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JUNE 2015

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new tagline for 150th anniversary

AS PLANS FOR OUR SESQUICENTENNIAL, our 150th anniversary, begin to take shape, we are reminded of our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. It was a century and one-half ago that the first CSJs arrived in Kansas City to open a “convent school for girls.” Today, their motto, Together We Are More, defines their mission as a congregation to bring peace, love, and service to the dear neighbor without distinction.

At St. Teresa’s Academy, we continually strive to fulfill the CSJ mission. We promote educational

excellence, service to those in need, and the benefits an all-girls college prep curriculum brings to young women. But unlike our founders, we had no real motto or slogan to define our school and strengthen our brand. So to honor our legacy—especially for our 150th anniversary—we began the process for creating a proprietary tagline. �e process took us from broad, generalized statements about the Academy to refined, clarifying thoughts, while always keeping the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet at the forefront of our discussions.

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Circa 1890. Multiple additions were added to the original structure.

The first school building in 1866, located in Quality Hill—downtown Kansas City between Washington Street and Pennsylvania Avenue.

What came from this process that evolved over months was the tagline, More Starts Here. “It’s almost a continuation of the CSJ motto, Together We Are More,” says President Nan Bone, “‘More’ being the key word.” �e Sisters are on a continual journey toward the “more,” always seeking something greater to glorify God. �ey do not settle for mediocrity and continually strive for growth in the best possible way.

THE SAME IS TRUE AT ST. TERESA’S ACADEMY. When we reference More Starts Here, the meaning of More is meant to be ambiguous. Based on each person’s experiences and understanding of the

school, More can have many meanings. A teacher may see More as defining greater educational opportunities for students. An administrator may view More in terms of outcomes—a greater potential for success following high school. Or a parent may see More as the development of her daughter in mind, body, and spirit over her four years at STA.

No matter who the audience, no matter how it’s defined, there is one definitive statement about the word More in context of St. Teresa’s Academy.

More really does start here.

150 anniversary events

As plans for our anniversary year begin to take shape, we thought you'd enjoy a preview of some of the events, activities, and projects planned for 2016.


January - Opening Celebration and Mayor's Proclamation: The Year of the Young Woman.

Early summer - River Cruise through France. Join other alums, staff, and friends of the Academy as they sail through southern France on a cruise of the Rhone and Saone Rivers. Don't miss out on this special journey to where the CSJs first began their mission. Summer 2016 (see back cover for details)

Summer/fall - Outdoor Music Festival including live music and great food.

November - Anniversary Gala/Auction honoring all individuals who have supported St. Teresa's Academy over the years.

In between these special events, you'll enjoy all of our usual celebrations and gatherings, such as Grandparents' Day, the Alumnae Reunion Celebration, Trivia Night and more—just with a special 150th anniversary "twist."


From faith and traditions, to academics and social life, you'll find not only a historical perspective of St. Teresa's Academy but unique and intimate details of the Academy since 1866. This very special commemorative book will be available for sale in the Star Shop or online in late November 2015. Consider including your story as well! If you have a memory or picture you'd

like to submit for consideration, go to our website under the Alumnae/150th Anniversary page or contact Barbara Cusick ([email protected] or 816-501-0031). You can submit your information through September 1, 2015.


With the kick-off of the school's new website this summer, you'll find a special 150th anniversary section with up-to-date information on events and activities planned for 2016.


Keep an eye out for anniversary-themed gifts and memorabilia in the Star Shop. From commemorative spirit wear and giftables, to anniversary keepsakes, you'll find items to honor this very special anniversary.

Students on the lawn following numerous additions to the original structure.

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nan's note

THE SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH ARE such forward thinkers. �ey certainly knew what they were doing when they branded their congregation with the slogan, Together We Are More. As a unified group of religious women, their mission of peace, forgiveness, and love of the dear neighbor and the world around them is better realized, better fulfilled as they work together to accomplish their goals. �eir "sum" is definitely greater than their "parts."

