to certain types of malnutrition; vice versa, certain types of malnutrition may predispose a person to certain types of infection. For example, lack of vitamin A can predispose a person to measles.
The relationship between nutrition and infection is also affected by the type of caring that takes place for sick individuals.
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pola tanam
ketersediaan pangan
Kebutuhan tenaga kerja
Notes for trainers:
Seasonal changes in nutritional status are more evident in rural populations, especially when they depend on a single harvest. These expected changes in malnutrition need to be taken into account when interpreting changes in observed rates of malnutrition.
However, the seasonal peaks of malnutrition coincide not just with the hungry season, when food may be in most scarce supply, but also when the frequency of certain diseases is highest, particularly diarrhoea and malaria.
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Nutritional status and mortality
Jadi angka kematian tidak bisa diprediksi dari angka insiden malnutrisi
Notes for trainers:
In fact, the relationship between malnutrition and mortality is not linear but increases exponentially. For example, In 1991 during the northern Iraq refugee crisis, a survey of Kurdish refugees found a prevalence of acute malnutrition among under-fives of only 4.3% (which is low) but a crude mortality rate (CMR) of 3/10,000/day, which is very high. Most deaths were due to diarrhoea and dehydration.
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24 juta bayi lahir dengan BBLR (<2,5 Kg) per tahun.
95% terjadi di negara berkembang
Nutritional status and low birth weight
Penyebab utama
Notes for trainers:
LBW puts infants at greater risk of neonatal death and is a major cause of poor growth and development in later childhood.
Undernutrition in utero is also associated with certain chronic diseases in adult life.
The most significant cause for LBW is poor maternal nutrition: however, there is also a number of other factors, such as a woman’s small size, uterine infections, smoking and malarial infection.
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intergenerational cycle of growth failure:
Child growth failure
Small adult woman