�rough their example, we strive to fulfill their mission here at STA. What I love the most about our new tagline, More Stars Here, is its planned

ambiguity. �e word More has so many meanings to so many people based on their experiences and knowledge of our school. As I look towards my ninth year here at St. Teresa's Academy, the word More speaks to me as it defines the young women of this Academy. In four short years, they transform themselves into confident leaders, strong in their beliefs and steadfast in the knowledge they can do anything they believe in. �ey are certainly More determined. More knowledgeable. More caring.

More is coming to STA. And we are so excited for our future.

ST. TERESA’S ACADEMY welcomes Elizabeth Baker as the new principal of student

affairs for the 2015-16 school year. Liz grew up in Independence, Missouri, one of five siblings in the Baker family who has deep Catholic roots in Eastern Jackson County. She attended Nativity of Mary grade school and graduated from St. Mary’s High School in 1982. She obtained her undergraduate degree from UMKC and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of Central Missouri. Liz went on to earn a master’s degree from the University of Notre Dame through the ACE Leadership

"More determined. More knowledgeable.

More caring.

More really does start here."

new principal for student affairs

Program, and then an educational specialist degree from the University of Central Missouri. She also has a doctorate degree from UMKC in educational administration.

Liz most recently worked in the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese as an educational leader on the Catholic School Leadership Team with an emphasis on Professional Development. She is very excited and eager to meet the wonderful family of St. Teresa’s Academy. We are thrilled for her to be a part this fabulous community as well! Welcome, Liz.

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trivia night: the academy awards

THE ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT at STA has become so much fun...and word seems to be spreading! �is year, the event outgrew its space in the Commons and moved to the Goppert Center gymnasium to accommodate more than 400 participants. Friends, parents, and alums tested their knowledge during the Academy Awards-themed evening. Many thanks to all who attended and helped with the event. Proceeds from the evening benefit the STA Alumnae Scholarship Fund given to students each year. Don’t miss out on the fun next year!


ST. TERESA'S ACADEMY WAS HOST TO an enthusiastic group of over 400 students and their grandparents on Sunday May 4, 2015. It was a beautiful day on the STA campus as visitors toured the buildings, enjoyed the many student fine arts displays, and listened to the STA singers perform in the quad. �e traditional tea and refreshments were served in the Windmoor Center. Many thanks to all who attended and assisted with the event.


grandparents' day

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MARILYN MURPHY, VIRGINIA BROWN SCHMELTZ , CHARLOTTE LEE MEHRER, SUZIE ROSS BINGOLD, MARY ELLEN O'KEEFE DEVINE, MARY GERT KOEHLER RIGGS (all from the Class of 1955) and JOAN CUSACK BAUMAN, CLASS OF '58, traveled to Lourdes, France, in 2002. While there, they met Marlene Watkins, founder of the North American Lourdes Volunteers (NALV). Because of this meeting, the first Virtual Pilgrimage was held in Kansas City in 2004. Since then, thousands of people worldwide who cannot visit Lourdes in person have experienced it through a Virtual Pilgrimage.Recently, JULIE MURPHY GARWOOD, CLASS OF '61, hosted a reception at her home for Marlene Watkins and members of the Board of NALV. STA alums are spreading the vision of Lourdes to many.

JOAN LATHROP HAMILTON married her high school sweetheart, Butch Hamilton, in 1956. Together they had seven children, 45 grandchildren, and 20 great grandchildren.


JENNIFER F. WOOD, PH.D., has been selected as the 2014-15 recipient of the Educator of the Year Award at Millersville University of

Pennsylvania. Dr. Wood, an associate professor, joined Millersville University’s Communication and Theatre Department in August 2004. Within the past 11 years, she has taught courses in areas such as public relations, organizational communication, business and professional communication, fundamentals of speech, and communication management. Prior to joining Millersville University, she held positions at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio; Towson University

in Towson, Maryland; and other institutions including Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California. Dr. Wood has been teaching in higher education for more than 20 years. Her professional background includes serving as a public relations director and a former reporter for the Kansas City Star.


AMY TILLMAN BAER recently celebrated her son Joshua Charles Baer’s first birthday on April 10, 2015. He joins his four year old

twin brothers, Nathan and Daniel.

LESLIE AUST BECK has spent the last 16 years of her life as an art director/graphic designer. More recently, she likes to call herself an "independent creative." Combining computer technology with her love for getting down and dirty with paints, wood, mod podge, and personal treasures is what makes her work raw and unique. She recently designed the new flag/banners on the Plaza. Leslie was born and raised in Brookside, so it's no surprise she came back after college to an old house with the perfect front porch along with her husband, five kids, and one loving Labrador.


JESSICA MERRIGAN earned the opportunity to serve as co-lead of Lathrop & Gage’s environmental practice, one of the firm’s most visible and

well-regarded groups. She was deemed a natural fit for this type of role, combining her strength as an attorney and business developer with her experience in client relations and practice management. In addition to her work at the firm, Jessica is an active community volunteer with the Missouri Waste Control Coalition, the American Bar Association, the Association of Women Lawyers, and the Kansas City Tomorrow Leadership Program.


LUCY MCSHANE is a partner at the law firm of McShane & Brady, LLC. Her practice specializes in plaintiff’s personal injury with a focus on privacy and HIPPA violations. Lucy was recently voted president of Friends of Infant and Toddler Services of Johnson County, a non-profit charity that supports children from birth to three years of age who have developmental delays or disabilities.

ANNA SAVIANO, M.A., L.P.C., is a professional counselor specializing in trauma therapy. Her expertise is in DBT and EMDR, working with trauma victims and parents of children who have experienced trauma. Anna practices at the Lilac Center, a group that includes psychiatrists and therapists focusing primarily on individuals with personality disorders. She trains

spotlight on alums

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therapists professionally and has co-authored a book, You Empowered, Get Beyond the Trauma You’ve Experienced to Live a Full and Happy Life, a practical workbook for use by therapists or individuals. She balances her work, which she finds very rewarding, with her active family life. She and husband, Blair, have two children, Adeline Grace (4 years old) and Elihu Joseph (18 months).


ANGELA FUHRKEN KMECK has launched Possum Trot Productions in Kansas City, Missouri. The production company aims to create “inspiring experiences for all.” The company’s first project, a children’s book about Kansas City, entitled This is Kansas City, will be released in June 2015. A portion of proceeds from all book purchases will go toward the I Love Children’s Mercy Fund. For more information, visit


KATHERINE SCHILLING married Christian Clark on July 19, 2014, at Visitation Parish in Kansas City, Missouri. Numerous STA alumnae were part of the celebration, including the bride's mother Susan (Miller) Schilling (’82), aunt Anne (Miller) Kindscher (’79),

and classmates Katie Adair ('06) and Carly Thoma-Perry ('06). During their September honeymoon in Italy, Katherine and Christian met Pope Francis and received his sposi novelli blessing for all newlyweds. Like Katherine who attended the University of Notre Dame after STA, Christian is a proud product of Catholic education, graduating from Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey, NJ, and Boston College. The couple met in New York City and now lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Katherine works for IBM and Christian attends Harvard Law School.


RUBY DIBBLE, for the second year in a row, has won the St. Louis Chapter of The National Society of Arts + Letters Winston Classical Voice Scholarship. While at Oberlin Conservatory, she performed the role of Jennie Hildebrauhn in the opera Street Scenes and was

recently cast as the lead female chorus (the operatic narrator) in the fall opera, The Rape of Lucretia. This summer, Ruby was accepted and will be attending SongFest LA 2015. SongFest is the United States' premier art song festival and training program held each June at

The Colburn School in Los Angeles. SongFest attracts an international roster of leading recital artists and pedagogues as well as students from some of the nation’s top music conservatories.

MEGHAN COBLE was selected as one of seven UMKC "Rising Roos" by the UMKC chapter of Mortar Board Senior Honor Society based on the three Mortar Board pillars of leadership, scholarship, and service.

SHAEFFER SMITH is a student at Drake University with a major in public relations and marketing, and a minor in Spanish. Shaeffer spent last semester studying at the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain. She recently visited Avila to get back to her STA roots and spent Holy Week in Vatican City where she saw Pope Francis. Shaeffer teaches an English class every Monday night to second graders. This summer, she will be working for Interface Tourism, an international tourism marketing firm.

MACKENZIE WARRENS studied abroad this past semester in Rome, Italy. She will be in Kansas City this summer conducting physics research at the Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute.

CAROLINE FISS will begin her third year as an instructor for the United Dance Association this summer.


Suzie Ross Bingold, 1955Sandy Duchardt Griesel, 1965


The following corrections were made to the 2014 Annual Report. We apologize for any error within the report and are grateful to all supporters of the Academy.

A revised edition of the 2014 Annual Report can be found on our website ( under About STA/Annual Report.

2014 GIFTS

Heritage Society (gifts of $20,000 and above)

Mark One Electric Company Roseana Privitera Biondo

Windmoor Club ($100 - $250)Betty and Larry Knackstedt


Class of 1976Roseana Privitera Biondo

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STA Bridge Stars

St. Teresa’s started the STA Bridge Stars in the fall of 2012. �is wonderful group of parents, alums, and friends of the Academy meet in the Goppert Center to play bridge on the first Wednesday of every month during the school year. In addition to playing bridge, membership fees fund a scholarship for a deserving young woman at STA. Congratulations to freshman Michaela Devero who was the very first recipient of the STA Bridge Scholarship.

"Thank you to the Bridge Club

for helping me continue my

journey at St. Teresa's."

Michaela Devero, Class of 2018

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WHEN HER PHONE RANG one morning in Bucyrus, Kansas, Teresa Hamilton was not prepared for what she was about to learn. On the other end of

the line was a single mother, new to government assistance, with six young children to raise. �e young mother blurted out, “Can you please help me buy toilet paper.” Teresa had no idea that toilet paper and other products like soap, shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste were not covered by any government program like, SNAP, EBT, or food stamps. �is crucial need is completely missed in cities throughout the country. Teresa’s shock led her to develop a program for efficiently tracking and meeting the need for hygiene products, both locally and nationally. She founded Giving the Basics, Kansas City’s personal care hygiene products hub, and launched the program in September 2011.

�e Giving the Basics program currently helps over 10,000 people a month by serving over 50 registered pantry locations and effectively supplying four major school districts. �e impact is powerful and immediate. When hygiene products arrive, adults are able to clean themselves to gain employment; children are better able to go to school without being bullied, isolated, or ashamed of how they look or smell. �rough product drives at schools, businesses, churches, and other organizations, and through financial donations, hygiene products are gathered, sorted, and then effectively distributed through the Giving the Basics personal hygiene hub.

Teresa’s mother, Anna Orpin, was a widow who raised 10 children on her own. �is meant Teresa had to work hard to pay her own tuition in order to attend St. Teresa’s Academy. She worked several jobs and she cleaned classrooms after school on the STA work grant program. Someone she never met paid her last semester’s tuition. “I didn’t know it then, but every tool I needed to start Giving the Basics had been planted in the classrooms where I learned, cleaned, and met my lifetime friends,” said Teresa, "many with whom I am still making wonderful memories." My own life circumstances and my STA education made it easy for me to hear that young mother’s voice on the other end of the phone that day and to clearly understand what a privilege it is to help other people succeed, especially those who you will never meet.

2015 distinguished alumna

“I didn’t know it then, but every tool

I needed to start Giving the Basics had

been planted in the classrooms where

I learned, cleaned, and met my

lifetime friends.”

Teresa Hamilton, Class of 1978

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T HE FIRST TIME Caroline �ompson, Class of 2010, left the

country was on a mission trip to Peru with fellow STA students. And after forgetting her passport on the connecting flight (and thereby losing her privilege of holding it for the rest of the trip), she may have seemed the least likely person to move to Africa just five years later. Indeed, Caroline explains that far from the “rebellious, travel-junky type,” she is more of a “compliant middle child of five who is a home-loving people pleaser.” So, why this leap? According to her, only one thing could deny her beloved KC, pumpkin spice lattes, American football–oh, and her family and friends. A strong call from God– “like nothing I’ve felt before”– prompted Caroline to board a 17-hour flight to South Africa where 53 neglected kids awaited year-long volunteers at Open Arms Home for Children.

Open Arms was founded in 2006 by University of Notre Dame alum Bob Solis who was encouraged to respond to the AIDS epidemic in South Africa by creating a place of safety for abandoned children. Since its onset, the home has evolved from a farmhouse serving meals from a tiny stove to a handful of kids into an expansive property which houses infants to 17-year olds and offers homeschooling in innovative classrooms. Caroline’s formal role is a math teacher, which forces her to

serving the dear neighbor

It was STA, which introduced her to

international service, and the words

of St. Teresa that drive her purpose

at Open Arms: “In this house, all

must be loved, all must be helped,

and all must be held dear.”

admit with a laugh, “Now I am grateful for Ms. Hernon’s algebra class!” But in a home of nearly 60 people when staff is included, Caroline’s day is mostly spent applying Band-Aids, reading stories, or driving the 12-passenger, manual transmission bus up and down the dirt road (with far more than 12 passengers, by the way).

Often mistaken for an orphanage, the home actually serves as a shelter for youth whose parents have been deemed unfit to care for them. Only a few children are orphaned and adoption is not an option at this time. �e goal, rather, is to reunite children with their kin through the collaboration of social workers and determined parents. Unfortunately, family reunification is rare, so an equally important goal of

Open Arms is to give children skills, education, faith, and love that models a (very large!) healthy family. A small piece of “the large family” Caroline has experienced – including the STA sisterhood – is what she hopes to share with these children. It was STA, which introduced her to international service, and the words of St. Teresa that drive her purpose at Open Arms: “In this house, all must be loved, all must be helped, and all must be held dear.”

Caroline will return in June and begin a master’s program in marriage and family therapy at the University of San Diego this fall. But she vows that one day she will live in Kansas City again.

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csj leadership camp

teaching girls to “put feet on the street”

FOR THE TWENTY-ONE GIRLS and four adults participating in the recent CSJ Leadership Camp, their experience became life-changing in many ways. �e campers, who met the first week of summer vacation, journeyed back to the school’s roots with a visit to the CSJ Motherhouse in St. Louis, Missouri. �eir journey far exceeded their expectations.

Sister Kate Filla began the adventure with a tour of the Motherhouse and relayed the history of the Sisters of St. Joseph back to their origins in LePuy, France, in the early 1600’s. �is is where the campers heard the phrase, “Put your feet on the street.” Getting out there and making a difference is what the Sisters have been doing since their inception.

�e campers visited the Nazareth Living Center, home to many elderly CSJs, to serve the “dear neighbor.” �ey also participated in team building activities and led a prayer service, which concluded with a wonderful closing ceremony. All of the campers agreed the CSJ experience altered their lives in many ways.

“I love that I could really see how the community we

have at STA is so much bigger than we knew. Seeing

our roots was so interesting and I appreciated that we

saw the value for education and female empowerment

that is so visible in the Sister of St. Joseph. They were

so kind, inclusive, and inspirational.”

—Linden O’Brien-Williams

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Bob and Janet Wholey, Betty and John Novak2015 Winners: Lou Trigg, Alex Buford, Rhett Buford, Colby Sullivan

Tom Maloney, Michael Dodd, Jeff Johnson, Mark Moser

Arthur Saulsberry, Gene Hill, Victor Dyson, Eric Burtin, with STA's Joan Jordan

golf classic

THE 16TH ANNUAL STA GOLF CLASSIC was held on Monday, May 4, at the Country Club of Leawood. Following a brief rain shower in the morning, 140 golfers enjoyed a sunny day visiting with friends and playing golf, all in support of St. Teresa’s Academy. �e day concluded with a luncheon and an awards ceremony.

Winners of this year's tournament were the Buford Team which included Alexis Buford (STA Class of 2012) and her father, Rhett Buford. Chairpersons, Sr. Patty Clune and Kerry Reardon, are grateful to the STA community for their support of this successful event. Next year's STA Golf Classic will be held on Monday, May 2, 2016. Mark your calendars now!

For a full picture review of the 2015 STA Golf Classic, go to

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SAVE THE DATE Saturday, November 21, 2015

The school’s largest fundraiser, the annual auction, is one of the most anticipated events of the year. The evening includes a gourmet dinner as well as live and silent auctions. Mark you calendar and join us this November for the annual auction.

Ethan Worstell, Pat May, Regina and Jim Hogan

Jim Gegg, Jimmie Stark, Kerry Reardon, Jack Newman

Steve and Amy Sage, Laureen and Bob Caffarelli

Kurt Wiedeman, Jerry Hughes, Paul Thompson, Steve Ryan

annual auction

THE STARS-WALK-OF-FAME AND COLOR THROW once again surpassed previous year’s expectations as students raised nearly $45,000 for the school’s endowment, specifically supporting student scholarships and the Emergency fund, which provides assistance to families in financial crisis.

Students enjoyed a short school day as they gathered in the morning to walk one mile around the track. �e day concluded with students being doused in colored powder, led by the senior class. Special thanks to co-chairs Laura Benge and Amy Sullivan for their leadership and support of this event.

a colorful day!

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sharing our story

A Timeline of St. Teresa’s Rich History1866 1891 1916 1941 1966 1991 2016

1981 GROUNDBREAKING FOR THE NEW multi-purpose building was held in May 1981, with construction beginning in

September. Monies for the project were raised through the Heritage Fund, the first capital campaign in the history of the Academy. In addition to the much needed gymnasium, the structure also housed a meeting room and kitchen, featured an energy efficient heating plant for all three buildings, and contained a maintenance garage for facilities personnel. �e structure, completed in June, was dedicated on October 15, 1982.

Ceiling-to-floor glass windows were installed on the north wall of the complex as part of a larger renovation project in 2001.

Sr. Barbara Verheyen and Tom Goppert admire the multi-purpose building under construction. A gift of $250,000 from Mr. Goppert's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Goppert, and the Goppert Foundation had just been announced to the student body.

(l to r): Sr. Michaela Zahner, CSJ, Assistant Principal; John Massman, Building Committee Co-Chair; John Schmiedeler, Diocesan Schools Superintendent; Sr. Barbara Verheyen, CSJ, Principal; Bishop John J. Sullivan, Bishop of Kansas City- St. Joseph Diocese; Sr. Mary Catherine O'Gorman, CSJ, Provincial Superior; Richard Miller, Building Committee Co-Chair.

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THE MOTHER EVELYN O’NEILL AWARD, given out each March, recognizes excellence in leadership, community service, or educational reform. �is year’s award recipients were Kimberly Davis, community leader and activist, and STA senior Gracie Fleming.

For over 25 years, Kimberly has worked to improve the lives of Kansas City families living in poverty through her work at Operation Breakthough. She also helped establish partner agency, Amethyst Place, a transitional housing program for mothers recovering from substance abuse.

Gracie is actively involved in numerous service agencies throughout the city, including president of the Kansas City Youth Commission, the Kansas City Youth Court, and Reconciliation Services. Gracie received an award gift of $250 to be given to the charity of her choice.

mother evelyn o'neill

OVER SPRING BREAK this year, students traveled to San

Andreas Ixtapa, Guatemala, to serve those in need. Partnering with Homes from the Heart and hosted by the Carmelite nuns at their convent, students went to a neighboring community to assist with building stoves, necessary for cooking. Late afternoons were spent visiting people who were ill or dying and taking them food and necessary toiletries.

mission trip to guatemala

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Caroline Strater (left) was recently named Academy Woman for 2015. Caroline is joined by nominees Cece Ismert (center) and Anna Marie Fiorella (right).�e award recognizes a senior who possesses the finest personal qualities and characteristics of an STA student, including leadership, loyalty, responsibility, and cooperation.

did you know?


As one of STA's newest organizations, the FBLA mission is to bring business and education together through innovative and career development opportunities. Since the organization began in 2013, membership has grown 300%--from 35 to 128 students, many of whom have competed at the District, State, and National levels. Would your business be a good FBLA partner? If so, or if you have questions, contact STA teachers Alicia Stewart or Kayla Leatherman.


Congratulations to Madalyn Schulte, valedictorian (left), and Madeline Meloy, salutatorian (right), from the Class of 2015. Both were recognized at the STA Honors and Awards Ceremony in April and were keynote speakers on graduation day. Madalyn plans to study engineering at the University of Notre Dame and Madeline will study biology at Vanderbilt University.

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�e STA choirs traveled to Los Angeles, California, to participate in the prestigious Festival of Gold. �e girls spent a large part of their day working with professors from universities around the country. �e STA Chorale (A Cappella and STA Singers combined) was selected for the Festival of Gold Encore Concert as one of five ensembles with the very highest rating among all of the ensembles at the competition!

Music students also participated in the Missouri State Solo and Ensemble competition. Hayley Burgess, Annie Huber, Monica Stanley, Hillary Talken, Micah Welch each earned an Exemplary I rating, and Emma Swinney and Kathleen Nicely received an Outstanding II rating.


�e soccer team earned their place in the record books as the number one team in the state of Missouri for 2015. �ey defeated last year's State rival St. Joseph Academy in the semifinals and then Francis Howell Central in the final of the Class 4 State Tournament held in Blue Springs, Missouri. Over the course of the season, the team defeated three eventual 2015 State champions and the number one ranked team in the nation, St. Joseph Academy.


One of the oldest and most beloved traditions at STA is the Junior Ring Ceremony. Held in early April, juniors, along with their parents, receive their class rings and are reinitiated into the sisterhood of St. Teresa’s Academy. �e ceremony culminates with the junior ring dance held on the Saturday following the ceremony.

A legacy of mothers from the Class of 1984 and their daughters from the Class of 2016 (l to r, front to back): Anna and Susan Rogge Bennett, Claire and Kelly Wood Finn, Sophie and Ann Tierney Prochnow, Kellie and Barbie Super O'Toole, Caitlin and Maureen Malley O'Toole.

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Senior Betsy Lehr's painting (left) won first place and senior Ellen Weitkamp's (right) took second in the 10th Annual Avila University High School Art Invitational Exhibition.


Graduates were accepted at over 140 colleges and universities nationwide and will attend 50 different institutions nationwide, from Notre Dame to the Colorado School of Mines, from Barnard to Pepperdine.

Graduates earned scholarship offers for outstanding academics, athletics, visual and performing arts, leadership, and service.

One student earned a perfect ACT score, three were named US Presidential Scholar Candidates, three were National Merit Finalists, and one was a Missouri Scholars 100.

�e average ACT was 26.2 (Missouri average is 21.8, National average is 21)and 37% scored a 28 or higher.

Students traveled to Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chicago, and Guatemala to serve the dear neighbor. 20 have received the Presidential Service Award.

Seven athletes signed letters of intent to play collegiate sports in soccer, cross country, track and field, volleyball, and lacrosse.

Numerous music, art, journalism, and performing art awards were received. From Scholastic Art and Writing, to the Starlight �eatre's Blue Star Award, to the Missouri All-State Choir, students from the Class of 2015 are phenomenal indeed.


�e lacrosse team earned an incredible second place finish at the Missouri State Lacrosse Association Class 1 State Championship. �e Stars won the Kansas City Metro Girls Lacrosse regular season title and finished second in the KCMGL tournament.


Funds donated to the Women's Circle of Giving by Nancy Schorgl (seated right) allowed seven students to hear Madeleine Albright, former U.S. secretary of state, speak at the Women's Foundation of Greater Kansas City luncheon in December. Albright spoke of her experiences and challenges as a woman in the high-profile political arena.

Senior Dorian Bailey was named the 2014-15 Gatorade Missouri Girls Soccer Player of the Year for the second consecutive year. �e award, which recognizes not only outstanding athletic excellence, but also high standards of academic achievement and exemplary character demonstrated on and off the field, distinguishes Bailey as Missouri’s best high school girls soccer player.

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Working with business partner Burns and McDonnell, senior Eden Kreighbaum (right in photo with a Burns engineer) took the opportunity to job shadow with other young engineering professionals. �e program was developed to help students increase their knowledge of STEM related careers —crucial in today’s competitive business environment.

Students Madalyn Schulte, Maddie Rubalcava, Katherine Green, Maya Charles, Allie Quinn, Sarah Cigas, and Kristina Coppinger recently shadowed engineers from Gibbens, Drake, Scott, Inc. �is group of mechanical and electrical engineers focus on sound sustainable and maintainable engineering designs.


STA’s science instructor, Renee Blake (second from left), was surprised at a recent faculty meeting with the Educating Excellence Award. �e award and corresponding program was developed to recognize outstanding Kansas and Kansas City area high school teachers within the STEM fields. Recognition is given to those teachers who are going above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of students. Congratulations, Renee.


Junior Erin Burroughs won first place in the Senior Computer Science & Mathematics Division of the Greater Kansas City Science and Engineering Fair held in March at Union Station. She also received the Yale Science & Engineering Association, Inc. special award (for the Most Outstanding Exhibit in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, or Chemistry).

STEM initatives

W ITH GREATER EMPHASIS ON STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education, St. Teresa’s Academy is helping students become more familiar with future careers as engineers and other related careers.

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St. Teresa’s Academy is committed to the education of young women. We are a Catholic, independent, college preparatory high school sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. The Academy is rooted in Christian values and embraces a diverse student body. We promote excellence in education through a challenging curriculum, personal responsibility, and participation in extracurricular activities. St. Teresa's Academy has been accredited since 1923.

The Starbeams newsletter features news and information relevant to students, families and alumnae of St. Teresa’s Academy. For more information, contact Kathleen Barry, alumnae director, at 816.501.0023 or [email protected].

Join us for a river cruise through Southern France!June 26-July 5, 2016

CELEBRATE THE ACADEMY'S 150TH ANNIVERSARY in the land where the Sisters of St. Joseph began their ministry. Sail the scenic Saône and Rhône Rivers past some of the most beautiful vistas of France's countryside. During the eight-day journey, explore the famed region of Beaujolais and the colorful fields of Provence. Visit Gallo-Roman ruins in Vienne. Stroll the cobbled streets of Arles that inspired Vincent van Gogh. And visit Avignon, the "City of Popes." Cost: $2,631 per/person

Rooms are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so don't delay. Reserve your spot today and join other STA alums, friends, teachers, and administrators on this fabulous trip! Contact Marj Beane at AAA Travel (913) 649-2280x147 to provide a $500 per/person deposit.